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Blog Entries posted by PhoenixRising05

  1. PhoenixRising05


    PREEMPTIONS: January 1, January 2, January 9 (make up episode posted on Jan. 13.)

    Episodes: 21

    Days: 4

    New Year's Day (January 3-8, 2007)
    January 9-January 23, 2007
    January 24-January 30, 2007
    January 31-

    1.) Suzanne Rogers(Maggie Horton)- 17

    2.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-16

    *Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-16

    4.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-15

    *Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-15

    6.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-13

    7.) Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-12

    8.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-11

    *Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-11

    10.) Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-10

    *Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-10

    *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-10

    *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-10

    *Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-10

    15.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-9

    16.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-8

    *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-8

    *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-8

    19.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-7

    *John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-7

    *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-7

    22.) Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-6

    *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-6

    *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-6

    *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-6

    *Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-6

    *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-6

    28.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-5

    *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-5

    *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-5

    *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-5

    *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-5

    *Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-5

    *Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-5

    *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-5

    *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-5

    37.) Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-4

    *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-4

    *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-4

    *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-4

    41.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-3

    *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-3

    *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-3

    44.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-2

    45.) Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-1

    *Arloa Reton (Joelle)-1

    *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-1

    Contract and Recurring actors not appearing this month:


    Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)


    Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)

    James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)

    Ron Leath (Henderson)

    Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)

    Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)

  2. PhoenixRising05
    -At the Salem Police Station, Roman is making himself comfortable in Abe's office as Abe fills him in on everything that has happened with him being in the hospital. Roman tells Abe that it's good to be back and to not have to continue to charade him, Bo, and Shane pulled. Abe says he is still upset about that. Roman understands and promises to make it up to everyone, including him. Abe tells him he just better hope Victor doesn't find out or, if he does, he is too focused on other things to come after him or Bo.

    Roman ponders Abe's words when Sami, Austin, and Lucas burst in. Sami is hysterical and tells Roman about how she told Will about Alan raping her years ago. Lucas and her agreed it was time and he was upset. He did seem fine when he went to his room but, when she knocked on the door to check on him after awhile, he didn't response. Lucas and Austin broke down the door and Will was nowhere to be found. They think he went out the window and fire escape. They have looked at the park, Salem Place, and Salem High. They decided it was best to stop and just seek out the police instead of wasting more time.

    Roman says she did the right thing. Sami says she didn't think he would be there as he just was released but she is happy he is. She asks her father where Will could be. Roman says that he and Abe will do what they can. He promises her they will find him and assures her that this is probably nothing. Sami hopes so and her, Austin, and Lucas decide to start calling Will's friends to see if they know anything as Roman and Abe leave the office to take action to find Will.

    -On the pier, Will thanks Alan/Ace for the talk. He just really needed to open up about everything that had happened tonight. Alan/Ace tells him again it's no problem. They do their secret handshake once more as Will says he has to be getting home. He just left out the fire escape and told no one. His parents will be worried if they realize he is gone. Alan/Ace understands and tells Will that he is here for him if he needs him and to take it easy. Will thanks him and leaves.

    After Will leaves, Alan gets up. He pulls out his cell to make a phone call but realizes the battery is dead. He pulls out his wallet to find some change for the payphone. As he is about to walk off, Shane comes up from behind and takes Alan by the neck. Alan's wallet flys out of his hand and falls behind some crates. Shane asks him what the hell he is doing hanging around Will. Alan insists it's the first time he has met Will and he was only making an effort to get to know him. He is a fine young man and Alan says he is just hoping to mend fences with Sami, Carrie, and the Brady's. Alan claims that Will can help Sami and the others see what Carrie sees...that he has changed.

    Shane says he doesn't buy any of that BS. He overhears Alan talking to Will like they met before and also noticed Will was calling him "Ace." Shane accuses him of trying to get revenge on Sami through Will somehow. Alan denies that and reminds Shane of how he has helped Carrie and taken care of her. He nearly gave his life for her. He rescued her from the island and nursed her back to health. He also saved her from falling debris that one time. Shane tells Alan he knows there is more to all this and that he is convincing Carrie he has changed for a reason.

    Alan says his only purpose in returning to Salem was to make up for what he had done. Shane asks him why Will calls him "Ace." Alan says that he didn't want to give Will his real name because he was afraid Will wouldn't talk to him if he knew who he was, assuming Sami told him about what he did to her. Shane says he still doesn't trust him and should've never kept Carrie's whereabouts a secret. Alan tells Shane that Carrie is fine and taken care of. Shane ignores Alan's words and says he is fed up. He is telling the truth. He doesn't trust him and now that he is hanging around Will for some reason, this must end now. He is going to Roman and the others right now and telling them everything.

    Shane throws Alan to the ground and runs off. Alan picks himself up and seems worried about Shane vowing he is about to tell everyone where Carrie is and about what him and her have been doing these past few months. Alan says that it's not the right time yet and that he isn't ready for this to happen. Will then returns, stunning Alan.

    Meanwhile, at the cabin near Green Mountain, Carrie cries out in pain. She manages to get herself to the phone and calls Alan but he isn't answering his cell since it's off. Carrie then tries to call the doctor from the clinic, who has been her doctor these past few months, but there is no answer. She then doubles over in pain again, screaming for someone to help her because she is in labor and the baby is coming!!!

    -At University Hospital, Abby and Max remain stunned by the news that Cassie is pregnant with Max's baby. Chelsea claims that she has to be lying but Cassie insists that Max is the only man she slept with. Abby and Chelsea both recall the night in October when they caught Cassie and Max making out and just about to have sex. They never were sure whether they went through with it or not as they left due to Chelsea being drunk and Abby being upset.

    Max's can't believe both girls saw that and asks Abby if that is why she followed in Chelsea's rebellious footsteps. Abby says partly it was but it was mostly to get his attention as she thought he was attracted to Cassie because she wasn't a goody goody. Max can't believe this is happening and either can Abby and Chelsea. Cassie tells Max they have alot to discuss. Max is still stunned and can see how this news is tearing up Abby. He tells Cassie he needs to speak with Abby in private and then they can talk.

    Cassie reluctantly agrees and goes outside Abby's room with Chelsea. Meanwhile, back in Abby's room, Max comforts Abby and tells her that he will deal with this. Abby asks him what this means for them and the relationship they were beginning to embark on.

    -Marlena is walking in the park when she gets a phone call.

    Marlena: What? You want to meet now? I am trying to keep a low profile here. I don't want Roman or any of my kids to see me. They have been out looking for me and it seems like they have the whole damn Salem PD out looking for me. What? The park? Well, I'm at the park but this may not be the best place for a meeting. Fine...whatever. I am already here so I will walk over to where you want to meet now. Yeah...bye.

    Marlena hangs up and is still worried about being spotted. She is very angry about meeting and such an open area but realizes she has no choice. She begins her walk towards the meeting place.

    -JJ and Angel are on their way home and are taking the short cut through the park. JJ is praying that Billie will take their case and agree to help them. They have been unable to make any progress on their own and could use someone with her experience to help. Angel agrees and says she hopes Billie lets them know soon. They need to find out what dad is up to so they can end the uncertaintly once and for all.

    JJ hopes their father is innocent. He doesn't think their family can survive another go around of him screwing up and ending up in jail for another decade or more. It was stressful on mom and all of them the first time and this time it will be much worse. Angel is hopeful their father learned his lesson and that he isn't involved in anything illegal or corrupt. JJ hopes she is right.

    Meanwhile, Marlena arrives at the place she was told to meet at in the park. It's near a restroom and vending machine spot on the west side of the park. Marlena looks at her watch impatiently, still worried about being seen. She then hears a noise and turns to see...James making his way toward her.

    Marlena: Guess you were called too?
    James: Well, of course, we are both involved in this. I am always going to be called if there is a meeting.
    Marlena: Looks like we might be in trouble, huh?

    -Back inside Abby's room, Max assures he that everything will be fine. He wants to be with her. He will work something out with Cassie. Abby asks him how he is going to make this work. Max says he will find a way. He tells her he doesn't want Cassie. He wants her. He can be a father to his baby and still be with her. Abby says she isn't so sure this can work out and she doesn't want to be selfish. The baby comes first. Max agrees but feels sure he can work something out to make everyone happy. He promises her that he still wants to be with her and that will remain the case, if he has anything to say about it.

    Meanwhile, Cassie is listening outside as Chelsea lectures her about eavesdropping. Cassie reminds Chelsea it's one of her many specialities as well and tells her not to be a hypocrite. Cassie can't believe that her being pregnant has done nothing to shake up Max and Abby. Chelsea laughs and says that the only think that can keep Max and Abby apart right now is themselves. There is nothing she can do to come between them, baby or no baby. Cassie says she isn't going to give up and then her eyes widen as she realizes she has an idea.

    Cassie tells Chelsea that she is wrong. She has an idea that may just work and break Max and Abby apart for good. Chelsea says she would like to see her try. Cassie tells Chelsea she will just need a little help...FROM HER!! Chelsea laughs and says she would never help her, let alone betray Max and Abby like that. They are her friends, despite what went down between her and Max. Cassie laughs and says;

    Cassie: Why, Chels, you won't have a choice! You will help me or you will see your life blown sky high.
    Chelsea: What do you mean?
    Cassie: You either help me or all of Salem...hell, the world, learns that Hope Brady is your mother and that Bo and Billie aren't your parents. Not just that...but they will also learn that you are a cold blooded killer!!!

    Chelsea stares at Cassie worried and stunned that she knows about her being a killer too.

    Cassie: That's right, Chels. I know you killed your two rapists and, if you don't help me, I am going to make sure you don't continue to get away with it. The choice is your's...save yourself and help me or...don't agree to my terms and face the destruction of your life. Your on the clock, Chels.

    Chelsea turns around, clearly shaken and nervous after Cassie's threats, as a very pleased and smiling Cassie looks on.

    -Back at the Salem Police Station, Roman and Abe return to Abe's office. Sami tells them that her, Lucas, Kate (who has arrived due to Austin calling her) and Austin called all of Will's friends and they know nothing. Roman and Lucas comfort her and tell her they will find Will. Kate rolls her eyes. Austin warns her that if she doesn't behave he will take her home. Kate tells Austin she doesn't know why he called her to come in the first place. There really isn't much for her to do at the station.

    At that moment, Shane bursts in saying he has something to tell all of them and is glad they are all there. Roman asks what's wrong. Shane tells them all that he has something very important to tell them and only wishes he had sooner. He knows where Carrie is. Roman, Abe, Kate, Lucas, Austin, and Sami are stunned.

    -Back on the pier, Will tells Alan that he returned because he left his scarf behind. Will finds it and asks if "Ace" is ok. Alan/Ace says he is fine. Alan asks Will if he has any change. He really needs to make a phone call. Will gives him some change and Alan thanks him. Alan goes to the payphone and then remembers that he lost his wallet after Shane attacked him. Will says he can help find it while Alan/Ace is on the phone. Alan/Ace agrees but tells Will not to look at anything in it, fearing he will see his identification and learn who he really is. He tells Will there is something private in there he doesn't want him to see.

    While talking to Will, Alan's phone call goes through. Meanwhile, at the cabin, Carrie hears the phone and walks over to it. She answers and Alan immediately asks what's wrong. Carrie tells Alan she is labor and the baby is coming. Her water has broke and she can't get a hold of the doctor. Alan tells her to hang tight and that he will be right there. Carrie says ok and hangs up, just as she screams in pain again and falls to the floor in agony.

    Alan seems very upset and tells himself that he isn't ready for any of this to happen. Meanwhile, Will continues looking for the wallet and finds it behind some crates. He looks at it and jokingly says:

    Will: So...what is so private in here that you don't want me to see Ace? Girlfriend's picture? Oh, I know, I hear this all the time from people. It's a bad driver's license photo. I hope mine is never like that when my parents finally let me drive. If that's what it is, it can't be that bad.

    Alan sees will fiddling with the wallet.

    Alan/Ace: Will, don't...don't open that. Seriously, there is something in...
    Will (laughing as he opens the wallet): Oh, come on man. It can't be that bad whatever it is.

    Will's face then turns pale. A frightened look crosses his face. He shakes his head in disbelief at what he is seeing.

    Will: This...your license.
    Alan: Will, I...
    Will: This can't be right. You told me you were Ace...but this says...this says your Alan Harris.
    Alan: Will...
    Will: Is this a joke? I mean...is this true?

    Alan stares at Will and can't seem to find a way out of this.

    Will (as tears well up in his eyes): It is true, isn't it? You don't even have to say it. I can see it. Your Alan Harris. Your the man that raped my mother!!! Aren't you? AREN'T YOU!!
    Alan (looking at Will coldly): Yes. Yes...I am Alan Harris.

    A shocked Will looks into Alan's cold eyes and stoic face, confused and wondering what exactly is going on.

    -Back at the park, James tells Marlena he isn't sure if they are in trouble. It may just be a planning meeting or something. Marlena just wishes they could get this over with before they are spotted. Meanwhile, JJ and Angel are continuing their walk home when they hear voices. JJ recognizes one of the voices as their father's. They end up walking behind the restroom building and hide in some bushes and shrubbery. They are stunned to see their father and a women that Angel recognizes from St. Luke's and the newspaper as Marlena Evans Brady. They both wonder what she is doing with their father.

    At that moment, both JJ and Angel see someone else walking up as they notice Marlena and James' heads turn in the right direction.

    Marlena: It's about time.
    James: Yeah. What the hell is so important that you called us here? This place isn't exactly the smartest place for a meeting spot.
    Marlena: Agreed. Now how about we get on with this and discuss the next phase and steps in our grand plan so we can get the hell out of here before we are caught and all the planning we have done for weeks ends up being for nothing.

    JJ and Angel are confused by what is being said and wonder what is going on. They wonder what their father and Marlena are mixed up in. They try to see around the other edge of the building as it is blocking their vision of whoever just walked up as the third member of the meeting. JJ and Angel move over a bit to the right and get a glimpse of the person who has just joined Marlena and James. It's....

    the MCF!!!!!

    JJ and Angel both look on in shock and wonder who this cloaked figure is and how their father and Marlena are linked to this person. The screen then fades out on a split screen of their faces surrounded by the faces of Marlena, James, and the MCF.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Max to Cassie: We need to talk.
    Abby to Chelsea: Are you ok? What's wrong?
    JJ to Angel: I get the feeling our father is in alot of trouble.
    Angel to JJ: And this time he could very well put us all in danger.
    Marlena (with James) to MCF: No more games. Let's get this show on the road or count me out!!
    Roman to Shane: How could you lie to me?!!! About my own daughter!!!
    Carrie: Something could be...wrong with the baby.
    Will to Alan: Tell me the truth now. What are you up to? What do you want with me?
    Alan to Will: You don't want to know.
  3. PhoenixRising05
    -At University Hospital, Max is in Abby's room waiting for her to return from therapy. He takes a seat to relax a bit just as Abby is wheeled in, with Chelsea behind her. Max is shocked to see Chelsea on her feet. Chelsea tells Max that she is being released and that her arm has slight mobility now and she will continue her therapy on a outpatient basis. Max is happy for her and embraces her, while Abby begins to wipe tears from her eyes.

    Max hears her sniffling and asks if she is ok. Abby says that Chelsea is progressing and she is being left behind. She is even going home. Chelsea reminds Abby that she isn't much better. She can barely move her arm. The only difference between them is that she is going home. She vows to be there for Abby so they can keep helping each other through this. Max tells Abby he isn't going anywhere either.

    Abby says she is losing all hope. She is having trouble keeping the faith when she hasn't gotten any better and Chelsea has accomplished something, even if it is minor, and is going home. Abby says she has to accept the fact that she will be like this and unable to walk forever. Max takes her in his arms and holds her, saying it's going to be ok and that she has to have faith. Meanwhile, outside Abby's room, Cassie is watching with a devilish grin on her face.

    Cassie tells herself that maybe it's time to kick Abby while she's down and drop her little bombshell on her and Max. This will cause her to push Max away even more then she already is due to her paralysis. Cassie looks in on a devestated Abby and decides it's time to shake things up.

    Cassie bursts in the room and looks at Chelsea. She tells her she is pleased to see her up and around. Chelsea sarcastically says that she doubts it. Max asks what she is doing here and adds that it is not a good time. Cassie looks at Abby coldly and says that she is sorry that Abby is upset about something but that, perhaps, her good news will brighten up her day. Max asks what she is talking about.

    Cassie tells them all that she has known this for a few days but wanted to wait until the perfect moment. Now seems right as she hopes it will make Abby and others feel better given how bad things have been lately. Chelsea tells her to just spit it out. Cassie calms Chelsea and then says that her news is....she is pregnant!! Max, Abby, and Chelsea are stunned. Chelsea asks who the hell would want to sleep with her. Cassie grins and says that you already know someone who would and did...MAX!!!

    Abby and Chelsea look on stunned as Max begins to realize what this means. Cassie then smiles as she tells them all that they heard right...MAX IS HER BABY'S FATHER!!! Chelsea stands in shock as a stunned Abby looks at Max with worry, wondering what this means for them.

    -Kayla enters Steve's room and asks if he is ready to be released and to go on their trip. Steve says he isn't and isn't so sure this is a good idea. He is afraid to hurt her if he has another outburst due to those painful memories. Kayla says she can handle him and that it's going to be fine. Shane then stops in and tells Steve to listen to Kayla. She is a doctor afterall.

    Steve isn't so sure about this as there will be no one else around to stop him from hurting her. Kayla tells Steve that she knows deep down that despite him not remembering all of the good times and love they shared, he still has those feelings inside of him. She believes he would never hurt her and that something would stop him if he tried. Steve isn't so sure but Kayla tells him to have faith. She knows that everything will work out and that this trip will be a nice journey down memory lane. This may be what he needs to remember everything and for them to finally get their lives back. Steve hopes so. Shane wishes them luck and helps them carry their bags out of the room and to the car.

    -At The Spectator, Jack is still stunned after learning the identity of the new owner and editor of the newspaper. It's GRETA!! Billie then enters, with a smiling Frankie just behind her. Jack asks what he is doing there. Greta says that she called him. She wanted him there to see his face. Jack asks Billie if she knew. She says she didn't and that she only found out as Greta and Frankie walked in.

    Jack asks how this is possible. Greta says she was sick of being content fulfilling her responsibilities as princess. She hardly ever does anything except the occasional event she must attend or when she must travel to settle a dire situation. She wants to do something to influence people and better society. Frankie informed her of The Spectator being up for sale and needing new ownership and an editor so she bought it. Jack reminds Greta that she knows nothing of journalism or the field. Greta smiles and says that is what he is for.

    Greta wants Jack to be her co-editor. He can help her learn the ropes and can handle the responsibilities he has always liked handling. Jack says he would rather have the editor position to himself. Greta gives him a angry look but Jack assures he is joking and that he accepts. It will be great being around her again, just like the good old days of him playing gay. Greta sarcastically laughs.

    Frankie pulls out some champaigne to celebrate. Billie says she is in AA so she won't be drinking. She tells Jack she will be right back and leaves. She returns to the newsroom. JJ and Angel are sitting in a cubicle talking. Billie scares them when she comes up behind them. She apologizes and says she will have to get back to them about taking their case. She needs to think it over. JJ says ok but pleads with her to help them. They really could use her assistance. He gives her his cell number and Billie promises to call him when she has an answer. JJ and Angel thank her as they leave.

    Billie goes back to Frankie, Greta, and Jack. She fills her glass with Sprite and says that will be her champaigne. They toast to new beginnings and to a prosperous future.

    -Sami and Lucas are in the kitchen, talking about Will. Sami wonders if she did the right thing telling him about Alan raping her. Lucas says she did, he had to be told sooner or later and he is old enough to handle it. She hopes so. Austin arrives and says he just wanted to drop off some information for Lucas on Roberts & Associates. Austin sees Sami looking upset and asks if everything is ok.

    Lucas explains to Austin what has happened. Austin tells Sami that she did the right thing. Will had to be told eventually and he is capable of understanding now. Sami just hopes it wasn't too much for him to handle. She is worried about him. He has had to deal with so much in his life and she hopes this doesn't impact him in a negative way. Lucas laughs and says he has been through worse. Sami shows him an angry look and says that isn't funny. Sami decides to knock on his bedroom door. She wants to make sure he is ok as he has been in there for awhile. She knocks and there is no response.

    Sami begins to get upset as she knocks and calls out for Will, with no answer. Austin and Lucas knock and call out for Will too, with no response. Lucas and Austin decide to break down the door, at Sami's urging, and are shocked when they do so and Will is gone. Sami gets hysterical and asks Lucas where he could be.

    Meanwhile, Will is walking the pier. He turns around and smiles, as Alan walks toward him:

    Will: Ace, I am glad you made it. I really need to talk to you. I just really need a friend right now...someone mature enough to understand this and not make fun of me. You know, like my other friends would.
    Alan/Ace: Hey, man. You know I am always here for you.
    Will: I know that. You have helped me alot. From saving my ass in the principal's office last May to just being here to talk...I don't know where I would be without you, man. Some people would think it's creepy that I am hanging out with a guy like you. You know, you being so older then me. But...you've been great.
    Alan/Ace: Anything I can do, man. So, what did you need to talk about?

    Will fills Alan in on his mother telling him she was raped. Alan acts horrified, saying that is horrible. Will asks Alan/Ace not to say a word to anyone. This is very private. Alan/Ace reminds Will that he has kept the truth about his sexuality a secret so he can trust him. Will says he knows. Alan/Ace tells Will that he feels so horrible for him and his family. They have been through and had to deal with so much. Will agrees and says he is so happy he could talk to "Ace" about it. It's good to have someone to talk to and confide in. Alan/Ace says he will always be there for him.

    Meanwhile, Shane is on his way back from the hospital via the pier. He looks ahead and sees Will and Alan, doing their secret handshake.

    Shane: Oh my God...what the hell...why is that bastard with Will?

    -Back at the cabin near Green Mountain, Carrie sits near the fireplace. She is wondering if she made the right choice deciding to give her child up for adoption. She just wants to keep the peace between Lucas, Austin, Sami, and everyone she cares about. She just hopes that she can give up her baby when the time comes. She just prays that her baby is adopted by a nice family, who will love it and care for it.

    Carrie finishes her milk and tries to get up from her seat. As she does, she feels a a sharp pain and falls back to the couch. She screams out in pain and prays nothing is wrong with the baby. She then looks down at the floor and says:

    Carrie: Oh my...my water broke!!! I'm in labor!! The baby...the baby's COMING!!!

    The screen then fades out on Carrie screaming in pain.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Abby to Max: What is going to happen to us?
    Cassie to Chelsea: You are going to help me or you will see your life blown sky high.
    JJ to Angel: Oh my God...it can't be...
    Marlena to James: Looks like we might be in trouble, huh?
    Shane to Alan: What the hell are you doing here with Will?
    Sami to Roman: Daddy, where could he be? Where's my son?!
    Carrie: Argh...someone...someone please HELP ME!!!
  4. PhoenixRising05
    ***For those that want to listen to the song with the Sami/Lucas/Will stuff, you will have to find it on your own. Unfortunately, Roman and I were unable to provide a link to it. Our apologies but please enjoy it and feel free to find the song and listen to it during those scenes. It really enhances them.***

    -At the Java Café, Frankie is waiting for Greta, who he had called some time ago. As he sits in a booth looking at the door, he sees a very beautiful woman walk in. Frankie stands and shows gentlemanly courtesy to Greta, who smiles and thanks him for the call before she sits down. She is very excited about the new opportunity she has received, saying that it will be fun. Frankie is happy for her, seeing as they are building a friendship that is starting to become very important to him.

    She feels the same. All of her previous relationships have crashed and burned, she says, and she now feels that this may be different because the two of them are starting off as friends first. Frankie tells her to not get ahead of herself, which causes her to smile and then look down into her lap. He says that with everything the family is going through, on top of this thing with this mystery person who is helping to keep Salem as a battleground, no one is safe.....not friend or family.

    But, Frankie says, enough with the doom and gloom. He gets tired of talking about that. He asks Greta about her new opportunity and, before she can respond, she looks down at her watch and says it’s time for her to split. She gets up and hastily bids Frankie good-bye and rushes out of the Café. Frankie then quietly wishes her good luck and then chuckles before taking another sip of his coffee.

    -At the busy offices of The Spectator, Jack is sitting at his desk typing up another Kiriakis/DiMera mafia war story when someone stands over him and blocks his light. When he remarks that people have shot for doing less in a newsroom, Billie starts laughing saying that he really needs to take a break from all his worries. Jack asks if she is a Cheers fan and she says she used to be before all the bullets, death & destruction descended upon Salem. That’s one of the major reasons why she had decided to open up her own P.I. firm, she says.

    Jack agrees and tells her how happy he is for her. Then he tells her how nervous he is to meet the new editor-in-chief and owner. He types the last of his story and sets it aside for proofreading. When he places it in his basket, James Jr. picks it up, telling him that he is one of the newest interns and that he’ll proofread his article, if that is alright with Jack. Angel, who has came along with him, and Billie laugh at Jack’s demeanor. He stands there looking at the young hotshot and then snatches back his article, telling him that protocol is something he needs to work on.

    J.J apologizes, saying that the day before, he and his sister couldn’t get in to do anything because the new ownership had yet to check everything out and the guards weren’t letting anyone in. Billie tells Jack that he should understand that and Jack turns his head to look at Billie, giving her a glance to stay out of this conversation. Billie smiles, as does Jack, because it is then that she realizes that Jack is giving J.J a hard time. Jack tells him it’s ok......this time. He guesses the new people want to keep a low profile. J.J. & Angel then look at each other before asking for permission to do some work on another computer. Jack grants it and the two run off before Jack can tell J.J. good luck.

    As Billie & Jack look at the siblings go to work, they sit down and activate the computer, looking up information on Victor and his past dealing in Salem and around the world. They hope that they can find anything that may connect their father with Victor.....and what James Sr. may be involved in. What neither of them notices is Billie sneaking up on them to see and hear what they are getting involved in. Jack watches Billie start her detective work and, while he just shakes his head at her, he turns and walks into the offices to wait for the new owner and editor-in-chief.

    J.J. & Angel work feveriously at trying to find any information but then notice someone standing behind them. When they slowly turn to see who it is, they smile at Billie, who is standing there with her hands on her hips. They then tell her what they are doing and when she inquires as to what their last names are, J.J. responds McCluer. Billie then says that she remembers that name from Caroline Brady telling her. Angel says that they all go to the same church. Billie acknowledges that and, when she looks to see what they are working on, she looks back at them with dread.

    She says that she can see they are good kids but they would be very wise not to get involved with any matter concerning Victor Kiriakis. She knows, seeing as she used to be a police officer & I.S.A. agent before becoming a P.I. J.J. then has a thought. He mentions having money saved and when Angel looks at him with surprise, he asks Billie if she would take on a case for him. Angel sighs deeply, telling him that she is very worried about where this could lead to. J.J. then pulls Billie to the side and, as Angel watches on, tells her about his father’s history.

    He explains about him being an ex-con and the trouble he’s been involved in. He also says that, no matter what, that his father is truly a good and decent man, who has just made the wrong choices in his life. He has heard rumblings when he was younger about some work his father has done in the past. Deep, covert stuff that he didn’t understand because of his age. He knows that his father can also be a very dangerous man when crossed or when he feels his life and lives of his family are threatened. So, he tells her, she can hopefully see what they are up against. They have tried to find out on their own what is up with him but have not been that successful so far.

    They both tell her that they don’t have very much to pay her but hope that she would take on their case, seeing as they need a professional like her. While Billie thinks over their offer, she hears footsteps behind her. When she then notices someone standing behind her, she turns and asks “What are you doing here?” Meanwhile, in the editor’s office, Jack is sitting in a chair, having fallen asleep. He doesn’t hear the person walk into the office and sit behind the desk in the big chair. He does hear the person bang on the desk, waking Jack up, and causing him to almost fall out of his seat.

    When Jack looks up, he notices that the chair is turned and asks.........

    Jack: Excuse me, Mr Editor? Or, is it Mrs? Or Miss? Whatever! Is that you?

    The chair turns to reveal the face of the newest editor and owner of The Spectator as Jack stands and looks on.........with an expressionless face.

    -At the cabin near Green Mountain, Alan still hasn't left for Salem. Carrie has just woke up and is angry that Alan hasn't left. She reminds him that he should be back in Salem by now. She needs him there and he needs to be there to mend fences. Alan says he knows but he is reluctant to leave her so close to her due date. Carrie insists she will be fine and will call if something happens or if she goes into labor. She also has the phone number for the doctor she has been seeing. If something happens, she will be sure to call him as well. Alan is still reluctant to go but Carrie gets his coat and begins to force him out.

    Carrie tells Alan to keep in touch and assures him she will be fine and will let him know if something happens. They embrace and she thanks him for his concern and for everything he has done for her. He says it's no problem and thanks her too for giving him the benefit of the doubt and being there for him. She wishes him luck back in Salem as they bid each other goodbye. Once the door is shut, Alan flashes a devilish grin as he walks away from the cabin.

    -At Lucas’s apartment, both of them have sat down to watch the movie Hitch on cable. Sami mentions that it’s one of her favorites and says that Lucas could stand to learn a thing or two from it. Lucas replies that he is the most romantic dude both of them know, to which Sami laughs. She says that she knows that and has known that ever since he showed up on her doorstep in his military uniform ready to take her to her first dance. Lucas is shocked she still remembers that but she isn’t. She says that is the moment she fell in love with him.......even though she didn’t know it at the time.

    The tone of the evening turns somewhat serious then as Sami gets up and walks over to the fireplace. Lucas sets up the DVR to tape the movie and then gets up himself, walking over to Sami. He hugs her from behind, telling her that he also didn’t realize how much he loved her back then. As he turns and walks away, he stops in front of the window, saying that his eyes were only for her sister. Carrie was, at the time, all he could think about. He didn’t start realizing that Sami was the woman for him until later on.

    When Sami walks over to him and hugs him from behind, asking if it was after the first time her wedding was stopped, Lucas smiles. He says that she shouldn’t be surprised. As pissed as he was at her, that was the day he found out that Will was his. It was also a day that changed his life. He decided to start growing up and stop acting like a spoiled rich kid. He wasn’t that successful, though, with his battle with alcohol starting sometime after that. Sami tells him how sorry she is for saying that he hit Will when he was drunk, knowing that it was a lie. She still regrets that more than anything else.

    She walks slowly back to the couch and sits down as Lucas follows her. When he sits next to her, he tells her that he forgave her for that a long time ago. He knew that even though her methods were wrong, he sees where her heart was. Sami tells him that the only person who had loved her unconditionally or, so she thought at the time, was Will. All the lies, backstabbing, and despicable things she did, she always felt his love for her and never questioned it, even when she would mess up and he would say how disappointed he was in her.

    Lucas tells her he has done things wrong himself and for her not to place all the blame on her. Sami agrees, making Lucas look at her shocked, before he smiles at her once again. But, she says, she thanks God for the love of her son. He is the biggest reason, she says, why she decided to change her life. She loves her child too much to let him down again. Lucas then asks her a very difficult question. He wants to know..........if she does feel like that about their son, does she think it’s time to tell him her darkest secret........

    About the time she was raped by Alan.

    Sami is quiet now. She sits back on the couch. She looks at Lucas, who takes her hand gently. He sees a tear come down her face and now regrets asking her that question. She places her hand on his cheek, saying for him to not blame himself for that. She knows that is the worse time of her life. She still doesn’t know how she came through it without grabbing one of her father’s handguns and blowing her brains out. She also blamed Carrie for a lot of that because she told the truth on the witness stand during Alan’s trial, which ended up with him getting off scot-free. That’s what started her downward spiral.......and ruined her relationship with her sister, which she regrets to this day.

    And now.......Alan is here. In Salem. He could come after her and, more importantly, Will or anyone she cares about. She stands up and stares straight ahead, vowing that she will kill him if he ever hurts her boy like he hurt her. Then, Lucas says, this may be the time to tell him. She looks at Lucas and starts crying, saying that Will might think that she is lying to him just to get closer to him or make him forget all the bad things she has done. Lucas walks up to her and holds her by both arms, saying that Will loves her more than anything in this world. He will believe her and understand, trust him. He feels that he will love her even more, knowing what she went through before he was born. And, he tells her........he will be right there, by her side. She is his lady and no one will change that. When Sami asks him if he still loves her, Lucas tells her to never wonder about that again.

