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Blog Entries posted by PhoenixRising05

  1. PhoenixRising05
    Salem, Illinois

    -Frankie, Cassie, and Kate arrive at Chex Rouge. Everyone is stunned that Kate is there and Laura tells her to get out. Cassie admits to everyone she invited Kate and apologizes. She was hoping they could keep a low profile. Kate is still like a mother to her and her sons and grandson are guests so she figured she would bring her. Kate says she knew it would be a mistake but Bill says it's ok-she can stay. Alice agrees and says it's a holiday and the past should be left behind them today. They need each other right now with all that is going on and with all that might be coming their way, according to Celeste's premonitions. Kate thanks them for their hospitatlity and goes over with Cassie to Austin, Lucas, and Will. Caroline asks Frankie where Max is and he explains that he went to take care of something.

    -Max is still watching the happenings on the bridge and can't beleive that all this is going on in broad daylight. The drinking, smoking, drugs, heavy partying-he can;t understand why no one has reported this. He always heard about things like this going on at Salem Bridge but not like this. He then sees the partygoers dancing and sees Abby and Chelsea dancing with Seth and Paul in a very provocative way. Max says enough is enough and decides to take action. Meanwhile, Chelsea is having a good time and is clearly beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol she has consumed. Abby seems uncomfortable and hasn't drank at all. Seth asks her if she is ok. Abby nods. Seth asks why she isn't having any fun. He reminds her it's a party and she needs to let loose. Abby says she is fine for now. They continue to dance and he puts his hand under Abby's blouse. She jumps back in shock just as Max arrives and orders Abby and Chelsea to leave with him right now.

    -Sami informs Caroline that she still is unable to get a hold if Eric or Nicole. Julie says that Greta seems to MIA too. They hope everything is ok. Celeste then begins to moan and closes her eyes. She then warns that tragedy will not just occur in Sydney-Salem will see a great deal of it tonight as well. Everyone looks on stunned.

    -Nicole is walking the pier, frustrated with herself for not going to Eric's earlier this morning. She can't bring herself to do it because she is afraid of what she will find and afraid that her suspicions may be correct. She finally decides she needs to know once and for all and heads for his suite. Meanwhile, Greta is still by Eric's side as he is worsening. She feels helpless and wants to get him help but he won't let her. Eric does tell her there is something she can do for him. He knows that Nicole is going to come over to the suite at some point because she is suspicious so he needs her help with something. Greta asks what it is. Eric says he needs her to help him make sure Nicole leaves Salem for Highstyle in LA ASAP. Greta wonders what he wants her to do.

    Sydney, Australia

    -In Sydney, Maggie is begging an unconscious Victor to wake up. She hears Dimera men coming and tells Victor they need to get out of there now. Victor comes to and asks what she is doing there. She says there is no time to explain and she helps him up. They then make a run for it as Dimera henchmen realize they are nearby and are in hot pursuit. Victor and Maggie manage to hide in an airshaft until the men pass and then return to the tunnels. Maggie explains why she is in Sydney and Victor rolls his eyes and lectures her about putting her life in danger. He reminds her she promised not to interfere. Maggie says she came to help and won't stand in the way. She just wants to make sure Stefano and the Dimera's pay for what they have done to everyone, including her. They are then snuck up on from behind by Dimera guards and dragged off as Stefano watches with glee smoking a cigar.

    -Bo lets go of Hope and asks her why she is in Sydney. Hope explains everything to him and says she came to save him. Bo says that he shouldn't be surprised. Hope smiles and then gets serious telling Bo this has to end. They can take on the Dimera's together but this mob war needs to end. It's not him. She knows something is going on and tells Bo that it's time to put an end to this right now before he and others get killed. Bo says he is doing this for the people he loves. The pain and suffering has to end. Hope says they can end it the right way-together on the right side of the law. Bo is about to answer when they are ambushed by Dimera men. They try to fight them off but end up overpowered and dragged off. Stefano is watching this and smiling, pleased that his plans for revenge are unfolding.

    -Abe is stunned to see Lexie there. She tells him it's Alexandra now. That is her real name and the name that personifies her heritage and legacy as a Dimera. Abe asks how she can do this to him. She lashes out at him and says he betrayed her and that everyone she cared about betrayed her. Her friends, family-everyone. They all supported him and watched as her son was ripped away from her and they didn't even care. Abe reminds Lexie he wanted to negotiate with her but she forced the issue for full custody. She screwed things up. Lexie says she is glad their relationship is over. She can't even stand to look at him. Abe looks into Lexie's eyes and says he still sees the Lexie he fell in love with deep down. He can tell that somewhere inside she hates what she is doing to him and to her loved ones. She hates how she cut her mother out of her life and turned to the Dimera's again. He knows the "old" Lexie is still there. He can see it in her eyes and he hasn't seen that in awhile but, perhaps, it's because he hasn't looked on awhile. Lexie looks at him and turns as one single tear slides down her cheek.

    -Jack and Billie are making their way through the airshaft. They talk about what happened between them back at home and Jack explains he talked to Alice and she gave him some great advice. He doesn't want to lose Billie in his life and apologizes for how he treated her. Billie accepts and apologizes too for any wrongdoing on her part. She says they can work it out at home. They move along.

    -Roman and Shane explore the tunnels and hope Abe is ok. Roman says they aren't leaving the compound without him. Shane concurs. They then hear muffled voices coming from a room. They lean close to the door and hear the voices a little louder. They pick the lock and enter the room. Stefano laughs while watching on the monitor and says it's like leading lambs to their slaughter.

    -Steve and Kayla are silent in their cell. Kayla asks if this is how it's going to be until they get rescued. He says he has no idea what to say to her. She says that is fine but wants that she is not going to give up on him or their future. She will follow him to the ends of the earth and do whatever it takes. She is not letting him give up or run away. Steve tries to argue but Kayla urges him to save his breath. He can't and won't resist. She says that it will all work out and he just needs to trust her and give it a realistic chance once they get out of here and home to Salem. Steve laughs sarcastically and says like that is going to happen.

    -At that moment, Kayla hears voices and and races over to the cell door with Steve. They are shocked to see Roman and Shane. Roman makes eye contact with them and is shocked that they are really here and they found them. Shane and Roman bust the locks on the door. Roman embraces his sister and then Steve and Shane does the same. Shane tells Steve how good it is to see him. Kayla fills them both in on what happened with Steve and that he has amnesia. Roman says they can talk later. They need to find Abe and leave now. The four of them turn around and find themselves being held at gunpoint bt Dimera henchmen. Roman tries to overpower them but there are too many and they drag all four of them off.

    -Back in Salem, everyone at Chex Rouge reacts to Celeste's premonition. Celeste warns that the events of tonight in both Sydney and Salem will be tragic and that it will lead to even more pain and suffering. Alice says that they will just have to pray that things will work out. Julie comes out and says that dinner is ready but Melissa and Don fill her in on what happened while she was in the kitchen. She says the dinner can wait and that they need to pray for their loved ones. Frankie and Cassie worry about where Max is and Kate tells Austin she is worried about Chelsea.

    -Seth and Paul tell Max to back off. The girls are just having a little fun. Max looks at Abby and says that it doesn't look like it to him. He grabs Abby and says they are leaving. Abby smiles at seeing how concerned Max is about her. Max grabs Chelsea as well but she resists. Abby grabs hold of Chelsea and says she is coming with them. They don't belong here. Chelsea says she wants to party and no one is stopping her. Max lifts her above his shoulders and says she is coming with them whether she likes it or not. Abby apologizes to Seth and Paul and says it just isn't her thing to be at these kinds of things. Chelsea vows to be back soon. Abby walks off with Max, who is carrying Chelsea.

    -Paul asks Seth what they should do now. Seth says they have plenty of other people here to party with and says he thinks Chelsea will be back and, when she is, they will have to make sure she don't talk about what she saw tonight. Same goes for her friend, who he believes will follow her to protect her. Paul asks what they are going to do. Seth smiles and says "what they have to do."

    -Nicole arrives at Eric's suite and knocks but there is no answer. One of the maids walks by and recognizes her. Nicole asks to be let in. The maid knows she can trust her and unlocks the door. Nicole thanks her and slowly opens the door. Her face turns to shock as she sees Eric and Greta in each other's arms in bed with clothes on the floor. Nicole believes that her suspicions have been confirmed and quietly closes the door and breaks down in the hallway.

    -In Sydney, Abe tells Lexie she can stop this. Lexie remains silent and wipes the tears from her eyes. Stefano is witnessing this on the monitors and says that, in due time, Alexandra will forget about Abe and her "friends" and will live up to her name as soon all their enemies will be destroyed. Abe and Lexie are then stunned when Bo, Hope, Victor, Maggie, Roman, Shane, Steve, and Kayla are all dragged in by Dimera men. Everyone is shocked to see each other. Stefano watches on the monitors and then picks up a microphone to announce something to his captives.

    Stefano: Hello, my worthy foes. The day of reckoning has arrived. Now nothing will stop the revenge on the Dimera's. Prepare to know our full wrath, dear enemies!!!

    Stefano laughs uncontrollably as everyone in the room, including Lexie, wonders what will happen next.

    -Jack and Billie are moving along the airshaft. They see two Dimera men below them and hear them talking about "snuffing too more intruders out." Billie wonders what they mean. They continue to move along after the men are gone and Jack says he hears something. Billie sniffs and realizes gas is being released into the vents. They both begin to cough and frantically race to find a way out as the screen freezes on them and fades to black.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Eric to Greta: I think we did it.
    Greta to Eric: I think we made a mistake.
    Nicole: It's time to leave Salem...for good!!
    Chelsea to Abby: I am going back to the bridge.
    Abby to Chelsea: Your not serious...
    Billie to Jack: We're dying. We have to get out!!!
    Abe to Lexie: You can stop this Lexie. Please!
    Roman: We are not going down without a fight. It ends here Dimera!!
  2. PhoenixRising05

    November 17, 2006

    Get ready Salem Lives fans!!! “A November Like No Other” comes to a dramatic close in the next 9 episodes and lives will be changed forever. “At the risk of telling you too much, it is absolutely incredible,” enthuses EP/HW Tim Lowery. "My Co-HW and I have built up to this event all Fall. It really is what the Fall has built up too and it will change the lives of nearly every character on the canvas. It also leads to a HUGE month of major story climaxes and twists that we like to call A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER . From now until the end of the year, we are going to be can’t miss so don’t miss a day.”
    Salem Lives has even cut down spoilers in the Insider and is being very careful about protecting the details of it’s too huge cliffhanger shows next week and it’s huge December. “Wednesday November 22 and Friday November 24 are really the biggest episodes of Salem Lives yet,” says Lowery. "Those episodes are heart pounding, emotional, shocking, and just gripping. Both episodes feature shocking endings focusing on two of our supercouples. It is unbelievable. Every episode is big now but those two are just out of this world and the next 4-5 weeks that follow...wow.” Fans should also note that the Sydney story may be at the center of the action next week but that Salem will play a huge role as well. “There are some major cliffhangers in Salem next week too although the biggest ones are in Sydney,” previews Lowery. “They are all big but Sydney is the hyped event. Nevertheless, Salem will see LOTS of action as well.” While Lowery and Salem Lives would not release any specific details about next week (especially the November 22 and 24 episodes) or the big December on tap, several vague spoilers were released to wet the fans appetites for the final weeks of November leading up to December:

    Week of November 20, 2006

    Several beloved Salemites face flying bullets and tragedy in Sydney, Australia while two foes engage in a tense standoff. Who will survive when the dust settles? Meanwhile, in Salem, residents gather for Thanksgiving while worrying about their loves ones in Sydney. However, tragedy and danger loom large there as well. A dying man makes a heartbreaking sacrifice and later finds his secret uncovered. Meanwhile, one resident prepares to bid adieu but will they? Plus, two reckless residents make a choice that will change their lives forever and it’s a race against time to prevent tragedy. (REMINDER: SALEM LIVES DOES NOT AIR ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 23 DUE TO THE HOLIDAY BUT WILL RESUME FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24)

    Week of November 27, 2006

    The traveling Salemites return from Sydney with grim news as lives hang in the balance. One character sees their life flash before their eyes and a suppressed memory begins to make itself known while another character fights for life as well and walks toward the light. Meanwhile, a rescue attempt begins in the wake of tragedy and a family rallies around a loved one as time begins to run out. However, a shocking discovery may present one last hope but is it too late?

    Be on the look out for another press release in the weeks ahead promoting "A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER."

    ***Be sure to read Thursday's episode below this so you don't miss a thing***
  3. PhoenixRising05
    Salem, Illinois

    -Max arrives at the Deveraux house and is seeking out his brother, Frankie, for his help. Frankie reminds Max they are running late for Thanksgiving at Chez Rouge already and they need to leave once Cassie shows up. Max understands but wants to know what can be done about Chelsea and Abby and fills him in on what is going on with them and the two guys they met. Max says that he doesn’t have a clue how to handle them and then asks if they are at home. Frankie says yes, thank God. Max hopes they don’t go out with those two guys they met last night. Just then, both girls come downstairs dressed very provocatively. Max wants to know where they are going like that and then is reminded he already knows. Chelsea says for him to mind his business. She owes no one any explanation. Abby just looks on in silence. Meanwhile, Frankie goes into the kitchen and calls Kate so she can talk some sense into her granddaughter.

    -Frankie tells both girls that he will not just let their behavior right now slide. Today is Thanksgiving and they need to be around the family that is here right now since most of them are off in Sydney. Abby wonders when her father will return home. Frankie looks at Max and tells Abby that it won’t be too much longer. She wonders why he split so soon after her mother died. He tells her that his brother, Steve, may in fact be alive. The real reason why they all left is because Jack, Roman & Co. have went to Australia to find Steve and Kayla, who has disappeared, and bring them home. Abby asks who is responsible for Steve’s disappearance? Frankie tells her that one of the people being sought is Stefano DiMera.

    -Abby comments on how deadly that man is, saying that she already lost her mother, and now her father is in danger. She says she can’t handle it and runs out of the house. Chelsea says she’ll look after her since she understands how it feels to feel alone and abadoned. Frankie says that both girls aren't alone and that they have family and friends that care. Chelsea ignores him and leaves also. Frankie and Max rush to the door and Max yells out the door for them to not go to Salem Bridge. Max pats his brother on the back saying that he will follow behind them and keep watch. The last thing Jack needs is for Abby to get herself into some trouble. That bridge is known to be a party spot and alot of heavy partying and drug pushing is done there so it's not a good place for two vulnerable girls acting out. Frankie thanks him and Max leaves.

    -After Max catches up with Abby, he tells her to not do anything rash. She says she feels so alone with her father going after Stefano and her mother being dead. Max tells her he has faith in her but what he doesn’t know is that she is doing all of this for his attention. She jerks away from him, tells him to leave her alone, jumps into a car with Chelsea, and speeds off into the night to meet the guys at the bridge.

    -At that moment, Kate & Cassie walk up, wondering where Chelsea and Abby are going. Max tells them he doesn’t have one clue, even though he does and doesn't want to worry Kate or get Cassie involved. Kate is stunned, wondering what type of parent lets their daughter run wild at night in the streets. Frankie says that’s amazing, taking parenting lessons from an ex-hooker. She doesn’t respond, taking his words to heart. Max tells everyone he’ll catch up later. He needs to take care of a few things. Cassie asks him about Thanksgiving as they are supposed to be at Chez Rouge for dinner. Max says he will meet them there. Frankie wishes him well and while Max takes off after the girls. Frankie and Cassie begin to go on their way to Chez Rouge. Cassie asks Kate to join them, reminding Kate she still kind of thinks of her as a mother. Kate doesn't think it is a good idea since Laura will be there and Frankie agrees. Cassie tells Kate they will keep a low profile and that Austin, Lucas, and Will are there so she has family there. Kate reluctantly agrees to go for awhile as Frankie rolls his eyes and worries about Laura and Kate losing it on each other. Meanwhile, Max spies on the group, who have made it to Salem Bridge. There is a group of college students drinking and smoking. Abby and Chelsea are stunned to see drugs being bough, pushed, and used. Seth and Paul promise both girls a night they won't forget. Chelsea is excited as Abby seems worried about what she has gotten herself into. Max looks on nearby and is hoping that they won’t do something that will ruin their lives forever.

    Sydney, Australia

    In Sydney, deep in the outback, Victor and Bo go through the secret passageway into the underground catacombs of Stefano’s lair. Bo seems bothered by all the violence and shooting. Victor asks Bo if he has any doubts about doing what is necessary to acheive their goal. Bo denies that and says he is just shocked about the intensity of what is happening. He just didn't expect there to be so many men and it to be so bloody. Victor shrugs and says whatever they have to do. Bo wonders if this is just another trap set up for them. Victor says of course it is. For all he knows, Stefano probably has the place wired for camera and sound. This statement makes Stefano cringe. Victor then tells Bo that he wants Stefano to hear every single word he’s saying and for him to see every movement. That way, when he kills him, it won’t come as a shock. At that moment, men spring out from everywhere, and a battle ensues. Bo tells Victor to make a run for it and that he and the other men will take care of this. Victor agrees and wishes him luck. Bo and Victor's men handle the group of Dimera henchmen and then rush off to catch up with Victor.

    -Jack, Billie, Hope & Maggie come upon the compound, hearing gunshots in the distance. When all four of them decide to start forward to investigate, they are surrounded by more of Stefano’s men. Maggie bolts through the woods and trips on a trap door, falling through it. When she lands she feels something break her fall and is shocked when she finds out that that something is Victor. While she is trying to awaken him, Jack & Billie have slipped away and stumble upon a DiMera operative. They see the man enter a cave and follow shortly behind him. After entering the lower levels of the compound, Jack tells Billie that he will find Steve and bring him home and that DiMera is a dead man for what he’s done. Billie tells him that she has his back and at that moment they hear footsteps. They leap into an airshaft while they listen to guards radio in that there are multiple intruders in the catacombs. Jack and Billie realize they need to move along the airshaft to remain undetected so they begin to make their way through the shaft.

    -Shane & Abe enter in the same trap door that Kayla had gone through some time ago. Roman remarks about how he is so sick of Stefano finding compounds with five thousand different tunnels. He wishes that he would just have arrows pointing to where he was. The other men chuckle silently. Roman then remarks about how he remembers this place. Abe asks how. Roman tells him this is where he recuperated after his fall off the cliff. He finally reveals that he was paralyzed for several months after that incident. Both men are shocked. Before Abe or Shane can comment, henchmen come out from nowhere. Another battle ensues. Abe volunteers to fight the men off while Roman and Shane make their escape. They reluctantly agree and, when they run off, Abe is overpowered and captured by DiMera men.

    -While watching all of this take place, Alexandra cannot believe that the people she once called family or friends are now out to destroy her and her father. Stefano says believe it. They will stop at nothing to see him behind bars. She says for Roman and Jack it may be more personal than that, especially for Jack. She reminds him that he was responsible for his brother’s “death” and indirectly responsible for Jennifer's, among other things. Stefano tells her that believe it or not he had nothing to do with Steve's death but he knows who did. He "acquired" Steve from someone else but before he can tell her who was responsible she noticed something on the monitor and says she needs to handle something. She has a guesywaiting and she will return shortly. Stefano tells her to handle her business and looks at the monitor and snickers. He says will keep himself occupied with watching his plans for revenge unfold until she returns.

    -Abe is brought down a dark hallway and when the overhead light is finally turned on, his eyes are blinded. When they focus, he now sees that he has been taken prisoner and sees his EX-WIFE ALEXANDRA standing in front of him!!!

    -As Bo is desperately trying to radio into Victor, with no luck, he decides to follow one of DiMera’s operatives into one of the secret doors. After he does, he silently walks down a darkened hallway. He hears footsteps behind him and turns to face whoever is following him. He runs up on the person and they struggle. When the person breaks free, they turn on a flashlight. Bo brandishes his gun and demands to know who it is before he blows them away. The person turns the flashlight on their face to reveal..............

