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Blog Entries posted by PhoenixRising05

  1. PhoenixRising05
    ***ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to personal reasons, Salem Lives was forced to be preempted on Tuesday January 9, 2006. In response to these unforseen events, yesterday's episode will be posted today and the rest of the week will run one day behind. However, in an effort to catch up, we will post a special Saturday episode on Saturday night, which will be Friday's episode in reality. The SL Insider will be posted Sunday instead of Saturday and the promo for next week will be posted sometime after that. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and, hopefully, things will start getting back to normal soon. You will find yesterday's episode, really now today's. posted right before this note. Thanks to our readers, fellow writers, and all of SON for their understanding in this matter.***

    -Cal wakes up as it is a new day, still reeling from his memory breakthrough the other night, and is hopeful this is the beginning of him getting his life back. He pulls himself out of bed and finds himself covered in sweat. Cal opts to take a shower to clean himself up.

    Meanwhile, unbeknowst to Cal, Katherine has just finished the shower and is about to open the shower doors. Cal is right outside the bathroom and listens in to see if Katherine is in there. After not hearing anything, Cal decides to enter. He opens the unlocked door and enters, just as Katherine climbs out of the shower. Cal has his back turned as Katherine is getting out and undresses himself. Katherine finally looks up and is so stunned to see Cal she drops her towel. Cal turns to see a naked Katherine and smiles.

    Cal: Well, Dr. Harcourt. This is a side of you I have never seen before. I like it...I like it alot.
    Katherine (studying Cal's body as much as he is studying her's): Uh...um...stop it!!

    Katherine quickly picks up her towel and covers up, finally realizing how embarassing the situation is. Cal smiles and says she has nothing to be ashamed of. Katherine asks Cal to cover up. She is his doctor only and she thought he understood that. She is pleased that they are getting along now but what is between them can't go beyond patient/doctor or friendship.

    Cal smiles and says he understands but also knows that you can't stop what is meant to be. Katherine is silent and changes the subject to Cal and how he is feeling. Cal says he is fine and is very hopeful now for the future. He thinks the breakthrough he had will lead to him recovering his total memory and finally reclaiming his life. Katherine urges him not to get his hopes up and says she was concerned about him after he woke up from sleeping after having the memory flash and then immediately laid back down and seem to pass out. Cal insists he is fine. Katherine asks about what he remembered. Cal fills her in and Katherine worries about the memories being too powerful and too much for him. That may be why he passed out immediately after the memory flash.

    Cal urges Katherine not to worry and that he is sure everything will work out now. She exits the bathroom so he can shower. He asks her to join him but she only smiles and leaves. After leaving, Katherine seems concerned and hopes Cal can handle whatever effect the memories have on him mentally and physically.

    -At the Horton House, the doorbell rings. Doug answers and embraces Maggie, who says she has come to see Alice. Doug informs Maggie that Julie and himself are about to visit Lucas at the hospital. Maggie says she already has seen him and says he is doing well. Julie appears and asks Doug if he is ready to go. Julie embraces Maggie and asks how she is doing. She says she is fine. Julie can see that she is worried about Victor and reminds Maggie how resourceful and strong Victor is. He will find a way out of this and will be back before she knows it.

    Doug is angered by the fact that Julie is encouraging Maggie's involvement wiht Victor. Julie tells Doug that Victor is a good man deep down but he will do anything to protect his family. It is that determination that has driven him to start this war. Julie acknowledges Victor has made mistakes but he has good intentions. Doug is stunned she would say that as so many innocent people have been caught in the crossfire because of his actions. Julie suggests they drop this and go to the hospital. They both embrace Maggie and leave.

    Maggie enters the living room and sees Alice sitting in her chair. Maggie comes over and kisses her. Alice admits she heard the whole discussion that was going on in the other room. She can tell Maggie is conflicted about Victor and everything that has happened. Maggie laughs and says that it seems nothing ever gets by her. Alice laughs and says she knows her family and she can tell when something is wrong.

    Maggie knows Victor is going about everything the wrong way but she understands what he is trying to do. He wants to protect his family and loved ones and wants revenge. She wants the same thing for Mickey's death. Alice asks if that is partly why Maggie is justifying what Victor is doing in her mind. Maggie thinks that could be it. She sees everyone, including Caroline, turning against Victor because of what he has done to Bo and everyone else but she can't. He has helped her get through so much and she cares about him. Alice asks just how much does she care for him.

    Maggie says they are close friends. Alice reminds Maggie that she has followed Victor into some dangerous situations, including Sydney and the shootout on New Year's. Alice says she has seen the way Maggie looks at Victor and she believes this could be something that goes well beyond friendship. Maggie denies that notion but Alice notes that Maggie may not realize just how strong her feelings for Victor have become. Maggie looks at Alice, wondering if she may be right.

    -At the hospital, Kate is with Lucas. She tells him about Chelsea knowing about her condition and about Austin thinking he saw Carrie. Lucas doesn't buy that as Carrie would make herself known to them all. She is too caring a person to lurk around and then run away when someone she cares about saw her. Kate agrees and thinks Austin thought he saw her in the heat of the moment or something.

    Sami arrives with Will and asks how Lucas is feeling. Lucas embraces Will and says he is fine and will be ok in no time. He does have something he wants to tell them all. Lucas admits that his being shot made him realize what he was doing to all of them. He wants to protect them but he also doesn't want them worried sick or to suffer thinking about him involved in shootouts and dangerous operations that he really has no business being in. He has decided that he will no longer be a part of Victor's operation. He will find some other way to settle the Carrie situation and get her back here.

    Austin is just about to walk in when he overhears. He bursts in, furious with Lucas. He reminds Lucas that he is the reason they both got involved in Victor's organization and, if he thinks it will be that easy to just up and quit, he has another thing coming. Lucas says he wants things to go back to normal. He wants to be with his son and family. He just now realizes his place is with Sami and he doesn't want to lose all that. Kate rolls her eyes as Sami and Will both smile.

    Doug and Julie both arrive and embrace Lucas, happy he is ok. Lucas fills them both in on what is going on. Austin asks about Carrie. Lucas says they will just have to find another way. He wants her and his child back but not at the risk of his life and the risk of destroying his family's lives and futures. Austin understands but warns it may not be easy to break away from Victor, especially with Lucas still working at Titan. Lucas understands but says he can soften Victor by offering to aid him in any way via his job at Titan. He can do some legwork or take care of the company or something while Victor focuses on other things. Austin thinks that may work.

    Kate asks Austin if that means he will be ending his involvement with Victor too. Austin says if Lucas is, he may as well do so too. Kate embraces him, very pleased. Sami does the same and only wishes Uncle Bo would've quit too before it was too late.

    -Kimberly and Kayla are talking outside Steve's room. Kimberly still can't understand what is going on with Bo. Kayla admits that she can't either. Kayla notes how hard things are for the family right now with Bo on the run, Roman shot, Chelsea being hospitalized, and what is happening to Steve. Just when things were finally better after what happened with Eric, all this happens. Kimberly comforts her and asks how Steve is doing. Kayla says that all his tests came back fine. He has nothing wrong with his brain or anything else. She is so worried about him and doesn't know what to do.

    Kim says she is doing everything she can and asks if she called Stephanie. Kayla says she won't call her until she knows what they are dealing with and then asks Kim what if what they are doing isn't enough. He has been ill for a few days so clearly something is wrong but the tests so nothing. He can't get any help until they find out what is going on and they may not find out anything until it is too late. Kim embraces her and says they will get through this and that it will all work out.

    -Meanwhile, in Steve's room, Shane is visiting with Steve. Steve knows Kayla is worried about him and admits he is worried too. He doesn't know why he is feeling ill and why he had those headaches and that violent episode he had at the ball. He just had that memory flash of men all around him and he was trying to fight them off but couldn't. Shane wonders if either Lawrence or Stefano did something to him while he was in captivity. Steve thinks that is what he is remembering.

    Steve regrets coming back to Salem from Sydney with Kayla but he had to. She had gotten shot and he couldn't just leace her. He had called both Kayla and Jack by the nicknames he had for them so he thought, like Kayla said, that he was making progress. Having Stephanie back really helped and he felt comfortable, so comfortable that he felt "right" holding Kayla in his arms. Shane says that is good. Steve admits he is afraid of what he might do to Kayla if he has another memory flash and goes crazy like he did again. He asks Shane not to tell Kayla or anyone else what they have discussed, especially the details about the memory flash.

    Shane says that Kayla was right there in the ballroom when he got hysterical so she may already know what is going on. Even if she doesn't, she has a right to know as his wife and as a doctor. She could have Kim, who is a therapist, help too. Steve says no and begs Shane to stay silent, at least for now. Shane reluctantly agrees but makes Steve promise to tell Kayla if he gets worse. Steve agrees. Shane privately wonders if he can keep Steve's secret on top of Carrie's. He worries about how the Brady's will react about his deception.

    -Belle is outside Philip's hospital room, clearly afraid and hesistant to enter. The nurse asks if she is ok as she notices Belle shaking. Belle says she is fine. The nurse says that her husband has been wondering where she was as she has yet to come see him since he was admitted yesterday. Belle says she was just worried about her mother and father and there was just so much going on. The nurse understands and is sure Philip will too. Belle quietly says "don't be so sure." The nurse asks what she said but Belle says it was nothing.

    The nurse adds that Philip will need Belle with his father on the run. Belle smiles and just nods. The nurse leaves as Belle realizes she has to face Philip sooner or later. She is about to enter his room but then becomes hesitant. As she shakes, tears fall from her eyes and she opts to turn back and leave. As she is about to walk away, Philip yells out for her to come in. He says is awake and that he is fine. Belle peers in from behind the door and asks if Philip is mad. He says he isn't and says he knows about what is going on with her family. He understands but he needs her and wants to see her.

    Belle slowly walks over to Philip and smiles. He smiles back and asks how she is. Belle says she is trying to be strong but her mother is acting weird and they all think she is still not right. Her father is in ICU and her Uncle Steve is ill. Philip assures her it will be fine. Belle says he must be relieved about Lucas and Austin being ok. Philip nods and says it would've been nice if his wife was with him and there for him during all this. He needs her now with his father on the run. Belle apologizes and says she knows but her family needs her too.

    A nurse then comes in and says that her grandma Caroline is looking for her. Belle thanks the nurse and says she is on her way. Belle tells Philip she must go but assures him she will be back soon. Just as Belle is about to walk away, Philip grabs her arm hard. Belle tells Philip he is hurting her but he becomes enraged and says:

    Philip: You go where I say you go. You do what I say you do...you...[!@#$%^&*]. Is that understood?

    Belle throws Philip's hand off of her and tells him to go to tell. She then walks out. Philip throws a vase at the wall. The nurse races in and asks if he is fine. He says he is and it was just an accident. His wife moved the vase and his leg must have knocked it off the tray table. The nurse goes to get something to clean it up as Philip says:

    Philip: You will pay for this, Belle. I warned you to obey my rules...MY ORDERS!! Your beloved family and friends have been far too suspicious of our situation and I don't like that and...now...you leave me...after not coming to see me since I've been here. You will pay for your disobediance my precious Belle. Mark my words YOU WILL PAY...

    The screen then fades out on Philip's sinister grin.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Alice to Maggie: Folllow your heart, dear.
    Maggie to Alice: Even if that leads me to Victor?
    Caroline to Belle and Hope: I am mad as hell and have had enough!!!
    Kayla to Roman: So, how long do we keep up this charade?
    Roman to Kayla: Long enough to accomplish what we need to.
    Victor to Bo: We both need to get out of here now.
    Bo to Victor: I'm not so sure.

  2. PhoenixRising05
    -As the excitement and danger of New Year’s Night continues, Cassie is wheeled into the emergency room after suffering a fainting spell. Dr. Rich Glancy, the new attending physician, examines Cassie to see what the problem is. When she comes to, she is informed that she was found passed out by a nurse upstairs and was brought down to the emergency room. Cassie tells the doctor that all she remembers is feeling lightheaded but nothing after that.

    Dr. Glancy tells her that they know who she is by the identification they got from her purse and asks if there is anyone she wishes to be contacted. She hesitantly says no, not right now. She wonders if the cause was having too much to drink that evening. The doctor tells her they are running a battery of tests to find the cause and will let her know ASAP.

    Later that night, the doctor returns. He says that they can’t find anything wrong and chalks it up to stress. He then tells her to take it easy. She informs him about the nausea she suffered from earlier and he gives her a prescription, telling her to get it filled right away. He also tells her that they will contact her with the rest of the test results as soon as they become available. She is free to go. After the doctor and nurses leave, Cassie wonders out loud where her grandfather and aunt are and then wishes they were there by her side.

    She quietly gets dressed, and slowly walks out of the ER, hoping that the test results come back negative on all counts.

    -On the upper patient floor, Max and Abby continue to talk about their plans for the future as Jack and Billie walk by. Jack looks through the window of his daughter’s room and sees her happily talking to Max. He turns to tell Billie:

    Jack: I’m sure glad she had someone to share New Year's with. (Looking back at Abby) Sometimes, I really feel like I’ve failed her as a father.
    Billie: Don’t say that, Jack. You have done the very best you can with Jennifer being gone and all. The tragedy that Abby & Chelsea went through was because of poor decision making, not anything you or I have done.
    Jack: That’s easy to say. (Sighing deeply) I just know that Jennifer is looking down on me and just shaking her head. Not only for Abby but for Steve and all the drama at the Ball earlier. Lucas shot, Roman fighting for his life........
    Billie: And you blame yourself for that? Look at me. Victor, Stefano and Bo are to blame for this whole mess. As well as this new threat we all may now be facing. All you, I, and everyone else tried to do was to stop this madness before someone got killed.
    Jack: And that still happened. Eleven people dead, twenty three others wounded, and Lucas and Austin among those. That is on top of my daughter being paralyzed and yours losing the use of her arm.....I mean, what did we do to deserve all this?
    Billie: I ask myself that same question often. I overheard Abby earlier talking about why she can’t feel anything in her legs. She knows we and her doctors are keeping something from her, as does Chelsea.
    Jack: Abby probably also feels I’m hiding something from her as well, doesn’t she?
    Billie: (Pausing) Well, Jack........I, uh...........
    Jack: That’s what I thought. (Pausing briefly) Well, I think it’s about time that we stop hiding things from them and tell them what they are facing. What do you think?
    Billie: I think.......that you’re right. They need to know what the future holds.
    Jack: Ok, then. You take your daughter..........and I’ll take mine.
    Billie: Deal. Good luck.
    Jack: You too.

    Jack and Billie separate to go tell their children the grim news that they both have been keeping from them and hope that they have enough inner strength to make it through.....with their love and support.

    -As Billie rounds the corner to go to Chelsea’s room, she finds Kate walking towards her. She tells her that now is the time.....to tell her daughter what she is facing. Kate agrees and follows her into Chelsea’s room, where she is in a deep sleep. Upon waking her, Chelsea exclaims:

    Chelsea: What the hell?! I was sound asleep!
    Billie: I’m so sorry about that, honey, but I think that now is the time to tell you how badly injured you are.
    Chelsea: At two o’clock in the morning?
    Kate: Yes at two o’clock in the morning. So.....why don’t you just....please, be quiet, while your mother speaks to you.

    Chelsea wipes away the sleep from her eyes and then looks at Billie, waiting for her to say something. Billie does, telling her:

    Billie: Chelsea......what everyone has been keeping from you......is that.......I don’t know how to say this......
    Chelsea: Will you tell me or let me go back to dreaming about Brad Pitt?! Please?!
    Billie: Ok.....ok. The doctors and all the experts that have been brought in....feel that.....you may not have the full use of your arm.

    Chelsea is shocked.

    Chelsea: But.....they mean for the time being, right? Please tell me that it’s just until I learn to use it again. Please.
    Billie: I’m so, so sorry, dear. But they feel that you will never have the use of it. Period.

    Chelsea starts crying.

    Chelsea: So this is what you all have been hiding from me?! Oh My God!! How could you keep this from me?! Huh?! How could you be so damn cruel?!?!
    Billie: (Trying to comfort her) Chelsea, baby, you have to understand, I was only trying to protect you.
    Kate: (Crying) She was, dear. We both only meant the very best for you.
    Chelsea: Oh.....this coming from a grandmother who can never keep her damn nose out of everyone’s lives! And NOW you want to stay out of something?! (Looking at both Billie & Kate) You both make me sick!
    Billie: Oh, Chelsea. Don’t say that. (Crying) Please. I’ve tried to be the best mother I can be.
    Chelsea: Oh, please!! Stop acting like my mother because your not!!
    Billie: What?
    Chelsea: (Calming down) Uh...nevermind. It's just...you haven't been much of a mother to me lately with everything going on. You just...you should have told me......sooner.
    Kate: We both know that. Don’t blame her. She had your best interest at heart. Now, you know that. So, for once, stop giving her a hard time and just realize how much your mother loves you.

    Chelsea wipes away her tears and says:

    Chelsea: I’m sorry for yelling at you like that. I hope you understand.....
    Billie: Oh yes, baby. I do understand. Please forgive me.
    Chelsea: I do. For now. But.....you must promise me to start being......the mother you haven’t been.
    Billie: Oh, I will. If you still vow to keep your promise about turning your life around.
    Kate: I think that’s only fair, don’t you?
    Chelsea: Yeah. Yes, that’s fair.

    Chelsea then says that she will try with all of her heart to get back the use of her arm. Both Kate and Billie look at each other with worry, thinking that a miracle would have to occur for that to happen.

    -While Billie, Chelsea & Kate sort out their problems, Jack walks into Abby’s room and takes off his tuxedo jacket. He smiles at Max and then shakes his hand, thanking him for the New Year’s Eve present he gave his daughter. Max says no problem but then asks Jack why does he look so serious. Jack responds:

    Jack: Well, Maxwell, Abby and I have to have a very serious talk. About her condition...and some other things.

    Max stands and begins to excuse himself from the room to give the two more privacy. Jack wouldn’t hear of it.

    Jack: No, no please. Sit down. This involves you too.

    Max returns to his seat and then softly takes Abby’s hand.

    Jack: I know you’ve been through a lot since your mother’s death.
    Abby: Yeah. And you could have died as well tonight. Max filled me in. Are you alright?
    Jack: (Taking her hand) Oh, I’m just fine, Abigail. But, we’ll get into that later. This is much more important.
    Abby: Ok, Daddy. Go.....go ahead. (Her voice trembling) What......do you want to tell me?
    Jack: Well.....sweetheart, the doctors are of the opinion (Looking away from her)......that you may.......(Looking at her) that you may never walk again.
    Abby: Oh..........nooooo!!! No, Daddy!! (Crying) I have to walk. Please tell me that they’re wrong. (Grabbing his hand) Please!!! They have to be wrong.
    Jack: They have done test after test and they just don’t see any way that you will recover fully from this tragic accident. (Starting to cry) I’m so sorry, baby.

    Abby cries heavily, taking this horrible news in. She then slowly turns and looks at Max, asking him, through her tears:

    Abby: Did you know? Did you know the truth?
    Max: (Looking at Jack, then back at Abby) Yes. Yes, I did know.
    Abby: So you were protecting me too, huh? Protecting the cripple, huh?
    Max: (Kissing her hand softly) Let me say something to you. I don’t care if you can walk or not. That never meant anything to me.
    Abby: Really?
    Max: Yes, really. You are all that matters to me. I just found happiness with you. Now why would I ruin all that by walking away? Huh?
    Abby: You mean......you will still want me? Even like this?
    Max: I never stopped wanting you. Your my angel, Abby. You have been......and always will be, ok?
    Abby: Well.......I guess that will have to do.

    Abby starts crying once again, as Jack looks on. He also sees Max take her in his arms and hug her, comforting her through this life changing news. Jack sits and watches, proud of this young man who has stepped up to the plate for his little girl.

    What none of them sees outside Abby’s room........is Cassie. She looks into the room at Abby and Max, with burning hatred in her eyes. She turns away from the window, vowing to herself that:

    Cassie: If it’s the last thing I do, they won’t be a couple by the end of this year. That is......if I can find out what’s wrong with me first

    She then turns and storms off, pulling out her cell phone in another attempt to call the one person who can help her get revenge......

    Her grandfather, Stefano.

    -Meanwhile, back upstairs in the I.C.U. waiting room, Hope, Caroline and Maggie wait to receive word on Roman’s condition. Kayla comes out of Lucas’s room and joins the ladies in going to get some coffee. Once at the upstairs lounge, Kalya tells everyone that:

    Kayla: Roman can’t have any visitors but he is still in critical but stable condition.
    Caroline: Well, that’s some decent news for a change.
    Hope: Yes, it is. Considering who may have done this to him.
    Maggie: You mean Bo......or Victor?
    Hope: Unfortunately, both.
    Caroline: That’s true, sad to say. I know Shawn is looking down on Bo and just shaking his head. I can’t understand it myself. I don’t know what Bo’s problem is......or Victor’s, for that matter.
    Kayla: Well, when will it be time for Bo and Victor to take responsibility for their actions?

    Maggie sits quietly and listens....

    Hope: Kayla, what does that mean? Victor said the same thing to us. Are you also blaming us for what has happened to Bo?
    Kayla: No, I’m not. Please don’t take it that way. What I’m saying is.....Bo has been my brother longer than he’s been your husband and he’s always been so damn headstrong and stubborn. You have to hit him upside his head with the side of a mountain for him to get the hint......and, by the way, he is a grown man. He knows what he’s doing.
    Caroline: (Looking at Maggie) Maggie, you seem to be very silent once again. I guess you feel Victor is doing what he has to do, right?

    Maggie looks at Caroline but doesn’t respond.

    Caroline: Look. I know that man better than anyone here. At one time, we were very close. But no more. I hold him just as responsible as Bo and Stefano for everything that has happened in the last six months and, especially, for the past evening. (Walking up to Maggie) And, if you want to take his side in this thing.......you are a lot more stupid than I ever gave you credit for!

    Hope and Kayla try to calm down Caroline, reminding her, as Maggie does, that this is not the time or the place to keep rehashing this same old argument. Besides, Hope says, she’s really tired of talking about it. Kayla agrees and tells the ladies that she is going to check on Steve and check on the status of his test results.

    As she leaves, Maggie tells Caroline that whatever is going on between her and Victor is personal. She wishes that Caroline would just give her a break.....for now. Maggie walks off, leaving Hope and Caroline to hope for Roman’s recovery.......and Bo’s safety.

    -Once again, Sami & Belle catch up to Marlena in I.C.U. They both ask if she has seen their father yet, to which she responds:

    Marlena: No. They aren’t allowing any visitors.
    Belle: Oh, really.
    Marlena: Yes, little girl. Really.
    Sami: Well, you sure don’t seem too broken up about your husband being in intensive care.
    Marlena: Did I ask you for your opinion, Samantha Jean? The last time I checked, weren’t you busy ruining other people’s lives?
    Belle: Hey, hey, hey. Enough of that. We haven’t done one damn thing to you to deserve this kind of treatment.
    Sami: Exactly. I took it at the party and I also took it once again a while ago. But.......mother or not, I’m starting to get sick of all the hatred you seem to have towards us.

    Marlena once again gives them a stare filled with blinding hatred. Belle turns to Sami, whispering in her ear that:

    Belle: That was the same look she had on the island.......before she disappeared into that volcano.
    Sami: I know.

    They both look at their mother and slowly walk away from her to confer on what they should do next.

    Sami: Maybe I should ask her what is going on with her.
    Belle: And have her snap at us again? That has gotten quite old, Sami. I don’t want her to snap and then one of us say something that we’ll either regret or will push her farther away from us.
    Sami: I know, sis. But it’s a chance we have to take. With Dad out of it right now, we can’t turn to him. Uncle Steve is in the hospital and Uncle Bo is on the run. That leaves us, don’t you think?
    Belle: I guess so. Sami.....be careful.
    Sami: Ain't I always?

    Both sisters smile at one another and then Sami walks back over to her mother, followed closely by Belle. She asks Marlena what happened to her after the shootout at the party. Marlena responds that after Belle went Barry Bonds on the back of her head, she was helped or, rather forced, outside by police officers and paramedics, who helped bandage her head. After things calmed down, she made her way to the hospital, where she now stands getting bothered by her nosy daughters.

    Sami and Belle look at each other and Sami winks at Belle when Marlena’s back is slightly turned, telling Belle that she doesn’t buy her story. Belle slightly nods her head, agreeing with Sami’s assessment of the situation. Sami turns back to Marlena and announces that:

    Sami: That’s a load of BS, mom. Neither of us buy that for one damn minute.
    Belle: I get the feeling you may have to do better than that, Mom. Much better.

    Marlena once again gets up in the girls’ faces, loudly telling them:

    Marlena: How many damn times must I keep repeating myself?! This is the third time I’ve had to say this, so for once, clean the wax out of your ears and listen!

    STAY OUT........ OF MY...... DAMN....... BUSINESS!! OK?!

    Marlena once again storms off and heads to the outer hallway. But, this time, Hope, Maggie, Caroline & Maggie overhear her commotion as they return from the I.C.U. nurses’ station. When they ask what’s wrong with her, Sami fills them all in and Belle backs her up. Hope says that she acted like that before her “death” on the island and for her sake, and theirs.........

    They better keep an eye on her, before it’s too late.

    -As the shocking scene continues in Roman’s room, Bo is trying his best to finish what he started. His arm continues in a berserker stabbing motion and he has a psychotic look on his face.

    After a moment, though........he suddenly stops. He steps back, looking at his handy work. He smiles evilly at what he’s done. He has finally succeeded in completing his mission.

    That is........until he hears a voice. A voice, that is telling him to.........

    Roman: Please don’t start laughing. You’ll get me started.
    Bo: Oh, I’m sorry, bro. I just thought you would find it funny to get stabbed to death by your own brother.
    Roman: Really? (Inspecting the scalpel) With a rubber scalpel?
    Bo: Yeah. I had it since I was a kid.
    Roman: I know. That’s when you wanted to be a doctor........for all of five minutes.
    Bo: Well, Ma and Pop didn’t mind, did they?
    Roman: No, they were used to humoring you.
    Bo: Oh, that’s cold.

    Both brothers laugh once again. Roman then asks:

    Roman: How did it go? Are we a hit?
    Bo: Oh, yeah. Kayla and the paramedics are all doing what they must. No one suspects a thing. No one knows that it is an I.S.A mission.
    Roman: Good, good. You know.......if Victor, Stefano, or our families find out about this......there will be hell to pay.
    Bo: I know but the good thing is that Hope thinks I’m so far gone there may not be any hope at all. That works in my favor.
    Roman: But being on the run doesn’t.
    Bo: Not the first time, bro. I’m old hat at this, remember?
    Roman: Yes. As am I, little brother.

    Roman then tells Bo that it may be time for him to get out of there. Bo agrees, telling Roman to take care of himself. Before he leaves, he makes one request of Roman:

    Bo: Roman, do me a favor. Uh, I’m 51 years old. Don’t you think it’s about time you stop calling me “Little Brother”?

    The brothers share one more laugh before Bo sneaks out of Roman’s room, unaware that someone has not only seen him enter and leave but now looks in on a very healthy Roman.....

    And that someone.....is a seething Marlena. She says nothing, as she stalks off angrily.

    Marlena then heads to her destination....the roof of the hospital. She gets a phone call, telling the caller:

    Marlena: You read my mind. I’m on the roof. I know. It must be Grand Central Station up here. What did you just say?! (Pausing) Are you out of your damn mind?!Shut your damn mouth this instant! Let me tell you one damn thing. I call the shots, got that?! (Looking shocked) Do you realize what you’re asking me to do?! Ok, ok. Fine! I don’t know how....but I’ll get it done. Somehow, some way.

    Marlena hangs up the phone. She then throws it to the ground in frustration and says:

    Marlena: How on earth am I going to pull this off with those two nosy daughters of mine already on my back. They are probably convincing others of their suspicions too. No matter, I have to do what I have to do...(looking at her phone, which she just picked up off the ground) for my annoying pest of an ally and...for me.

    She looks off into the night sky, as the screen slowly fades to black.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives.............

    Maggie to Alice: What do I do? Do I turn my back on Victor?
    Kayla to Kimberly: What am I going to do? I mean, nothing seems wrong so...how do I help him?
    Steve to Shane: I can't tell Kayla. She can't know. It's too risky and I expect you to stay quiet. Will you?
    Cal to Katherine: Wow...never expected to see this. This is a whole other side of you, doctor.
    Lucas to Sami and Kate (with Austin, Doug and Julie in the background): There is something you both should know...about my future.
    Philip to Belle (while violently grabbing her arm): You do what I tell you to, you little [!@#$%^&*]!!
  3. PhoenixRising05
    Announcer: 2007 IS HERE...




    Sami to Belle: We need to find out what is wrong with mom.
    Marlena (on the phone): I'm calling the shots. Do you understand?


    Clip of Marlena walking in the hospital and staring in at something while saying:

    Marlena: The time has come to finally end this and move on to the next step.



    Split screen clip of Victor and Bo holding guns, one in a warehouse and one outside a building.


    Shane to Abe (who hangs up the phone): Who was that?
    Abe to Shane: I don't know but we have our break.

    Clip of Hope answering her cell with Caroline by her side and Maggie in the background.

    Hope: Who is this? What?!! Oh my God...I have to get to Bo.


    Clip of a furious Caroline with a gun.

    Caroline: This ends here.
    Maggie: I have to find Victor.