    The love he has for her spans the universe. No matter where he goes for the rest of his life, one thing will always be certain.......that he loves her more than any woman he’s ever known. He would lay down his life for her that very second and gladly go to Heaven knowing that he did the right thing. She steps forward and hugs Lucas, holding him tightly, and telling him that she prays to God every day and night to keep him in her life and, if something ever happened to him,.......for God to just take her. She honestly doesn’t know how she would go on. Lucas then asks that if this is their new beginning, she responds yes. They have been through way too much for it not to be.

    While they hold each other, Will walks in the door, remarking about how long it will be before the building is back to normal. Sami and Lucas wipe the tears from their eyes and look at their son. When Will asks what’s going on, Lucas looks at Sami and asks if she is ok and she says that yes, she is fine and she’ll be alright. Lucas tells her ok and walks over to Will, telling him that he is leaving so he and his mother can talk. He pats Will on his back and walks over to the door, turning on the radio on the desk to play some music to help Sami through what she is about to do. He puts on his coat and looks back at Sami, who winks at him, and then he smiles as he leaves.

    The song "Believe Me" by Rie Sinclair comes on the radio and Sami smiles once again, saying to herself how appropriate the song is. Will asks what she means and Sami asks him to sit down. They have something to talk about. She pats on the couch and Will walks over to it, sitting down slowly and asking his mother what is wrong. He can sense that she is very sad and wants to help any way she can. Sami takes the deepest breath she ever has before taking his hand and looking at her son. She tells him that what he’s about to hear is the hardest thing she’s had to say to him and that it will be the hardest thing he’s had to hear but it must be done........he needs to know this and he is ready to know it.

    She tells him about when she met a man named Alan Harris. How handsome she thought he was and how much of a friend she thought he was when she was going through her bulimia crisis when she was a teenager. Will’s eyes grow wider at that news and before he can say anything, Sami squeezes his hand saying that this is very hard so she has to say it all at one clip or she will not get out the words. Will doesn’t say a word and lets his mother continue. She says that she started liking Alan as more than a friend. She thought that he was so wonderful and that he was the best man she had ever met.

    Lucas quietly walks back into the door and closes it behind him. He puts up his coat and stands next to the door as Sami continues. She continually wipes tears from her eyes as she says.......

    Sami: Baby, I don’t know what I was thinking. I had turned over everything to him. My heart belonged to him. I thought he felt the same way about me, you know? Because he kept telling me how special I was. And, at the time, I thought I was less than nothing. So.......I fell for his charms. I was trying to deal with just being a teenage girl and it was so much easier for me hearing about how pretty I was and about how I was the best thing in his life.

    Sami looks up at Lucas, who nods his head in approval. She then looks back at Will, who is worried about where she is headed with all of this. She continues........

    Sami: But...........it was all a lie, Will. He didn’t realize then that who he really wanted to be with........was your aunt, Carrie. I was just a substitute for her. He didn’t care about me at all. And.....I didn’t realize that.......until it was too late.

    When Will asks her what does she mean by that, Sami pauses for a while. Lucas then walks over and stands behind Sami and Will looks at his father. Lucas asks him to listen to what his mother is saying to him and Sami looks at Lucas, who smiles and tells her that she is doing great. She's almost there. With tears coming down his face once again, Lucas tells her to continue with the rest. Sami turns back slowly and looks at her son and starts crying uncontrollably. Will doesn’t know what is happening and is now very scared of what will be said next to him.

    Sami can barely look at him but she rocks back and forth and then calms down enough to continue....

    Sami: Ok. Here it goes. One night, I went over to his apartment. I wanted to cook him a special dinner so I could show him how much I thought I loved him. Everything was going so wonderfully. We laughed and joked and he was so sincere. Later that evening (Wiping the tears from her eyes), we were sitting on his couch and he started kissing me. Now, that was the first time I had been kissed by a boy so I was excited.

    He kept kissing me but then he started kissing me harder and harder. I told him to stop because I was starting to get scared. I started to get up and then.......he grabbed me. He kissed me real hard and wouldn’t let me go. (Crying very hard) I yelled at him for him to stop and then........he started calling me Carrie.

    Will is shocked at this statement. Sami looks at him and continues.......

    Sami: I tried so hard, Will, to get him off of me. But......he pushed me down on the couch. I started fighting him to get him off.........off........me but..........he wouldn’t stop. Then.......he started ripping off my clothes.........and touching me all over. I couldn’t...........I couldn’t get.............his hands off me. I was so scared.

    Will looks at his mother. A tear comes down his cheek. He sits closer to her and asks her....

    Will: Mom, what happened? What did he do to you, Mom?

    Sami can’t control the emotions she’s going through right now. Lucas holds her from behind and she draws strength from him as she breaths in deeply for blurting out that.......

    Sami: Oh.......Dear God......He raped me, Will! Alan raped me, Will!

    Will looks at his father, who confirms what his mother just said by shaking his head. Will can’t believe it and turns away from Sami. He stands up and walks slowly to the window and slowly......starts crying. He hits the wall near the window frame and then starts banging on the wall itself, yelling over and over.....


    Sami jumps up and runs over to him. He turns and looks at his mother and, taking one step forward, hugs Sami tightly. He buries his face into her shoulder and cries uncontrollably while she keeps telling him to let it all out. He barely can stand at this point and Lucas walks over to them and hugs both Sami and his son.

    Will tells Sami & Lucas how sorry he is. He looks at Sami, saying that he was so wrong for giving her such a hard time. She tells him that nothing is his fault. She just wanted him to know what she went through. It's not an excuse but it was the beginning of her life spiraling out of control. She loves him more than her own life and begs him to be careful around Alan. He is back in town and there is no telling what he could do.

    Will realizes that this is why everyone was so upset about some Alan guy being back a few months ago. Sami says that it was the reason why Austin and Lucas were staying with her. The other reason was Stefano and the whole mafia war. Sami begs him to stay clear of Alan. Will says he will but it will be hard not knowing what he looks like. Sami searches for a picture, along with Lucas, but neither can find one. She just tells Will to be careful and she will be sure to give him a picture when she can since a description of his looks won't be enough. Will says he understands and then........starts crying once again, hugging his mother and telling her how much he loves her.

    The camera then gives us a overhead shot and then very slowly pans upward, as Believe Me plays once again. The ending credits roll as the family hugs and then slowly fades to black as the song ends.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Kayla to Steve: You ready to go?
    Steve to Kayla: No, I'm not.
    Jack: Oh my God...your my boss?
    JJ to Billie: Please...you have to help us.
    Abby to Max: There is no hope. Chelsea is getting better but I'm not. I am going to be like this forever.
    Cassie: It's time to dtop my little bombshell. Geat ready Max and Abby.
    Sami to Lucas: I'm worried about him Lucas. I'm worried about all of us.
    Will to Alan: I need to talk to you, "Ace." I really need a friend right now.
    Carrie: Argh...oh my God. The baby...

  5. PhoenixRising05
    -At the warehouse district near Pier 9, Caroline returns to the site of the explosion where Victor "died." She bends down and recalls holding him at gunpoint and the many nasty things she said to him. Tears begin to stream down her face as she is finally hit with the reality of Victor being gone and how she acted towards him before the explosion:

    Caroline: If I only knew about Bo and Roman...I hope you understand. You always told me to protect your family, especially your children, above all else. That is what I was doing. I hope you can understand that is why I treated you the way I did. I can't condone the actions you were taking and I think you know that. What I hope you know, and I'm not sure that you do, is that a part of me will always love you. Maybe not the man you were before Isabella's death....or before your life ended but I will always have a place in my heart for the man that I concieved a son with. For the man that I couldn't resist in that castle where we were held captive. For the man who would pour his heart out to me and be a loyal and caring friend and confidante.

    Caroline places a single rose in the middle of the area where the explosion occured.

    Caroline: I hope you can understand...I hope you can forgive me, Victor. May you...rest in peace.

    Caroline gets up, wipes the tears from her eyes, and leaves.

    - Roman is in his room, talking to a nurse about his being released tomarrow morning. He tells her he is excited and looking forward to getting back to work and to mending fences with his loved ones after what he put them through. Kimberly then bursts in and wheels herself right over to Roman's bed, saying they need to talk now.

    The nurse leaves. Roman asks what the problem is. Kim tells Roman that Bo is closing in on the truth. He is up to something. She overheard Dr. Glancy making treatment arrangements with the psychiatric department for tomarrow. She thinks this means that Bo may be undergoing hynosis. Roman asks why she thinks that. Kim says that everyone thinks Bo has been having memories or nightmares about something very traumatic. They say that is what caused the outbursts he had at the hospital and with Hope at the warehouse. The others don't know if painful memories or nightmares are what really caused it but Kim is sure of it based on what she knows. She does know the field of psychiatry, afterall.

    Kim also notes how she feels Bo is definitely hiding something. She reminds Roman that Hope mentioned Bo saying after Victor's explosion "I thought these were gone." She thinks he was speaking of memories from the past and that he is lying to those he cares about because he doesn't want to bring them in on it and worry them until he knows what is going on. Roman says that Bo would definitely do something like that. Kim thinks he must be going under hynosis. It makes sense given the outbursts.

    Roman tells Kim that no matter what is happening with Bo, there is nothing that can be done. No matter what Bo is or isn't up to, it seems like it won't be long now before the secret is out. They will just have to deal with it and the consequences of it all. Kim tells Roman she is afraid of how this might effect Bo and their family. Roman takes her hand and tells her they will deal with the issue together and will get through this the best they can. He is hopeful they will get through this and that it will all work out. They will make sure it works out. They embrace as Kim tells Roman thank you and that she hopes he is right.

    -Hope arrives in Bo's hospital room with JT. Bo is happy to see him and they share a loving reunion. Hope asks why Bo hasn't been released. Bo says he has but he is waiting for Dr. Glancy to come back for something. Hope tells Bo that they need to talk.

    She wants to make sure that he is telling her the truth, without a doubt. She can't help but feel that he is holding something back and, if that is the case, she wants the truth about what is going on with them. She tells him that his family thinks he may be lying to protect all of them. He does have a tendency to withhold the truth to protect his loved ones. Bo denies doing that here and says he is telling the truth. He doesn't recall anything after the explosion that killed Victor. The last thing he remembers after that is waking up here. He doesn't remember any outbursts at all.

    Hope mentions that they were all thinking the outbursts were caused by nightmares or some sort of painful memory. Bo says he doesn't recall the outbursts he apparently had so he can't say. He reminds Hope that he hit his head during the explosion so maybe this has something to do with that. Caroline arrives and Hope fills her in on what they are discussing.

    Caroline warns Bo that he better be telling them the truth after the ruse him and Roman pulled. Bo acts like he is scared and then says he hates that they put them all through this. They felt they had to do this. He promises to make it up to everyone. Dr. Glancy enters to tell Bo he is free to go. He also tells Bo that everything is all set for tomarrow. Hope and Caroline ask what that means. Dr. Glancy tells them that Bo will have to tell them. He leaves.

    Bo explains that Dr. Glancy meant that Roman is being released tomarrow. Bo wanted him to tell him if everything was set for that because he told Roman he would be there. Hope and Caroline seem to buy the explanation. Bo hugs JT and tells him that he needs to get dressed so they can leave. Hope asks if Bo is coming home with her. Bo pauses and thinks it wouldn't be a good idea. They clearly still have alot to work out and he doesn't want to push it all aside, something that might happen if he comes home with her and they delude themselves again into thinking everything is perfect.

    Hope understands but seems disappointed. Bo kisses JT and hugs him, saying he will see him tomarrow. Bo and Caroline say their goodbyes and Caroline says she will have his room above the Pub ready. Bo thanks her. Bo and Hope look at each other. Hope warns him that he better be telling the truth...about everything. Bo says he is. Hope tells him she will call him tomarrow so they can get together and talk. She leaves with JT. When alone, Bo vows to find out what is going on with him so he can stop the lies once and for all.

    At the McCluer home, Renee is washing dishes when James Sr enters. Renee is still upset about what happened at lunch and tells James she feels he is holding back alot. James reminds her of his warning and says it's best if she just stops asking questions. Renee says it was bad enough before when she didn't know what he was doing for Victor but now the man is dead. What can he possibly be doing for a dead guy?

    James tells her that even with Victor dead, there is still things to be done. His son is running things now. Renee sarcastically laughs and says it's great that he is working for a guy in his 20's. James asks Renee what she wants from him. Renee tells him she wants the truth. He lied before and he ended up in jail for nearly a decade. Now it seems like deja vu. She warns him that if he is involved in something illegal and dangerous that, this time, she will not come and visit him in prison when he gets caught. Neither will the children. If he gets killed, she isn't going to even attend his funeral, let alone have one.

    Meanwhile, while all this is happening, JJ and Angel are listening in with Jonathan. Jonathan says he can't listen anymore and goes to his room to listen to some music. Renee explains to James that she gave him a second chance. He vowed to prove himself time and time again. James says he is trying and will prove himself. Renee is frustrated and tells James he doesn't get it. She knows when he is lying. He has done it too much in the past for her not to. She knows him too well. He has been lying since he got out of jail.

    James: Renee, please...
    Renee (crying): You know what James...I don't care if I get hurt but I care about our children. So, if all your promises are broken. If this all turns into one big mess, which I know it will, then you better explain to them. You better explain how their father is full of crap and that every single promise and vow...not to mention, every explanation you have given for all the times you never came home or worked until the early hours of the morning, is nothing but lies. I can't even look at you. I can see that I'm right. I can see it in your eyes!!! You disgust me!!!

    Renee walks out and runs upstairs as James follows. A loud door slam can be heard. JJ and Angel stare at each other and talk about how they hate this is happening. She wants to beleive daddy is telling the truth and that he has changed from his old ways but it's so hard. He messed up before so who is to say he isn't doing it again. JJ says he wants to beleive dad too but it is hard.

    He then tells Angel he has an idea. An idea that will prove once and for all if their father is lying. They can finally end all the fighting and tension. Angel asks how. JJ says that they need to investigate their father. He can use his internship at The Spectator and even follow their father around and, hopefully, prove that dad is in the clear. Angel is weary of the idea but JJ says it can't hurt. They will be extra careful and make sure everythin stays quiet.

    He adds that Jonathan can't know. He never sides with their father and they can't have him helping if he is just going to twist everything. Angel agrees and says she will help in any way she can. If it means ending the fighting and finally having peace, she is all for it. JJ is pleased, saying he really needs her help. There is no one else for him to go to. Angel says she is happy to as it's the future of their family they are talking about. JJ tells her they should start right away. He grabs both of their coats as Angel asks where they are going. JJ says to "The Spectator."

    -At Chez Rouge, Maggie has finished the bottle of Dom Perigon she was drinking. She regrets drinking it but it made her feel so much better. She sees all the bottles behind the bar. The tempatation is so great but she has overdone it already. She gets up but can't stop staring at the bottles. She slowly begins to walk over to the bar when Doug and Julie walk in. Julie looks at Maggie and asks if there is something she wants to tell them.

    Maggie is worried they have seen the empty bottle but is releived when Julie comments on how she changed the seating layout. It looks great. Maggie asks what they are doing here. Julie responds that they are worried about her. She has been through alot and the way she took Mickey's death makes them concerned about how she will deal with Victor's. Maggie says she is fine and feels great keeping busy.

    Julie looks at the bar and says she still hates the idea of her being around so much liquor. Maggie says she has hardly thought about drinking. She had some of the staff handle the bar anyway. Like she told Julie on the phone, she is still going to AA and has Lucas on speed dial if she gets the urge. She begs Julie to just trust her and appreciates all the concern. She loves them for it. Doug says that they all just don't want her to shut them out and fall into a depression like after Mickey died. That is what led her to fall off the wagon in the first place.

    Maggie insists she has her bearings and won't do that this time. She promises. Julie says they would all feel better if she stayed at Alice's. Maggie refuses, saying Doug and Julie are there and she feels comfortable in her own home. It's for the best. She thanks them for the offer. Maggie then tells them that she has a meeting with a customer who wants to have an event in the restaurant so she needs to lock up and get going. Doug and Julie take their cue and leave. They tell Maggie to call if she needs anything. She says she will and embraces both of them as they leave.

    After they leave, Maggie looks at the bar and then walks by it, only to turn back around to look at it again. Outside, Julie calls Alice to tell her Maggie is fine but that she still is going to be checking in on her alot to make sure. Alice urges her not to push it because there will only be problems if they act like they have no trust in Maggie. Julie says she will be careful. She just wants to make sure there isn't a repeat episode of what happened after Mickey died because she fears, if that happened, things would end up much worst then they did then.

    Back inside Chez Rouge, Maggie is trying to fight the temptation to drink at the bar. Her hands are shaking and she is clutching her head, trying to resist the urge. Finally, she says:

    Maggie: The hell with it!!

    Hands shaking and tears steaming down her face, Maggie opens the battle and takes large sip after large sip as the screen fades to black.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Greta to Frankie: This is going to be so much fun.
    Jack: Time to find out who my new boss is.
    JJ (with Angel) to Billie: I think you could help us.
    Alan to Carrie: Are you sure you will be fine?
    Sami to Lucas: I want you. I need you.
    Sami to Will: There is something you should know.

  6. PhoenixRising05
    At the McCluer home, the family has just sat down at the table for lunch. Renee is still quite upset that James seems to be keeping something from not only her, but the entire family as well....

    Renee: Look, honey. I don’t know what kind of fool I’m supposed to be but this work you’re doing for Victor is crazy. I mean, the man is dead!! What can you be doing for a dead guy? You are out at all hours of the night and sometimes the entire night? None of your children see you anymore and, other than the other night, when is the last time you’ve been home for a sit-down dinner with us, huh? I want answers, James, and I want them....right.....now.

    James Sr. takes a deep breath and looks around at all three of his children, who are staring at him with rather inquisitive eyes. He has his fork in his hand but slowly places it back on his plate before answering his wife....

    James Sr.: Renee, if I could tell you what is happening, I surely would. You know that. In the 21 years we have been together, I have not held anything back from you....
    Renee: Until now.
    James Sr.: That’s right. Until now. And why is that? Because what I’m involved in is obviously very important.....and a little too dangerous......for me to involve any of you in at this time. Please, my darling. You have to trust me on this one.
    James Jr.: And us, Dad? I’m working as an intern at The Spectator. Now, how is it going to look when the people I work with ask me “Aye, J.J. What’s this crap with your pops working for a crime lord?” What should my response be?
    James Sr.: Jr., just do the best you can. Look, I know I’ve put you all in a tight squeeze but, just give some time.....and trust me.
    Jonathan: Dad, you’ve been saying that for awhile now. And every time there is some type of mess, here you come walking in the door like nothing’s happened. How deep are you in this thing anyway?
    Angel: Aye. Will everyone just leave him alone?!

    The room becomes quiet once again.

    Angel: I’m sick of repeating myself but......here it goes. I trust this man to do what’s right. (Looking at her father) For now. But Daddy, you also have to realize.....that this trust only goes so far, ok? At some point, we need to know what’s happening with everything. That’s only fair and just. And......I don’t want you to tell us to keep trusting you. That’s what we’re doing now. Fair enough?

    James Sr. gets up and walks over to his daughter and kisses her on the forehead, telling her......

    James Sr.: Thank you, darling. You’re right on the money, as usual. I will try to do better by you all. But......

    James looks around the table.....

    James Sr.:You have to stay out of all of this. This could be some very dangerous business down the road and, if anything happens to any of you,........I won’t be able to forgive myself. Now......is that a deal?
    Jonathan: Well, as long as you give Mom the benefit of letting her know what’s going on first. After all, she is the one who has stuck by you....even through everything. Not that I’m not, but.......
    James Jr.: Well.......don’t worry, Pop. I’ll do what I need to......to keep my job.......at the only newspaper in Salem. Ok?

    James nervously looks at his youngest son and says.....

    James Sr.: Sure, son. Anything you want.......within reason.

    The family resumes breakfast while James looks around to each of his family members, hoping that this operation goes smoothly so he can finally get back on the right track.....before he puts his family in danger.

    -Hope runs into Caroline at the Puband sits down at the bar. Caroline asks her if she wants anything to eat to which Hope responds with a quiet no, thank you. Carline looks at Hope, wondering why she is so depressed. Hope must have sensed it because she actually answers Caroline’s question by saying that she knows Bo is hiding something from her and it really makes her sick to keep going through this with him.

    But, Caroline warns, it does goes both ways. She tells her that she is not taking up for her son, if it seems that way, but she can’t keep saying how she’s sick of it when she has kept a secret or two of her own in the past. And, she needs to keep that in mind. Hope is silent for a moment before she agrees with her. She also says that at least Victor is now gone so he can no longer be any type of influence on him.

    Caroline is taken aback by this, saying that to blame all this on Victor, especially after Roman told the family that he and Bo were pulling some type of sting operation on Victor, is kinda wrong. Hope asks if she is now taking up for the man who she held at gunpoint and felt no emotion over watching die only a short time ago. Caroline says no, not at all. All she’s saying is......give Bo some time. Caroline tells her that she is just as worried as Hope is about Bo’s behavior but......when he is ready to deal with it, all the family can do is be there for him, no matter how hard it may be.

    She also reminds her that, even though we all thought that Bo tried to kill his own brother on his orders, she will always love the Victor she grew up with. Not the complete monster he became. Hope sees what she’s saying but she just doesn’t know what to do about Bo keeping that from her. Caroline tells her to grow up. Hope is stunned. Caroline says that she heard her right. As much as she loves her, and as much as she knows that they love each other.........

    .............it seems like that their biggest problem has always been feeling that they both have the right to keep secrets but then reserve the right to get angry when the other does it to them. And, the other is supposed to understand, while Hope or Bo feel each of them have the right to stay as angry as they want, for as long as they want, about keeping a secret. She tells her, once again, that understanding is the key. That.......and forgiveness. Caroline would know, with the secret she didn’t know she was keeping all those years. Hope knows how that nearly destroyed everything. That’s why, Caroline says, that she needs to just be there for him when it does come out.

    Hope agrees and tells her that sometimes, she needs a good swift kick in the pants. And.....she thanks her for that. Caroline says no problem. Hope pats her hand and gets off the stool, turning to walk towards the door. She turns when she reaches it and smiles back at her before she leaves. Caroline then gets her purse when she is sure Hope is out of sight and tells one of the waitresses to watch the store while she’s gone. She then takes off in the opposite direction that Hope went into.

    -Bo is now by himself and seems to not be able to get rid of the bad nightmares he’s been having. They have now become very clear to him. And....they are recurring. A man who keeps telling him that it will be alright, while he calls out for his mother, father & brother. And another one, where he is trapped in an alley while this same man comes closer and closer....

    At that moment, Dr. Glancy comes in to check on him. He asks Bo if his memories/nightmares have become more vivid and Bo tells him yes. He also asks that whatever they say stays between them. The doctor tells him about patient/doctor confidentiality and that no matter what, anything he tells him will stay right there. Bo is very pleased, saying that he only wants to reveal this when he can get a better handle on it, which the doctor agrees with.

    Bo then walks past him, telling him that they started right after he was shot in Sydney last year. He recovered very quickly from that, God knows how, but then he started having these dreams. They were hard to place at first but then got clearer. Now.....he is basically scared of them. Scared of even closing his eyes. The explosion that killed his father brought them back after they had left and now his wife is scared for him because of a blow-up he had with her recently.

    The doctor tells him he knows about that. His wife had already told him about it. He just wants to help him get to the bottom of his illness so he can become a good father and husband once again. Bo looks up at him and says that is what he wants as well. He also tells the doctor that it is hard for him to open up about something like this so please, he asks, bear with him. Dr. Glancy suggests hypnosis and, after a few moments, Bo agrees saying that anything is better than just letting these nightmares take over his life.

    The doctor tells him how proud he is of him for accepting this form of treatment and tells Bo that he will make the necessary preparations. After he leaves, Bo goes back over and looks out the window, hoping that this will be the key to ending what could destroy him.

    -Kimberly is once again panicking because of Bo. Shane happens to walk up on her and frightens her. When she gets upset with him for doing it, he says that the nurses are starting to talk about her lurking around Bo’s room all the time. She then says that maybe she should cut that down. Then Shane ask her what is she so upset about, to which Kimberly replies nothing. She lashes out at him, saying that she is just worried about her brother, that’s all. She then bids Shane a hasty good-bye and wheels off, leaving him bewildered about her recent behavior.

    -Back at the Horton House, Julie, Doug & Alice are worried about Maggie, who hasn’t been close to herself since Victor’s death. Julie tries reaching her at Chez Rouge but when she comes to the phone, she tells them that she’s busy getting it ready for it’s re-opening and can’t be bothered right now. She insists that she’s fine and wants Julie to tell Alice and Doug to not worry about her. She then hangs up the phone rather abruptly.

    Alice asks her how Maggie is doing and Julie fills her in on the phone call. She is also upset at the way Maggie left the house this morning without telling a soul that she was gone. Julie then pulls out a note she left Alice, telling her thank you but she doesn’t need to stay one more night at her house. Doug tells Julie to call her again and, when she reaches Maggie, tells her that she doesn’t really feel comfortable having her around all that liquor.

    After Maggie explains that not only is she still attending AA meetings but she has talked to Lucas and will call him if she needs anything, Julie feels more at ease. Maggie insists that she will be fine and, with Julie’s blessing, hangs up the phone. Julie tells Doug & Alice that it was her way of telling her that she trusts her. What Julie says she didn’t say was that she doesn’t trust her and wants Doug to go with her over to the restaurant to check on her. With Alice’s blessing, they head over.

    Maggie is now sitting by herself, thinking about Mickey and then Victor. She feels so much pain but tries to once again push it back down and ignore it. She then looks over at the counter and sees the expensive bottles of Dom Perigon that she was going to put back into the wine cellar. She remarks that......

    Maggie: I guess one sip can’t hurt, now can it?

    As she stands up, transfixed on each bottle. She moves in what seems like slow motion to her because the bottles are her oasis of relief. She feels deeply that if this will take the edge off and ease the horrible pain of losing the love of her life and a man who helped her to live once again, then so be it. She owes it to herself to be happy and if one tiny sip form a wine bottle does it......and she stops after that......who would be the wiser, she rationalizes.

    Once she reaches the counter, she is in tears. All of the help is gone now and she is the only one left in the entire building. She looks at the bottle, then up to the ceiling, and says......

    Maggie: Oh God! Please...please give me the strength to leave this bottle alone. I’m begging you, Lord. Don’t let me ruin my life again!

    Maggie then slowly looks down at the bottle.......and, with tears covering her face,......grabs the cork of the bottle with her hand, yanks it off and, while crying deeply........takes one big drink from it........

    As the screen freeze-frames on her, the scene slowly fades to black.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Kim to Roman: Bo is up to something.
    Roman to Kim: Then it won't be long now.
    Hope to Bo: I want the truth. Are you lying about what is going on with you?
    Caroline: I hope you can forgive me, Victor.
    Julie (with Doug) to Maggie: Is there something you want to tell us?
    JJ to Angel: I have a plan...to prove once and for all what is going on with dad.
    Renee to James: If Victor is dead, then who in the hell are you working for right now?

  7. PhoenixRising05
    Announcer: THIS FEBRUARY...

    Clip of Alan and Carrie at the cabin.

    Alan: Push!!! Come on!!
    Carrie: Ahh!!!


    Clip of Shane, Austin, Sami, Lucas and Roman.

    Roman: Damnit, Shane. Where is my daughter?!!

    Sami to Austin and Lucas: If Carrie is with Alan, there is no telling what he may do to her or that child.


    Will: I can't beleive this!!

    Bo to Roman and Kimberly: I know the truth. I remember!!!


    Max to Abby: I'm not going anywhere.

    Jack to Billie: You and me together equals the perfect team.

    Kayla to Steve: I feel like I am falling for you all over again. (both lean in and kiss)


    James: Oh my God...what have I gotten myself into?

    Marlena: No one can or will stand in my way.


    Abe to Shane: I have never seen anything like this.

    Will: How could this have happened?


    Clip of the MCF holding a knife and admiring it.



  8. PhoenixRising05
    -At Salem Place, Austin sees Nicole sitting outside in the cold, looking through the want-ads. He says hi as he sits down and Nicole returns the greeting, even though her head is buried in the newspaper. Austin asks if she still is having a hard time finding a job and she says that it makes no sense for it to be this hard. He tells her to keep her hopes up and that she will find a job soon.

    She asks what he is doing out in the cold air on this day. He says that he is trying to clear his head. When Nicole asks of what, he responds by saying that he swore he saw Carrie at the Ball. Now, he wonders if it was just a figment of his imagination. Nicole folds her paper up and turns to him, telling him to relax. Carrie is with her mother, Anna, and everything is more or less good for her. If she were in any kind of trouble, she would let someone know.

    She then says that if he wants to hear about real problems then he should listen to hers as she fills him in on the aborted adoption plan her and Eric had, as well as having problems having kids naturally. She also tells him about being turned down by Kate for a job, even though they can’t stand each other. When Austin asks if she is seriously surprised, she pauses before saying no. He then asks if she, maybe, is jealous of Eric because his mother hired him and not her. Nicole says that couldn’t be further from the truth.

    She tells him that it was her decision to give up that job with HighStyle and a life in Los Angeles for him. He needed her and she was there. And, if given the same choice again, she wouldn’t change one damn thing. Austin tells her to calm down. She does and apologizes for her outburst. He then tells her that she is one hell of a businesswoman and that the right job with the right people will come to her soon. It just takes time and a lot of patience. Nicole thanks him for his kind words and hugs him gratefully. What he doesn’t see is the tears rolling down her cheeks.

    -Back in Philip’s hospital room, he has summoned Lucas there. Before Lucas enters, Philip is giving himself substantial praise for how he handled Belle last night. Lucas arrives but promptly excuses himself when he sees that Sami has followed him to the hospital. Philip tells him that it’s ok and Lucas walks back into the hallway.

    Sami greets him and asks:

    Sami: Babe, what does HE want with you?
    Lucas: To brag, I guess. He’s feeling like a big man now that Victor is dead. He now thinks that all of Kiriakis Enterprises belongs to him.
    Sami: Really. You know, I always knew that Victor could be a scoundrel, especially when he was blackmailing me all those years ago.
    Lucas: Yes, but Sami.......
    Sami: I know, I know. I had it coming. With the way I was acting, I really don’t blame him now.
    Lucas: Well, done deals, done days. That’s in the past, where it should be.
    Sami: I know......and thank you....for saying that.
    Lucas: Aye, anything for my lady love.

    At that moment, an instrumental version of "If You Leave Me Now" by Chicago starts to play over the ceiling speakers. Both Lucas and Sami look up at them and then slowly back into each others eyes. Lucas takes Sami in his arms softly and quietly says to her......

    Lucas: You know, we are going to have to take some time out to discuss some things.
    Sami: (Smiling) Yeah. That sounds wonderful.
    Lucas: Sami.......I.......I just don’t know what to say. I hate that we spent all those years fighting with one another. I could have missed out on the best thing that has ever happened to me.
    Sami: Lucas......I would not have let that happen. I would go anywhere with you. All you will ever have to do....is ask me, ok? Never, ever wonder about my love for you.
    Lucas: Till the end of time?
    Sami: And beyond.

    As the song finishes, they slowly pull each other into a sweet, loving kiss. Slowly, they pull away from each other and then Sami places her hand on his cheek, smiling. She says that it’s time for him to go back inside and see what Caesar wants while she goes and checks up on her father. He tells her ok and then says that they have something serious to discuss before he disappears back into Philip’s room.

    Sami smiles to herself and dances off, happy that her life is finally how she wanted it to be since she was a little girl.

    As he walks over to Philip’s bed, he stops and asks his younger brother what this is all about. Philip brings up about how Austin and Lucas were a part of Victor’s family in this war and now they both want out. He then says once you are privy to family secrets, there is no getting out that easy. Lucas says does he now think he’s Don Corleone? Philip says Brando will have nothing on him. Lucas laughs, telling him that he better get a grip on his newfound power before he really does some harm to someone.

    Philip then asks if he is giving him advice. Lucas says someone has to. He doesn’t seem to be listening to anyone else. Especially since his father is not even cold in the morgue. Philip looks at Lucas coldly, asking him if he is accusing him of being cold-hearted towards his father’s death. Lucas says for Philip to let him know. Philip tells him he can answer him this way.......by telling him to clear his things out before he has Titan building security throw them out the window. He’s fired. And, he tells him, he better not see him near the building again.....or he’ll have him arrested for trespassing.