    HOPE!! Bo drops his gun, sighs in relief and Hope runs into his loving arms, as the screen freeze-frames and slowly fades to black.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives..................

    Laura to Kate: Get the hell out of here.
    Sami to Caroline: Where could Eric be?
    Eric to Greta: There is something I need you to do.
    Nicole (as she opens the doors to Eric's suite): Oh my...I knew it...
    Max to Abby and Chelsea: Your leaving with me...NOW!!!
    Maggie to Victor: Wake up Victor. Please...we need to get out of here!!
    Roman to Shane: Oh my God...their really here...
    Bo to Hope: Why are you here?
    Hope to Bo: To save you.
    Abe to Lexie: How can you do this to me?
    Jack to Billie: Do you hear something?
    Kayla to Steve: If you think I am going to let this go, you have another thing coming.

  4. PhoenixRising05
    Salem, Illinois

    -It's a new day in Salem and the Horton's and Brady's are gathering together at Chez Rouge to prepare for a Thanksgiving feast. Alice is sitting down while Melissa, Sarah, Don, Bill, Laura, Julie, Doug, and Caroline prepare for their guests. Caroline mentions that she invited Celeste and Theo since they have no family around and she figured it would be best for everyone to be together since they are all worried about the loved ones in Sydney. Alice says she is very happy Melissa, Sarah, Don, and Bill could stay for the holiday. They all agree the feeling is mutual and, even though they are away from the everyday lives, it is good to be with family. It's been awhile since they shared a holiday together. Alice hopes they will all stay for Christmas too but Melissa mentions that may be too much but we'll see. Caroline is thankful Maggie opened her restuarant for the dinner but wonders where she is. Julie says she has tried calling and nothing. She opts to go to Maggie's and make sure everything is ok while everyone prepares for the guests.

    -Celeste is reading her tarot cards and fears the danger surrounding those in Sydney. Theo cries out for her and Celeste goes to tend to him. She realizes what time it is and realizes she needs to get a move on to get to Chez Rouge. She contemplates whether she should tell anyone about her premonitions.

    Sydney, Australia

    -Jack and Billie arrive in Sydney and head for a tourist center to find out where Dimera may be hiding Steve and Kayla and where the others might be. Hope and Maggie arrive at the very same place with the same idea in mind. Hope reminds Maggie to keep a low profile so they aren't noticed. Hope sees that Roman, Abe, and Shane are nearby and examining some maps and books. She tells Maggie to hide with her but they end up bumping right into Jack and Billie.

    -Bo and Victor are in wooded area of the Australian outback. Victor has a group of men backing him up and they are monitoring the security surrounding Stefano's compound, which is underground but appears to have a above ground entrance inside a rundown shack that is being heavily guarded. Bo asks what they are waiting for-it's time to take these guys out and get inside. Victor preaches patience and they need to wait for the right moment to carry out what they need to.

    -Stefano is monitoring the happenings in Sydney and has cameras placed all around Sydney. He sees that Hope, Maggie, Billie, Jack, Roman, Shane, and Abe have arrived and Bo and Victor are right outside the compound. Lexie asks what the plan is. Stefano laughs and, with a devilish grin, says the plan is to let them all in and be a part of their complete destruction. Stefano laughs as Lexie smiles coldly but then begins to frown when she sees Abe on one of the monitors. She tries to hide her inner conflict from Stefano.

    -Julie arrives at Maggie's and gets no response when she knocks at the door or rings the bell. She uses the spare key under the mat to enter. She searches the whole house and finds nothing until she finds a note on Maggie's kitchen table explaining her whereabouts. Julie is stunned and races out of the house.

    -Sami, Austin, Lucas, and Will arrive atr Chez Rouge and are thankful for the invite. Caroline and Alice say they are family and everyone needs to be together. Plus, with the Alan situation and Carrie gone on top of everything else, they could use a good time. Lucas and Will greet Alice and the Horton's while Sami apologizes to Caroline again for what she did to Carrie. Caroline says it's in the past and it's clear she changed. Sami asks if Eric has been called. Caroline says that Eric hasn't answered all day and she is actually worried. Sami asks if she called Nicole. Caroline says no answer either and Alice adds that Greta is unreachable too. Sami wonders what is going on.

    -Laura asks Alice when Frankie, Max, Cassie, Abby, and Chelsea are arriving. Alice says that Frankie said they would be a bit late. Sami is stunned Cassie was invited but Caroline insists Cassie is still a Brady in her eyes. Austin tells everyone not to expect his mother. Laura says she doesn't since Kate would not dare show her face with her there. Julie then races in and Doug tries to calm her. Julie blurts out that Maggie is gone and that she went to Sydney with Hope to get revenge on Stefano and help out. Everyone is stunned. Celeste then walks in with Theo, puts him down, and screams "Dear God, NO!!!"

    -Jack and Billie are stunned to see Hope and Maggie. All four catch up on why they are there. Hope proposes they work together since they have similar goals. Jack is reluctant but Billie thinks it's a good idea as her and Hope have police training and are experienced. Hope stresses that they need to stay clear of Roman and the others or they will cause problems and things could go awry. Meanwhile, Roman tells Shane and Abe it looks like they found what they are looking for and points to an old, faded map. Shane thinks Roman is right and says they need to move now. The three of them leave. Hope and the others overheard the conversation and ask the clerk to see those very same maps and asks if they can take them. Hope hands the clerk some cash and the clerk agrees since the maps are old anyway. Hope, Maggie, Jack, and Billie race off-right on Roman, Shane, and Abe's trail.

    -Victor and Bo are still watching the perimeter around the compound entrance. Bo is getting impatient. Victor uses a radio and hears one of his men say they are in position. Victor tells Bo it's time and instructs him to move in. Victor and Bo let Victor's men go out in front of them and gunshots ring out as Dimera security and Victor's men go at it, with Victor and Bo among the men and headed for the entrance in the shack. Bo asks Victor if all the shooting and killing is necessary. Victor says they will do what they must to achieve their goal, no matter how far they have to go. Stefano and Lexie are watching this scene and Lexie is appalled at all the shooting and violence. Stefano tells her this is only the beginning. They watch all the other cameras which include Steve and Kayla fighting and Roman, Shane, Abe, Hope, Maggie, Billie, and Jack closing in on them. Stefano says they are all marching to their own destruction and the time has come for them to pay for their crimes against the Dimera's. Stefano looks on in awe as Lexie looks on, both mesmerized and shocked about what she is seeing.

    -Back in Salem, everyone asks Celeste what is wrong. Celeste then has a vision of gunshots and Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Victor, Maggie, Jack, and Billie taking cover as Stefano and Lexie laugh uncontrollably. There is then a massive array of gunshots and Celeste then sees blood all over. She screams out, "They're doomed...those in Sydney...death...death and suffering. They're all doomed!!!" Everyone looks on worried and stunned.

    The screen then fades out on Celeste's face frozen in fear with the images of those in Sydney around her.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Max to Frankie: I need your help. You need to help me stop Abby and Chelsea.
    Max to Abby: I know I can get to you more then I can Chelsea. Please...don't do this.
    Hope to Maggie: No!!! Maggie!!!
    Jack to Billie: I will do whatever it takes to find my brother.
    Victor to Bo: You need to do what is necessary. Your not having doubts are you?
    Roman to Shane and Abe: Dimera is watching...we need to be careful.
    Stefano: Be as careful as you want Roman. It won't stop me from getting what I want

  5. PhoenixRising05
    Salem, Illinois

    -Cal is somewhat happy about the fact that he’s had a breakthrough. Katherine tells him just that, and then suggests that he go under once again. He concurs, and, after spending twenty more minutes under hypnosis, comes out of it. Katherine tells Cal that there wasn’t anything else that came about but for him not to be discouraged. It was a fine job for the first day. He says thanks, and also says that it’s nice to finally be getting along. She says stop right there. She still doesn’t think much of him as a person. Cal tells how much of a silly-ass woman she really is. Dr. Harcourt is offended, and tells him that their session is over. He says thanks for being a great sport and leaves, wondering why she is so cold towards him and how she ever became a doctor with such a lousy attitude.

    -Meanwhile, at the park, Austin & Lucas search frantically for Sami. Lucas comments on her whereabouts. Austin says he doesn’t have a clue but hopes that she isn’t doing something she’ll regret. His face fades into hers, as Sami stands in front of Alan, demanding to know why he’s in Salem. All he says is that he wants to prove himself a changed man and make amends for his past actions. She doesn’t buy it and tells him that he had better not have done anything to her sister during his time with her.

    -Alan tells her she’s wrong. Sami says that she knew something was up after all that tragedy on the island. He turns to walk away, saying that if she’s not going to listen, then what’s the point. She stops him and gives him a chance to explain. He says that he took her and nursed her back to good health after he found her. He then says that Sami and her family should be grateful. Sami tells him to stop looking for sympathy. She feels he has a hidden agenda. He says fine. Think what you want. She pauses and says that she will not plot against him or seek revenge. But, if he’s lying, or if Carrie turns up hurt or dead, she will do things to him that will make the devil cry. With that, Alan leaves silently.

    -Sami turns to leave herself and runs smack dab into both Austin & Lucas who overheard the end of her talk with Alan. Lucas tells her how proud he is of her. She handled that like a lady and, for once, defended her family. Austin concurs, saying that her mother would be very proud. She tears up and then turns her back on both men. She tells them that it would be better if she kept an eye on Alan. Lucas says the more eyes the better and that he & Austin will join in. Sami turns back to them and says great. She will make sure that Alan does not hurt her anyone, especially her loved ones, anymore.

    -Nicole ask Eric if he’s joking. He says since when does dumping someone sound like a damn joke? She asks again if she can meet him somewhere and Eric snaps at her, saying that there is nothing else to say. Her career is apparently more important than he is and, if that’s the case, so be it. Nicole is not stupid, and picks up on his apprehension. He tells her to just leave him alone. Greta is getting more and more angry, telling him to stop the damn foolishness and just come clean. Nicole hears another voice there and asks him who is there. He says no one. She says he’s lying because she heard him tell someone to be quiet and that was a woman’s voice. He tells her goodbye for good and wishes her a happy life in LA. Eric then hangs up on her. He then turns his attention to Greta.

    -Eric tries to raise up off his bed and yells at Greta to never do that again. He then gets a violent pain in his head. Greta says she’s sorry and then sits on his bed, comforting him. Meanwhile, back at the park, Nicole knows beyond a doubt that something must be up and wonders if Eric’s secret is connected to his erratic behavior. She also wonders if her suspicions were correct and his secret is he is cheating on her with Greta or another woman. Perhaps Greta knows he is cheating on her or maybe he is playing her to ger revenge on her for hurting him in the past? She is determined to find out for sure, thinking to herself that the Salem Inn locks up for the night at 11pm so she can't see him tonight . She decides that she is going to his suite the next morning to end this craziness once and for all.

    The screen freeze-frames once again on her face, as the screen slowly fades to black.

    Next Time, On A Action-Packed Salem Lives..................

    Julie: Oh my God...Maggie's gone!!
    Celeste: Dear God...gunshots...blood!!! Death...they're all doomed!!
    Hope and Maggie to Jack and Billie: What do you think about teaming up?
    Roman to Shane and Abe: I think we found what we are looking for...
    Victor to Bo: Time to move in...we're coming Dimera!!!
    Stefano to Lexie: HAHA...here they come, darling!! Marching to their destruction...

  6. PhoenixRising05

    Salem, Illinois.

    -After Jack and Billie have left for the airport, Abby & Chelsea come downstairs. When they ask him where Jack & Billie went, Frankie covers and says they’ll be out of town on business, and that he’s in charge. Abby is upset her father went with Billie but then realizes they will be out of the way so she can continue her plan to draw Max closer to her. Chelsea is happy because that means Billie is out of her business. Frankie warns both girls that he is watching them and so is their families and if they try anything or do anything stupid, Jack and Billie will be told and both girls will face the consequences whether they are almost adults or not. They just ignore Frankie and Abby responds "Whatever" and follows Chelsea back upstairs as Frankie rolls his eyes.

    -Meanwhile, at the DiMera Mansion, Max had stopped by per Cassie requests. She wants to show him how being a DiMera has many advantages. She orders servants around, calls some of the heads of Stefano’s businesses, and orders thousands of dollars of merchandise on his credit cards. After Max comments about how much of a spoiled brat she really is, he gets up to leave. She stops him, saying one of the other perks is making love with the head of the DiMera family household. Max says he never found Stefano sexually attractive. He storms past her, leaving Cassie angry that she was not successful in her efforts to seduce him.

    -Back at the Deveraux home, Abby & Chelsea have gotten ready for a night of partying. Ignoring Frankie’s stern warning, both girls sneak out the back door and run down the street. After hitchhiking to Salem University, the end up at the medical school party that had been promoted on campus all week. While at the bar, both girls get drinks, and when they turn around, they run into two S.U. med students, Seth Raymond & Paul Drake. What neither girl realizes is that being rich kids, both Seth & Paul are drug users and drug dealers as well as reckless and irresponsible. The young men talk both girls into heading with them to Salem Bridge, a hot hangout spot ifor people their age in Salem. They agree. After leaving the party, the group runs into Max on his way back from the DiMera Mansion. After the girls introduce Max to the guys, Max says hello, and asks to speak to the girls alone.

    -After pulling the girls to the side, Max warns them that he is not getting good vibes from them. He also tells them both that he has heard of these guys from customers of his at his garage and that these guys are really bad news. He also hears that alot of drug trafficking and bad partying goes on at the salem Bridge. Chelsea tells Max that he had his chance and for him not to get all bent out of shape because she is showing interest in someone else. Max says that’s her damn problem. She too damn hardheaded. He says fine. If they want to get into more trouble with these guys, go right ahead. But, when it does go down, don’t look at him for sympathy. With that, Max walks away and says it's their choice. Abby says maybe he’s right, and they should just go back home. Chelsea says that she can if she wants, but it’s her night to shine. Chelsea leaves her and goes towards the young men. Against her better judgement, Abby follows along but sees Max close behind watching. Abby then tells both Seth and Paul that they should probably wait until tomarrow night to go to the bridge. Max is just going to follow them and is going to stop all the fun anyway. Chelsea reluctantly agrees and they promise both guys they will see them tomarrow night at the bridge. The guys agree to the arrangment and leave. Max says he overheard and reminds both girls tomarrow is Thanksgiving. Neither girl cares and says half the family is gone anyway and they aren't meeting the guys until late at night. Plus, no one is going to tell them what to do. Max warns them not to meet the guys tomarrow but Abby and Chelsea ignore him. He tries to get through to Abby knowing she is the weaker of the two but she won't listen. Max looks on frustrated while Abby walks away with Chelsea, smiling at the fact that she is getting under Max's skin.

    -Back at Salem University Hospital, Cal Winters has finally settled down in the waiting room. Having lost his identity as Roman Brady, he is eager to unlock the mysteries of his past. He turns on the television in the waiting area and sees that North & South is playing on the local station. It frustrates him because he now can’t even remember if he has seen it before he became Roman. At that moment, a very beautiful lady dressed in designer clothes walks in, and introduces herself as Katherine Harcourt. She tells Cal that she will be his doctor while he is staying at SUH.

    -At Sami’s apartment, Sami, Lucas & Austin are having dinner. Sami says that Lucas doesn't have to be there too since Austin is there but he insists saying he has nowhere else to go and he is waiting for Will to come home anyway. Sami comments on how the dealings with Stefano are going, and both men stay relatively silent, only saying that things are going according to plan. After telling them how cryptic they sound, Will walks through the door and says he figured Lucas was there. Sami asks why he is coming home after dark. He says he just has things on his mind, and decided to take a walk. Lucas asks how school was, and he just says “Fine.” Will then says he has homework, and goes to his room at Lucas's. Austin asks what’s eating him. Sami says maybe he’s still upset about not making the basketball team. Both Lucas & Austin say they can work with him after all this Stefano/Victor business is put to rest. Lucas says that they just need to stop pushing him. When he’s ready to talk, he will. When dinner is done, Lucas thanks Sami for a fine meal, for once. Sami smiles. He leaves to go back home. While Austin also leaves to take out the trash, Sami says that it’s time to confront Alan. When Austin returns, Sami is nowhere to be found. He gets very worried, wondering what she might do if she finds him. He calls Lucas and they get a neighbor to look in on Will here and there while they look for Sami.

    -Cal turns and says hi. Katherine walks towards him and comments on what he’s watching. She tells him that N&S is her favorite mini-series. He says he can’t even remember if he has seen it but that the character of Ashton is very beautiful. Katherine smiles broadly. She then says she hopes he doesn’t think men should act like that. He says he is a gentleman and that’s all that matters. She wonders if he’s offended. He says no, but not for her to lump him in with every single man that has broken her heart. She gets serious, and says her personal life is none of his business, and demands that they get down to business. Cal reminds her that he was supposed to have another doctor and had been waiting week for a specialist to begin work with him. Katherine tells him to shutup and lay down for a hypnosis session.

    -Katherine places Cal under hypnosis and, while under, he has flashes of memory of Vietnam. He gets agitated and starts stirring in his couch. When she asks him what else can he remember, he then has flashes of Kimberly Brady and Kayla Johnson. He calms down and Katherine slowly brings him out of hypnosis. When he awakes, and asks how he did, she says fine for a first meeting. She then tells him that he had some memories and that is a positive start. He smiles, hoping that he is finally on his way to getting his life back.

    -At the pier, Alan calls Carrie, updating her on the events in Salem. He then asks her if she has made any decisions on what she will do once the baby is born. She says that she hasn’t made any but she will figure something out. He says that Lucas and Austin are not going to be very happy with how she handled this and neither will her father. She tells him to let her worry about that. She then bids him good luck with Sami, and hopes he can mend fences. He says thanks and hangs up. When he turns to leave, Sami is standing right there, saying it’s about time they talked. Alan breaths heavily, hoping that this confrontation goes better than the last.

    -Eric is still in his suite and is in extreme pain and has been since his fight with Nicole. He refuses to go to the hospital or tell anyone else about his illness even though Greta begs him too. Greta tells him that she thought he wanted to spend his final days with all his loved ones, including Nicole, when his time came. He admits he did but he doesn't want pity and is more worried about Nicole's decision between LA and him. All he can say is that he prays the fight he and Nicole had was more than enough for her to leave him and Salem and go back to L.A. After Greta tells him that he loves Nicole, he says that’s why he’s doing what he’s doing. She can’t pine away for a dead man walking, and he won’t let her. His face fades out to.......

    -Nicole, who is out in the park thinking about what to choose: Highstyle or Eric. She then flashes back to the advice both Austin & Lucas gave her about following her heart. When her mind comes back to the present, she decides to do just that, and calls Eric. He is not picking up. Greta tells him that in order to keep his secret he better answer his phone. He does and is shocked when Nicole is on the other end. Nicole tells Eric they need to talk. Eric is silent and, while looking at Greta, tells Nicole they are through. Nicole is shocked and the camera freeze-frames on her face as the screen slowly fades to black.

    Next Time, On An Exciting Salem Lives.........

