Cassie: Hello? Is anyone...
Voice: Hello, Cassie.
Cassie: Who is this?
We then see the person on the other end of the call...IT'S THE MCF!!!
MCF (via voice changer): Never mind who I am. If you want revenge on Max Brady, Chelsea Brady, and Abby Deveraux...come to the alley on South Market Street by 9AM sharp.
Cassie: Who is this? Why are you calling...
MCF: Nevermind the questions. Come...or grandpa Dimera meets his maker. You have one hour to meet me at the location requested.
The MCF then hangs up, leaving Cassie puzzled and frightened.
-At the penthouse, Belle is dressing Claire when the doorbell rings. She answers it and is shocked to see Philip. She tells him he isn't welcome there and that she will call security. Philip tells her to calm down and just listen. He tosses some documents at her and says:
Philip: Here you go. Papers signed. Happy?
Belle is stunned.
-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Nicole races up and knocks on the door feverishly. Henderson answers and Nicole tells him she must speak to Victor. Henderson says he will announce her but Nicole runs right past him and into the living room, where Victor is reading the newspaper and asks what the meaning of this is. Nicole says she needs to talk to him and that she may need his help and protection.
-At Sami and Lucas's apartment, Sami and Lucas are preparing for Marie Horton's funeral and are waiting for Eric to arrive. Lucas knocks on Will's door and asks if he is ready. They don't want to be late. Will says he is almost ready. Lucas says ok and rejoins Sami as there is a knock on the door. It's Eric.
Eric asks them both if they heard anything about Carrie. Sami explains that she talked to Austin and he told her that Carrie cried herself to sleep and has not woke up yet. He doesn't think they will make the funeral. Eric says that is too bad. He really hopes Austin or someone can get through to Carrie. Sami asks Eric if he has talked to Nicole at all since the incident with Carrie yesterday. Eric shakes his head. Sami notices a look of bewilderment on Eric's face and asks what is wrong. Eric explains to Sami that he feels like there is alot Nicole is holding back and that is one of the major problems in their marriage right now. Sami asks Eric if he thinks Nicole is up to something.
-At Carrie and Austin's hotel room, Austin answers the door after hearing a knock and finds Kate at the door. Kate says she came to check on Carrie. Austin asks how she knew. Kate explains she was at Salem Place and saw the whole thing. She just didn't want to get involved or interfere. Austin smiles and sarcastically says that it's not like her to interfere. Kate says she just thinks it was too volitile a situation for her to step into. He seemed to have it under control.
Kate asks how Carrie is doing and Austin explains that she cried herself to sleep and still hasn't awakened yet. He admits he is worried about her and doesn't know what he is going to do.
Meanwhile, Carrie is sleeping in bed and is recalling giving up her baby to Alan and lying about it to cover it up. She then recalls holding Evan and screaming that he is her child. Carrie then wakes from her dream by jumping up and says she knows that Evan is hers. She doesn't know how but she felt it. She knows no one will beleive her and decides it's time to stop crying and acting like a victim. Carrie says she needs to do something about this...on her own. If no one will support her or beleive her, she will just prove her claims independantly.
Outside the bedroom, Austin is showing Kate the engagement ring he bought and Kate says it's beautiful. Austin admits he isn't sure he should give it to her but Kate thinks it may help Carrie. It gives her something good to hold on to and to help take her mind off things. Austin hears Carrie coming and hides the ring. Carrie enters the room and says hi to Kate. She then tells Austin they need to talk. Kate thinks that they should be alone and admits she has to go anyway. She tells both of them to call if they need anything and bids them goodbye.
After she leaves, Austin admits he is happy to see her calmer and moving around. Austin then asks Carrie what she wants to talk about. Carrie tells Austin it's about the baby...her baby. She says she has something to tell him.
-Back at the penthouse, Belle asks Philip what he is up to. Philip says nothing. He had no choice. He stands to lose too much so he had to sign the papers. Belle says she is glad he did. Philip sees Claire inside and asks if he can have just one minute with her but Belle refuses, saying they need to get to Marie Horton's funeral. Philip realizes that is today and says he understands and tells Belle to give the Horton's his condolences. He reminds Belle to contact him about arranging visitation. Belle says she will do that. Philip begins to leave but then turns back towards Belle and apologizes for hurting her.
Philip: That was a big mistake and I apologize, wholeheartedly.
Belle is silent as Philip wishes her a good day and leaves via the elevator. Belle shuts the door behind her and wonders why he was so cooperative and civil to her. Meanwhile, in the elevator, Philip tells himself:
Philip: You may have one this round, Belle, but I will win the war. Philip Kiriakis doesn't plan on losing...ever. All in due time...I will make sure it all falls into place. I will have Claire back...and you, Belle. We will have it all and no one will stand in the way.
-Back at the Kiriakis Mansion, Nicole fills Victor in on what happened with Carrie at Salem Place and Kate interrogating her yesterday. Victor reveals to Nicole that Kate interrogated him yesterday too. Nicole panics and tells Victor he can't let this happen.