    Lucas laughs again, amazed at his brother’s arrogance. He pauses for a minute and then responds to Philip. Philip has a huge grin on his face but it gets quickly wiped off when Lucas leans into him and tells him......that he thanks him for canning him. He admired Victor, even if he didn’t always agree with his methods. But......he just couldn’t see himself working for a little punk like him. Philip is taken aback, saying that it’s nice to see that his older brother DOES have a backbone.

    Lucas says that he’s glad that he could show him that. And......he’ll really end up seeing his dark side if anything happens to Sami or Will. Brother or not......if he messes with them in any shape or form, that’s it. All bets are off. Philip tells him that his father’s ways of doing things are now over. His day is done. It’s time for the next generation to take over and move the Kiriakis family into the 21st Century and beyond. Lucas tells him that he now seems like he didn’t learn one thing from his dad and that’s a shame.

    Lucas walks over to the door and turns, telling him that he’s going to regret the things he’s doing now. And.....when things start hitting the fan, don’t come running to him. With that, Lucas smiles ever so slightly and walks out the door. Philip looks at the door sternly before a evil smile slowly forms on his face.

    Outside his room once again, Lucas runs into Austin. Lucas tells him that their mafia don brother just fired him. Austin remarks how much Philip has changed but then says never mind that. Since Lucas is looking for work, he can come to work for Kate and him. Lucas, thinking about how this may effect his relationship with Sami, reluctantly agrees saying he needs the job. The brothers shake on it before leaving to find Sami.

    -Back at the cabin in the mountains, Carrie is speaking with Alan. When Alan asks if she is fine with her pregnancy, she says she is and then asks if that is why he’s been staying with her instead of going back to Salem. He says that she is a main priority for him right now and he doesn’t want her in any danger with her or her baby. There is a lot at stake, he reminds her. She tells him she knows that. She also says that she needs him there to report back to her what is going on with her family.

    She wants him to continue to try and change his ways and that is going a long way to doing just that. But, she reminds him, that going MIA for long periods of time will only hurt his efforts. He understands and she then says that he will have to go back to Salem to keep an eye on things. He says he won’t because she may go into labor at any moment. She insists, saying that she will contact him if something happens. She also tells him that she has decided to give the baby up for adoption when it’s born. This way, she will know that beyond anything else, the baby will have a loving home and family......something she can’t give it right now.

    She feels that she can’t take the chance of the baby coming between all of her loved ones, especially Austin, Lucas & Sami. Alan agrees and then asks how she wants to handle everything. She wants him to get the adoption forms and bring them back to her so she can fill them out. She will then sign away the child after birth and then she can return home, with no one the wiser. Alan tells her that it is a lot to live with and she agrees but says that it is for the best. He also says that if her family finds out, they may turn away from her but she says that’s the chance she has to take.

    He says he understands once again and she thanks him, pulling him into a friendly embrace. What she does not see......is the sly grin that has formed on his face.

    -Back at Lucas’s apartment, Will is there and is answering the door to let his grandmother in. Kate is pissed off at all the contractors there who are working on the building and Sami’s apartment since the explosion last month. She remarks to him about how they are getting in her way. Will turns away from her and she wonders what’s wrong. He silently tells her that he is really sick and tired of everyone always projecting what they want him to be on him. When she asks what he means, he clams up.

    She walks over to him and hugs Will, telling him that this must be because of Sami’s influence. Will jerks away from her, telling her that he is tired of also telling her to stop with the nasty talk about his mother. He then says that if she can’t accept Sami, then what’s the point of coming around? Kate is taken aback by this and then says that she will try to do better. Will says that it’s past time she stop trying. She either does or doesn’t......and if she can’t, she can just leave and not come back.

    She places her hands on her hips and sighs and he says he’s also sick and tired of that as well. She doesn’t know half the stuff he’s dealing with right now. And, if she did, maybe she wouldn’t be so damn evil towards everyone. When she asks what he means by that, he says that it is really difficult in this family to express who you really are. If he doesn’t have BOTH of his parents on his case about getting married and having kids, he has her always interfering in everyone’s lives and then getting upset when she gets busted for whatever evil crap she did this time.

    Kate is shocked by Will’s tone and wonders what is really behind all of this anger. Will says that she wouldn’t understand even if he spelled it out on a billboard because all she knows is how to tell people how they should live, according to her rules. Well, he says, does she or anyone else ever consider how society’s rules can be really silly sometimes?! She walks over to him wanting to know what is he trying to say. He says that............all he is saying is...........he feels like all anyone can do is worry about them selves.

    He feels he has no one to talk to sometimes. He just wants to be who he is. He only wants to live his life his way. Kate tells him that he can tell her anything. And then, when Will decides to tell her the truth.....he then suddenly stops, telling her that all he means as that she and everyone should just live and let live. His parents are finally happy and seem to be building a life together and they will be able to do that if she stops with her nagging, nasty talk and lousy schemes to try and break them up because, so help him, if she ever does anything else to ruin what he now has......he will never speak to her again for as long as she lives.

    Will then walks out on her, leaving her to contemplate what he just conveyed to her.

    -At the McCluer home, James has just gotten in from dealing with Marlena when Renee walks up to him and asks where he’s been all night and morning. He says to her that he had a serious situation that he had to deal with and it took up most of his time. He apologizes for not being able to call and is sorry that she worried. Renee says she didn’t worry in the least. It’s his life, to do with what he pleases.

    James sees she’s upset and tries to hug her but she turns and walks away. J.J. comes into the living room and greets his father, saying that maybe he should stay out all night more often. He walks past him as James looks on sadly, knowing that he has messed up. Jonathan stands at the door and asks him was it another job for Victor Kiriakis. When James Sr. says yes it was, the entire family, which now includes Angel coming from the kitchen, groan out loud. J.J brings up his internship at The Spectator and says that he now hopes his father’s involvement doesn’t get back to the editor-in-chief or it could ruin everything. James Sr. is glad that he has the opportunity that he never had.

    Well, J.J. says, even though he knows he’s doing what he must, it won’t stop him from printing the truth about Victor’s dealings, especially since his death the other night. Jonathan says good riddance. That man was nothing but trouble. Renee agrees, telling James that his children are very smart and know what’s going on. He needs to stop hiding things from them.

    Angel walks over to her father and hugs him, saying that they all should just stop all this arguing so early in the morning and sit down for a great breakfast. She sees what’s at stake and sees where her mother and brother are coming from, but will not lose her trust in her father for one second. He knows what he’s doing. So....let’s just all be a family. We all love each other way too much for all this bickering, she says.

    -Belle and Sami meet once again in the cafeteria after Sami has seen Roman. Sami tells her that since he never was shot, he’s doing just fine. Neither lady knows that Marlena is nearby, listening to their conversation. As they sit down for coffee, Belle tells her that their Uncle Shane and the I.S.A. is on the cases and keeping an eye on not only their family but Stefano as well, whereever he may be. She also tells Sami that he has operatives looking for their mother. Sami tells her how worried she is for her but then informs Belle that Eric has joined their cause and will help out any way he can.

    Belle is very pleased about this, saying they need all the help they can get. Sami then notices that Belle is quite upset about something and Belle has another flashback to her confrontation with Philip before covering up and saying that she is ok and everything will work out for her. All she’s worried about is their mother. When Sami ask off-handedly about being married to the new head of the Kiriakis Dynasty, Belle is taken aback by that. Before Sami can ask a follow-up question of Belle, Sami looks over Belle’s shoulder and spots Marlena.

    When she alerts Belle of this, Belle turns and sees her as well. Marlena sees that she’s been spotted and takes off walking very quickly. Both girls jump up and give chase but end up losing her around the corner. Now, Sami says, she is more determined than ever to find out once again what is going on. When Belle says that she’s tired of always saying that they need to stop talking about it and take some damn action, Sami agrees with her younger sister saying that yes, it is about time they stop talking and start doing.

    Meanwhile, in the staircase, Marlena keeps looking back down, hoping that she has lost her two daughters. When she is convinced that she has, she starts to slowly walk up the stairs to the roof. Just then, she gets a call and, after she answers it, she pauses. She then looks at the phone, getting more and more angrier. She tells her mysterious caller that she had to shake her nosy children once again. She also says she’s really getting sick of all this crap. She needs to know what she’s up against so she knows what to avoid and what to expect. When she is told about the search teams looking for her, she says that’s better. That is the kind of information she needs to know, she says in a very sarcastic tone. She then tells her caller to lower their voice and to not yell. It may echo in that hallway.

    She says that she has things under control but needs to stay one step ahead if she is to finish her mission and then end all of this madness. She also warns that if she is found out she could go to a mental institution....or prison. She then asks the person on the other end if everything is now alright, to which she smiles at the response and says good. Now, she says, leave her alone so she can do what she has to do.....and stop berating her so damn much. She hangs up the phone forcefully, saying to herself once again that nothing and no one will stand in her way. She then remarks that the first thing she has to stop doing is talking to herself so damn much.

    Marlena then proceeds to walk up to the next doorway and disappears down the hallway, as the camera slowly fades to black watching her walk away.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    James to his family: I am warning all of you...stay out of this for your own good.
    Bo: I think I know exactly how to find out what is going on with me.
    Shane to Kim: What are you hiding?
    Julie to Doug: I'm worried about her Doug. What if she falls off the wagon again?
    Maggie (staring at a liquor bottle): Maybe a little won't hurt...
  9. PhoenixRising05


    "An incredible February is on the way," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "Every episode...and, I do mean EVERY episode,will be HUGE. It's a very emotional, intense, shocking, and exciting month. We are definitely in a groove. The residents of Salem are going to be rocked this month. By the end of this month, every story will have changed will have taken some major twists and turns. Our fans are going to love it!! It's payoffs a plenty and, if you miss a day, you definitely miss alot!!!"

    Mysterious Cloaked Figure: "We are building to the beginning of the VENDETTA event in March. The mystery of who this person is and why they are targeting who they are targeting will draw in pretty much the whole canvas. We will see friends and foes come together as the threat this person represents to all of Salem intensifies. More and more people will find themselves targets of this mysterious figure whether it be by manipulation or something much worse and deadly. The old saying is you can't stop what you can't catch and this applies big time here. This person will be manipulating and controlling people's lives. Just when you think you've seen it all, this person will committ an even more horrible and despicable act. How far will this person go and to what extremes will be the big focus as we go through February and beyond."

    Roman/Marlena: "Marlena's family and friends hold an intervention. They know something is wrong with you but she keeps avoiding them and her disappearing acts don't help matters. What exactly is wrong with her? We will delve more into that in February. We will learn more about her connection to James and what they seem to both be involved in. The fans are going to be really stunned to see where this story takes Marlena. By the end of the month, fans will be clued in to what is driving her and causing her to do what she is. As for Roman, he is very concerned and has his own issues to deal with, one of which is the MCF. He will have a difficult time holding his family together and will try to get through to Marlena. It's a very emotional and troublesome time for him and his family and, to think, it's only just a fragment of what's to come."

    Victor/Stefano: "The war takes a break as both Stefano and Victor continue to lie low. They both become obsessed with this MCF as they are not happy that this person is using their operations to their own ends. Victor and Stefano return to Salem by the end of the month and we will see them team up with each other and with their enemies. It's an interesting turn of events as everyone wants to stop this mysterious threat from targeting their loved ones. Differences are put aside and friends and foes uniting becomes a common theme. Stefano and Victor will present Roman with a deal: they provide him and the SPD and ISA with their resources and help to find and catch the MCF and, in return, both Victor and Stefano get immunity. IIt's a difficult choice for Roman and one he certainly doesn't take lightly."

    Bo/Hope: "They are keeping HUGE secrets from each other. Hope is afraid to tell Bo and Billie about Chelsea not being their daughter. She knows it will devestate them. The fact that Chelsea is her daughter and the father is unknown also plays into it. Meanwhile, Bo is dealing with the memories/nightmares he has been having on his own. He will undergo hynosis and will learn the truth. It's a long buried Brady secret that will shake the Brady's and Bo to the core. The repercussions of the truth coming out will be monumental and will forever change Bo and those he loves and cares about. It's a case of just when you think Bo and Hope are on the right track, they hit another bump in the road. The trust issues between them have never been more obvious. Bo will again be pushing Hope away as he deals with learning the secret that is buried within himself. Expect Bo to go on an emotional journey in the aftermath of all this. His story will begin to parallel another one on the canvas as the month comes to a close."

    Sami/Lucas/Carrie/Austin/Alan/Will: "This story will finally explode in February. All the groundwork has been laid now for this story to take off and, boy, will it. Carrie goes in labor all by herself. Shane catches Alan with Will and finally comes clean about knowing Carrie's whereabouts. Roman, Sami, Austin, and Lucas race against time to reach her before Alan does something horrible. The questions remains, is Alan good or evil? Fans will finally get the answer in early February. Will will finally learn this his pal "Ace" is Alan, the man that raped his mother. It will definitely be a emotionally gripping event. Expect a huge twist after Carrie's baby is born. Two shocking characters get dragged into the story and things really get turned on their ear. Carrie will learn about what has happened in her absence and her and Sami will have a major turning point in their relationship. Plus, Carrie will finally settle the situation between her, Austin, and Lucas. Sami and Lucas have some big time romance coming up. They finally take steps toward building a life together."

    The McClure's: "James is in way over his head and he knows it. His wife is suspicious and so our his kids. JJ and Angel decide that the best way to end all the tension in their family is to find out what James is up to one way or the other. JJ uses his journalistic instincts to get to the bottom of the situation. JJ and Angel turn to Billie for help and they are hot on James' trail. JJ and Angel come to Jonathan and Renee with their findings and that leads to a huge twists that ups the ante in this story. James realizes the true horror of what he is involved in and there may be no way out."

    Nicole/Eric: "Tension builds for Eric and Nicole. The fact that she gave up her dream in LA at Highstyle for him and now she is unemployed and at home while he works is a major sore spot for her. The issues they are having with having their own child only add to the stress. They decide to take a trip and something big happens that throws them into the middle of something that is bigger then they think it is. We will also begin to see shades of the old Nicole."

    Jack/Billie: "Billie and Jack are finally moving on. They will be there for their daughters and will help them deal with a major crisis. Billie and Jack get drawn into the MCF mystery as her days as a private investigator begin and Jack begins to return to form as the great reporter he once was. Billie will also get caught up on the McClure story in a big way. Expect a nice surprise upon the reveal of the new owner and editor in chief of The Spectator in the first week of February. Fans will really like seeing who Jack's new boss is. It will be a delight."

    Abby/Max/Cassie/Chelsea: "This story finally explodes. Chelsea begins to make progress with her recovery, leaving Abby to wonder if she will ever get better. Cassie will lay all her cards out on the table when she reveals to Max and Abby she is pregnant with his baby. It rattles Max and Abby and puts them in a place where Abby feels like she has lost him and doesn't stand a chance. Cassie will seek out Chelsea's help to aid in her plot to break up Max and Abby. Chelsea refuses so Cassie will blackmail her with knowing that she killed her two rapists and that Hope is her mother. This all builds to a huge twist that throws all these characters for a loop and sends all their lives in surprising directions."

    Steve/Kayla: "They go on an emotional journey down memory lane. Valentine's Day is big for them. We take them to places that hold special meaning for them. Kayla is going to help Steve fight through the painful memories. He is making progress but will suffer a major setback. It's sort of tragic but Kayla is there for him. It's like they are falling in love all over again. He barely remembers her but she still reaches him. He worries about putting her in danger as he continues to remember more of these painful memories. It's all very romantic and very true to Steve and Kayla."

    Frankie/Greta: "They are becoming good friends and their bond grows stronger when they get involved in the MCF mystery with Jack and Billie. It's not a romance, at least not yet, but it has potential. We are exploring the drives and ambitions of both characters. We are also trying to give Frankie more of an edge. The character need to be feeled out more. Character exploration is key for these two and the fans will see that become a focus in the coming weeks."

    Cal/Katherine: "Cal's progress in regards to recovering his past and memory may be stagnant but that is not the case in regards to the growing feelings between him and Katherine. Cal is ready to leave his past in the past and move on with his future. Katherine and him finally see their passion explode around Valentine's Day. How far will they go? As for Cal's past, the last person he would want to have the information and answers he seeks is the very person who does. Why does the MCF have this information and how will this person use it? That will be the big question in this story as we go into February and beyond."

    Shane/Kim: "Shane comes clean about knowing Carrie's whereabouts and that she was with Alan. The Brady's won't be happy. Kim will have to deal with the repercussions of her and Roman keeping the long buried Brady secret. She will feel a great deal of guilt over how Bo and her family is affected by it. Meanwhile, Kim and Shane bond when circumstances bring them closer together. The guilt they both feel makes them vulnerable as they become ostracized from their family and friends."

    Belle/Philip: "Philip takes on his new role as head of the Kiriakis empire head on. As for what is going on with Belle and him, we will finally reveal the truth and what truly happened in San Francisco will become known. Philip will get a huge shock when Victor returns to Salem alive and well. Philip will not be so easy to give up his newly-inherited power and prestige. The groundwork will be laid here for a fierce father/son battle. Philip is indeed following in his father's footsteps. However, let's remember, he is also Kate's son and we all know how Kate ended up betraying Victor. Hmmm...."

    Kate: "She keeps vowing to change but it still seems like the same old Kate. How will she handle it when her children and grandchildren begin to warn her more and more to clean up her act or face a future without the love of her family? We are slowly building to a turning point for Kate and it's right around the corner."

    Caroline/Victor/Maggie: "Caroline begins to feel some guilt over the way things ended with Victor. We see that she isn't quite over him yet. Maggie falls apart and slowly turns back to the bottle. The difference this time is that she doesn't shut people out and acts like everything is fine. She keeps internalizing everything and that only drives her to drink even more. By month's end, her addiction will worsen to the point where those around her could even be at risk. Look for Victor's return to set up yet another huge fall for Maggie and, this time, she may never bring herself back up."

    Doug/Julie: "No, this is not a typo. Doug and Julie have a story coming up. Julie's support of Victor and Maggie and her compassion for Victor really has Doug seeing red. Julie will learn that Victor is alive from Maggie and will take it upon herself to find him and make it so he can come back to Salem. She knows Maggie will fall apart without him so she feels she has no choice. Julie will make a big mistake, one that will come back to haunt her in the months ahead. Doug won't be happy that is for sure."

    Celeste/Abe/Lexie: "Celeste and Abe continue to care for Theo and to monitor the search for Lexie. Celeste manages to convince Abe to give Lexie another chance. Upon Stefano's return to Salem, Lexie returns too. Abe tries to get through to her but her recovery and time away has made her even more of a Dimera then anyone could've imagined. She will do anything to get Theo back and make the lives of all of her former loved ones in Salem a living hell. Abe and Celeste decide that the only way to save Lexie is to bring down Stefano and his empire so they committ themselves to that cause. Look for Celeste to have a stunning vision towards the end of the month, one that is sure to stun fans just as much as it will Celeste."

    Previews and Peeks into Wk of 1/29/07

    -James issues a warning to his family.
    -Bo wants to undergo hynosis and continues to keep the truth from his loved ones.
    -Shane interrogates Kim.
    -Sami tells Will about her rape.
    -Steve and Kayla prepare to go on a journey.
    -Jack has a new boss and is shocked to find out who it is.
    -Billie begins her new career.
    -Sami and Lucas commit to each other.
    -Bo begins to piece together his memories.
    -JJ and Angel seek out Billie's help.
    -Maggie returns to old habits.
    -Cassie drops two bombshells.
    -Carrie goes into labor.
    -Shane is ready to tell the truth.
    -A shocking truth about Marlena and James is revealed.

    Next Week: Philip wields his power as Kiriakis heir. It's a race against time to reach Carrie as she prepares to give birth. A stunning twist occurs in the aftermath of Carrie giving birth. Billie and Jack investigate James. Jack warns JJ and Angel. Will learns the truth. Victor and Stefano are fixated on the MCF. Julie learns Victor is alive and prepares to take action to help Maggie.
  10. PhoenixRising05


    Clip of Bo, Roman, Marlena, James, Abby, Chelsea, Cassie, Will, and Sami.


    Carrie (On the phone): I'm in labor!!!!


    Clip of Shane seeing Will and Alan together and of Alan on the phone with Carrie.

    Carrie to Alan: The baby is coming!!!
    Alan to Carrie: I'm on my way!!

    Shane watches from afar and says:

    Shane: It's time I tell Roman and the Brady's the truth.


    Sami (crying) to Will: Honey, there is something that you don't know...about me.
    Will to Sami: Mom...are you ok?

    Sami turns to Lucas and Austin and then back to Will.

    Sami (crying) to Will: Sweetie...years ago, I was....raped.


    Steve to Kayla: Are you sure about this?
    Kayla to Steve: It will be a walk down memory lane. We will fight this and I will be by your side every step of the way.


    Bo: Hypnosis is the only way.

    Scene shifts to Kim.

    Kim: Oh my God...there is no stopping the truth from coming out now. There is nothing Roman and I can do.


    Cassie to Max and Abby: I'm pregnant...with Max's baby.


    Cassie to Chelsea: You will help me get Max away from Abby...or both your dirty secrets will become public knowledge. Understand?


    Clip of Marlena and James in the park.

    Marlena: No one can find out about this.



  11. PhoenixRising05
    On Thursday March 1, Salem Lives will unveil it's biggest event to date: SALEM LIVES: VENDETTA. This interactive fan event will pull readers into Salem's biggest mystery yet. A category titled "VENDETTA" has been created on the right side of the blog. Entries will begin to be posted in that category in the weeks leading to VENDETTA to keep readers and fans well-informed of what is to come. There will also be a short post made on the main page of the Salem Lives blog to inform readers of there being a new entry in the VENDETTA area of the blog so they can go check it out.

    As far as the story purposes behind VENDETTA, check out the VENDETTA page of the blog for info on that when it comes available. I can tell you that the story has been happening for quite sometime as the Mysterious Cloaked Figure (MCF) has been lurking around Salem since early Fall. Only now we are building to the real story, which is finding out this person's plan and what the residents of Salem will be up against. In the weeks to come, fans will be seeing the buildup to all this. Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta are at the heart of the action as the four of them team up to piece together this mystery as the police and ISA are having a hard time figuring out what this cloaked figure is all about. The readers will be taken on a journey with these four characters and the police and they will help investigate the mystery on their own.

    How will the fans be a part of this? Well, it's up to them. Readers will be given the opportunity to get involved in the story in a way never done before. Readers will be given the chance to play the VENDETTA GAME. When the official VENDETTA event begins on March 1, a post will be made recapping all the MCF's appearances thus far and citing the actual episode dates so readers can go back and look at them for clues. At that time, readers can then PM me (Phoenix) or comment in the blog whether or not they want to participate in the official VENDETTA GAME. The deadline to inform me of the your participation will be March 11. The game will being Tuesday March 20.

    The game has similarities to Passions' online VENDETTA event from last year. Every Tuesday and Thursday a short scene will be posted. The scene will have to do with the MCF or Jack, Billie, Greta, Frankie, or the Salem Police or ISA investigating the MCF. It will be like cutting a small piece off a full episode and posting it separate from a full episode. These short scenes are very much like the clips from the Passions online events and will show the characters working through the mystery and this will help readers gain clues and hints to the MCF mystery. Some of these scenes may also contain the MCF committing certain acts. The first scene in conjunction with the game will be posted Tuesday March 20, the first day of the game. However, when the VENDETTA event officially gets underway on March 1, there will be a special short scene posted to officially begin VENDETTA.

    The idea is to look back at the appearances, read the short scenes, and keep up with reading the normal episodes to collect clues. The reason doing all that is important is where the main part of the game comes in. Those readers who choose to participate in the game will have to answer 3-5 trivia questions every week. The questions will be based on the Salem Lives episodes from the week that just ended and will be posted every Saturday night in the SL INSIDER. The answers will be due every Tuesday as that is the day the first short scene of the week is posted. The game players will be judged on correct answers and how fast they PM me the answers. The game player with the most correct answers and who submitted in the quickest time will be given a level one clue by PM. The 2nd and 3rd place trivia winners for the week will be given Level 2 and 3 clues. There are 3 levels of clues in the game.

    Level 1= Major clue (as in short clip scene, MCF letter written to a character, etc).
    Level 2= Big clue (as in picture of a character, past episode clip, etc)
    Level 3= Minor Clue (as in a riddle, something vague)

    The goal is to get to first place every week as it gives you the best clue or, at least get in the top 3 each week to get a clue. Clues will be PMed to the top 3 trivia winners every Tuesday. The game will work by this system until June 3. On that date, the game will take a one week break and will return for the second half of the game on June 12. The game will reach a new level as some game players with low total trivia scores will be eliminated and the 5 finalists decided. Trivia scores will be posted in the SL Insider every Saturday. The second part of the game will focus on the buildup to the grand finale of the MCF mystery. More info on that as this point in the game grows near.

    Now why would anyone want to be a part of this? Well, on June 3, the top 5 trivia players in terms of score will be written into the blog as minor characters during a big event. The portrayers of the characters will be decided by Roman and I but the 5 finalists will be asked for input. The higher your score, the bigger your character's involvement in the event. You will be given the chance to name your character as well. Then, when the game reaches it's end in summer, the overall winner will be revealed in the final Trivia Challenge which will ask the game finalists to reveal their guess for who the MCF is. The overall winner in terms of score will then be able to decide who the character created in their honor will interact with, some of what the character does, and will see their character play a part in a story that will be featured in the aftermath of the VENDETTA event. The winner will also be given a big surprise that will be revealed at the end of the game.


    Also, be on the lookout for more VENDETTA info and story info pertaining to VENDETTA in the VENDETTA blog category. Again, I will post on the main page of the Salem Lives blog and in the SONBC discussion thread whenever new info is on the VENDETTA area so you all can go into the blog and into the category to read it. If you have any questions, please comment in the blog or PM me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I know some may sound complicated here but I think this is fun and a great way to get readers involved in the action. Oh, and a note to readers of Salem Lives who end up not playing the game, YOU CAN STILL BE INVOLVED BY READING THE VENDETTA INFO AND SHORT SCENES IN THE VENDETTA AREA OF THE BLOG. REMEMBER, THE SHORT SCENES ARE BASICALLY SCENES TO FILL IN THE BLANKS LEFT DURING THE NORMAL DAILY EPISODES AND TO HELP THE MYSTERY ALONG FOR EVERYONE, NOT JUST GAME PLAYERS. JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT SO THOSE THAT DON'T PLAY DON'T GET LEFT OUT.

    So, be there when VENDETTA officially begins March 1 and look out for more info on this as we approach the launch date.
  12. PhoenixRising05
    In Bo’s hospital room, Caroline walks over to Bo as he stands at the window looking out. She wants to know the answer to one simple question:

    Caroline: Bo, how much do you remember after the explosion of Victor's limo? Do you remember anything about the violent episodes youd had with Hope in the warehouse and here at the hospital?
    Bo: Ma, I’m just fine, ok? I remember exactly what I told you. And now, it seems like you’re brow beating me because you don’t trust what I’m telling you.
    Caroline: Bo, you listen to me. I just heard your brother admit to me and the family that you and him have been involved in some secret mission against the mafia underworld in Salem. So, please forgive me for bugging you about something that is obviously effecting you seriously enough to land you in the hospital......

    And forgive me for loving you too.

    Kimberly sits outside his room, listening to their conversation. Not only is she not buying his story to their mother, she wonders if he is getting closer to the truth.

    Back inside, Bo responds to his mother.....

    Bo: (Turning to face her) Ma, I appreciate everything you’re trying to do. I’m also sorry that Roman and I had to deceive you. That was not our intention. We were only trying to protect the family.
    Caroline: (Placing her hand on his cheek) Is that what you’re doing now, son? Trying to protect me?
    Bo: (Pausing, taking her hand and kissing her palm) You don’t need protecting. You proved you’re a strong lady, over and over again. (Looking down and then back at her) Let me handle this for right now, ok?
    Caroline: But, Bo.........
    Bo: And (Taking her hand) If I stumble on anything that is important, I promise to tell you before anyone. Deal?
    Caroline: (Pausing, then sighing deeply) Ok. I’ll trust you to do the right thing and let me help you when you need me. And......you better keep that promise.
    Bo: Oh, I will. I’ve seen you when you’re mad.

    Bo kisses Caroline on the cheek and then goes back over to his bed. Kimberly closes the door before she is seen and wheels off uncomfortably, hoping that her and Roman can keep this under wraps before Bo does remember.......and does something foolish.

    -Down in the cafeteria, Doug walks over to Hope, who is sitting on a couch looking out a window in the same direction Bo was looking into. He sits down next to his “princess” and she greets him by saying......

    Hope: Hi, Daddy. How are you?
    Doug: Oh, I’m fine, princess. You look very happy right now. Care to share?
    Hope: Oh, I’m sorry. Must be grinning from ear to ear.
    Doug: (Laughing) Yes, you definitely are.
    Hope: Well, Bo gets out of here today. I’m just so happy that he seems to be getting better. Well.......except for these damn spells and so called nightmares we believe are behind the outbursts he is having.
    Doug: Look, darling. All you can do is be there for him. He loves you more than anything and you know that. With everything you two have been through.......
    Hope: And it’s been a lot.....
    Doug: Yes, it has. He will need you when he feels like opening up.

    Hope takes Doug’s hand and admits to him, in a deep, humble voice.....

    Hope: You know, we were just getting past his mistakes that contributed to Zack’s death and now this. He kept from me and lied about his part in that tragedy now how do I know he hasn’t been lying about his condition after the explosion?
    Doug: Everything you’ve said is true, my dear. But......that’s where trust comes in, you know? Julie and I are going through our own thing right now involving her defending Victor and it has made us say things we shouldn’t have. You have to let him know that as scary as it is for you to do after everything......that you trust him enough to do the right thing.
    Hope: Oh, Daddy. I know you’re right. But, I hate all of this secret keeping between us.
    Doug: Secret keeping? What secret are you keeping from him?

    Hope stops before she answers, trying to think of something fast. She covers by saying.....

    Hope: Oh, it’s just that........I don’t trust him as much as I say I do. I just found out what he and Roman have been doing and that just brings up bad memories from the past, that’s all.
    Doug: (Looking into her eyes) My dear, that comes with the territory. When trust is shaken, it takes just that much longer to get it back. I know.
    Hope: That’s good to know. I just hope......

    Hope then has another flashback of remembering that Chelsea is her daughter and not Billie’s or Bo’s....

    Hope: That I can tell him the truth one day soon. This is killing me. But, like you said, Daddy. It will get better.....in time.
    Doug: Trust that it does, princess.

    Doug takes his little girl in his arms and holds her lovingly, while Hope wonders to herself when the right time will come to let out this secret.

    -Back in Alice’s living room, Alice talks over the recent events with Julie. She asks her about all the shootings and bombings and asks if things have finally calmed down. Julie tells her that she doesn’t think so. Victor may be dead but Stefano is still out there somewhere and Ernesto could rear his head at any moment. She sadly says, walking over to the fireplace, that things may not be quite finished with all of them.

    Alice then says, speaking of being finished.......is her feelings for Victor finally finished for good now that he’s gone? Julie responds, saying that her brief dalliance with him was just one of those things. She just saw where he was coming from by trying to protect his family and friends. The same way Maggie does. Alice reminds her that he ordered for Roman to be shot, among other things. She asks if that is what Julie is talking about?

    Julie says no. She doesn’t mean things like that. She loves Roman and the Brady's dearly. Sitting back down on the couch, she looks at her grandmother, telling her that Doug should also understand about not always doing things on the up and up, seeing as he was a con man. She just says she understands how Maggie feels about him and what he did, that’s all. Julie looks down into her lap as Alice sighs deeply, telling her to be careful with her feelings and reminding her of the really decent and good man she’s been married to for the last 30 years. Julie knows she’s very lucky and will take her words to heart as she takes her grandmother’s hand and pats it lovingly.

    -At The Pub, Lucas sees Maggie walk in and invites her to sit down. When she does, he sympathetically ask her how she’s doing since Victor’s death. She says she is trying her best but she blames herself for his death just like she still feels she’s to blame for Mickey’s tragic death. When asking Maggie if she feels like drinking again, she answers, saying that she feels exactly now like she did then. Lucas, figuring that is she called him to meet with her, takes her hand across the table, telling her that he will always be there for his favorite aunt. After all, he says, Hortons stick together.