    Cal to Katherine: What is going on with you? Why are you so cold and defensive?
    Sami to Alan: I know something more is going on and I want to know what it is. What is your agenda here, Alan?
    Nicole to Eric: What are you hiding? Who else is there with you?
  7. PhoenixRising05

    Popular movie/TV actor Shane West and Ben Hogestyn, son of popular Days star Drake Hogestyn (Roman), are joining Salem Lives as Salem University students Seth Raymond and Paul Drake. West, who is currently playing Dr. Ray Barnett on NBC's veteran drama "ER," will step into the short-term role beginning on November 13. Same goes for Hogestyn, who had recently left GH for B&B only to find himself languishing in backburnerdom there as well. Hogestyn will debut with West on November 13. "We are thrilled to have both actors," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "We hope they bring in some more interest since Shane crosses primetime lines and Ben has been on two other shows. I know Drake is very happy to have Ben so this is great all around. Both characters will be involved in a powerful story we have going on with Abby (Ashley Benson) and Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) and I think both these actors fit the roles perfectly. We also had a little fun with the character's names by having Ben's character have his father's name be his last name and Shane's character has a last name that is the same as his "ER" character's first name. It's just great all around."

    In other news, Terri Garber's debut as Dr. Katherine Harcourt has been pushed back from Friday November 10 to Monday November 13. "We re-arranged some things so she got pushed back," reveals Lowery. "We want to give every story the time it deserves so this was for the best our plans. Fans will definitely see her and Cal (Josh Taylor) interact on Monday and beyond."
  8. PhoenixRising05

    Clip of Hope running into Bo's arms, Maggie falling into a shaft, Jack and Billie walking down the tunnels leading to Stefano's lair, and Roman walking into a room and saying:

    Roman: My God...

    IS HERE!!!

    Jack: There is no telling what could happen down here...

    THIS WEEK...


    Shane: We need to move fast.
    Hope: Bo, let's go...let's go now before it's too late...
    Victor: What the hell are you doing here, Maggie?


    Clip of Julie, Melissa, Sarah, Don, Bill, Laura, Alice, Doug, Julie, and Caroline talking with Celeste.

    Celeste: Death...I see death in Sydney. They're all doomed!!!



    Sounds of gunshots and clips of Bo and Hope ducking for cover, Jack holding Billie down, and Steve and Kayla running to avoid bullets.


    Clips of Greta holding a dying Eric, Nicole at Salem airport, and brakes screeching followed by a car crashing off a bridge.



  9. PhoenixRising05
    WEEK OF 11/13/06 EDITION


    All hell breaks loose in Sydney, Australia this week on Salem Lives as several beloved Salemites find themselves in the line of fire. The week begins with Bo and Victor arriving in Sydney and closing in on Stefano's lair while Maggie, Hope, Jack, Billie, Roman, Abe, and Shane arrive to rescue Steve and Kayla and keep Bo and Victor in line. "Bo and Victor are monitoring the lair with Victor's men," previews EP/HW Tim Lowery. "They are preparing to strike at the right time. Meanwhile, Hope and Maggie arrive and end up bumping into Jack and Billie, who fill them in about Steve and Kayla being held there. The four of them team up and see Roman, Shane, and Abe checking out some blueprints and maps and check them out themselves. They end up in the tunnels leading to Stefano's lair and then, well, it's chaos." The show has opted to be tight-lipped about what is to come other then basic information about this huge umbrella event but Lowery promises that this adventure will change the show forever. "I said I would be quieter then usual with the previews from now until the end of the year and I am going to hold to that," laughs Lowery. "This event is just the beginning of what should be an incredible final 7 weeks of the year and will lead to a huge 2007. Sydney is the biggest event we have done and that says alot given the life-altering events of the island crisis this summer. All I can say is lives will be changed forever and the events of Sydney will lead into some new stories and also move us to new levels in some current stories. It really sets things up for A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER. It's like we have two sweeps months back to back. It's unbelievable!! I know I am promoting this week and I will probably say this again next week but the day before Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving is just absolutely HUGE. The fans are going to go nuts!!!" While Lowery refused to go any further into the happenings of this week, the INSIDER does have some more previews of the events in Sydney this week and even some for those left behind in Salem too:


    -Hope and Maggie team up with Billie and Jack.
    -Bo and Victor lead their men into Dimera territory.
    -Steve reiterates his desire to leave his forgotten life behind while Kayla continues to fight for their future.
    -Abe finds himself face to face with Lexie.
    -Maggie ""drops in" on Victor.
    -Hope finds Bo.
    -Roman and Shane find what they are looking for.
    -Jack and Billie explore Stefano's underground compound.
    -Stefano makes moves to gain the upper hand.


    Eric makes the ultimate sacrifice for Nicole this week on Salem Lives when he gives up dying with the woman he loves by his side to ensure her happiness. The week begins with Eric's condition worsening with Greta by his side. "Greta is begging him to go to a hospital," previews EP/HW Tim Lowery. "They both know time is running out but Greta has wanted him all along to tell his loved ones and do something to help himself so this is her trying one last time to persuade him to do something before it's too late." Too bad Eric refuses and maintains his strance on not wanting any pity and refuses to tell anyone else about his condition or to go to the hospital. "Eric is more worried about Nicole and what she is deciding," says Lowery. "He wants to make sure she goes to LA since it would be stupid for her to give up her dream job to stay behind with a man who is dying." Nicole then calls Eric and requests a meeting between the two of them to talk about where their relationship is going. "Eric doesn't want anyone to see him as he is unable to conceal the pain he is in now so he lies to Nicole and tells her he never wants to see her again," previews Lowery. "It is clear to him that she is leaning towards choosing him instead of Highstyle since she wants to meet so he just tells her they are through and that the fight they had the last time they talked showed him that." Nicole refuses to believe they are through and believes this has something to do with the secret he has been keeping from her. Nicole is even more suspicious when Eric seems nervous about her coming over the suite and then she hears a voice in the background other then Eric's. Eric manages to get out of that jam but Nicole doesn't seem to totally buy it. The next day, she wakes up bothered by their conversation and hightails it to Eric's suite. "She knows she heard another voice there and she knows he was nervous about her coming there so she decides to head over there," says Lowery. Little does Nicole know that Eric planned for that too and knew she would pay him a visit and, by week's end, Nicole gets the shock of her life and believes her worst fears are correct. "She has had suspicions for awhile about what Eric's secret is so he plays on that in hopes that this will drive her away for good," notes Lowery. "Eric is making the ultimate sacrifice out of love and would rather have Nicole happy then by him as he dies. It's beautiful and traditional soap." The question is, will his ploy work or will Nicole see through his game?


    -Frankie warns Abby and Chelsea.
    -Cal meets Dr. Katherine Harcourt and has a memory flash.
    -Greta begs Eric to go to a hospital and tell his loved ones about his condition.
    -Cassie uses her position at the mansion to impress Max.
    -Max is not too happy about Abby and Chelsea's new "friends."
    -Eric's actions puzzle Nicole.
    -Will has a secret.
    -Sami confronts Alan.
    -Abby and Chelsea ignore Max's pleas.
    -Sami stuns Austin and Lucas.
    -The Horton's learn Maggie is in Sydney
    -Celeste's predictions worry Caroline and the Horton's.
    -Max is desperate to stop Abby and Chelsea and seeks out Frankie for help.

    Next Week: The Horton's and Brady's gather for Thanksgiving. Max, Frankie, Cassie, and Kate frantically search for Chelsea and Abby. Abby and Chelsea go over the edge. Nicole is on her way out of Salem. Greta races Eric to the hospital and the Brady's learn the truth. Violence and tragedy take center stage in Sydney, Australia as several beloved characters find themselves in the line of fire. Also, DON'T MISS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22 AND FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24 FOR THE TWO MOST INTENSE CLIFFHANGERS EVER!!!



    Shane West (Seth Raymond): The film and TV star (Dr. Ray Barnett, ER) will step into the short-term role of this Salem University student who comes in contact with Abby (Ashley Benson) and Chelsea (Rachel Melvin). He debuts on November 13.

    Ben Hogestyn (Paul Drake): The real-life son of Drake Hogestyn (Roman) will portray Seth's friend who will also interact with Abby and Chelsea. He will also debut on November 13 and the role is short-term.

    Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt): Garber's debut was pushed back from Friday November 10 to Monday November 13.
  10. PhoenixRising05
    Sydney, Australia.

    -Stefano and Alexandra have arrived at one of DiMera’s underground holding cells. They can see both Steve and Kayla on closed-circuit television. Alexandra is very impressed by Stefano’s set-up. Stefano thanks her, saying that this cell has special meaning. It is the very first place he held Roman Brady after he shot him on the top of his island 20 years ago. And now, it is where Steve and Kayla Johnson will meet their doom. Stefano is very pleased to see tension between Steve and Kayla in the cell. Alexandra is smiling, telling her father that after this week, the Brady family and their enemies will be no more. Stefano concurs, and both walk away, arm in arm.

    -Back in Salem, at the cop shop, Roman, Abe & Shane gear up to fly to Australia, to not only locate Kayla and now a very much alive Steve, but to also capture Stefano and put him behind bars once and for all. Just then, Billie leaves a stunned Jack and and races in to the room after deciding she needs to tell Roman about Hope following Bo and Victor to Australia and there is no time to waste. She tells all three that Victor and Bo have already taken off after Stefano and Lexie, and that Hope followed them. Abe is distraught. He can’t believe Lexie went with him, even after the custody battle. Roman tells Abe to not be naive. She’s out for blood, and anyone’s will do. Shane tells everyone that now is not the time for all of this. They need to pack and get a jet to Australia, and fast. As Abe calls Celeste to tell her what is up, Roman tells Caroline that he will bring Kayla and Bo home. He kisses her on her cheek, and everyone races out to the airport. Caroline then asks God to protect all of her family, and to bring them home safely.

    -Witnessing all of the movements as Roman and the others leave the station is the Mysterious Cloaked Figure, who says:

    MCF: Sydney. As good a place as any to wipe out Roman Brady, Bo Brady, Steve Johnson, and everyone connected with them. This should be easy. And after that, I can move on...........to the rest of them.

    -Billie returns to Jack, who is still in shock and reeling from the fact that the brother he buried 16 years ago is alive and well. He wonders if Steve will even remember him and if all this is even true. Billie tells him that she hopes so. She also says that, no matter what they have been through recently with the tension between them, he can count on her to be there for him. Jack appreciates this and says that what happened between them is in the past and he doesn't want to discuss it. He says that he just can’t sit idly by and not try to save his brother. Jack tells Billie about how much he hated Steve when he first found out they were related but came to admire and respect how he turned his life around. Steve was his role model and because of Stefano DiMera and Lawrence Alamain, he was robbed of his family. Well, no more, Jack says. Time for some God-damn payback! He can also get a big story too and get revenge for his wife's death. Jack races past Billie on his way out of the station, telling her that he, too, is going to find Steve, and bring him home.

    -Billie follows Jack home, and listens to Jack as he gets angrier. He says that Stefano will pay with his life for killing Jennifer, leaving his daughter without a mother, and for all the destruction he has caused. Frankie walks in and ask where Jack is going in such a hurry. He says to kill Stefano Dimera! He fills Frankie in on what is going on and he is stunned. With that all said, he walks past Frankie into the night but not before asking Frankie to watch Abby while they’re gone. Frankie says sure and that Laura and Bill are around too. Billie asks that he look after Chelsea too as it seems she wants to stay with Abby for the time being. Frankie says that he, Max, and anyone else around will take care of her. Billie tells him she will make sure her mother and the rest of her family knows she is leaving so they can look in on Chelsea from time to time. She tells Jack she is going with him and cites her ISA experience. She can be his backup. Jack doesn't have time to argue and agrees she may be helpful so he tells her to come on. Frankie tells Billie to watch Jack and herself. Billie smiles and then leaves with Jack.

    -Standing at the boarding line, Maggie is still trying to convince Hope to work with her to find and wipe out Stefano DiMera in Sydney and to also help Bo and Victor. Hope tells Maggie that she doesn’t know the first thing about what she’s getting into. Maggie reminds Hope that she has been in dangerous situations before and reminds her of both island plots. When the boarding call comes over the loudspeaker, Hope thinks for a moment, and then agrees with Maggie realizing they have no time to waste and that Maggie would just find a way to go anyway. It's better that she doesn't go at it on her own. Maggie smiles and they both board the plane.

    -As Victor’s private jet flies at lightning speed to Australia, he reminds Bo of what’s at stake. Bo tells him that there is no need to tell him. Stefano is one man who has had this coming for years. He knows of Stefano’s location, and the location of his hideouts. Victor assures him that his men are everywhere and that they will do whatever it takes. There are some in a plane behind him and some already on the ground near the Dimera compound they located. He says they will even act as missionaries. Bo is bothered by this and doesn't want mass bloodshed. Victor says they must do whatever is necessary and the men understand that. He says he no longer cares what happens to him. If he dies, he dies. Bo is shocked by this asking him if he sure he is prepared for his life to end. Victor gives him a cold stare, telling Bo that since he was a poor young man, all he has known is risks. But, when you play chess, you play to capture the king, by any means necessary. Bo says very well. For his family, his friends, and for the people of Salem, if this is his judgment day, let him go and see God AFTER he has killed Stefano DiMera!

    -There is then a split screen showing Jack and Billie arriving at the airport, Hope and Maggie boarding the plane, Roman, Abe & Shane also arriving at the airport, Victor and Bo toasting what could be their final “Days”, and in the center, Stefano and Alexandra, laughing at their upcoming victory over their deadly enemies.

    As Celeste sits in Abe’s home, she pulls out her Tarot cards. After she shuffles her deck, she places the cards on the table. She is beyond shocked, and horrified at the same time, for she predicts:

    Celeste: Death! Blood! Oh My God..........They’re doomed! They’re All Doomed!!!!!!!!!

    The picture slowly fades to black as the screen freeze-frames on her anguished face.
  11. PhoenixRising05
    -Nicole is walking the pier, thinking about her fight with Eric last night. She bumps into Lucas, who makes note of never seeing Nicole look so depressed. Nicole snidely tells Lucas she is fine and that she knows he doesn't care the least about her. Lucas says he will never like her but would hate for her to jump off a bridge or anything, since she looks like she may be thinking about it. She denies that and says she just has a huge choice to make and fills Lucas in on her situation with Eric. Lucas can't believe Nicole is so conflicted as he thought she was heartless. Nicole hits him and tells him that Eric is the love of her life but running Highstyle is a dream come true for her and she only has 48 hours to decide before she is ousted. She admits after the fight Eric and her had the choice may be much easier. Lucas tells her to follow her heart since it is clear to him for the first time that she has one. Her heart will give her the answer, that is what Grandma Horton always tells him. Nicole sarcastically thanks him. Lucas says he must go and wishes her luck. Nicole recalls the past few months with Eric and all the tension and suspicion. She decides that maybe all that was telling her it was not meant to be and that maybe it's time to leave Salem...for good!!!

    -Greta comes to visit Eric at the suite and he fills her in on what happened after she notices the broken picture of him and Nicole. He tells Greta he learned that Nicole has to choose between her dream job in LA or staying with him. Greta asks him why she can't have both. Eric says normally she could but he refused to leave. He just Nicole he wanted to be here because he missed so much time with his family in the past, which is true, but he never told her that he is dying and that is why he wants to stay. Greta sees that Eric is on pain and is clutching his head. Eric says it's been bad since the fight with Nicole and is getting worse. Greta urges him to tell everyone the truth. He doesn't have much time. Eric wants no pity and says he is following through with what he has wanted all along-no one must know he is dying. He tells Greta he hopes the fight has made Nicole decide to leave. He wants her to move on after him so maybe it's the best thing. He can't have her give up her dream job to be with him when he is about to die. Greta reminds him that he wanted to be with Nicole in his final days because he said she was the love of his life. Eric says she is and he did but not at the expense of her happiness and her future. If the fight wasn't enough to push Nicole to go to LA and keep her job at Highstyle, then he will make sure that it happens by convincing her it's over for good. He loves her and would do anything for her, even giving up on having her by his side in his final days. Greta gets emotional and embraces him, telling him what a good man he is as Eric nods and says, "Yeah, I know."

    -Caroline races into the station. Roman, Abe, and Shane are gathered in Abe's office talking. Caroline tells them that Kayla is missing. Roman tells her to calm down and explain. Caroline tells him that Stephanie called and said she hadn't heard from Kayla for a long time. Caroline admits she hasn't either and nor has anyone else. Caroline says that Stephanie called the AMA and there was no conference scheduled in Chicago when Kayla left Salem. She hasn't been in LA to see Stephanie either. She isn't picking up her cell. She said she may be gone for awhile for the conference, to see friends and Stephanie, etc but she is MIA. Roman tells her to calm down. A cop is talking with a apparent prison guard nearby and they overhear. The guard comes over and seems upset by hearing Kayla is missing. He says he last saw her a few weeks ago and she used him to get information out of Patrick Lockhart by pretending like Patrick was being released. The guard says he hopes Kayla will be ok-he always liked her and used to love when she was around to see Roman and Bo. Shane offers to go interrogate Patrick to find out what he told Kayla. The guard goes with him as Roman comforts Caroline. Jack is there covering a story on a murder investigation and asks Abe what is going on. Abe fills him in but tells him that is off the record. Jack agrees since he wouldn't report it without further information.

    -Hope bumps into Billie right after using her cell to book a flight to Sydney. Billie asks why she is going there. Hope explains that she overheard Bo and Victor are going there to bring down Stefano and the Dimera's and she is not going to stand by and watch him die. Billie thinks it s bad idea and tries to dissuade Hope but she won't have it. Billie tells her to at least bring backup. Hope says they will only slow her down and cause more problems. She tells Billie goodbye and begs her not to do anything to stop her. She is doing this for Bo. Hope runs off as Billie makes a beeline for the station to tell Roman what Hope is doing.

    -Maggie decides to go see Victor, figuring he would want to know about her finally coming out of her depression and trying to move on. She rings the doorbell but no answer. She hears someone coming around back and fears it could be an intruder. She hides in the bushes and sees that it's Nico. He is just making sure the house is secure. He makes a comment about Lucas and Austin monitoring things along with him while Victor and Bo are in Sydney, Australia. She then hears Nico mention Stefano being there and Mr. Kiriakis wanting to finally put Stefano and the Dimera's out of their misery. Maggie seems intrigued and quietly runs off.

    -Hope is at the airport, waiting to board. She goes to buy a magazine and is stunned when the woman in front of her in line turns around. It's Maggie. Hope asks what she is doing at the airport. Maggie says she is heading to Sydney, Australia. Hope says she is too and explains what is going on with Bo and Victor and then realizes why Maggie is there after reminding herself of Maggie and Victor's closeness recently. She tells Maggie she can't do this and Maggie says she can and will. She is going to make sure the Dimera's pay for what happened to Mickey and all the other pain and suffering they have caused. Hope shakes her head and says she is not letting her go on that plane. Maggie tells Hope she can't stop her and, if she does, she will find away to go no matter what just like Hope would. She proposes to Hope the idea of them going and working together.

    -Shane returns to the station and tells Abe, Roman, and Caroline that it took some threats and hard negotiating but he knows where Kayla is. Patrick told him despite fearing for Dimera retaliation in prison. Jack hears what is going on and eavesdrops outside the office door, which is slightly ajar. Billie shows up and asks Jack what he is doing. He sushes her and Billie comes in closer to him and listens with him. Shane tells them all that Kayla had spoken to Kim about a probe he did into Steve's death years back. He was suspicous of the death because of Steve's action prior to dying but found out there was nothing more to it. Steve was dead and what happened happened...or so it seemed. Roman asks what that means. Shane says that Patrick told Kayla that Steve was alive and was being held in Sydney, Australia by Stefano and the Dimera's. He has been help captive for years and was originally in Lawrence Alamain's possession right after Lawrence used Patrick to help fake Steve's death as revenge against him. He also grew to hate Bo so keeping Steve further suited his gains but his love for Carly and fear of losing her forced him to make a deal with Stefano to give him over. Steve was put in Stefano's custody and has been in it, moving from place to place, ever since and now Kayla went after him in Sydney. Roman, Abe, and Caroline are stunned. Jack is even more stunned, as is Billie.