    Abe and Shane drawing guns.

    Abe (into his headset): Begin to move in NOW!!!


    Maggie to Victor: Please!!! Don't do this!!!

    Clip of Bo running and then seeing Hope, who is just running around the corner of a building.

    Bo: Hope, I...
    Hope: I want the truth, damnit. What is going on ??!!!

    THAT END...

    Abe: Alright, men!! MOVE IN NOW!!!!


    Maggie: NO!!!!!

    Screen goes black.


  4. PhoenixRising05
    -At the mountain retreat, Cal Winters has just ended another hypnosis session. He is quite frustrated, having had no breakthrough since he lost his identity as Roman Brady. His doctor, Katherine, assures him that:

    Katherine: Since we now have come to some type of understanding, the sessions have gone much more smoothly. Don’t worry, Cal. Something is bound to happen soon.
    Cal: (Getting off the couch) Stop making these promises. On top of the fact that I don’t have one clue as to who I really am, I don’t even know who was responsible for doing this to me.
    Katherine: I know and I realize that can also be very frustrating. You speak of this man.........Stefano?
    Cal: Yes. He’s the scum who has been terrorizing the people of Salem for years. But......I also must consider that maybe, just maybe, he’s not responsible for this.
    Katherine: Let’s do this. (Walking over to him) Why don’t we give it a rest for tonight and get a good night sleep. We’ll tackle this tomorrow, ok?

    She places her soft touch on his shoulder. Cal turns to look at her:

    Cal: Yes. Let’s do just that. And, possibly, move on to more.......sensual things.

    He starts to kiss her but she backs away at the last moment, saying:

    Katherine: I said sleep, not sex. Besides, you don’t have any memory. How would you know how you did it in the past?
    Cal: You don’t need past memories for that, my dear.
    Katherine: You know, just because we reached an understanding does not mean you and me are...
    Cal: Something more then doctor and patient? I was thinking it could be part of my therapy.
    Katherine: Cal...look. You and I went from hating each other to reaching common ground and now your hitting on me. We can't have that if we are going to succeed in...
    Cal: I'm sorry. You had to know part of the reason why I was hard on you when we first met was because I was attracted to you. I mean you are beautiful and...(Katherine puts her hand up to his mouth)
    Katherine: Stop there. Let's just drop all this, ok?
    Cal: Ok.

    They both laugh. He kisses her on her cheek and goes off to bed. As she watches him leave, she stares lovingly at him. She will not admit the feelings that have now begun to surface inside her for this man because what he’s going through is much more important than their possible future together.

    Cal relaxes in his bed, listening for Katherine’s bedroom door to close. Once he hears it, he drifts off to sleep. As he falls deeper and deeper into sleep, he is suddenly confronted by visions of times past. Violent, quick flashing images of gunfire, screams, and terror. He can’t focus on any one memory but he then hears a voice telling him that.......

    Voice: “It will be alright, son. Please, come home. We need you. Please, come home........”

    Cal suddenly jumps screaming loudly into the night, causing Katherine to rush in. When she asks what happened, he can’t even speak. He’s sweating heavily and he grabs hold of her, shaking. She responds by hugging him and telling him it will be alright. He comes out of it long enough to tell her some startling news. When she asks what it is, he finally admits that.....

    He’s had a breakthrough. Katherine is happy for him and asks about it but he falls backwards onto his bed as she looks off into the distance startled and shocked by this sudden turn of events. She sits by him and watches him as he slowly drifts back off to sleep.

    -Back in Salem, at the hospital, Nicole and Eric wonder about what the future may bring. When he asks her about High Style and Los Angeles, she grows silent. He keeps asking her why she has gotten quiet every single time he’s asked that question. She turns and slowly walks back over to his bed, sitting down, and taking his hand. She tells him the truth, finally, that the reason why she never talks about it is that........

    She was fired from High Style for staying in Salem to be there for him. Eric gets a little upset, saying that he thought the lies had stopped after the whopper he told about his condition. She feels bad about lying to him but says it was for the right reasons this time. He understands that but wants this to be the last time. She promises that it will be but also wants him to get off his high horse as well.

    When he asks what that means, she says that she will not accept him giving her orders about her behavior when she sees him lying in a hospital bed because of his lies. She also reminds him that Roman almost died twice and that Sami had to pull a gun on Shane just to find Roman after his helicopter crashed while he was on his way back with medicine......to save his life. Eric sheepishly sits in his bed, quietly saying that he has removed himself from off of his high horse. They both laugh and then she brings up how she hopes their children don’t act as high and mighty as their father.

    Eric smiles at that statement saying that it would be really nice to have kids, especially if she is their mother. Nicole reminds him she can't have kids naturally and also says that with all of her bad experiences when she was younger, she was always scared to have kids but now that she is with him, that fear has disappeared. He says then it’s settled. As soon as he’s out of there, they will look into their options in starting a family as there are sure to be plenty. This causes Nicole to smile, right before she leans in and gives him a soft kiss, which he returns passionately.

    -Down the hall from Eric’s room, Abby has just risen from a comfortable sleep. She looks around to see that Max, who is asleep next to her, has decorated the entire room with New Year’s party favors. She smiles like a schoolgirl, as Max wakes up and looks at her asking if she is ok. She says she is feeling just fine now, especially since he went to all that trouble. He says it was no trouble at all. Anything for his princess.

    Max then gets a serious look on his face. When Abby asks what’s wrong, he hesitates. He can’t even look at her and stands up to walk to the window. Abby then demands to know what is bothering him and then he takes a deep breath before turning around and saying to her that there was a massive shootout at the Titan/Horton Foundation Ball that night and that many people were killed and wounded.

    Abby is in a state of shock, asking if her father is alright. Max tells her he’s fine but her Uncle Steve is getting an MRI done right now in emergency and that Lucas, Austin and Roman were all shot. She can’t believe it, asking who is behind all of this. Max says that the gossip on the floor is that Stefano and Victor decided to turn the party into the OK Corral. She starts to get more upset when Max tells her to calm down. Before she can speak, he puts his finger on her lips, telling her that Abe and Shane have the whole city drag netted and are looking for both of them right now. He promises them that they won’t get far.

    She trusts his word and finally calms down. Max then walks over to the end table and pulls out sparkling cider and two glasses, knowing Abby can't take a risk and have champaigne while on meds. He pops the cork on the bottle and Abby smiles once again. He then looks at her, while filling both glasses full, and gives her one. He once again tells her that she is the most important lady in his life and he intends to spend all of 2007 and beyond proving just that. They touch glasses, drink, and then lean in for a wonderful kiss. Max then takes out a remote control and presses play, so both of them can watch the ball dropping in New York City since she fell asleep and missed it at midnight.

    Abby says that she doesn’t know what she did to deserve a man like him but she won’t question a thing. Max smiles and they both count down to the New Year. When the screen lights up “2007!!” they both give each other a long kiss, promising to begin anew with their feelings for one another.

    -Cassie DiMera is at the DiMera Mansion, having just returned home from shopping hours earlier. She is worn out and all of her items are all around her. She is feeling a bit woozy. She orders the servants to take her brand new belongings up to her room as she gets a drink from the bar. One of the servants informs her of what happened at the Ball and about her grandfather's involvement. Wondering where he has been all this time and why he hasn't come by the mansion yet, she gets a drink from his bar and sips it slowly. She then decides that staying in the mansion is not an option and decides to go to the hospital to find Max.

    Thirty minutes later, she is walking on the same floor Abby is on and starts looking inside room windows. She becomes angry when she looks inside Abby’s window and sees both Abby and Max engaged in a rather passionate kiss. She begins to go into her room to confront him but decides not to, vowing that he will be hers one day by any means necessary. She starts to stomp away but suddenly feels faint. She gets lightheaded and stumbles against the nearest wall, wondering what is going on.

    Her eyes then roll into the back of her head as she collapses on the floor suddenly. She lays there until a nurse notices her on the floor and calls for emergency help.

    -Marlena is very upset, wondering what James’s problem is sneaking up on her like that. He answers her, saying:

    James: This was the only way I could catch up with you without being seen.
    Marlena: You must be nuts finding me after what just happened up in the Tower. Do you know what could happen to us if Victor, Stefano Roman, or anyone for that matter find out what we’ve involved in?! (Calming down) So, how did everything go on your end?
    James: Well enough. Even though many have been injured and killed, it went off decently.
    Marlena: Maybe for you but it was a disaster for me. That’s why I have to get to the damn hospital to see what’s going on.
    James: You can’t go there! (Grabbing her arm) If someone sees you after what you did.....
    Marlena: (Yanking her arm away) Don’t EVER grab me.......like that......again. (Pausing, then looking around) I don’t have a damn choice now, do I? If my daughter wouldn’t have knocked me out......this whole thing would be over with by now.
    James: Yeah. Yeah, I know. And.......I’m sorry for grabbing you like that. It’s just been one hell of an evening, ok?
    Marlena: I know, I know. (Looking around once again) Look. You need to get out of here before Victor gets suspicious, ok?
    James: Oh, no doubt. He doesn’t suspect a thing but if my cover is blown, there will be hell to pay.
    Marlena: I know. I’ve seen him when he has been betrayed. It’s a good thing he doesn’t know that you and I are working towards the same outcome.
    James: And that is exactly how it will stay until this operation is over. Now......it’s time for me to split. You take care, Marlena.
    Marlena: You too and be careful. We’ll talk later.

    Both James and Marlena go their separate ways, hoping that they lsee their plan reach it’s inevitable outcome.

    -Back at the hospital, Bo is seen coming out of a orderly dressing room. He has stolen one of the uniforms and has disguised himself as one, walking past nurses and doctors. He stops cold in his tracks and ducks behind a thin wall when he sees Maggie, Caroline & Hope near a nurse’s station, sadly discussing:

    Hope: Why would Bo do this?! I just can’t believe that he would shoot his own brother. What could Victor have told him to make him hate Roman enough to do that?
    Caroline: Hope, I have no idea. It seems like ever since Shawn died and we came back from that damn island, he’s changed. I.......I just didn’t think he had that in him.
    Maggie: Well........all I can say is that I hope he comes to his senses and turns himself in before the police or the I.S.A. get a hold of him.
    Hope: I know. (Walking towards to hallway, near Bo) We have been through so much together. Adventures, romance, action, good times and bad. But........no matter what, even when I turned my back on him after Zack’s death, which I shouldn’t have done, mind you, I always thought that I knew him so well. And now this. Gunning Roman down......shooting him in the back. That’s not the same man who swept me off my feet when he stole me from Larry Welch.
    Caroline: (Walking over to her, hugging her) Hope, I know this sounds like I’m still protecting my son but, please......... have faith in him.

    Bo is listening sadly, but intently at everything being said......

    Caroline: As a mother’s instinct, something tells me that it could all be alright. Just give it time, dear.
    Maggie: That is easier said than done, Caroline. Bo seems to have changed.......and for the worse.
    Hope: Which also means that maybe you should stay away from Victor as well. He was a decent man for so many years and now he’s turned right back into the same man who tried to blow Bo and I up on his yacht in Miami all those years ago.
    Caroline: I agree with Hope. It’s easy to talk about my son when you are hanging around Victor so much. Take off your own rose-colored glasses and look around at what has happened and then make the right decision, Maggie.

    Maggie is silent at this point as she listens to what both women had to say. The group is then suddenly startled by Kayla, who has come out of the OR with news:

    Kayla: Roman made it through surgery and is in stable condition. We’re taking him upstairs to ICU right now and I’ll let you know how he’s doing as soon as possible, ok?

    Kayla hugs her mother as all four women breath a sigh of relief. Roman is then wheeled out past them and they are shocked at all of the tubes and bandages that are on him. As he is wheeled in to the hallway, Bo secretly follows the group to the elevators but then detours to the stairs, sneaking past everyone. Once the stair doorway is closed, Bo pauses for a moment, saying to himself:

    Bo: Now it’s time.........to end this once and for all.

    In the cafeteria, Sami and Belle are getting something to drink when Belle looks at Sami and says, happily:

    Belle: I am so proud of you, Sami. Or maybe I should call you Samantha. You’ve earned the full name. This is the person I always knew you could be.
    Sami: Thank you, Belle. (Pausing) You know, you can call me anything you want, just as long as it is not [!@#$%^&*] or nutcase or........whatever everyone used to call me.
    Belle: (Sipping her soda) Sami, all I can do is be happy for you. I think you have seen what happens when you give life and love a chance, huh?
    Sami: Yeah, I know, but.......this was not and is not an overnight thing.

    Both girls walk down the hallway.

    Sami: I just came to the realization that I was sick of being lonely all the time. (Looking at Belle) Do you know that no one would call me on my birthday? Or on holidays? Family picnics or dinners were off-limits to me. But.........I can’t blame anyone else but me. I did that. I pushed everyone away. And I had you, my beautiful little sister........

    Belle smiles at that statement.......

    Sami: And I still remember always saying how Dad and Mom cared more for you than they ever did for me. Huh. How can you care for someone who constantly tells their loved ones to go to hell, huh?
    Belle: Well, that’s how we learn, Sami. All we could do is tell you how much you hurt us when you acted like that. But, truthfully......you were really hurting yourself more than anyone. You can’t live your life messing with people lives and then getting mad at them when they rightfully tell you about yourself.
    Sami: I know that now. I guess that’s why Lucas and I are so much closer now.
    Belle: All Lucas ever wanted was a real, grown woman and that is what he’s getting now with you. He’s also quite the man now, jumping over tables and people just to save you. (Pausing, looking away) I wish Philip were still like that.
    Sami: Which begs the question........what is going on between you two?
    Belle: (Speaking angrily) You know, Sami, why don’t you mind your own business for once in your life.
    Sami: (With a shocked look) Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. I was only asking a question, for God Sakes.
    Belle: (Pausing) Look, I’m..........I’m sorry, ok? I didn’t mean that, alright?

    Belle starts to cry and Sami walks over to her and gently places her arm around her.

    Sami: Let me tell you something, Belle. And you listen to every word, ok?
    Belle: (Wiping away her tears) Ok.
    Sami: You are.......my sweet little sister. I have not been there for you in the past like I should but I’m here now and.......I love you so much. So, when you feel like talking about whatever is going on in your life, you let me know and I’ll be there for you.........I promise, ok?
    Belle: Ok. Thank you so much.

    Belle hugs Sami.

    Sami: (Smiling) No problem, sis.

    They look at each other and Sami wipes away the rest of her tears. They are then told by a nurse that their father is out of surgery and in the ICU and they rush upstairs to see how he has made it through this dreadful night.

    -As both girls stand waiting for the next elevator, they both spot Marlena walking up to the nurses station. She asks about Roman’s condition and the nurse, knowing who she is, informs her that he is out of surgery and is in stable condition in the ICU. She thanks the nurse and then turns around, not happy about that news. Both Sami & Belle run up to her and greet her, saying:

    Sami: It’s sure good to see you. Are you alright?
    Marlena: Yes, yes. I’m fine. It’s great to see you two made it out of there in one piece.
    Belle: I know. I just can’t believe what happened up there. It seemed like the entire town of Salem was packing heat and itching for a fight.
    Marlena: I know. I just heard about your father.
    Sami: Yeah. We were on our way up there to see how he’s doing. Mom, I have a question and I hope you don’t get upset.
    Marlena: No, sweety. I would never get upset with you two.

    Both girls look at each other strangely.

    Sami: Mom, if you know about Dad’s condition............why are you still standing here? Why aren’t you flying upstairs to see him right now?

    Marlena gets a very serious and angry look on her face.

    Marlena: Now, you listen up, missy. I don’t owe EITHER of you an explanation as to what I do, got it?!
    Belle: See, this is what I’m talking about. You’re getting upset now just like you did at the Ball. Then, I saw you aiming a gun at Dad. That’s why I hit you over the head. You’re not behaving like you should and I think you need some psychiatric help.
    Sami: I have to agree with Belle, Mom. You haven’t been yourself since you got back. Please........get the help that you need. I'm begging you.

    Marlena pauses briefly and then angrily answers her two daughters:

    Marlena: (Pointing her finger) Look, watch......and listen up. I’m not the damn problem here. My problem is having given birth to two nosy-ass brats who for some damn reason can’t keep their noses out of my life! (Gritting her teeth) Now........you two get out of my face and STAY out of my business......

    Before you really piss me off!

    Marlena then storms off with Sami and Belle staring at her back, wondering what in God’s green Earth has gotten into their mother. They then go back over to the elevators and silently board one on their way up to ICU.

    -Roman’s doctor checks his vital signs and Kayla looks on, stroking her brother’s hair and telling him that it will be alright. Roman lays there silently, having not regained consciousness since the shooting. The medical staff then starts to exit his room one by one, making sure that he is still in stable condition. Kayla bends over and gives her brother a kiss on his cheek, telling him that she loves him. She then sheds a tear, saying that he is the best big brother in the whole world.

    She slowly walks around his bed and looks at him one more time before dimming the light over his bed and walking out.

    The camera slowly comes back over to Roman, as we see him sleeping comfortably. The camera then pans up to his heart monitor, which we see is beating at a slow but normal rate.

    Then.........slowly........... a man steps into the shot. That man is dressed as an orderly but is not one.

    That man..........is Bo. And he stands above Roman.......with a mean, hateful look on his face. His eyes burn with hell’s hatred into his brother, as we then see flashbacks of all the fights and arguments that Bo and Roman have had over the years. We also see Marlena lambasting Bo for leaving Roman on Stefano’s beach to die.

    He is beyond angry at this point. So angry, in fact, that he slowly pulls out a scalpel from his pocket.

    He stares at his brother with cold hatred as he raises the scalpel slowly over his head.

    And then......his eyes grow wide..........in a psychotic rage...............as he BRINGS THE SCALPEL DOWN...............

    And the screen suddenly goes black.

    The Salem Lives Logo once again appears and the credits roll.

    Next Time, On The Shocking Continuation Of Salem Lives.............

    Jack to Billie: It's time our daughters knew the truth.
    Abby to Max: I may never walk again. Do you still want me?
    Chelsea to Billie: What am I going to do?
    Billie to Chelsea: Chelsea, it will be...
    Chelsea to Billie: Stop acting like my mother because your not.
    Cassie: What could be wrong with me?
    Sami to Belle: We need to find out what is going on with mom. She needs out help before it's too late.
    Marlena (on the phone): Shut up!! You don't call the shots. I do!! Do you understand?
  5. PhoenixRising05

    Two weeks ago, EP/HW Tim Lowery recapped 2006 and gave us a few hints of his goals and ambitions for Salem Lives in 2007. Now, here is a more detailed and exclusive look at all the major happenings that will hit in 2007:

    INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: 2007 Previews

    "An unbelievable year is on the way," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "It won't be as dark as the past few months have been and romance, adventure, and mystery will be very prominent. However, it does not mean lives won't be in danger so some Salemites better look out!!!"

    Mysterious Cloaked Figure: This will be a huge story in 2007. This figure will make more and more appearances and the fans will be wise to take note of who he/she watches and targets. As we close in on Spring, we will do an interactive fan event that will draw the fans further into this mystery. It will be alot of fun and will build to a major umbrella event in the summer involving many characters. This is our big umbrella tale. The fans will begin to see everything tie into it. My co-head and I are just in the planning stages of this. It will something that fans will have the opportunity to figure out for themselves. Think of Passions online events/mysteries and that is where we are going. It's a way of drawing fans in to the happenings and they can follow some of our characters as they try to piece together one of the biggest mysteries in Salem history. More information will follow in the weeks ahead but, for now, keep an eye out and even look back at past episodes for MCF appearances. Beleive me, it will really come in handy later on.

    Roman/Marlena: The Marlena story is HUGE. It plays into a tremendous umbrella story that we are building. Marlena's return was joyous to start but it could end being a nightmare for all her loved ones and for all of Salem. She is going to do some things that fans would never see Marlena do. Of course, the natural question many will ask is whether or not this is Marlena. There are many theories and that is the fun of it. As for Roman, he will have trouble living to see another day. Alot is going on with the Brady family and Roman is central, whether he lives or dies.

    Victor/Stefano: Both men will lie low for awhile while also planning their next move. The war is not over by any means but both men have to regroup. The police are swarming and they need thing to quiet down before any further action can be taken. Stefano will return to Lexie and will also aid his granddaughter Cassie from afar. Both Stefano and Victor will be determined to figure out the identity of the MCF and the person's agenda. They see this person using their operations to their own gain and they aren't happy. The MCF is a threat to Salem and could very well be a threat to them so, in a way, Stefano and Victor end up inadvertently siding with some of their enemies in Salem to get to the bottom of this.

    Bo/Hope: A desperate Hope tries to end Bo's alliance with Victor for the sake of their family but Bo can't help but be drawn to Victor's cause. It's about protecting his family and doing things by the book hasn't worked so far so this is the only option in his mind. Something huge happens with Bo in the first two weeks of the year. Fans won't beleive it. Bo and Hope will be keeping secrets from each other. The trust issues are still very much there even though it's been a year since Zack's death. Expect the blurry childhood memories Bo has been having to come into play big time in the New Year. There is something to those memories that could forever change Bo's life and future. The matter of Chelsea's true parentage is pivotal, as well.

    Sami/Lucas/Carrie/Austin/Alan/Will/Kate: Carrie will have her baby in early February. She comes up with a plan that is something very uncharacteristic of Carrie and Alan plays a key role in it. The question of whether Alan has changed comes into play big time. There will be a huge twist after Carrie's labor. Someone else interferes and the fans will be left scratching their heads. It will drag two surprising characters into this plot. Meanwhile, the father of Carrie's baby will be revealed but will Austin and Lucas learn the truth? Will plays a key role in all this. We are not doing a Will/Alan romance. Will will learn who Alan is and will learn about his mother's rape years ago, which leads to a huge twist that really ups the ante and ties this story to another one in the canvas. The conflict between Austin, Carrie, and Lucas will be resolved to an extent but there will be some unfinished business there. Sami's redemption will be key as well while Lucas will be involved in something huge in the Spring. Plus, Kate is always lurking and she will continue to try to turn over a new leaf but, you know what they say, a leopard never changes it's spots.

    Nicole/Eric: They are looking forward to the future. They will remain with us on recurring and will be nowhere near as prominent as they were in Fall but they are around. Nicole will have a hard time with the fact that Eric will be working and she won't. That's a bitter pill to swallow given she lost her job staying in Salem to be by his side. They will try to have children but it will be very trying on them as things won't go very well. Something happens in February that will thrust both of these characters into something bigger then they realize.

    Jack/Billie: With Laura gone, these two will focus on their daughters' recovery. They will grow closer and we have a fun story planned for them. Jack will get a new boss at The Spectator that is a very familiar face and will be a treat to fans. Billie will also go back to law enforcement and we will have Jack and her working on mysteries together. It's similar to Jack and Jennifer but the dynamic is a little different. It's a slow building romance. They get involved big time in the MCF mystery.

    Abby/Max/Cassie/Chelsea: Abby and Chelsea will struggle to recover. Abby and Max grow closer as Cassie becomes more and more Dimera-like by the day. Cassie will learn a stunning secret and will force Chelsea into her schemes. Cassie will also get shocking news and a huge turn of events will send all four of these characters in different directions.

    Steve/Kayla: They will work on getting his memory back. Kimberly, Jack, and Shane will help here as well. Despite being helped along by loved ones, this will be primarily between the two of them. They are falling in love all over again and there will be mystery and adventure all around them. Part of the mystery will be a condition that begins to affect Steve. It seems like something of a health concern but it's something more and the cause and circumstances of it put them in the center of something that they surely don't want to be in.

    Frankie/Greta: We are experimenting here. These two form a nice friendship and we'll see what develops. Greta will make a very important life decision that will be very pleasing and entertaining to fans. Frankie will also become more involved as he finds himself drawn into the MCF mystery.

    Cal/Katherine: Cal makes progress in more ways then one when he ends up falling for his doctor. The passion between Cal and Katherine slowly builds as they work together to help him remember his life. This plot is slow-moving but it will begin to be featured more and more as it becomes clear someone has information that may very well help Cal get his real life back. However, that person is not exactly the person whose hands you would want critical information in.

    Shane/Kimberly: He will have to deal with the aftermath of his covering up Carrie's whereabouts. The Brady's won't be happy. Things will also get interesting between him and Kimberly. Meanwhile, Kimberly has a huge secret that she is sharing the burden of keeping with someone else. it's something that will have HUGE repercussions for the Brady's.

    Belle/Philip: Their return was joyous for their family but something else is going on here. Belle and Philip are trying to make their marriage work for the sake of their daughter but not all is right. Something happened in San Francisco while Philip was recovering, Meanwhile, Philip will have a hard time dealing with life after plastic surgery and all he has been through. He will become very involved with his father and the war on Stefano. He is a loose cannon and Belle seems to be falling apart on the inside dealing with him, her family, and all the goings on in Salem. Her life couldn't get anymore...or could it?

    Caroline/Victor/Maggie: Maggie and Victor are reaching a new level in their relationship. Maggie is someone that doesn't judge him and is just there while Caroline picks on him and criticizes left and right. There is something there with him and Maggie and it will be explored. Victor and Caroline will find a kind of closure to their relationship as they realize they may not have known each other as much as they thought they did. Expect Victor and Maggie to hit a rough patch when Victor realizes things are getting too dangerous for Maggie to be around so he takes action to make sure she stays out of his life and business. Maggie will have a hard time dealing with not having Victor around and her inner demons again come into play. It seems safe to say Maggie's alcoholism is not quite gone yet...

    Celeste/Abe/Lexie: Celeste will be a presence in many stories as usual but we will expand her a bit so she is more than just the town psychic. She will be there for Abe and the two of them will team up to find Lexie and bring down Stefano. Lexie will in and out for a bit. She is not a happy camper and being in that explosion in September and being shot in November has made her very bitter. She is definitely in touch with her Dimera self but it may be more then even Stefano can handle.


    The cast additions at Salem Lives continue as two former Passions stars, one a beloved daytime vet, have been tapped to join the cast this month. Dalton James (ex-Hank, Passions) joins the cast on January 8 as Dr. Rich Glancy. The role is recurring. "We needed a doctor on the canvas instead of just random doctors here and there," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "I loved Dalton's work on Passions and was stunned when he exited the show in 2000. I think he will fit right on and, who knows, they could turn into something more then recurring."

    The bigger news, however, is that long-time GH star Sharon Wyatt is joining the cast in the role of Renee McClure. Renee is the wife of James McClure, played by Roscoe Born who just recently joined the cast. Wyatt is best known for her role as Tiffany on GH and most recently completed a short lived run on Passions as Rachel Barrett, the long presumed dead sister of Katherine Crane (Leigh Taylor Young). "I have always loved Sharon," praises Lowery. "She is an amazing actress who I first fell in love with on GH. I was excited to see her go to Passions and was disappointed when her talent was wasted and she was cut. We love having her here and I can't wait to see her in this role." Wyatt's first apperance is not known at this point but sources hint that it will be in mid-January.

    Meanwhile, three casting calls have gone out for the rest of the McClure family. Salem Lives is looking for three young actors, preferably with experience, to play the roles of the McClure children. The first role is James Jr, who is 17 and is strong and independent like his father. The second role is Jonathan, who is 15 and, like James Jr, has a real sense of honor about him but also has a bit of a wild streak in him. He can be very unpredictable at times. The third role is Angelica, who is 13 and also likes to be called "Angel." She is a straight A student and a member of the junior high cheerleading team. She is the whole works. Sources say that Salem Lives wants the roles cast by this Friday January 12.

    In other news, Salem Lives has seen it's fair share of status changes over the holidays. Jensen Ackles and Arianne Zuker (Eric and Nicole Brady), who returned in May 2006 and signed on for a short-term run, are now staying on as recurring characters. "They were supposed to be gone," explains Lowery. "We pushed the story up and everything because both had other plans but we managed to work something out and kept it quiet because of the story with Eric near-death. They won't be featured prominently but they will be around and involved so we will still have them, which I am happy about after the story they just went through did not go as well as planned. I hope to do better by them."

    In other status changing news, Alexis Thorpe (Cassie) has now been placed on contract. "That really is no surprise," laughs Lowery. "She was working like a contract actress as we used her quite a bit. I never planned on using her but, back in the summer, I just kept finding more and more for her to do and here we are. She has big story coming up and she is a Dimera in every sense now. I feel she should be here for the long haul so she is contract now." There are also rumors that Billy Warlock (Frankie) and Tanya Boyd (Celeste) will be placed on contract. "I can't comment on that," admits Lowery. "Billy was on contract before but we took him off on September because we knew we weren't using him that much for a bit. He does have alot coming up but I'm not sure what will happen. Alot depends on how people take to him and Greta (see above). As for Celeste, she will remain on recurring. We were about to put her on contract back in September but the story we had planned got dropped with so much other things going on. I think it will happen at some point but not now."



    Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy): James, who is best known for his role of Hank Bennett on Passions from 1999-2000, joins the cast as a doctor at University Hospital who first interacts with Cassie (Alexis Thorpe). He first airs on January 8. The role is recurring.

    Sharon Wyatt (Renee McClure): The role of James' (Roscoe Born) wife has been cast. Wyatt is best known for her role as Tiffany on GH from 1988-1995 and most recently portrayed the short-lived role of Rachel Barrett on Passions. Wyatt's debut date is unknown but sources hint that it's sometime in mid-January.