    Maggie smiles at him, thanking him for sticking by her. She tells him that she feels a lot more comfortable coming to him than going to the others because she just thinks Doug, Alice and the rest of the family wouldn’t understand. She adds that she is so happy he was released from the hospital. It's good to have him around. Lucas thanks her for that and tells her that she helped him when he was tempted to fall off the wagon and now, it’s time to return the favor. She thanks her nephew once again and tells him that she will try her best to do right, even though she knows...............

    That Victor is still alive, a fact she continues to keep private.

    -Steve is in his hospital room, waiting for Kayla to return with news on his condition. While he lays in his bed, he hears a nurse in the hallway drop a bedpan and the noise triggers another violent memory.....

    .....Of being strapped down once again on a gurney, laying inside a dark room. Steve is struggling against the straps, begging and screaming at the top of his lungs for his captors to......


    Someone leans over him and tells him that they are going to inject him with a special medication, one in order for him to relax. Steve fought and fought as other men held him down and then, as the syringe is put into his arm.......

    Steve jumps up out of the hospital bed, not knowing that Kayla is there, telling him everything will be alright. She reminds him of the Christmas that the two of them walked with Benji on the pier and called himself “Patchy Claus”. Steve’s memory flashes to that and it seems that what Kayla did is working because these memories are cancelling out the horrible memories. Once Steve comes out of it, he’s breathing hard and looks over at Kayla, thanking her for saving him once again. She tells him that she didn’t do anything special. But he disagrees.

    Her love.....

    Their love......is what saw him through once again. It allows him to fight off and overcome whatever was done to him while he was gone all those years. She says that her love for him is timeless and that he can always count on her. He tells her how hard it is for him to feel so damn.......vulnerable. She says she knows. That’s why it took so long for them to get together. He says how sorry he is for that. She tells him to stop that. She had some of the best years of her life with him, even through all of the turmoil and tragedies.

    Which brings up an idea she has. He asks if it will involve shock treatments and she smiles, saying he has nothing to worry about on that end. She tells him that she was talking to a colleague of hers who suggested that since he seems to feel so comfortable with her, even when he’s under the grip of these spells, that they should go on a trip. When Steve looks at her like she lost her mind, she laughs and tells him to hear her out.

    They will go to many of their old haunts. Special places to both of them that could very well help him jog his memory. He looks at her with a lot more confidence but with some worry, asking her if she can handle him if he flips out again and goes all Charlie Manson on her. She is sure she can. The goal is that, if he can trigger his good memories, it may go along way into releasing him from the grip of what has him and he may not only get his memory back, he could put these episodes behind him.

    Steve sits up on the side of his bed, telling her he likes the idea. He takes her hand and says that he is willing to try anything to get back his life.......especially if it is with someone as beautiful and loving as her. Kayla blushes, saying that is the first romantic thing he’s said to her since he returned. Steve just laughs, saying that he’s a regular Clark Gable. She laughs slightly, telling him she will go and make all the arrangements. She kisses him on his cheek and, as she walks out, he looks at her kindly, thankful that he has such a wonderful person who wants to help a guy like him out. He lays back down and stares up at the ceiling.

    -Sami sees Eric walking in the park getting some exercise and races up to catch him. When she reaches him, she asks:

    Sami: Aye, big brother. How are you doing?
    Eric: Oh, just fine. This walking is great. It maybe a little cold but I don’t mind it. Allows me to clear my head.
    Sami: Well, that’s good. As long as you are taking care of yourself and not doing that stupid crap you did last time.
    Eric: No.......MOM (Laughing),.........I’m watching what I do.
    Sami: Speaking of Mom........

    Sami goes and sits on the nearest park bench and, after Eric takes in the way she brung up their mother, he follows her and sits as well. She asks Eric.......

    Sami: Eric, have you seen or noticed anything.......well, wrong......with Mom?
    Eric: What do you mean, sis?
    Sami: Well, she’s been snapping at Belle and me, getting real snort. And, she’s so damn secretive. She gets all defensive if any of us ask her anything about where she was when she had been gone all that time we thought she was dead. On top of the fact......Daddy has even said that she has been acting really weird with him. I was just asking if you saw the same things we have.
    Eric: Well, no. Remember, sis, I was in a hospital room recovering for most of the end of the year into the New Year. I’ve missed all of her recent behavior since she’s returned. What do you think we should do?
    Sami: Keep an eye on her, that’s what. I guess she feels that we are all trying to gang up on her but.....I don’t care. She’s my mom and I love her too much to watch her harm herself......or someone else.
    Eric: You know.....it’s really good to see you like this, sis. I’ve always loved you, even when you did that silly, hateful crap. But now......you are really turning into a splendid person.....

    And one I’m now proud to call sister.

    Sami smiles and then looks away as a tear falls down her face. She tries to wipe it without Eric noticing but he does. He smiles as well, knowing he touched her by his kind words but makes a joke out of it by saying.........

    Eric: Now, if you start that crying, your face might freeze.
    Sami: (Chuckling) Oh really. Well.....what better way for it to freeze......than for your favorite brother to tell you how proud he is of you?
    Eric: (Sitting closer to her) Sis, you keep being the person you are now.....and you’ll never have to worry about my love. Deal?
    Sami: (Pausing) Now that’s a deal. (Wiping her cheek) And Mom?
    Eric: We’ll just have to keep an eye on her....and then tell Dad about what we have found out. But, we keep this between me, you & Belle. No need calling Jonathan and telling him or the rest of the family until we know something concrete, ok?
    Sami: You got it.

    They both then get up and walk in the sunny, cool air towards the water fountain, both silently hoping that their mother will be ok.

    -In a cheap motel room on the outskirts of town, Marlena wakes up with a screaming hangover. She blocks the sunlight coming through the window with her arm and jerks her head away. But, that is the moment when she notices just how bad her head is hurting her. She lays it back down when she notices that she is not alone.

    She has a visitor........and that person is..........

    Marlena: James. What in the funky ass hell are you doing here?!
    James: Well, after almost getting my tail kicked saving you from being the main course at a group thing, I brought you here after you eventually passed out. By the way.....what the hell were you thinking taking your damn clothes off and doing a striptease on top of a bar stool?!
    Marlena: Look, partner. (Getting out of bed) I know what I need to do and when I need to do it....and don’t need any god damn lip from you about what I do in my off hours, got that?
    James: No, it doesn’t work that way, lady. We are a team, remember?

    Marlena gets a cup of coffee that James bought and takes a sip of it. She can barely stand, with her head feeling like the Super Bowl is being played inside of it at that very moment. She then slowly sits back down and says to him.......

    Marlena: Look. All you need to do is stay out of my way. I’m enough of a professional to not mess this up, ok? And I don’t need a damn partner treating me like he’s my father, alright? Nothing gives you that right. Now.....if you don’t mind, I’m going to wash up.

    Marlena slowly walks around the bed and to the doorway of the bathroom but then stops. She turns to James and sexily asks...........

    Marlena: Want to join me?
    James: No, thanks. Just go get yourself cleaned up so we can get out of here.
    Marlena: (Looking him up and down) Suit yourself. (Pausing) Your loss, I guess.......partner.

    When she comes back out, Marlena seems more refreshed. She is already dressed again and prepares to leave. When James gets up out of his chair asking her where she’s going, she tells him that she has unfinished business to attend to, if that is alright with him. He grabs her by her arm, telling her that the next time she wants to be a porn star, he might not be there to save her ass. She responds, saying who does he want to save her fine ass for........him? She laughs as she snatches her arm away from him.

    Then, suddenly, she stops laughing, taking a step forward, and getting in his face. She reminds him that she takes her orders from the big deals and that he would do kindly to remember that before he has more to worry about than that. When James asks if she is threatening him, she responds, saying.....

    Marlena: What in the [!@#$%^&*] do you think?!

    She then picks up her purse, looks back at him, smiles, and then saunters out, leaving James to look at the ceiling, asking.......

    James: How much worse can this thing get?

    The screen freeze frames and then slowly fades to black on his worried expression.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Alan to Carrie: Have you made a decision about the baby?
    Will to Kate: Why don't you just leave my parents alone?
    Austin to Nicole: Are you jealous of Eric?
    Philip to Lucas: Sorry bro, your fired.
    Sami to Belle: I am worried...our mother needs help and fast.
    Marlena (On her cell phone): Don't you there scream at me, you got that?
    James to Renee, James Jr, Jonathan, and Angel: You all have to stay out of this or there is no telling what trouble you will bring.
  13. PhoenixRising05
    -It's a new day in Salem and Greta is walking around Salem Place, carrying quite a few shopping bags. She puts them down and sits on a bench, looking at her wirst watch to check the time. Frankie then comes up behind her and apologizes for running late. He had some cases to finish some legwork on. Greta tells him it's ok.

    Frankie says he was so happy when she called and told him that the idea he had for her panned out. Greta says she is too and now she feels like she doing something that will influence people and somehow make a difference. She hopes to improve society in some way and to change things for the better. Frankie asks her when she starts. She says tomarrow and says she is excited to surprise someone. Frankie says he can't wait to hear about it.

    Greta asks him to stop over tomarrow so he can be there for it. It's bound to be fun. He says he thinks he can spare an hour or so. She is pleased. She then buys them both some coffee and says she is going to propose a toast...to the future. Frankie says he will drink to that and hopes for better things for himself, personally, as well. Of course, he adds, he also wishes things go well for her. Greta says she wishes good things for him too. They both sip their coffee and smile each other.

    -Nicole and Eric walk out of the adoption agency. She is clearly upset and he is comforting her. He tells her it will alright. They will just have to wait. Their dreams can still come true. She tells Eric that they both agreed after what he went through that life is too short. The agency put them on a waiting list that was so long it could take years for them to adopt a child. Not to mention the fact that they have to do background checks on both of them. They will learn she was a porn star and will probably reject them.

    Eric tells her she doesn't know that. Nicole says she does know that because nothing in her life ever works out perfectly.

    Nicole (crying): I thought when we got married that everything would be fine from now on. I thought we would finally get to live the life you and me used to talk about. Finally! I had the happy life I used to read about in fairy tales when I was little. My life has been hell from my father putting me through porn and drugs to my losing you and my marriages from hell to Lucas and Victor. Oh, and then there was Brady, which I botched up. Austin...Austin was something but him and I never went anywhere. All roads came back to you and I truly thought we were meant to be and to live this happy life. I've paid my dues...I've changed and now I can't even have a child of my own. Of course, partly that's Sami''s fault and ...
    Eric: Nicole...
    Nicole: I know. I said I wouldn't blame her but...what are we going to do Eric? This was our last chance. I can't wait months, years, or whatever to adopt a child. I mean, you nearly died already. I could die. Something could happen.
    Eric: Let's not talk like that, ok.
    Nicole: It could happen, though. I don't want to take any chances. I want us to enjoy every moment we have and to live and...
    Eric: We will. Look, I will talk to my mom or dad. They know some people. Maybe they can pull some strings. The Horton's!! They could help too. It's going to be fine.
    Nicole: You think so? I mean, really. You think there is a chance that we won't have to wait?
    Eric: Let's just wait and see. We need to look at everything and see what action we can take.

    Eric's phone then rings. He answers. It's Kate, who tells him she needs him to pick up the new equipment for the photography department and then come to her office to discuss some matters. Eric tells Kate it's a bad time but Kate insists she needs him to get the equipment right now and to meet with her. They don't have time to waste as she wants to end this transition period and get Roberts and Associates up and running.

    Eric reluctantly agrees and says he is on his way. He hangs up and hesistates to say anything to Nicole. She asks who that was. He finally says it was Kate and informs Nicole of what she asked of him. Nicole tells him he can go but she seems rather upset. He tells her that he isn't going to leave her like this. She tells him that all her years of hardships have made her one tough girl. She will be fine. He asks if she is sure. She nods and says she will take a cab or just walk. It's not far to get to their suite. He kisses her and assures her again it will all be ok before leaving.

    After he leaves. Nicole is very upset about what happened with the adoption agency and now with Eric leaving.

    Nicole: I really thought life would get better. Nothing can ever be perfect for me. I gace Highstyle. I gave up my dream job to be with Eric on his deathbed. I finally marry him and think we will be happy and then we can't even have our own child. No child, no job...I can't beleive he is working and not me. He is only a photographer. I was a damn CEO and I can't find one single position. Wait a sec...I know she hates me and I hate her but they say she is trying to turnover a new leaf. Maybe...it's worth a shot I guess. I hate resorting to this but if I can't have a child right now I would be damned if I am going to sit home in domesticity while my husband leaves everyday to work his two-bit job as a photographer.

    Nicole walks off, determined to finally have something go right for her.

    -Jack and Billie are in the cafeteria, waiting for Chelsea and Abby to return from physical therapy. Billie says she wishes that the girls would let them go down with them but Jack thinks it's for the best that they don't. It's too distracting and it may be upsetting for themselves as well.

    Billie tells Jack that all systems are go for her Private Investigation Agency. She has found this great office space downtown and she has went through all the proper channels. She is pretty much ready to go and could be in business by the middle of next month. Jack is pleased for her.

    Jack updates Billie on "The Spectator" situation and tells her they have a new owner, who will also serve as editor in cheif. Billie asks if he knows who it is. Jack says he has no clue but is supposed to meet the person tomarrow. All he knows is he will miss Vern and Harold but he knows they are off leading happy lives. He also adds that they have this new intern named James McClure, Jr. Billie says she knows of that family and remembers that Caroline knows them well. They go to St. Luke's and struggle financially. She also remembers that the father of the children was in jail for quite some time. She heard he is out though.

    Jack says he knows all that and feels horrible. He adds that James Jr is so nice and a hard worker. He is a quick study and has journalism in his blood. He is very inquisitive too and has a nose for news. Billie laughs and asks Jack sarcastically if he is just like him. Jack laughs sarcastically back. They are then told by a nurse that their daughters are finished and they can go see them.

    Billie tells Jack as they get up that she feels like she is finally moving forward with her life. Jacks says he feels the same and it's all thanks to her. She gave him the push he needed to go back to work and get back to living again after Jennifer died. He doesn't know where he would be without her. Billie says she feels the same. The last few months with their daughters and all has been tough but she is grateful she had him to help her through it. They then walk off arm in arm to see their daughters.

    -Down in the physical therapy room, Abby and Chelsea continue to struggle. They begin to get frustrated with their lack of progress and start to lose hope. The doctor tells them both repeatedly to keep the faith.

    Meanwhile, Max is on his way down to watch Abby and Chelsea from afar. He is tempted to see how they are doing but doesn't want to distract them so he watches from a good distance. Cassie comes down in the elevator and sees him. She taps his shoulder and they greet each other. He asks how she is since he hasn't had a chance to talk to her in a bit. She says she is just great and asks how he is. He tells her he would be better if both Abby and Chelsea were better.

    Max tells Cassie he still blames himself for Abby and Chelsea going down the wrong path. It led to their accident and all this. Cassie comforts him, saying he can't blame himself. She promises it will all work out for the best and that she is sure that things will get better for him and everyone. He asks her how she is so sure. She smiles and flashes back to learning she is pregnant with his child. The flashbacks ends and she tells Max she just knows it will and has faith.

    Max goes to get a soda. The doctor is through with both Abby and Chelsea and goes to call upstairs to get someone to help him bring the girls back to their rooms. Cassie sneaks in as the girls are talking. Both Abby and Chelsea are upset and ask Cassie why she has returned. Cassie says she just wanted to wish them both well and to not put so much pressure on themselves. People will take pity on them cripple and they both might have a better chance of landing a man and keeping him being handicapped.

    Both girls are angry. Chelsea calls her a slut. Cassie warns her to watch how she talk to her or she will really have a reason to hate her. Abby tells Chelsea that Cassie is just jealous because she has no one and Chelsea and herself have people who love and care for them. They are both getting their lives together and Cassie is all alone, no longer a member of the Brady and Robert's families. She is all alone. Csssie gets defensive and tells them both she will have it all and all they will have is broken hearts and immobile limbs.

    Cassie walks off. The doctor returns with a nurse and Max. Max asks how Abby and Chelsea did. The doctor says that it's going to take time but he is still hopeful. Abby and Chelsea aren't as positive. Max tells both girls to keep the faith and keep praying. It's not hopeless yet. Meanwhile, Cassie listens and watches nearby. She tells herself that soon she will drop the bombshell and Abby and Max will be no more. She looks at Chelsea and remembers that she knows all her little secrets. She smiles and says she thinks she knows how she can use those secrets to her advantage.

    -Kate is in the Basic Black office space, which is being renovated and has a new sign designating the space as "Roberts & Associates." Joelle tells Kate that Austin called in and says he will be in latter today. Kate thanks her.

    Nicole walk in and tells Kate she needs to talk to her. She tells her she never thought she would resort to this but she needs a job and can't just rely on Eric. She hopes that what she hears is true and that Kate is turning over a new leaf and will be willing to put their differences aside to be professional. She urges Kate to remember her qualifications and accomplishments and says that she has the skills to be an asset to any company. It would be to Kate's benefit to hire her. Kate laughs uncontrollably and says:

    Kate: Did you really think you could come in here after everything that has went on between us and ask me for a job? Please...don't make me laugh too hard. I had a heavy lunch.
    Nicole: I'm not kidding. Look I don't have a resume on me but my qualifications speak from themself.
    Kate: Oh, they certainly do.
    Nicole: Kate, I know you hate me. I don't like you either. I just know that you have been saying you are trying to change and I just thought why not start fresh? You know, maybe we can just be business associates. We don't have to like each other. Just get along enough to work to...
    Kate: Oh please, stop!! I never thought I would see the day where I would see you begging. I mean...what, did you think I would feel bad for you and hand you a job? Remember when I lost everything and Victor kicked me out on the streets? You took pleasure and kicking me when I was down. You and Victor took pleasure in watching me suffer. You took my position, both in the company and in Victor's life, right out from under me. Now the shoe is on the other foot, only nowhere near as bad as my situation was. You have a husband, who I employ, and are part of the Brady family. People say you've changed. Go immerse yourself in all that. Don't come to me begging for a position after you spit on me when I was the one struggling.
    Nicole: You haven't changed one bit. Turn over a new leaf, my ass. Your still the same cold-hearted [!@#$%^&*] you always have been.
    Kate: Yeah...well, that is your opinion. I don't have time for this. I have a company to get up and running so if you would kindly get out...or, I can just have security kick you out.
    Nicole: Fine. I'm going. Oh, and remember...karma's a [!@#$%^&*]. Maybe I am getting paid back right now for how I treated you when you needed help but, sooner or later, the cycle will come back around to you. It will pay you back for what you just did to me. I would be very careful, Kate.

    Kate turns and looks at her, coldly, as she leaves. Nicole then bumps into Eric on her way out. He asks what she is doing there. She tries to avoid the issue but he asks repeatedly so she fills him in and he apologizes for what happened with Kate. He wonders if maybe he should just quit. She tells him no, they need an incole. They can live off the money they saved from her job at Highstyle and his various photography jobs.

    He asks her if she is upset that he is working and she isn't, especially given she gave her Highstyle to be by his side. She tell him she is fine. He kisses her and assures her again that everything will be fine. While they embrace, Nicole is clearly frustrated and upset and holds it in by simply agreeing with Eric's words of encouragement.

    -Katherine and Cal are eating breakfast in their cabin. Everything is silent until Katherine asks him if everything is ok. Cal says he is fine. Katherine says she has noticed he seems very happy the last few days and doesn't even seem to care that they have made no progress at all since his first memory flash on New Year's night. He says that remembering his past will happen if it's meant to. It's not too concerning for him anymore.

    Katherine is stunned and asks why he feels that way. He was so determined before to recover his life and remember the past. Cal says he still wonders what effect the memories will have on him. He knows that he was a bad person but he doesn't remember it. He doesn't want all the people he grew to love and care about as Roman Brady to hate him. Plus, he says he doesn't care about the past anymore. Only the future and...her.

    Katherine reminds him of the promise they made to keep things strictly to a doctor/patient relationship. Cal smiles and says he remembers and he will hold to that promise. Katherine warns him he better not be lying. He says he isn't but, secretly, has his fingers crossed under the table.

    Katherine encourages him not to give up on remembering his past. She will be there with him every step of the way to make sure whatever effects the memories have on him are under control. The people he grew to love and care for would never hate him. What he did as Cal is in the past. Even if and when he remembers, what he went through being Roman may have changed him even though he wasn't living as Cal Winters. She tells him to just have faith in himself and those he cares about and everything will be fine. Cal says he is happy she is his doctor and that she is in his life. He doesn't know where he would be without her. He was lost until she showed up. Katherine tells him she is just doing her job.

    Meanwhile, outside, someone watches cal and Katherine from the bushes and shrubbery outside. The camera pans up to reveal....

    The MCF!!!

    The MCF watches the both of them from outside, Inside, Cal can't help feeling like he is being watched but chalks it up to his imagination. Katherine jokes that it must be a mountain bear or something and he has a fetish for Cal. Cal laughs and tells her to be quiet and help him clear the table. They laughter between the two of them can be heard outside by the MCF. The camera pans down to reveal the figure holding an envelope saying...



    The MCF holds this in his hand as the screen fades to black.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Caroline to Bo (as Kim listens outside): Are you sure you don't remember anything?
    Hope to Doug: How much more am I going to have to deal with, daddy?
    Kayla to Steve: I think I have an idea that may help.
    Alice to Julie: Do you feel closer to Victor then you are saying?
    Maggie to Lucas: I just can't stop thinking about it. I want it...I want a drink.
    Sami to Eric: Our mom needs our help. We need to find her and get her some help...before it's too late.
    Marlena to James: Don't worry. Nothing will stand in my way from doing what I have to do.

  14. PhoenixRising05
    At the Horton house. Doug is sitting with Alice while Julie comforts Maggie upstairs. Doug tells Alice they have no idea why Maggie was outside and what caused her to breakdown like that. She seemed much clamer earlier. Alice thinks Maggie just went outside for some air and was thinking about Victor's "death." Doug thinks that may have been it.

    Alice asks if things are back on track with him and Julie. Doug smiles and says they just agreed to disagree and decided not to bring the subject of Victor up. Alice asks Doug point blank if he is jealous of Victor because Julie and him had a brief fling while he was away from Salem. Doug says the way he feels about Victor has nothing to do with that. He thinks that Julie was wrong to encourage Maggie's friendship with Victor. It helped push them closer and she fell for him. Now she is falling apart from loss all over again and could turn back to the bottle, just like after Mickey died.

    Alice says that Maggie is strong and this time she isn't pushing her family away so they will help her get through this. Doug isn't so sure. Alice tells him to have faith. She reminds Doug of his past and how Bill first met him in prison. Doug turns away in shame, saying those were different times. Alice says it doesn't matter. He was once a con artist. Victor may do worst but Doug did some bad things too. Everyone has a dark side. It all depends on how much a person let's that dark side consume them.

    Doug thinks that Victor is a bad influence and is glad he is gone. He just can't understand why Julie and Maggie could look past the war he started and all his crimes. Alice says it's all about seeing the good in people. There is good in everyone. She reminds Doug that Victor was a changed man for years. He was still underhanded but was nowhere near what he is now. He could always revert back to the changed man he was after Isabella died. Doug doesn't think so and says it's a non-issue now. He is gone and never coming back.

    Meanwhile, upstairs, Julie is embracing Maggie. She asks her again why she was outside and what caused her to breakdown again. She was much calmer when they arrived at the house from the hospital. Maggie remembers saying goodbye to Victor and is about to tell Julie what has happened but stops herself, telling herself she can't blow Victor's cover even if Julie is much more supportive of Victor then others. She can't risk it. She tells Julie she was outside getting some air and was thinking about Victor.

    Julie tells her it's going to be ok. She gets up to get her some water. There is a magazine by Maggie's bed and it's turned to a page with a liquor ad on it. Maggie notices it and begins to stare at the ad. Her eyes are fixated on it when Julie returns with some water. Julie shakes her head and tells Maggie she doesn't need what is in that ad. She is a strong woman. A Horton. Mickey and Victor would not want her to fall off the wagon again.

    Maggie turns towards Julie and says she is right. It's just hard. The temptation is so great right now. Julie asks if she has been attending AA meetings. Maggie says she has but not lately. With all the happenings at the ball and all, she hasn't had time. Julie thinks she should call Lucas but Maggie says they shouldn't wake him. He is being released tomarrow from the hospital and there is no need. She is fine. Julie tells her not to shut her family and friends out this time and to remember they are all there for her. She says she knows. They embrace as Maggie secretly looks at the liquor ad in the magazine, clearly interested in what she is seeing.

    -Kayla asks Steve what he remembers. He says he remembered what she just told him-the time she tended to him when he was hurt and she saw what was under his patch for the first time. She is overjoyed. Steve calms her, saying it's nothing to be excited about. Kayla says it's a start and it's the first time he had an actual memory flash, except for the painful memories that have caused him to have outbursts.

    Jack enters to check on Steve and Kayla fills him in on what is going on. Jack smiles and says that's great. He is happy to hear Steve remembered something. Steve just wishes he could stop the outbursts from happening but the memories are so strong. The only time he seems to get a handle on them is with Kayla around. As soon as he sees her, he is able to fight the effects off. Jack smiles and says it must be because he is looking at the love of his life, even though he doesn't remember her. It's the kind of stength he used to get when he looked at Jennifer. She inspired him and there were times where he drew all his strength from her and their love and he did some things he never thought he could.

    Steve says he knows what Jack means. These episodes tear him apart but somehow Kayla gives him the strength to control them and beat them. Kayla asks him what he is saying. He says he needs her and that she is the key to him beating this thing. Kayla think the sedatives help too as they calm him but Steve mentions how he was able to handle the effects of the memories much better when she was with him like at the ball and the past few times at the hospital. Even though he only has one memory of her, the connection is still there. Somehow he has always felt it since they came face to face in Sydney and now it's what is helping him control whatever the hell these memories do to him.

    Jack smiles and tells Kayla that it looks like she will just have to be by Steve's side alot from now. Kayla says she will do what she must to help him. She promises Steve that she will be by his side and help him get through this. Jack says the same. Steve looks at Kayla and admits that he feels this strange sensation when he is around her. Like he can do anything. Kayla smiles and says that she feels like her husband is slowly coming back to her. He seems like he is beginning to remember. Steve just wishes the painful memories didn't come with it so they didn't have to deal with this. Kayla promises they will deal with it and it will all work out. They will have a happy life and future. She promises him.

    -Dr. Glancy is examining Bo and tells Caroline and Hope that he seems fine. His blood pressure and heart rate are normal now. They will keep him overnight for observation, though. He leaves. Billie arrives, saying she heard the good news from a nurse outside. Caroline tells Bo that she is happy he is ok. She only wishes that he and his brother did not lie to all of them. Bo realizes that the truth is out and apologizes. He was only doing what he had to do. Roman and Shane needed him. Billie is confused and asks what is going on.

    Hope and Caroline fill her in on the ISA operation and how everything was a setup. Billie smacks Bo with her purse and says she understands why he did it but still is mad because of what he put them all through. Bo apologizes again. A nurse then comes in to check something and asks if Hope, Billie, and Caroline would step outside. They agree and go for a walk.

    While walking, Hope explains to them how Bo said he remembers nothing about his outburst at the warehouse. His last memory is of the explosion that killed Victor. He doesn't remember what caused him to react so violently at the warehouse or the hospital. She is very concerned, as are Caroline and Billie. Billie wonders if he could be lying to them but Hope wonders why he would. Meanwhile, Kimberly is overhearing all this and decides to wheel herself to Bo's room to check for herself.

    Kimberly arrives in Bo's room just as the nurse is leaving. Bo is happy to see her and tells her not to lecture him. He knows she is pissed about the ISA operation. Kim says they can talk about that later. She begins to ask him questions about what happened after the explosion that killed Victor. Bo claims he doesn't remember. Kim asks if he was thinking about something upsetting. She fills him in on the violent outburst he had with Hope at the warehouse and at the hospital. She wonders why he had them.

    Bo says he remembers none of that happening and asks Kimberly why she seems so worried about it. She is almost in a panic of sorts. She says she is just worried about him and that they are all concerned he has no recollection of anything after the explosion. Bo says he hit his head during the explosion while falling down to shield himself and Hope. That may have something to do with it. Kim agrees it might. Hope, Caroline, and Billie return. Caroline hugs him, saying she is happy he is alright and says she is hopeful that things will get better now for all of them. Kim looks on and can't shake the feeling Bo is hiding something. She wonders why he would. At the same time, Bo tells himself that he has to lie. He needs to deal with whatever these memories are on his own until he knows what they mean and what they have to do with.

    -Back at the Cheatin Heart, James reaches out for Marlena. He grabs her arm and says they need to go. The man that threatened James earlier tells him to back off and leave the lady alone. Marlena smiles and turns back toward the men. She begins dancing wildly with them again. James is fed up and is worried about Marlena and him being seen. He then sees two men begin to fight over her. The fight turns violent as fists fly. The whole bar breaks out into a brawl. James gets in the middle and manages to pul Marlena out. She gets a kick out of all the fighting over her and doesn't want to leave.

    James slings her over his shoulder and carries her off, kicking and screaming. They exit the bar. Outside, she demands he put her down. He does and she claims to be dizzy and sick. James says she probably partied and drank too much. Marlena shakes her head, saying she was fine until he carried her out of the bar. She tries to walk past him into the bar but he stops her. She demands he let her pass. He refuses. Marlena tries to fight her way past him but then stops. She holds her mouth and turns around. James asks if she is ok. She then bends over and vomits.

    James pats her on the back, saying it's ok and encouraging her to let it out. Marlena irrationally blames this on him for making her dizzy while carrying her. James blames it on her drinking and partying. Once she stops, she says she needs to get cleaned up so she can go back in the bar. James won't let her through. She tries to fight him again and then falls back, holding her head. James asks if she is ok. She starts to say she is fine but passes out halfway through the sentence and lands in James's arms.

    -Belle is leaving her father's hospital room when a nurse walks up to her, saying her husband wants to see her. Belle is afraid to see him after what happened the last time. She flashes back to the last visit she had with him. The nurse says that she is under strict orders to make sure Belle sees her husband immediately. Belle reluctantly agrees, realizing that Philip either threatened the nurse or bought her off.

    She arrives in his room and hesistates before going on. The nurse tells her she must go in or else. Belle asks her what she means by "or else." The nurse is silent and then tells her that her husband would not be happy and that can't be good. Belle takes a deep breath and slowly enters the room. It's all dark. The nurse leaves and closes the door behind her. Belle calls out Philip's name. There is no response. She is stunned to see no one in the bed. She then looks into the corner and sees someone sitting in the chair. It's Philip!!

    Philip: Wow...nice to see you, my beloved wife.
    Belle: Surely you didn't expect me to come back here after the last time.
    Philip: My father is dead, Belle.
    Belle: I know. I heard.
    Philip: Oh, really. Tell me, Izzy. How do you think it feels to find out that your father was killed from a nurse? A NURSE!!!
    Belle: Well, I...
    Philip: Bad, Belle. Really bad. Especially bad when you know that everyone else is in the know but you. You all were in the ER waiting for word on Bo but no one had the common courtesy to come to me and tell me that my father is dead!!!
    Belle: Alot was going on and...
    Philip: NO!!! No more excuses. There is always an excuse with you...with everyone. I don't accept excuses anymore!!
    Belle: Philip, I'm sorry about your father.
    Philip: No. No your not. You hated him. You hated what he did to your family...to your father. save me the pity and save me the lies!!! I am not the stupid, naive Philip I once was. I am a new man, especially now. All of Salem will know that soon. They will feel my presence full force.
    Belle: What are you talking about?
    Philip: My father is dead, Belle. I am his heir. Titan and the whole Kiriakis empire is mine. The power is mine. It's funny because I had asked my father when we first got back to give me more responsibility. More of a role in his dealings. Now, I control them. I control everything.

    Philip looks at a trembling Belle.

    Philip: What? Nothing to say.
    Belle: Uh...
    Philip: Fear...your scared of me. You should be. All of Salem should be. I have it all. The name, the power....it's mine.
    Belle: You don't seem to broken-hearted about your father. You seem almost happy.
    Philip: Oh, I loved my father. I did and still do but one thing he taught me is you take advantage of what you are given and I plan to do that. His death makes me one of the richest, most powerful men in the world.
    Belle: I don't have time to sit here and watch you glorify yourself. I am outta...

    Philip gets up and grabs Belle, holding her close to him. He turns her around and holds her close to his face, saying:

    Philip: Your not going nowhere. Don't you understand? You do what I tell you to do, Mrs. Kiriakis. You better not cross me or you will face the wrath of the new head of the Kiriakis empire...me...