    Jack: Oh my God...my brother. How can this be? Is this a joke?
    Billie: Well...I don't...
    Jack: No...He's alive. It just seems...right. My instincts...Steve. My brother...my brother is alive, Billie.

    The screen fades to black.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Katherine to Cal: The name is Dr. Katherine Harcourt and I look forward to our sessions together.
    Maggie to Hope: We can work together, Hope. We can make sure Victor and Bo are ok and help end the Dimera reign of terror...what do you say?
    Roman to Shane, Abe, and Caroline: Well, then. Looks like we are headed for Sydney.
    Jack to Billie: I am going to find my brother...
    Billie to Jack: I know we are on bad terms but count me in too. I'll be your backup.
    Victor to Bo: I promise you this trip will end the Dimera reign...no matter what we have to do.
    Stefano to Lexie: We will destroy them all and watch all our foes go down in flames.
    Celeste: Oh, dear God. NO!!! Death...their doomed. Their all doomed!!!

  12. PhoenixRising05

    Act 1: Scene 1- Chez Rouge Dining Room

    Melissa, Sarah, Don, Bill, Laura, Doug, Julie, and Alice are all gathered together awaiting Maggie to appear. Maggie enters via the kitchen.

    Maggie: Hello, everyone. Thank you all for meeting me here this morning.
    Julie: Maggie, what is going on?
    Melissa: Yeah. You seem...pleasant.
    Maggie: That's because I am am, dear. It's time to move on from all the guilt and pain. I'm back, everyone. I really am back.

    Everyone reacts joyfully and individually embrace and greet Maggie:

    Melissa: Oh, I am so happy.
    Sarah: Ditto!!
    Don: Now that is the Maggie I remember!!
    Laura: Good for you, honey. (kisses Maggie)
    Julie: I am so happy to have you back!!
    Doug: Same here, sweetheart.
    Bill: Welcome back!! Mickey would be very happy.
    Maggie: I know.
    Alice: Now, where's my hug?
    Maggie: Aww...Alice. I could never forget you.
    Alice: I love you, dear.
    Maggie: I love you too and I missed you so much. I missed all of you so much.
    Julie: Well, we did too, darling, and it is so good to see you like this.
    Maggie: I realized what was going on and I had to stop it before it was too late. I need to move on and I am going to take the first step today, which is why you are all here.
    Don: What are you talking about, Maggie?
    Maggie: I am talking about me needing everyone's help to reopen Chez Rouge.

    Act 1: Scene 2- Sami's Apartment

    Sami is making breakfast when Austin walks out of the bathroom, just finished with his shower.

    Sami: Morning. Can I get you some breakfast?

    Austin is looking at something in his wallet and does not answer.

    Sami: Austin!!!
    Austin: Oh, sorry. What?
    Sami: What are you looking at? (looks at wallet) Oh...
    Austin: Yeah...I miss your sister. I miss Carrie.

    Act 1: Scene 3-Salem Police Station

    Roman and Shane are looking over some files in Abe's office when Lucas walks in.

    Roman: Lucas, what's going on? Is it Sami?
    Lucas: Yeah. I want to know what measures you are taking to protect her from Alan.

    Act 1: Scene 4-Cell in Dimera Underground Compound located in Sydney, Australia

    Steve is watching Kayla sleep. Kayla is clearly dreaming and murmuring his name. Steve looks at her frustrated and confused.

    Steve: What am I going to do? She loves me so much and I feel nothing for her. I can't just give her false hope. I haven't remembered anything since waking up in captivity. I feel nothing for her or for this so called family she says I have. I can't do this to her. I can't do this to a family who will have such high expectations of me. I have to end this.
    Kayla (waking up): Umm...what did you say, Steve?

    Act 1: Scene 5-Salem Park

    Hope is walking through the park, lost in her own thinking.

    Hope: I am so worried about you, Bo. Our family has been through enough and now you putting us through all this. I wish I knew how to put an end to this nonsense you are involved in before you get killed.

    Hope turns around and comes face to face with Bo.

    Bo: You can't put an end to it. I am doing what I have to do and I am not going to say it again. Just accept it Hope and move on.
    Hope: No!! I won't. I am not going to stand by and watch you get yourself killed.

    Act 1: Scene 6: Brady Pub

    Caroline is at the bar when Victor enters and makes his way to the bar.

    Caroline: Well, isn't this a surprise. I don't remember the last time you've been in the pub much less seen me without it being a chance encounter.
    Victor: I don't have time to talk, Caroline. I apologize in advance if I am being rude but I just need to order some breakfast and get going.
    Caroline: Well, you are being rude and I don't like it even if we aren't on good terms lately. What is the rush?
    Victor: I am going on an important trip and there is no time to waste.
    Caroline: Must be some trip because I have never seen you this serious about a business trip before. Where are you going?
    Victor: Not that it is any of you business but, if you must know, Sydney. Sydney, Austrailia.

    "Salem Lives" theme plays.

    Act 2: Scene 1- Chez Rouge Dining Room

    Doug: What a brilliant idea!!
    Julie: Yes, it is. It's what uncle Mickey would want.
    Maggie: Exactly. I am doing it for Mickey (walks over a large portrait of him) ...to honor him. This portrait will be seen by patrons as they walk in so they will always know that the man I love is the man that gave me my dream back. My dream of running a gorgeous, five star restaurant. Mickey gave me the world and was everything I looked for in a man. I owe it to him to pull myself together and make him proud of me and getting Chez Rouge up and running is a good way to start. It's the least I can do for all he gave me and all the special times we shared.

    Maggie then hears the song "Always" playing.

    Maggie: Wow...is that fate?
    Doug: Or just my wife.
    Julie: I was just going to put on some music since it seems you are going to want us all to clean up the place and this happened to be the first song on.
    Maggie: Yeah. I left the CD in there a long time ago before the island mess. Mickey and I were dancing in here after hours...so many memories.
    Julie: We all have them. Right, honey (moves close to Doug)
    Doug: Yep.
    Alice: Loved ones may come and go but it is through our memories that they remain with us...in our hearts. I keep Tom with me everyday and there are times it feels like he is right here with me. Look inside your heart, Maggie. You will find Mickey there too and he will help you through even the darkest hours.
    Julie: Grandma's right.
    Bill: Isn't she always?
    Doug: Memories may fade but they never go away. We all have them and they can keep us going should we a loved one.
    Julie: They can also strengthen bonds with those you love who are still with us. We all have been through so much and there are just so many...

    Long flashback montage of Maggie and Mickey, Doug and Julie, and Alice and Tom set to "Always" by Sarah Vaughan and Billy Eckstine (written by Irving Berlin)

    Act 3: Scene 1-Sami's Apartment

    Sami: I know you miss her. I'm sorry.
    Austin: It's ok.

    Austin is looking at picture from his and Carrie's wedding in 1997.

    Austin: That was an incredible day. We finally were married.
    Sami: After everything I put you through...
    Austin: That's in the past, Sami. I only want to remember the good times. Man, Carrie and I had alot of them...

    Long Austin and Carrie montage plays set to "I Only Have Eyes For You" by The Flamingos.

    While Austin is reminicising, Sami looks at a picture of Lucas and her and a montage of Lucas and Sami moments plays set to "Home to Me" by Josh Kelly.

    Sami: Some day Lucas...maybe some day we can make it work. At least...I hope so.

    Act 3: Scene 2-Brady Pub

    Caroline: Why on earth are you going to Syd...
    Victor: Forget it.
    Caroline: What?
    Victor: Forget the breakfast. I will get it elsewhere. I am not in the mood to play twenty questions.

    Victor walks away and out of the Pub as Caroline follows behind him but stops, realizing she has customers.

    Caroline: Ugh...Victor. When is this madness going to stop?

    Salem Lives Midpoint Theme plays.

    Act 4: Scene 1-Cell in Dimera Underground Compound located in Sydney, Australia

    Steve: Kayla...there is something we need to talk...
    Kayla: I heard you saying something about your not remembering...wait!! Oh my...that's it. You remembered something while you were holding me all night, didn't you?
    Steve: Kayla...
    Kayla: I knew it!!! It was all that talking we did about your past and just holding each other...all together it hit a chord with you and...
    Steve: Kayla...

    Kayla races into Steve's arms and embraces him.

    Kayla: I am so happy. When we get out of here, we can revisit so many places that had meaning for you and for us. Hell, you may even remember before we get out of here.
    Steve: Kayla...
    Kayla: This is so exciting. Final...
    Steve: Kayla!!! (grabs hold of Kayla)
    Kayla: Wow! What's wrong?
    Steve: This is wrong!! This is what I was talking about when you were waking up. I don't remember a thing. I don't feel a thing and that is the problem. I have no memories and, therefore, I don't feel anything for you or for this family I hear about. I have not remembered a single thing since waking up in captivity. If it weren't for overhearing the guards, I wouldn't even know my name or that I had family out there.
    Kayla: Ok. You don't remember. You will, especially when we get out of here and are rescued.
    Steve: Kayla...you don't get it. I can't give you false hope. I can't give this family of mine false hope. I can't return into their lives with the high expectations they have of me. I can't put them through that disappointment if I don't remember. I can't do that to you either.
    Kayla: You will remember and it will be...
    Steve: No, Kayla. We don't know that and the chance of me remembering is slim. You know it is. Your a doctor.
    Kayla: Sure but...
    Steve: No. No buts. I want to end this before too many people get hurt. Before you get any more hurt then you are going to be. If we escape...if we are rescued...I want us to go our separate ways. It's best for everyone...
    Kayla: No!! It's not best for anyone!!! I can't beleive you are giving up!!
    Steve: I'm not but...
    Kayla: No buts. I never gave up on you back then and I won't now. You are throwing in the towel but I am not going to let you. Not after all we've been through...there is no challenge we haven't overcome and we certainly won't fail to overcome this one.
    Steve: I don't remember what we've been through or...
    Kayla: I do!!! I do and that is why I am not going to give up. I never gave up on you and I never will...

    Steve/Kayla montage plays set to "The Rose" by Bette Midler.

    Kayla: You can run, hide, whatever...I won't stop. I lost you once and I am not losing you again. There were times when you didn't want to fight for us but I did and I will again. This is not over...we're not over.

    Act 4: Scene 2-Salem Park

    Bo: I wish you would just give it up. You know I am serious about this.
    Hope: Well, so am I. You, Austin, Lucas...you are all going to get yourself killed and I will be damned if I am going to stand by and lose someone else I love. I can't beleive you, Brady. After all we have been through...losing Zack, Shawn in the Marines, you and I...after all we have been through you are willing to put it all on the line. We have a chance, Bo. We just need to sit down and work out our trust issues and get past all the blame and guilt. We can get back what we lost but not with you allying with Victor. Doing that...doing that can make us lose it all. Don't do this, Brady. We have lost each other so many times and I don't want to again if we can help it. Please, Bo. Remember our life together...are you willing to throw the chance of more moments like those away?

    Bo/Hope montage plays set to "Tonight, I Celebrate My Love for You" by Peabo Bryson and Roberta Flack

    Hope: Well, Brady? Are you really willing to sacrifice our family? Our you willing to give up on us for good and just throw it all away just to be involved in this damn war?

    Act 5: Scene 1-Chez Rouge Dining Room

    Jack enters and hears the song "Beautiful" by Amy Grant playing on the radio.

    Maggie: Thank you Jack so much for coming. I am so glad you are going to formally announce the re-opening of Chez Rouge in The Spectator.
    Jack: No problem. I am just happy to see you like your old self again. (walks away distracted)
    Maggie: Everything ok?
    Jack: Jennifer loved that song. She always used to play that album when she was cooking. She just loved that country music and I never knew why. She even brought up one day moving to Nashville.
    Julie(yelling out in background for Maggie) Aunt Maggie!!! We are missing 41 plates from the special event china set.
    Maggie: Oh, dear. That's the antique 1965 set that I use for special gatherings and they are limited edition and no longer available. I better get in there (runs off) .

    While alone, Jack remembers Jennifer in a montage set to Amy Grant's "Beautiful."

    Alice: Hello, Jack.
    Jack (Turns around out of distracted state): Mrs. Horton, (kisses her)how nice to see you.
    Alice: You too, darling. I heard you were coming and I am glad because I need to speak with you.
    Jack: About?
    Alice: Something very troublesome and something I think Jennifer would find troublesome as well.
    Jack: And that is...?
    Alice: You letting minor disagreements come between your friendship with Billie.
    Jack: Well, I wouldn't exactly call them minor disagreements.
    Alice: Darling, if I say they are minor disagreements, they are minor disagreements.
    Jack: Ok...
    Alice: Jennifer would want you to be happy.
    Jack: You are acting like Billie and I are going to be more then friends. Billie can't give me what Jennifer did. We are just friends and it can never be anything more then that.
    Alice: Don't be so sure. Some of the best relationships have stemmed from being best friends first. You never know what could happen. Billie is a friend and you too have always been close. Don't lose that kind of friendship over squabbling. It's not worth it, dear. Go and talk to her. Work things out.
    Jack: You know what? You have never steered me wrong before so, yeah. I am going to do it as soon as I finish something quick for the paper.
    Alice: Good for you and don't wait too long. Good luck!
    Jack: Thanks Mrs. H. Say goodbye to everyone for me (kisses her and runs out as Alice smiles and laughs a bit)

    Laura and Bill overheard the conversation and Laura is angry.

    Laura: Why would Alice talk to Jack and encourage him to work things out with Billie?
    Bill: Because I asked her too. I told her what was going on and she agreed with me.
    Laura: She knows what I did?
    Bill: No, not yet anyway but she will if you don't hold to your word.
    Laura: Fine. I won't lie though. I hate that she just pushed them back together.
    Bill: Well, that is your problem. Excuse me. (Bill leaves).
    Laura: Yes, it is my problem and I intend to fix it.

    Act 5: Scene 2-Salem Police Station

    Roman: Lucas, we are doing everything we can. We also have to focus on this damn war between Victor and Stefano that you are wrongfully a part of too so it's not easy. We have disguised men in Sami's building and we have them outside of it as well. We are investigating Alan's time in prison and what he did prior to finding Carrie on the island. Hopefully, we come up with something. Not to mention, Austin has moved in with Sami. Wait a sec...your jealous. Your jealous that everyone is doing something to help Sami but you. Austin is in there and you can't stand it.
    Lucas: No, that's not true. I am sorry for barging in. I am just concerned.
    Roman: Well, thank you. I appreciate your concern as I am sure Sami does. Your a good man, Lucas.
    Lucas: Thanks. Cya later.

    While alone, Lucas makes a vow:

    Lucas: I am not just going to stand by and watch everyone else take action. I will help Sami too...in my own way.

    Roman and Shane leave Abe's office and Roman returns to his desk.

    Shane: Hey, Roman. I am headed down to see Forbes to see if he came up with anything on Alan in prison.
    Roman: Alright.

    Roman looks up and notices a fallen down picture frame. He lifts it up to see a picture of Marlena. A montage of Roman/John and Marlena then plays set to "Up Where We Belong" by Jennifer Warnes and Joe Cocker.

    Roman: Haven't see this picture in awhile...God I miss you, doc.

    Meanwhile, Shane gets a phone call walking down the station hallway. He answers it:

    Shane: Oh my...Kim!!
    Kim (Patsy Pease): Hey there. I was just calling to check in and say that your house here is still in one piece.
    Shane: How is good ole London?
    Kim: Fine. Just fine. The kids are fine. You won't beleive what I was doing this morning.
    Shane: Do share.
    Kim: I had something caught in my wheelchair so I bent over and found this old box of videos you had stashed and I found our wedding video and watched it. It reminded me of some great times.
    Shane: Yeah. We sure had alot of them.

    Shane/Kim montage now plays set to "Friends and Lovers" by Carl Anderson and Gloria Loring.

    Shane: I wouldn't trade any of them in for the world.
    Kim: Nor would I.
    Shane: I am glad you called, Kimberly.
    Kim: So am I.

    Act 6: Scene 1-Sami's Apartment

    Austin: Well, I am going to finish getting dressed.
    Sami: Ok.

    In his bedroom, Austin looks at a picture of Carrie and sighs. Meanwhile, Sami stars at a photo of Lucas, Will, and her as a family and begins to cry while Lucas is looking at the very same picture in his wallet when he opens his wallet in his car.

    Lucas: I will protect you, Sami. You can count on me. Our family can count on me.

    Act 6: Scene 2-Brady Pub

    Caroline is washing the counter when the phone rings.

    Caroline: Hello, Brady Pub?
    Stephanie (Shayna Rose): Grandma!! It's Stephanie. I need you!!
    Caroline: What's wrong, Stephanie?
    Stephanie: Grandma, it's mom. She's missing.

    Act 6: Scene 3-Cell in Dimera Underground Compound located in Sydney, Australia

    Steve: Kayla, please.
    Kayla: No!! Don't beg me to stop because I won't. I won't give up. You will remember Steve and we will be together as a family like it should be. We were robbed of too many years together and I am not losing anymore. No matter what I have to do to make it happen it will. You will remember and we will be together, mark my words.

    Act 6: Scene 4-Salem Park

    Bo: Hope, I am doing what I have to do for our family. For all of us. This is the way it has to be and you just have to accept it.
    Hope: You don't want this, Brady. I can see it in your eyes. You don't want to do this. Don't do this, Bo. Get out before it's too late.
    Bo: Just let it go, Hope. Leave me alone and let me do what I have to do. (walks off)
    Hope: Damnit Bo. I am not finished with you yet.

    Bo walks around the corner and bumps right into Victor.

    Victor: Bo, just the man I am looking for. We gotta go!! Don't worry...I have your bags already packed and in the car and Lucas and Austin will watch things while we are gone.
    Bo: Wait, what the hell? Where are we going?
    Victor: We are going to Sydney, Australia. This is it, Bo. My men tracked Dimera there and he is an open target. No distractions. We take him out and his whole empire. What do you say?
    Bo: I got involved in this to bring an end to Dimera's reign so, yeah, I'm in. The quicker, the better. This way we can move on with our lives.
    Victor: Good. We agree. Come on...the jet is fueled and ready.

    Victor and Bo head for the limo, both unaware that Hope just heard everything they said.

    Hope: Oh no, Brady. I am not going to stand by and watch you kill yourself. I going to be your backup on this one. Guess I am headed for the outback...

    Act 6: Scene 5-Chez Rouge Dining Room

    Alice, Maggie, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Don, Melissa, and Sarah look on at the dining room and admire their hard work.

    Julie: It looks really great, Maggie.
    Alice: Yes, Mickey would be proud and he will be proud when it re-opens.
    Maggie: I hope so. I want to him proud. I want to be the woman he was proud of again.
    Julie: You already are, Maggie. You just lost yourself for awhile but your back.
    Maggie: Yeah, well I feel like I need to prove myself and this will be my first step. Thank you all for helping me. You are always there for me. All of you. If it weren't for you never giving up on me, I'm not sure if I would've ever found my way back.
    Alice: It's what we do, darling. We will always be there for you...for everyone all the DAYS OF OUR LIVES.

    Maggie, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Melissa, and Sarah all huddle close to Alice with Maggie and Julie embracing her as the Days theme plays in the background as MacDonald Carey says, "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the DAYS OF OUR LIVES ."

    The screen then fades to black.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Caroline to Roman: It's Kayla...she's missing.
    Hope to Maggie: What the hell are you doing at the airport?
    Maggie to Hope: I am going to the outback.
    Jack to Billie: Oh my God...it can't be.
    Billie to Jack: What?
    Jack to Billie: My brother, Steve. He's alive...
    Eric to Greta: I am giving up, Greta. Nicole and I are over. The end is near. I know it.
    Nicole: Maybe it's time that I leave Salem...for good.