    Jensen Ackles and Arianne Zuker (Eric and Nicole Brady): The actors, who returned short-term in May 2006, will remain on as recurring characters.

    Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera): Thorpe, who returned in July 2006 and has been recurring ever since, is now on contract.


    -How far will Bo go?
    -Caroline pushes Maggie to cut herself off from Victor.
    -Marlena snaps at Sami and Belle again.
    -Abby and Chelsea learn the truth.
    -Cassie has health concerns.
    -The Marlena mystery takes some more stunning turns.
    -Philip threatens Belle.
    -Kimberly comforts a worried Kayla as Steve tries to hide his pain.
    -Lucas's words please Sami and Kate but anger Austin.
    -Alice gives Maggie heartfelt advice.
    -Cal and Katherine see another side of each other.
    -James is bothered by a call from family.
    -Victor and Bo's plans are twarted.
    -The MCF strikes again.
    -Caroline reaches the breaking point.
    -Hope is on Bo's trail while Maggie is on Victor's.
    -Stefano makes one last stop before leaving Salem.
    -The police close in on Victor and Bo.
    -Marlena takes action.


    Monday January 8, 2007: Will Bo go through with his shocking act? This episode is MUST SEE!!
    Thursday January 11, 2007: Hope and Maggie are hot on Bo and Victor's trial as the police begin to close in.
    Friday January 12, 2007: Caroline pulls a gun on Victor. Later, all hell breaks loose as the police open fire. Who gets hit?

    Next Week: Sami tells Austin she knows about him and Carrie. Lucas surprises Austin. Cassie gets shocking news. Chelsea's secret is out. Abby and Chelsea begin therapy. Kimberly is keeping a secret. Steve loses it. Marlena goes wild.
  6. PhoenixRising05
    -The aftermath of the deadly shootout is not fully known at this point. Screams can be heard in the darkness but nothing can be seen because someone cut the power to the main ballroom just as Victor, Stefano and Roman gave the orders to open fire.

    Abe and Shane have finally succeeded, with electricians help, in restoring power to the ballroom. Once the power comes on, everyone starts screaming once again. Loved ones are calling out the names of friends and family, hoping to God that they survived the bloodiest gunfight in Salem history. The light bulbs explode over and over again and short circuit, causing guests to scream out into the night.

    Shane walks over to Abe, who is with electricians, and asks:

    Shane: How’s the power coming?
    Abe: Hopefully, it will be on soon. How’s the aftermath?
    Shane: How do you think? Dead bodies everywhere. Innocent people died for no good reason. I never did like Victor but I thought he had better sense than to start a full scale gunfight at a New Year’s Eve party.
    Abe: Well, Governor, I wouldn’t put this one on him. He found out Stefano was going to be here tonight and wanted to get the jump on him. Also, one of his associates did warn me to get people out of here before it kicked off.
    Shane: Ok, ok. I’ll get off his back. (After a short pause) For now. I’m going to go help with the wounded.
    Abe: Good deal, Shane. I’ll see what I can do as well. We need to get these people........

    Just then, the power comes back on. Abe sees Celeste standing across from him and walks over to her, asking:

    Abe: Are you ok?
    Celeste: Yes, I’m fine, Abraham. I knew this was going to occur. I just wish I could have done something to stop it.
    Abe: Nothing you could have done. I know you know how to use a gun.....

    Celeste smiles.

    Abe: But, to take a life is the hardest thing you will ever do, even if it’s for the right reasons.
    Celeste: I realize that. I guess you’re right. Who is responsible for this latest tragedy?
    Abe: Who do you think could do all of this and not leave a trace of his whereabouts?
    Celeste: The great Stefano DiMera. He has returned.
    Abe: Yes, he has.
    Celeste: Well, since that is the case, I’m headed home. Theo is his grandson and no telling what he might do to take advantage of this situation.
    Abe: You’re right. Here, take this weapon and one of the officers and you call me when you get home, ok?
    Celeste: Very well. (Kissing him on the cheek) You be safe, Abraham.
    Abe: (Surprised) Uh......likewise.

    Celeste races for the elevator but stops and turns to look around at the carnage. What Abe doesn’t know is that she has also cast her gaze upon him and watches him at work as she enters the elevator and the doors close.

    -Shane sees Celeste leave and starts walking towards Abe but spots Kayla picking Steve up off of the floor. He goes over to give assistance because Steve is in a bad way, asking:

    Steve: Ok What the hell just happened? Gunfire everywhere and my head is killing me.
    Kayla: Well, you have a graze wound on your right temple. Can you remember anything?
    Steve: No, Kayla, I can’t remember anything. Just a lot of screaming and gunfire. And.........
    Kayla: What? What else?
    Steve: (Smiling) That nice nightgown you used to wear around the house.
    Kayla: Yeah, you’re going to be just fine. Wait, you remember something I used to wear? Oh my...
    Steve: Don't get too excited, Kayla. It's one little thing...
    Kayla: Yeah...but it could be the start of something. Just like you calling me "Sweetness" and Jack "Jackson." Oh, good. Finally a gurney. Lay down Steve.

    Steve does as ordered and lays down. But, once he does, he has a vivid memory flash of laying on a gurney and being rushed, strapped down, through a darkened hallway. He also remembers being injected with something.

    He feels the pounding pain return and he makes an off-hand comment about his head hurting again. Kayla looks down at him and gets very scared for Steve because she doesn’t know, or realize, what’s happening to her husband.

    Steve then looks up at the paramedics and, still in his vision, mistakes them for his captors and starts fighting the EMTs. Kayla tries to calm him down but he doesn’t until he is shot up with a sedative. He quickly falls asleep and Kayla looks down at him terrified about what could have happened to him while he was presumed dead. She strokes his hair and then gives him a soft kiss on his forehead. She instructs the EMTs to take him to the hospital ASAP. Shane asks if she’s coming but she says not right now. Too many people are injured. But, she’ll be along when she can. The paramedics take off with Steve and she watches them enter the emergency elevator as the doors close behind them.

    -Austin has a gunshot wound to his right arm. Abe and Shane go over and give him a hand sitting on a chair. They check his injury and Shane says that it went straight through. Austin says that’s good. Then, he gets excited, wondering where Carrie went. Shane gets very worried, hoping that Austin didn’t see her, and insists that it must be his imagination. Abe agrees, saying that she is still out of town.

    But Austin insists that he knows what he saw. Shane says that Austin has been through one hell of an ordeal and that he saw what he wanted to see. After a brief pause, Austin tells Shane and Abe that they may be right. But, now more than ever, he’s determined to help Victor end this thing with Stefano once and for all so Carrie can feel safe enough to come home.

    At that moment, an EMT walks up and takes Austin off to get attended to. Shane secretly breaths a sigh of relief while Abe wonders what Austin was thinking of. They both turn around to see Kate standing by as Austin is getting bandaged up. They overhear him tell her that he saw Carrie and Kate doesn’t believe him either. He swears he did and vows to find her at any cost. The scene then fades, until we see.......

    Carrie, who is hoping that Austin didn’t see her. She takes off her party mask and hopes that her and her baby will be safe. She now feels she has to find Alan and races off to look for him.

    -Frankie and Greta run up to Kayla and ask what she needs them to do. She thanks them and says they can help with anyone. Just keep them comfortable until EMTs can get to them. They obey and spread out and Jack sees this. He walks up to Kayla and says, in a worried voice:

    Jack: Where are they taking Steve? Is he alright?
    Kayla: (In a soft voice) He’s just fine, Jack. Nothing to worry about.
    Jack: Don’t tell me that. I just saw him fighting with the EMTs while they placed him on the gurney. What’s going on with him?
    Kayla: (Pulling him to the side) I don’t have a clue. It’s like he went into a trance or something. That would only mean that......
    Jack: Someone has been messing with his head while he was gone. (Looking at the elevator doors) Well, he’s my brother and I’m going to be there for him.

    Jack starts towards the doors, but Kayla stops him.

    Kayla: You can’t go to hospital now. You have to cover this story for the Spectator.

    Frankie walks over to Jack and Kayla.

    Frankie: Look, I overheard your conversation. I’ll tell you what. I’ll go to the hospital and check on everyone and let you all know what’s happening. Deal?
    Jack: (After a pause) Ok. Deal.

    They shake hands on it and Frankie grabs Greta. They both head out. All Jack can hope is that his brother will be ok.

    -Belle picks herself up with the help of the wall she was laying next to and holds on to it as she looks around the ballroom. Philip walks over to her and asks if she is alright. She looks up at him and sees that he has a blood on his jacket. She instinctively looks for an injury. She sees that he has been shot in his side and wonders if he is fine. He says he’s just dandy, thank you. Caroline sees this exchange go on and watches Philip walk off. She wonders what is going on with them as Belle walks over to her and Maggie, who has joined her.

    While Belle finds Caroline and Maggie, Hope runs into Billie. Belle, Caroline & Maggie start helping Kayla and the EMTs help victims while Jack joins Hope & Billie in searching for Bo, who has vanished. Billie wonders out loud:

    Billie: I hope he didn’t shoot and kill anyone. He just may be a fugitive right now, you know.
    Hope: I knowbut I sure pray that isn’t the case. I do understand a little bit of why he joined up with Victor but I just wish he wouldn’t have. I don’t think he counted out all the angles and tragedies that could occur.
    Jack: Of course he didn’t. If he had, he would have told Victor to go to hell.
    Billie: I don’t think so. In many ways, Bo admires Victor. He looks up to him.
    Jack: For what reason does he have to look up to him?! Please, tell me your philosophy on your husband, Hope.
    Hope: (After a pause) Jack, to Bo, Victor is the man he has wanted to be at times in his life. If Victor sees that someone has wronged him or his family or loved ones, he doesn’t bother with the law. Those are trivial matters to a man like Victor. He just hunts the person down.......and no one ever sees them again. It’s his way. The old school ways and that’s what Bo admires, even if it isn’t a part of his everyday consciousness.
    Jack: (Looking at Hope on shock) Damn. Maybe you should have been a psychiatrist, Hope. You would be richer than Oprah working in this town.
    Hope: I’ll keep that in mind. Meantime, we need to find Bo before he does something else really, really foolish.
    Billie: Now I’m with you on that.
    Jack: Fine. Let’s go.

    The three of them leave the ballroom to search for Bo, not knowing that he is still nearby.

    Meanwhile, Sami slowly wakes up and then looks around the ballroom, trying to get her bearings. She happens to look over to her left side........only to see Lucas lying on top of her unconscious. She speaks his name as she works her way gently but firmly out from underneath him and slowly turns him over. She starts cradling his head while she keeps asking him:

    Sami: Lucas? Lucas, can you hear me? Oh God please, please don’t let him be dead. (Crying) He can’t be dead. (Wiping away her tears defiantly) Lucas! Lucas Roberts, you wake up! Don’t you die on me here in the middle of this room!
    Lucas: (Softly speaking) Yes ma’am.

    Sami bursts out crying tears of joy. She rests her head on his chest, thanking God for saving his life. She then says sternly:

    Sami: What were you thinking?! You could have gotten yourself killed.
    Lucas: At that moment, that didn’t matter. Not one bit.
    Sami: What?! How can you say that? Your life doesn’t matter anything to you now?
    Lucas: Nothing in the world matters.........without you.

    Sami grows instantly silent, smiling through her tears at the loving words this man is speaking to her. He is injured, having suffered a gunshot wound to the back. He coughs while trying to stay conscious. Sami listens intently:

    Lucas: If you would have died tonight, my life would have been over. So, like I said, it wouldn’t have mattered what happened to me. As long as you lived, my life would have meant something.
    Sami: Lucas......I don’t know what to say. No man has ever said that to me.
    Lucas: Then you need to start realizing.......... how very special you are.
    Sami: I will. I mean.......I do.
    Lucas: Hopefully, I can get you to say that once more.
    Sami: What?
    Lucas: I do.

    Sami smiles as Kate and Austin look on.

    Sami: Those are the two words I’ve been waiting to say to you. Now........you just be quiet, ok? The paramedics are going to load you onto a gurney and we’re going to the hospital, alright?
    Lucas: Ok. Sami........
    Sami: Yes, Lucas?
    Lucas: (Looking into her eyes) I love you, pretty lady.
    Sami: (Starting to cry once again) Oh, Lucas. I love you too. Please believe that. I love you too.

    She leans in and gently kisses him. The paramedic reminds them that he has to get to the hospital. They pull away slowly, staring at each other as the EMTs walk Lucas to the elevators. Kate and Austin tell Kayla and Shane that if they are needed, they’ll be at the hospital. As Lucas is loaded in the elevator, the door closes. As it goes down, Kate looks at Sami staring at Lucas lovingly while holding his hand and gently stroking his hair. She then steps over and stands next to Sami and, after looking down at Lucas and back at Sami, puts her hand over Sami’s hand and hugs her gently.

    Sami and Kate rest their heads on one another, as they softly cry, hoping that this man that they both love makes it through this night in one piece. All Austin can say is:

    Austin: Man. What a night.

    -Maggie catches up with Victor, who has sent several of his men to secretly watch over some of the guests that were injured. When he turns around from talking to Nico, she steps closely to him and looks into his eyes. He tells her:

    Victor: I’m so very glad that you are unharmed.
    Maggie: I’m glad I’m unharmed too.

    They both laugh.

    Victor: You know what I mean.
    Maggie: No. What do you mean?
    Victor: Weeellll............I’m glad that you are safe and sound.
    Maggie: (Sighing) Is that all you’re going to say to me?
    Victor: Maggie, there is a lot going on and a lot that needs to be answered for. I don’t have time for this, ok?
    Maggie: Fair enough. But later......
    Victor: Yes. Later.

    She hugs Victor unexpectedly and it takes him by surprise but he hugs her warmly. As she pulls away, she runs his shoulders, smiles at him, and then walks off. As he looks at her walk away, Nico hands him his cellphone and tells him that he has an important call.

    Victor: Yes? Ah, good evening. No, he slipped through our fingers on this night. Don’t worry. It’s not over yet. I’m going to make him pay for everything he’s done to both our families. You have my word. Ok. I sure will. Thank you so very much for calling. Give my best to your wife and brothers. Bye.

    He hands the phone back to Nico and determinately says:

    Victor: I want you to plan a meeting for tomorrow at our secret compound. The same men as before. You know what to tell them.
    Nico: Yes, sir. I’ll get right on it after this mess has been cleaned up.
    Victor: Good. And find my son. I want to know if he executed my orders.
    Nico: Right, sir.

    Nico walks off and Victor heads to the ballroom to help attend to the wounded. He is stopped by Belle and Philip, who tells him that he was injured but is fine. Victor wants to know how and Philip says:

    Philip: Dad, I saw Roman Brady aim right at you.
    Belle: That’s a damn lie! My father would not shoot you, Victor.
    Philip: Don’t argue with me, woman.
    Belle: Who do you think you’re talking to?!

    Victor stops the bickering.

    Victor: Stop it, both of you. What has happened between me and Roman is our business and not yours. Is that final?
    Philip: Look Dad. All I’m saying........is that.......

    Philip falls unconscious into Victor’s arms. Victor screams for an EMT to get over there and help. Once there, they check Philip over and see that he’s been shot. They also see that the wound is more severe than first thought. They immediately load him up on a gurney and wheel him off to the hospital. Belle follows along but not before hearing Victor say that Roman Brady will pay for what has happened to his son, if it’s the last thing he ever does. He storms off as Belle watches from the elevator. Belle also wonders to herself:

    Belle: Where is Mom? I knocked her out right before the shooting started, and she’s nowhere to be found.

    Her face fades back into the ballroom where Hope, Billie & Jack spot Bo hiding in the balcony.

    -By the time the three make it up to the balcony, Bo has disappeared once again. Hope grows frustrated and angry and lashes out, saying that she isn’t always going to be around to bail his ass out of whatever stupid trouble he got himself mixed up in. She walks past Billie and Jack, who decide to follow her so she doesn’t get hurt as well.

    On the bottom floor, Caroline has stepped backwards while helping a party guest and says excuse me, not knowing that she has just bumped into Roman, who is grimacing in pain. She gasps in horror and then grabs him, telling him to sit down. He does and she checks his wound, which has grazed his right arm. Kayla, Abe & Shane have walked over, asking him if he’s ok. He says he’s fine. Nothing but a flesh wound. She takes off his vest to check him for injuries.

    Roman wonders aloud:

    Roman: How did I get shot?
    Abe: Roman.......it was a shootout. What did you think they used, slingshots?
    Roman: No. I’m just.......well, I’m just glad everyone is alright.
    Shane: Well, not everyone. Many people have been shot and have been or are in the process of going to the hospital.
    Roman: Belle? Samantha? Are they ok?
    Shane: Yes, Roman. Both of them are just fine. The question is.......who shot you?
    Roman: Well, Bo had aimed his gun at me but, after the lights went out, someone landed on me and knocked me down. I then spent time crawling on the floor looking for my gun. Who was that, by the way?
    Abe: That may have been Lucas. He saw that Sami had been targeted and tried to save her. He did, but took a bullet in the back.
    Roman: What? That young man sure has love for my daughter, doesn’t he? I just hope he has the good sense to marry her......if he survives.

    Hope, Billie & Jack walk over to listen to the conversation. Billie interjects, saying:

    Billie: I saw Bo take aim but I thought he was aiming at someone else. Why would he try to kill his own brother?
    Roman: It must be Victor. The old man has complete influence over Bo now and he won’t stop until all of his enemies, real and perceived, are dead. I guess that includes me.
    Abe: Well, until this is over, I’m putting officers on Sami, Belle & Marlena. (Looking at Roman) How did you get two of the most powerful and dangerous men in the world ticked off at you enough to want you dead?
    Roman: Just lucky, I guess. That, and my charm.
    Caroline: You stop joking.
    Roman: Yes, ma’am.
    Hope: Well, you all can stay here and decide whose to blame for what. I’ve got to find Bo before Stefano or the police do.
    Jack: I’m with you. I’ve got all of the information for a great story but this is family right now. Let’s move.

    The three of them leave in haste. As they do, Victor walks up on an injured Roman and demands to know:

    Victor: How in the hell could you take a shot at my son?!
    Roman: (Standing up) Looky here, old man. I didn’t and wouldn’t shoot Philip or Bo. Why don’t you tell your boys to stop playing in the big leagues.
    Victor: How dare you? People are lying dead all over this ballroom!
    Roman: Tell me about, Vic! It wasn’t my damn idea to have a gun battle on New Year’s Eve. That was up to you and Stefano.

    The Mysterious Cloaked Figure hides behind a wall, listening intently.

    Victor: Yes. Maybe it was. And I’ll take responsibility for that. But you, as a police Commander, should know better.
    Roman: I should know better?!
    Victor: Yes, you. What did you think would happen with three separate factions firing live ammunition at one another?
    Roman: Oh, so you’re blaming me for this?!
    Victor: You’re damn right I am!!!
    Roman: This coming from the man who gave my brother the order to kill me?!

    Belle steps in and tells both of them to cool it. She also can’t believe Victor would think that her father would try to kill Philip. Victor says after their talk in the park, he puts nothing past Roman. Roman points at Victor, telling him that one day, they’ll have to end this bad blood between them, once and for all. Victor agrees, saying that this is gone on far enough. He walks off in anger but not before telling Belle that instead of sticking her nose in where it doesn’t belong, she should be at the hospital with his son. Roman sits back down to be attended to by Kayla, as Belle ponders Victor’s words.

    -Victor walks across the lobby as Nico hands him a walkie-talkie. He contacts Bo, who has escaped outside by now and tells him that Roman aimed his gun at Philip. Bo can’t believe that but Victor tells him it’s true. He also says that he’s sick of Roman always ruining his plans.

    He demands that Bo kill him as soon as possible.

    Bo says that he already shot him and Victor informs him that it was a flesh wound. He says that Bo will lose the love of his family and friends but that is a small price to pay for their cause, which is to make Salem safe. Bo wants to know if he intends on taking over Salem once Roman is dead and Victor doesn’t answer.

    Victor tells him that his brother will be sacrificed. And, it shouldn’t be hard for him. After all, he knew this man longer as John Black than Roman Brady, so it should not be a problem. Bo says that it isn’t. Victor says good. Very good. He wants the shot this time to be fatal and asks him if he understands. Bo says yes, he does. He’s reluctant but understands. Victor doesn’t care. If Roman Brady is alive in one week, Bo is out of the family........and the next target of Victor’s wrath. Bo bids Victor good-bye and grows silent, wondering what in the hell he has gotten himself into this time.

    -Marlena stands off in the cloak room. She is making a phone call to a secret contact, filling them in on the night’s happenings:

    Marlena: No, I’m fine. My head is killing me. My daughter hit me for some reason. Well, I don’t know about that. Everything is in chaos right now. Dead bodies and blood everywhere. Quiet. Someone’s coming.

    Maggie walks by momentarily and almost spots Marlena but doesn’t. After a few tense moments, she walks on. Marlena continues:

    Marlena: No, she left. Thank God. The whole thing is crazy. Look, you need to let me know when this operation will be finished. My children and husband are really starting to wonder about my behavior and I can’t put them off forever. I’m getting out of here right now. Yes. Yes, I’ll be in contact. Ok. Good-bye.

    Marlena hangs up and silently puts on a mask and makes her way to the emergency doors. She escapes through them, not looking forward to the long walk down these stairs but glad that she wasn’t noticed. She then takes off her high heels and starts the long trek downward, hoping that next time is the charm.

    -Roman stands to his feet. He is ordered by Kayla to go to the hospital. He doesn’t want to but Abe and Shane also insist. He still tries to put up a fight but Abe tells him that he will have his badge if he disobeys his direct order. Roman stands there for a moment then reluctantly agrees to go. Caroline, Hope, Billie & Jack walk with him to the elevators.

    At the last moment, Kayla gets word that they still need her there to assist so she tells the family she’s staying behind. Jack, Billie and Maggie agree to stay with her. Maggie tells Roman good luck and starts to walk off. She then stops and tells Jack and Billie that she needs to find Victor. They say ok and Maggie starts up again. She spots Victor in a corner of the ballroom and begins to walk over to him.

    In slow motion, Maggie sees Victor with a huge grin on his face. She stops dead in her tracks and looks around the room, just in time to see Bo once again aim a gun at Roman. She also sees the MCF aim at him as well. She screams:

    Maggie: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    And two shots ring out.

    Everyone hits the floor once again and after a few very anxious moments, they start standing back up. Bedlam has erupted once again and Abe orders police to fan out. Maggie grabs Abe’s arm, telling him she saw the MCF, in a mask, fire a gun. Caroline stands and turns her head towards Roman. She then gasps in horror.

    Roman’s eyes roll into the back of his head and he falls to his knees, then forward, as he hits the floor face first. He’s been shot twice, in the back. He lays on the floor unconscious as Kayla and other EMTs rush to his side.

    Jack and Billie see Bo push a backdoor open and escape through it and take off in pursuit. Hope almost faints at the sight she just witnessed and starts to fall sideways but is caught by Abe as he helps her to the floor. She cries in his arms, not believing that the man she loves just shot his own brother.

    The MCF smiles at the carnage and walks ever so confidently out another emergency exit to a secret elevator. Once in the lobby, the MCF takes off the mask and throws it in the trash can and walks out of the building. As the MCF leaves, he/she sees more police officers and I.S.A. agents enter the hotel and walks across the street into the garage, gets into a car, and laughs sinisterly. The MCF drives off into the cold, dark night.

    Back in the ballroom hallway, Roman’s family and friends surround the EMTs, who frantically work on him. Kayla orders a gurney to be brought over. Caroline looks over towards Victor, long enough to see him get on another elevator. As he turns to look at her, his expression changes, from one of worry..........

    To an evil grin.

    The doors close as Caroline’s blood boils in anger but she turns her attention back towards her son, who is losing blood by the minute. They put him in an elevator and an overhead shot is now on Roman, as the camera pulls back slowly. Hope comforts Caroline and Kayla and two EMTs work to save her brother’s life. The screen slowly fades to black.

    Then, suddenly, four separate boxes appear, with Caroline crying on Hope’s shoulder as Kayla performs CPR on an unconscious Roman, a very pleased Victor smiling along with Nico and one of his associates, Maggie, Abe & Shane watching the MCF take off in a car and then chasing after he/she, and Jack & Billie chasing after Bo, who is seen in his car.......

    With a slight smile on his face. The screen suddenly goes black, as the Salem Lives logo appears.

    Next Time, On The Dramatic Continuation Of Salem Lives........

    Maggie to Abe and Shane: Who the hell was that person wearing the mask and cloak?
    Abe to Maggie and Shane: Someone we shoulf be very worried about.
    Stefano to his associate: Someone used our operation to complete their own mission. I want to know who this cloaked person is and what they are up to now, got that?
    Billie (with Jack) to Hope: Bo got away.
    Hope to Jack and Billie: What the hell has happened to my husband?
    Marlena: No one can know what is really going on. (Turns around) Oh my God...you!!
  7. PhoenixRising05
    -On the pier, Alan is still taken aback by Will revealing he was gay. Will explains that he was confused for awhile but realized it over the summer. He really liked this senior at Salem High and that is why he wanted to be on the basketball team so bad. It was his best chance to get to know him better. This guy was what made him realize he was what he is and that is why he was disappointed he didn't make it. Having his Uncle Austin living with his mom and walking around shirtless did not help matters either. He felt very unconfortable.

    Alan nods and sees why it would be. He begs Alan not to reveal what he has told him. No one can find out. He is afraid how others will react, especially his parents who have all these dreams and expectations for him. He just doesn't want to deal with what might happen if his secret comes out. Alan vows to keep the secret and reminds Will that he is his friend. Will thanks "Ace" and they do their secret handshake that they do.

    Carrie is racing to find Alan and nearly runs right past Will and Alan. Will nearly spots her but doesn't see her. Will turns on his cell phone and realizes he has a ton of messages. He listens to them and realizes his father has been shot. He tells Alan he has to get to the hospital. Alan spots Carrie watching them out of the corner of his eye and tells Will it's fine. They will catch up soon. Will thanks him again and leaves.

    Carrie comes out of the shadows after Will leaves and asks what was going on with Will and Alan. Alan explains that it's just him trying to mend fences for what he did to Sami and her family. Carrie is proud of Alan for his efforts and fills him in on what happened at the ball. Alan is happy she is ok but reminds Carrie he warned her she needs to stay out of Salem before she gets caught, like she nearly did tonight. Carrie asks Alan to take her back to the cabin and says she will stay there this time until the situation with her baby is resolved. Alan promises Carrie it will all be ok as they go off to return to the cabin.

    -At the hospital, Sami is awaiting word on Lucas. Kate and Austin are with her. kate asks Austin again if he is sure he is ok after being shot on the arm. Austin says he is fine. Kate thinks he may have hit his head. Austin knows Kate said that because she thinks he is crazy to have saw Carrie but he knows he saw her. He just can't figure out why she would run away or be wearing a mask. Kate still thinks Austin was mistaken but Austin is sure he didn't.

    Austin goes to comfort Sami. Sami says Lucas has to be ok. She warned the both of them what would happen by joining Victor in this war and now they are living their worst nightmare. She can't lose Lucas just when they were finding each other again. Austin says he knows they have been getting closer. Sami asks if that bothers him. Austin says it's fine...Sami and Lucas are meant for each other just like he is meant for Carrie. Sami agrees and wishes they all hadn't been so stubborn and stupid. It shouldn't have taken this long to figure out.

    Kate overhears and says Austin may be meant for Carrie but Sami is not meant for Lucas or any of her sons. In fact, she partly blames the so called "love" Sami and Lucas have for Lucas being shot. Sami rolls her eyes and says she thought Kate and her hand a breakthrough after Lucas was shot but, apparently, not. Kate says she did that for Lucas's sake. She didn't want to upset him. Plus, she really was trying to make an effort to change but she can't stand Sami sitting there spewing how Lucas and her are destined to be.

    Sami thinks Kate is lying and says she felt Kate was sincere in the ballroom. She thinks Kate was shocked by how much she had changed the past few months and was finally realizing that she is capable of being the person her family and friends wanted her to be. Someone they can be proud of. She reminds Kate of her vow months ago to turn over a new leaf. Kate knows she promised that but says she was just overcome with emotion with everything tonight. She will never like or get along with Sami no matter how much she may change or act like she has changed.

    Kate walks off. Austin tells Sami he thinks she is right and that his mother realizes she has no reason to hate Sami anymore with all she has done to turn herself around. He thinks she realizes that she can't stop what is meant to be and Lucas and her are probably meant to be. Sami agrees but says she is only worried about Lucas now and not what Kate is thinking and doing. A doctor comes out of ER just as Kate returns and says that Lucas will be fine. The bullet missed the spine and there is no permanant damage. He will be sore and numb for a bit but that's it. Sami and Austin embrace in celebration, followed by Kate and Austin.

    -Roman is raced into the ER with Kayla and Caroline by his side. Belle and Hope show up too and pray Roman makes it. Frankie and Greta race in, saying they heard the news. Kayla asks how Steve is and both Frankie and Greta say there is no word yet on Steve or Lucas. They are still running tests on Steve. Kayla goes into the ER with Roman and promises to return with news ASAP. Belle, Hope, and Caroline comfort each other, as Frankie and Greta hope everything turns out well.

    -Abe, Shane, and Maggie discuss the MCF escaping. They wonder who this person was as it seemed they were acting on their own and that they weren't one of Victor or Stefano's men. Shane says it seems this person had their own agenda and infiltrated Stefano and Victor's plans to accomplish something. Maggie wonders who it could be. Abe says it's someone to definitely be worried about that's for sure.