    Belle then pushes him off her, sending him falling to the floor. Belle races out in tears. Philip picks himself up, laughing. He then walks outside his room and watches her run down the hall. He continues to laugh and smiles an evil grin as the screen fades out.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Frankie to Greta: What are we celebrating?
    Greta to Frankie: The future.
    Billie to Jack: I feel like I am finally moving forward.
    Jack to Billie: So do I. Thanks to you.
    Nicole to Eric: What are we going to do? The life we wanted...we are never going to have that.
    Cal to Katherine: I don't even care about the past. I only care about the future...and you.
    Cassie to Abby and Chelsea: I will have it all and all you two will have is broken hearts and immobile limbs.
  15. PhoenixRising05
    WEEK OF 1/22/07 EDITION


    Interviewer: Hello, Deidre. How are you?
    Deidre Hall: Hi there. I'm great. It's great to be back to work.

    I: I can imagine. This is a nice way to go into the first question. How did your exit last summer come about and did you always know you would return?
    DH: Well, when the new writing regime started in May of last year, new EP/HW Tim Lowery called me in about a week after he took the job. He told me that they had plans to kill Marlena off for an extended period of time. They felt the character needed to be rested and they asked how I felt. Strangely, I agreed. I felt the Marlena I had been playing since the SSK story in 2003 was not the Marlena the fans want. She was being destroyed little by little. Once I was told that they wanted to rest the character to give the fans time to digest and then bring her back at some point, I was on board because I think it was the best way to create interest and investment in the character again. I always knew I was coming back. They told me I would be back for the Christmas show so I knew it would be a tear-jerker. The return was amazing and so well-written. This regime has been great for all of us and they know the characters so well. They are dedicated to telling great stories but not at the expense of the characters.

    I: EP/HW Tim Lowery told us when you left that he knew you would be back but wasn't sure if the character of Marlena would be back. Did he ever relay that to you?
    DH: I saw that and that could be a number of things. We both agree that the character needs attention and to be repaired. However, he has this great story to tell and it's all top-secret. Is this person we are seeing Marlena? Is she ill? Those are the questions fans are asking and they should be. That comment could've been setting up the story we have now or just saying that the character would change and become, in a way, the old "new" Marlena. We want to bring back the essence of the character, that is if this is Marlena and she is in her right mind.

    I: Tell us about your final scenes. How on earth could Marlena survive that fall into the volcano in July?
    DH: I have no clue. It will be explained along with where Marlena was. Everything will be answered. It's hilarious because those final weeks were surreal. I had played the posession and Salem Stalker/SSK story but the way I had to play Marlena the final 2 and a half months was so different. She was completely out of her mind and evil. It was fun because supernatural or strange reasons were the not the cause of her behavior. It was everything she had been through and it was manipulation and mind control somewhat. There was no brain chip. It was realistic. I loved when they had be blowing up the plane on Morgan Island with so many beloved character on it. That scene reminded me of the posession story when I had to play Marlena throwing her hands in the air after setting St. Luke's in fire. They gave me so much great material to play. I was strangling my daughter, had some great one liners...the scenes I had with Stefano were great. The scenes between me and Drake (Hogestyn, John/Roman), as well as Martha (Madison, Belle) and Ali (Sweeney, Sami) on the volcano before Marlena's "demise" was some of the best writing I ever have had. Those scenes were so emotional . The struggle and angst...John fighting for Marlena to come back to him. The real Marlena. Marlena children being there...wow. At the time, I said what an exit. It couldn't be better.

    I: What did you think of turning John into Roman again?
    DH: I was fine with it. That was one of the reasons why they wanted me off for a bit, not that I minded the vacation time (laughs). They wanted to focus on Roman reclaiming his life on his own before bringing Marlena back into the fold. Marlena's "death" pushed alot of story forward so that is why they did it, primarily. I think it's great and they covered every angle. They reall paid attention to detail from changing Brady's name, to the effect it had on Belle and Shawn, and to the Roman/Sami dynamic. The whole change was handled with care and thought. That is all you can ask for.

    I: Back to your story, can you give us any hints to what is up with Marlena? Yesterday's episode was wild for her!!
    DH: Yes and the bar scenes were so much fun. I felt like I did when I played Hattle in 2004. It was fun and it's been fun since returning. When I first came back to tape my first show back, I thought everything was fine. Marlena was back and she seemed normal but, two episodes later, they are throwing weird hints out there. She is forgetting things, aggressive in the bedroom, snapping at her children, trying to kill Roman...I just said wow. The bar scenes really put it over the top. It was like 'Marlena gone wild" (laughs) I am playing it like she could do anything at any moment. I was happy they had her be remorseful after nearly smothering Roman. I was hoping they would show that side of her as she had been mean and snippy for a bit. I have no idea what is really going on as it's top secret but it's fun taking chances playing her right now. I can't wait to find out what it is.

    I: Could it be something to do with her deceased sister, Samantha? It seems like her moods change...almost like she becomes a different person at times.
    DH: Yes and that is why they told me to play her as being all over the place. We want the fans to guess at it and to think it's one thing and then throw them a curve and make them think differently. Before falling into the volcano, we know that she had emotional issues stemming from her past and that those issues were used to manipulate her. I think it could have alot to do with that. I mean, she was nuts before falling into the volcano so she could be nuts now (laughs). Or, it may not be Marlena at all? (laughs)

    I: How is it working with Roscoe Born (James)?
    DH: Lovely. What a great actor and loving man. I knew of his work and he is even more impressive seeing him work everyday. He has such great work ethic. They really kept his involvement with my character under wraps and the connection is still not really known. It's fun and I can promise that Marlena and James will interact much more.

    I: We have to say goodbye now but, before we do, we want to thank you for joining us and we can end this with any hints you can give us to your story. Have any spoilers?
    DH: Thanks for having me again. It was lovely. Well, my story is top secret. All I can say is that sweeps will be amazing and everything after that will be as well. It's really looking to be a great year for us so stick with us and enjoy!!



    Christie Clark and Paul Kersey (Carrie Brady and Alan Harris): Both actors will return this week after making limited appearances in the past two months. Sources say to expect them to be heavily involved in story, especially during February sweeps.

    Joseph Mascolo and Renee Jones (Stefano Dimera and Lexie Carver): Mascolo, who last appeared on January 4 and Jones, who last appeared in December, will return to the canvas full time next month.

    Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault): The recurring actress is back taping once again so expect her to be turning up again very soon.


    John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis): Aniston will be off the canvas for a brief hiatus. Sources say he will return by mid-February.

    Previews and Peeks into Week of 1/22/07

    -Steve comes to a surprising conclusion.
    -Victor confesses his feelings to Maggie.
    -Maggie falls apart.
    -Kimberly seeks out Roman's help.
    -James gets dragged into Marlena's 'Wild ride."
    -Bo wakes up.
    -Eric and Nicole get bad news.
    -Billie takes a big step.
    -Greta and Frankie celebrate.
    -Cassie taunts Abby and Chelsea, who begin to lose hope.
    -Kayla and Steve prepare to go on a journey.
    -James issues warnings to his family
    -Bo and Hope are keeping secrets from each other.
    -Carrie makes a decision about her baby.

    Next Week: Sami tells Will about her rape. Carrie goes into labor. Shane is ready to tell the truth. Cassie drops two bombshells. Jack has a new boss. Maggie returns to old habits. A shocking truth about Marlena and James is revealed. Sami and Lucas commit to each other. -Bo begins to piece together his memories.
  16. PhoenixRising05
    -In th backyard of the Horton House, Maggie comes to and is convinced she was dreaming. There is no way she saw Victor. She then sits up and finds herself staring right into the eyes of Victor, who is sitting right next to her. She is about to scream but he covers her mouth and hushes her.

    She apologizes. They stand up and share a warm embrace. She asks how this is possible. Victor explains that he knew the SPD and crew were on to him. He knows it was this MCF that tipped them off and tipped Hope off to where they were in the warehouse district as well. His people reported seeing the MCF lurking about and they tried to track the person to make sure they didn't interfere but they lost him near the pier. They just assumed the MCF was out of the area but the person must have come back and tipped the SPD and Hope off to Bo and his whereabouts.

    Anyways, Victor explains how he and Nico used the other limo knowing full well that Bo knew he was in the other. He hated putting Bo in that situation but he had to set Bo up to be outside. He knew he would see Hope somehow as Nico told him she was near and, this way, Bo would tell Hope that the limo that exploded was Victor's. Everyone would think he was dead as Bo is working for him and they would take his word for it.

    Victor also explains that the people inside the limo who exploded were mercenaries and agreed to die for the cause. The limo was rigged to explode once it was shot at. It was all a setup. Maggie is pleased he is ok and embraces him again. She vows to help him get out of the mess he is in, saying there is no need for him to run. Victor looks down and then tells Maggie they need to talk. He doesn't have much time and he says they must say goodbye.

    -Hope is by Bo's side at the hospital. She begs him to come back to them and wake up. She tells him she knows about the ISA operation and she apologizes for actually belieiving he did what it appeared he did. It all seemed real but it was no excuse. They have alot trust issues to work out but she knows they can do it together.

    Caroline arrives and asks how Bo is doing. Hope says there is no change. They continue to speculate as to what is going on with him. Hope thinks they can rule out brainwashing as he was undercover working for Victor. Caroline then wonders what could be causing her son's outbursts and condition. Hope shakes her head, saying she has no clue.

    -James is down walking by the pier, worried about what he is involved in and what effect it may have on his family. He is frustrated as he wishes there was a way out but the consequences may be too dire if he was to back out now. He decides to go to the Cheatin Heart to have a drink and take the edge off.

    Meanwhile, at the Cheatin Heart, Marlena continues to dance on the bar. She then throws herself right into the arms of a man, who is holding his arms out to catch her. She smiles at him as well as the many other men who have surrounded her and are fixated on her. Marlena, soaking up all the attention, tells all the men there is enough of her to go around.

    James then walks in and is stunned when he sees Marlena in the arms of one man and surrounded by a bunch of others. James notices some of the men getting quite rowdy. The bartender is worried about a brawl breaking out and warns some of the men to calm down. James realizes that Marlena may be in trouble and that he needs to get her out of the bar now before a brawl breaks out over her.

    -Kimberly and Roman continue to discuss the situation with Bo in Roman's hospital room.

    Roman: I can't believe this. After all these years, he may be remembering.
    Kim: What are we going to do? You know what could happen if he is indeed remembering. Not to mention what the rest of the family will think! There are enough secrets and lies to deal with. Our family has been through so much in the last year, Roman, and I'm not sure it can withstand this if the truth comes out.
    Roman: Kim...calm yourself. We will figure out a way to deal with this.
    Kim: How! We can't stop him from remembering. Oh my...imagine what ma will think. She has been through so much...Roman, how will she forgive us? How will anyone? We kept this hidden for years.
    Roman: We did what we thought was best for Bo and the family. Things would not have turned out how they did if we didn't. I would do it all over again.
    Kim: I guess I would too but I stil regret not involving the rest of the family. At least, then, we only had to deal with Bo finding out and we all could've came together as a family to support him and help him through this.
    Roman: Kim, look, it's going to be fine. We will think of something. If Bo does remember and the truth comes out, we will just have to handle it and hope for the best. I think our options are limited as to what we can do to stop it from happening now.
    Kim: Then God help Bo and are family because I am so afraid that this will destroy what is left of our family.

    -Steve is in his room, tossing and turning. We then see he is having yet another memory flash, only this time it's choppy and the flashes are running through his mind fast. We see Steve in a dark room once again, trying to force himself out of the restraints he is in on a gurney. He is screaming to be let go but some men in the white coats surrounding him are holding him down while two other white-coated men are preparing a syringe.

    Steve: NO!!! LET ME OUT OF THIS!! ARGHHH!!

    Steve's eyes then grow wife with fear and nervous curiosity as he sees the two men coming at him with a syringe.


    The men stand by him and prepare to inject him as the restaints and the rest of the white-coated men are holding Steve down to the gurney.


    Steve is injected.

    Steve: AAAAAHHHH...ARGHHHH!!!!

    Kayla races into Steve's room. She tries to wake him up as he continues to toss and turn.

    -Back at the Cheatin Heart, James approaches the large crowd of men surrounding Marlena. He excuses himself and makes hi way through. He pulls Marlena out of the crowd as all the men moan and groan. Marlena turns around and realizes that James is who pulled her out of the crowd of men.

    Marlena: Jimmy boy!! What are you doing here?
    James: Oh...(waving his hand to keep the smell of her breath away) your drunk.
    Marlena: Maybe...(laughing) so, why did you have to take me away from my boys? (raises her shot glass as the crowd of men raises their glasses in response to her doing so)
    James: Come on, we need to get you out of here before you tease anymore men and cause trouble.
    Marlena: Oh, but I love trouble.
    James: I can see that.
    Marlena: Jimmy boy, you need to lighten up. Just trying to loosen up and have fun. You and I are under so much pressure. A night of good times won't hurt anyone.
    James: It will if the wrong people see you. Now, come on. Let's go!
    Marlena: Aww...you want me all for yourself. It's not nice to share...right boys?

    A man then walks up, pulling Marlena away from James:

    Man: Hey, if the lady wants to stick around and party who are you to tell her she can't?
    James: Look, I don't want no trouble. I just want to leave with my friend, ok?
    Man: Miss, do you want to leave with this guy?
    Marlena: Hmm...well, he is cute in a way but...no. I don't want to leave right now. I'm just getting warmed up, baby!!
    James: Marlena...(reaches for her arm)
    Man: (grabs James by the shirt) The lady said she doesn't want to leave. Now, leave her alone or deal with me.

    James look at Marlena then at the man, wondering how to get Marlena and himself out of this situation.

    -Kayla begs Steve to wake up but he won't wake as he is still caught up in his memories. Kayla is about to call for help when Steve grabs her arm and pulls her close to him. Kayla tries to calm him by caressing his forehead and hair and telling him she is there for him. She assures him she will never leave him and they will get through this, just like they have gotten through so much in the past. He just needs to trust her.

    She then tells him of the time that she tended to him while injured and she saw what was under his patch for the first time. He was reluctant but he trusted her then and that was the beginning of building the trust they had for each other. She tells Steve to listen to her and to wake up. She begs him to have faith in her and to trust her to help him get through this.

    Steve's tossing and turning stops, along with his screaming and moaning. We then see Steve have a brief flashback of the memory Kayla was just describing where she tended to him and took off his patch to treat him. Steve's eyes flutter open as he quitly murmurs "I remember." Kayla looks on, stunned and overjoyed when she hears him say that.

    -Roman continues to assure KIm they will get through this and hope for the best. It's really all they can do. Kim says she needs to get going and again lectures Roman about the ISA operation and what he put them all through. He apologizes again but says it was necessary if they are going to keep Salem safe. They still have much work to do, though. Kim nods and says she will have to talk to Shane too about his role in Roman and Bo's operation.

    Roman urges her not to tear Shane apart. They all had good intentions. She shrugs and says she agrees in a way but, the way it went down, wasn't good for any of them. Roman says he's sorry and says he will work to make it up to everyone. As Kim leaves, Roman tells her again that everything will be alright. Kim says she hopes and prays he's right.

    -Hope and Caroline are by Bo's side when his eyes slowly open. They are both overjoyed. Hope asks Bo how he is feeling as Caroline goes to get the doctor. He says he has a killer headache but is fine. She asks if he remembers what happened at the warehouse and what caused him to lash out and have the violent outbursts he did. Bo flashes back to what happened and to having the memory flashes and visions he has been having.

    Hope is waiting for an answer. Bo tells Hope he remembers nothing, not wanting to get Hope involved at the moment since he has no idea what these visions or memories are about nor does he know whether they are visions or memories. The last thing he remembers is Victor's limo exploding. Hope is stunned and asks if he is sure. Bo nods and says he is, trying to be as convincing as possible so she doesn't know he is holding something back.

    -In the Horton House, Alice is up late watching the 11:00 news. Julie comes down with Doug. Alice asks what they are doing up as she beleived they were turning in early. Julie says she went to check on Maggie and she is not in the bedroom. She's gone!!

    Meanwhile, outside in the Horton backyard, Maggie and Victor continue their discussion.

    Maggie: Goodbye. No!! Your not still running.
    Victor: I am afraid I am. I must. I can't stop now. I must finish what I started or things will just get worse. I can't accomplish what I hope to if I am in jail. I need to lie low and bide my time until things are settled.
    Maggie: Victor...I can help you. I' m a Horton. Mickey knew some good lawyers. I can look them up. Julie and I will support you and that will carry some clout in Salem because of our family. We can work it out. You can stay!!
    Victor: Maggie, I can't. I have the perfect opportunity here to make a break for it. Everyone but you beleives I am dead. I have to move now . Once I get out of here, I just make myself scarce and plan my next move.
    Maggie: Victor...
    Victor: Before I go, though, I want to tell you something. Something I wanted to at the warehouse. That is why I revealed myself to you. I couldn't leave and not...not tell you how I feel about you. I don't know when...or if...
    Maggie: (crying) Don't say that!!! Please!!! We will see each other again. We have to!!
    Victor: Well, just in case...Anyways, I've never had alot of friends in my life. A person like me can't. I had my family but there were always complications and we didn't always see eye to eye. The bottom line is I have never...(turns away and then faces her again) I have never had someone like you in my life. You see and understand who I am. I love Caroline and always will but...the man she loves is not me. She loves the man I was when I sat back and watched criminal masterminds like Stefano Dimera and his family run amok and destroy lives, including the lives of some of my loved ones. She doesn't love the whole me. She wants me to be that man but I can't anymore. After the island, I can't be that man. I will not let my loved ones suffer anymore. I will not sit back and watch Stefano, Ernesto, and whoever else that tries to screw with those I care about continue to terrorize Salem. I can't...
    Maggie: I know. You know I understand. I felt the same way after what happened on the island. Mickey dying...Jennifer...so much loss and pain. All of us have suffered so much but that island was the worst. I know what you mean about wanting to do something. You don't want to feel helpless anymore. I wanted so much to find Stefano and everyone else that created that island mess and kill them with my bare hands.
    Victor: See...that is why you are so special. Caroline doesn't see that. Most people don't. You may not like what I am doing and how I am handling it but you don't make me conform to some mode or model that you have set for me. You know who I am and you don't judge.
    Maggie: I care about you for you. All of us have different sides. You have a dark side and demons just like all of us. You also have a good side...a caring side. The side of you that shows how much you love your family and want to protect them. The side of you who helped get me through the worst time in my life. Victor, I don't know where I would be without you in my life these past few months and I am afraid of what I will become if you aren't here. The last time you cut me off I nearly fell apart completely.
    Victor: (grabbing a crying Maggie) You listen here!! Your strong. Your a Horton woman. Julie, Alice, you...you can take on anything. You were shook up after Mickey's death and fell off the wagon. Like you said, we all have demons. You battled them and you always had the strength in you. I just reminded you of it but you have your family and friends...you will be fine. They are all here for you and you probably don't even need them. You are strong enough to make it on your own.
    Maggie: You have too much faith in me.
    Victor: No I don't. I just know you. Very well. I saw how strong and brave you were in Sydney, at the ball...you can do and beat anything.
    Maggie: You can't leave. What am I going to do without you!!
    Victor: It's for the best. I care far too much about you. I can't risk anything happening to you. You were shot in Sydney, you could've been hurt at the ball...
    Maggie: But I wasn't!!
    Victor: You could've and I can't risk it. Please, understand...I have to go. I have to go before I'm seen
    Maggie: Victor...I can't say goodbye.
    Victor: Before I go...I need to tell you one more thing. Thank you for your loyalty and for your support. Most importantly, thank you for being you.
    Maggie (crying): No...thank you. For always being there and for being my rock in my time of need. Oh God!!! How am I going to...
    Victor: It's ok. It will all be ok.
    Maggie: I never thought I would feel...after Mickey died...I always thought he was the only love I would have in my life but then you came along like an angel. I still think you and I were thrown together so we could find each other and be there for each other through these past 6 months. Victor...you don't know how much you mean to me. I...I love you. I love you, Victor Kiriakis.
    Victor: Maggie...I never thought I could feel this way about someone. Caroline was always...no. She is the past now. I should really get going...but...not before I do this.

    Victor grabs Maggie and kisses her and then says:

    Victor: I love you, Maggie Horton. Please...remember that always.
    Maggie: I will. You will always be in my heart and in my thoughts.
    Victor: Well then, the time has come. Be safe and you have a happy and full life. You deserve it and are entitled.
    Maggie: (shaking and crying) This isn't goodbye. You will be back or...we'll see each other. Things will work out. They have to.

    Victor slowly begins to walk away and let go of Maggie's hand. He turns and looks at her one more time. He smiles and then walks away. Maggie is about go run after him but stops herself, realizing her attempts would be futile. Doug and Julie then appear outside and ask Maggie what she is doing outside. She looks at them both and then breaks down. Julie embraces her as Maggie cries uncontrollably in her arms, ignoring Julie's as she continues to ask her what is going on and why she is outside in the cold.

    Meanwhile, Victor gets in delivery van. Nico tells him that everything is set for their departure once they arrive at the airfield. Victor is ignoring him. Nico tries several times to get his attention and asks if he is ok.

    Victor: I'll be fine, Nico. I just hope...she will be too.

    The screen then fades out on a split screen of Victor and Maggie crying on Julie's shoulder.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Julie to Maggie: Do you want to tell us what was going on out there?
    Hope to Caroline and Billie: He says he doesn't remember why he lost it in the warehouse. What the hell is going on?
    Bo to Kim: What is with all these questions? Why do you seem so worried?
    Kayla to Steve: What are you saying?
    Steve to Kayla: I need you. You are the key to me beating this thing.
    James to Marlena: If we don't get out of here now, we both may wake up in body bags. You want that?
    Philip to Belle: You better not cross me or you will face the wrath of the new head of the Kiriakis empire...me.
  17. PhoenixRising05
    -Arriving back at the Horton home are Alice, Doug, and Julie. They walk in with Doug holding up a still-distraught Maggie. Once they make it to the staircase, Maggie somberly tells the group that she would like to be alone. After a moment of silence, Julie asks her if she needs any help up the stairs but Maggie silently shakes her head no. She then slowly walks upstairs, using whatever strength she has left to climb up each step one by one.

    After the group finishes watching Maggie make it upstairs and disappearing into a bedroom, all three then go into the living room. Doug walks over to the big window after placing his coat on the couch and looks out quietly. Julie looks at him with a sad expression and starts over to him but then stops, remembering what he said to her earlier. She then quietly walks around the couch and sits down next to Alice.

    Alice looks at both of them disgusted and remarks:

    Alice: You know, do you two know how silly you look being mad at each other?

    Doug slowly turns around to look at Alice and then looks down at Julie. Julie is being stubborn but, feeling Doug’s eyes on her, turns her head slowly and looks at him briefly before jerking her head back and staring straight ahead.

    Alice sighs deeply and then continues:

    Alice: A shame, really. It’s amazing. You both act like this is the first time you have fought or have ever said something unkind to each other.

    They both then burst out yelling, trying to get a word in edgewise before Alice shuts it down:

    Alice: Be quiet, both of you! This is my house and my husband’s house and you will not speak to each other in that manner again, understood?

    Julie looks like a scolded child and looks at her grandmother out of the corner of her eyes before answering:

    Julie: Yes, Grandma. Understood.
    Alice: Doug?
    Doug: Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry for raising my voice.
    Alice: Now, that’s much better. Well, since you have now remembered to have respect for your elders, can you remember to still have respect for one another?

    They both look at each other once again as Julie then turns away and looks down into her lap. Doug looks down at the floor and both can’t bring themselves to admit how ashamed they are for the things they said to one another. Alice speaks up once again, telling the both of them:

    Alice: Are you two going to throw all those years of marriage down the drain because of one disagreement? If you are, then do me a favor. Take me upstairs so I don’t have to witness it or go someplace else to do it. But if it does happen, that would tell me that your marriage was never that strong to begin with.

    Julie raises her head slowly and then looks at Doug once again. Doug looks right into Julie’s eyes and then takes one step forward and stops. Julie stands up, smiles at Doug ever so slightly, and takes one step towards him. Alice looks on smiling as they both then walk towards each other and Julie starts crying as they both reach out and pull one another into a very loving embrace.

    Julie pulls back and then looks at Doug lovingly while Doug, the gentleman that he is, takes a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and softly dries her eyes, smiling at her the whole time. Doug then puts his handkerchief away, kisses Julie gently on her lips, and softly says:

    Doug: You know, here’s a thought. Why don’t we......(Looking at The ceiling, then back at Julie)agree to disagree about Victor. What do ya say ?
    Julie: I say.......(Looking lovingly into his eyes) that’s another fine idea you have there. And, let me add to it.
    Doug: Ok. Shoot.
    Julie: Let’s never.....ever.....say anything like we said earlier today again. And.........(Resting her head on his chest) let’s never go this long being mad at each other. Ok?
    Doug: (Lifting up her face by her chin) You bet, pretty lady. I love you so very much.
    Julie: I love you too, honey. Never forget that.

    The couple then hold each other and slowly rock back and forth as Alice looks on, commenting:

    Alice: Well......another marriage saved. I guess I’ve still got it.

    The camera then slowly pans up through the ceiling.....and into the bedroom where Maggie is. She is sitting near the window, looking out into the night skyline. The camera then goes to a still overhead shot as we see Maggie walk around her bedroom, lay on her bed, cry deeply near the window, all the while blaming herself for first Mickey’s death, then Victor’s. She blames herself for showing up at the warehouse unannounced, and says:

    Maggie: This is all my damn fault. (Wiping away her tears) He told me not to get involved. But, did I listen? No. Mickey always said I was too damn hardheaded and stubborn. Wonder if he was right? Now.....another man that I cared about is gone and it’s all because of me. (Crying once again) Why do I keep hurting the men in my life? (Looking out the window into the night once again) Oh, Mickey. I wish you were here to be by my side. I miss you so much. (Crying heavier) Why did you have to leave me? I’m so alone, Mickey. So damn alone.

    Maggie then rests her head into her arms and cries uncontrollably for a few moments. Then, slowly, she lifts her head up and starts cleaning herself up. She realizes that, even though she wants a drink desperately right now, that it would not be the wisest move on her part and would be the wrong way to handle this stage of her life. She walks over to her closet and looks into it, picking out some clothes. She puts on something warm and then slowly creeps down the stairs. While she hears Doug, Julie & Alice talking, she walks quietly down the hallway, through the kitchen, and out the backdoor for some air on this cold winter night.

    -On the other side of Salem, at the Cheating Heart, a very sexy lady, clad in a black see-through halter top with a matching black bra and skin tight black leather pants comes stalking slowly into the bar. She causes quite the stir as male customers hoop, cheer and whistle at this gorgeous street woman. She walks over to the bartender and sternly says:

    Marlena: Hit me and keep ‘em coming.

    She smiles at the bartender, who fills her order, all the while looking down her at her ample cleavage. Marlena gets another shot as men start walking over to her. She turns slowly around to see the audience she has and remarks:

    Marlena: Boys, boys. Careful now. There is more than enough of me to go around.

    The boys cheer out loud, especially when she places her hand on her stomach and slowly reaches down between her legs, gently caressing her crotch before she returns her hand to her mid-section. She coyly bites her finger and smiles broadly as the men cheer once again. She then walks past the men, touching their cheeks as she goes over to the pool tables, and asks:

    Marlena: Who wants to get their ass kicked in some stick action?

    Every guy in the bar raises his hand, begging to be that man. Marlena chooses a lucky guy. He stands 6'1" and seems to be quite happy that she has picked him over everyone else. She takes the pool cube and breaks and everyone is standing by, watching the action.

    -Meanwhile, back at University Hospital, Shane has met with Roman and told him that he has called everyone over to meet him. Roman thanks Shane and then tells him that he prays everyone will understand what he and Bo had to do to bring peace to Salem. Shane hopes for the same thing. He also tells Roman to be prepared for the anger that will eventually come from his family. Roman agrees, saying that he didn’t mean to hurt anyone.

    As Nicole, Eric, Sami, Belle, Caroline, Max, Frankie, Hope, Abe, Kayla, & Kimberly slowly arrive in Roman’s room, they all see that he is in fine health. When everyone breaks out in tearful applause, Roman yells to everyone that this is not what it seems. As everyone looks at each other and then at him for an explanation, he takes a deep breath and looks at Shane before he begins:

    Roman: I first want to say how sorry I am for putting you through all of this. It was not my intension. All I wanted is what I’ve always wanted....for my family to be safe. And.....what I felt we had to do was part of that, you see. I also didn’t want Bo to get arrested for something he didn’t do.
    Sami: Daddy, I don’t understand. You were shot......and all of us thought you weren’t going to make it.
    Roman: I know, baby. That’s......what......we wanted you to think. That’s what we wanted all of you to think.
    Belle: We? Whose this “we” you keep referring to?
    Roman: (Looking nervous) Myself, Shane........and Bo.
    Caroline: Bo? What does Bo have to do with this?

    Roman looks at Shane, who shakes his head in approval. He continues:

    Roman: Well, Ma, everyone.......I don’t even know how to say this.......this has been.....and I.S.A. operation.
    Sami: What? What are you saying?!
    Roman: That Bo.....went undercover into Victor’s family to get the goods on him. To finally bring that man to justice. By doing this, we also hoped to draw out Stefano and Ernesto while using the resources Victor has access to in hopes of bringing them down as well.
    Frankie: So......what you’re saying, is that.....this whole damn thing.......
    Roman: Right, Frankie. Bo turning his back on the family.......my shooting......everything.........was an inside job, thought up by the three of us.

    The family looks at Roman and some of them grow very angry. Caroline starts in on him, saying:

    Caroline: Do you know what you put me through?! What you two put this family through?! What in the hell is wrong with you two?!?! If I had a belt right now..........
    Kayla: Now, Ma. Don’t be mad at them. I knew as well.
    Caroline: What is wrong with you damn kids?! Have you all lost you minds?!
    Frankie: I think so, Ma. You know, you three need your heads examined for what you did to all of us.
    Hope: I can’t believe this. Congratulations, fellas. You sure played me for a fool.
    Belle: Shame on all three of you for what you’ve done.

    The family is stunned.

    Hope: You knew, Kayla?! Do you know what I’ve been going through with your brother and all the while you knew this was some damn mission?! (Walking up to her) You know, I ought to......
    Max: Now....let’s calm down, everyone.
    Belle: Calm down?! My father and uncles have been lying to all of us for months. Daddy, how.....how could you be so cruel?
    Roman: Baby, I’m sorry. Really, I am. If it makes it any easier....this isn’t the first time I’ve been in an operation like this, ok?
    Sami: No, Daddy. It’s not ok. (Crying in anger) As much as I love you, this was wrong. You have rightfully been preaching to me for years about telling the truth and the first chance you get, you keep all of us in the dark? Mom would have your head for this....even if she is acting strange right now.
    Caroline: By the way......where is she?
    Belle: Who knows. (Looking at Sami) Who knows what she’s up to these days?
    Eric: Well, Dad...........spill it. Let us know what’s been happening.
    Abe: Yes, Roman. Please tell me a decent explanation before I strip you of your badge.
    Roman: Ok. Here it goes.

    Roman then proceeds to tell everyone about how he went to Bo and Shane and set up everything from Bo infiltrating Victor’s crime family to Roman’s shooting. He tells them that there were scwibs under his clothing that he activated when he was “shot” on New Year’s Eve. He tells them that they got Kayla to work with them by saying that he was under an infection risk and that’s why he couldn’t be seen. He wants Victor and Stefano to finally see the inside of a jailcell for everything they’ve done from the island tragedies to this mafia war. He tells them that Bo wanted to be in on it and that they both decided not to tell anyone because, if the family knew, everyone could be in danger. Caroline asks why they chose to go after Victor way back in the Fall when the mafia war hadn't started and Victor really hadn't done anything yet.

    Roman explains that Bo, Shane, and him were sick of Salem being overrun by criminal masterminds. They all understood that action needed to be taken, especially after what happened on the Island. Victor had a role in why the island tragedies happened due to his Ernesto connection and he had manipulated Belle, Shawn, Claire, and Philip's lives even though Philip ended up being Claire's father. Bo was reluctant at first as Victor had turned his life around in the last few years but he was still underhanded and shady. He is a part of the very threat they want to wipe out of Salem. That is why they formulated this plan.