  13. PhoenixRising05
    -Maggie is stunned to see that Caroline has told Lucas about what happened at the PG. Maggie tells them if they are here to lecture her they are too late. She has already seen the light-she is done drinking and done making herself and her loved ones suffer. Lucas and Caroline look at each other and wonder if they heard Maggie right. She says they did. She knows that she put them and the rest of her family through hell, and she will now make it her life’s mission to stop drinking and pull herself together. Lucas reminds her that it wasn’t easy for him when he fell off the wagon. Sami’s lies almost destroyed him. Caroline also wonders if Maggie is upset with everyone for sticking their noses in her business. She says that had they not, she surely would be dead. She thanks Lucas and Caroline, and asks them not to tell anyone what has been happening with her. As they leave, they both promise her that they won’t, but hope she will finally get the help she needs to move on. Maggie then looks lovingly at a picture of Mickey and vows to make him proud of her again.

    -Meanwhile, at Sami’s place, Austin gets through moving the rest of his things into Sami’s apartment. Once through, Sami tells him to sit down. They need to talk. Once he does, Sami bears her soul, telling Austin that she is every grateful for this act of kindness on his part, especially after some of the horrible things she’s done over the years. Him moving in really isn't needed but she appreciates it. Austin tells her that even though he can’t forget, he certainly can’t sit idly by and leave her unprotected against Alan. She understands that, but she tells him that it goes deeper than that. In order for her to really mature, she has to grow up and stop acting like some love sick schoolgirl who has a crush on the high school jock. She feels it’s past time for her to move on. She thinks that after all the years of doing mean, nasty, horrible things to him and everyone she loves, it’s time to let him go, so she can be happy. Austin is impressed, but cautions that she has made this declaration before. How can he trust that she won’t do anything else to get what she wants? She says that all she can do is prove that to him. Austin finally says that if she is sincere, he can forgive her for what she’s done, but also tells her not to channel her anger towards Alan or it could destroy her. Sami tells Austin that all she wants is for Lucas to be as understanding as he is right now and no, she won’t let Alan get to her. As Austin leaves to take a shower, he kisses her on her forehead. She vows that she will handle Alan in her own way - and in due time.

    -As Sami plots against Alan, Max and Frankie meet in Jack’s backyard. Max reveals that ever since he rescued Abby tonight he just can’t seem to get his mind off of her. As Abby listens in, Max goes on about the dreams he’s been having about her. Max puts it off as having bonded with her after the island tragedy. Frankie then asks if he has had any dreams about Chelsea. He tells him hell no. Why should he have nightmares about her? It's over for them after everything that happened between them. Frankie tells him that the mind is a strange thing. It’s up to him to decipher why he has these feelings for Abby, and feels that he won’t get any peace until he does figure this whole thing out. As Frankie buds Max goodbye, he leaves him to contemplate what he’s feeling, and what he will do next. Abby, having watched Frankie leave, grins from ear to ear, ecstatic that Max is apparently falling in love with her. She thinks that maybe acting the way she did has finally paid off. She goes upstairs and sees Chelsea still past out drunk on her bed. She now vows to get Max any way she can and, after picking up his picture, says that nothing and no one will stand in her way. If this new behavior worked in tearing her father away from Billie and if it bothered Max so much already, she needs to continue to do it and she will have Max. She holds Max’s picture close to her, and daydreams of the future.

    -Bill once again jumps in Laura’s tail, warning him that he is just about sick and tired of her using Abby to achieve her own ends. He tells Laura that this is it. If she doesn’t stop with all the selfish crap and right now, he will march her in there and tell both Jack and Billie about what she’s been up to. Laura begs him not to, and promises that she will behave from now on. Bill calls her a liar, and tells her she is no better than Kate, another woman who will ruin anyone and then act like Mother Theresa when she’s caught, like she has done nothing wrong. Laura tells him that she is nothing like Kate. She walks away from Bill, turns, and faces him, telling him that she promises not to interfere anymore, if he promises not to tell anyone what she’s been doing. He says fine, he once again will keep quiet, but tells her this is getting really old. He says for her to stop making promises and just leave those two alone. She says she will, but secretly vows to keep Jack and Billie apart, no matter what it takes. Bill and Laura then walk over to Jack and Billie and bid them a good evening.

    -Billie says that she can’t believe that Jack has let Abby manipulate him in such a fashion. Jack snaps around and takes three huge steps towards Billie. He points his finger in her face, telling her that he should have his head examined for ever even getting involved with her in the first place. The love of his life is gone, and for some reason, he thought Abby needed a female influence in her life. He thought having his good friend around so much would get them through all this but it has only made things seemingly worse. But, he was wrong. He says no more. It is time for them to go their separate ways. Billie is shocked. She tells him that he is making a huge mistake. He says it wouldn’t be the first time. He hates that he has to end their friendship, but it must be done for the sake of his children. He has enjoyed their times together but it has to happen. Billie blames Laura and Abby for his decision. Jack tells her to stop blaming those two for what is happening. Her mother is gone. They need him more than anything right now. Billie tries to convince him that she only recently started acting out, and Jennifer has been dead since this past summer. Jack yells that he doesn’t care if it were yesterday or ten years ago, she needs him and that’s final. With tears streaming down his face, his voice shakes as he tells her that if anything happens with Chelsea, he will let her know. He turns and walks back inside, as Billie silently says “bye”. She then breaks down, silently crying at the loss of their friendship.

    -Alexandra walks back into the DiMera Mansion, and is shocked to see suitcases. Cassie walks downstairs, and Alexandra ask what is going on. Cassie tells her that “Grandfather has left her in charge while you two take a trip.” Lexie says, “So, I guess you are the mistress of the mansion. Don’t get used to it, little girl. I won’t be gone long.” At that moment, Stefano comes downstairs, happy that everything is set and ready to go. He says to Lexie, “Pack your bags, my dear. We’re going to the land down under.” Lexie exclaims, “For what reason? And who said I wanted to go to the Outback?” Stefano answers, “I just thought you wanted to witness your enemies’ destruction at my hands. Steve & Kayla Johnson are already indisposed. And very soon, the call will go out to her brothers for help and Victor will get drawn in wanting to track me down as an open target.” Walking towards his chessboard, he says, in an evil tone, “It’s about time I wiped out that entire family. They have been a thorn in my side for 25 years, and it’s time for them to pay the price for going up against me, especially Roman Brady. I guess changing his face and stealing his past wasn’t enough. Now, he must learn.” Stefano also mentions that Abe will likely fall into the trap as well. Alexandra gets excited, saying to Stefano, “If Abe will be there so much the better. He will pay for stealing my son from me. The bastard.” She turns to hide her frown from him. Cassie sees this and says that there is still love there. Alexandra says this is true, but he has to be taught a lesson. With that, she runs upstairs to pack. Stefano tells Cassie that soon Alexandra will have no feelings left for Abe and, even if he does, him and his enemies will be destroyed so there will be nothing to worry about.

    -When Alexandra returns, she’s packed and ready. Stefano tells Cassie that if there is any trouble to contact him on his secret line and for her to follow the instructions he left to the letter. She obeys, kissing him and Alexandra on their cheeks. She bids them a fond farewell, as she walks them to the door. Once inside his limousine, he tells Alexandra to enjoy these moments. To finally see the family’s enemies pay is a once-in-a-lifetime-event. They both laugh as they toast with champaigne and drive away. Cassie closes the door and walks back into the main chamber, and then starts ordering servants around. She intends to be waited on hand and foot and proceeds to sit in the living room, as she laughs loudly.

    The screen fades to black.

    Next Time, On A Special Salem Lives...

    Austin to Sami: I miss her...I miss Carrie so much.
    Sami: Some day Lucas...maybe some day we can finally make it work.
    Alice to Jack: Jennifer wouldn't want you to give up on finding happiness again.
    Jack to Alice: Yeah, but I wasn't going to have what you are talking about with Billie.
    Alice to Jack: And why not?
    Maggie to Julie: I have to do this for Mickey...to honor him.
    Shane (on the phone): Oh my God. I don't believe this...
    Hope to Bo: Think about everything we have been through...everything our family has been through. Bo, please. Listen to me. Don't do this...
    Steve to Kayla: I am not throwing it all away!!
    Kayla to Steve: Yes, you are. You are given up and I am not going to let you!!!
    Caroline (on the phone) to Stephanie: What's wrong?
    Stephanie to Caroline: It's mom. She's missing.

  14. PhoenixRising05
    Announcer: THIS WEEK...



    Kayla (in tears): No!! I won't let you do this!!
    Steve: You heard me, Kayla. It's over.


    Stephanie to Caroline: I don't know where mom is.


    Caroline to Roman: Kayla is missing.


    Roman: Kayla is in Austrailia.
    Caroline: Why on earth...
    Roman: She went there looking for Steve. He's alive...
    Jack (with Billie overhearing outside Roman's office): My brother is alive?


    Victor to Bo: We need to go to Australia.
    Bo to Victor: Anything to put an end to Dimera's reign of terror.

    Maggie: I am going Hope and you can't stop me.
    Hope: Well, then I guess we are both headed for the outback.

    Jack: I am going to save my brother and kill Dimera for what he did to my wife.
    Billie: Count me in too.
    Roman to Abe and Shane: I guess we are heading for Austrailia...

    Stefano to Lexie: Come on, my dear. Pack your bags.
    Lexie to Stefano: Why?
    Stefano to Lexie: We are headed for the land down under, my darling, to watch the great destruction of my enemies.


    Celeste: Oh dear God!!! Death...death and destruction will follow them.


    Clips of Steve and Kayla running for cover in the midst of a shootout, Victor holding Stefano at gunpoint, and Hope running into Bo's arms.



  15. PhoenixRising05

    -Lucas and Austin continue to fight over the right to protect Sami. Sami admits she is shocked they want anything to do with her after what she did. Lucas says Alan is a threat and Will and her need to be protected. Austin suggest that he move in. Sami thinks it is a bad idea for either of them to move in considering their past and she is trying to clean up her act. Austin says they know that and they know that is why she gave up Will until she can prove herself to all of them but she needs protecting and he thinks the best thing is for Will to move back in with Sami and for either Lucas or him to move in too. Sami thinks the idea is a bad one. Austin says he should move in because Lucas, Will, and Sami together may give Will false hope and cause further problems since Lucas and Sami fight alot. Lucas is clearly bothered by Austin wanting to move in and both Sami and Austin question him on it. Lucas denies it has anything to do with his feelings and says he is fine if Austin moves in. Sami seems a bit disappointed. Austin asks if she is ok with this. Sami reluctantly agrees, knowing Austin won't back off. She does think Will should remain living with Lucas. Austin says that is fine, as does Lucas. Austin leaves to get his stuff while Lucas gets a call from Caroline and takes off. Sami admits disappointment it's not Lucas moving in but says that she can show Austin how far along she is coming in changing and maturing and then soon others will take notice too. She says she doesn't need protecting, though, and that Alan will be the one that needs protecting...from her.

    -Maggie returns to her house and finds herself wanting a bottle of whiskey after the guilt and memories of Mickey become too much. She is about go back out and get some when she remembers what Mickey said to her in her dream or vision. She knows Mickey would hate her drinking and is hating what she is doing to herself. She decides that Mickey and her loved ones were right and that it is time for her to move on and stop destroying herself. Meanwhile, remembering the scene at the PG in the elevator, Caroline is at the Pub contemplating whether to call Maggie Lucas up since he is her AA sponsor. Caroline eventually decides to call him and asks him to meet her at Maggie's-she beleives Maggie has fallen off the wagon. Later, Maggie gets a knock on the door and find Caroline and Lucas waiting for her. Lucas says he knows what's been going on and that he is going to be there for her now like she was for him.

    -On the pier, Will asks Alan where he has been since he hasn't seen him since May. Will is calling him "Ace." Alan explains he had alot of traveling to do and business to take care of. He asks Will how everything is. He says his family life is chaotic as usual and tells him about the island situation along with other recent happenings around him. He says his family is nuts and they don't even know half the time what he is up too. Alan asks about Will's friends. Will admits he lost many of them and doesn't want to talk about why. He says none of them understand. Alan says that he might understand and asks what is going on. Will says that he trusts Alan ever since he posed as his uncle when he got in trouble for a stink bomb at school back in April but he isn't ready to tell him things like that. Alan asks why since they have been friends since April despite him not seeing him from June through October. Will says maybe in time he will tell him. He explains his disappointment right now that he did not make the basketball team. Alan tells him there is always next year but Will explains that this may have been his last chance He knows he isn't really good but he was even hoping for a job on the bench or something. Alan asks why he would want that and Will claims up, saying he has reasons one of which is being a part of something. He realizes it's late and he has to go. He tells "Ace" to call his cell so they can hang out. Alan promises to do so as Will leaves and Alan grins.

    -Max returns to the garage apartment after taking Cassie home and takes a shower. He finds himself dreaming of Abby coming up and kissing him when he gets out of the shower. He decides to go to bed. He falls asleep soon after and dreams of Abby and him making out talking about how this is right and written in the stars. Max wakes up and wonders why he hasn't been able to stop thinking about her since rescuing her and Chelsea earlier. He rescued Chelsea too so why is he only thinking about Abby? He remembers what they went through during the island crisis and its aftermath and how they bonded. He says he needs to talk to someone, gets dressed, and leaves.

    -Jack and Billie are shocked to see a drunk Chelsea standing behind Frankie on the stairs. Frankie tells Jack what Abby and Chelsea really did tonight and that Max and Cassie covered for them because he felt he owed them after letting them done. Billie screams at Chelsea that her behavior must stop. Chelsea is so out of it she has no answer and says she feels like crap. Billie is pleased and hopes it will teach her a lesson. Chelsea says it will and says she is done drinking and all that. She tells Billie that it doesn't mean she is going to be good or be a happy family with her and dad. She tells Abby she will see her upstairs.

    -Bill tells Laura he will not admit what Laura has done-for now. He warns her that this is it-one more time she is caught interfering or scheming in regards to Jack and Billie he will tell all. She should've learned her lesson now as her using Abby for her gain could've gotten her hurt or killed tonight as Billie was right. Laura knows and will make sure it never happens again. She won't scheme no longer. Bill hopes not and walks away as Laura says she won't scheme and get caught is what she meant to say.

    -Frankie leaves to give them all privacy as a family. Jack says he is family and should stay but Frankie disagrees. He tells Abby she better not do that again because he doesn't want to have to squeal on her again. Abby understands and hugs Frankie, who leaves. Jack is very disappointed in Abby, as is Laura and Bill. They all lecture her about drinking and partying with guys like that. Abby turns on the waterworks and says that Chelsea convinced her and that she felt so alone and vulnerable with her mom dying and everything else. She tells Jack she feels even more alone with him spending so much time with Billie. She knows he has his job and that is fine because they need that but Billie is tearing them apart and she feels so alone with no one to turn to during this difficult time. She did what she did tonight to send him a message that he is needed by his family and that he is ignoring them. Jack is touched and hugs her. Billie can't beleive he bought that. She is appalled Abby is turning it all on her. Laura smiles and Bill tells Laura to wipe her smile off her face. Abby tells Jack she needs her father right now more then ever. They have been through so much and she promises if he is there for her and JJ she won't do this to him ever again. She just wanted to send him a message that his family needs him. Billie rolls her eyes and Jack turns and tells Billie not to do that. He tells Billie they need to talk. Billie says she knows already what is coming and she tells Jack not to worry-she will let herself out. Billie runs out as Abby and Laura both display devilish grins as a appalled Bill watches.

    The screen fades to black and the credits roll.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Sami to Austin: I think there is something we need to talk about.
    Lucas to Maggie: I am here to help you.
    Maggie to Lucas: I don't need any help. I think I have already helped myself.
    Max to Frankie (as Abby is eavesdropping): I can't stop thinking about her.
    Frankie to Max: Then stop wasting time and do something about it!
    Bill to Laura: Maybe I should tell all about your schemes...
    Billie to Jack: You are being played for a fool.
    Jack to Billie: Yeah...by you!!!
    Stefano to Lexie: Pack yoru bags, darling.
    Lexie to Stefano: Why?
    Stefano to Lexie: We are headed for the land down under to watch the total destruction of our enemies...

  16. PhoenixRising05
    -Kayla is having a hard time sleeping in the cell. Steve reminds her that she hasn't slept well at all since she ended up locked up with him. He says he hasn't slept much over the years either. Being locked up for so long and moved from place to place just drove him crazy and it's so uncomfortable. Kayla admits she just can't relax and doesn't feel secure as she is afraid someone will split them apart while they sleep. Steve says he would never let that happen. Kayla wonders if his feelings for her are coming to the surface. Steve says he has remembered or felt nothing but he likes having someone with him and has come to like her. He doesn't like being alone. Kayla tries to go to sleep again and fails. Steve then says to let him try something and he puts his arms around her and asks if that is better and if she feels safe and secure. Kayla says she does and that this is where he should be-in her arms. It's where he belongs. Steve says nothing. Later, Kayla has a romantic dream while asleep about Steve remembering everything and reuniting with her and Stephanie. Kayla talks in her sleep and says she loves Steve and that he is making all her dreams come true. Steve hears it and admits being close to her with his arms around her feels right but he isn't sure he can make her happy and make her dreams come true when he can't remember her or his feelings for her. Kayla moves closer to him as Steve is deeply troubled about what is going on.

    -Eric returns to the suite to find the broken picture of him and Nicole on the floor and Nicole crying on the bed. He asks what happened. She lashes out at him for what he said to her earlier. Eric apologizes and says he was far too harsh. He was just worried about Sami and so mad about her jealous rage at the ball. Nicole says that she doesn't like how close he is getting to Greta. Everytime she isn't around, he is with her and given their past she is concerned. Eric says she has nothing to worry about. Nicole says she does-she knows he has had a secret since they both returned to Salem and he has never told her what it is. She admits to Eric she asked Sami and Greta months ago to help her find out but while Sami has done nothing, Greta has spent loads of time with him and it makes her wonder. All that time spent with him should've given Greta some hints as to whatever he was keeping yet she has told her nothing. Eric tells her he has no secret bit Nicole gets very angry and tells Eric she is not stupid and he knows better then to play her for a fool. He should just own up to his secret like a man. She can take it. Eric stays silent. Nicole asks Eric if his secret is that he never wanted a future with her when he returned and that he only came back and asked her to join him so he could set her up to get revenge on her for hurting him in the past, as well as messing things up for him before he left Salem 6 years ago. She asks if having an affair with Greta is a part of that and if that is why he is spending so much time with her. Eric denies all that and insists Greta is a friend. He is offended Nicole would even think he would do that. He is over everything she did to him and what happened. Nicole says she wishes she could beleive him but he has a secret. She knows it and so does many he cares about. She begs him to come clean. Eric tells Nicole there is nothing to tell. Nicole gets angry and says she doesn't know why she bothers. She left LA for him and now she has to choose between him and her job. Eric asks what she means. Nicole explains what has been happening at Highstyle and that she either goes back to LA to run Highstyle or gives up her dream job. Eric looks down and asks Nicole what she wants. He then admits he already has an idea because of her leaving him constantly. Nicole insists that she only left for meetings so many times so she could stay here with him. She was trying to have the best of both worlds but she can't. She needs to choose and right now he is making the choice easy for her. He says he feels the same and tells Nicole that maybe they are through. Nicole is stunned. Eric says maybe it's time to end it before they make each other even more miserable. Nicole is shocked he is giving up and says if Eric wants that he can have it and leaves angry. After she leaves, Eric says it's what he has to do-he has to let her go so she can move on. After all, he is dying anyway so letting her give up her dream job for someoen dying is stupid. He would've done this before if he knew about the decision she was comtemplating. He says he only wants her to be happy and giving her up will do that. Outside, Nicole breaks down in the Salem Inn hallway and says that maybe it's time to think about leaving Salem and returning to LA.