    -Billie and Jack can't beleive what is going on with Bo and hate to bring Hope the news he got away. Billie says it seems Bo is a fugitive. Jack says they have to tell Hope. Billie can't beleive this and says this is not how none of them wanted to start 2007. Jack warns Billie he thinks what has happened tonight is the tip of the iceberg.

    -Stefano is in a black van in an alley. The van is loaded with camaera that monitor the Salem Towers ballroom and other locations around Salem. He is with some of his associates and they discuss what happened at ball. Stefano laughs that with all of the SPD and Victor's planning, they still couldn't take him down. He is disappointed he didn't take out Kiriakis or more of his enemies but he loves seeing all the strife between Victor. Bo, Roman, Caroline, and the rest of the Brady's and Kiriakis's. Stefano says it's like all the good families in Salem are tearing themselves apart. He loves it.

    He also celebrates seeing Roman Brady gunned down by his own brother. His associate tells him that there was some masked, cloaked figure lurking about and that the figure was also aiming at Roman at the same time as Bo. Stefano finds that interesting and also beleives the mysterious person took other shots at others during the intial shootout since the cloaked person did infiltrate their operation at the ball by posing as one of his disguised associates.

    Stefano says that this mysterious cloaked person does concern him. The fact that they found one of their men tied up outside and this cloaked person took their place makes him wonder what this person is up to. He doesn't like someone using his plans for their own gain and can't risk this person interfereing and messing up future plans of his.

    Stefano: Someone used our operation tonight to complete their own mission. I want to know who this cloaked person is and what they are up to now, got that?

    The associate agrees to get their men on the case. Stefano is sure this person is also the person who blew up Samantha Brady's apartment, something the SPD is pinning on him for obvious reasons. He wonders who this cloaked person is and what their agenda is in Salem as it seems the person is targeting the Brady's, something he has in common with the mysterious figure. Stefano looks back at the camera footage and wonders how big of a threat the MCF is to Salem.

    -Jack and Billie arrive at the hospital and break the news to Hope that Bo got away. Hope can't understand what is going on with him. Caroline can't believe what is happening with her boys and can't beleive she ever cared about Victor after all that he has done to her sons. Caroline looks at Belle and says she is lucky that it seems Phillip is nowhere near like his father. Belle seems upset by Caroline's words but hides it.

    Abe and Shane arrive with Maggie and they fill everyone in on the MCF. Hope says the don't need another dangerous threat to deal with in Salem. Caroline wonders who this person is and why they have showed up in Salem. Abe says they plan to find out. They also plan to find both Victor and Stefano, both of which are MIA and seem to have gone into hiding after the evening's events. Caroline says she hopes both of them burn in hell, as does Hope.

    -Belle goes to check on Philip and learns he is doing well and will be just fine. She opts not to go and see him when a nurse asks if she wants to visit her husband. She then bumps into Sami, who fills her in on Lucas. Belle informs her about Roman and Sami is devestated. Belle also says that their mother is still missing since she knocked her out after seeing her aim her gun at their father. They both wonder what is going on with her but, in the meantime, race off to check on Roman.

    Belle and Sami join Caroline, Abe, Shane. Hope, Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta in the ER. Kate and Austin soon do as well. Sami informs them all that Lucas is fine and Belle informs everyone that Philip is fine too. Both girls are worried about their mother. Abe says he has his people searching for her. He also has people looking for Bo, Victor, Stefano, and the MCF. Just then, Kayla comes out and says that Roman is going up to OR and she is going up with him. Jack says he will go watch over Steve and tells Kayla to do what she has to. Kayla thanks him as Caroline, Hope, Belle, Maggie, Greta, and Sami go to the chapel to pray for Roman.

    -Outside the hospital, Marlena appears from behind a dumpster and wishes she could find a way to get into the hospital and learn what she has to without being spotted. She hopes that the plan can be salvaged after everything that has gone wrong tonight. She goes in search of a less public entrance to the hospital and is grabbed from behind by someone. She is shocked and asks what he is doing there. They can't be seen together. The camera then slowly pans up from the person's hands to reveal.......James McClure.

    -Meanwhile, Bo is in his car out in the country. He seems very upset and can't beleive what has transpired tonight. He then gets a call. It's Victor, who tells Bo that he is lying low for awhile after what has happened. However, he tells Bo his task has not been completed. Roman is still alive and in OR right now. Bo says he has already done what Victor asked but Victor insists that isn't good enough.

    Victor: You must make sure Roman is dead. You know what will happen if you don't carry out my orders, Bo. Your my son but your either with us, or against us. I don't have to go over this with you again. Just finish him off and I will be in touch soon. I am watching, my son. Don't disappoint me.

    Victor then hangs up. Bo realizes what he must do and that he has no choice. He starts the car and says it's time to make a visit to the hospital.

    The camera then fades out on Bo's face and the screen goes black.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Nicole to Eric: It's time you knew the truth.
    Cal to Katherine: OH my God...I remember!
    Abby to Max: I want this night to last forever.
    Cassie (holding herself up on a wall): What is wrong with me?
    Marlena to James: Get out of here now!! No one can know we're involved.
    Bo to an unconscious Roman: I'm sorry, bro. This is the way it has to be.
  8. PhoenixRising05
    Announcer: LAST WEEK...


    IN PANIC!!!

    Images of the ballroom going dark, Celeste screaming, and the lights going out.


    Hope: What is happening to my husband?
    Marlena: No one can find out what is really going on.
    Victor: Roman Brady must pay!!!


    Jack to Billie: I can't beleive what has happened tonight.


    Marlena: They're on to me!!
    Steve: What is wrong with me?
    Stefano: Who the hell is this cloaked person?
    Abe to Shane: It seems we have another threat to deal with in addition to Stefano and Victor.


    Sami: Don't die on me, Lucas!!
    Belle: Come on, daddy. Fight!!






  9. PhoenixRising05



    RB=Roscoe Born

    I: Thanks for joining us. How exciting for you to be on Salem Lives!!
    RB: Yes! I was shocked when they called me. The writers and producers wanted to meet with me and we discussed the role. I must confess I didn't think the role was anything special. It seemed cut and dry and vert short-term but there are many layers to James and so much to do with him story-wise.
    I: The daytime world has been waiting for you to land something since you run on Y&R ended. Is James anything like Tom Fisher?
    RB: No. There may look like there are similarities at first but there isn't. Once the story develops, the fans will see that. James is very complex then he seems and that is why I took on this role. It's challenging but I am looking forward to the road ahead.
    I: Is James like anyone else you played?
    RB: Hmm...I probably shouldn't say. I don't want to give away too much and I might if I an answer in detail here. I will just say he has some qualities from many of the roles I played. Fans will just have to see for themselves.
    I: What can you tell us about James?
    RB: Well, he is an ex-con. We don't know how he got released or what he did intially but that is explained shortly. He has a wife and two kids, who he struggles to support. He takes a job with Victor (John Aniston) but he seems very shifty, as fans already know from my first episode on Dec. 26. There is alot to him that will slowly be revealed but those are the basics.
    I: Who do you interact with besides, obviously, Victor (John Aniston)?
    RB: Again, don't want to give out too much. I interact with everyone in Victor's organization so that gives you some hints. Here is another that I will give you but I won't elaborate on it. I interact early on with a popular Salem female and I think that will be a shock to fans.
    I: Hmm...interesting. It seems they are bringing the McClure family on to interact with James.
    RB: Yeah. They are casting the wife and two kids, who will play a role in helping the fans understand the character of James. They are pivotal in the story that is going on. They will be around very soon.
    I: Can't wait! Can you tell us how long James will be around? Could your stay be extended?
    RB: All depends. I know how far into the year the story goes, as of right now, and I know the plan that is set for James barring any changes. I will just take it one day at a time and enjoy. I love it so far and I love what I am doing here so we'll see.
    I: Thanks for joining us. We wish you continued success and look forward to seeing the story play out.
    RB: Thanks. I am sure you and the fans won't be disappointed.

    Previews and Peeks into Wk of 1/3/07

    -Chaos erupts in the ballroom.
    -The mystery surrounding Marlena deepens.
    -Max has a romantic surprise for Abby
    -Cal has a memory flash.
    -Eric and Nicole make a big decision.
    -Cassie collapses.

    Next Week: Cassie's illness worsens. Abby and Chelsea learn the truth about their conditions. Cal and Katherine see another side of each other.
  10. PhoenixRising05

    - At the ball, Steve and Kayla spot Jack and Billie walking through the elevator doors. They have just arrived at the party after seeing Chelsea and Abby at the hospital. Jack and Steve nod their heads at each other and Billie gets ready to walk over to speak to her mother, when she overhears the conversation going on around the corner.

    Billie taps Jack on his arm and tells him to come with her for a moment. Jack excuses himself from several guests and follows Billie, who leads him around the corner. When they reach their destination, Billie informs Jack that Victor and Stefano have a showdown planned for tonight at the party. The SPD has everything monitored. Jack is shocked, wondering why would they risk doing that in such a public place with Salem’s whose who there. She doesn’t know but is glad she came prepared.

    When Jack asks her what that means, she opens her small purse to reveal a handgun stuffed down at the bottom. Jack is stunned, asking her why she picked tonight to do her Foxy Brown impersonation. She tells him to stop making jokes, this is serious, to which he replies no s**t. When Jack asks what do they do next, Billie advises him to start letting people know quietly what is happening. He says great idea. Time for him to become.........Austin Devereaux, Salem Man Of Mystery. He saunters off, while Billie watches and chuckles.

    -Belle sees Jack walk across the ballroom but when she starts to go over to speak with him, Sami stops her cold as Chicago's "If You Leave Me Now" plays. She asks her:

    Sami: What is Mom’s problem? I just tried to tell her what is going down tonight with Dad and she said that he’s a big boy and that he can take care of himself.
    Belle: What?
    Sami: Yeah. Then she said that she has more on her mind than watching a bunch of grown men play cowboys and indians.
    Belle: She hasn’t been the same since she’s gotten back home. Dad said she was acting all funny last night. He doesn’t know what to do but he has had this blood feud on his mind so much, he’s caught between a rock and a hard place.
    Sami: Well, we better just keep an eye on her so she doesn’t flip out or do something rash.

    At that moment, Marlena walks up from behind them and surprises them both. They turn around quickly to hear her say to them:

    Marlena: So........you two think I’m nuts, huh?
    Sami: Mom.....no, we didn’t mean it that way.......
    Belle: Yeah. We were just saying..........
    Marlena: Well, let me tell you two something. You try being married to a man whose had two different faces and six different past lives and see how sane you would be, ok.

    Marlena looks at them with a steely gaze and walks up on both of them, saying:

    Marlena: Now you two little brats leave me the hell alone before I get really nasty. Got that?!

    Marlena storms off, leaving both girls frightened and bewildered.

    -Austin and Lucas walk up to Sami and Belle, having witnessed the scene with Marlena. Lucas wants to know if she is alright to which Sami says yes, she’s fine. It’s just all that she’s been through has gotten her on edge. Belle concurs, saying that it’s nothing to worry about. She’ll be fine. Austin says he hopes so. Sami looks at both men and wonders why they are so worried about their mother when they plan on having a shootout later on this evening.

    Austin says that everything will be fine but that he is not backing away from this. Lucas agrees, saying that he told Sami where he stood yesterday. Nothing’s changed and Lucas wishes Sami would just accept that and stop with the constant badgering. He walks off and Sami follows him, grabbing him by the arm and turning him around. She is very angry and lashes out at him, saying:

    Sami: How dare you? How dare you get upset with me for worrying about you?
    Lucas: We have been over this time and time again, Sami. I’m not repeating myself, ok?
    Sami: So that’s it, huh? You now feel you owe me nothing, huh?

    Lucas turns away, long enough to see Hope looking at both of them. Sami grabs him by the arm and snatches him back around, until he is once again facing her. She looks at him, staring into his eyes, and says softly:

    Sami: Do you even realize what you mean to me? Huh? You are......my life. My soul. The greatest thing you gave me was our son. He has you for a father and I want him to continue growing up admiring you and loving you, not visiting your grave.
    Lucas: Do you think I want that? (Looking at Hope) With all the screw-ups and foul things I’ve done, this is the one thing I can do to protect my family and prove to you that I can take care of you and protect you. (Turning back towards Sami) I have to be man enough to face this thing, so that we all can be safe. Hope told you what is going to happen here and I can’t just walk away.
    Sami: Yes you can. You’re man enough to let the police and my dad handle it. Be man enough to come home with me right now. Please.
    Lucas: No, Sami. I can’t do that.
    Sami: (Crying) Why not?! Why can’t you just walk away Lucas?!

    Sami looks at Lucas with a shocked look on her face.

    Lucas: There is no way Stefano DiMera or anyone from that wretched family is going to harm you, ok? You are the most precious thing in this whole world to me. You were when you were engaged to Austin and when you were with Franco and when you had our son. And.......I just can’t see the point of waking up every morning.........in a empty bed.........knowing that the most wonderful, kind, beautiful lady that I have ever known is gone because I wasn’t man enough to save her. So please......love me enough to leave here right now and not come back. Please Sami. I’m begging you.

    Lucas leans in and kisses Sami gently and then hugs her tightly. She returns this embrace, as he whispers in her ear:

    Lucas: If something happens to me..........I just want to say one thing.
    Sami: (Looking at Lucas, crying) What is that?
    Lucas: Thank you.............for everything.

    He walks off with Austin, leaving Sami to be comforted by Hope and Belle.

    -At the pier, Alan walks up behind Will, who is out late on this evening. He surprises him to which Will says that isn’t very funny but he starts laughing. Alan notices that through the laughter, Will is upset. When he asks why, Will responds, saying that he’s sick and tired of living a lie. Alan is shocked, asking what the hell does that mean. Will says that his parents keep pushing him to get married, have a family, and live the American dream.

    But all he wants is to be himself. He wanted to join the basketball team for the sport of it and to belong. With a mother who has spent his entire life ruining people’s lives and a father who basically let her, he just wants peace in his world. Then, every time he turned around, his Uncle Austin was parading around in nothing but a towel. How was he supposed to deal with that? Alan listens on intently. He just wants to be left alone, to be who he is. Alan asks him what is he talking about. Will turns to him and tells him something that he never knew for sure but always suspected. Will says to Alan that no one can ever know...........

    That he’s gay.

    Alan looks at Will, shocked. Will stares out into the open night.

    -Back at the party, Steve and Kayla mingle about but Kayla notices that Steve has not been looking well all day. When she asks what’s wrong, he tells her that he keeps getting these headaches from out of nowhere. She walks him to a corner of the ballroom and takes out her stethoscope and checks him out:

    Kayla: Well, your eyes look fine. Where is it hurting you, Steve? All over?
    Steve: Yeah, Sweetness. It hurts all over. I bet you have the healing prescription, don’t you baby?
    Kayla: Stop joking around, Steve. There might be a serious problem.
    Steve: I’m fine, Sweetness. Don’t worry........about..........

    Just then, Steve suddenly slumps forward and almost faints. Kayla catches him and Bo races over to help her. They both pick him up and walk him to one of the back rooms so that he can rest.

    -It is now 11:30 pm and Celeste sees Hope, Billie, Samantha, Belle, Kayla, Maggie & Jack all huddled together. Stefano spots her walking towards the group and tells one of his top men:

    Stefano: Get everyone in place. We don’t have much time, yes?
    MCF: Understood, sir.

    While the Mysterious Cloaked Figure walks off to get all of Stefano’s men in place, Celeste walks up to the group, telling them that she senses something tragic is about to happen and that they don’t have much time to get everyone out. Kayla turns around briefly, long enough to see Steve walking over to them. She ask if he’s fine, to which he replies, yes. Jack wonders where Celeste is getting this from and she says has she been wrong yet? They all grow silent.

    Victor sees the MCF rush off and tells his associate:

    Victor: It’s time. Get everyone in place and tell them to be ready. I’m going to wipe Stefano DiMera out even if I have to destroy Salem to do it!

    Victor’s associate walks defiantly across the room and takes out his gun. Jack sees this and he, along with Steve, try to run the man down but he escapes into an elevator going to the upper floor, where Bo is at present. Jack and Steve rush back to the group and tell them to get as many people out of here as possible.


    Victor has disappeared. He is standing behind a thin wall, loading up his gun. Maggie has searched for him and found him, begging him to call this whole thing off. He demands that she leaves now or he won’t be responsible for her fate. She looks at him, shockingly, and runs off.


    Sami finds Roman, who has just loaded his weapon, and pleads with him:

    Sami: Daddy, please don’t do this. There are too many people who love you.
    Roman: I know that, sweety. That’s why I’m doing this. DiMera’s stranglehold on our families and this city must end....tonight. And if it costs me my life.........
    Sami: No! Don’t you say that to me! (Wiping tears from her eyes) I just found you again. WE just found you again. Don’t you stand there and tell me that your life means nothing to you because it means everything to me!
    Roman: (Quietly speaking) I know that. (Putting his hand on her cheek) You’re my angel. You know that. And.....you have your mother’s strength. So, you promise me this. If I should not live to see tomorrow .........
    Sami:(Crying heavily) No. Don’t say that.............
    Roman: Then you look out for your mother and sisters and brothers, ok sweety?
    Sami: (Pausing) O.......Ok. I’ll do it.

    Sami jumps into her father’s arms and Roman hugs her, warmly. It is a hug that is very deep and special, for they know.......

    That this may be the last time they see each other.

    Sami looks at Roman and they both smile at each other. She then wipes her face and runs off. Roman watches his little girl leave him for what may be the very last time. He then turns his attention back to the men in the ballroom and readies his weapon.

    -Doug and Julie see what is now happening and both go and get Kimberly and Alice and head towards the elevators. Once the door opens they get on and Kimberly looks back to see Shane loading his weapon. Their eyes lock for a brief, singular, moment and all of the memories come rushing back. The door then starts to slowly close as both Kimberly and Shane wave good-bye to each other.


    Then, suddenly, men start emerging from everywhere. Stefano’s men. Victor’s men. The partygoers that are left are almost surrounded. Victor orders his men into position and Stefano does the same. Roman, Abe & Shane pull their weapons and aim.


    In slow motion, all of the following events take place..............

    Austin sees Kate standing by herself and tries to run over to her. At the last moment, a lady takes off her mask and Austin is shocked to see that it’s.............Carrie!


    Hope, Maggie, and Belle try to drag Sami towards an elevator. But, she bumps into Marlena, who has just walked back into the ballroom, brandishing a gun!


    Philip sees Belle and turns, suddenly, pulling out a gun and aiming it at one of Stefano’s henchmen. She watches on horrified.


    Victor, Nico and Bo pull out their weapons and take aim, as Hope loses her grip on Sami as she breaks free before the elevator door closes.


    The MCF sees Sami running towards Lucas and takes aim at her! Lucas pulls his gun and run towards Sami.


    Steve spots one of Victor’s henchmen and knocks him out from behind. He then grabs his gun and runs next to Bo and then suddenly has another seizing pain in his head and stumbles into the line of fire, just as Billie pulls her gun out of her purse and takes aim at the MCF........


    Roman sees Marlena with a gun and he also sees her take aim............at him!


    Bo jumps down from the upper floor of the ballroom and sees Marlena aim at Roman. Just then, Belle hits Marlena on the back of her head and she collapses. Roman looks at Bo, who is now aiming the gun at the masked figure, not knowing it’s Stefano.


    At the very last moment, Victor shouts in Bo’s direction “NOW!!!” and Bo turns and re-aims his gun............at his brother Roman! At the same time, Lucas steps on a chair and leaps towards Sami.............


    The clock strikes Midnight and, at the same time, Stefano yanks off his mask. Stefano, Victor, and Roman give the orders to..........

    Stefano: OPEN...........
    Victor: FIRE...........
    Roman: NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There is a three-way frozen split screen on all three men’s faces, as gunshots ring out into the New Year night. The screen suddenly goes black, as Celeste lets out a blood-curdling scream!!


  11. PhoenixRising05
    -High atop the new Titan Salem Towers, Doug and Julie have just walked in with Alice. Julie turns to Doug and tells him that you could cut the tension in this huge ballroom with a machete’. Doug concurs, saying that with what he’s heard, he hopes no one is hurt on this New Year’s Eve.

    -Victor and Roman have a very heated exchange, having to do with their children’s marriage:

    Victor: Claire is Philip’s daughter, Roman! And if he wants to raise her in his manner, who the hell are you to stop him?!
    Roman: I’m Belle’s father, Vic! Neither of my daughters are going to be shoved into something they don’t want. I didn’t raise Carrie, Samantha or Belle that way and I’m not going to start now.
    Victor: Oh, I see. Apparently, the only thing Samantha learned is how to be an evil little [!@#$%^&*] who will destroy anyone to get what she wants.

    Roman grabs Victor by his collar.

    Roman: Look here, old man. You watch what you say about Sami. She’s my child and she knows about the mistakes she’s made. (Letting go of his collar and shoving him) And the last thing I’m going to let you do is talk about her like a dog. As far as Belle is concerned.........she lives her own life. With her daughter. If she wants to bring Claire and live with Marlena and me, that’s just fine. (Walking up on Victor) And if that brat son of yours does one thing to hurt her......you wont EVER find his body, got that.........Vic?
    Victor: Before this night is over, you may have to answer for your transgressions. I hope you are prepared.......Commander.

    Victor walks off and leaves Roman to think about what he just said. Roman gets ready to follow him but spots both Abe and Shane, who has brought Kimberly with him. He pulls both men to the side to have a private conversation, leaving Kimberly with Kayla.

    -Meanwhile, Victor is stopped in the ballroom by Philip. He tells Victor that he wants in on his war with Stefano and the DiMera family and won’t take no for an answer. Victor turns and gives hm a very stern look, telling him that instead of doing a Michael Corleone impersonation, he should be worried about his wife and daughter. He tells him to concentrate on that before he steps up and plays with men. Philip says that Victor needs him right now and that is one of the reasons he came home.

    Victor tells him that something very dangerous is going to happen later and that he doesn’t want him involved. Plus, he says, Philip never wanted to be involved with his dealings in the past anyway. What has changed? Philip tells him that he is sick of sitting on the sidelines and letting people dictate his life. That changes right now and if Victor doesn’t want to let him in.....he’ll do what he has to do. All by himself. Victor warns him to not get into the middle of what’s going on and grabs Philip by the arm. Philip yanks his arm away and storms off. Victor watches him as he walks away.

    -Two men have now entered the party. One is wearing a Yin/Yang authentic mask and the other is wearing a very expensive Chinese mask from the 17th Century. Both men walk around speaking to the guest when the second man spots Roman and cryptically remarks:

    MCF: This should be one hell of a New Year’s Eve for you, sir. (Turning back around) It could also be your last.

    He excuses himself from the first man and then makes his way to a secret corner of the ballroom.

    The first man talks with some of his bodyguards who have accompanied him to this gala event. While he instructs one of the men to secure the perimeter, he tells one of his other guards to make sure no one sees him until the time is right. He then turns around, with his back to the crowd, and removes his mask to make a very important phone call.

    The call.........to his daughter, Alexandra.

    The man? Stefano DiMera, himself.

    Stefano: How are you doing, my dear? Good, good. Now, you make sure you listen to all of the doctors, ok? No. No, don’t worry about me. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you here for what is going to happen. Look, I know what I’m doing. I'm sick of these people. These commoners have been ruining my work for years. Now.....they pay. They all pay. If I have it my way......

    No one will leave here tonight....alive. And if I have to, I’ll bury this town, and everyone in it.

    -Caroline watches Stefano stalk off, not knowing who it is that is so excited. She turns to see Hope walking up on Victor, and hears her start to berate him:

    Hope: Victor, I don’t know what you have gotten my husband involved in this time, especially after that madhouse in Sydney, but I swear to God Almighty Himself, if one hair on his head is hurt, I’ll........

    Caroline interrupts the conversation:

    Caroline: Hope, what is going on here? Why are you acting like this in front of everyone?
    Hope: Because, Caroline, I just heard from Bo that he and Victor have some sort of plan for Stefano and it’s supposed to go down tonight.

    They both look at Victor.

    Caroline: Is this true, Victor? My son is wrapped up in some mafia vengeance thing with you?
    Victor: Caroline, you don’t understand and I have neither the time or patience to explain it to you. And, I wish you two would realize that Bo is a grown man! I’m sick of telling you that. He has to make his own decisions in his life and this is one of them.
    Hope: Victor, all I want is for my husband to be safe, so we can get back together and live as a family.
    Victor: Well Hope, maybe you should have thought of that before you ran him out of your home. All he wanted was your support and you gave him anger and resentment.

    Both women are silent.

    Victor: And now, you want him to run back to you like a scared little boy who doesn’t know what he’s doing. Well, that's BS. Let him go back to being a man for God Sakes. And I’ll see that no harm comes to him. Now, if you’ll excuse me..........

    Victor walks away to confer with Nico, his most trusted assistant, while Caroline turns to Hope and says:

    Caroline: He better keep his word. Because if anything happens to my baby boy.........
    Hope: Don’t worry. Let’s find Abe, Shane and Roman and fill them in, ok?

    Both woman walk quickly to find the three men to warn them of the impending doom that may fall on this night.

    -Maggie stops Victor and tells him she just overheard the argument he had with Caroline & Hope. She asks him if it true that he is going after Stefano tonight and Victor’s response is silence. She stares at him and then puts both hands on his arms, warning him to be careful. He steps closer to her and hugs her, saying that it has been a true joy to know her. He tells her he will be careful but also tells her to have a good life and do the best she can........if anything should happen to him. He then turns and is led away by Nico, as Maggie looks on terrified.

    -Victor, Nico and a third man walk past Stefano and his associate, not realizing who it is. But, Nico finally does, and grabs Victor by his elbow and whispers in his ear. All three men then turn around and watch Stefano, whose still disguised, walk towards the corner opposite them in the main ballroom. Victor stares at Stefano and tells Nico:

    Victor: Start getting our men together, and let them know that the devil has ascended from hell......and is here right now. (He turns to Nico) Make sure they are in place when I give the signal. We’ll only have one chance at this so lets make it clean, understood?
    Nico: Yes, sir. Understood perfectly.

    Victor turns to his associate and says:

    Victor: Let’s get out of sight, my friend. We need to find Bo. We have plans to make.
    Associate: Of course, Mr. Kiriakis. This way.

    Both men leave out of an unknown door and into a secret elevator that Victor had installed when the Tower was built, since he funded the Salem Towers project. He and his men know the hour is drawing near.

    -Bo sees Victor and runs up to the door but it closes and locks just as he makes it there. In his frustration, when he turns, he doesn’t see Hope standing close to him. She reaches out to him but he walks right past her. She runs and catches up with him, turns him around, and sternly says:

    Hope: Bo, what are you doing?! Do you know how dangerous this is?!
    Bo: Dammit, Hope! You act like this is the first time I’ve ever faced something like this. Think for a moment, would you? The Three Prisms, Roman’s disappearance on the island, Stockholm, Lawrence Alamain, and just recently Sydney. I think I can take care of myself.
    Hope: I’m not saying that you can’t, Bo. All I’m saying is please, for me and your family, walk away from this. Being with Victor is going to get you killed and I don’t have the strength to say good-bye to you and bury you in your grave!

    Everyone in the ballroom grows silent. Bo and Hope look around, embarrassed. Bo then turns back to Hope, puts his hand on her cheek, and looks at her lovingly. He then steps forward, staring into her soft eyes, and kisses her gently on her lips. She responds and hugs him tightly. They slowly pull away from each other and they stare at each other as Bo slowly turns and walks away. She watches him walk up to Austin and Lucas but does not follow. She only hopes, silently, that her man will live to see tomorrow.

    -Bo ask Austin and Lucas if they are ready to go, to which both reply yes. They say lets do this. Kate, Belle & Sami have tried in vain to stop Austin and Lucas from joining up with Bo and getting involved in this plan of Victor’s. Now, all they can do is watch as all three men walk off with serious determination, looking to join up with Victor, whose associate has been sent to find all three men.

    Marlena walks up to the ladies and asks:

    Marlana: What’s going on tonight? This seems like half a party, half a showdown. What’s with all the tension?
    Sami: I have no clue, Mom. But Victor has gotten Uncle Bo, Austin & Lucas mixed up in something. I just hope they don’t get themselves hurt or worse.
    Marlena: They won’t. Just do them a favor. Stop treating them like children. I heard Victor tell that to Caroline and Hope and I happen to agree.

    Kate sighs and walks off after that comment but Belle looks at Marlena, then at Sami, and then says:

    Belle: Uh, Mom, we don’t want them to get harmed or do harm based on Victor’s word. I really hope you can see that. They don’t belong in this at all.
    Sami: Belle’s right, Mom. That’s why Dad, Abe & Shane are trying to find out what’s going on and put a stop to it.
    Marlena: (Looking At Both Girls) You know, listening to you two whine about this, reminds me of when you two were babies. Damn, let them make their own decisions for God Sakes.

    Marlena shakes her head and walks off, leaving both women shocked at her demeanor during that exchange. They leave to find Roman and fill him in on what’s happening with their mother.

    -Frankie joins Greta on the balcony outside. He covers her up with a coat, to which she thanks him and smiles. When he asks why she’s out there, she replies that she is just wondering about something. When he asks what, she says that she can’t understand why all these people seem to find love and not her. Nicole and Eric have gotten together and gotten married and, once again, she is left with no one.