    He also tells them about the Mysterious Cloaked Figure and what this person has been responsible for, including the bombing of Samantha’s apartment. They also are working on finding out what exactly the MCF did at the New Year's Ball. They see this figure as a major threat right now, maybe moreso then Stefano and Victor. He then hopes and prays that:

    Roman: You will find in your hearts one day to forgive me.

    Roman looks at his family, who now stands before him silently. Sami is the first one to speak, walking up to him and saying:

    Sami: You know, the old me would have slapped the taste out of your mouth and told you to go to hell for what you and Uncle Bo did........
    Roman: And now? Look. I want you to understand something. Stefano, Victor & Ernesto have had free reign over Salem and it's people for far too long. It is time that it ends. On top of the fact........if Victor finds out what’s been going on, Bo may be a dead man.

    Sami stares at Roman, then takes one step forward......before hugging her father. She then says to him:

    Sami: Well, it doesn’t mean I’m not absolutely pissed off at you right now.....but, your heart was in the right place.
    Hope: Well, Sami may be a lot more forgiving than I am but Roman.....you disgust me. Your brother is lying in a hospital bed and it may be because of this garbage you’ve gotten him involved in. If he doesn’t make it.......I will hold you personally responsible. You got that?!

    Hope then storms out as the family watches her leave. Caroline just stares at Roman and Shane, shakes her head, and leaves as well. Nicole takes Eric by her arm and walks out, as Roman notices his family not saying a word to him. As the rest of the family leaves, he turns to Shane and says:

    Roman: Well, that went well. Now, the majority of my family hates me.
    Shane: No they don’t. They’re just mad right now. Give it time, my friend.

    -In the backyard of the Horton House, Maggie walks over and sits on a swing. As she swings slowly back and forth, looking down at her hands and then up to the sky, she feels a presence near her. Maggie gets very frightened and looks around at who it may be. She slowly stands and gets ready to make a break for the backdoor but is grabbed from behind by two powerful hands. One hand goes over her mouth and the other holds her in place.

    Maggie fights and tries to scream out to alert someone inside that she is being attacked. She then bites the finger of the person holding her, stumbles forward, and reaches down to the ground, picking up a huge tree limb. When she turns to face her attacker.............

    She is shocked to see who it is. She raises her hand up to her mouth to stop the gasp she was going to let out and slowly falls into unconsciousness. When she starts to fall to the ground......

    Victor catches her before she can hit it. He picks her up and then takes her over to the swing, placing her gently on it. He strokes her hair lightly, and quietly says:

    Victor: I just wanted to see your beautiful face.

    He leans in and kisses her and then looks out into the cold night air.

    -Later, Kimberly walks back into Roman's room and asks to speak with Roman alone. Shane excuses himself and when they are alone, Kimberly tells Roman:

    Kimberly: I am really pissed off at you, big brother, but that will have to wait. I have a problem and you are the only one I can turn to.
    Roman: Sure, Kim. What’s going on?
    Kimberly: It’s Bo. Something is wrong with him. I think it may be...I think he may be remembering.
    Roman: You mean...
    Kimberly: Yeah. I am thinking that is what's causing the current state he is in. I don’t know what to do. We have to get to the bottom of this......we have to find a way to deal with this...

    Before it costs him his life.

    Roman looks at Kimberly in shock and she stares at him with worry.

    -Back at the Cheatin Heart a while later, after she has beaten most of the men in the bar, she says she’s grown bored with that game and feels like dancing. She then tells the bartender to:

    Marlena: Crank it up, Jack. Time for me to shake this fine ass of mine.

    The men take turns dancing very sexy with Marlena, who is bumping and grinding her heart out on the dance floor. She goes from guy to guy, shaking her breasts in their faces and grinding her backside on almost every single crotch in the bar. She then says:

    Marlena: Aye, boys, I need some help getting on top of this bar. Any takers?

    Two men run up and she almost starts a fight between the men who want to help her. She eventually gets up there and then, with the sound of a hard charging country song in the jukebox, she starts taking off her clothing......one garment at a time. She then looks out into the crowd and says:

    Marlena: The party’s just getting started, boys. The main event is coming up shortly.

    The crowd hoops and hollers once again as, in the back, some of the bar patrons are seen taking off their shirts. Marlena spots them......and smiles widely. The scene slowly fades out on her laughing and smiling as she continues her strip show for the fellows as the screen slowly fades to black on her face while the music and guys screaming and howling can still be heard in the background.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Maggie to Victor: Your back!! But how?
    Victor to Maggie: I can't talk long. I've come to say goodbye.
    Hope to Bo: Please, wake up. We need answers...we need to know what is wrong.
    Kimberly to Roman: Our worst fears are coming true.
    Roman to Kimberly: We don't know that yet and, if they are, we will deal with it. I promise you.
    Steve to Kayla: You...you made it stop. You made the pain stop.
    James to Marlena: What the hell is wrong with you?
    Marlena to James: Just trying to have some fun...you want in, tiger?

  18. PhoenixRising05
    -At University Hospital, Greta bumps into Eric in the hallway. She is thrilled to see he is finally being released. She says she was just about to come and see him as she was just coming from checking on Bo. Eric asks how his uncle is doing. Greta tells him that he had another violent outburst but they managed to calm him. They still don't know what is causing it but it is having a bad effect on his heart rate and blood pressure.

    Eric hates that his family and friends have been through so much. Greta comforts him with the fact that he is doing well and his loved ones have that to be grateful for. Greta asks where Nicole is. She figured she would be right by his side. Eric says that she had a meeting to go to but isn't sure if he should discuss what it's about since it's personal for her. Greta understands.

    She tells Eric she is happy he is feeling better and to call if he needs anything. She would like to get a cup of coffee or something with him. He says he will call her and they embrace before she leaves. Eric then is told he has a phone call at the nurses station and he goes to take it

    Later, as Eric gets off the phone, Nicole appears behind him. Eric sees that she looks upset about something and asks if she is ok. Nicole changes the subject and asks if he is ok. Eric tells her that he was given instructions to just take it easy and call if he has any severe headaches but, other then that, he is good to go to leave the hospital. He is more worried about her, though.

    Nicole says she is fine and doesn't think she can talk about it right now. Eric tells her he just got a phone call and it's good news. Nicole seems bothered by that and finally comes out saying she has bad news. Eric says his news can wait and tells Nicole to tell him what happened.

    Nicole turns away, as she fight backs tears. She tells Eric that she was told that she is not a candidate for in-vitro. Eric tells her that it's ok. They can always look into adoption. Nicole says she wanted to carry his child and wanted it to be a part of both of them. She blames Sami for this as she would've still been able to have children if not for her. Eric reminds Nicole of her promise not to go there. Nicole apologizes as Eric assures her he is just as happy adopting as many children as she wishes. They can start right away on looking into it. She smiles and asks if he is sure. He nods and says it's fine.

    She asks what his news is. He doesn't know if it's a good time, given how hard of a day she has had. She insists he tell her. Eric explains that Kate was who he was talking to at the nurses station. Since his father is no longer John Black, he gave the rights to Basic Black to Kate and she has combined it with what was Austin Reed & Co to form Roberts & Associates. She was looking to hire a new photography team and she asked him to come aboard, remembering how good he was at Titan. He says he accepted the job and starts in a few days.

    Nicole turns away, seemingly upset by the news. Eric asks if she is ok. Nicole puts up a front and says she is. Eric notes how she has hard a time searching for employment while he was still in the hospital. He just hopes it doesn't bother her since she gave up Highstyle for him. He still feels awful about that. Nicole assures him it's fine and that she will find something, eventually. It will all work out. Eric smiles and says things are coming together for them finally. He just hopes things get better for their loved ones too. They embrace but, unbeknowst to Eric, Nicole still seems secretly upset by Eric's news.

    -Greta bumps into Frankie in another part of the hospital. He tells her that Bo is more relaxed now and that the doctors managed to sedate him after his latest outburst. They have no idea what is causing it. He wonders if Victor did mess with his head somehow. Greta says she hopes not and then turns away, while seeming a bit distracted. Frankie makes a comment that Greta seems lost in her own world a bit.

    Greta apologizes. She has been thinking alot lately about the future. Eric is getting better and beginning his life with Nicole and so many of the people she cares about are going through hell right now. She really wishes she could do something more to help. Frankie says she is helping by just being there for them. She smiles but then adds that she spent so much time since coming back to Salem on helping Eric with his illness that she had no life of her own. She barely does anything as Princess except for write a few things here and there and fly to Paris for an event once in awhile.

    Greta says she just isn't doing anything fulfilling. She wants to help people and be more active. She has so much money and she already volunteers and gives alot to charity. Frankie makes the suggestion of her forming her own business or something along those lines. Greta says she thought about that but knows nothing of business. She wants to be involved in something where she can influence people and give people who feel they have no voice a chance to be heard. She wants to help people and have an impact.

    Frankie's eyes widen as he seems to be remembering something. He says he has an idea. A friend of his told him about something earlier. Frankie smiles and tells Greta he thinks she will be very interested in what his friend told him. Greta is curious and asks what it is. Frankie assures her she will love it and this may be the opportunity she is looking for.

    -Kayla is on her way to Steve's room to check on him when she passes Shane. He says he is on his way up to check in with Roman. He asks how Bo is. Kayla says they calmed him but they still have no idea what is going on in his head. She hopes they get answers when he wakes up. Everyone keeps suggesting brainwashing but, she tells Shane they know that's not the case as Bo has been a part of the this secret operation with Roman, Shane, Abe, and the ISA. Shane tells her they will find out what is going on and will find a way to help Bo.

    Shane leaves as Kayla enters Steve's room. Steve is lying in a deep sleep. Kayla sits down at his bedside and says she is here for him and isn't going anywhere. She assures him they will get through this.

    Meanwhile, Steve begins to have another memory flash of being rushed through a dark tunnel with men in white around him. He is on a gurney. Eventually, the gurney is rolled into a small room where one of the men pulls out a syringe and the rest hold him down as he begins to stuggle to get off the table. His arms and legs are in restraints as he tries to pull free:

    Steve: Let me go!!! STOP!!! NO!! I WON'T LET YO...WON'T LET YOU!!

    The scene then shifts back to real time as Steve begins to lose it. He wails his arms at Kayla, sending her to the floor and begins to shake and move all over the place. Kayla calls for help and two male nurses come in and restrain him. Kayla gets a nurse to sedate him as she cresses his forehead, saying it will all be ok. She is here for him, just like he always was there for her in the past. Kayla notes how similar this is to Bo's condition and wonders if Steve is struggling with bad memories from his past or from his time when they thought he was "dead."

    Steve opens his eyes a bit and looks at Kayla. His eyes are one of a person in deep pain and struggling to keep themself together:

    Steve: Kayla...what is wrong with me?
    Kayla: I don't know...but we'll help you. I''ll help you. I promise.
    Steve: I don't want...you to get hurt.
    Kayla: I won't. Nothing could keep me away from you. No matter what the risk. I love you. I'm not going anywhere. I promise.

    -Shane enters Roman's ICU room. Roman asks how Bo is. Shane says not good, something is really troubling him. Shane tells Roman that Caroline and others think it could be Victor brainwashing him but, that can't be the case. They know it can't be as Bo was in league with them on the ISA operation. Roman agrees and is worried about his brother.

    Shane tells Roman that it may be time for his family to learn the truth. They are going through hell and, the minute Bo is well enough, Abe will be pressured to arrest him. The mayor really wants to end the mafia violence in Salem and Bo was believed to be a part of it by the public. They need Bo on the outside to help them, not in jail. Roman agrees but worries that Victor could still be alive and Stefano and Ernesto are still out there.

    Shane reminds Roman of the new threat-the MCF. That person is even more dangerous as they have no clue who they are and what they want. Roman agrees and says it is time to tell his loved ones everything. They will just need to find a way to make things work. They can't keep the people he loves in the dark any longer. Plus, he is really worried about his wife and her actions of late. He tells Shane to start gathering his loved ones and to tell them to come to his room. He is going to tell them everything tonight.

    -Sami and Belle are in the hospital cafeteria. They sit down to take a break and get a bite to eat after checking on their uncles Bo and Steve and getting an update on Roman. They have also been searching for Marlena. Belle reminds Sami that it's become clear now that their mother is sick. They need to find her soon so they can help her before it's too late.

    Sami says she still can't beleive what happened in their father's room. Belle says it was like she completely forgot the times she snapped at them and what happened at the New Year's Ball and everything after that. Sami wonders if she has something just like their late Aunt Samantha. Sami says she remembers thinking that before their mother fell into the volcano and was presumed dead. She was acting really crazy at that time and now it seems like she is trying to keep it a secret.

    Belle disagrees and says she thinks their mother has no clue what is going on. The way she acted in that room was strange. Belle says that she and Aunt Kayla believed mom was trying to kill dad, just like when she aimed the gun at him at the ball before she knocked him out. Belle tells Sami that when she entered, mom just seemed different. It was not the same person who snapped at them. She was vulnerable and was showing remorse. She was acting like their real mother and couldn't beleive it hearing what she had done of late. Belle reiterates that they need to find her or whatever is wrong with her may get worse.

    -On the pier, Marlena is walking all alone in the fog. She is an emotional wreck and is still stunned that she would snap at her daughters like she has been. She also can't beleive she would aim a gun at her husband and, the way it seemed, she was trying to kill her husband with that pillow before she regained her senses. She cries out to the skies above, asking what is wrong with her.

    She can't understand why she would do these things and can't even remember doing any of them but trying to smother Roman with a pillow. She only remembers that because she had the pillow in her hand. The last thing she clearly remembers is Roman bringing her home to the Penthouse on Christmas Eve. Everything after that is a blur.

    While Marlena is trying to piece together what is happening to her, someone is watching her. It's the MCF. Marlena gets up from a bench and begins to walk when she turns in the direction of the MCF. She jumps back in shock and starts to run away when the MCF grabs her. The figure holds her tightly, so much that Marlena is saying that the person is hurting her.

    Marlena: What do you want? Please...just let me go.

    The MCF then takes her by the arm and pull her away in the dark shadows of the night as the screen fades out.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Roman: It's time to tell you all the truth.
    Maggie: First, Mickey and now Victor. Why? Why is this happening?!!
    Marlena to a bartender: Hit me...and keep em coming.


    Announcer: THIS FEBRUARY...

    Clip of Alan and Carrie at the cabin.

    Alan: Push!!! Come on!!
    Carrie: Ahh!!!


    Clip of Shane, Austin, Sami, Lucas and Roman.

    Roman: Damnit, Shane. Where is my daughter?!!

    Sami to Austin and Lucas: If Carrie is with Alan, there is no telling what he may do to her or that child.


    Will: I can't beleive this!!

    Bo to Roman and Kimberly: I know the truth. I remember!!!


    Max to Abby: I'm not going anywhere.

    Jack to Billie: You and me together equals the perfect team.

    Kayla to Steve: I feel like I am falling for you all over again. (both lean in and kiss)


    James: Oh my God...what have I gotten myself into?

    Marlena: No one can can or will stand in my way.


    Abe to Shane: I have never seen anything like this.

    Will: How could this have happened?


    Clip of the MCF holding a knife and admiring it.


  19. PhoenixRising05
    -At the hospital, Abby is being prepped to be taken down to physical therapy. The nurse tells her that Chelsea will also be down there at the same time so they can get through it together. This makes Abby feel better. Jack, Doug, and Julie all assure her that she will do fine. Alice, who is sitting on a chair, tells Abby to be strong and reminds her that she is a Horton woman and Horton women are fighters. Julie reiterates that claim .

    Alice also tells Abby that her great grandfather Tom and her mother are watching over her. Abby's eyes tear up as she nods and says she knows. Max vows to stand by her and even go down with her but Abby shakes her head. She is determined to do it on her own and he would only distract her. Plus, it may be uncomfortable with Chelsea down there.

    Max says he is confident she can do it and will be waiting for her to get back to her room. Abby asks him what happens if she doesn't do well and never walks again. Max reminds her of his vow to always be by her side and says he doesn't plan on breaking that-walking or no walking.

    Meanwhile, in Chelsea's room, Kate and Billie try to give her a pep talk prior to her therapy. They both tell her she will do great. Chelsea asks what will happen if her arm doesn't get better. Billie says they will deal with it and assures her she can still lead a happy and full life. Both Billie and Kate hug a crying Chelsea and remind her that Abby will be going through the same thing with her, maybe worst as she can't walk, and that both girls will be side by side going through this together.

    Chelsea nods and says she wants to turn her life around and change but, if her arm doesn't get better, it will be very hard for her to deal with. It's hard to change your life when everything in your life always seems to go wrong. Billie and Kate tell her to just wait and see how things go. They wheel her into Abby's room.

    -Meanwhile, in another part of the hospital, Cassie is in a exam room waiting for her test results. All sorts of thoughts race through her mind. She wonders if it's cancer or something else along those lines. Dr. Glancy then enters, telling her he has her results and to relax.

    Cassie begs him to just tell her what is wrong, if anything. He tells her that she is in perfect health, which is good news considering what the tests found. Cassie is confused and asks what they found. Dr. Glancy says that the tests showed that she is pregnant and is three months along. He congratulates her. Cassie is stunned and remains silent as Dr. Glancy explains to her that she needs to make appointments with the OB-GYN and what else she needs to do given her condition.

    Dr. Glancy asks if she is ok. Cassie explains that she never thought she would have a baby, let alone this soon. The way she grew up and the way her life is now, it just seems surreal. Dr. Glancy asks if Cassie plans to go through the pregnancy. Cassie turns and then has a flashbacks of making love to Max back in October. Cassie smiles and turns to Dr. Glancy, saying she will definitely go through with the pregnancy. She is a little stunned but it may be the best thing that has ever happened to her.

    -In the ER, Bo is raced into a cubicle. Kayla and Belle come running in, saying they got Shane's call. Abe and Caroline fill them in on what's happened. Kayla goes into Bo's cubicle to find out what is going on. Hope is distraught, wondering what is going on with him. Shane comes over to tell everyone that Frankie is bringing Kimberly over.

    Kayla returns from the cubicle, saying that Bo's blood pressure and heart rate is sky high. Something is clearly upsetting him. Hope fills everyone in again on what happened after they left the explosion scene. Kayla notes that it's similar to what Steve is going through, almost like he is caught in his painful memories. Hope remembers that Bo kept saying after the explosion something about "what do they mean" and "I thought they were gone." Kayla thinks that may be referring to some sort of memories.

    Hope wonders what the memories could be. Bo has no secret unknown past. Shane mentions his being in the merchant marines so maybe something happened there and he was so traumatized he blocked it out. Hope doesn't think so but admits anything is possible. Caroline mentions Zack's death but Hope says that it was like Bo was trying to fight someone off so it wouldn't make sense.

    Caroline wonders if Victor may have brainwashed Bo. That would explain his actions, especially towards Roman. Hope's eyes light up, thinking that could be something. Kayla reminds them that brainwashing is Stefano's specialty. Caroline says that Victor has the means and may have taken a page from the Dimera handbook to take them out. Maggie overhears and verbally attacks Caroline for accusing Victor of brainwashing his own son.

    Belle and Abe hold her back. Caroline looks at her and just turns back to Hope and Kayla. Belle tries to comfort Maggie but she is inconsolable over Victor's death. She asks Abe if anything has been reported from the crash site. Abe shakes his head.

    -In the east wing of the hospital, Austin enters Lucas's room. He asks Lucas why he called to see him. Lucas says they need to talk about Carrie. Lucas tells him to sit down, which Austin does. Lucas explains to Austin that he always idolized Carrie as his dream girl. That and the fact that he always felt inferior to Austin and bagging Austin's girl would make him feel good is partly why he wanted Carrie. He admits he cared about her and always will but he diluted himself into thinking it was love.

    He tells Austin that what he had with Carrie wasn't love but lust. It was something he wanted for selfish reasons. He wanted to compete with his brother, the brother that he was jealous of. Carrie was like a trophy and, after Sami hurt him and Austin hurt her, they found comfort in each other so being together made them feel good. It was nothing more then that and it was nothing compared to how he feels for Sami. He was stupid to ever think he could love anyone else when he knew the truth all along in his heart.

    Austin says he always felt like he belonged with Carrie and Lucas belonged with Sami. Lucas says he knows and only wishes he learned sooner. Austin tells Lucas he has nothing to worry about. Sami and him aren't really involved since they all learned what she did to Carrie through Lexie. he has forgiven her, like everyone has, but they never picked up their relationship. Lucas says good and then laughs, as he says it's good to know he won't have to fight him for Sami like he did Carrie.

    Luxas tells Austin that he still plans to be a father to his and Carrie's baby and also gives Austin his blessing to be with Carrie if and when she returns or they find her. Austin thanks Lucas and they shake hands. Sami then knocks and both men ask if she heard their exchange. Sami nods, saying she is glad things are being ironed out. She asks if she can speak to Austin for a minute. Lucas is fine with it, saying he wants some quiet time anyway. Sami laughs as she walks out with Austin.

    -A nurse comes up to Abby's room, saying they are ready for her. Billie and Kate wheel Chelsea in with another nurse. Chelsea says it seems they are ready for her too. Abby looks at Chelsea and tells her that it seems they are doing yet another thing together. Chelsea laughs and says that everyone always tells them they are inseparable and going through physical therapy together will only prove that. They both laugh.

    Jack and Max give Abby a kiss and assure he she will be fine. Alice, Doug, and Julie wish her well. Alice holds her hand as she is wheeled away in a wheelchair. Billie and Kate wish Abby well too. Max takes a moment to wish Chelsea well. She thanks him and is wheeled away with Abby. Max tells Jack he hopes it goes well. He doesn't think Abby can deal with never walking again.

    Meanwhile, Cassie is watching Max talking to Jack from nearby. She has been looking for weeks for something to help her get Max away from Abby and now she has it. She is carrying his child and she vows to make sure this baby tears Abby and Max apart.

    Belle comes into Abby's room. She tells Alice, Doug, Julie, Jack, Billie, Max, and Kate about what is going on with Bo. They all bolt for the ER as Doug tells Julie he will bring Alice slowly behind them.

    -Outside Lucas's room, Austin asks Sami what she wants to discuss. Sami says she overheard everything in there and Lucas giving him his blessing to be with Carrie. Sami explains that there is something she has known for some time but never told him she knew. She thinks it's time she told him.

    Sami admits to Austin she knows he slept with Carrie and could be the baby's father. She admits she has known since September when they were out near Green Mountain looking for Carrie. Austin asks why she didn't say something. Sami says there was so much going on and it wasn't her place. She didn't want anyone to get hurt. She tells Austin that things are finally getting settled and that now may be the time for Lucas to learn the truth.

    Even with Carrie gone, everything else is out in the open. Sami tells Austin that it's well past time for Lucas to know. If they all want to move on, it's time the truth come out. Austin agrees and says they can't wait for Carrie to come home. In fact, it may be better having this settled now so, if and when she returns, she won't have to deal with it as much. Sami agrees and tells Austin that he should be the one to tell Lucas and that he should do it when Lucas is released to go home.

    Austin agrees but asks why him. Sami says it will be better coming from him. She knows he will be mad that she kept this from him and that he and Carrie did too. She just hopes he can forgive all of them so they can move on. Austin smiles and is in awe of how much Sami has changed. He comments on how the old Sami would've used this somehow to get what she wants or switched paternity tests or something.

    Sami smiles and vows those days are done. She just wants to move on and hopes Lucas will forgive all of them for hiding this secret so they can get on with their lives. She just wants to be a family with Lucas and Will. Austin says he just wants to resolve all this and for Carrie to return so they can be happy. Sami hopes that happens for him and that all four of them find happiness...this time forever.

    -Abe has a call at the nurses station and goes to take it. Frankie wheels Kimberly in and Hope and Caroline fill both of them in on what is happening. Abe returns to all of them and says one of his officers at the explosion site found a very small burnt piece of Victor's passport near the remains. They know it's his because they say the letters "Kir" where the last name would normally be. They can't make out the rest.

    Abe says it seems Victor is really dead. Maggie breaks down and runs off just as Belle, Julie, Billie, Jack, Kate, and Max walk into the ER. Julie says she will go after her and asks Belle to tell Doug and Alice where she is. Shane and Abe fill Billie and the others in on what is happening.

    Julie stops Maggie right before she walks out of the hospital exit. Maggie breaks down in Julie arms, still in disbelief that Victor is gone. She then has a flashback to something Caroline said to her:

    Maggie: You will pay for saying all that!! You...your the reason he is dead. Your had us at gunpoint. He could've gotten away if it weren't for you. He's dead because of you!!! I'm going to make you pay!!!

    Abe and Shane hold Maggie back.

    Caroline: The same could be said for you. You were here before me. If you never showed up, he may have still escaped.
    Maggie: No...I...
    Caroline: Look...Maggie. Victor brought this all on himself ok. He made his bed now he has to lie in it.

    As the flashbacks ends, Maggie begins to crumble in Julie's arms, saying:

    Maggie: I did this. Oh my God...I'm the reason Victor is dead. I stalled him, Julie. Caroline did too but he may have been gone before she got there if I never showed.
    Julie: You don't...
    Maggie: Oh my God!!! I did it...I killed Victor. He's dead because of me.

    Julie comforts a devestated Maggie as the scene then fades back to....

    Caroline as she turns to Hope and says at least they don't have to worry about Victor anymore. Hope nods. Kayla then asks what if Victor did brainwash Bo or do something to him to cause what happened. Even with Victor gone, they will all have to deal with the aftermath. Hope and Caroline both look at each other, terrified.

    Meanwhile, Kimberly wheels herself over near Bo's cubicle. She asks a nurse if she can go in and see her brother. The nurse says it's fine as she was about to tell everyone that Bo can have visitors anyway. Kim thanks her and wheels over to Bo. She hears him mumbling:

    Bo: No...please...stay away. I don't like you...don't like you. NO!!

    Kim's face looks worried. She then turns around and is very upset, saying:

    Kimberly: Oh my God...this can't be. I can't let this happen. Bo can't know. He can't.

    She then turns back to Bo as the screen fades out on a split-screen of Kimberly and Bo.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    James to Renee: What the hell is your problem?
    Renee to James: You!! Your lying to me. I can tell and I want the truth!!
    Chelsea to Abby: I'm not sure we can do this.
    Abby to Chelsea: We have to...if we want to have normal lives.
    Cassie to Abby and Chelsea: Oh, look at you two. Don't worry...I'm sure there are guys that will feel sorry for two cripples like you.
    Maggie to Julie: I lost Mickey and now I lost Victor. Their blood is on my hands, Julie, and I deserve to be punished.
    Kimberly: I need to see Roman...he will know what to do about Bo.

  20. PhoenixRising05
    -At University Hospital, Julie tries her best to comfort Maggie as she grieves over Victor’s tragic death. Maggie keeps saying how first Mickey and now Victor’s blood are on her hands:

    Maggie: He kept telling me that if I had just stayed out of everything, it would have been ok. Damn, how hardheaded do I have to be before I get the hint, you know?
    Julie: Maggie, this is not your fault. As much as I liked him, Victor is to blame for his own fate. No one told him to do any of the stuff he did so, I guess, in the end.....he had to pay the piper. We all do at some time, my dear.
    Maggie: I know that better than most. But, why him....and why now? He’s the first man I’ve cared about since Mickey’s death and it once again turns out like this?
    Julie: Victor did what he did to protect his family and friends. Remember that part as well......

    Doug overhears their conversation and leaves Alice seated in the waiting area, telling her he will be right back. Alice warns him not to do anything rash. Doug looks at her and then walks a few steps closer to Julie and Maggie.

    Julie: And, if given the same choices, I bet he would not change one thing. What was most important to him...was family. And you. Don’t forget that, Maggie.
    Maggie: That is one thing I’ll try to hold on to. Thanks Julie, for helping me through this.
    Julie: My pleasure. Anytime you need someone to talk to....just call on me, ok?
    Maggie: (Wiping her tears) You got it.

    Maggie and Julie hug as she goes to the ladies room to clean herself up. After she leaves, Doug walks into the living room and blasts Julie:

    Doug: Why is it necessary for you to always defend that man? Do you know what you did by pushing a relationship between her and Victor?
    Julie: Oh, I pushed them together? You sure didn’t seem to have a problem with it when he and I had split apart. Now, you don’t want him with me.....or Maggie.
    Doug: No, that’s not it. All I’m saying is that, with your words constantly in her ear, Maggie felt it was alright to turn her friendship into a relationship with him. Now look where she’s at. She is once again blaming herself for someone’s death. Hopefully, she won’t go back to the bottle after this one.

    Julie is blown away by what Doug is implying.

    Julie: You think I am the one who would drive her back to the bottle?! She’s a grown woman, capable of making her own decisions. As for Victor, he’s made some very bad mistakes but, at heart, he was a good, decent man.
    Doug: Really, Julie? Ask Roman about how good he is. Oh, wait. You can’t! And why?! Because he’s in a coma!
    Julie: Doug, I don’t care what you say. He was good to her during a difficult time in her life and he was good to me when you and I were apart. That’s what I saw in him then and that’s what I’ll always see.
    Doug: Well, Julie, if that’s how you view him.....fine. I am through with trying to convince you how badly you screwed this whole thing up. You know, maybe you should have stayed with him instead of coming back to me!!
    Julie: You know....maybe I should have. At least he never came off as some pompous jackass who never listens to anyone but himself.
    Doug: Really? Well.......it beats acting like a mafia don’s whore!

    With that last statement, Doug turns around and walks off, leaving Julie behind to grow more and more angrier.....and sadder at the same time as Alice looks at what just transpired, shaking her head in frustration.

    At the McClure household, the family has just finished dinner and James and Renee silently do the dishes as the children clear the table. Jonathan picks up on the tension:

    Jonathan: Ok. What is going on between you two? It felt like the sun was in here with all this heat between you.

    Both James & Renee look at each other silently, not wanting to talk about their problems in front of the children.

    Renee: Well....you see that your kids are very astute, don’t you? Even they see what’s going on between us.
    James: Well then, why don’t you tell them what it is, then.
    Renee: Because I’m not the one working for Victor Kiriakis!!

    All three kids look at James in shock.

    James: Oh, thanks. Thanks a lot. Now, my kids think I’m some nothing once again.
    James, Jr.: Well, not really, Dad. Mom, I see what you are saying and where you’re coming from. But, do we know what Dad is doing for Victor?
    Jonathan: J.J., I don’t think it matters what he’s doing for him. Have you read the papers? Our father is working for a man who started a mafia war with Stefano DiMera, of all people.
    James, Jr.: Oh, I see your point now. Guilt by association, right?

    At this moment, Angel steps in:

    Angel: Look. Why don’t you two knock it off! Daddy is trying his best to make a better way for all of us and if he has to get involved with a man like that....I don’t like it but, what’s so bad about it?
    Jonathan: Look, sis. Just stay out of this, ok?
    Angel: (Walking over to Jonathan) Umm, question. Are you my father....(Pointing at James Sr.) Or is he? I forget every time you talk down to me.

    Jonathan grows silent as James Sr. and Jr. smile slightly.

    James Sr.: She does know how to hold her own, doesn’t she? Must take after her mother.

    Renee looks at James Sr. and smiles ever so slightly, before she once again remembers how mad she is it him.

    Renee: Don’t try to change the subject with the same sweet talk you used to make me marry you.
    James Sr.: Well.....I thought it would work. Guess I was wrong.
    James Jr.: You weren’t wrong, Dad. She still loves you like she always has. (Walking over to him and whispering in his ear) She’s just a little pissed at you right now, that’s all.
    James Sr.: You think so?

    Even Jonathan laughs at that. Renee is not amused, though, as she tells him:

    Renee: Look. I’m just scared for you, ok? You’ve had a tough time after you got out of prison so I just don’t want this to come back and bite you in the end, ok?
    James Sr.: (Talking her in his arms) I know and appreciate it so much. But, who do you think is going to hire an ex-con who was locked up for so long, hmmm? No one. I had to take what I could. And....I did it for all of you, the only great things that have ever happened to me. Please remember that.

    James kisses his wife on her cheek and then walks outside to smoke a cigarette. As he sits on a ledge, he looks back inside at his family and promises to himself:

    James Sr: I have got to end this thing before the family find out. If something happens to them because of this....it will be the death of me.

    James turns around and looks up to the sky, hoping that he can end his involvement with Victor and his associate before someone is placed in danger....or worse.

    -At Salem University Hospital’s Physical Therapy room, both Abby & Chelsea are having a tough first session rebuilding their limbs and lives after their separate tragedies. Chelsea can barely raise her arm, needing words of encouragement and guidance with the five pound weight she is using. Tears scream from her eyes as she struggles through her pain, trying to get back every ounce of mobility in one day.