    -Caroline asks Maggie again if it is true that she is drinking again. Maggie stays silent until she finally lies and says it isn't true. She hasn't had a drink yet but was tempted tonight after everything that happened. That is why she bought the bottle. Caroline doesn't buy it at first but Maggie persuades her. They get out of the elevator and discuss what she has been going through. Caroline encourages her to let her family be there for her. Maggie says she can't and Caroline knows why. Caroline says she must stop blaming herself and beleiving others blame her. She should be convinced of that based on what Mickey said to her in her dream or whatever it was earlier. Maggie says she knows what is true and that it's all her fauly. Everyone should hate her and that is why she pushed Victor away again. She practically screwed things up for him and he was such a good friend to her. He was the only one that was getting her through everything. Caroline says she doesn't need him but she does need her family. Maggie turns and asks Caroline to just stay out of it. She will go about this how she sees fit. Caroline agrees to stop and Maggie hands her the bottle, telling Caroline it's proof she is telling the truth about not drinking. Caroline smiles and tells Maggie to take care of herself. Maggie leaves as, while alone, Caroline reveals she didn't buy a word Maggie said and that she needs to call Lucas to help Maggie deal with her alcoholism relapse.

    -Max and Cassie get Abby and Chelsea upstairs and hurry downstairs just as Jack and Billie walk in. They ask why they are there. Max says they decided to drop by after the ball and movie they saw. He has not been on good terms with Abby and Chelsea lately and was hoping to talk to them and work things out. Jack is happy he did that, as is Billie. They ask where the girls are. He says they are upstairs getting ready for bed as the party they went to tired them out. Billie asks if there was any drinking and if the girls are ok. Jack gives her a look. Max says they are both sober, normal, and fine. Billie wants to go check on them but Laura comes in and says there is no need to check on Abby because she would never do something horrible like drinking heavily and going wild like Chelsea. Jack asks if Laura knocks and she explains she has a key. Meanwhile, upstairs, Abby can hear her father talking and decides to go downstairs and show herself to avoid further suspcious and keep them from finding Chelsea. She has her bearings about her and is sobering up unlike Chelsea so she is the better choice to go downstairs. She changes clothes and covers up the alcohol smell and breath. She tells Chelsea she will make sure they don't get in trouble for all this. She has a great time letting loose and wants to do it again and no one will stop her so she must cover her tracks this time to do it.

    -Abby goes downstairs and Jack greets her with a hug. He says she smells nice still and she says she used a lot of perfume. Billie says she sure did and asks why-unless she was covering up something. Abby says she just wanted to smell nice and put on too much. Jack gets upset and tells Billie to cool it. Billie is upset she is looking bad again as Laura smirks. Meanwhile, Frankie walks in on Chelsea upstairs. Chelsea is shocked to see him and Frankie asks if she needs anything to sober up. She asks what he knows. He says he heard how Max and Cassie helped them and knows everything. He is telling Jack and Billie. Chelsea begs him not to but he says he has to. Billie is being made to look bad and her and Jack need to know this before things get out of hand. Chelsea begs him as he leaves. She follows him downstairs. Max and Cassie decide to leave as the situation is turning into a personal matter. They tell Jack and Billie they know nothing more and that both girls seemed fine when they showed up and were home. Jack says it's ok and they beleive them-they are free to go. They leave and, outside, Cassie tells Max she doesn't think it was a good idea to lie for them. He says he owes them for letting them down so much of late. She asks how much he cares for both girls and if he has feelings for them. He says he cares about both of them as friends. Chelsea and him are over and he understands that now. She asks about Abby and he says they are just good friends and he hopes they can continue to be. He asks why Cassie asked. Cassie says she just wants to make sure he doesn't get in more danger because of their escapades just like tonight. Max says he can take care of himself and thanks her for the concern. They leave as Max says he will take her home. Back in the house, Abby tells Jack that Billie is trying to get rid of her like she said before. She wants Jack for whatever reason and needs her out to do it. Laura backs her up and says Billie wants her out too since she and Abby are complications to her plot. The doorbell rings and Jack answers. It's Bill and he says he saw Laura's car out front and ran into Max and Cassie leaving. He says he needs to talk to Laura. Laura asks what is going on. Bill says Frankie called him and confirmed Billie is right and that he is about to tell Jack and Billie that Abby and Chelsea were partying drunk tonight. He called the Horton house looking for Laura and they got on discussing her and Frankie's thoughts about Laura trying to interfere with Jack and Billie and he told him everything he learned tonight. Laura is stunned and Billi says he is furious with Laura for putting their granddaughter in danger for her sick scheme. He is going to blow her out of the water and tell Jack, Billie, and Abby everything. Frankie comes downstairs and tells Jack and Billie there is something they need to know, right as a drunk Chelsea follows behind him. Jack and Billie are stunned as a worried Laura and Abby look on.

    -Sami returns to her apartment and is shocked when Austin and Lucas show up. They admit they were worried with how Sami sped out of the parking lot when she left the PG. They are worried about her and what she may do as well as Alan. They don't trust him and despite working with Victor and him wanting them to stay away from those they care about for their protection and so forth, they feel they have to help protect Sami. Sami is stunned since they were so mad at her over what she did to Carrie, Lexie, and all of them. Lucas says that the Alan issue and her protection are more important. They will make time in between Victor and their normal jobs to help her. Austin then makes the suggestion that he move back in. Lucas is bothered by that and a fight ensues once Austin accuses him of being jealous and Lucas accuses Austin of always wanting what he wants or used to have, especially now that Carrie is MIA. Sami is happy and pleased to watch them fight over her.

    -Alan calls Carrie and fills her in on what happened at the ball. Carrie feels horrible. Alan says it's ok but he will have to stay in Salem for awhile. He is going to take this opportunity to make amends now that it is known he is in Salem. Carrie wants him to be careful. Alan says the worst is over and the others will realize what she has-that he has changed-eventually. She wishes him luck and says she will hang tight at the cabin and keep in touch with him if she has to move or something. He says ok and they hangup.

    -Roman and Abe are walking the pier discussing Alan. Roman says he will do everything he can to protect Sami and his family from Alan, even if Sami doesn't want help from him. Roman does say something else is bothering him, Abe asks what. Roman says he feels there is more to the Alan and Carrie situation. Abe asks Roman if he feels Shane is holding back something. Roman says he isn't sure but he will try his best to find out. Nearby, Shane overheard the conversation and places a call to Carrie filling her in on what is going on. Carrie is concerned she may get caught. Shane says maybe it's for the best. Carrie says she can't be caught and can't return to Salem right now until things with the baby get resolved. She will just have to work something out and asks Shane to run a search for her mother, Anna. If they find her, she may be able to meet up with her and get to know her mother and have her there to help her. Shane says that he likes that better then her with Alan and says he will try, even though he thinks all this should end. Carrie thanks him. Meanwhile, in the shadows on the pier, the mysterious person from the ball is watching Roman and Abe talk. They are now dressed in a long, black cloak.

    Mystery Person: The Brady's...and Roman Brady. Already so much pain and turmoil for them...and they haven't even felt my wrath yet. But...they will and very, very soon everything they are going through now will be like child's play.

    -Will is walking through the park and is upset about not making the basketball team. He wonders if it was because he isn't as buff or tall as the other guys. He really wanted it too. Someone comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder....IT'S ALAN!!!

    Will: Hey, man. How's it going?
    Alan: Good, buddy. It's always good to see my young friend, Will Roberts.

    Will smiles as Alan shows a grin back. The screen fades to black and the credits roll.
  17. PhoenixRising05
    Week of 11/5/06 Edition


    The big sweeps event begins this week on Salem Lives as several beloved salemites head to the land down under to rescue Steve and Kayla and put an end to the Dimera reign. It all begins when Caroline gets a phone call from Stephanie. "Stephanie calls Caroline and asks if she has heard from her mother," reports HW/EP Tim Lowery. "Caroline tells Stephanie what Kayla told her before she left, which was she was going to Chicago for a medical conference and was also considering stopping back in LA to see Stephanie. Stephanie tells her that her mother hasn't called in weeks and has not been in LA so Caroline promises to find out what is going on. She goes to Roman and Roman and Shane check up on Kayla and learn there was never even a conference in Chicago and that her records show she was never there and that she flew to Sydney, Austrailia so Caroline now realizes that something must've happened." While all that is going on, Stefano has hightailed it out of Salem with Lexie to lay a trap for Victor and his allies. "He takes Lexie with him because he wants her to bear witness to the destruction of many of their enemies," says Lowery. "He leaves Cassie in control and leaves knowing Victor's people will learn he has left and that Victor and his people will follow." Stefano couldn't be more right as Victor learns of the development and races to Bo to tell him they need to go personally to Austrailia to handle Stefano. "He says it is the best chance to destroy him and end all this," previews Lowery. Victor and Bo are unaware that Hope is nearby, as she just finished having a discussion with Bo, and has heard everything. "Hope plans to follow them on her own since she knows Bo won't change his mind about going," says Lowery. "She bumps into Billie and and asks her to keep an eye on her family because she has to run. Billie is curious and Hope ends up telling her what is up and Billie tries to discourage her but fails." Meanwhile, Maggie has learned of Victor's impending trip via eavesdropping accidentally on Nico and decides to make her way to Austrailia too. "She wants a piece of the Dimera's too and wants to be there for their destruction after their role in Mickey's death so she makes a beeline for the airport and bumps into Hope," notes Lowery. "Maggie is forced to admit what she is up to and Hope tries to convince her not to go but the end up agreeing to go together so they board a plane and leave Salem just as Bo and Victor fly out aboard his jet, leaving Austin and Lucas behind to monitor things in his organization should they go astray."

    A worried Billie races to the police station to inform Roman that Hope left to follow Victor and Bo and ends up bumping into Jack, who is covering another story there, just as things get interesting. "Roman and Abe are discussing Kayla when the guard that helped her get the info she needed from Patrick overhears and tells Roman and abe what happened that day," says Lowery. "Abe sends Shane to interrogate Patrick as to why Kayla visited him and Shane comes back with word that Steve is alive and Kayla went to Austrailia to find him. Billie then fills them in on Hope going to Austrailia to follow Bo and Victor, who are after Stefano, and things begin to piece together as Roman figures that Stefano must be holding Steve and Kayla." By week's end, Roman says goodbye to Caroline and heads with Shane and Abe to the airport to get to Australia before it's too late. At the same time, Jack wants revenge on the Dimera's for his wife's death and because they have his brother. "He also wants to head down there to get the scoop on what could be a big story," laughs Lowery. "Billie agrees to go with him as she can back him up with her ISA background and she wants revenge on the Dimera's too for what they did to her and Chelsea." Alas, they team up, despite the tension between them, and head for the airport too knowing their kids are well-watched and taken care of. "Now we have all the players in line for the cataclysmic event," previews Lowery. "It is the biggest event of sweeps and the biggest event all year...even bigger then the island climax this summer because of it's intensity. All you need to do is see what Celeste predicts on Friday's episode to know where this is going. It's unbelievable and you just can't miss a day, especially when we have two of the most intense cliffhanger moments you have ever seen. Lives will be hanging by a thread as this great rescue mission will lead to an explosive showdown between both sides of this war and lives will indeed be turned upside down. That is a tease and a promise you can take to the bank."

    Steve CRUSHES Kayla

    Kayla's dreams of reuniting with Steve are given a huge blow this week on Salem Lives when he tells Kayla he doesn't think he can ever give her what she wants. "He is troubled by Kayla dreaming of him and of a family reunion with him and Stephanie," previews HW/EP Tim Lowery. "She is in his arms sleeping and he just keeps hearing her dream of him and he feels nothing towards her. It bothers him and he knows he can't let her have false hope so he realizes he needs to let her down gently." Kayla wakes up full of hope and confident that everything will be fine. "Steve asking about their life together and holding her was huge in her mind," says Lowery. "She feels like all they need to do is get out of the cell and the rest will come." She soon realizes that her dreams are far from coming true when Steve set her straight and says he doesn't think they can have a future. "He tells her he hasn't had a single memory since waking up in captivity," previews Lowery. "He only knows his name and that he had a family because of things he has heard. He knows nothing else and has no feelings toward her or anyone. He has nothing and he can't feel something for her or have anything meaningful with her with all that being the case." Kayla lashes out at him for not even wanting to try and for just giving up. "She tells him that being locked up for years has kept him from remembering," says Lowery. "She tells him once they get out and once he is around her and their family more it will come back to him." Steve isn't so sure and, by week's end, tells Kayla that he just doesn't see how anything can work between them. "He has no hope of remembering and thinks it would be too painful for everyone if he just showed up with her and did not live up to their expectations," sighs Lowery. "He tells Kayla that if and when they get out he just wants to walk away and wants her to act as if she still thinks he is dead, which devestates Kayla." Is there really no hope for the just reunited, beloved supercouple? "There sure is," promises Lowery. "Well, actually, I take that back. The fans just need to wait and see and prepare themselves because there may be alot more heartbreak ahead."



    Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt): Garber's long awaited first appearance is November 10.

    Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson): The actress appears via phone call in scenes with Caroline (Peggy McCay) on November 8.

    Special Surprise Guest: Fans should watch for a big surprise guest on November 8 to celebrate the 41st anniversary of Days of our Lives. "It's a nice treat," promises HW/EP Tim Lowery. "I promises the fans this person would return and now they will. For now, it's for this one day but they will definitely be back later."


    -The two new boytoys in last week's casting call have been casted for a powerful story coming up for Abby (Ashley Benson) and Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) that is coming up. Sources hint that at least one of the actors is from primetime.
    -Expect alot of Brady turmoil in December.
    -Bye bye Eric (Jensen Ackles) and Nicole (Arianne Zuker)?
    -Just where will the "Alan is Will's friend" twist lead? Sources say it is not going where you think.
    -Two beloved characters will be at death's door by the end of the month and sources hint that at least one of them may actually die.

    Previews and Peeks for Week of 11/6/06

    -Lucas and Austin fight over Sami.
    -Will asks Alan why he hasn't been around.
    -Max has Abby on the brain.
    -Abby and Chelsea are caught.
    -Bill gives Laura one more chance.
    -Abby learns she has gotten to Max, who seeks out Frankie for advice.
    -The rift between Jack and Billie grows.
    -Abby has a plan to win Max.
    -Stefano and Lexie head for Australia.
    -Cassie finds herself "Mistress of the Manor."
    -Victor and Bo learn of Stefano's plans, unaware they are falling into his trap.
    -Steve crushes Kayla's dreams.
    -Caroline comes to a frightening realization.
    -Nicole contemplates leaving Salem.
    -Eric's conditions worsens.
    -Several beloved Salemites head for Austrailia.
    -Celeste has a deadly prediction.
    -Cal meets Dr. Katherine Harcourt.

    Red Letter Days!!!

    Wednesday November 8: A special episode focused primarily on the great Days supercouples. "I know we are not Days of our Lives anymore but I wanted to pay homage to 41 great years so it's not alot but this is a nice little episode that will have some nice moments for the fans," promises HW/EP Tim Lowery. "There is also a surprise guest the fans will love and Shayna Rose makes an appearance as Stephanie. It is just a nice episode."
    Friday November 10: Several beloved Salemites head for Sydney, Australia not knowing the danger they face.

    Next Week: Greta begs Eric to go to the hospital. Eric's actions puzzle Nicole. Sami confronts Alan. Will has a secret. Sami stuns Austin and Lucas. Cal has a memory flash. Celeste's predictions worry Caroline. Chaos erupts in Australia.
  18. PhoenixRising05
    -Maggie wakes from her dream about Mickey to find Caroline Hope & Julie runing towards her on the rooftop. They try to convince her that she will be alright and that they can help her. Maggie mentions Mickey coming to her in a dream and wonders if it wasn't a dream and if it's possible he really returned to her. She asks them if they believe Mickey could've come back to her and all three women say yes, they do. He may have returned to get her to understand she needs to move on and let her loves ones help her. He may have wanted to tell her that she was not to blame for what happened to him. Maggie admits he said all that in her dream. The girls then try to convince her to come with them so she can get warm and get some help with her problems. Maggie tells them that this is another trick, tells them that she won’t go with them, demands that they all leave her alone, and runs past them. As Hope tries to chase after her, Julie grabs her arm, telling her that it is no use. Maggie will only listen when she wants help and realizes she did nothing wrong. Hope tells them both that she hopes Maggie comes out of it but it has been so long already and she seems to be getting worse. Caroline tells the girls they just need to hope that Mickey's words got to her, whether they were in a dream or something else, and that Maggie realizes she is not to blame and lets those that care about her move on. They leave the roof.

    -Maggie walks into the Penthouse Grill soaking wet. She notices no one she knows is around and that little public attention is being paid to the bar so she plops down on the stool at the bar, and demands that the bartender give her a drink. The bartender comes over and pours her a shot of tequila. After drinking it, she then wants the entire bottle. The bartender sells it to her and takes it. She thanks the bartender, and walks towards the elevators. Caroline says goodbye to Hope and Julie, who exit down the back entrance of the Penthouse Grill. Caroline then sees Maggie getting on one of the elevators and decides to see if she is aliright and runs towards it. But, right before the doors close, she trips getting into the elevator and falls against Maggie. Maggie drops the bottle but catches it before it hits the ground. Caroline straightens her self up and then asks Maggie, after seeing the bottle in her hand, if she is drinking once again. Maggie turns away and looks towards the elevator wall. Caroline then realizes it's true and asks Maggie if she is really doing this. Maggie remains silent with her back turned.

    -Jack watches Laura and Bill get into her car at the PG and tries to catch her to talk to her more about Abby. She drives off to head for the Java Café’ before he can, so he starts to his own car. Billie catches up with him in the parking lot, and says she wants to finish what they started earlier in the party. He says ok, go right ahead as he doesn't have the energy to fight anymore. Billie is a little stunned, but stammers out her point that Jack has had no reason in the past not to trust her. Jack says this is right. So, Billie asks, what has changed now? He says that Abby would never act like that, especially since Jennifer’s death. Billie says how would he know. He’s died and returned more times than Michael Myers. They both laugh at that comment. Billie wonders if they are starting to have a slight breakthrough. Jack tells her to come to his house and they will discuss what is going on further and, hopefully, work things out.

    -As Maggie’s situation still unfolds at the PG, Bill and Laura meet up at the Java Café’. After Laura gets some coffee, she sits down opposite Bill, who asks her what does she think she’s doing trying to come between Jack and Billie. Laura tells him that their daughter is not good and cold yet in her grave, and he’s gallivanting around town with the town slut. She says it makes her sick. Bill doesn’t care how sick it makes her. He feels it makes her just as wrong as Kate when she does it. Bill then tells her that he intends to stop her from ruining that family. Laura sits up and leans forward, asking Bill how he intends to do that. He says all he has to do is tell Jack and Abby what she has been up to behind the scenes. That should pretty much make both of them hate her guts. Laura gets quiet and, after a moment, reluctantly agrees to Bill’s terms. She will stop interfering. BUT, she tells Bill, if Billie hurts them in any way, all bets are off and she will be sure to call him on how wrong he was. She then takes a sip of her coffee and leaves. Bill is left sitting there, hoping Laura keeps to her promise.