    Frankie sees her point and asks how does she think he feels having not gotten together with Jennifer before she died. He really digs Jack and thought that once he got his act together he made a fine husband but, for once, he just wants to be number one in a lady’s life. He asks her does she see what he’s saying and she says absolutely. They both then agree to wait for that special someone to come along and no longer be second choice to anyone.

    Then, they shake on it, but take a little time letting go of each other’s hand. They stare at each other for a moment before excusing themselves and returning to the party.

    -Roman sees Frankie re-enter the door and walk over to Kimberly, Kayla and Steve. As he talks to them, Roman turns his attention back to Abe & Shane, who have finished finalizing plans to get everyone out and stop Victor and Stefano from turning this New Year’s Eve into a bloodbath. He sees Victor talking to Caroline and walks over to them both. When he gets there, he asks:

    Roman: What are you doing, Vic? My mother is off-limits to you. I thought you knew that.

    Caroline stands in between them.

    Victor: You know, Roman, that Dirty Harry crap went out back in the 70s, along with that eyebrow thing you constantly do. You may think it makes you intense. I think it makes you look like an ass.
    Roman: Is that so?
    Victor: Yeesss, that’s so. Now why don’t you run along and see what the other children are doing while the grown folks talk. Ok?
    Roman: Old man (Pointing his finger in Victor’s chest) if you don’t leave my family alone, the only thing getting run up in this tower is my boot in your ass.
    Victor: I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
    Roman: Really? Well let’s see............

    Just then, Nico and Victor’s associate are on either side of Roman. The ask, politely, if he could remove his finger off of Mr. Kiriakis before it gets really ugly really fast. Roman slowly puts his hand down and looks at Victor, warning him:

    Roman: Be good, old man. And remember what I said.
    Victor: Commander.......you have a splendid evening.

    Roman walks back to Abe and Shane and witnesses Bo, Lucas & Austin join Victor’s group. He turns to Abe & Shane and tells them, in no uncertain terms, that:

    Roman: Fellas, I hate to say this, but we may have to shoot to kill if Stefano shows up and things get deadly.
    Abe: I agree. We better start getting people out of here and getting our plain clothes men into place. I’ve also ordered S.W.A.T. to be activated in case shots are fired. Roman, you will get your orders from me. When I give the signal......
    Shane: We aim and fire. Gentlemen, this must end tonight. If not.......
    Roman: Then none of us may live to see tomorrow.

    -Celeste has entered the ballroom and looks around to see who has come. She is greeted by most of the party faithful and walks around cheerfully smiling and waiving at friends of hers. When she walks into the main ballroom, she stops dead in her tracks and stares horrifically.

    She sees blood everywhere she looks and paramedics and doctors attending to wounded friends and family. She sees people that she loves crying hysterically and then she looks up to the podium and sees blood on the curtains.

    And then, just like that, a flash occurs............and everything is back to normal. She says horrifically:

    Celeste: Oh, Dear God!! Blood and death!! Please!!! For God Sakes, let this tragedy not happen on this night. Too many innocent people are going to die. (To herself) I’ve got to warn Abraham. (Looking around) Maybe he can stop this.

    The screen once again goes into four separate boxes with Roman, Abe & Shane taking out the guns silently and arming them, Caroline, Hope, Sami & Belle watching the men, Victor, Bo, Lucas, Austin and Victor’s associate toasting a group of men across the ballroom, and Stefano and the Mysterious Cloaked Figure toasting them back.

    The screen then slowly fades to black.

    Tune In Tomorrow......For The Final Shocking Episode Of 2006!!! It's CAN'T MISS!!!

    ***(No Previews today since tomarrow is such a big episode)***
  12. PhoenixRising05
    -Victor is on his way to the park to meet with Bo when he runs into Philip, who is on his way to meet Belle there. He tells his father he has meaning to talk to him but with everything going on it's been hard. Victor apologizes for not properly welcoming him home. He tells Philip he looks more handsome now then he did prior to all his surgeries. Philip says he doesn't want to discuss that. It's been hard enough to deal with, much less talk about.

    Victor understands Philip is having a hard time dealing with everything that happened to him. He apologizes for his betrayal of him with Claire's paternity. Philip urges Victor not to worry about it. Claire turned out to be his anyway. He tells Victor he wants to be more involved in the family business. He knows his father is in this war to destroy all his enemies, including Stefano Dimera, and he wants in on those dealings.

    Victor doesn't like the idea and tells Philip he is not ready. He has already been through a great deal and it's too much for him right now. Plus, he wants to groom Philip and ease him into taking over control of his empire and dealings at some point. The things going on right now are just too dangerous and too complicated. Philip is angry and thinks Victor doesn't think he can handle it. Victor denies that and urges Philip to worry about his wife and daughter and he will get his chance to be more involved in the new future.

    Philip reluctantly agrees and pirvately vows to be more involved somehow and prove himself to his father.

    -Belle and Roman are walking through the park. Roman says it's nice to have her back in Salem. Belle says she is happy she returned in time for her mother to show up and for Eric's wedding and recovery. She says it's nice they are all together as a family and are united. She says that Sami and Roman getting closer was a true miracle, just like mom returning. Roman agrees and asks Belle how she is doing.

    Belle says she is fine. Roman inquires about San Francisco and what happened there between Philip and her. Belle explains that Philip and her came to na understanding to leave the last behind and try to make things work in their marriage for Claire's sake. Roman says that's nice but asks if Belle really wants that. Belle says she doesn't want Shawn anymore. She knows she can't have him. Roman knows that but insists that he knows Belle isn't happy.

    Belle denies that claim. Roman reveals he talked with Sami and Caroline and knows she has been pretty secretive, as has Philip, about San Francisco and what is going on with Philip and her. He tells Belle not to be afraid and reminds her that she doesn't have to force herself to stay with him. She has a choice and it doesn't have to be Philip. They can still be good parents to her. She doesn't have to stay with him. Victor overhears and says the hell she doesn't.

    -Stephanie is finished packing her suitcase in Kayla's suite. She tells Steve and Kayla it's hard to say goodbye. It wwas so hard saying goodbye to Grandma Caroline and Grandma Jo and the rest of the family. Kayla says she will miss her and they embrace. She tells Kayla to call if dad gets his memory back or if they need her for anything. Kayla promises she will.

    Stephanie looks at Steve and hugs him. He gives her a kiss and Stephanie reminds him he will always be her father no matter what and thanks him for a wonderful Christmas. Steve thanks her too and says she will always be his little girl, memory or no memory. Kayla tears up and both her and Steve wish her well in LA. Kayla orders her to take good care of the apartment in LA. Stephanie promises too. Kayla asks if she is sure she doesn't need a ride. Stephanie says she's sure. She waves and blows kisses as she leaves.

    Kayla wishes she would stay but knows she has classes to finish in LA and that she has friends out there. Kayla notices Steve holding his head and asks if he is ok. He says he is and that it's just a migraine. Kayla wonders if it has something to do with his memory and notices Steve is quite pale. He says he is fine and just needs some aspirin. He goes to get some as a worried Kayla looks on.

    -Carrie and Alan are on the docks watching Austin. Alan reminds her that she should be out of Salem by now and back at the cabin. Carrie says she isn't sure she should do this. She wanted so much to reveal herself to Austin on Christmas and she still wants to. She wants to be with her family and it's killing her being around them and not telling them she is here. She is just afraid because she knows her baby will tear Austin and Lucas apart and Sami could end up getting hurt too, depending on who the father is.

    Carrie says she knows Sami and Lucas got closet on Christmas and she doesn't want to ruin that. Deep down she always knew he loved her and belonged with her, just like she should be with Austin. She doesn't want to destroy their families. Austin turns around and nearly sees Carrie. Carrie realizes she can't stay and reveal herself, as much as she wants to. She can't risk hurting so many people. Alan says he will take her back to the cabin and they both leave. Austin turns and thinks he sees Carrie but thinks it was his imagination.

    -Sami is making sandwiches when there is a knock on the door. She answers it. It's Lucas. She slams the door in his face. He opens it again and says he knows he deserved that. She asks how he could walk out on her. Yeah, they stopped making love on Christmas Eve because they realized it was too soon and they had a nice Christmas day but, the next day, he went MIA and now comes strolling in. Sami demands answers and wants to know if they have a future together or not.

    Lucas says he does love her and he knows now being with Carrie was a mistake. Sami says she knows being with Austin was a mistake and that she loves him too. Lucas says he knows but it's not the right time. Carrie is out there having his baby and he wants to get her back to Salem to resolve everything. She needs to know he loves Sami and wants to be with her and the only way to bring her back is to make Salem safer. Carrie left because she felt unsafe raising her baby there and that is why he and Austin allied with Victor, to end the Dimera reign and make it ok for Carrie to come home and raise the baby there.

    Sami almost blurts out that she knows Austin slept with Carrie too and the baby could be his but stops herself. She reminds Lucas and he and Austin could get killed doing this. Lucas knows that but it's worth the risk if it protects those they love and care about, including her and Will. If it brings Carrie back, it will be worth it. Once she returns, they can resolve things and he can still be a father to the baby and be with Sami. Sami says they can't be together if he gets killed.

    Lucas says he won't but Sami adds that neither him or Austin knows that. The war is ridiculous and she says that her Aunt Hope is right. Bo, Austin, and him are going to get killed following Victor and working with him. She begs Lucas to back out now, along with Austin, and they can be together now. They can find Carrie together and enjoy each other now. Lucas says they have looked all over for Carrie, who is supposed to be with her mother Anna. They can't find her. Once Stefano and the Dimera's are destroyed, she will return home upon hearing the news.

    Sami is skeptical and hates this. Lucas says they can't be together right now. It's bad enough her and Will are in danger from Alan right now but, if she and him are together now, she may become a target of Stefano or the Dimera's. Sami says she is a Brady and is always a Dimera target. She asks him what makes him think Carrie will come home even with Stefano and the Dimera's gone. Alan is still there and he poses a threat. Lucas reminds Sami that Carrie was with Alan and he didn't hurt, that he knows of anyway.

    He says he has stuff to do and needs to go. He tells Sami they will be together someday but it can't be now. He's sorry that he gave her hope it could be now but he can't risk losing her and just can't do this until things are resolved. Sami begs him to reconsider and for him and Austin to end their involvement with Victor. He says he and Austin have to do what they have to do. He leaves as Sami breaks down, crying. She vows not to lose him after they just found each other again. She vows to find a way to get him and Austin away from Victor and his mafia war before it's too late.

    -Roman tells Victor he has no say. It's between Belle and Philip. Victor then asks why Roman is interfering. Roman says he isn't. He was just giving his daughter advice and what she chooses to do is up to her. Victor warns Roman not to interfere in his or his family's business. Roman, while smirking, says his daughter is his business and so is Bo. He will not stand by and let Victor control Belle and continue to put Bo and many other innocent lives in danger. He warns Victor that his games must end and that the war between him and Stefano will be over soon, whether he likes it or not. Roman and Victor coldly stare at each other as Roman leaves.

    Victor then looks at Belle, who seems somewhat frightened. Philip arrives and kisses Belle. He asks if she is ready to go get Claire from the Pub. She says she is and they leave as Victor vows to make sure Belle stays put exactly where she is...with Philip. Meanwhile, Philip asks if she said anything to her father about San Francisco. She shakes her head and says she didn't. He is pleased and warns her to keep it that way or else face the consequences of messing with a Kiriakis. A scared Belle needs and then begins to shake as Philip places his arm around her and they leave the park.

    -Roman returns to the penthouse and calls out to Marlena that he is home. She then sneaks up behind him, wearing a bright red negligee. She says she has been waiting for him and asks if he is ready for a wild night of passion and red hot sex. Marlena then begins forcefully kissing him and they end up on the couch. Roman pushes her off him and asks what is going on with her. She is never so aggressive and forceful.

    Marlena calls him "tiger" and asks what is wrong. He wanted her the last few nights. She asks if he doesn't find her satisfying anymore. Roman says he does find her satisfying. He loves her but she is acting really strange. Marlena says she offended by that. Roman apologizes and decides to drop the issue. It's been a long day and he has alot on his mind. He begins to kiss her neck but she pushes him away and says she is no longer in the mood. She goes upstairs as a confused Roman looks on, telling himself that something is not right with her.

    -Bo arrives to meet with Victor and apologizes for being late. Traffic is sort of backed up. Victor says it's no problem. Bo asks Victor if anything has changed since he called him earlier. Victor says nothing has. His contacts says there is a Dimera plot set for New Year's at the ball and Stefano should be in attendance to witness it. This is there chance to take out Stefano and begin the destruction of the Dimera empire.

    Bo says ok and asks what the plan is. Victor says he will tell Bo what it is in a minute but says he has to ask him something first. He tells Bo he appreciates everything he has done. After all, he nearly died. However, he knows that the last few weeks he has wavered in his involvement in their cause due to everything going on. Victor says he knows the SPD is going to do something on New Year's to try to mess things up but he is not so much worried about them as he is one man in particular, someone who went from a person he respected to a person who has become a major thorn in his side and pretty much an enemy. Bo asks who it is and Victor says:

    Victor: The time has come for you to prove your loyalty to me and to our cause. The cause we have been fighting for. The cause you nearly died for. It's time for you to show how far you are willing to go...if you are willing to go to levels that may force you to sacrifice the love and respect of those you care about for the greater good.
    Bo: Victor, where is this going?
    Victor: On New Year's Eve, if this person I am talking about interferes yet again and gets in the way of what we are trying to do, I need to know you will handle it. He is a threat and has become a major complication. I need to know that when push comes to shove, you will side with me and what we are fighting for. I need to know that you are willing to do what it takes and that you will take action on my instruction, if things should get to a point where such action is needed.
    Bo: What are you trying to say?
    Victor: Your brother, Roman. If he gets in the way, he will have to be taken out on my instruction. I will not let his interference continue nor will I allow him to ruin this chance we have to end the Dimera reign of terror. So...can you do that Bo? If necessary, can you take it your own brother Roman for our cause?

    Bo is stunned and the screen then fades out on his shocked face.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Victor to Philip: Do me a favor Philip. Stay out of things you have no business dealing with. Got it?
    Belle (with Sami) to Marlena: What is wrong with you, mom?
    Nico to Victor: He's here. Stefano is here.
    Abe to Roman and Shane: We will have to shoot to kill if those men in open fire.
    Celeste: Oh dear God!!! Blood!! It's all over the ballroom!!! Midnight will bring bloodshed and suffering to Salem.
  13. PhoenixRising05
    -It's a new day in Salem. Laura and Bill arrive at the hospital to say goodbye to Jack and Abby before they leave for Africa. Bill thanks Laura for going with him to help out. She says she needs to. She did some horrible things during her few months in Salem and she needs to make up for them.

    They enter the room and Abby gives them both a big hug, saying she wishes they didn't go. Bill says they have to and kisses her goodbye. Laura does the same and promises to return for another visit. She apologizes to Abby for everything again and wishes her luck and happiness. Abby says it's ok and thanks her. Jack then comes in with JJ and Bill embraces both of them and says goodbye.

    Laura asks Jack if they are really ok. Jack says it's forgotten, for the family's sake. It's what Jennifer would want. He hugs her and says come back soon. Laura smiles and gives JJ a big kiss and says goodbye. Jack and JJ then sit with Abby.

    -Meanwhile, at the Horton house, Maggie is saying goodbye to Melissa and Sarah. She thanks them for coming. She would've never made it through her relapse without them. They add that they will miss her. Alice, Doug, Julie, and Maggie thank them for sticking around for the holidays. Don arrives and Maggie embraces him, thanking him too. She tells him to come back soon. He says he will.

    Laura and Bill arrive to say goodbye. Alice kisses Bill and Laura, as does Julie and Maggie. Doug tells them both not to be strangers. They all say they will come to visit but they must go now before they miss their flights. It's a busy travel day and Bill says he needs to stop off and see Lucas and Will too before he goes. Don says he would like to see Marlena before leaving as well so he should get a move on. Alice, Doug, Julie, and Maggie wave and say goodbye as Laura, Bill, Melissa, Sarah, and Don leave.

    -Kimberly is at the Pub with Shane when Andrew and Jeannie come down, saying it's time for them to catch their flight. Caroline comes out and wishes they wouldn't leave. Andrew says that they need to. They need to take care of his dad's place in London while mom is staying in Salem and him and Jeannie have classes. Caroline hugs them both and reminds them to come and visit. Kim and Shane kiss and hug them, telling them to keep the house in one piece and to call every chance they get.

    Shane says he trusts them both and knows they will be fine. Caroline, Kim, and Shane say goodbye as Andrew and Jeannie leave. Caroline says she is happy Kim decided to stay around. Kim says she has been away too long and with everything their family has been through she just wants to be with them for awhile. Besides, it's better then sitting in Shane's living room in London doing nothing.

    Shane reminds Kim he allowed her to stay in his house as a guest. Kim says he only felt sorry for her because she is in a wheelchair. Shane tries to explain himself but Kim starts laughing and says she was joking. She thanks him for taking her in with the kids when she needed a place to live. Shane then gets a call and races to the police station. Caroline and Kim hope there isn't trouble.

    -Greta arrives at the hospital to check on Eric and drop off a get well balloon. She sees Nicole lying near him as he is laying up, sleeping. She knocks lightly and Eric and Nicole awaken. Nicole asks Greta if she is jealous. Greta laughs and says she isn't. She will always care for Eric but he's her husband and he loves her. Eric says he will always care for her and thanks her for everything. He knows he put her through alot and he should've listened to her advice. Maybe all the trouble of the last few weeks wouldn't have happened.

    Greta says it's all over and she was happy to help. Nicole thanks her too. Greta says that one good thing was that the whole situation made Nicole and her bury the hatchet. Nicole smiles and says it had to happen eventually. She has nothing she wants. Greta sarcastically laughs and reminds Nicole she is a princess. Eric tells both women to stop.

    A nurse comes in to check on Eric while Greta and Nicole talk alone. Greta asks about Nicole's job in LA. Nicole says she checked her messages finally and she lost it. Greta asks if Eric knows. Nicole shakes her head and says she isn't going to tell him until he gets out of the hospital and until she finds work. Greta advises Nicole not to keep secrets but Nicole says it's for the best. Eric will feel guilty and it will hurt his recovery. She asks that Greta not tell him. She says she won't.

    Nicole goes back to sit by Eric's side as Greta shakes her head, wondering why people keep secrets all the time. She then remembers she is keeping the secret of Victor being her father. After seeing the good side of Victor, Greta wonders if she should tell him he is her father.

    -Victor is working the phones, talking to contacts about Stefano's whereabouts when Nico bursts in. He says he has word that Stefano is returning to Salem on New Year's Eve. One of their secret contacts has learned he has plans for the Horton Foundation Ball that Titan is helping to sponsor and fund. Victor says he should've known Stefano would lie low and reappear at a time when all of his enemies are in one place.

    Victor tells Nico they will have to act fast. Another man enters. Nico calls him James. Victor asks who the man is. Nico says his name is James McClure (Roscoe Born), a new employee of theirs. Nico says he is willing to do dangerous work, work some of their employees won't do or aren't skilled enough to. Victor is intrigued and shakes James's hands, welcoming him aboard. James says he is pleased to be working for a man with the reputation and power that Victor has. Victor says he doesn't care for flattery and says it's time to get down to business.

    Victor asks Nico to have James come with him to acquire blueprints of the new Salem Tower, the location of the ball, so they know what they will be dealing with when they have to go up against Stefano. Nico agrees and James follows him out but not before turning and giving a cold look at Victor behind his back. Victor vows to end the Dimera reign on New Year's Eve.

    -Abe is with Roman when they get word from Agent Specter in London that Stefano is returning to Salem on New Year's Eve. Roman says that this means he plans to do something at the ball. They must be prepared. Abe agrees and calls Shane.

    Shane arrives and they fill him in. Roman gets a phone call and goes to take it. He returns and tells Abe and Shane that he learned from a contact of his that Victor is plotting to stop Stefano on New Year's Eve too. The war between Victor and Stefano is going to explode. Abe says that so many innocent lives will be at stake. Shane adds that they can't cancell the ball. This is a chance to lure Stefano out of hiding.

    Roman says it's also a chance to end the war, something he vows to do. Too many people he loves have been put in danger by Dimera but also by this war. Victor is at fault for the war and he needs to stop him and Stefano. The ball will go on as planned and they will keep an eye out. If they think things are getting too risky, they start evaculating and use the SWAT team to help. Abe agrees and so does Shane. They can't cancell the ball and give up a chance to flush out Stefano.

    Abe hopes Lexie will return too. Shane goes to organize the man power for the ball. Roman says they will need to have all the officers, snipers and SWAT members in party attire. Bullet proof helmets and vets will only be put on when the men are in their positions and getting prepared for orders to fire. Roman vows that New Year's will be the end of Stefano and the Dimera reign, as well as the end to the Dimera/Kiriakis war. He will not allow Victor to put anymore of his loved ones in danger or in the line of fire. It all ends on New Year's Eve, if he has anything to say about it.

    -Hope wakes up and is shocked Bo is no longer in bed with her. She goes downstairs and finds him dressed and looking over some files of Stefano. She asks what he is doing. He stays silent. She deduces he is still doing work for Victor to help go after Stefano. She thought he was through with that. They finally foudn each other again and with JT back she thought he would end this and go back to the SPD, Bo says the SPD has too many rules. He is doing this for his family and friends. With JT back, that is more of a reason. He needs to protect them and putting an end to Stefano and the Dimera reign will make things safe for all of Salem.

    Hope asks but at what costs. He already got shot. She reminds him of Sydney and also of everything that happened on Christmas and during the holidays. She thought he understood but he clearly didn't. She tells him if he continues to work with Victor on going after Stefano in this manner, she isn't sure they have a future.

    Bo is frustrated and says he is doing this for her and their loved ones. She yells to him to do it with the police then, not as a part of a mafia war. Bo says everything that happened during the holidays and on Christmas was lie. They are still worlds apart. Hope agrees and says that maybe it was just the holidays and JT being back because they still have major problems. Bo then gets a call from Victor, asking him to meet him at the mansion.

    Bo tells Hope he has to go. Hope guesses it was Victor and can't beleive after all that has happened and after all they discussed he is actually going to take off like that. Bo says he is doing it for her and everyone he loves. He puts his coat on and walks out as Hope follows him out the door and yells:

    Hope: You won't be happy until you get yourself killed, won't you? Damnit, Brady!!!

    Bo drives off.

    Hope: I have to stop this. I have to get him out of this damn war before he gets himself killed...no matter what I have to do.

    The screen then fades out on a determined Hope.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Stephanie to Steve and Kayla: I hate to have to say goodbye.
    Sami to Lucas: Where do we go from here?
    Carrie to Alan: Maybe this is wrong. Maybe I shouldn't leave. Maybe it's time I reveal myself and admit the truth.
    Philip to Victor: I want in on your dealings.
    Roman to Belle: You don't have to stay with Philip, sweetheart.
    Victor: The hell she don't!!
    Roman to Marlena: What is going on with you?
    Victor to Bo: It's time you prove your loyalty to me and our cause.
  14. PhoenixRising05
    Wk of 12/26/06 Edition


    TL-Tim Lowery (Phoenix)


    I: Great to have you with us again.
    TL: Great to be here.I:It was a great Christmas week. Salem Lives definitely delivered.TL: Yeah. I think we did. The fans seemed to like it. We would've liked better ratings but they will come.

    I: Reflect a bit on last week, if you will.
    TL: Well, it seems the fans loved the return of JT. Marlena's return was definitely a biggie and it was the emotional center of the week. I think we did well with those two returns. I think the returns of Kimberly and her kids and Stephanie were a treat. My co-HW wrote amazing stuff for Sami and Roman last week. The Hope/Chelsea reveal and Max/Abby scenes were fabulous. It seems the fans loved our emotional supercouple-themed Friday episode too. I think the stunning end with Lumi and the Bope stuff really had them cheering.

    I: Yeah. It was great to see the couples coming together but we will discuss their futures next week. Now, reflect on 2006. How far do you think the show (blog) has come since your regime began?
    TL: Well, when I took over from JER in May, I saw potential. I studied what was there and went about using it and trying to rectify the damage done to the show and it's history. Captive Island 2 did that. I know fans hated going through that again but it allowed us to focus on some characters we needed too and it moved everyone on the canvas to one place. It's laid the groundwork for so much of what we have now and it also helped clean up the canvas a bit. We calmed things down in Fall and that is when we started to build out stories. I think November and December we hit our stride and we will be alot more consistent in 2007.

    I: What was your favorite thing to write? Any favorite/least favorite stories? Best moments?
    TL: I love writing anything but my favorite thing, personally, to write was the day before and day after Thanksgiving episodes. I think those were very well-rounded and had everything you could want in a soap. Before that, it would've been writing Jennifer's death and Marlena's "death." I love all the stories. As for least favorite, I am going to shock people and say that I wish the Greta/Eric/Nicole stuff was better. I wish I could've improved on that since it was my idea. It was meant to be much better but it got so draggy towards the end. I thought it was dragging in the beginning so I moved the story up and gave it major focus but I think many people weren't interested enough. I wanted it to be a nice miracle and it was but people just wanted the story done. That is one thing I wish I could change. My favorite moment was more of a few moments. The Sami and Roman stuff my Co-HW wrote last week was amazing and those scenes were my favorite moments of the year. They were so emotional and really evolved both characters.

    I: What do you wish to improve on Salem Lives and what do you wish to improve on as a writer? What do you do well and not so well?
    TL: My co-HW and I both feel the same. The episodes need to be shorter consistently. We will always have long shows from time to time and we are using more dialogue now because the flow is better. Most of the time we need to keep it short. Pace we need to work on a bit and keeping things lighter, even during the dark stories, is a must. I think there was a time in the last two months were things got too dark and we will work on that. I think a writer can always improve. No one is perfect. I think both my co-HW and I are good at writing the relationships and grasping the characters. We both know the history well and our planning ahead is a strength but so is our ability to write great stuff on the fly.

    I: What are your goals for 2007?
    TL: Well, we will discuss them more next week, but I think we want to be a show (blog) that helps you escape from reality. Our vision focuses on the relationships, family, romance, etc. It's traditiona soap. It doesn't mean we won't do unbeilievable things from time to time. We will always stay grounded and will make sure things make sense. Character motivations are always important and staying true to characters is a must. We will also balance things out a bit with the characters. We will try to get everyone involved and umbrella stories will be in use big time, much like our fans know to expect from us based on 2006. We aren't afraid to take risks and we will big time in 2007. We aren't afraid of backlash or criticism. I am a firm believer you need to take big risks to get big rewards and we will do that. 2007 will be a HUGE year and my co-HW and I got big stuff in store so it should make 2006 look like child's play.

    I: Anything else to add?
    TL: I just want to thank everyone at SON for their support, especially my fellow blog writers. I also want to thank readers of the blog and I want to continue to encourage commenting and feedback. I try to give it to other blogs when I can and it's a definitely helpful in story planning. Most of all, I want to thank my partner and co-EP/HW (Roman). Our visions mesh together so well and he has been nothing but supportive and a true friend. He is an exceptional writer and he has a true passion for writing and for Days. I think our love for the show is what makes Salem Lives what it is. I don't know where I would be without him. It is so great to have a talented partner you can trust and depend on. Our collaboration was the highlight of my year and it was the best decision I ever made partnering with him. There are no egos or disrespect. The partnership is equal and respectful in every way and it has become more then a partnership, it's become a strong friendship. To my partner and everyone here at SON and the readers-HAPPY HOLIDAYS and we hope you stick with us and enjoy Salem Lives in 2007.


    PE-Patrick L. Ewing (Roman)

    I: What are your thoughts on where Salem Lives is now at the end of 2006 based on where it was when your regime started in mid-late 2006?
    PE: I've always thought Salem Lives was a great show (DOOL blog). But now, with the collaboration that has been in place since the middle part of the year, the blog has really improved on what was already there. Two minds working on a common goal are better than one and helps keep everything fresh and exciting.

    I: What were your favorite stories?
    PE: I like the Kiriakis/DiMera mafia war that is going on and really enjoyed the Captive Island 2 story arc because things are still coming about from that storyline even today. So, that tells you how well it was written. But, I also liked Sami's transformation, which is still very much on-going. It has been past time that she grew up into womanhood. Hopefully, she will keep her edge but use her powers for good, not for evil. (Laughs)

    I: What were your least favorite stories? What do you think could've been done better, if anything?
    PE: I can't really say that I have a least favorite storyline. There have been stories that have dragged a bit but those are getting wrapped up very soon and we're on our way to an exciting and action-packed 2007. The one thing that my partner and I really try to do is listen to the fans who read the blog. Get their reactions to what is occuring on the pages of SL. That's where we would make changes or do something different but always stay true to what our vision is and stay true to the spirit and essence of DOOL.

    I: What was your favorite thing to write for Salem
    PE: You know, if I had been asked this question earlier, I would have stuck with the episode in Sydney where the all-out battle occured between Stefano's men and Victor's men, with Salemites caught in the crossfire. But now, I really have to say that I get the greatest joy out of the Sami/Roman scenes in which she finally asked for forgiveness from her father for all the terrible things she did. They were very emotional scenes to write and touched me a great deal when I did write them. I will always be proud of that piece of work. And, of course, any chance to write for Roman, Victor, Bo or Stefano is a treat. I love writing for all the characters but those four are personal favorites and a real treat to write for.