    Abby is on the other side of the room, wearing special shoes and braces on both legs, trying to walk upright for the first time since her accident. What neither girl sees is Jack and Billie looking on quietly through a small one way mirror. Billie breaks down crying, watching the young lady she thinks is her daughter struggle through her therapy session, while Jack fights tears as he watches Abby almost fall over when she loses her balance. He smiles a short time later as he watches her stand herself back up and continue on.

    Both Jack & Billie silently leave, not being able to handle watching their children in so much pain. One person sees them leave and takes that opportunity to also walk up and watch their progress. But......she is not teary-eyed one bit. In fact, this person is quite happy to see them have such a hard time. The camera pans up from the person’s stomach to reveal the identity of the individual.........

    One Cassie DiMera.

    Cassie then walks around to the other door and, when she sees the doctor leave, barges in the room. Chelsea looks up startled upon seeing her and catches her breath before she says anything to her. Cassie, instead, opens up her mouth first, saying that there are men who like cripples. Chelsea responds, telling her:

    Chelsea: Well, well, well. Coming from the family slut, that is quite the compliment. You know, if you hurry, you’ll be able to catch the crewmen in town from the Navy before they get re-deployed. I hear you give great group rates.
    Cassie: (Leaning in to her) You know, that smart mouth of yours is probably why you and Miss Prissy are in the boat you’re in now.
    Abby: Oh, I see. You’re now giving lectures on bad behavior. By the way, where is your grandfather? Running from the law once again?
    Cassie: Oh, I see you have grown a pair. Too bad you can’t use them though. You have to be able to walk first.
    Chelsea: And this......coming from a little girl who can only get a man when her grandfather kidnaps them, brainwashes them and gives them a new face. Clever.

    Both Abby & Chelsea laugh as Cassie tries to say some thing else. When she calls Chelsea a river slut, all three girls start yelling at the top of their lungs, causing the doctor to rush back in and calm everyone down. Cassie then tells both girls that she will get what she wants........and soon. She then turns to Abby, telling her that she’ll find a man soon. One that likes someone with no working legs.

    -Meanwhile, Hope, Kayla, Max, Frankie, Billie, Jack, and Caroline all worry if Bo can keep himself safe long enough to not get killed. Frankie tells everyone that Abe and Shane went back to the cop shop to get in touch with contacts and to keep the pressure on. Billie tells Caroline that she may be right and hopes Bo wasn’t brainwashed by Victor. Jack hopes so too, saying that it happens way too much in Salem. He walks off, leaving everyone else to wonder if Bo will come through this alive or if the effects of these memories will kill him.

    -Sitting in the cafeteria, Jack and Billie talk about their daughters. She thanks Jack for calming her down after they saw them earlier that day and Jack says no problem. It’s nice for him to feel needed by a woman again. Billie smiles as they look at each other silently. Jack then continues the conversation, saying that this is the first time in a while that they’ve had some sort of peace, for what it’s worth.

    Billie agrees, saying she’s really sick of thinking about the tragedies, much less talking about them. So, she then asks him, what about the future? Jack slightly turns his head, saying that since Jo moved to Florida with Vern to retire and Harold found a new job with a big magazine in NYC, the paper is in danger. He can’t afford to buy it and they have no editor or funding, so if no one steps forward, it just may shut down. He hopes whoever does buy it, they will consider him for Editor-In-Chief.

    Billie says that sounds great and is sure it will work out in that fashion. When Jack turns to her and asks about her future plans, she says she’s gotten to the point where she doesn’t have much trust in the system but knows a lot about the law, so to speak. After they both chuckle at what she meant, she says that she wants to start back.....as a private investigator. Jack calls her Angie Dickerson as Police Woman, to which Billie responds not like that. She just wants to do the job without all the damn hassles.

    They both stand up and look at each other, as Jack leans in and gives her a hug. He then says that it does look promising for her. She says they will be able to work cases together. They smile at each other and, as they walk off, Billie hopes that their dreams will start a new chapter for them in Salem, to which Jack hopes for the very same thing. They walk off down the hallway, heading towards the elevators.

    -Back in Bo’s hospital room, Caroline and Hope stand on either side of Bo’s bed, wondering why he suddenly lost it earlier that day in the warehouse and why he’s done some of the things he’s done for his father. Hope wonders if Bo has something deep inside of him, pushing him to act out like this. Caroline says she doesn’t have one clue but, with Victor gone, it may be their best chance to find out. Both ladies sit down and spend the time looking at a sleeping Bo, hoping for answers when he wakes up out of his slumber.

    Kimberly, in the meanwhile, is worried about everything. Worried about everyone thinking that Bo has this suppressed memory that is bothering him, worried about it coming out, and worried about Bo himself. She walks up to Kayla, asking if she could see Roman and talk to him. Kayla responds by telling her about the infection risk that’s on him and it wouldn’t be safe. She then goes back over to be near her little brother.

    Kimberly knows that what she has to tell Roman may upset him but she desperately needs his help. She hopes Bo doesn’t start mumbling in his sleep and tell everyone what is terrifying him by accident. Unfortunately for him and Kimberly, he has another memory flash of the person who is scaring him, telling him once again in a deep voice that it will be ok and that everything will be fine, even though Bo is telling the person to stay away from him. Bo reacts to this as Hope, Caroline, Kayla & Kimberly all stand by, looking at him react to this latest flash of memory.

    Kimberly then backs off as Bo starts getting more and more upset and then he starts mumbling what he is telling the person as a little boy. Frankie, Max, Jack, and Billie come racing into Bo’s room to join the others as he starts shaking violently in his bed. Kimberly puts her hands to her face, terrified at what Bo is remembering, and hoping it doesn’t come out in front of everyone.

    -Back in the therapy room, the doctor tells Chelsea that she’s staying to do some experimental procedures and then turns to Abby, telling her that she will be going back to her room. When Cassie opens up her mouth, the doctor tells her he’s had about enough of her and tells her to leave before he calls security. When Cassie leaves, Chelsea thanks the doctor and then.....suddenly breaks down as the doctor goes to help Abby get back to her room.

    Chelsea wonders if this is punishment due to her past sins. She then flashes back to her rape and the fact that both men ended up dead. She says, out loud, that she is glad she killed them and that no one, least of all her family and grandfather, got blamed for it. Unfortunately, what she doesn’t know is that someone is standing outside the open door, and that someone.....

    Once again, is Cassie, who stands there smiling, thinking to herself, that she knows that, not only is Hope her mother, but that she killed two people and told no one. She then wonders to herself, how can use this to her advantage. She then slowly walks off, knowing that she has the upper hand...

    as the screen fades out.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Nicole to Eric: You may have good news but I have very bad news.
    Greta to Frankie: I think it's time that I change my life.
    Belle to Sami: Our mother is sick, Sami. I know it and we need to find her before it's too late.
    Marlena: What is wrong with me? Did I really do what Belle says I did?
    Shane to Roman: I think it's time.
    Roman to Shane: Yeah, time to tell everyone the truth.
    Kayla to Steve: It's ok, Steve. I'm right here. I'm not leaving you.
  21. PhoenixRising05
    -In an older neighborhood on the lower east side of Salem, James walks up to a small, run down home. He stoicly stares at it before entering by using a key. He walks in quietly and we see that the home is dimly lit with aging walls. James walks down the small hallway and into the kitchen, where middle-aged woman is standing over an oven. James asks the woman if he heard her come in and she doesn't respond.

    James: Oh come on, Renee. The silent treatment again? You know what...if I knew you were going to be like this all the time, I would've did something to put my ass back in prison again!!
    Renee: Oh, yes!!! Because you being in jail for over ten years wasn't enough!!! I'm sorry if you don't like how things are but I'm tired. I'm just really tired!!!
    James: I know and I know life is tough. Look...I am doing my best. I promised you and the kids that I would work hard this time to provide a better life.
    Renee: I hope by work hard you mean actually work and not steal and pillage like you did before?
    James: Of course. I told you I have a new job. Remember? I'm working for Victor Kiriakis.
    Renee: Yes, I know. But Victor is very shady. Caroline Brady told me alot about him at church. She would know, afterall, since she had an affair with him. I just worry about what you are doing for him. He has this mafia war going on with Stefano Dimera and I don't need you being involved in that.
    James: Renee, I can assure you that what I am doing is not putting me or our family in any danger. Everything I am doing is legit and there is nothing shady about it.
    Renee: Then why don't you tell me what you do? I have been asking you for a few days now and your answer always is the same. You claim you are a runner and that you run errands and handy man's work. Can't you be more specific?
    James: Not really. What I do depends on what Mr. Kiriakis requests of me. One day it can be going to drop a message off for him and the next it could be fix the chandelier. It can be almost anything. Can't you just trust me?
    Renee: That's awfully hard to do when the last time I did that you lied to my face for months and ended up locked away for more then a decade.
    James: I'm sorry Ren...

    At that moment, two young men and a beautiful young woman walk in through the back door in the kitchen. The oldest, James Jr, is joking around with the middle child of the family Jonathan. The young woman, Angelica who is called "Angel," runs past them and hugs her father. She is clearly the apple of her daddy's eye.

    James: Hello, my darling Angel. How was school?
    Angel: Oh, awesome daddy. I met this cute guy who...
    James Jr: Better not tell dad about guys. You don't want to start trouble.
    Jonathan: Why? There was already trouble before we walked in.
    James Jr: What do you mean?
    Jonathan: You can tell mom and dad were fighting. Mom has that same look she has on her face when she is mad and dad has that look on his face when mom is yelling at him and he doesn't want any of us to know.
    Renee: Look, guys it's ok. Your father and I had a minor disagreement. It's fine. Jon, how was school?
    Jonathan: Good. Typical school, mom. I can't wait to graduate in June.
    Angel: Yeah, well at least you graduate this year. I still have a year to go.
    James Jr: Hey, guys. College life is not what it's cracked up to be. Beleive me, I know. I went through it. It's alot of work and then they send you out into the real world. What's coming up for you both isn't easy, believe me.
    Jonathan: Yeah but it has to be better then high school. At least you get some breaks during the day and longer summer vacation.
    James Jr (laughing): Yeah but there is a con for every pro, bro.
    Angel: Hey, Jon, I need you to sit down and do that interview with me for the Salem High Herald. Since you were the all-time school record holder as a running back and are our star small forward on the basketball team, it may take awhile to write it up so we should start tonight.
    Jonathan: Well, I have to call Tim first and then we can do it.
    Angel: Ok. I have to call Ms. Lindsey and find out what day we are having the extra cheerleading practice this week so that's fine.

    Angel and Jonathan walk out of the room.

    Renee: Dinner will be ready soon so don't get too busy!!
    James Jr: Are you sure everything is cool here?
    James: Fine, son. Nothing to worry about. How was work today?
    James Jr: Well, being an intern at The Spectator is hard but I am getting used to it. There is some changes happening at the top. The editor is leaving or something so things are a mess but it should settle soon.
    Renee: I am so proud of you. I know the internship doesn't pay a whole lot right now but you will work your way up.
    James Jr: Yeah and I like what I am doing.
    James: That's all that matters, son.
    James Jr: Thanks dad. You know, you inspire me. I mean, here you are rebuilding your life after you have been through so much. You are turning your life around and I just want to say that I am proud of you. Heck, Angel and Jon are too and I am sure mom is as well. It was hard when you weren't here for us but visiting you in jail I knew you were great. You just made some mistakes and paid for them and you are really working hard to better yourself.
    James (clearly upset): Yeah. Thanks...uh, I am doing this for you and your brother and sister too. and your mom. I love you all...everything I ever did was for all of you. (Renee coldly turns and stares at James)
    James Jr: I know, dad. That is why I hope I can be half the man you are. Well, gotta shower. Be back down soon.

    James Jr leaves. Renee comes over and gets right in James' face.

    Renee: Half the man you are? I am warning you, James. You better not screw up again or it just may tear this whole family apart.
    James: I won't. Like I said, everything I do is for our family. I have learned from the past. Don't worry.
    Renee: God, I hope you are being honest and sincere...for all of our sakes.

    Renee goes back to cooking as James turns away in shame, knowing full well what he is involved in and that he is once again lying to his family.

    -At the hospital, Marlena continues her attack on Roman. Roman tries to life the pillow up using his head but can't. He is desperate for air.

    Marlena (whispering): Stop fighting, honey. You can't fight it when it's your time to die...

    Roman is clearly gasping for air and Marlena continues to forcefully hold the pillow over Roman's face. Meanwhile, outside, Belle and Kayla are nearby. Both are worried about the situation in the warehouse district as they have yet to hear anything yet from Abe and Shane.

    Back in Roman's room, Marlena begins to quietly snicker as she feels that Roman is slowly giving up. Just then, she looks over at Roman's nightstand and sees something in an open drawer. She is clearly unsettled by it and stops moving. She leans closer to the drawer and her face turns from one of anger and evil to one of upset and heartbreak. The drawer contains Roman's open wallet and the wallet is showing a picture of Roman and Marlena with Sami and Eric when they were first born.

    Marlena begins to cry and then holds her head in confusion. Meanwhile, Kayla looks at Roman's room and sees Marlena in there. She runs in, with Belle behind her. They find Marlena in there. Kayla tells Belle to get her out of the room, reminding her of the infection risk. Kayla rushes to Roman, who is unconscious. He, eventually, comes to and asks what happened. Kayla says she isn't sure but his vitals show signs of someone who was nearly smothered. Roman remembers being attacked and having someone try to smother him with a pillow.

    Kayla says that Marlena was in here and was very upset but she would never do that. Kayla remembers being with Hope, Caroline, and Maggie earlier and seeing Marlena go off on Sami and Belle. Roman says that Marlena has been acting strangely lately and reminds Kayla that Belle knocked her out at the ball because she seemed to be aiming a gun at him. Kayla asks Roman if he thinks that Marlena has mental issues similar to what she had before falling into the volcano. Roman isn't sure but thinks they need to talk to her.

    Kayla reminds him that he can't because it would blow his cover. Roman asks Kayla to talk to her and see if something is going on. Kayla says she will try and see what she can find out.

    -Belle comforts Marlena and asks what she was doing. No one can go in dad's room due to the infection risk. Marlena is visibly upset and is a wreck, saying she is so confused. Belle asks her what she is confused about.

    Marlena: Why am I here? What's going on?
    Belle: Mom...are you ok? Do you want me to...
    Marlena: Wh...why? Your father...what was I doing? Oh my Gosh!!! Oh my..
    Belle: Mom! What is going on? Something is not right.
    Marlena: No...I would never...
    Belle: Ok...that's it. You have been acting weird since coming back. Your snapping at Sami and I all the time, you looked like you were aiming a gun at dad at the ball and I had to knock you out, you showed no concern at all for dad or anyone else after the shootout, you disappear alot, and you seem like you are keeping secrets from us. What is going on?!
    Marlena: Huh? I...uh, I did all that? No...I don't remember...(holding her head and chest) oh...gosh...I have to get out of here...have to...leave.

    Marlena gets up and runs off hyperventilating and in tears as Belle starts to go after her and loses her in a hallway. Kayla catches up and Belle tells her that something is really wrong with her mom. Kayla explains what Roman told her and says that they need to find her mother and find out what is going on ASAP.

    -Outside of warehouse 9, Bo seems frazzled by the explosion. Hope sees he is bleeding and tells him he is hurt. Bo then has a blurred memory of being in an alley just like he is now as a little boy. He is crying for help and for Roman, Kimberly, or mom and pop to come and help him. Bo shakes off the dream and then asks out loud why he keeps having flashes like that. Hope asks what he is talking about. Bo then says that he had thought they had stopped as he hasn't had one in awhile. Hope is puzzled and Bo continues to not answer her about what he is talking about.

    Bo sees all the police, ISA, and SWAT team officials around. He regains his composure and tells Hope they need to go. He grabs her and they run off.

    -Abe and Shane continue to investigate the explosion. Maggie is hysterical and falls to her knees. Shane comes over to comfort her. Caroline looks at the explosion site and says:

    Caroline: I hope that cold-hearted bastard burns in hell.
    Maggie (crying): How could you say that? You loved him!!! You had a son with him!! You had an affair with him two years ago!! Don't you feel anything right now?!
    Shane: Maggie, calm down. Let's sit...
    Caroline: If the man that died was the same man I cared about for years, yes. Yes, I would feel devestated over losing him. The man that died here today was not the Victor I loved. It was the Victor who forced my son to shoot his own brother. It was the Victor who was destroying my family and was part of a mafia war that was endangering all of us. The Victor I cared about died a long time ago. I'm sorry for your pain, Maggie. Even though I can't understand it, you really grew to care about him over the past few months and I'm sorry for your loss.
    Maggie: I can't beleive you!!! What is wrong with you?!!
    Caroline: Nothing. In fact, I feel really good. Salem is safer and so are the people I love. You may be upset but this is really a good thing. I know you won't see it as that but...
    Maggie: You [!@#$%^&*]!!!

    Maggie hauls back and slaps Caroline. Shane and Abe hold her back.

    Maggie: You will pay for saying all that!! You...your the reason he is dead. Your had us at gunpoint. He could've gotten away if it weren't for you. He's dead because of you!!! I'm going to make you pay!!!

    Abe and Shane hold Maggie back.

    Caroline: The same could be said for you. You were here before me. If you never showed up, he may have still escaped.
    Maggie: No...I...
    Caroline: Look...Maggie. Victor brought this all on himself ok. He made his bed now he has to lie in it.

    Maggie then breaks down in Abe and Shane's arms as Caroline walks away.

    Maggie: Victor!! Abe, are you sure he was in there?
    Abe: A few of my men say they saw him get in the limo that exploded. The other limo is long gone but once we start examining the remains we should get more answers.
    Maggie: So...he still could be alive?
    Shane: Maggie...darling, we aren't sure but we have some officers saying he got in the limo. No one jumped out of it so, if he was in it, Victor is gone.
    Maggie: But, he may not have been in...
    Abe: Maggie...it looks like he was. Don't get your hopes up, ok?

    Abe walks away as Maggie breaks down in Shane's arms, saying that Victor can't be gone and that she refuses to beleive it. Meanwhile, Caroline looks at the explosion remains and says:

    Caroline: I hope you are burning in hell for the way you betrayed me and for all the horrors you brought upon my family. We are much better off without you. Too bad too much damage has already been done. Our lives...my family may never be the same or whole again because of you. Stefano has caused us alot of pain but he has never destroyed who we are. You destroyed Bo. You destroyed our son and, for that, I hope you find no peace in the afterlife. I hope you suffer just as much as you have made my family and I suffer.

    Abe, Shane, and Maggie hear all this as Maggie continues to cry in Shane's arms.

    -Bo and Hope enter another warehouse. Hope tells Bo that they can't run. She asks him why they can't just go down to the station and have him admit what is going on. Bo says he wants to talk to her and no one else. Not right now. Hope is fine with it but demands Bo tell her everything that is going on. This is his last chance or they are through for good.

    She reminds him that she thought they understood each other. She had admitted she was wrong for pushing him away. She dropped the charges against Chelsea and they both were well on their way to healing after months of agonizing over Zack's death and the circumstances surrounding it. After he nearly died in Sydney, she thought he was turning around and realizing that being involved with Victor was wrong. They had a wonderful Christmas together with JT returning. They were on the way to being happy again. She asks him what happened and why he has become what he is.

    Hope: How could you try to kill your own brother? That boggles my mind, Bo.
    Bo: Hope...there is alot I have to tell you.

    Just then, Bo has another memory flash. This time he is in a dark room as a little boy and has a frightened look on his face. The memory is blurred and the very deep voice of a man can be heard:

    Man: It's ok, Bo. I promise you, it's ok.
    Bo: I don't like you. Go away! Please...go away.

    The scene returns to the present and Bo begins to cry himself. He clutches his head and seems to be getting caught up in the memory. He began to cry out for help. Hope tries to calm him but he screams out for help. Abe, Shane, Maggie, and Caroline hear the screams nearby. The four of then take off, along with some of the officers that Abe commands to go with them.

    Hope tries to reach Bo but can't. He begins to wail his arms, knocking Hope to the floor, and screaming:

    Bo: Don't!!! No!!!

    Bo then falls against a wall and slowly drops to the ground, unconscious. Hope races to him as Maggie, Shane, Abe, and Caroline walk in and race over to her. Hopef fills tells them all in on what happened and says also that Bo hit his head when they fell to the ground during the explosion. Abe asks one of the officers that followed to get some EMT's fast as Hope and Caroline cradle Bo in their arms, wondering what is going on with him.

    The screen then fades out on Bo's unconscious face.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Max (with Jack) to Abby: You going to be fine.
    Chelsea (with Billie and Kate): He's right, Abby. We are both going to be.
    Cassie to Dr. Glancy: I want the truth. What is wrong with me?
    Maggie to Julie: Caroline is right...I killed Victor.
    Hope (with Caroline) to Kayla: What is wrong with him? What's wrong with Bo?
    Kimberly: Oh my God...this can't be. I can't let this happen. Bo can't know. He can't.
  22. PhoenixRising05
    WEEK OF 1/15/07 EDITION


    Interviewer: Nice you see you, Peggy. You are looking very happy!!
    Peggy McCay: Oh, I am. I am always happy but I am over the moon.

    I: It must be nice finally being on the front burner and being utilized so much.
    PM: Oh, you have no idea. I can't complain though. I was always used more then some of the others my age. In early 2006, the last HW (James E. Reilly) was actually using me more then I had been in years. The funny part was he was the very same writer that "killed" me off. He did bring me back though but John (Aniston, Victor) and I were in a castle after getting off the island and then we were on another island. We were used sparingly but the early parts of 2006 were pretty good for me. As soon as new HW Tim Lowery took the reigns, things really became different. His partner, Patrick L. Ewing, then came on board to help and both have written some wonderful stuff for me and many of the vets to play. Suzanne (Rogers, Maggie), John, and I never thought we would see the frontburner again but here we are!!!

    I: It's so great to see so much of you. Now, let's backtrack a bit. How did you feel when you were told they were killing off Shawn Brady Sr (Frank Parker)?
    PM: Awful. I love Frank and we had such a great working relationship. He understood though. It;s the business and the writers felt this opened many story doors for Caroline and the Brady's. It's the same thing that happened with Suzanne when they brought John Clarke (Mickey) back for a bit to kill him off. The writers felt they had to make sacrifices to better the stories and show and I think it did in the long run. We hated losing actors like Frank and John but it's propelled so much story. If you ever leave a show, you always hope the exit is memorable and both men had memorable exits. The writers treated them well.

    I: You are involved in one of the biggest stories on Salem Lives. The war between Victor and Stefano has resulted in much tragedy and suffering for all of Salem. How do you feel about the story and your involvement?
    PM: It's fantastic. Is it violent and does it seem like there is shootouts and explosions all the time? Yes, but that's the story. I can't believe other writers haven't thought about putting Salem's two best villains against each other. It's so epic and it brings in almost the whole canvas. It has family and friends taking sides and there is just so much drama and strife. I love it and I love how you don't know why characters like Bo are doing what they are doing. I like the mystery components of it. As for my character's involvement, it was slow developing at first but it's really getting fun now. They have me pulling a gun on Victor and I am flying off the handle alot. The writers wanted Caroline to show off that temper of her's and to take a more hands on approach in protecting her family. I love it and the drama and action is so much fun.
    I: Yeah. You pulling the gun on Victor in the last episode was shocking since the Caroline we are so used to seeing is the caring, supportive, comforting grandmother-like figure who runs the family pub. It just goes to show you that women over 65 can still be involved in high drama and big stories.
    PM: Oh yes!! It's what soaps need to realize. You do need the young generation but you can't lose the vets. Just because Caroline and Alice are grandmothers doesn't mean we can't still be involved. I love the fact that the writers we have now have the vets featured prominently. They know who the characters are that the fans want to see and the newer, younger ones are thrown in the mix here and there so fans can get use to then without having them forced down their throats. I think it's a great way of going about providing quality drama now and building for the future.

    I: Agreed. How do you feel about the Caroline/Victor/Maggie triangle? The last episode made it appear like Victor and Caroline are through. Of course, if he really is dead, they are through anyway. What do you think?
    PM: It's a weird triangle. After Shawn Sr died, I really thought they would be building to a reunion with Victor and Caroline. I remember telling John that and John mentioned that they had him and Suzanne working together alot on the island story and he hinted to me that they may mean something. We never thought we would be thrown into a triangle and I think it's great. It just goes to show you that even us folks can be involved in love triangles late in life (laughs). I really like how the writers slowly built Victor and Maggie by having them save each other and comfort each other. It's so great how they show the different dynamics. Caroline wants Victor to be the good man he had become after Isabella's death. That was the man she fell in love with. Maggie, on the other hand, cares for Victor as a whole. It's doesn't matter what he is and what he is doing. Their bond is strong and she doesn't judge him or criticize like I do. I have noticed that the jealousy I had for them is gone and the scenes you all saw last week started taking me in the direction of maybe there is closure coming for Victor and Caroline. The scene in the last episode when I held Victor at gunpoint and claimed that our love was dead and had been dying for awhile tells me that maybe the relationship is on it's last legs. We'll see. I don't want to give anything away but there is some stuff coming that can give the fans more answers as to where Victor and Caroline are headed. Whether Victor survived somehow or not, I can't tell you. All I know is, whether Victor is alive or not, things are getting interesting.

    I: Interesting indeed. Can you tell us anymore about what happens with Caroline?
    PM: Well, the tension between Maggie and her will be very high after the ending of Friday's episode. What happened to Victor and how it all went down will really affect Caroline and Maggie. Caroline will also get some big news and there is some big stuff coming up in the months ahead with the Brady family. I'm telling you things are getting really good here (laughs).

    I: Wow!! Sounds like your character is going to be all over the place (laughs).
    PM: Yes and I love it!!

    I: Thanks Peggy for the time and I hope things continue to go well.
    PM: Thank you. We'll talk again.



    Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer): Wyatt debuts in the role of James (Roscoe Born) wife on January 15.

    Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer): Knighton has been cast as the youngest son of Renee and James. He debuts on January 15. Knighton has been in various TV and film projects.

    Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr): Trucco has been cast as the oldest offspring of the McCluer family. He debuts on Janaury 15. Trucco is best known for appearing on Battlestar Gallactica from 2005-2006.

    Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure): One of the stars of the the new NBC hit "Heroes" will be pulling double duty as she has won the role of the only McClure daughter and the youngest child of three. "We found a way to make it work," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "She will be doing both and there won't any issues. We love having her and Michael and Zachary aboard to round out the McCluer family." She will debut on January 15.

    Previews and Peeks into Wk of 1/15/07

    -James's home life has him on edge.
    -Marlena's behavior takes another stunning turn.
    -Maggie and Caroline come to blows.
    -Hope demands the truth from Bo.
    -Sami tells Austin she knows about him and Carrie.
    -Lucas surprises Austin.
    -Cassie gets shocking news.
    -Abby and Chelsea begin therapy.
    -Kimberly is keeping a secret.
    -Steve loses it.
    -Eric and Nicole's dreams hit a snag.
    -Greta prepares to make a life changing decision.
    -Billie makes a career choice.
    -The Horton's comfort Maggie.
    -Chelsea's secret is out.
    -Marlena goes wild.
    -Roman tells all.


    Monday January 15: Caroline and Maggie come to blows!!!
    Tuesday January 16: Cassie gets big news!!
    Friday January 19: Roman is forced to tell all to save Bo. Meanwhile, Marlena goes on a wild streak!!

    Next Week: Kayla and Steve prepare to go on a journey. Maggie gets a shock. Bo begins to piece together his memories. Kimberly seeks out Roman's help. James issues a warning to his family. A shocking truth about Marlena and James is revealed. Eric and Nicole get bad news. Carrie makes a decision about her baby.
  23. PhoenixRising05

    -Cassie is pacing around the Dimera mansion, nervously awaiting the results of her medical tests. She wishes her grandfather, Stefano, and Lexie were there to lend their support and help her through this. She asks one of the servants to bring her some water to help ger relax. She wonders what it could be that has been making her so ill of late. The servant brings her the water and she slowly sips it.

    She looks into the fireplace, deep in thought, and jumps when a hand touched her right shoulder. She is shocked to see Stefano standing behind her, grinning from ear to ear. She embraces him and then asks him where he has been. He explains to her how he has been lying low since the New Year's Eve debacle and how he must now leave Salem. He needs to keep a low profile for awhile and must return to Lexie and make sure she is being properly cared for. Now is the perfect time to leave with the SPD & co. seemingly being focused on Victor and Bo.

    Cassie wishes he wouldn't leave. She needs him. He asks her what the problem is and she explains how she hasn't been feeling well and that she even collapsed. Stefano is concerned and hopes it wasn't because of his asking her to aid in his revenge plans against the Brady's. She says it isn't but she is very worried. Stefano asks about how things are going with her getting closer to Max. Cassie flashes back to sleeping with Max back in October and tells Stefano that everything is going well. She hasn't seen Max in awhile though.

    Stefano urges her to take a little break from helping with his plans to relax. He doesn't want her health to be at risk and insists that he will be watching her from afar and will stay in touch. If she needs anything, he urges her to feel free to ask. He makes her promise to tell him if she needs any specialized medical assistance when he does contact her to check in. He will be sure to get her whatever she needs. Cassie thanks him and wishes he didn't have to go but he says he must go ASAP. They embrace and say how much they love each other as he leaves via a secret passageway in the foyer.

    -Marlena is outside University Hospital and seems rather troubled. She is then tapped on the shoulder by James, which startles her:

    Marlena: What the hell is wrong with you?! I thought I told you we couldn't meet out in the open anymore?
    James: You did but I saw you out here when you should be in there doing what you were told to do.
    Marlena: I am out here thinking of a way to do what I have to do you idiot!!! It's not that easy, you know? There is security around and...
    James: Ok!! Ok...I know. I'm sorry. I just hate being involved in all this and it's sort of nerve wrecking.
    Marlena: Yeah...well, I hate people telling me what to do. That is why I hate this. I have no choice though.
    James: (looking down) Yeah...I know where you are coming from.
    Marlena: Well, enough talking. I have to get in there. Next time, Jimmy boy, remember that we don't discuss matters in public, got it?
    James: Yeah, sorry. I probably should be getting back to the Kiriakis mansion anyway. Victor wouldn't let me be a part of his escape plan yet since I am a new employee and he doesn't quite trust me enough yet but he wants me to take care of some things at his home.
    Marlena: Well, go then. You don't need him getting suspicious or firing you. You need to be on the inside of his organization.
    James: Yeah, I know. Well, then...see ya.
    Marlena: Yeah, whatever.

    James then leaves as Marlena enters the hospital. Marlena makes her way up to the ICU and stares into a room:

    Marlena: It's time to get this done and over with so that I can move on to bigger and better things.

    Marlena goes up to a security guard outside the room. The guard recognizes her as Dr. Evans and Marlena convinces him to go and take the break he has yet to have today. She is a doctor and works at the hospital so it's no problem if she takes over for him, especially since it's her...

    ....husband's room!!!

    The guard thanks Marlena and leaves. Marlena looks back at the nurses station and sees it's clear. She opens the door and coldly stares at a sleeping Roman. She stands over him and blankly stares at him, contemplating her next move.

    -Abe and Shane slowly make their way deeper into the warehouse district, avoiding the detection of Victor's men. Abe and Shane then split up to lead separate units as they close in on warehouse 9. Abe tells Shane and all units to move in on his orders.

    -Victor is stil embracing a crying Maggie, who continues to beg him to end this nightmare.

    Maggie: Look, I understand. You know I do. I never judged what you were doing. I wanted revenge too for what happened to Mickey. I know that alot of what you are doing is extreme and wrong but I understand the motivation. The intentions you have are good. I don't know why you targeted Roman and the fact that so many innocent people were hurt or killed...Victor, I can't condemn you. I know you are only doing this to protect those you love and care about. You were sick and tired of standing by and watching the Dimera's and others ruin lives. We all are and I see where you are coming from.
    Victor: Well, I am happy you do Maggie but I really don't have time for this.
    Maggie: Victor, my point is, I will help you. We can figure something out. You don't have to run. You have so much money and power that you can utilize and I'm a Horton so my supporting you should really mean alot. I'm sure Julie would too.
    Victor: Maggie, look, I need to go. I need to lie low for awhile. You have to understand that.
    Maggie: No!! Ok...you know what? If you really have to go, then...I'll go with you.
    Victor: Maggie...I don't think...