    -Max keys into Jack’s home. He and Cassie both have a very drunken Abby and Chelsea with them. He turns on the lights and they drop both of the girls onto the couch. Max is beside himself with anger. He jumps on Chelsea first, telling her that she still hasn’t learned one damn thing about responsibility even after the hell she has been through in the last several months. She laughs and tells him he’s just mad that he didn’t get a chance to see her naked. Max says of course he didn’t. He was too busy trying to keep a knife from getting stuck inside him. Chelsea laughs again and says that they can take the party upstairs if he wants. She staggers to her feet and falls all over him. Max throws her off, telling her that she is the same silly-ass little girl he always thought she was. He wonders out loud if she was this drunk the night she ran down her brother. Chelsea sobers up with that comment, and frowns at Max. He says he seems to have finally gotten her attention. Abby sits there silently, listening at the entire conversation. Cassie tells Max that maybe he shouldn’t bring that up. Max says he will always bring up the fact that he nephew is dead because Chelsea once again acts like a spoiled brat and expects everyone else to ether bail her out or look the other way. Chelsea looks straight ahead in sadness. Max says that’s it. He’s calling Bo and Jack and will tell them both what happened. They both scream NO!! They also remind him that he owes them a favor. He pauses, looks at both girls, and says just this one time, he’ll keep quiet. But, if it happens again, he’s throwing the book at them. He knows both have been through alot but that is no excuse in his book to keep acting out and worrying the people that care about them. They are putting themselves in danger, as well as those that have to rescue them. He is only doing this because he feels bad for not being there for them of late but next time he will rat them out. They thank him for his silence. Meanwhile. Cassie is clearly bothered by Max's concern for the girls and is secretly plotting a way to get both these spoiled [!@#$%^&*]es out of Max’s life. Permanently. Max tells them Abby and Chelsea to go to bed and he and Cassie both leave. As they reach the door, they hear a car pull up, and now realize that Jack is coming home. Abby and Chelsea are scared of being caught. They are stuck, and Max tells Cassie to help him get them upstairs so they can cover for them before Jack amd Billie walk through the door.

    -Nicole is waiting anxiously for Eric to return. She keeps staring in at hime. When he finally comes out of the back room where Roman, Sami and everyone else is, she demands that Eric stop and talk to her. He tells her he has gotten really tired of her always expecting him to stop and drop everything for her, but it’s just fine for her to do whatever she wants. He tells her that she left him sitting at home for hours while she was off God knows where. And now that his sister needs him, he’s supposed to go home with her. She says all she wants is for them to make things right between them. He says maybe she should have thought of that before she decided to act like a selfish [!@#$%^&*]. She is stunned. He then tells her to get out of his eyesight. He really doesn’t care at this point what she does, and maybe the sooner they get away from each other, the better. He walks off and leaves her alone. She runs back to her suite and, once there, falls on her bed and breaks down. She damns Eric to hell and picks up a picture of him, flinging it towards a door and watching it shatter. Meanwhile, Eric can't stop thinking about Nicole while the Sami situation unfolds and realizes he was wrong to lash out at her. He was just so frustrated because their relationship is falling apart and he doesn't have much time. She really set him off with her acts of jealously and her always leaving for business purposes and so on is ridiculous. He realizes that he may not have the happy ending to his life with Nicole that he hoped for.

    -The Bradys are standing in the backroom of the PG. Alan has begun trying to explain why he is there:

    Alan: Look. I told you all why I was here tonight. Sami, please believe me, I’m not trying to hurt you or anyone else.
    Sami: You’re a damn liar, Alan! To come back here after what you did to me.... (Turning around) Shane! What do you know? What do you know about Carrie? What has he done to her?! I want some answers......NOW!!
    Shane: Samantha, I told your father everything I knew. I wouldn’t keep something like that from any of you.
    Roman: Sure you wouldn’t. I guess you forgot when I disappeared the first time. You left me there then, and my family thought I was dead.
    Shane: Look, Roman. I knew what I did was wrong then, so do you really think I would repeat that mistake?
    Roman: (Thinking for a moment) No, I don’t think so, (Turning back towards Alan) which brings us back to you, buddy. I want to know why you showed up tonight of all nights. Hoped to kidnap and rape my daughter again?
    Sami: (Looking at Roman) Don’t EVER call me your daughter! We may have the same blood, but how can I forgive a man who knew that the man who raped me was out of prison and didn’t say a word to me?
    Roman: I was supposed to tell a woman who wouldn’t even give me the time of day what was going on with Alan?! I’m still trying to protect you even after all the times you told me you hated my guts. But, apparently that doesn’t matter.
    Austin: (Turning towards Roman) Look, Roman. What is more important? Protecting Sami from this scum.
    Lucas: Bet that. (Walking towards Alan) You know, Alan, I never got the chance to convey how much I hated your guts for what you did. But, mark this down. Come near her, and I’ll find the biggest shotgun I can find, stick it where the sun don’t shine, and you’ll make history as the first man to ever get his brains blown out via his backside, you got that?!
    Alan: Ok. Enough with the threats. I just want for all of us to be civil at least. Is that too much to ask?
    Roman: Too much to ask? To be civil? To You?! You bet your ass it is! You rape one daughter, and then tried to murder them both. And I’m supposed to be civil? I’ll show you civil, punk.

    Roman dashes towards Alan, and has to be restrained.

    Roman: Stay away from my family! Come near them, and you’ll end up in a body bag, is that clear?!
    Alan: Crystal clear. I didn’t mean any harm.
    Roman: Yeah whatever. (Walks away and then turns around and talks in Alan's ear) I can't lock you up but I have my eyes on you and so do a hell of alot of people. If you slip up, we will catch it and then you will wish you were never released. Remember that.

    With that, Roman, Eric, Abe and Shane leave. They pray nothing happens between Sami and Alan but with Lucas and Austin there they think they will be fine. Lucas and Austin tell Sami she has nothing to worry about. He will do her no harm and she has plenty of people there to make sure of it, including them. Sami is shocked that they are even talking to her after what she did. Austin and Lucas tell Sami they need to forget about that right now and just make sure there is nothing more going on with Alan. After walking her to her car, they try to calm her down, but she is too wound up. She vows to destroy him for what he did to her and for coming back into her life like this. She will ruin him so badly he’ll beg for someone to kill him and put him out of his misery. She gets into her car and peels out of the parking lot, with both Austin and Lucas looking on, worried about what Sami will do this time around. The screen then fades out.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives......

    Kayla to Steve (as he holds her): I need you, Steve. This is what is right. This is where you belong...in my arms.
    Cassie to Max: I think it was wrong to cover for them.
    Max to Cassie: I had to. They needed me.
    Cassie to Max: So, just how much do you care about both of them?
    Frankie to Chelsea: I know the truth. I heard what really happened.
    Abby to Jack: She is just trying to make me look bad again, daddy!! She wants you all to herself!
    Billie to Abby: That is not true.
    Laura: Oh, yes it is.
    Bill to Laura: It looks like I am going to have to blow you out of the water, aren't I my dear?
    Nicole to Eric: What the hell do you want from me?
    Eric to Nicole: Nothing!! Maybe this was all wrong...maybe there is nothing to salvage...I think we maybe through, Nicole.
    Abe to Roman: What are you saying? You think Shane is hiding something?
    Roman to Abe: Something tells me there is more to this and Shane may have the answers.
    Shane to Carrie: The jig may be up, dear.

  19. PhoenixRising05
    -A thunderstorm wreaks havoc on Halloween as Max is facing down the two men who are holding knives on Chelsea and Abby, while Cassie holds on to Max for protection. Max orders the men to put the knives down and that they can settle all this rationally. The men refuse and say they want what they want and they want these two pretty ladies. Max tells them if they touch another hair on either of those girls' heads they will be very sorry. The men luahg. Cassie begs Max not to put himself in danger but Max says he has to. He has let Abby and Chelsea down enough already and it's time for him to come through. The two men gloat as they take hold of Abby and Chelsea and are about to get away. Max then lunges and knocks them all over. Abby and Chelsea manage to scramble away to near Cassie and all three girls scream as Max struggles with the two men over the knife.

    -Maggie is in her glories as she celebrates Mickey's return in the rain on the roof, with thunder and lightning as a backdrop. She is so happy he came back to her. Mickey says it's true he did return to her but it is not a visit of pleasure. He has come to give her a warning. Maggie doesn't understand. Mickey says he has been watching her and he hates seeing what she is doing to herself and putting the family through. They want to help her and she is avoiding them. Maggie says she can't face them but Mickey assures Maggie she can and that his death was not her fault. It was an accident and it was just his time to go regardless. He tells her it's time she moved on and let those she loves be there for her. Maggie, in tears, says she wants to but she just can't. She just feels ashamed and so hurt and guilty. She will never get over losing him and the role she played. Mickey assures her none of it was her fault. He tells her if she wants to promise to do something for him since she seems to think she is to blame and wants to make things right. Maggie says she will do anything. Mickey tells her to move on and to stop self-destructing. Maggie says she isn't so sure if she can do that. Without the booze and Victor, she hasn't been able to deal with her feelings. Mickey says that Victor is a friend and she can't rely that much on him, which is why he is glad she cut him loose for the time being given what is going on with him. He tells her she knows better then anyone the booze don't help. He asks Maggie to promise him she will let all this go and let those she loves be there for her instead of the booze and relying on Victor. Maggie says she will try and that he should know she would do anything for him. They embrace and then he tells her he has a surprise for her before he goes.

    -Jack, Billie, Laura, Bill, Kate, Alice, Julie, Doug, Hope, Caroline, Abe, Greta, and Nicole watch as Sami finishes her scream. Roman, Lucas, Eric, and Austin try to console her as Shane stands in shock wondering what will happen next and if Carrie's whereabouts may come out in this.

    Sami: How is this possible? You can't be here...you were sent to prison.
    Alan: Yeah, I was but I was released a few months ago.
    Sami: A few months ago? You bastard!!!

    Sami lunges for Alan and is restrained by Roman and Eric.

    Sami: Let go of me, damnit!!
    Eric: We don't want you arrested for murder, Sami.
    Lucas: Yeah, besides, there are too many witnesses.
    Sami: Fine. Wait a minute! A couple months ago, on Morgan Island and even before that, I felt like someone was watching me and...it was you, wasn't it?
    Alan: Look...yeah it was me but it wasn't what you think.
    Sami: Oh, really? What was it? Sounds like stalking to me.
    Alan: It wasn't that. I decided to lurk in the shadows because I wanted to find a way to make up for all that I did. I learned my lesson Sami. I went through hell in prison and it changed me. I have a renewed purpose and that is to clean up my mess. I had to watch you and your sister because I wanted to try to find a way to do something from afar to make things up to you and then reveal myself and...
    Sami: Oh, please!! Cut the crap. You expect me to beleive you've changed. Like hell!!!
    Alan: I have changed, Sami. You can just ask your sister!!
    Sami: What?!! Why would I ask my sister? Oh my...you did something to her didn't you?

    Roman then interrupts the exchange and explains to Sami that Lucas, Austin, Kate, Abe, Shane, and himself knew that Alan was released and explain his connection to Carrie that they learned after Carrie called her from Green Mountain. Sami is stunned they kept this from her and asks all of them if they beleived she had a right to know. She is even angrier Kate knew and tells Roman this is even more reason for her to hate him. Lucas tries to calm her but Sami tells him to shut up as she doesn't wish to speak with him or to listen to him. She turns her attention back to Alan and suspects there is more to it and asks if there is something else he has done with her sister. She doesn't buy for a second he has changed and demands to know what he is really up to. Alan explains to Sami everything he has done, including saving Carrie and bringing her back from the island and taking care of her at a cabin on Green Mountain. He says Shane can vouch for that, for which Shane does. He informs them of how he saved Carrie from the falling debris when she called Sami and shortly after that they parted ways. Carrie is with her mother and he went off the recover. Roman thinks they need to move this conversation into private since it's ruining the ball.

    -Sami, Alan, Austin, Lucas, Abe, Shane, and Roman leave the ballroom. Eric follows but Nicole grabs him and tells him they need to talk. Eric says his sister needs him and then can talk later. She says she needs to get this off her mind now and that Sami doesn't need him right now. Eric takes offense to that and says he isn't even sure he wants to talk to her after her actions earlier with knocking the hat over during the game. Her jealous rage was an embarassment and so was her using her dance with Lucas and Shane to make him jealous. He asks her why she felt the needd to try to make him jealous. Nicole asks him the same in regards to his dance with Greta. Greta thinks she should go. Eric says it's fine but Greta doesn't want trouble and wishes both Eric and Nicole good night and runs off to say goodbye to the Horton's. Eric asks Nicole if she is happy now that she made Greta feel comfortable and caused trouble. Nicole stays silent as Eric walks off angry.

    -Meanwhile, back at the park, Max manages to get the knife but the two men get away. Max embraces both Chelsea and Abby and asks if they are ok. Both are still drunk but manage to say they are fine. Max wants to call te police but both girls say they don't want trouble and Chelsea says she doesn't want to go through legal crap again. Max says he needs to get them home and asks Cassie to help him. Cassie is clearly bothered by his closeness with both girls, especially Abby who he seems very concerned about. Max and Cassie both help support Abby and Chelsea on their feet and begin to walk toward the Deveraux house.

    -Kate decides to leave and wishes Billie luck with Jack. She also gives Laura a warning on her way out to not do anything to mess with Billie's life. Bill assures Kate that he will make sure Laura behaves and also tells Kate he will make sure she behaves too. Kate says he doesn't have to worry about her but Laura is the one he should be worried about. Laura calls her a hypocrite again and reminds Kate of her interference in regards to her children. Kate says she has changed and then laughs that Laura could never be as successful as she was in getting what she wants. Laura tells Kate to just leave. Kate gloats that when Jack and Abby learn all that she has been up to she will lose them. Laura lunges for her and a fight nearly breaks out. Bill tells Kate to just leave and that he will be in touch. Kate leaves as Laura is seething. He tells Laura it's time him and her leave the ball so she can cool off. They go say goodbye to Alice, Julie, and Doug who are leaving too. Hope tells Doug she will stick around with Julie to help out with Maggie if it is necessary. Doug helps Alice and says he will take her home. Alice reminds Julie to make a PA announcement thanking everyone for coming. Julie reaches the stage and does so and returns to Hope. Caroline decides to stay too in case Sami needs her. A guard comes down. Hope and Julie ask about Maggie. The guard says that is why he came down as they lost Maggie during the power outage. Hope, Julie, and Caroline are worried.

    -Jack and Billie discuss everything that has happened during the ball and with Sami and Alan. The focus then turns to their dance prior to the lights going out. Billie says it felt like all their troubles and worries were behind them. Jack agrees. Billie thinks they should talk and Jack says he thinks they should too but not right now. Billie thinks the sooner the better because she just doesn't understand why he doesn't trust her and is buying whatever claims Laura makes. Jack says he wants to trust her but his daughter would never dress or behave like that. Billie asks Jack why he doesn't trust her if he really wants to. Jack says he needs to believe his daughter as she has never been one to lie and that is the way it is until it is proven otherwise. He tells Billie he has to go but they'll talk. Jack leaves as Billie is frustrated and wants to work through this before more problems head their way.

    -Maggie asks Mickey what his surprise is. Mickey points down and Maggie realizes she is in Mickey's arms in midair. They are dancing in the sky in the middle of a storm. Mickey says it's part of being an angel that he can give Maggie this magical experience. They dance among the stars and clouds as Celine Dion and R Kelly's "I'm Your Angel" plays. Mickey then slowly brings her back to the roof and says it's time for him to go but to remember what he said. Mickey fades away as Maggie begs him to stay and cries out for him just as she wakes up and realizes she fell and hit her head and that Mickey's visit was all a dream. He never came to her and he probably does blame her just like everyone else. Hope, Julie, and Caroline arrive on the roof, just as the storm begins to wind down, and say that is not true.

    -Roman, Austin, Lucas, Abe, Shane, Sami, and Alan are in the backroom and Sami is ripping into Alan wanting the truth about why he is here. Eric joins everyone in the room. Sami realizes that his story regarding helping Carrie and all is through but she wants to know his full agenda. Sami reminds him that she took away something precious to him, which makes Alan hang his head, and she put him in prison for years. He is bound to hate her and her sister. Alan denies that and says that Carrie and him actually became good friends. She realized he changed. Sami refuses to beleive that and asks Alan to prove nothing is going on. She asks if he knows how to get in touch with Carrie. He says he doesn't since she is with her mother. Alan vows to prove to Sami and everyone that he has changed. Sami still doesn't beleive it and asks if Alan really changed why did he run when she recognized his voice tonight? If he wants to prove himself so bad and make up for what he did why did he run from her like he had something to hide? Alan insists that he merely didn't want his identity revealed like this but sami refuses to believe that and demands the truth about everything and what Alan is really up to right now.

    The screen fades to black and the credits roll.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Caroline to Maggie: Oh my God...your drinking aren't you?
    Bill to Laura: This has to stop!!
    Laura to Bill: What are you going to do to stop me?
    Billie to Jack: Are you saying we are going to get past this?
    Max to Abby and Chelsea: I am telling your parents.
    Abby and Chelsea to Max: No!!!
    Cassie: I will make sure those two brats are out of his life...for good.
    Nicole to Eric: Now whose the one doing all the leaving?
    Roman to Alan: You have a choice-leave town on your own alive or with my help and in a body bag. The choice is yours.

  20. PhoenixRising05

    -Eric and Greta deny that they are hiding anything but Nicole says she knows what she heard and wants the truth. Eric says that the "secret" Nicole heard them referring to was the fact that he never waited for her to return to the suite. He knew as soon as she left that she would not return in time to go to the ball with him so he called Greta out of spite and to make her angry. He knew she would show up eventually and the fact that she is there has proven him right. Nicole asks if that is all the secret was. Greta says that is all there is to it. Nicole admits she is angry that he didn't wait but she understands it and they can talk later. She asks if he still wants to enjoy the rest of the ball with her. Eric accepts and says they do need to talk about their relationship problems. Greta says she should go but Nicole encourages her to stay. She doesn't want any tension and the night is still young. Eric echoes the sentiment. Greta agrees to stay and goes to get some drinks for them all. Roman comes over and says he needs to talk to Eric and they go to talk. While alone, Nicole reveals that she didn't buy their explanation of the "secret" they were referring too. Nicole thinks Greta knows Eric's secret and that maybe they are even having an affair. She wonders if Eric's secret is that he doesn't want to be with her but is pretending so he can get back at her for some of the things she has done in the past. She vows not to speculate and to find out the truth on her own this time since it is obvious Sami won't help and that Greta is involved somehow.

    -Julie returns to Alice, Doug, Bill, and Laura and says that Maggie is still where they found her on the roof. Doug is worried she may jump and Julie says there is security nearby that she asked to keep an eye on her. Maggie won't even know they are there and they will follow her around if she should go somewhere. Victor walks over to make sure everything is ok. Julie says it's fine and that Maggie just needs some alone time right now. Victor understands and tells them to give Maggie his best wishes. Bill asks where Don, Melissa, and Sarah went. Laura explains that they left to go to their hotel. They realized their presence was too overwhelming for Maggie so they decided it was best. They are staying in town to help though for awhile. Laura tells Bill that they do need to talk and takes him aside. Alice tells Julie that it's time for her to play the hostess and to spice up the party. Julie asks if Alice is talking about the game. Alice nods in agreement and says that it wouldn't be a party if there were no party games and this is more a party then a ball. Julie agrees and asks Doug to help her as they go to the stage. Meanwhile, Maggie is on the roof thinking about what has transpired this evening and the pain she is feeling. She looks down below and considers jumping for a moment but believes a quick jump like that is too good for her after all she has done. She can't deal with all this and just can't deal with her family right now. She realizes she needs Victor help her through this and decides to go find him despite the fact that she doesn't want to bring him into her world again with all he has to deal with. She races past the guards and they follow her.

    -The man Sami is talking too does not answer her questions and runs off. Sami asks how why he is running and that she now knows he is hiding something. He blends in with the crowd as she looks for him and goes off in search. Lucas loses sight of her. He bumps into Hope who gives him the news that Maggie has been found. He thanks her and then meets up with Austin, Abe, Roman, and Shane. Shane explains that security saw a man matching Alan's description enter a few hours ago so he is at the ball. They make all the party goers remove masks to avoid letting anyone dangerous in but the lookout for Alan did not go into effect until after he had already entered. Abe mentions that before Celeste left she had a feeling there would be a huge revelation tonight that would send lives into a tailspin. Roman says they need to find Sami now before she finds Alan. Lucas says he saw her but she is out of sight now. They split up to find her.