Nicole: I need your word. Please!!! I can't lose everything!!!
Victor: Oh, silence!! I fulfilled our deal. You helped me with Maggie and I agree to keep that a secret and also help you get Lucas' old job at Titan and adopt that kid of yours. I did all that. No more. You take care of the rest by yourself. I have enough problems and I don't need you always on my case about some new problem. Your crafty, Nicole. Your also quite resourcesful. Figure something out and help yourself!!
Nicole: Do I have to remind me that if I go down you go down with me?
Victor: Really? What do I lose? Maggie saw us "in bed" together. I am not married. People know our history. They will never beleive you over me. You have nothing, Nicole. I have all the balls in my court. You are married and if Eric somehow learns of our fake tryst for Maggie's benefit, he may misinterpret it and that will be it for you two. Hell, the fact that you went to me to help and used my power to obtain that child and that Titan job has him angry with you enough. You will lose the most here, Nicole. If you continue to harass me like this, I will tell Eric everything and that precious baby and job I helped you get, will be gone in a flash. Do you understand?
Nicole: Yeah. Fine.
Victor: Good. Now get out. I don't want to hear from you anymore unless it's a matter of great important to me. Not you! To me! Got it?
Nicole: Yes.
Victor: Henderson, please escort my ex out please.
Henderson shows Nicole out. Outside, Nicole vows not to give up without a fight. She promises to fight Kate, Carrie, and anyone else she has to. She isn't losing her life or her dream. She will not lose her job or Evan. She will make sure of it and do whatever it takes to do so. Nicole leaves as Kate reveals herself from behind the bushes. Kate wishes she heard everything Nicole said or that she would've heard her with Victor but is confident she is close to the truth. Kate vows it's only a matter of time before she busts Nicole.
-Back at Sami and Lucas's, Eric tells Sami and Lucas that he doesn't beleive Carrie when she says Evan is her's. That is too convenient. However, he does buy that Nicole did something for Victor in exhange for his getting her Lucas's old Titan job and Evan. Sami says she knew Nicole didn't change. It was too easy. Sami says she takes back trying to encourage him to give his marriage another chance. She wants him nowhere near Nicole. Lucas agrees, saying he knows firsthand how vindictive she can be.
Eric says he knows about her past but she was different when they reunited and came back to Salem. He admits that they may have rushed into marriage because he was on his deathbed but he thinks they can work things out if they communicate and are honest. Sami laughs and tells him good luck with that. Lucas looks at his watch and tells Will to hurry up or they will be late.
Meanwhile, Will is in his room on his computer surfing the net. He is searching for information on how to deal with and move on from molestation. He then wishes that he could tell someone but Alan threatened him and his family. he has to stay silent. He just is thankful to have told his Uncle Bo, who went through the same thing in the past. He hopes to get away again soon to talk to him more about how to deal with what happened to him. Lucas calls out to him again. Will says he is coming.
Will comes out of his room as Sami and Lucas both ask if he is ok. Will says he is fine. Eric comments on his sharp he looks. Lucas then ushers everyone out, saying they need to go. Lucas and Will leave as Sami tells Eric she still has hope things will work out for mom, Carrie, him, and the whole family. Eric says he still does too and he says that they need to have hope. It's all some of them have right now. Sami smiles and they follow Lucas and Will out the apartment door, shutting it behind them.
-Back at Carrie and Austin's room, Carrie apologizes to Austin for her behavior. She admits she just wanted her child back so much and Evan was the first child she held since her baby "died." Austin says he figured that and understands. He promises her that it will all be ok. They will get past this together. Carrie says she knows they will. He then asks her if she wants to call the Horton's or send a card to express condolences. Carrie remembers Marie Horton's funeral is today and tells Austin she feels well enough to go. She wants to support the Horton's and be there for them like they have been for her at times. Besides, Mike will be there and she wants to support him too.
Austin asks if she is sure. Carrie says she is. She tells him to give her a few minutes to change. They may run a little late but they can still make it. Austin says ok and goes to get changed. While alone, Carrie tells herself that she is sorry she had to lie to Austin again but he nor anyone else is going to beleive her claims about Evan and she knows he is hers. She will just find the proof on her own and then she will have what she needs to get her child back and make everything right again.
-Cassie arrives at the alley the MCF instructed her to go to. No one is around and barely a pindrop can be heard as the alley is on the seedy part of town and is isolated from the bustling city area.
Cassie: What the hell is going on? Where is this person who called? What is this some sort of sick joke?
Cassie continues to walk until she is grabbed from behind by the MCF!!! The MCF puts his or her hand over her mouth and puts a gun to her head, saying:
MCF (via voice changer): Do as I say. Don't fight me. Just come along and I won't hurt a pretty little hair on your head, got it?
The screen then freezes on Cassie's frightened face with the MCF's hand covering her mouth and then the screen fades out.
On the Next Salem Lives...