    I: What was your least favorite thing, if anything?
    PE: No least favorite thing. When you are accepted by a person to become your writing partner, you take the opportunity to appreciate every single time you get the chance to write. That's what I take from it. The joy of writing. It's so much fun and really quite humbling for people to read what ideas you have or a turn of a phrase you wrote. Now, after that, how could I find anything not worth writing?

    I: How do you think you have improved as a writer and how do you think you have helped improve Salem Lives since joining the regime as Co-EP/HW?
    PE: My improvement has come from the fact that I feel every writer must not have an ego when it comes to constructive criticism. Some will be rude and say that your writing sucks but, for the most part, people are very kind and tell you in a positive manner what they would like to see and what they think should be changed. And you must admit when your writing stinks too. If you think that every single thing you write for your blog is always on point - you're way too damn arrogant to admit when it falls short. Stay humble. That's the key.

    I: What about Salem Lives do you wish to improve on in 2007 and what do you think could be done better, if anything?
    PE: The one thing that we have to improve on is what we have been constantly working on - the length of our episodes. Every now and then, we will write an episode that is rather long on the tooth but we only do that because there is alot going on. Now, we are adding more dialogue into the episodes that we write so even if it may seem long, dialogue flows much faster than writing paragraphs. We'll still do that but when something big or emotional is going to occur, that's when the character's P.O.V. will be implemented.

    I: What are your goals for Salem Lives in 2007? What are you most excited about?
    PE: I'm very excited about some of the huge things we have planned and some of the truly exciting storylines that have been in the works for the last 6 months. This material will blow readers away. When I say classic DOOL, that's exactly what I mean. Romance, humor, action, adventure but, most of all, family, friendships and relationships. That's what's in store. We are also working on some great things that are under wraps but will change SL in many ways. It's truly a very exciting time coming up

    I: Any other thoughts on how far Salem Lives has come since the new regime started in May and since you
    joined this past summer? Also, any more thoughts on 2007 and beyond?
    PE: SL has come a long way since the collaboration started. It is very hard work trying to do a blog based on a soap opera by yourself so I give 1 million percent credit to anyone who does that. I'm just so very glad that we could start doing this wonderful thing together and there are no egos involved. It wouldn't have lasted one day if our egos would have went haywire.

    I: Anything else you wish to add?
    PE: There is only one thing I would like to add and that is a Thank You to all of the people who take the time out of their "Days", as it were, to read Salem Lives. You don't know what it means to me to read the comments of fellow blog writers and fans who like what we do. I also want to thank my partner for changing 2006 for the better and giving me the opportunity to let our creative juices flow. It has truly been an honor and privilege to work with Phoenix on this blog.

    And get ready everyone. 2007 will leave this year in the dust. If you thought 2006 was something, you haven't seen anything yet. Have a safe and joyful New Year, and may all that you wish for come true. Take care.


    As previously reported, Roscoe Born is joining Salem Lives. He will first air on December 26 but, until this point, the character's name was yet to be announced. Well, now the identity of Born's character has been revealed. Born will be playing James McCluer, the patriarch of the McCluer family. "James is a shady character that the fans will slowly learn about," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "They will know he is an ex-con with a rap sheet. He takes a job working under Victor (John Aniston) but seems to have a hidden agenda." In addition to James, fans should be on the lookout for the rest of the McCluer family to be introduced. "We will see the wife and two children very soon," says Lowery. "We are casting them now and they will be pivotal in the fans learning about James. There is alot to focus on with the McCluer's. It's all part of a larger story."

    Fans should also look forward to seeing Born's character shake things up with a very popular Salem female. "The fans will be stunned," enthuses Lowery. "I don't think the fans truly know where all this is going so I'm excited for us and for them. It's great having Roscoe with us and I am excited for this story."

    Again, Born debuts December 26. Expect to see the rest of the McCluer family in early-mid January.



    Roscoe Born (James McCluer): Born's character finally has a name. He will debut on December 26.

    Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera): Stefano finally resurfaces this week in Salem. As for Renee Jones (Lexie), look for her to resurface from her hiatus in early 2007.


    Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton) and Kale Browne (Bill Horton): As previously reported, Laura and Bill leave for Africa on December 26 as the short-term run for both characters comes to an end.

    Lisa Trusel (Melissa Horton), Alli Browne (Sarah Horton), and Jed Allen (Don Craig): The three actors, who returned in October, will end their runs on December 26.

    Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson): Rose ends her short stint on December 27 when Stephanie returns to LA.

    Tom Welling and Michelle Williams (Andrew and Jeannie Donovon): Both actors end their short stints on December 26 when Andrew and Jeannie say goodbye to Kimberly (Patsy Pease) and Shane (Charles Shaughnessy) and return to London.


    -Laura, Bill, Melissa, Sarah, and Don say goodbye to friends and family.
    -Stephanie, Andrew, and Jeannie leave Salem while Kimberly remaind.
    -Word of Stefano's impending return rocks Salem.
    -There is more to James McCluer then meets the eye.
    -Abe, Roman, and Shane work to stop tragedy.
    -Victor makes a stunning request of Bo.
    -Philip wants in on his father's business.
    -Marlena's behavior has friends and family concerned.
    -The reunions are short-lived for Bo and Hope and Sami and Lucas.
    -Steve isn't well.
    -Caroline issues a warning to Victor.
    -Celeste has a horrible prediction.
    -Will reveals his secret to Alan.
    -Sami, Kate, Jack, Billie, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Caroline, and Maggie try to save their loved ones.
    -Marlena disappears.
    -Several Salemites are in harm's way at the Titan/Horton Foundation New Year's eve ball as Victor, Stefano, and the Salem PD's plans collide leading to a shocking end to 2006.


    Wednesday December 27: Victor makes a stunning request of Bo!!
    Friday December 29: 2006 comes to a stunning end as all hell breaks loose at the Titan/Horton Foundation New Year's Eve Ball!!

    Next Week: Chaos erupts in the ballroom. Cassie collapses. Max has a romantic surprise for Abby. Cal has a memory flash. Eric and Nicole make a big decision. The mystery surrounding Marlena deepens.
  15. PhoenixRising05
    Announcer: THIS WEEK ON SALEM LIVES...


    Clip of Victor and Stefano.


    Stefano: Tonight...midnight. The Dimera's get their revenge.
    Victor to Nico: Stefano and his men won't even get a chance to act. We will stop them dead in their tracks.


    Victor to Bo: It's time for you to prove your loyalty to me and our cause.


    Celeste (crying and screaming): Blood!!! The floor of the ballroom is covered with blood!!!
    Hope (with Caroline): What are you talking about?
    Celeste: Midnight will bring danger and bloodshed...we must stop it!!!


    Abe to Shane: Midnight is zero hour.
    Roman: Men, this war ends tonight!!


    Sami (with Kate) to Austin and Lucas: Please...don't do this. Come with me, Please!!


    Jack (watching Stefano's men): My God...they are taking aim!!


    Kayla: Steve!! Where are you?

    Steve slowly walking across the ballroom.

    Steve: They are going to shoot...gotta stop...

    Steve clutches his head and falls back against a railing.


    Caroline to Victor: If my son gets hurt, there will be hell to pay.
    Hope (with Billie) to Bo: Don't do this. Stop this now!!! Come with us before you or someone else gets killed!!


    Stefano: Men...
    Victor: Take aim...
    Abe: And fire on my orders...

    Crowd then yells HAPPY NEW YEAR followed by a big bang. The screen then goes black and the crowd then screams.


    Clip of Hope, Sami, Kate, Steve, Kayla, Belle, Philip, Marlena, Caroline, Jack, Billie, Maggie, Celeste, Frankie, and Greta.


    Clip of Abe, Shane, and Roman.


    Clip of Stefano, Victor, Lucas, Austin, and Bo.


  16. PhoenixRising05
    ***Be Sure to click on the links to play the montages and the song for the ending scene. It makes this episode like an emotional journey and a real treat for fans. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!!!***

    Act 1, Scene 1: Christmas Eve. Kayla's suite. Steve enters.

    Steve: Well, Stephanie is asleep.
    Kayla: She had a long day...and a great one. I want to thank you.
    Steve: For what?
    Kayla: Making Christmas Eve just perfect. You dressed like Santa Claus and were great with my family. Despite not having your memory, you did a good job and made the best of it.
    Steve: Yeah...well, it felt comfortable for some reason.
    Kayla: As it should. With all of us helping you, you will remember everything in no time. I mean, you already called me Sweetness and Jack his nickname. Tonight you mentioned the reindeer polking you in the eye as Santa...your getting there.
    Steve: Yeah. I just hate being a blank slate. I want to feel what you are feeling and to know what you know. Man...what if I never remember?
    Kayla: Then I will still love you just as much, if not more. I have never loved anyone else and never will. Not like I do you. I am confident you will remember and will feel the same way when you do. If not, then we can still be together, as a family. We can and will make it work.

    Kayla embraces him as a confused Steve looks on.

    Act 1, Scene 2: Marlena's Penthouse. Roman and Marlena enter.

    Roman: What a night!! My daughter and I finally get a new beginning, Eric gets his miracle, and I learn my beautiful wife is alive and well. It can't get any better then this, baby. (leans in and kisses Marlena)
    Marlena: It's wonderful to be back...in your arms. Seeing everyone again...being home with my family. Hmm...what a feeling.
    Roman: It was truly a night for miracles that's for sure! It must have been painful for you to answer all the questions about where you were and how you survived., especially since you said you can't remember.
    Marlena: Yeah, it was. I wish I did know myself. It's a worrisome feeling.
    Roman: Well, we will get to the bottom of it soon enough. Oh, that reminds me. I know you said earlier that you knew about Sami and I burying the hatchet and Eric surviving because you had been in Salem since this morning but how did you know what happened to Carrie while you were gone? Oh, and how did you know about me being Roman? I mean, when we all last saw you on the island, it wasn't confirmed yet. I mean, I can't beleive you know as much as you do. (laughing) Are you sure you haven't been watching us the whole time you were gone?

    Act 1, Scene 3: Sami is at her apartment when there is a knock. She opens the door to reveal Lucas.

    Sami: It's about time.
    Lucas: Well, I wanted to wait until Will was asleep because I don't want him to hear us discussing what we are going to discuss. Plus, I went to visit my mom. Austin, Billie, and Philip were there so that took awhile and...
    Sami: Lucas, I get it. Just shut up and let's get to why you are here. You mentioned some things to me at the Horton's and at the hospital and I want to know what you meant. You said...
    Lucas: I know what I said.
    Sami: Well, what did you mean? Look, I want to know where all this is going. It sounded like you were dropping hints or something. Is that it? You need to tell me something? Is it about us?

    Lucas is silent.

    Sami: Damnit Lucas!!! I want answers!! Do you want to give us another chance or not?

    Act 1, Scene 4: Bo and Hope's house. Hope is asleep on the couch as Bo walks JT in through the kitchen.

    Bo: Ok...you had some milk. Now do you think you could sleep?
    JT: Will you read to me like my other daddy did?
    Bo: Yeah, sure. Let's go on upstairs quietly. Don't want to wake your Mom. It's been a long day for her. Come on...

    Bo goes upstairs with JT, leaving Hope on the couch. We then see a bright light shining on Hope and voice begins to call out.

    Voice: Mommy! Mommy!

    Hope stirs and slowly wakes up and rises, stunned. She sees Zack immersed in a white light in front of her, dressed all in white.

    Hope: Zack?! Baby, is that you?
    Zack: Merry Christmas, Mommy!!

    Hope's eyes fill with tears.

    Hope: Merry Christmas, baby.

    Salem Lives Opening plays

    Act 2, Scene 1: Bo and Hope's house. Hope is stunned to see Zack in front of her.

    Hope: Baby...your here!!
    Zack: I came to see you.
    Hope: Oh...honey, mommy is so happy to see you. (goes to embrace him but goes right through him) Mommy seems to have forgotten...your no longer with us.
    Zack: Did you like my gift mommy?
    Hope: What...oh. I see. JT...JT was the gift?
    Zack: No, mommy. JT's mommy and daddy are up here with me...where it's pretty.
    Hope: Then...what gift are you talking about?
    Zack: Sissy!!
    Hope: Chelsea? Chelsea is your gift.
    Zack: Your her mommy too. Now you and daddy can be happy!
    Hope: Oh...sweetheart. Mommy and daddy have alot to work out and...(looks at Zack smiling) I love my gift.
    Zack: I miss you, mommy!!
    Hope: I miss you too, honey. Why don't you come and see daddy?
    Zack: I can't. I don't want to get in trouble with the big boss guy.
    Hope (laughing): Ok...I am sure you are a little angel.
    Zack: See my wings mommy!! (Zack shakes his wings and smiles)
    Hope (crying): Yeah, honey. I see...they're like a perfect fit.
    Zack: I have to go...tell daddy and sissy and Shawn I love them. Tell JT too. I would've liked him.
    Hope (smiling): Yeah, you would've. I will tell them all. I love you, baby.
    Zack: I love you too, mommy!!
    Hope (crying): Zack...wait!!! Will you come back to see me like you did this time? Zack!! Don't go!! Please!!!

    Bo comes downstairs and sees Hope, talking in her sleep and moaning Zack's name.

    Bo: Hope! Hope!

    Hope stirs and wakes up.

    Hope: Oh...I as dreaming?
    Bo: Yeah...was it about Zack?
    Hope: It was just like on the island when he came to me. I wasn't sure he came to me then...and I'm not sure now.
    Bo: What did he say?

    Hope wonders if she should tell him and risk revealing Chelsea's true parentage.

    Act 3, Scene 1: Marlena's penthouse.

    Marlena: Why would I stalk my family and friends for months and not tell you all I was alive? That is ridiculous!!
    Roman: It just seems weird you knew everything that has happened.
    Marlena: I don't know everything. I don't know why Abby and Chelsea are in the hospital. I don't know why Victor and Maggie seem so much closer.
    Roman: Well, you do know about what Eric went through and what has been going on with Carrie. You also knew about Alan being back in Salem and about me being confirmed to be the real Roman Brady. How about also knowing that the guy thought to be Roman for years was revealed to be Cal Winters? How did you know that?
    Marlena: I don't know. I just do. Like I said, I woke up on a park bench this morning. I was disoriented and I just didn't want to reveal myself to everyone at once. You were all dealing with so much and...
    Roman: You know what? I'm sorry. It's just...seeing you here and...I am just so happy to have you back. Why don't we stop the twenty questions and just focus on your homecoming?
    Marlena: Sounds like a plan to me. (puts her arms around Roman and kisses him)
    Roman (pushing her away): Wait a sec...I have a question.
    Marlena: Yes?
    Roman: Are you ok with this? You know...me being Roman and all that has happened? Does this change anything between us?

    Marlena looks on, contemplating the question just posed to her.

    Act 4, Scene 1: Sami's apartment.

    Sami: Well? Look Lucas, we've both been to hell and back over the years and I just want an answer. The way you have been acting lately, especially tonight, makes me wonder. Am I reading to much into it? Ever since I tried to clean up my life it seems like something has...it's like there was a wall between us and it's slowly been coming down. Am I imagining this? I know you love Carrie and she was having your baby but she's gone and...just say something. Please!!! I know you may still be pissed at me for what I did to Carrie with Lexie's help but you do owe me the truth. We have a son and, after all our years together, you owe me answers right now.

    Lucas looks on, silent and appears to be thinking.

    Lucas: We sure have been through alot, haven't we?

    We then see a montage of flashbacks LUMI MONTAGE

    Sami: Yeah we have. So...do you have an answer to my questions yet or not?

    Lucas looks at her and turns and walks away as a frustrated Sami goes to her room and slams the door in frustration.

    Sami (yelling behind the closed door): Merry Christmas, you insensitive jerk!!

    Salem Lives halfway theme plays.

    Act 5, Scene 1: Kayla's suite. Steve is sleeping on the couch and hears Kayla moaning in her room. He gets up and enters her room quietly. He sits down by her and gently taps her to awaken her.

    Steve: Hey...you ok?
    Kayla: Oh, I'm fine. I was just dreaming or something. I do alot of that, especially now with everything we've been through.
    Steve: Yeah, I remember you doing it when we were captive in Sydney. We have been through alot...you being shot and all. It's understandable that you would have nightmares. You ok?
    Kayla: Yeah...with you here I'm always fine.
    Steve: Well...do you need to me to sleep in here...like on the floor or something?
    Kayla: Uh...I wouldn't want you to trouble yourself or be uncomfortable. I mean...
    Steve: Well, when I held you in my arms in the cell in Sydney you seemed to calm down and finally get some sleep. Woah...I shouldn't have brought that up. I mean, I don't remember hardly anything and I shouldn't be giving you false hope that I'm going to take you in my arms and it will be like everything is as you remember it.
    Kayla: You wouldn't be and no apologies necessary. Look...Steve. Your my husband, whether you remember it or not. I remember it...every moment. every kiss, every promise. Just like it were yesterday.

    We then see a Steve/Kayla montage STEVE/KAYLA MONTAGE

    Kayla: It was an incredible ride and it's still not over. You will remember. I know it.
    Steve: Yeah...well, why don't we worry about you and me getting some sleep. I can't just sit in the chair and...
    Kayla: What about your original idea? Holding me in your arms liek you did in the cell...I mean you mentioned it. Perhaps...maybe you mentioned it because you want to do it or were drawn to?
    Steve: Uh...I probably shouldn't have brought...
    Kayla: It could help your memory. I mean, it could jog something. It didn't in the cell but you never know.
    Steve: Maybe...alright. Look...I'm not going to do anything to take advantage...
    Kayla: Your my husband. It's ok...just come lay down.

    Steve lays down and tentatively puts his arms around Kayla, who shows a smile as her back is turned toward Steve.

    Act 6, Scene 1: Marlena's penthouse.

    Marlena: Why would you ask that? When we first thought you were Roman...it brought us together. Then, we learned you were John Black and our love was still there. Our love has never wavered no matter who we thought you were. It's too strong for that. We've been through so much and our love only grew stronger.
    Roman: Yeah. After all we have been through...we can face up to anything and overcome it. Together.
    Marlena: Just like we always have.
    Roman: Just like we always will.

    We then see a Roman/Marlena montage ROMAN/MARLENA MONTAGE

    Marlena: I love you, John...oops, sorry.

    They both laugh.

    Marlena: I love you, Roman Brady.
    Roman: And I love you, Marlena Evans.

    They kiss passionately as Roman picks her up and carries her upstairs to the bedroom.

    Act 7, Scene 1: Bo and Hope house.

    Hope: I don't know if it was a dream or not, Bo. All I know is both times he has come to me it felt real but it could've also been a dream. Last time, he helped point me in the right direction to save Chelsea.
    Bo: Yeah, and that helped you and her start to get along, right?
    Hope: Yeah.
    Bo: Maybe is was trying to tell you something by coming to you in your dreams? I don't usually buy into stuff like that but, who knows. Celeste is always right about everything so I guess it's possible. What did he say this time?
    Hope: He wished all of us a Merry Christmas. Then he proudly showed off his angel's wings. I asked him if JT was his gift for us and he said it wasn't but that he would've liked him. All he would say is JT's other mommy and daddy are up there with him...where it's pretty.
    Bo (smiling): Sounds like our Zack.
    Hope: He wants us to be happy Bo. That much is clear. Both times he came to me...he wants his parents together but I told him...it's not easy.
    Bo: No, it's not. We have alot to work through and talk about. I mean, we could do that now while I am staying her for the night since it's JT's first night back. That is, if you want to.
    Hope: We have been through so much...worked through so many obstacles. Why is it so hard this time?
    Bo: Our son died. It's the biggest horror any parents can face. It takes time and I made matters worse by lying and then all the stuff with Victor and...
    Hope: Are you saying that was wrong? Are you quitting?
    Bo: I don't want to talk about that now.
    Hope: Well, you said you wanted to work things out.
    Bo: I do but it's Christmas Eve and...you know what? Let me just say this to you. After all we have been through, I love you now just as much as I loved you then. (points at their first wedding photo) I have never stopped. My love grows leaps and bounds everytime I look at you. All the trials and tribulations...what we have is special. We both know that. Having heard all that, we have to work through alot but we love each other. We need each other and we haven't been there for each other like we should've been with me going off with Victor and...

    Hope puts her hand on Bo's mouth.

    Hope: I never stopped loving you. Don't ever think that. This whole year has been horrible for the both of us. We should've worked through it together but we didn't. We can't change that. All we can do is try to work things out. I'm sorry it took me so long to come around but the pain and grief...I was just so overcome and afraid to even try to work things out with you given your role in Zack's death. The visit from Zack on the island and dropping the charges against Chelsea...I had to get past my anger towards you. I realized alot of it was misplaced. I was more angry with myself...I wasn't there for him. I didn't protect him (crying).
    Bo (putting his arms around her): There was nothing you could've done. We all have our own time to go and his time was meant to be short-lived.
    Hope (crying): I miss him, Bo. I miss him!! (Hope breaks down in Bo's arms and then slowly pulls away and looks into his eyes).
    Hope: I need you. I need you so bad!!

    Bo holds Hope in his arms. She pulls away again, looks at Bo, and they slowly lean in and kiss. The kiss then turns passionate and Bo picks her up and carries her upstairs to the bedroom. We then see a Bo/Hope montageBO/HOPE MONTAGE

    Act 8, Final ActL As Celine Dion's "Another Year Has Gone By" plays, Another Year Has Gone By,

    We see Steve and Kayla in her bed. Kayla is sound asleep and Steve is wide awake. He relaxes his arms, moves closer to Kayla, and says:

    Steve: It feels right. Just right...

    The scene then shifts to Bo carrying Hope into the bedroom and slowly laying her on the bed. Hope pulls off his shift and they both undress.

    Hope: Bo...I love you. I love you so much.
    Bo: I love you too, Fancy Face.

    They kiss passionately and continue to make love as the scene shifts to Roman and Marlena. who are both undressing in her bedroom.

    Roman: God, I love you doc.
    Marlena: I love...you. Oh, how I missed you!!

    They continue to make love as the scene shifts to Sami's apartment. Lucas is looking at pictures on Sami's mantle of him and Sami and them both with Will.

    Lucas: What am I doing? What is wrong with...(hears a door open and turns around to see Sami, dressed in a negligee)
    Sami: Now...am I what you want, Lucas, or what?

    Lucas and Sami slowly walk towards each other. They stare each other down. Lucas the lunges for Sami and they kiss passionately.

    Lucas: I want you!! I do Sami!! I love you!!
    Sami: Oh...Lucas. I want you too!! I love you...I love you!!

    They ram into the wall and continue to kiss. Sami takes his shirt off and they begin to undress each other. Lucas then picks her up and carries her into her room.

    We then see a series of images of Steve and Kayla lying close in bed, Roman and Marlena making love, Bo and Hope making love, and Sami and Lucas making love as the screen fades out as Celine Dion's song "Another Year has Gone By" continues to play.

    ***Salem Lives will be preempted Monday December 25 for the Christmas holiday but we will be back Tuesday with:

    Hope to Bo: It's Shawn. He's on the phone.
    Laura to Jack and Abby: I must say goodbye.
    Abe to Shane: It's Stefano. He is on his way back to Salem.
    Victor: Stefano is arriving in Salem. This time, he won't be so lucky.
    Hope to Bo: You continue to work with Victor and I'm not sure we have a future.
  17. PhoenixRising05
    -Max shows up in Abby's room. He is relieved to see her awake and says there is something important they need to discuss. It's something he has felt and wanted to tell her for so long and he doesn't want to wait any longer. Abby says she needs to talk to him too. After all that is happened, this can't wait any longer and she doesn't want to play games anymore. It's time to come clean.

    Abby admits to Max how her acting out was mostly a ploy to get his attention and the more it worked the more she did it. Plus, he was falling for Cassie, who has a bit of a wild streak so she figured this would make her more appealing to him. Max asks why she would do all that and Abby says that is what she needs to talk to him about. They are interupted by a nurse, who says to Max that his grandmother needs him. They are saying goodbye to Eric.

    -Frankie follows Cassie, who races to Abby's room to spy on Max and Abby and stop Max from confessing his feelings. Frankie realizes he needs to do something so he goes to a supply closet and whispers Cassie's name. A suspicious Cassie slowly walks over to the closet. Frankie grabs her, shoves her in. and closes the door. She is locked in and screaming for help. Frankie hopes he bought Max enough time.

    -The helicopter flies over the crash sight. Sami notices that there is wreckage down there and demands that Shane land the plane so they can check it out. Shane tells her it maybe anything but she says that she is not going to leave her father down there to die all alone. Shane is shocked by this, knowing that Sami has hated Roman for a long time. But, when he turns to talk to her once again, she has a gun pointed in his face. She tells him to tell the pilot to land the plane - or she’ll land it herself. Shane tells the pilot to land.

    Shane: (Walking up to Sami) We have looked over every inch of this wreckage. There is no sign of any bodies at all. They must have gotten out before the helicopter went down. Now, if you would be so kind as to put that gun away, young lady?

    Sami slowly puts the gun back into her purse and humbly says:

    Sami: I’m so sorry, Uncle Shane. I was desperate and wasn’t in my right mind. It’s just........

    Her voice trails off.

    Shane: I know. You want to find Roman. We are going to do everything we can.
    Sami: I know, and I want to help. Look, we still have the walkie-talkies in the copter, right?
    Shane: Yes. We’re going to use those in the search.
    Sami: Well.........give me one. I need to do this. I need to help find him.

    Shane looks on warily.

    Sami: You don’t understand. I love him. I love him so much. He’s such a special man with everything he’s been through. My mother’s death, Eric’s illness, having his past with his family stolen from him. And now, he’s out there, all alone. (She turns and looks into the dark wilderness) Well, I can’t leave him out there to die.........just when I’ve found him again. (Turning back towards Shane) So, if you don’t want me to pull that gun out again, please, for his sake, please let me look for him, ok?
    Shane: (After a pause) Alright. Against my better judgement, go and get one of the devices and start off. But, you stay in constant contact the whole time, understood young lady?
    Sami: (Smiling) Yes, Uncle Shane. Thank you.

    She hugs him quickly, goes to the copter to get a walkie-talkie, and runs off into the dark night to find her father.

    -Dr. Rowen tells everyone they should say their goodbyes to Eric now. Time is running out fast. Caroline is still hopeful for a miracle as Victor comforts her. Frankie and Max both say their goodbyes to him. Max then tells Frankie to page him if there is more trouble. He is going back to Abby. Frankie says ok but doesn't mention anything about Cassie. Kayla, Caroline, Hope, Austin, Lucas, Will, Abe, and Belle all say their goodbyes to Eric. Greta then goes in too and says a heartfelt goodbye. Eric and Nicole both thank her and Victor for their help.

    Philip comforts Belle as Victor comforts Caroline. Austin, Lucas, and Will are worried about Sami. Abe says they have people on it and, hopefully, it will all work out. Caroline hopes so as the family can't bare to lose Sami and Shane could be Eric's last hope, as well as Roman's. They all wonder where Bo went. Frankie says he went to run an errand. Caroline says he should be here with his family.

    -Meanwhile, Bo is at the pier and he turns around. He asks whoever he is talking to how this could happen.

    -Nicole is in Eric's room by his side when he grabs her hand lightly and says he knows she has given up hope and he has too. He tells Nicole it's time to say goodbye.

    -Steve comforts Kayla over Eric. Kayla is then stunned when she sees Stephanie (played by Shayna Rose) race off the elevator and into her arms. Caroline, Frankie, and Hope all embrace her. She says she came when she heard about Eric and now she heard about Sami and Roman being missing. She hopes they will be ok. However, she also came because of her mother and father being found and brought home.

    Kayla turns her around and tells her to meet her father. Stephanie, with tears in her eyes, calls Steve "daddy." Something clicks in Steve and he begins to cry as he says "this must be my little girl." They embrace as everyone around them is happy to see this emotional reunion. Steve says it looks like they will be having their first Christmas as a family. Kayla and Stephanie agree. Steve says he will do his best but he warns them not to expect much from him. They both understand and vow to help him recover his life and memories and to make this a memorable Christmas. They all three embrace.

    -Hope is called to Chelsea's room. Chelsea, remembering her vow to turn her life around and also recalling Greta's words, is preparing to tell Hope the truth. Hope arrives and asks Chelsea what's going on.

    -After nearly a half hour in the freezing night, Sami is starting to lose hope. She keeps calling out Roman’s name but she gets no response. She has been in contact with Shane but he nor the search party haven’t found a thing. The snow is getting deeper and she is becoming more and more desperate.

    Then, about 25 minutes later, she sees a dim light in the distance. She is freezing herself by now and she hopes that this is some type of cabin or shelter where she can get warm before she starts back out again. She comes upon the shelter, which she now seems is a boathouse on a lake and finds the door. When she gets the door open, she walks in and looks around for somewhere to sit. When she walks around the boat to the other side, she sees someone lying next to the foot of the boat. She rushes over and kneels down and shakes the man. When he doesn’t answer, she turns him over to reveal........

    Her father, Roman.

    Sami: Daddy! Daddy? Oh God, thank you. Thank you so much.

    She starts crying tears of joy. She is overcome with emotion. She holds this man tightly and tries with all her strength to stop crying but she realizes that she has never been this happy in her entire life. She rocks back and forth while holding him, thanking God over and over again.