    Nico walks in and whispers in Victor's ear that the car has arrived and they are about to switch. They must go now as it seems someone has tipped the SPD off to their whereabouts. Nico looks at Maggie and then tells Victor that he knows what he has to do. Victor nods and his face turns grim. Meanwhile, outside the warehouse, Caroline prepares to enter with gun in hand.

    Back inside, Victor turns to Maggie and says:

    Victor: Maggie, dear. You can't go with me. I can endanger you life anymore. You nearly died in Sydney and you could've been killed on New Year's Eve. I care about you far too much to see you get hurt getting in the way by trying to help. I appreciate everything you have done. Your loyalty is touching and I have cherished your friendship but it must end here. I don't want anything to happen to you.
    Maggie: I appreciate everything you have done for me too. You were there for me on the island and, if it weren't for you, I would've never made it through Mickey's death and my falling off the wagon. I need you, Victor. You have been there for me. You have saved me...please, let me help you. Let me go with you.
    Victor: Maggie, you can't. I don't want you to live this sort of life. Can't you understand that this is for the best? Your family and friends need you.
    Maggie (crying): This is not for the best, Victor. Please...
    Victor: Magg... (Maggie jumps back into his arms)
    Maggie: No!!! You either stay or I go with you. I won't let you go. I love you, Victor!!!

    Caroline then bursts out from behind some crates, aiming her gun right at Victor:

    Caroline: The hell you do!!! How can you love a vengeful, cold-blooded monster like Victor Kiriakis.

    -Outside the warehouse, Bo is stunned to see Hope. Hope, nearly in tears, asks Bo what he is doing. Bo is about to answer when Hope sarcastically says he is no doubt doing more henchmen work for Victor.

    Hope: Is this what you have resorted to? God, Brady. What the hell is wrong with you?
    Bo: Hope, this is not the time or place...
    Hope: You know, I know I pushed you away after the Island and when you wanted so badly just to talk to me. I know that was a mistake but I thought we got past that. I thought you udnerstood how hard it was to just put Zack's death and your involvement in the past.
    Bo: I did, Hope. I know how hard that was and you did good. You even dropped the charges against Chelsea.
    Hope: Yeah...look. I know you are frustrated with the system and the law. I know you share that belief with Victor and you think that doing things this way will get you justice and...Brady, you know that all that is happening here is doing nothing but causing more pain. Look at all the innocent people hurt and killed. You almost died in Sydney. How many of your own loved ones nearly died there or on New Year's Eve? You shot your brother, Roman!! Do you realize what is happening here! (crying) I thought you finally understood!! You and I...before Christmas and when JT returned, I thought we had an understanding. I thought we finally found ourselves again but, then...Bo...please!! I want the truth, damnit!! Tell me the truth!!
    Bo: Hope...not now. Please!! This is the wrong time and place. Yes, we do need to talk. (takes Hope's hands) There is alot we need to talk about but not now.

    Bo sees an SPD officer off in the distance, surveying the area.

    Bo: Hope, something is about to go down. You can't be here. You need to go...
    Hope: Oh, the hell I will!!

    Hope pulls out a gun and points it at Bo.

    Hope: You are coming with me and we're going to talk. I am done letting you call the shots. It's time you and me finally lay all the cards out on the table.
    Bo: Hope, I...
    Hope: You wanted to play hardball, Brady. Well, I'm game. Let's do it.

    -Back in the warehouse, Caroline holds Victor and Maggie at gunpoint.

    Maggie: I do love Victor, Caroline.
    Victor: Caroline, don't be stupid. Put the gun down.
    Caroline: Oh yeah, Victor. I will put the gun down. Once I am finished here. Well, it seems alot has changed. After all you have done to my family...so much for that great love you had for me.
    Victor: I do...
    Caroline: NO!! YOU DON'T!!! Look what you've done!!! It started with my husband. He saw that tape of us in the castle on the island. Our love killed him!!
    Victor: Is that why you pushed me away? You thought our love killed him?
    Caroline: It did. Deep down, he always knew. Why do you think he always got upset when you were with me alone? He knew it, Victor. I could never be with you after that. I couldn't face my children if I was with you. How would they ever accept their mother being with the man whose love cost them their father?
    Victor: That's not the way...
    Caroline: I don't care how you see it. I see the truth now, Victor. I am so glad I never went back to you. This is the real you. Hell, if you never made that promise to Isabella you may have never changed. By the way, what happened to that promise? Did you totally disregard it?
    Victor: No...but I have to do what I have to do to protect...
    Caroline: Your family. That is always your justification.
    Victor: It's the truth. Isabella would understand.
    Caroline: Oh yes. Protecting your family and loved ones. You nearly killed some of the very people you profess to love in Sydney. Your son, Bo, was shot multilple times!!! Your beloved, Maggie, was shot!! Oh, and then there is New Year's Eve, where many innocents were hurt and killed including your own son Philip!!! What a great job you are doing protecting those you love!! Don't you see, you are only making things worse!!
    Victor: Sometimes bad things happen. Sacrifices have to be made and...
    Caroline: No!! Don't you justify what you are doing!!
    Victor: Caroline, calm down!!
    Caroline: I will...when I know you can't destroy anymore lives. When I know you can't destroy my family anymore then you have. Roman is fighting for his life and it was your little mind games that resulted in my son, Bo shooting his own brother. Any love or affection I had for you is gone. It's dead. It began to die with Shawn and, with every action you have taken since then, it's died a little more. I hate you...I HATE YOU!!!
    Victor: Caroline, please...
    Caroline: Oh, don't worry, you have a new lover now. She will help you get over me just like she has been for months. She blindly accepts what you are in your current state. You two will be wonderful together and can live a full and...
    Victor: Caroline...I don't have time for this. I have to go.
    Caroline: Your going nowhere. Your reign of destruction ends here!!

    Maggie looks at Victor and sees Nico at the back door, motioning for Victor to hurry up. Maggie looks at Caroline with the gun and lunges for her. Both women fall to the ground and a shot is fired.

    -Back at the Dimera mansion, Cassie then is told by a servant she has a call from the hospital. She answers and is told her tests results are in. Cassie hangs up and stares off into the distance, taking a deep breath and wondering what is in store for her.

    -At the Kiriakis mansion, James arrives outside when he gets a phone call. He answers his cell and seems upset by the call:

    James: Damnit...give me a break!! I am doing my best!! What else do you want me to do? I am trying to make up for the past and trying to provide...you know what? Calm the hell down!!

    James then hangs up and nearly throws his phone in disgust, clearly bothered by the call.

    -At the hospital, Marlena stands over Roman's sleeping body. She then looks around the room and her eyes light up when she notices a pillow. She picks it up and fluffs it. She then flashes an evil grin and says:

    Marlena (whispering): Perfect. Well, my beloved hubby, the time has come. Do you know how hard it is...being a secret assassin? Having to wait around and take orders from people that you hate all so you can accomplish your goals? It's not easy but it will all be worth it in the end. Now, without further adieu...

    Marlena takes the pillow and covers Roman's face with it. Marlena then holds it down as Roman tries to fight her and get the pillow off for air. Marlena's eyes glaze over and she seems like she is in a trance as she forcefully holds the pillow over Roman, who is desperately trying to free his face for air!!!

    -In the warehouse district, Abe is told that an officer hears yelling in the area of warehouse 9 and that two cars are parked outside of it. Abe thinks it's time to move in and orders Shane and all units to being their pursuit!!

    Outside the warehouse, Bo can here Abe and Shane's units coming. He tells Hope, who is still pointing the gun at him, that he will tell her everything but not here. They need to get out of the area. Hope agrees.

    Inside the warehouse, Maggie and Caroline get up and are both unharmed. They both see Victor take off through the back door with Nico. Maggie takes off after them, as does an angry Caroline. Bo sees Victor and Nico come out of the warehouse just as a SWAT team comes around the corner of another building. Bo sees that the situation is about the explode and grabs hold of Hope, telling her they need to get out of the way. Maggie and Caroline come out for the warehouse and hear a car door shut. Both limos begin to start up and drive away, just as the rest of Abe and Shane units appear. They all give chase as the cars begin to move.

    Abe sees that Caroline and Maggie are out of the line of fire and that no one else is in the way. He then orders all units to fire!!!

    All units open fire on both black limos that are beginning to speed off in haste. Bo pushes Hope to the ground to protect her from the bullets. Caroline and Maggie stay off to the side and shield themselves. Maggie then sees one of the limos open fire from the back end and screams:

    Maggie: No!!!

    A wave of bullets hits the fiery back end of the limo and it then EXPLODES!!!

    Maggie lets out a blood curdling scream as a stoic Caroline watches. Bo and Hope slowly raise themselves from the ground. Hope then looks at Bo, who says:

    Bo: Victor...it was Victor's limo.

    The screen then fades out on an overheard shot of the explosion.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    James: I'm doing what I have to do. Why isn't that enough?
    Marlena to Roman: You can't fight it when it's YOUR TIME TO DIE!!!
    Caroline to Maggie: Get over it!! We are all better off without him.
    Maggie to Caroline: This is all your fault and I will make you pay!!
    Hope to Bo: Victor is gone. I want the truth. Last chance, Bo, or you and me are through for good.

  24. PhoenixRising05
    -At the cop shop, Abe and Shane have gotten word back from all their contacts and officers that Bo, Victor or Stefano have been seen since the massacre at the Party. The dragnet continues but both lawmen know that:

    Abe: If we don’t get lucky and soon, all three of these men may skip town.
    Shane: And.....the country.
    Abe: Don’t say that, Shane. I don’t even want to think that. How did I let this city come to this?
    Shane: Don’t blame yourself, my friend. (Patting him on the back) This is the work of men who feel they are above the law. Don’t worry. We’ll get all of them, soon. And then.....
    Abe: And then....there will hell to pay. No one, no one, turns my city into a battleground. I intend to teach these men a lesson they will never forget. And then, I intend to see that they are locked up behind bars.....

    For the rest of their miserable lives.

    Abe then turns and storms out of his office, slamming the door behind him. Shane knows that this is headed for one gigantic collision and he silently hopes that Bo and Roman can come through and end this, before many innocent lives end up destroyed.

    -Back at the hospital, Belle and a very depressed Hope sit and wonder where Caroline has stormed off to. Hope also asks the same question once again.....what has happened to her husband. Belle comforts her, saying that Bo is still the same man she fell in love with and married all those years ago. Hope would like to believe that but finds it harder and harder to deal with.

    Belle tells her that their love will show him the way through but Hope is not so sure. He tried to kill his own brother and turned his back on his family. That is not her man. That is not Bo Brady......or, maybe she should call him Kiriakis once again. As Belle hugs Hope, trying her best to comfort her, Caroline walks back into the hallway.

    When they ask her where she went after that tirade, she apologizes for her behavior and also says she went for a walk. Hope tells her she would've acted the very same way if that was Shawn laying on that table and a much older J.T. had shot him. Just then, Maggie shows up at the hospital inquiring about Roman’s condition. Belle tells her:

    Belle: No one can see him. There is an infection risk order for him.

    Caroline then turns to her and asks:

    Caroline: So, has your thinking changed about Victor yet or are you still putting what he’s done to the side because of what you may or may not feel about him?

    For the third time, Maggie is completely silent. This response quickly angers Caroline once again, making her exclaim:

    Caroline: You know.....that silent crap has really gotten on my last nerve! Maybe if I slapped the taste out of your mouth that would have the desired effect!

    Caroline starts towards Maggie, which causes her to back up and throw her arms up in a defensive motion. Kayla runs from down the hall, asking what the hell is going on here as she sees her mother trying to get at Maggie. Kayla then joins in with Belle and Hope as they restrain Caroline and try their best to get her to calm down.

    -Back at the warehouse near Pier 9, Victor is still waiting for Bo’s answer to his question. Bo takes a few more moments, as he walks around Victor and goes to a one-way window, looking out into the distance. When he turns to face him, Bo says:

    Bo: Well, Victor, I don’t really see where I have a choice, now do I?
    Victor: Bo.....we all have choices but, remember, you made yours after I told you what something like this would incur. You knew the risks.....and the sacrifices.
    Bo: Yes, I did indeed. It’s just....
    Victor: What, Bo?
    Bo: To leave the ones you grew up with....the ones who raised you. To not see them again.....that is the hardest part of all of this. Taking on the DiMeras is child’s play compared to taking off on the people you love.
    Victor: (Looking off into the distance) Yes, Bo. I know exactly what you mean. (Putting his hand on Bo’s shoulder) Believe me, son, I know.

    While Bo and Victor have a secure bonding moment, the Mysterious Cloaked Figure looks on sinisterly, taking out a phone and a special device. The device is a voice changer and he snaps it into place as he dials a number. He holds the phone up to his/her ear, all the while monitoring the activities of the Kiriakises and their associates inside.

    Nico has went outside under disguise, waiting for Victor’s friend to arrive, so they could make the car switch. He doesn’t even notice the person observing him at that very moment.

    -Abe has returned to the cop shop after calming down. Shane asks him if he’s alright and he responds yes. He just needed to blow off steam. Shane says that everyone needs to do that from time to time. Abe is grateful that he understands. Just then, Abe’s phone rings and he goes to answer it. When he does, he keeps saying hello, hello, but the person on the other end says nothing. What Abe doesn’t know, is that the person on the other end is......

    The MCF, who then suddenly starts talking in a distorted voice, telling Abe that he/she knows the location of Victor, his son Bo and his men. He tells them that they can be located at the Pier 9 Warehouse near the river. When Abe asks who the person is.......the call abruptly ends. He then looks at the phone and then hangs it up hard, while turning to Shane and telling him that someone with a voice changer just told him where Bo and Victor can be found. Shane says that it’s time to bring them in before they take of for good. Abe agrees and both men grab extra officers as they race off to find these two fugitives.....

    And bring them to justice.

    -At Salem University Hospital, Hope and Kayla are still trying to calm Caroline down when anurse comes to Hope and tells her she has a phone call. Caroline stops suddenly, and all the women hope that it isn’t more bad news concerning Bo, Victor or Stefano. When she answers, no one is there, but then the distorted voice of the MCF speaks, telling her the exact same information that was delivered to Abe and Shane a short time ago. Caroline, Kayla and Maggie slowly walk over to Hope after overhearing her loudly ask if the person is sure Bo and Victor are at the warehouse.

    The MCF hangs up her and Hope says out loud that she knows where Bo and Victor are. As she gets ready to run out of there, Kayla stops her by grabbing her arm and warns her:

    Kayla: Hope, don’t do this. It’s way too dangerous. Plus, you have not had any sleep in the last 48 hours. You are exhausted.
    Hope: Kayla, I know that I could still reach him and maybe get him to turn himself in before he gets himself killed going on the run. He’s too old for that, no matter what he says.
    Caroline: Hope.....are you sure about this?
    Hope: Yes, I am. I’m a trained cop and used to also work for the I.S.A. This is a golden opportunity for me to not only bring Bo home....but stop Victor as well.
    Kayla: Well, Hope, if your mind is made up, I guess I can’t stop you. You are...as stubborn as my brother. Maybe that’s why he loves you so much.
    Hope: Thank you for that. It still feels good to hear that, even if it isn’t from him. I’ll fill you all in when I can.

    Hope kisses Kayla on her cheek and runs off. Kayla then turns towards the phone, deciding that:

    Kayla: I better call Shane on this one.

    She gets Shane on the phone and tells him that Hope got a call from some stranger telling her where Bo and Victor are. Shane pulls the phone away from his ear long enough to tell Abe that Hope also knows where Bo and Victor are through what seems to be the same mysterious benefactor. He gets back on the phone with Kayla, telling her thanks for the call and that he will get in touch when he hears something. They both say their good-byes and hang up.

    Kayla and Belle, who was standing next to her, then turn to tell Caroline what Shane had said. But when they do, they see that both Caroline and Maggie are gone. Belle looks over to the nurses’ sation and notices one standing at the counter. When she walks over and asks if she has seen either Maggie or Caroline, she responds that both women matching their descriptions flew out of there, with the brown-haired woman running past her and the redhead getting on an elevator. Belle goes back to Kayla and tells her that those women must be Caroline and Maggie. She also summarizes that they must have left like that to catch up with Hope.

    Kayla calls Shane back and tells him that Caroline went running past a nurse in the hallway out of the hospital and that Maggie took an elevator. She knows that Abe has officers there and wants to know if he can give them the order to stop them before they get hurt. Shane tells her to hold on and informs Abe of what has just happened at the hospital. Abe tells him that he’ll get his men on it, which Shane relays to Kayla before they hang up again.

    Both men are beyond furious at these women. Abe exclaims:

    Abe: What the hell are they thinking?! Since when did Maggie or Caroline turn into Cagney & Lacey?!
    Shane: You’re asking me?! They were probably following Hope, who should also know better no matter what training she has.
    Abe: Yeah, well, they have a great head start. The hospital is closer to the pier than we are. (Slamming his hand on the dashboard) This is probably the dumbest thing they ever did. I should have all of them arrested!!
    Shane: (Calling Kayla a third time) Kayla.....stay right there at that hospital! Don’t move! Got me?
    Kayla: You got it, Shane.
    Shane: Good. Bye.

    As they hang up, Kayla turns to Belle and worries what will happen when they get to the pier.....and who will get caught in the crossfire.

    -Returning to the warehouse, Victor tells Bo to go outside and make sure everything is in place when the cars get there. When Bo asks him about being recognized, Victor hands him a bag with a disguise in it and then he tells him that his men have the front and back of the warehouse district covered. He then pats him on the back, telling Bo he has nothing to worry about.

    When Bo asks why he has to go out there and check, Victor tells him because one, he said so. Two, he’s a former cop and will see if they have been infiltrated. And three, he wants to make sure that no one is doing their own thing and has let the S.P.D or the I.S.A. get inside the perimeter. Bo just nods his head and then races out the back door down the alleyway, to make sure everything is on point for the transfer.

    When he rounds the corner, he is suddenly brought to a dead stop. He is shocked to see that the person who is now standing directly in front of him........

    Is his wife, Hope. They lock eyes with one another and she tries her best not to cry in front of the man she still loves as Bo stares at her with an unexpressive gaze.

    -Meanwhile, back inside the warehouse, Victor paces back and forth nervously. He hopes everything goes off as planned. While he paces, he hears a door close. He curses himself for being so deep in thought that he didn’t hear someone sneak in. He then hears a light tapping noise....

    Almost sounding like a pair of high heels shoes. He pulls his gun and aims determinedly at the sound of the footsteps. He then sees a shadow of a female figure coming towards him. The woman then steps behind some crates. When Victor slowly goes to investigate, the figure jumps out from behind the crates....

    And the woman reveals herself to be..........Maggie. Victor sighs deeply then angrily puts his gun away as Maggie runs crying into his arms, begging him not to continue this vendetta and not to leave her. He returns the hug but now wonders what he’s going to do with her.....

    And how he’s going to get himself out of this.

    -At the very same time, Abe and Shane have parked outside the warehouse district and are about to sneak their way in. They both pull their guns as Abe tells Shane that he hopes it ends today. He also hopes that Caroline, Hope and Maggie don’t get hurt.....or killed. He also wants to get Bo and Victor into custody so they can put all their resources behind stopping Stefano. Shane says that if he had a penny for every single time he’s heard that.....he would be a rich man. Abe smiles and both men walk off towards the district.

    -On the outside of the warehouse, Caroline is lurking about. She keeps running into henchmen who are not noticing her. She then reaches into her purse and slowly pulls out a gun. She then has a memory of going back to the Pub after she went ballistic and getting it from under the counter. She then has another flashback to Roman and Bo getting her the weapon to protect herself in case anyone broke into the Pub.

    She then vows that she will do everything in her power to protect her family from Victor. He will not ruin it anymore than he already has. She finishes loading her gun and smiles, saying that if she has her way, this will be Victor’s last day on this Earth.

    The screen then splits into four vertical boxes with Hope and Bo facing off, Maggie and Victor hugging, Abe and Shane jogging across the street towards the warehouse district, and Caroline outside Victor’s warehouse with her gun......cocked and loaded.

    The Mysterious Cloaked Figure observes all of the activity from a safe vantage point and then, slowly......and methodically.........

    Lets out a very low and sinister laugh, which echoes as the screen slowly fades to black.

    Next Time, On A Special Salem Lives...............

    Abe to Shane: Tell the men to move in NOW!!!
    Hope to Bo: I want the truth. I want you to tell me everything.
    Maggie to Victor: Don't do this, please!!
    Victor to Maggie: Maggie, I...
    Maggie to Victor: You can't leave. You can't leave me!! I love you!!
    Caroline to Maggie: The hell you do!!!
    James (on his cell phone): I'm doing what I can. Lay off of me, damnit!!
    Marlena (looking into a room): Your time is up. It's time to take care of this once and for all.

  25. PhoenixRising05
    -Maggie is still at Alice's house. Alice notices how confused and down Maggie looks and asks Maggie if she is right about her having very strong feelings for Victor. As Maggie sits down next to her, she sighs deeply and looks at Alice, conflicted about telling her what she is getting involved in.

    Maggie finally, after some time, tells Alice that she is falling for Victor and it’s really starting to put a strain on her friendships with Caroline and others, not to mention feeling so damn guilty about Mickey as well. Alice looks at her and then places her hand on Maggie’s telling her hat the best thing she could do.....is follow her heart.

    Maggie asks her if she minds her being involved with Victor in the first place and Alice responds that for one, it’s really none of her business, and two, Mickey would not want her to be lonely for the rest of her life. Their time together is over and it’s been about time for her to get on with the business of living life the best way she knows how, Alice tells her.

    Doug and Julie then loudly saunter in, having just returned from visiting Lucas. They greet one another, with Julie mentioning that Alice is right. Julie mentions how she overheard their conversation and hopes Maggie will be careful but happy having Victor in her life.

    Doug tells her that it really is none of her business and that they both should stay out of anything concerning Victor. Julie wonders if there is any jealousy still there between the two as she did once have a fling with Victor. Doug walks over and embraces her, telling her that all that is between them.....is undying love. He then leans in and kisses her gently on her lips, which she returns. They then look at each other and smile and Julie suggests that they go upstairs. She takes his hand and goes upstairs with him.

    Julie later returns downstairs with Doug and she hugs Maggie, warning her to be careful. Being involved with a dangerous man like him is something you don’t take lightly but she hopes she finds happiness with him or whoever she decides to be with. Maggie thanks her and they hug once again, as Doug and Alice look on....

    Worried about Maggie’s future with Victor.

    -Back at the hospital, Belle runs into Caroline and Hope and asks how things are going. Both women tell her that Roman is doing well, but:

    Hope: There is a possibility of infection, so no one can see him.
    Caroline: Which is a shame. I just want to tell him how much I love him.
    Belle: Oh, Grandma, I think he knows. If he doesn’t know anything else.......he knows that.
    Hope: She’s right, Caroline. He’s out of the woods for now, so please, try your best to calm down. I know it’s hard, believe me, but.......Roman is a very strong man, who comes from good stock. He’ll be fine.

    Belle reaches her hand out to touch Caroline but both women see the bruise on her arm. When they both get quiet and look at her, she pulls her arm back, embarrassed. Belle turns away and, with her back to both ladies, tries to explain:

    Belle: I know what you both are thinking but it’s really nothing. (Turning back around slowly) Philip was having trouble getting out of his bed and when I helped him, he just held on too tight. That’s all there is to this, ok?

    Neither lady buys her story but they say nothing. Hope pinches Caroline slightly, as a sign to her that something is wrong. Caroline slowly turns and looks at Hope, silently agreeing with her that Belle may be in trouble. She feels powerless to help, though:

    Caroline: I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel lost. My oldest son in intensive care, my youngest son being sought by the police and the I.S.A. for his attempted murder. And I blame one man for this.........Victor. (Growing more angry) All that man has done is destroy lives. He isn’t even the same man I grew up with. And cared for. Well........(Staring straight ahead) his time will come. Oh, yes. I’ll see to that.......myself.
    Hope: Caroline......what do you plan to do?
    Belle: Grandma......you’re starting to scare me. Look. Why don’t you come over here and sit down. It’s been a very long night and it’s daylight now.
    Hope: You know, that’s a great idea. You look exhausted.

    As both Hope and Belle try to walk her over to one of the couches, Caroline snatches herself away from them violently and announces:

    Caroline: Leave me alone! I’m sick of everyone treating me like some damn invalid! I told you what will happen......and damnit, I meant every word I just said! Now......


    Caroline stomps off, leaving both Belle and Hope wondering where she’s going.......and hoping that she doesn’t get herself in deep trouble.

    -In his hospital room, Roman hears his mother storm off. He wonders:

    Roman: Damn. What have I gotten myself into with this thing?

    He now feels very guilty, having executed a undercover operation, never considering the pain he would be putting his family and friends through. He gets out of his bed and walks over to the window, looking out into the morning sunlight, trying to get a handle on this entire situation.

    A moment later, Kayla walks into his room. Roman jumps back into his bed, throws the covers over him and lays still, hoping that no one just heard him. Kayla looks around the partition blocking Roman’s bed and says to him, in a joking manner:

    Kayla: Now, that brings back memories. It sounds just like when you used to sneak back into the house after meeting some girl when you weren’t supposed to.
    Roman: That is still our little secret. Ma would kill me now if she knew what I did when her and Pop were out for the day.
    Kayla: Yeah, it’s our secret. And Kimberly’s. And Bo’s.
    Roman: (Shocked) You told them?
    Kayla: Of course I did. Me and Kimberly always laughed about it. Bo loved you for it. He was going through puberty, so those stories helped him out.........so to speak.
    Roman: Oh, man.

    Both brother and sister laugh quietly at these wonderful memories from their youth, before bringing everything back to the very serious present.

    Kayla: Everything is going very well. All the I.S.A. doctors and nurses are doing what they have to do. The family only knows that you are in stable condition and that, because of the risk of infection, no one but hospital personnel........I.S.A. personnel.......can see you. It finally gives you some breathing room.
    Roman: Thanks, sis. I surely appreciate it. You know....no one in the family can find out. Lives are already in danger.
    Kayla: Yeah, well, it’s too late to worry about that now. All you and Bo need to remember.....is that your family will understand what you both had to do to protect the family and the people of Salem.
    Roman: Kayla, that is one prediction that I pray comes true. That is.....if we all survive this thing.
    Kayla: Well, just as long as we don’t end up on some damn island, ok?
    Roman: That’s a bet, sis.

    Kayla bends down and kisses her big brother on the forehead, smiles, and then leaves his room quietly. He hears her talking to someone outside and then notices that all their voices trail off. He then sits up in is bed and sighs deep and long. His back is sore and his neck is stiff from all the time he’s spent laying in his bed still. He then gets a message from a secret device that Shane slipped him on his way to the hospital the night before.

    This message is from another state. A very important man is on the other end. His counterpart, so to speak. His name........

    Roman: Hey, Cruz. Glad that you called.
    Cruz Castillo: No problem, Roman. Glad that I could help. Both of these men are very famous, even out here in Santa Barbara.
    Roman: I can imagine. Any word on that information I asked you about?
    Cruz: Yeah, there sure is. You were right. That businessman from Dallas that Victor is in contact with does have a very serious beef with Stefano and, apparently, this Mysterious Cloaked Figure you told me about. I couldn’t get much of anything on that person but it seems that this businessman’s family and him think that the MCF is responsible, on DiMera’s orders, for the death of their father. They may be involved in this up to their necks.
    Roman: Damn. That’s what I was afraid of. It’s also the last thing we need here in Salem.
    Cruz: I know. It also seems that a secret assassin has been sent also to eliminate someone. Even with C.I.A. and F.B.I. help, we can’t target who it is. I know we started in training class together so I have some advice. Roman, it seems to me that you have one option.
    Roman: And what is that, my friend?
    Cruz: You better figure out how to stop DiMera, Kiriakis, this secret assassin and this MCF cold......

    Before there is nothing or no one left in Salem.

    Roman thanks Cruz for his help and deactivates his device. He now knows that Victor is getting outside business help from someone powerful and knows that the stakes for him and Bo have just been raised once again. He sends Shane a message to get to the Commander of the I.S.A. Division in Washington, telling him to get him some secret protection for his family.

    He also tries to get a message to Bo, telling him of this latest information. He hopes Bo can retrieve it and get back to him......

    Before it’s too late.

    -As Roman tries to coordinate with Bo, Victor is with Nico, hiding out at Salem Pier No. 9. He turns to Nico, asking him where his son is. Nico replies that he doesn’t have one clue where Bo is. Just then, someone sneaks into the side door. Victor hides, while Nico goes and checks it out. When Nico turns his back, he is surprised to notice a gun sticking in his back. And the man holding it?

    Victor: Bo. Nice entrance. You can start telling me where you’ve been by putting that gun away.
    Bo: Sure, Victor. No problem. Sorry about that, Nico.
    Nico: No harm done, Bo. Tells me I have to keep on my toes.

    Bo puts the gun away, then fills Victor in on what’s happening on the outside:

    Bo: The entire city is under a dragnet. They are not only looking for us but DiMera and that MCF as well. I don’t think Al Capone could get out of Salem if he wanted to.
    Victor: Capone never had these kind of problems. Well, son, what do you think should be our next move?
    Bo: Victor, my feeling is we should get to somewhere right outside of the city limits, lay low, and plot our next move.
    Victor: Excellent advice, Bo. I would take it but I just don’t know.
    Bo: Victor, look.....
    Victor: Bo, one day, maybe, you will be running this entire family. But not today! This is still my empire and what I say.......goes. Clear?
    Bo: Then, if that was the case, why in the hell did you ask me my opinion?
    Victor: To see where your head is at. (Walking over to him) Don’t take this personally, son. I put every single trusted member of this organization through the very same tests. You have passed with flying colors. Trust me on that.
    Bo: Well, thank you, Victor. But I still say we should keep close to Salem, to keep our eyes and ears on the action.
    Victor: No, no. We’ll leave. I already have things taken care of. A trusted man who still does contract work for me......from time to time......has given us the use of a limousine. He and a friend of his, who will be in another car, will drive it here soon. We’ll make the car switch then.
    Bo: Nice.
    Victor: (Smiling) Then we’ll go to the airport and, with the help of some other allies on our payroll, we’ll take a third friend’s private jet out of Salem. No one will know that we are gone.....and no one will be the wiser.
    Bo: Victor......my compliments. You thought of everything.
    Victor: Thank you, my son. I trust that you are coming with us, yes?

    Bo hesitates but only for one reason. The device that he’s carrying is sending a homing signal message to Roman, Shane and other I.S.A. operatives. He turns once again to face Victor:

    Bo: Of course. All I want to know is.....what about Philip? You.....just going to leave him here?
    Victor: He’s being attended to and watched as we speak. No harm will come to him. He is my son, as you are. I wouldn’t let anything happen to him.
    Bo: That’s nice to hear. And Lucas? Austin?
    Victor: I will be in contact with them as soon as we have made our escape. Everything is under control, Bo. I just need to know......will you still stand by my side.....until the end?
    Bo: Victor, after everything I’ve done to prove my loyalty, what more do you want? I set out to kill my brother, on your orders, turn my back on my family......I just don’t know what else there is to say.
    Victor: Bo, my point is this. If you stay.....you may be captured by Stefano’s people or the SPD and ISA. If that happens, I can’t guarantee that I could return to save you. You may have to.....pay the price for that decision. That’s all I’m saying.

    Bo turns and stands off from Victor for a moment. Victor gives him a moment, then walks up to him, suddenly remembering:

    Victor: Did you take care of your brother like I ordered?
    Bo: Roman is near death. Kayla even said that he doesn’t have long to live. Before I could finish him off, though, I was almost caught and had to leave. You understand.
    Victor: Yes, yes I understand. It will do.....for now. But......you still have not answered my question.
    Bo: And that is?
    Victor: Are you staying and risking almost certain death........

    Or will you stand by your father’s side?

    The screen freeze-frames on Bo’s face and as he contemplates this important decision, the screen slowly fades to black.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives........

    Abe to Shane: We have a tip...on Victor and Bo.
    Hope: Who is this? How do you know where my husband is? (Clip of MCF hanging up their cell phone)
    Kayla to Belle: I'm worried, Belle. I'm worried about what may go down in that warehouse district.
    Victor to Bo: We have to do what we must...to accomplish what we need to. No matter how far we need to go.
    Caroline: This all ends...today. (finished loading a gun)
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