    Slowly, she notices that Roman is starting to come to. She holds his face in her arms and says:

    Sami: Daddy? Daddy, can you hear me? It’s Sami.
    Roman: (Quietly speaking) Sami........Sami, is that you?
    Sami: Yes. Yes it’s me.
    Roman: Where am I?
    Sami: In a boathouse near a lake. The helicopter you were flying in crashed. You must have wandered here to find some type of shelter. Uncle Shane and I came looking for you.
    Roman: (Regaining his bearings slowly) Shane let you come out in this?! That’s his tail when I see him.
    Sami: Well, it really wasn’t his idea.

    Roman looks slowly at her and ask:

    Roman: What does that mean?
    Sami: Well, see, I kinda stole Abe's gun, and.......I sorta held him at gunpoint until he let me come along and search for you.

    Roman stares at her in shock.

    Sami: Like father, like daughter, I guess.

    They both laugh at that statement. Then, they slowly stop laughing and look at each other. Roman starts to smile at Sami and she slowly bends down and kisses him on his forehead. He slowly sits up and then stands up and takes her in his arms. He looks at her and then gives her the biggest hug she has ever received from him. She responds and they hold each other tightly. All of the years of pain, anger and hurt feelings start to wash away in this embrace. What Sami doesn’t know is that Roman is crying also, so very glad that he can express love to this young lady once again.

    Roman pulls back slightly, wipes the tears from his face and says:

    Roman: Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out here and looking for me.
    Sami: It was the least I could do. I mean after all......you were the one who taught me the value of love. I’m just so sorry I had forgotten that over all these years.
    Roman: Well, life will teach us to grow up sooner or later. (Looking down at her hand) You have a walkie-talkie. Great. Let me see this. (Calling to Shane) Governor, Governor....this is Roman. Sami found me and I’m alright. (He tries to stand) Well, except for my leg, I’m alright.
    Shane: (Over the device) That’s great! It’s good to hear your voice!
    Roman: Yours to, Shane. We are both in a boat house on a lake going due west. Just follow Sami’s footsteps and you should make it here.
    Shane: Understood. We’ll see you ASAP. Over and out.
    Roman: See you then.

    Roman sits back down, and Sami starts dressing his wound with supplies she found in the boathouse.

    Sami: Well, it’s not too bad but you do need medical attention.
    Roman: Yeah, I know. It’s good you still remember how to do this.
    Sami: Yeah, well, you taught me how to take care of myself if I ever got stranded somewhere by myself. (Looking at him) You taught me a lot of things. I’ve just been too stupid and hateful to realize that.
    Roman: Look, after what happened between me and your mother at Titan all those years ago, it’s no wonder why you felt this way. It doesn’t excuse any of the crap you did to everyone but, it does explain it a little bit.
    Sami: I know. I just feel so ashamed. Always blaming everyone else for what I did. Mom, Carrie, Austin, Kate, Lucas, and, especially, you. Eric is dying and you risked your life over and over again just to save him and all I can do is have people tell me how much they hate me. (She bows her head) I feel so alone, Daddy and it’s no one’s fault but my own. (Looking at Roman) I lay in my bed and cry myself to sleep every night, blaming myself for how badly I messed up my life and I pushed you away. I pushed away the one man whose done nothing but love me my whole life. (Grabbing his arm, crying) Oh Daddy!! Please...please forgive me for all the horrible things I’ve done. I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore. Please don’t be mad at me, daddy.
    Roman: (Putting his arm around her and hugging her) Oh, my sweet, precious little baby. (Rocking back and forth) There is no way I could ever stay mad at you. I have loved you from the moment I held you in my arms. You are so very precious to me. (Kissing her forehead) Don’t you ever doubt my love for you, ok? We are going to get through all of this together and you are going to be the lady I’ve always thought you could be and you know something else? (Holding her chin up) Your mother would be so, so very proud of you right now.
    Sami: She would?
    Roman: Oh, yes. Her little girl came out in a snowstorm to find her daddy, without any thought to her own safety. Now how can you think she’s not looking down on you and smiling right now, hmm?
    Sami: Thank you. It feels so good to hear you say that.
    Roman: I say that because it’s the truth. Now (Standing up with Sami’s help) We have to go outside and wait for Shane to get here. Do me a favor and grab that box over there. It’s the medicine for Eric.
    Sami: Ok, Daddy. Here. Why don’t you lean on me and I’ll help you.
    Roman: (Pausing) That was one of your mother’s favorite songs. Lean On Me.
    Sami: Really? Well, why don’t we lean on each other. I think she would really like that.
    Roman: Yes, yes she would.

    Sami helps Roman walk out of the boathouse. After a few moments, they both see flashlights in the distance. They walk towards the lights and, it’s not only Shane, but the pilot and the search party. They greet each other:

    Shane: Hell of a night to be out in this, huh?
    Roman: Sure is. Thanks Shane for coming out in this garbage to find me.
    Shane: No problem. I think you better send this young lady to the academy, Roman.
    Roman: Oh. Why is that?
    Shane: Well, she held a gun on me and threatened to shoot me if I didn’t let her come with me and help look for you and then, she finds you all by herself.
    Roman: (Looking at Sami) I know. She’s one hell of a lady.........and one hell of a daughter.

    Sami gives off a huge grin.

    Roman: Aye, let’s get out of this mess. Time’s wasting and Eric needs this stuff if he’s going to survive.
    Shane: You bet. (Taking Roman under his other arm) Let’s go.

    -Max returns to Abby and says he is ready to pick up where they left off. Abby says there was a reason why she wanted his attention and did what she did. Max says he thinks he already knows. Frankie told him a good deal. Abby is mad that he did but Max says he is glad.

    Max: Abby, we have been through alot these past few months. I know I have let you down a bit and I will be sure to make up for that. Since I came to Salem, you have been a good friend but, over time, I realized something. Well, I guess it took almost losing you that night at the bridge and seeing you here fighting for your life. Whatever. All I know is I have realized now that what I feel for you is more then friendship...much much more. Abby, I dream of you all the time and I think and care about you more then any other girl I have ever been with. Abby, I think what I feel for you is too strong to be a simple friendship and I think it is something we need to explore. (Looks at Abby) You know what? I shouldn't have done this. It's too much to lay on you and...
    Abby: No. No, it's not. Max...I have wanted to tell you how I feel for months. I have always cared about you but the island, my mom's death, and...you were there. Somewhere, through it all, my feelings for you grew to be more. I feel the same way as you and I think we need to give ourselves a shot at becoming something bigger then what we are now. I'm not sure if it's love...the kind of love my parents had or that Bo and Hope and others have but we need to try. We need to see what it can be and if there is a long future in store for us.
    Max: I agree. So...I guess we're...
    Abby (smiling): Dating? Boyfriend and girlfriend?
    Max: Yeah...yeah I guess that is what we are.

    Max leans in and kisses her on the cheek and they embrace. A nurse lets an angry Cassie out of the closet. Cassie ignores the nurse's questions about why she is in there and looks into Abby's room to see her and Max in an embrace. Cassie realizes she is too late and is heartbroken but vows this is far from over.

    -Hope sits down and asks Chelsea again what is going on. Chelsea says there is something she needs to know. Something she has kept hidden for awhile. She was being selfish in that she was afraid of the aftermath but also thought she was doing what was best. She now knows she needs to tell all and she wants to turn her life around and this is a start. Hope just tells her to speak. Chelsea says she is gald Hope and her came to an understanding over Zach's death on the island and when they got him and that they can be civil now. Hope asks why and wants to know what is going on.

    Chelsea: Hope...this is about my parents...
    Hope: What are you trying to get them together again? Chelsea?!
    Chelsea: No!! It's not that. I found out something on the island and, when I got back to Salem, I had DNA tests done and I have the proof and everything and...
    Hope: The island...DNA tests...what the hell is going on and what does it have to do with me and your parents?
    Chelsea: That's just it.
    Hope: What?
    Chelsea: What you called Bo and Billie...
    Hope: Your parents? That is what they...
    Chelsea: No, they're not. I found out on the island and the DNA tests proved it. Bo and Billie are not my parents.
    Hope: What are you...I don't..
    Chelsea: I don't know who my father is but I know who my mother is...
    Hope: Chelsea...I don't...
    Chelsea (with tears welling in her eyes): Hope...your my mother. The tests proved it. Your my mother, not Billie.

    The screen frezzes on a stunned Hope's face and then fades out.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Sami to Roman: We need to hurry. Eric is running out of time.
    Nicole to Eric: Hold on, damnit!!! Don't die on me, not now!!!
    Alan (turning around): What are you doing here?
    Kimberly (as Caroline and Frankie turn around): I'm home!!!
    Chelsea to Hope: It's true. Your my mother.
    Hope to Chelsea: The question now is what do we do now?

  18. PhoenixRising05
    -Everyone at St. Luke's continues to react to Marlena's return. Roman asks how Marlena survived falling into the volcano on the island. He never saw her on the ledge below. Marlena says she can't remember what happened. Roman says it's fine. He is just happy she is back. Marlena shares a tearful reunion with Belle, ClaireBo, Hope, Caroline, Laura, Maggie, Julie, and Doug. Everyone is happy to see her.

    Marlena explains that Sami saw her outside and she wanted it to be a surprise. Roman hugs Sami and fills Marlena in on all that has been going on. Marlena says she already knows. She has been in Salem since this
    morning and followed all the happenings. She didn't want to make her presence known yet as she didn't want to make a spectacle of herself and they were all dealing with so much. Her plan was to reveal herself to Roman first and then the others slowly but things changed.

    She is so happy Eric will live and to see Sami and Roman getting along. Roman asks how she got to Salem. Marlena says she has no clue. She woke up on a bench in the park. Sami says it's great that they have her back and hugs her.

    -Bo, Hope, JT, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Melissa, Sarah, Don, and Alice go back to the Horton house. Everyone is stunned when Jack shows up with Billie and Maggie with Victor. Both Jack and Maggie explain that they are friends and ask if it is ok for Billie and Victor to stay. Alice says it's Christmas and that, of course, they can stay.

    Frankie arrives with Greta as Jack invited them. Greta embraces Alice and thanks her for remembering her once again. Alice says she has always been fond of her and Frankie. Alice also says the more the merrier. Everyone wonders why Lucas is running so late.

    -Belle, Philip, Claire, Caroline. Lucas, Sami, Austin, and Will go with Roman and Marlena to see Eric. Nicole is by his side. Eric is stunned to see his mother and they share a tearful reunion . Eric says that things are really starting to turn around for him. Marlena embraces Nicole and welcomes her to the family. Lucas tells Sami he has to get to the Horton's with Will. He invites Sami to come along. Roman tells her to go ahead and that he will see her later.

    -Austin and Philip go to check on Kate, who is in Chelsea's room. They wish her a Merry Christmas. Kate says she thought it just may be Chelsea and her on Christmas Eve together. Philip and Austin both say that they have their problems with Kate but she is still their mother. Kate knows Philip may never forgive her for her involvement in Calire'a paternity situation. Philip reminds Kate that she turned out to be his anyway so it's fine. Kate invites them back to her suite for Christmas Eve dinner and they decide to go since Lucas and Billie are at the Horton's.

    -Sami, Lucas, and Will arrive at the Horton's and the tree trimming begins. Bill and Laura place theirs on the tree. Meanwhile, Abby is watching the happenings at the Horton house via web cam with Max. Jack waves to her while holding JJ.

    Jack and JJ place Abby's ornament on the tree as Abby smiles. Jack then places Jennifer's on the tree and everyone begins to tear up. Jack looks at JJ and promises it will get better and that he will be the best father. Abby begins to cry as Max comforts her, saying her mother will always be watching over her and her family. Abby says she knows that but she misses her.

    Back at the Horton house, Billie comforts Jack and assures him it will get better. He smiles and says he knows and they embrace as Laura watches. Bill reminds her of her promise. Laura says she's fine now.

    Melissa and Sarah place their ornaments on and so does Maggie. She then takes Mickey's. Don and Victor both assure her she can do it. Julie asks if Maggie is ok. She turns and says she's fine. Mickey is watching and she wants to make him proud. She puts it on the tree and hugs Melissa and Sarah.

    Bo and Hope place theirs on the tree, along with JT's. They are so happy to have him back and kiss him. They place Shawn's on too and hope he is ok in the Marines. They then place Zach's on and know he is watching over them, He is no doubt a little angel. Bo comforts Hope.

    Hope says that next year they will have to get an ornament for Chelsea. Bo asks why, she is his and Billie's daughter. Hope says it was a slip and she doesn't know what she was thinking. Chelsea is her stepdaughter so she figured they could get her on. Bo embraces her and says that may be a good idea to mend fences a bit. Hope is releived she didn't let the secret out.

    Doug and Julie place their ornaments on and kiss. Lucas and Will place theirs on and Lucas tells Will that one day his wife and kids will participate in this same tradition. Will nods and seems a bit upset. Julie makes the comment to Sami that she still feels that one day she will have a ornament on the tree too. Sami smiles and says she used to think so too. Lucas comes over and says she still could. Julie smiles and Sami asks Lucas what he is talking about. He turns away, leaving her hanging.

    The rest of the ornaments are placed on and then Alice places her's and Tom's on and wishes him a Merry Christmas, She thanks him for giving them the best Christmas possible and hopes him and all their departed loved ones will continue to watch over them until they meet again.

    -At the hospital, Bo and Hope arrive with JT with gifts for the sick children. Jack, Billie, Doug, Julie, Melissa, Sarah, Don, Victor, Maggie, Frankie, Greta, Lucas, Sami, Will, Laura, and Bill all arrive too. Caroline, Kimberly, Andrew, Jeannie, and Shane join them.

    Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie arrive as well. Kayla tells Steve she has an idea that may help his memory and make this Christmas a little brighter. Roman, Marlena, Belle, and Claire arrive with Nicole. She has Eric in a wheelchair and he is happy to see everyone. Kimberly tells Eric she will race him. They laugh. Max wheels Abby in and see is happy to see her father and family. Hope gets an idea and tells Bo she will be back.

    -Austin and Philip are on their way out with Kate but join everyone at the hospital. Carrie and Alan show up as well. Alan warns Carrie she doesn't care. It's time she makes her presence known. She reaches out to tap Austin on the shoulder but then sees Sami and Lucas and panics. She tells Alan they need to go before someone sees her. She can't think about herself. The paternity of her baby will tear Lucas and Austin apart and cause pain. She needs to leave now. They take off, as Austin turns around after feeling someone watching him.

    -Hope goes to Chelsea's room and wakes her. She tells her to come on, pointing to a wheelchair. Chelsea is confused. Hope says she needs to be with her family. Chelsea smiles. Hope then gives her a gift. Hope apologizes that it isn't wrapped but she ran home quick to get it and hoped it was enough. Chelsea opens it to reveal a picture of her, Hope, Bo, Zack, Shawn, and Mimi from last Christmas. Chelsea smiles and as tears well up in her eyes, she says it's perfect. Hope wheels her out to everyone else.

    -Bo is stunned when Hope wheels Chelsea out, as is Billie. Hope says she is family and she belongs with them. Abe and Celeste arrive with Theo. Roman wishes them Merry Christmas. Abe says Theo misses Lexie but Celeste and him are trying their best. Roman says that is all Abe can do. Cassie arrives and is upset seeing Max and Abby. Caroline is happy she came. Cassie fakes a smile and nods.

    Steve then comes out dressed like Santa Claus. Stephanie and Kayla laugh and Kayla says it's like old times. He tells all the kids that a reindeer poked him in the eye. Kayla says she never told him that. He remembered something and Kayla whispers to him that he said that once before while dressed like "Patchy Claus." Steve smiles and gives out presents.

    -Victor tells Maggie he has a gift for her. She opens it and it's a gold bracelet engraved with the words," Loyalty. Support. Comfort. Friend." Maggie tears up and gives Victor his gift. It's a pair of gold cuff links. He thanks her and says he will cherish them. Jack says to Billie he forgot to get her a gift. Billie says that's good because she forgot to with everything going on. Jack smiles and says they will just have to be each other's gifts. They laugh.

    -Maggie tells Hope that Alice wanted her to read the Christmas Story after all that she has been through. Hope says Maggie has been through alot too. They all have. Maggie tells Hope to go ahead and do it. Hope takes JT with her and reads the story as everyone looks on.

    -Sami reminds Lucas that he never explained what he meant at the Horton house. Lucas says that things can change and that you never know what can happen. He says that she is an example. She has changed so much from forgiving her father to helping Carrie and trying to prove herself. She has truly redeemed herself in his eyes and the woman he sees now is the woman he always saw deep down inside her. The woman he fell in love with. Sami asks Lucas what he is saying. He says they will talk later at her place.

    -Doug begins to sing "O Come All Ye Faithful" and everyone at the hospital follows by breaking into song. The scene then shifts to the Horton house as Alice places the baby Jesus in the manger and then looking at Tom's picture:

    Alice: To those we love, near and far, may they all be blessed on this day and all the days of their lives.

    The screen then fades out on Alice looking to the heaven's above, smiling.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Hope: Zach?!
    Roman to Marlena: I can't beleive you know as much as you do. Aare you sure you haven't been watching us the whole time you were gone?
    Steve to Kayla: What if I never remember?
    Kayla to Steve: Then I will still love you just as much, if not more.
    Bo to Hope: After all we have been through, I love you now just as much as I loved you then.
    Sami to Lucas: I want to know where this is going. Do you want to give us another chance or not?

  19. PhoenixRising05

    -Steve, Kayla, Stephanie, Frankie, Max, Austin, Lucas, Will, Sami, Roman, Belle, Philip, Victor, Kate, Billie, Maggie, Abe, Hope, Jack, Billie, Kimberly, Shane, Andrew, Jeannie, and Caroline all wait for word on Eric. They are happy Eric is stabile but he is running out of time. Shane is happy to see his children and Kimberly. Lucas, Austin, Will, Belle, and Caroline admit how proud they are of Sami. Roman says his daughter is a hero no matter what happens to Eric. Nicole is by herself in a corner. Greta puts her hand on her shoulder, assuring Nicole it will be ok. They will get their miracles.

    Bo arrives and Hope and Caroline ask where he has been. He insists they will find out later and they update him on Eric. Dr. Rowen emerges. Roman asks if the drug worked. Dr. Rowen smiles and says it did. Eric's condition has improved and he is awake. He's going to make it. Everyone rejoices. Roman praises Sami as the hero and everyone agrees. Sami is proud and says she feels like she finally is what they all want her to be. Roman says she is and more. Lucas says he is very proud of her too and smiles. Will hugs her, saying he is proud of her and how much he loves her.

    Nicole, Greta, Caroline, Sami, Belle, and Roman race in to see Eric. He is happy to see them and thanks them all for helping to save him. He looks at Nicole and says it looks like she is stuck with him. She laughs and they embrace.

    -Max goes back to Abby and says he is there to spend Christmas Eve with her. He tells her about Eric. She is happy. He sits by her and says Jack has set up the web cam so she can see the party at the Horton's. He says he will be right by her side all night. She smiles and thanks him.

    -Kate shows up at Chelsea's room and fills her in about Eric. She says she has come to spend the evening with her so she won't be alone on Christmas Eve. Chelsea thanks her but asks why Kate isn't with her children. Kate says she will be later but now she is with her granddaughter. Chelsea smiles and feels guilty, knowing full well Kate is nothing to her.

    -Cal and Katherine are still in isolation in the mountains. He says he hates missing Christmas with those he loves. Katherine says they will get through it together. She pulls out a gift. He feels bad since he didn't get her anything nor did he think she should. She tells him to open it. He does and it's a bracelet made of string and vine. Katherine says her father taught her to make it and he never liked it when he felt people didn't like him or were mad and so on. It's a peace bracelet and she wants them to start over as they started badly.

    Cal smiles and thanks her. He adds that his gift to her will be being a cooperative patient. She laughs and then outs on Christmas music as they sit by the fire.

    -Maggie and Victor show up at St. Luke's for mass. He thanks her for inviting him. Alice, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Don, Melissa, and Sarah are there already. Julie embraces Victor and says she is happy Victor is there. Maggie tells Victor she doesn't know where she would be without him. He gently takes her hand just as Caroline walks in, clearly upset by the sight.

    -Jack and Billie arrive at church. They both feel guilty that their children are in the hospital. They realize they are under a mistletoe and Jack says they have to honor tradition. Jack leans in and kisses her. Billie tells him that was nice. Jack agrees. Laura sees the kiss and when Jack and Billie look at her, she smiles and whispers, "I'm ok."

    -Frankie, Kimberly, Shane, Andrew, and Jeannie arrive at the church. Shane says he is happy Kimberly is with them. Kayla, Steve, and Stephanie walk in and Kimberly says it is so nice to see them all together. Kayla says it's really like their first real Christmas together. Stephanie says they will make sure it's the best. Steve agrees.

    -A bitter Cassie arrives, still upset about Max and Abby. Caroline waves to her to sit near her. Cassie says "what the hell" and goes over.

    -Carrie is outside St. Luke's, hiding in the shadows with Alan. He asks if this is a good idea. She says she can't be with them but she can be near those she cares about, Sami, Roman, Austin, Will, and Lucas arrive. Carrie and Alan hides and she learns all that happened with Eric and sees how close Sami and Roman are now. She is happy about it and smiles.

    Austin, Lucas, Will, and Austin again say how proud they are of her. Sami thanks them but says she is blushing and tells them to stop. As they are about to go in, Sami sees a shocking sight and can't beleive her eyes. The others go in ahead of her. Lucas wonders where Sami is and goes back outside but she is gone.

    -Hope arrives inside the church with Bo. She asks where he was earlier. He says he had an errand. Hope reminds Bo that Eric was dying and Roman, Sami, and Shane were MIA. He wouldn't just run an errand. Bo then gets a call and hangs up, telling Hope she will know all right...now. The doors of the church open and a women comes in with a little boy. Hope's face turns to shock and jubilation...IT'S JT!!!

    Hope scoops the boy up in her arms and wonders how this is happening. Bo explains that the Reiber's died in a car accident and what little living family they had couldn't handle caring for him. Bo was contacted and he met with the social worker and now JT is their son again. Hope says it's a gift...from Zach. The three of them embrace. Doug and Julie are happy to see JT, as is Alice and Caroline. Hope then takes JT to show around to friends and family as Bo finalizes things with the social worker.

    Billie comes over to Hope and says she is happy she has JT back. Hope thanks her. Billie then calls Chelsea and tells her the news. She smiles. Kate asks what is going on. Chelsea says it's nothing.

    -Greta arrives and sees Victor. She walks up to him and thanks him for helping her save Eric. She misjudged him and it is clear he is not the monster some think. Victor smiles and says Merry Christmas. Greta wishes him the same and smiles. She looks for a place to sit. Frankie offers her one and she thanks him.

    -Abe and Celeste arrive with Theo and sit near Shane. They vow to give Theo a good Christmas even though Lexie is gone.

    -Lucas is still outside looking for Sami. She then comes out from the bushes and grabs him, saying she needs his help with a gift for her dad just as Fr. Jansen begins the mass.

    As "O Holy Night" by Celine Dion begins to play "O Holy Night",

    Eric and Nicole are in his room. They are kissing. Eric vows that this is a new beginning and a second chance he doesn't plan to waste. Nicole says she will make sure they don't. They hold each other, relieved the crisis has passed.

    -The scene the moves to Max laying with Abby on her bed and holding her in his arms. He sees that she is sleep and kisses her forehead.

    -The scene shifts to Kate watching a sleeping Chelsea and saying she is so happy that she is ok and that she has her as a granddaughter. Kate doesn't see that Chelsea is awake and that tears are falling down her cheeks.

    -The scene then shifts to St. Luke's as we still hear Celine Dion's "O Holy Night" playing but the choir is now beginning to drown the song out as they are singing the same song. The mass is nearly over. Bo and Hope are sitting with JT, happy to have him back in their lives. They both thank God and Zach for their gift. Hope privately gives thanks for Chelsea, her newfound daughter, and prays to find a solution to work everything out.

    Austin and will wonder where Sami and Lucas are, as does Roman. There is then a loud slam and everyone in the church turns. Sami and Lucas enter:

    Sami: Attention everyone!!! I hope you can here me over the choir.

    Fr. Jansen instructs the choir to stop but the song, "O Holy Night," keeps playing.

    Sami: I am sorry to interrupt but something came to my attention outside and I am glad it did as it's the perfect gift for my father and I know many of you will love this too. I was shocked and I know you all will be as well.

    Roman stands.

    Roman: Sami, what is going on?
    Sami: Ok!! Ok!! Without further adeiu... (Lucas and Sami open the doors)

    Roman and the whole church is in shock as the song gets louder

    Roman (as tears well up in his eyes): Oh my God!!!
    Belle: This can't be...

    Roman slowly walks towards the back and the camera pans around to reveal a smiling...MARLENA. She is in tears and she runs into Roman's arms.

    Roman: Doc!!!...Oh my...how...what is going on?
    Marlena: I am back my love. I've come back to you.

    Roman and Marlena embrace as the whole church watches. Sami is in tears, so happy seeing her parents together. Lucas looks at and lovingly takes her hand. She looks at him and he looks at her and they both smile.

    The screen then fades out on an overhead shot of everyone in the church watching Roman and Marlena's reunion as Celine Dion's "O Holy Night" continues to play.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Roman to Marlena: It's so great having you back in my life.
    Sami to Lucas: What are you saying? Do you want to get back together?
    Carrie to Alan: Maybe it's time I reveal myself...
    Alice (looking to the heavens): Merry Christmas Tom....
  20. PhoenixRising05
    -Sami, Roman, and Shane made it back to the copter and are on board. They are on their way back to Salem. Sami turns to Roman and says:

    Sami: Are you alright? You look so tired.
    Roman: Oh, I’m fine. I’ll be better once your brother gets this medicine in him, though.
    Sami: Yeah. I will too. (Looking at Roman as he leans his head back) You are such a wonderful man. I was wondering......
    Roman: Yeah?
    Sami: Well, I was just thinking......I have no one coming over for Christmas, and I wasn’t invited to anyone’s home........
    Roman: Oh, I see.
    Sami: Well, I was just thinking.......that if you weren’t doing anything.........you could maybe, uh......
    Roman: Come over on Christmas Day?
    Sami: Uh, yeah. My cooking isn’t good at all, but.......
    Roman: (Putting his arm around her) I’m not coming over for your cooking. I’m coming over to spend the holiday with my daughter. My beautiful, sweet, precious little girl, who I love so very much, ok?
    Sami: Yes, Daddy.

    Sami wraps herself around her father and Roman slowly drifts off to sleep. She watches him silently, grateful to God that she now has another chance with her father. She rests her head on his chest and drifts off to sleep as well.

    -Hope is in shock from what Chelsea said and asks how this is possible. Chelsea says it was during her time as Princess Gina that she was concieved. The "Georgia is alive" evidence was a scam and she really died in Billie's arms in the swamp. Chelsea explains to Hope how Stefano told her on the island and she didn't trust him so she did a DNA test when she returned. It was done twice and Greta was there. Hope is shocked Greta knew. Hope still can't beleive this. Chelsea says she doesn't have the proof right now but she knows someone who can help her prove what she is saying.

    -Jack goes into Abby's room and sees Abby and Max sitting close and talking. Abby explains to her father what happened with her and Max. He is happy and shakes Max's hand, saying it's about time. He knows he will treat his daughter right or else. Max laughs and says he knows better then to hurt Abby and he cares far too much to do so. Jack smiles and whispers to Max a reminder not to tell Abby or Chelsea about their condition.

    Jack explains that Jennifer would be pleased with Max dating Abby. Abby knows she would. Jack asks Max if he wants to go check on Eric. He tells Jack he will wait until he is paged or hears something. Abby asks her father why he isn't getting ready to go to Christmas Eve mass. It's a family tradition and JJ loves seeing the decorations and all. Mom would want that. Max tells Jack he can stay with Abby. Abby says she will be fine and tries to convince Jack. He agrees to go. Jack knows she will hate missing mass and the tree trimming so he says he will have a web cam set up so Abby can be a part of the action at the Horton house. She hugs him and thanks him. Jack leaves.

    -Greta arrives at Chelsea's room, asking why she had her paged. Hope realizes that Chelsea had her called. Chelsea tells Greta to validate her claim that Hope is her mother. Greta does and says she saw the test results. Hope is stunned and wonders what they should do now. Chelsea says they need to tell Bo and Billie, as well as everyone else.

    Hope, thinking about the holidays and what this will do to Bo and Billie and the families involved, tells Greta and Chelsea that they won't tell anyone else...for now. It's the holidays and they all have been through enough turmoil. They will figure out a way to tell the others later. Greta agrees to stay silent, as does Chelsea.

    -Caroline is calling all over looking for Bo, wondering where he could be as his nephew is dying. Victor comforts her. Steve, Kayla, Stephanie, Frankie, Max (who leaves Abby for a few minutes to check in ), Austin, Lucas, Will, Belle, Philip, Victor, Kate, Billie, Maggie, Abe, and Celeste (who is there with Theo to be there to support the Brady's) are all watching as Nicole shares a tearful goodbye to Eric. Caroline is shocked when Andrew and Jeannie come through the swinging doors. They reunite with friends and family.

    Caroline then sees Kimberly wheel herself in behind them. They share a touching reunion. She says she came as soon as she could and asks if there is any change on Eric or news on Sami, Shane, and Roman. Caroline shakes her head. She adds that even if they lose Eric it will be good to have her and the kids, along with Stephanie, home for the holidays. She agrees.

    -Philip tries to comfort Belle but she backs away tentatively, saying not now. Philip grabs her arm and says that no one can suspect what is going on and orders her to do as he says. A trembling Belle agrees and embraces Philip as a suspicious Kate watches.

    -Back in Chelsea's room, Chelsea asks Hope how things are going to be between them. Hope says she doesn't know. Frankie comes in and says that Eric is near death and she probably should be there. Chelsea tells Hope to go ahead and give everyone her best wishes. Hope tells Chelsea they will talk and leaves.

    -Hope joins everyone else who is holding vigil for Eric. Greta is watching Nicole say goodbye and prays that it doesn't end like this. Not after everything they have been through to try to save him.

    Jack arrives and asks Billie what is going on. She explains what is going on with Eric. Jack explains to Maggie that Alice, Doug, Julie, and the others are at St. Luke's already for mass. They went early to say a few extra prayers for the Brady's. Maggie says that is a good idea as they can use them.

    -Alan is at the hospital. He had cut himself and needed treatment and is now watching what is going on from a distance. He hears about Sami and seems unnerved. He says he hopes she makes it home as he has many plans for her and needs to make her see that he has changed.

    He decides to leave the hospital to avoid detection and is shocked when he hears a women call out to him. He turns to see Carrie. Alan is stunned to see her. She says she couldn't stay away from her family and home on Christmas and, even if she can't make herself known to her loved ones, at least she can be around them.

    -Nicole is begging Eric to hang on. They pledge their love for each other before he goes into a seizure and stops breathing. Dr. Rowen and his staff work to save him as everyone watches. Austin comforts Nicole. Lucas wonders where Sami is as she should be here as Hope and Caroline wish Bo and Roman were there.

    Just then, Sami and Roman arrive with Shane in tow. They have the drug and pray they aren't too late. Everyone is stunned to see them and asks where they have been. Sami explains to them all what transpired. Dr. Rowen gives the drug to a nurse and asks her to deliver it as he tries to get Eric stable but he is still flatlining.

    Everyone in the room prays for a miracle and hopes Sami and Roman aren't too late. The screen then fades out on a flatlined Eric lying motionless.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Bo to Hope: I have a surprise for you...one that will change both of our lives.
    Jack to Billie: Looks like we are under a mistletoe (leans in and kisses her).
    Roman to Sami: I am so happy to have you in my life again (as someone watches them hugging).
    Maggie to Victor: I don't know what I would do without you (Victor takes her hand as Caroline watches).
    Sami: Oh my God...how is this possible?

  21. PhoenixRising05
    Announcer: THIS WEEK...



    Max to Abby: What I feel for you is more then friendship...much much more.
    Abby (in tears) to Max: I have dreamed so many times of you saying that.

    The screen then shifts to Hope in Chelsea's room.

    Hope: Just tell me Chelsea...
    Chelsea: Hope...your my mother...


    Sami to Shane: I am going to find my father and save my brother.

    Scene of Sami going through the blinding snowstorm.

    Roman to Sami: What are you doing here?
    Sami to Roman: I came to save you!!


    Caroline (looking at Eric): He is running out of time.
    Nicole: You can't die on us!!!

    Scene of Eric flatlining.

    Nicole: No!!! Not like this damnit!!!


    Bo to Hope: I have a surprise for you.
    Hope: Oh my...


    Victor to Maggie: This is for you... (hands her a gift)
    Maggie to Victor: I don't know what I would do without you.

    Scene shifts to Jack and Billie.

    Jack to Billie: You are very special to me.


    Sami: I can't believe this...

    Julie to Doug: It's another Christmas in Salem.


    Stephanie: I'm home!!!

    Stephanie and Steve embrace.

    Steve: I guess this will be our first Christmas together as a family.

    Scene shifts to the hospital where Andrew and Jeannie embrace Caroline, followed by Kimberly.

    Kimberly: It's good to be home.

    Scene then shifts to Alan turning around in shock to see Carrie.

    Alan: What are you doing here?


    Sami to Lucas: This is the perfect Christmas.

    Alice: Just another wonderful Christmas in Salem.



  22. PhoenixRising05
    WEEK OF 12/18/06 EDITION



    TL-Tim Lowery

    I: Thanks for joining us.
    TL: Glad to be here.
    I: It seems like you have a big week on tap.
    TL: Huge. It's not like the previous big weeks we have had that were focused around tragedy or big events. This week is one of miracles, revelations, payoffs, big returns, surprises, and everything you could want to have a happy Christmas week. It's our gift to the readers and fans who stuck with us through all the doom and gloom. This is their reward and it's just a wonderful week for fans of the couples and families of Salem.
    I: Sounds great!! Can you give us some details?
    TL: Well, without giving too much away which has become our policy here, we have several returns. Stephanie returns and finally meets her long presumed dead father, Steve. The Johnson's will have their first Christmas together, which is nice. Kimberly returns and she will stick around beyond the holidays. Jeannie and Andrew return with her but they will only be with us until the 26th. Bill, Laura, Melissa, Sarah, and Don stay with us until the 26th so the Horton's will be plentiful this year. There will be nice tributes to all those lost this year including Jennifer, Mickey, and Marlena. Bo has a huge surprise for Hope and the couples that are apart will be happy this Christmas despite the complications that still exist for them. We won't ignore the conflict between Bo and Hope and some of the others but it's the holidays and they deserve some happiness. Sami's maturation provess is complete and heroic measures will be rewarded as Salem realizes how far she has come.
    I: Wow!! Anything else?
    TL: There are two surpise returns on Wednesday's show that will be real tear-jerkers. We have the Horton's tree trimming and a special super couple themed show on Friday as the couples celebrate Christmas together and it's quite romantic. Romance is in the air for many, even for some non-couples like Victor and Maggie and Jack and Billie. The answer to the question of Eric dying is finally given and there will be major revelations for some of our characters. It's just a great week.
    I: Great. Thanks for the scoop. You will be joining us next week too to preview the last week of 2006 and then the following week to promote 2007 right?
    TL: You bet. I will do another interview next week to preview the last week of the year and then my Co-EP/HW and I will give an interview previewing the new year. Also, look for more in-depth 2007 previews to be published soon and to be posted around December 29. It's definitely an exciting time.
    I: Indeed. Well, thanks for joining us.
    TL: No problem. See you next week!!!



    Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson): Rose reprises her role for a limited time on December 18.

    Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady): Pease resumes the role for an unlimited run on December 19.

    Tom Welling and Michelle Williams (Andrew and Jeannie Donovon): The actors, who appeared this past summer, return to the roles for a few episodes beginning on December 19.

    Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis): As fans learned on the December 12 episode, Johnson reprised the role of Philip. "The fans wanted him and they decided it," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "We were going to go with him anyway but then we started thinking of others but here we are back where we started. We love having him and we think he is great. The fans should look for a great story between him and Belle (Martha Madison). It was fun keeping it a secret until the episode though.

    Christie Clark (Carrie Brady):Carrie finally reappears on December 19.

    Two shocking returns: Look for the returns of two surprise characters on the Wednesday December 20 episode. "It's a tear-jerker and the last five minutes will be very emotional," vows EP/HW Tim Lowery.


    Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton): Bauer, who has been on recurring since August, will see her run end on December 26. "We loved having her but her story has ended," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "Much like all the other returned Hortons, she will leaving Salem but the door is very much open for a return."

    Kale Browne (Bill Horton): Browne's run has ended too and he will exit with Laura on December 26.

    Lisa Trusel, Alli Parker, and Jed Allen (Melissa Horton, Sarah Horton, and Don Craig): All 3 actors, who returned for limited runs in October, depart Salem on December 26. "All 3 were really meant to be done in November, which is why we haven't used them this month, but we kept them around for Christmas as a treat," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "The door is open for all of them to return."


    -Rumors have Jensen Ackles and Arianne Zuker (Eric and Nicole) already finished with their runs. Looks like things don't go well for Eric...

    -Where does Greta (Julianne Morris) go from here? Rumors have fans learning exactly how Victor (John Aniston) is her father early on in 2007 and look for her to connect with a lonely Salem man and be part of a mystery story in 2007.

    -Setsiders warn fans that this week is highly emotional and that the end of Wednesday's episode will make die-hard fans smile from ear to ear.

    -It looks like Alexis Thorpe (Cassie) may be upgraded to contract status.

    -Will's (Jeremy Sumpter) secret is about to be revealed.

    -Info about Roscoe Born's character is sketchy but rumor has it SL is looking for 3 actors to play his wife and two children as part of a new story arc. It appears Born's character will stir things up with Victor. He debuts next week and look for info on Born's character next week in the Insider.


    -Sami pulls out all the stops to save Roman and Eric.
    -The Brady's, Nicole. and Greta say goodbye to Eric as he slowly slips away.
    -Chelsea tells Hope the truth.
    -Max and Abby confess their feelings while Frankie acts to stop Cassie.
    -Stephanie, Kimberly, Andrew, and Jeannie return.
    -Alan is shocked when Carrie shows up in Salem.
    -The Johnson's enjoy their first Christmas together as Stephanie finally meets her father.
    -Sami and Roman have a breakthrough and later have a special Christmas moment.
    -Bo has a surprise for Hope.
    -Two surprise returns shock Salem.
    -Cal and Katherine enjoy a private Christmas.
    -Romance is in the air on Christmas Eve for Jack and Billie and Max and Abby.
    -Victor and Maggie exchange gifts.
    -Salem celebrates Christmas as the Horton's trim the tree once again and miracles abound in Salem.
    -Carrie watches her friends and family from afar and contemplates revealing herself.
    -Salem's beloved couples engage in their own celebration of Christmas.


    Monday December 18: Max and Abby confess their love while Chelsea tells all to hope. On this same day, Stephanie returns and reunites with her father.
    Tuesday December 19: Kimberly, Andrew, and Jeannie return while Carrie reappears.
    Wednesday December 20-22: Salem celebrates Christmas Eve with the traditional tree trimming, romance, miracles, surprises, and two big returns that are sure to be tear-jerkers.

    Next Week: Celeste has a horrible prediction. Will reveals his secret to Alan. Word of Stefano's impending return rocks Salem. Several people are in harm's way as Victor, Roman, and Stefano's plans collide leading to a shocking end to 2006.

  23. PhoenixRising05
    -At Salem University Hospital, Billie is with Chelsea. Billie reminds her that she will be holding Chelsea to her promise to change. Chelsea vows that she will and that she knows she has alot to do to get her life together. She apologizes again for her actions and says she will learn to deal with all that has happened to her in better ways.

    -Max is determined to tell Abby the truth as Cassie watches in a panic. Frankie arrives and tells Max that Abby is awake. Max is overjoyed. They are interupted by a nurse, who was sent by Caroline to tell them to get to Eric 's room. They leave as Cassie is pleased Max was stopped.

    -Frankie and Max arrive to see Will, Austin, Lucas, Sami, Greta, Caroline, Bo, Hope, Belle, Philip, Kayla, Steve, and Victor there. Cassie also joins them, making Caroline happy. Nicole explains to them they are giving Eric last rites. It is almost time to say goodbye and with Roman missing it is unlikely they can save Eric.

    Fr. Jansen arrives and everyone gathers around. Lucas comforts Sami, which has Austin wondering, and Victor comforts Caroline. Hope tells Bo that his family is going to need him now more then ever. Bo tells Hope to lay off him about Victor.

    -Billie arrives and sees Bill, Doug, Julie, and Maggie outside the room and asks what is going on. They tell her that Abby is talking with Laura and Jack about their differences. Billie wonders how ugly this may turn out.

    In Abby's room, Jack fills Abby in on what Laura did and how he feels she is partially responsible for what happened to her. Abby sees Billie and tells Jack to let her in. He does and Billie wonders what is going on. Abby explains to them that she is more to blame. She didn't have to listen to Laura but she did. She chose to behave how she did and she regrets it. Abby apologizes again but says that her mother would not want this going on and that things need to change now.

    -Everyone leaves Nicole alone with Eric. Shane and Abe then arrive with word on Roman. The search team located the helicopter wreckage and Shane says he is flying there via helicopter to help search for Roman. Caroline hugs him and thanks him. Abe says he will keep in contact with Shane and let everyone know news when they have it. Nicole overhears and realizes there is still a chance for Eric if they find Roman and the drug in time. Caroline says they just need to hope and pray for a Christmas Eve miracle.

    Sami seems intrigued by Shane's mission and remembers what she thought about earlier regarding her redemption. She can help save her father and brother and make up for her past mistakes. Sami tells Lucas and Austin to watch Will and that she will be back. They wonder where she is going when her brother can be on his deathbed.

    -Abby begs her father to forgive Laura. She says they all made mistakes here and she wants fresh start. She nearly lost her life and she knows her mom would hate seeing them like this. Laura begs for forgiveness and says it was hard for her to see Jack with another women, let alone Kate's daughter. Jack reminds Laura they have always been friends and that Billie was a good friend to Jen. Laura knows but Billie did alot to Bo and Hope and it was just hard to watch. Jack has always been special to her and she was worried about him.

    Laura admits she was wrong and was acting like Kate, something she always criticized. She apologizes and says she will stay out of it from now on. She just lost it and became obsessed with making sure they didn't get together. She tells Billie she wishes to bury the hatchet and move past this. Billie agrees and apologizes too. Abby begs her father to do the same. Jack agrees, but only for Abby and Jennifer. He hugs Laura and warns her never again to do this. She vows not too and says she will stay out of Jack's love life, no matter who it is he moves on with. He thanks her.

    -Greta walks by Chelsea's room and goes in to see how she is. She updates her on Eric. Chelsea informs Greta she is going to try to rebuild her life. Greta hopes that starts with her telling Hope the truth. Chelsea says it's Christmas Eve and that would hurt Bo and Billie. Greta says life is too short to waste and Chelsea needs to tell them all ASAP if she is serious about turning her life around. Chelsea knows Greta is right and says she will call Hope to her room and tell her everything. Greta says she is doing the right thing.

    -Bo is off getting coffee when he has yet another vahue childhood memory flash of him in a dark room crying for Kimberly and Roman. He wonders why he keeps having those flashes since being shot. He then gets a phone call and realizes he forgot to turn his cell off. He answers and seems shocked by the phone call. He tells the person he will be right there and tells Frankie to tell the others he had to run an errand and leaves in a rush.

    -Max tells Frankie he is going to go tell Abby the truth right now. Life is just too short to waste and he is learning that now. Frankie tells him to go for it. Max leaves and Cassie follows before Frankie stops her. He warns her to back off or he will interfere and make sure Cassie never sees Max at all. Cassie tells him to back off and mind his own business. Frankie laughs and notices she is not acting like the Cassie the Brady's know and love. In fact, she is acting very Dimera-like. He leaves, warning that he is watching her, as a frustrated Cassie looks on.

    -Laura comes out of the room and expresses her happiness to Doug, Julie, Maggie, and Bill that she has been forgiven. Maggie says they just need to hope Eric gets a miracle and that Roman comes home safe.

    -In Abby's room, Jack tells Abby to get some rest. He mentions to Billie that he hates not telling Abby about her condition. Billie says she hates not telling Chelsea either. Jack hopes they can get through this and it will be a new beginning. Billie agrees and says she hopes the Brady's get through this ok too and that Salem can finally have some peace.

    -Caroline, Victor. Kayla, Steve and Hope watch Nicole in Eric's room from outside. Caroline says they just need a miracle. Hope says they just have to beleive. Dr. Rowen shows up and says Eric's latest test so he has very little time. He suggests they start saying goodbye. Hope, Kayla, and Victor comfort Caroline. Nicole looks at them, her eyes wondering what the doctor said. Hope shakes her head.

    Nicole looks at Eric and breaks down, saying he can't die on her. It's Christmas Eve and they just got married. Eric opens his eyes and reaches out for her hand. He smiles and tells her not to cry and that it will be ok. Nicole smiles weakly and lies on his body.

    -Austin and Lucas are watching what is going on with Eric and Nicole with Will and wonder where Sami could be. They hope she returns before something happens with Eric. Abe then bursts in and says someone stole his gun. Hope asks what happened. He says someone broke the window on his car and took his gun, which he couldn't bring in the hospital.

    A hospital security guard enters and says they know who did it. Abe asks who. The guard gives a description and Lucas shakes his head and identifies the theif as Sami. Abe gets a call from headquarters telling him that Roman Brady's daughter just raced in and up to the roof. Abe realizes she is going with Shane to find Roman. Everyone is stunned.

    -Shane boards the helicopter. Sami races on the roof, gun in hand, and gets on board. Shane orders her off but Sami pulls the gun and says they can either take off willingly or do this the hard way. She is going and they can't stop her. Shane reluctantly tells the pilot to take off as Sami smiles, saying she make up for the past and will save her father and brother. She will succeed or die trying.

    The screen fades out on a determined Sami.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Chelsea to Hope: There is something I need to tell you.
    Max to Abby: It's time you knew the truth.
    Abby to Max: There is something I want to say too.
    Cassie to Frankie: Let me out!!!
    Frankie to Cassie: Don't think so!!
    Stephanie: I'm home!!!
    Kayla to Stephanie: It's time you met your father.
    Bo: Hope will be shocked when she gets this surprise.
    Nicole (crying): I think it's time we all said goodbye...to Eric.
    Sami to Shane: I am going down there to save him and you won't stop me.
  24. PhoenixRising05
    -At Salem University Hospital, it's a new day and it's the morning of Christmas Eve. Jack is by Abby's bedside. Doug and Julie are watching outside with Bill and Laura when Maggie arrives, asking if there is any change. Julie shakes her head solemnly saying she was hoping they would have good news before tonight's tree-trimming party. The news about Roman isn't making things easy either. Maggie says they just need to have faith things will get better.

    Jack is holding Abby's hand when he feels it move and turns to see his daughter's eyes slowly flutter open and she mutters "daddy." He calls for a doctor as Maggie and the others watch with joy.

    -Billie walks in Chelsea's room with Kate, who is mentioning to Billie how she feels there is something Belle and Philip are withholding from all of them and she is very suspicious. Billie tells her it's best if she just minds her own business. Billie looks at Chelsea and is shocked to see Chelsea awake. Both Billie and Kate embrace Chelsea, happy to have her back. Kate goes to get Bo and the others.

    -Frankie is with Max, who is worried sick about Abby having not awakened yet. Frankie tells Max that he should've been honest with Abby about how he feels. Life is too short to waste. He also tells Max not to deny it anymore and to just admit how he feels about Abby. A frustrated Max finally does tell Frankie he feels more then friendship for Abby, as Cassie listens nearby.

    -Sami is with Lucas, who asks if she is ok. She tells Lucas that she just found out John was her real father and she finally made peace with herself to accept him and now he may gone. Lucas tells her to have faith it will all be ok. Kate arrives with news that Chelsea is awake. Bo asks Caroline if she will be ok and she nods. Bo takes off with Hope. Sami tells Lucas and Austin to go to Chelsea and that she will be fine. Will will stay with her.

    Sami and Belle, who is with Philip, ask Shane and Abe if there is any word. They insist they just need to be patient but with the storm it is very hard to find out anything. Victor arrives and tells Caroline he heard. He comforts her. Caroline looks at him and says it was supposed to be him on that helicopter. Victor says he knows and asks if she blames him for this. Caroline says she knows that Roman forced himself on board the helicopter so it's not Victor's fault.

    Greta overhears Victor and Caroline's exhange and realizes her father could've died if it was him on that helicopter. Nicole comes out and Greta, Will, Sami, Belle, Philip, Caroline, and Victor ask how Eric is doing. Nicole says he is fading and has been since last night after word of Roman got out. He feels guilty and is losing the will to live. Dr. Rowen told her he doesn't have long. Nicole says she is going to call Fr. Jansen for last rites. Everyone is devastated and they are beginning to lose all hope for Eric and, possibly, Roman.

    -Sami vows not to lose her father and her brother. Her mom is watching up above and wouldn't want her to give up. She wasted too much of her life being bitter, immature, and angry. She owes everyone she loves and needs to redeem herself somehow.

    -Kate, Lucas, Austin, Bo, and Hope are with Billie in Chelsea's room. Billie whispers to them all not to tell Chelsea about her condition and that she may be able to use her arm fully again. They all agree. Hope reminds Bo that his daughter will need him now and so will his loved ones, which is why he should stop working with Victor. Kate tells Lucas and Austin the same thing. All three men grow frustrated and tell Kate and Hope to back off. Hope hears about Abby and goes to check on her.

    Chelsea is told about how she ended up in the hospital and what happened. She apologizes and vows to change. Billie says she will hold her to that. Chelsea asks why she can't feel her arm and Billie says it's just numb from pain meds.

    -Doug, Julie, Bill, Maggie, and Jack rejoice in Abby waking up. Jack reminds them all not to tell Abby about her possibly being paralyzed for life. Laura watches from outside, not wanting to cause trouble. Hope arrives and asks Laura to come in. Laura says she shouldn't.

    Meanwhile, Jack fills Abby in on what happened tp her and she apologizes to her father for her actions and vows never to act out like that again. Jack says it's forgotten and warns her not to do that again. He assures her that Billie and him will make sure Chelsea and her are done with that kind of lifestyle. Abby says she also needs to apologize about the way she treated Billie and came between his and Billie's friendship. She knows they are just friends and she should've never treated a family friend like that even if him and her were more then friends. Jack says it's ok.

    Hope comes in and extends her best wishes to Abby. She asks Abby if she would like to see her grandmother and ushers Laura to come in. Jack turns and sees Laura enter and ask Jack if it would be ok to see her granddaughter. Jack is silent and she loses it and begs Jack to give her another chance and to forgive her as Abby wonders what is going on. Abby asks her father to let Laura stay.

    -Frankie tells Max he is going to check on mom but orders him to tell Abby how he feels when and if she wakes up. Max sits down and decides Frankie is right. He needs to tell Abby how he feels. He just hopes he gets the chance. Cassie listens nearby and goes into panic. She vows to make sure Max and Abby don't get together.

    -Kate is on her way to get some coffee when she sees Belle and Philip arguing. She stands aside and sees Philip grab Belle by the arm and warn her to keep her mouth shut about their agreement and what happened in San Francisco. Nobody must know anything and she needs to do a better job of covering it up. Belle tells him to let go and that he is hurting her. They walk off as Kate is stunned by this and wonders what the hell is going on. She vows to find out as the screen fades out.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Bo: Why do I keep having these memories? What do they mean?
    Eric to Nicole: So...you finally lost hope, huh?
    Abby to Jack and Billie: Forgive her. Please forgive my grandmother.
    Greta to Chelsea: You need to tell Hope the truth.
    Sami to Shane: I am doing this and you won't stop me.
  25. PhoenixRising05
    -Fr. Jansen arrives and the final preparations for the wedding are made. Nicole tells Caroline that a nurse is going to film the wedding so Roman doesn't miss it. Caroline still would like to know how Roman ended up on the mission instead of Victor. Sami comes down and explains. Caroline is worried about the growing feud between Roman and Victor.

    -Sami and Belle share a heartfelt reunion. Bo and Hope show up and they embrace Belle too. Hope asks her about San Francisco and what she did with Claire there but Belle tries to duck the question by saying everything was fine and she is happy to be home and trying to make her marriage work. Sami picks up on Belle seeming tentative and she asks Belle if things are going well for her and Philip thus far. Belle says everything is fine and it's all going to work. She walks off as Sami and Hope wonder if there is more to this then Belle is saying...

    -Bo reunites with Philip and says he is looking good. Philip says it's hard to adjust to a new face and having lost as much weight as he did. He is just a completely different person when he looks in the mirror. Bo says he will be ok and tells Philip about Shawn. He says he heard and that he hopes Shawn ends up better then he did. Bo leaves as Philip's polite face turns to a evil grin and he laughs, while saying he really hopes Shawn gets blown to smithereens!!!

    -Nicole is done filling in Fr. Jansen about the wedding. Eric reaches out to Bo and asks him to be his best man. It's what his father would want and it's the least he can do as he is off trying to save him. Nicole realizes she needs a maid of honor and she walks over to Greta. She tells her she isn't sure they will ever be friends. She understands why Greta kept the truth and isn't mad. After all she has done of late to help Eric, Nicole owes her and she feels Greta should be her maid of honor since it is because of her that Eric has made it this far.

    Greta is touched and says she hopes her and Nicole can put all the tension between them in the past. Nicole hugs her and thanks her again.

    -Frankie, Max, Laura, Bill, Doug, Julie, Jack, Billie, Will, Steve, and Kayla all arrive and gather with Hope, Kate, Lucas, Austin, Sami, Caroline. Greta, Bo, and Fr. Jansen as the wedding begins.

    -Meanwhile, at Chez Rouge, Maggie and Victor enjoy a private dinner and talk about recent happenings. She asks if there is word on Stefano and he says nothing concrete. She says that he needs to pay for what he has done. Victor agrees. He asks when the restaurant will be re-opening. She answers in the new year but she felt like decorating it for the holidays anyway.

    Victor and Maggie get up after dinner and thank each other for being there for one another and for not judging each other.

    Victor: I went through a rough year and, even with me involved in this war with Stefano, you never stopped being supportive. You saved my life and put your own on the line. You never judged me and criticized. You were just there...a true friend. These past months with you since the island have been a joy. It's the joy of having a loyal friend, someone I know I can count on.

    Maggie: I feel the same way. We were thrown together during that island fiasco and you have been there ever since. Through Mickey's death, my falling off the wagon, saving my life...I don't know where I would be. I would not have had the strength to go on after losing Mickey. You were my rock and it was you that helped bring me out of my relapse and, during that whole ordeal, you never once judged me either. You had faith I would find myself but also were there for support. You showed true loyalty as a friend and the fact that you beleived in me as a person...I am eternally grateful to have you in my life. It is my belief that you were brought into my life to help me through the past 6 months and I thank God every day for that.

    Victor grabs Maggie's hand.

    Victor: Thank you, Maggie. Thank you for being you.
    Maggie: No, Victor. Thank you for being you.

    As a romantic Christmas song plays, Maggie asks Victor to dance to help keep their mind off everything. He agrees and thanks her for all this. He feels like the rest of the world is miles away. The dance and drift under the mistletoe. The look into each other's eyes and slowly lean in and kiss.

    The song then ends and they stop. Both remain silent until they see the mistletoe. Victor says he was just caught up in the moment and the tradition. Maggie says the same thing and that she got swept away in the music. Victor thinks it's time to end the evening and Maggie says that she will have everything cleaned up. Victor bids her farewell and kisses her on the cheek. He leaves, clearly flustered by what happened. Maggie is flustered too and knows it was more then a kiss to go along with tradition.

    -Fr. Jansen begins the wedding. We see some Eric and Nicole flashbacks as Fr. Jansen talks about love and the obstacles some must overcome to be together. He blesses the rings and the traditional "I do's" and giving and recieving of rings takes place. Eric then stops Fr. Jansen and says he wants to say something.

    Eric: When I returned to Salem after years of being away, I was lost...until I first saw you at the Java Cafe. Your face and smile...so innocent. Of course, we know now your not so innocent. Deep down...you always had that desire and need to be loved and you are still that woman I saw that very day. I know now there is definitely more to you but that makes it more exciting. Life with you is exciting and I hope I get the chance to discover a new part of you each and every day we are together. I love you and I am so happy that I brought you back to Salem when I returned. Being together feels right...it always has and I think it always will.

    Nicole wishes to say a few words:

    Nicole: I don't know how you just said all that being so weak but I am going to try to follow that. No man has ever treated me like you have. I have either hurt them or they have hurt me. You knew the truth about my past and still stuck by me. Years later, we came full circle and were reunited here in Salem...where it all started for us. I have lost my way over the years recently but I think I found it again when you asked me to meet you here in Salem back in May. I am thankful for that and for every day I have spent and will get to spend with you. I will cherish every moment with you and will never feel the way I do about you with any other man. You have always been the one and there were times when I forgot that or didn't realize it but now I do. We were meant to be and that is why we came together again. I never beleived in happily ever after growing up the way I did and having the life I have led but our love makes me believe in it and...(crying) even if I lose you now...it is because of you that I will still beleive in happily ever after and dreams coming true because my dream has come true. Today...on this day. I'm your wife and that is all I want in this world. The money and power...overrated. None of it compares to how I feel when I am with you. I love you Eric Brady and I will go to my grave loving you. Always...

    Fr. Jansen then pronounces them husband and wife as they are already kissing. Everyone applauds as Shane and Abe race in. They have news about Roman. Everyone goes silent. Shane says they have learned that Roman's helicopter went down in the snowstorm shortly after he picked up the drug at the clinic. They have lost communication and have no word of surivivors. Everyone in the room is stunned and the Brady's are devastated. Eric looks at Nicole and whispers:

    Eric: It's because of me. He is dead because he was trying to save me.

    Nicole embraces him as the screen fades out on his pale and horrified face.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Philip to Belle: No one must know what happened in San Francisco.
    Kate (watching Belle and Philip): What the hell?
    Sami to Lucas: He can't be gone. Not when we finally found each other.
    Frankie to Max: Tell her. Tell Abby how you feel.
    Cassie: I can't let this happen.
    Abby to Jack: Daddy...I need to apologize.
    Laura to Jack: Can I see my granddaughter?
    Nicole: Fr. Jansen, I need you to give Eric last rites.

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