    -Max and Cassie get bored and decide to leave the party and to go see a horror flick.

    -At a house on Salem University campus, Abby and Chelsea are beginning to strip on a table when campus police invade the house. The two men watching Abby and Chelsea grab them and vow to help them. The four escape and a drunk Chelsea and Abby ask the guys how they can repay them for not getting caught. The men tell the girls to come with them. They end up in a car and drive to the park. One of the guys says he has never done it like this before and that it will be adventurous with the fear of being caught in a public place. The girls wonder what they are referring too. Both guys come at them and tell the girls that they will help them finish taking off those clothes. Even while drunk, both girls realize what is going on and scream for help. They manage to evade the guys, who chase after them as they try to get away.

    -Sami chases Alan into the kitchen but gets kicked out by one of the cooks, who did not see Alan enter. Roman manages to catch her and tells Sami he is glad he found her. Sami tells Roman there is someone she is looking for and she doesn't have to talk to a waste of time like him. She sees Alan run out the other entrance to the kitchen and runs after him. Roman gives chase but loses sight of Sami along the packed ballroom.

    -Julie and Doug announce it's time to shake the party up and that they will be playing one of Alice Horton's favorite party games called "The Dance of Destiny." They asked everyone to fill out a little card as they entered and now they will pick 10 random names out of a hat and match up everyone into couples. Those 5 couples will participate in a competition for the children's wing at University Hospital so they can't refuse this. Doug and Julie then realize this is Alice playing matchmaker after they pull the names out of a hat and smile. They announce that Hope Brady will be paired with Bo Brady. Hope walks over to Bo and tells him it looks like fate has brought us together. Bo tries to refuse but Hope says it's for the children and her grandmother. He can't refuse that. He reluctantly agrees. The next couple matched is Caroline Brady and Victor Kiriakis. Both try to refuse but Julie tells them it's for the children and she knows how much of a philantrophist Victor is. They reluctantly agree to dance for those reasons. The other couple matched up is Jack and Billie. Laura is angry. Jack and Billie don't think it's a good idea but are convinced by Alice to do it for a good cause. Eric and Greta are named the fourth couple, which angers Nicole. Julie picks one name out of the hat. In a fit of rage, Nicole knocks the hat out of Doug's hands before the second name could be announced. He picks everything up as everyone boos her. Eric tells Nicole nothing is going with him and Greta and it will be fine. It's for charity. Julie announces the two final names as Lucas Roberts and...Nicole Walker. Both look each other and refuse. Nicole sees Eric and Greta dancing closely and tells Lucas they are dancing right now and grabs him in a jealous rage. Julie isn't happy Lucas got Nicole and knows it would not have happened had Nicole not knocked the hat to the floor when she was angry about Eric and Greta. Alice tells her all is well. Julie reminds Alice that she knows what she was up to. Alice admits this was not a matchmaking game because it was random. There is a reason why it's called "The Dance of Destiny." It can bring couples together. Doug notes that it won't bring Lucas and Nicole together because it's destined for disaster. They all laugh. Alice reminds them they were married once but that the game can't always set the right people up. They watch Bo and Hope and Caroline and Victor and Julie says that they may have got it with those two seeing how they look at each other despite eveything going on.

    -Laura can't stand seeing Jack and Billie dance. She notices they look like they are getting past the tension between them. Bill tells her he knows what she has been up to and it needs to stop. Laura realizes that Kate called him and brought him back to stop her from interfering. Kate comes up behind her and tells Laura she guessed right. Laura calls her a hypocrite since she always interferes. Kate says she is trying to change. Laura rolls her eyes. Kate tells Laura she will not have her playing games with her daughter as Bill tells Laura he won't have her playing games with Jack or Abby either and that all this must stop. Laura walks away in disgust.

    -Maggie walks in and sees Victor and Caroline dancing. She then turns around and runs away in tears as the sight of them reminds her of Mickey and herself. She goes back to the roof and falls over her own feet.

    -The closeness between Bo and Hope and Victor and Caroline is evident. No words are even being spoken and the deep love in their eyes is clear. Hope tells Bo she loves him. He stays silent. Victor tells Caroline he has dreamed of dancing with her so many times and now it's coming true. He never thought she would be in his arms again. Caroline says she never thought so either.

    -Lucas knows Nicole is dancing with him to make Eric and Greta jealous so he calls out to Shane and pushes him on Nicole to dance. Lucas goes off to find Sami. Nicole says what the hell and dances with Shane, who finds himself being dragged across the dance floor.

    -Max and Cassie are returning from their film and walking through the park. A storm is beginning to move in and thunder and lightning are noticeable. They hear screaming in the distance and follow it. They come across Abby and Chelsea being held by the two guys they met. Max calls out to them and tells the two men to stop. One of the guys pulls a knife out and asks Max what he plans to do to make him stop.

    -While dancing with Jack, Billie says that everything feels ok right now, like there is no tension. Jack says he knows what she means.

    -Maggie gets up off the ground on the roof. She then hears a voice call her name from behind. She turns around as lightning strikes and sees Mickey standing in front of her. She is shocked he is there and runs into his waiting arms in tears.

    -Alan is near the circuit box and decides to cut the lights so he can escape unseen. He selects the right switch and turns the power off. Everyone stands in the dark.

    -Hope and Caroline realize Bo and Victor took off. Hope notes that Bo didn't even say he loved her back. Caroline says she has never felt so close to Victor like that in years. They wonder if maybe they ran off to avoid giving in to them and that maybe there is still hope of saving them. Meanwhile, in the staircase, Bo and Victor are slowly making their way down. Victor says they can't give in and they need to stay away from their loved ones to protect them and to do what they have to do. Bo says he knows but it hurts like hell. Victor says he knows it does but it is necessary. Bo tells Victor he knows, especially after tonight, that he still loves ma. Victor looks at him and tells Bo they have to go. Bo shows a small grin and then follows him.

    -Alan tries to make his getaway but Sami still manages to spot him. Eric is near him so Sami yells out to him to stop that man. Eric grabs him and asks what is going on. Sami says she doesn't know but will find out right now. She says she would've never thought he was hiding something but his running convinced her of that. She demands to know who he is as she recognized that voice. Roman realizes they are too late and that Sami has found Alan. The whole ballroom is focused on Sami, who is yelling and demanding the man to reveal his identity. Frustrated, she tells Eric to just pull the mask off. Eric does and, as lightning strikes, the mask is removed to reveal Alan's face. Sami stares at him in shock and disbelief.

    Sami: No...it can't be...
    Lucas: Sami, it's ok...

    Lucas stands behind her and tries to support her as she falls back on Lucas.

    Sami: It can't be him Lucas!! This can't be!!!
    Alan: It's me, Sami. Alan Harris in the flesh.
    Sami: No...
    Lucas: Sami...
    Sami: No!!!!!!!

    Lightning strikes and thunder and Sami's scream can be heard as the screen fades to black.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Max: I won't let you hurt them.
    Cassie: Max...no!!!!
    Eric to Nicole: Why did you feel the need to try to make me jealous?
    Nicole to Eric: Why did you feel the need to do the same thing?
    Jack to Billie: I want to beleive you...
    Billie to Jack: Then why don't you?
    Laura to Bill and Kate: I will do what I want and no one will tell me otherwise.
    Maggie to Mickey: I am so happy you came back to me.
    Maggie to Mickey: I am here for you Maggie but this is not a cheerful visit. I am here to give you a warning.
    Sami to Alan: Are you trying to tell me you changed? Yeah, like hell!!!
    Alan to Sami: Your sister beleives me.
    Sami: What? What do you mean my sister? (clips of a shocked Roman, Lucas, and Austin looking on)
  21. PhoenixRising05

    -Nicole continues to watch Eric and Greta as they enjoy each other's company and are sharing a very close dance at the ball. She steams up at this sight, vowing to do whatever it takes to keep her man away from Greta-At all costs. She will not just lie down and take this. He is the love of her life and she is going to fight for him. Nicole moves in closer to hear what they are talking about and hears them discussing a "secret" and how they can't let Nicole or anyone learn it. A fed up Nicole finally reveals herself and demands to know what is going on and what they are hiding.

    -As Bo and Victor are chatting with some of Salem’s socially elite, both men turn around to suddenly see Stefano and Alexandra standing there. Their conversation is very tense:

    Victor: Well, well well. I didn’t know you could actually open the lid to your coffin long enough to climbed out of it.
    Stefano: My, my. I see your manners have taken just as big a hit as your empire. Especially since it now seems you have went into the explosion and demolition business.
    Bo: Look whose talking. How many secret hideaways have you blown up after one of your many disappearances?
    Lexie: You would do wise, Bo, to talk to my father with the utmost respect. He’s had your family’s number for more years than you care to remember.
    Bo: Lexie, I’ll give this bastard the same respect I would give a janitor. Actually, I would give the janitor more, seeing as his day’s work is honest.
    Stefano: Watch your tongue, Bo Brady.........
    Victor: No Stefano. You watch how you speak to my son. You see, the reason why Bo and Roman and everyone else never could take you down is because their sense of honor in dealing with you always got in the way. I, on the other hand, have absolutely no problem wiring your toilet to explode the next time you feel the need to use it.
    Stefano: I have grown tired of your threats, Victor. Soon, we will see who will be left standing. Salem will be mine, and you.....you will be a distant memory.
    Bo: Take your best shot, old man. We’re more than ready.
    Lexie: We intend to do just that. Now, if you will excuse us.......
    Victor: Yes. Have a wonderful evening.......while you still can.

    After walking away from each other, Stefano and Alexandra run into Abe and Roman. After asking them why they are there, Roman looks Stefano dead in his eyes and tells him in no uncertain terms:

    Roman: Don’t try any of your crap here tonight, Stefano. Or, I swear to God, I’ll put a bullet in your tail that will last a lifetime.
    Stefano: Now, now, Roman. You should be thanking me. If not for me, you still would be having nightmares about your past. Although if you were, they must have been blank memories.

    Roman grabs Stefano by the collar, as Abe jumps in and pulls him off.

    Stefano: How dare you put your hands on me?! Touch me again and I’ll have you brought up on charges!
    Abe: For what? I didn’t see anything. Just like I didn’t see you and Victor make threats to each other. Get the point?
    Stefano: (Angrily looking at Abe and Roman) Very well. You’ve made you point. Just stay away from me from now on. Is that too much to ask?
    Roman: No. Not at all, as long as you and Victor play nice. If not, I have no problem locking you both up. Now get out of my eyesight before I change my mind.
    Lexie: (Pulling on Stefano’s arm) Come, father. No need getting into this again.
    Stefano: Yes, my darling. (Turning to Roman) One day, you will pay for your insolence. You and that entire family of yours.
    Roman: Don’t do that, Stefano. Come after my family........and not only will I forget I have a badge, you just may end up face down in the Missouri River.

    Both men stare at each other as they all separate. Roman and Abe then seek out and find Victor. This meeting goes just as well as the previous one:

    Roman: Victor, we have to talk.
    Victor: Go ahead.
    Roman: Why are you so intent on turning Salem into some mafia battleground? I just had words with Stefano over the very same thing. Do you know how many people could get hurt, or KILLED, if this continues?
    Victor: Roman, I still respect and admire you, and no matter what our differences, you will always be like a son to me. Hell, I brought you back to Salem 16 years ago. My motives may have been more on the devious side, but it all turned out pretty well. But, ever since Stefano has rebuilt his criminal empire, I have had no choice but to do the same. To protect my family and loved ones, especially after what happenedon the island, is something I have to do. And, to be frank, I am not and will not accept any interference from you, Abe or anyone else. For God Sakes, Roman, just stay out of this!
    Roman: I can’t do that, so long as my brother is involved. He’s already broken Ma’s and Hope’s hearts. Austin and Lucas are involved too so Kate and that family is a mess. They are all worried that this mess you’ve gotten them all involved in will end their lives. So, friendship aside, if you go up against Stefano, I’ll have no choice but to try and bring you to justice as well.
    Victor: (Staring at Roman, standing very close) Try if you must. Bo, Lucas, and Austin are grown men, capable of making their own decisions. They have decided to see this through with me till the end, especially Bo.
    Bo: (Walking up to the small group) I sure have. I’m sick and tired of you always thinking you can run my life, Roman. Today it ends.

    With Hope and Caroline looking on, Bo does something that shocks everyone.

    Bo: (Looking at Abe) This is my badge. Since this badge signifies all the times Stefano has gotten away scot-free for his crimes, just like any other criminal, you can have it. I tried changing Salem for the better, but if scum like the DiMeras can walk around, it's not justice for me.

    Hope and Caroline look at Bo, blown away by what they have just witnessed. Hope begs bo not to do this and Caroline begs Victor to stop it but to no avail. Bo and Victor reiterate they are just doing what they must. As Bo gives his badge to Abe, Hope turns to Caroline, saying that if that man can turn his back on all that his is, all just may be lost, for him as well as anyone else who joins this war.

    -While everyone is still reeling from the previous scene, Abe takes Bo’s badge, puts it in his pocket, and walks away. He runs into Celeste and Alexandra, having one heated conversation. When Abe asks what’s going on, Celeste turns and tells him that Alexandra is demanding to see Theo, at the DiMera Mansion. Abe turns and looks at Lexie, telling her she is out of her mind if he thinks he will let Stefano anywhere near his son. He says she may see Theo anytime at the house but he can go nowhere near her father. Abe also tells her that the thought of that man as his grandfather still causes him to vomit his breakfast every morning. Lexie tells Abe that his insults do nothing but let her see how he really is. She says fine. Have it your way. She is now done with both of them, and as far as she is concerned, they both can go straight to hell. Celeste is beside herself, telling Lexie that she is lost if she feels Stefano is a alternative to her and Abe. She also reminds her that no matter what, she still loves her, and will be there when she needs her, which she feels will be very soon. Lexie doesn’t think so, and to prove it, she gets on the microphone and tells everyone at the party that as far as she is concerned, every single one of them can rot in hell. Stefano grins in approval, and as she leaves the podium, gives Abe and Celeste an evil stare.

    -Witnessing all of these happenings is a mysterious person. The person is dressed in a hooded costume with a white ghost mask on to conceal their identity. This person mentions to themself that they have not been in Salem in quite some time. The person also mentions how they wreaked havoc the last time they were here and, now they have returned. The person's agenda is a mystery and the person says in a muffled voice:

    Mystery Person: These people don’t have one clue what’s coming for them, but they will very soon. As God is my witness, they will feel my wrath once again.

    -As Max and Cassie watch Alexandra and Stefano leave the party, Max turns to Cassie and says he never thought a Halloween Party in Salem would be so eventful. Cassie concurs, saying that she never knew Lexie had it in her, which makes Max ask Cassie what her relationship is with her family. She tells him that as far as she is concerned, she will always be a Brady no matter what her last name is. Max tells her that makes him happy. He then says he will be right back, he needs more punch. She says she will wait right there. As he leaves, she turns her back, revealing an evil smirk on her face.

    -While Max walks by, he does not notice the intervention that is going on with the Horton family. Alice, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Lucas, Sarah, Melissa, and Don are all around Maggie trying to persuade her to let them help her move on and work through Mickey's death. Maggie is trying her best to get away from her family. Melissa tries to convince her that no one, absolutely no one blames her for Uncle Mickey’s death. Who knew that something like that would happen if they stayed on the island with everyone? Everyone agrees, especially Alice, who tells her that she is a daughter to her, and if she doesn’t hold Maggie responsible for her son’s death, then why is she doing this to herself? With Victor looking on secretly and cheering the Hortons on, Maggie says that no matter what anyone says, she is responsible, and will never feel the same again. Don grabs her and tries to talk some sense into her but all Maggie can hear in her head is the voices of her family and friends blaming her. She recalls Mickey's death and and how she wanted to stay on the island, with him wanting to stay with her. She also recalls blurting out Victor's secret pland and his angry tirade on her. Crying hysterically, Maggie screams for everyone to just leave her alone, and runs past Doug and Don into the night. Laura tries to grab her to calm her but she gets past her. Julie cryptically says that they need to find her or something bad may happen that they don't even want to think about.

    -After watching Maggie run out of the party, Jack starts out towards the door, in his effort to join in looking for her. After having a talk with Kate about what has been going on with Jack, she takes Kate's advice to heart and decides her mother is right. She must clear her name with Jack and prove she is telling the truth. She will not let Laura make her look bad to the people of Salem. Billie stops Jack, saying that the other Hortons can handle it. Jack says he is still a Horton by marriage, even if Jennifer is dead. Billie tells him that they need to talk. Jack can’t believe it. He says she really has shown her true colors. Maggie is missing, and maybe out there doing harm to herself, and all she can think about is herself. Billie says that she is sorry for stopping him, but they need to iron out what was left up in the air earlier. Jack tells her there is now nothing to iron out, and asks her to leave him alone. Billie is stunned that he is acting this way towards her as he seemed civil with her earlier when she didn't want to talk. Jack says seeing how much Lexie has changed and recalling he changed from such an evil person to a halfway decent one makes him wonder if Billie could change from the person he once knew her as, or maybe this is who she really is just like everyone said and he just was blinded. As he walks away, Billie looks at him sadly, wondering if they will ever be on the same page again.

    -Another party is heating up near the Salem University campus. Chelsea has gotten so intoxicated that she is starting to act in a destructive manner. Abby's sipping of a beer has turned dangerous as she is participating in drinking games and saying it's fun being reckless and not worrying about anything. She loves being bad and says she never wants to stop. Two men, who have been watching both girls, walk over and start getting rather friendly with them. Instead of Abby stopping Chelsea, though, she joins her in standing on a table and beginning to strip their clothes off.

    -Roman returns to Austin, who is searching for Sami. Austin explains that Lucas is with the Horton's helping Maggie but that he is keeping an eye out for Sami or Alan. Austin and Shane comment on how eventful these Salem parties are. While looking around, Austin spots Sami by the desert table. Lucas returns to them and says he is looking for Maggie and explains what happened. Austin tells Lucas that he has found Sami and thinks they need to tell her that Alan may be nearby or even at the Ball. Roman and Shane agree it's time Sami knows he is out of jail and how he played a role in what happened with Carrie a few weeks ago, especially since he could be nearby or in the building. Roman and Shane go with Abe to check with security about Alan. Austin tells Lucas that he is going to go over to her and tell her while Lucas keeps an eye out for Alan and goes to help find Maggie. Lucas says it may be better for him to do it as Maggie could not have gotten far and alot of people are looking for her already. Austin sees the look of worry and love in Lucas’s eyes, and agrees to the plan since it doesn't matter who does it as long as it's done. Lucas tells Austin thanks. As Lucas makes his way over to Sami, the song If You Leave Me Now by Chicago starts to play. Sami is reminded of Lucas as they once danced to this song and she reminisces about her time with Lucas, and tears start to form in her eyes. When she turns to look for him, she spots him walking towards her. She smiles and, as she starts towards him, bumps into a costumed Alan who happens to walk right in front of her not knowing it's her due to her costume:

    Alan: Oh, I’m so sorry. My mistake.
    Sami: Oh, it’s no problem, really. I guess I was just locked in on someone else.

    The man turns to walk away.

    Alan: I know how that is. Well, you have a good evening.
    Sami: Thank you. Same to you.

    As Alan starts to leave, Sami grabs the cloak he was wearing, and stops him dead in his tracks by asking:

    Sami: I recognize that voice. I hate to be so rude, but have we met each other before?

    Alan does not answer, but is now panic-stricken, as the scene fades to black.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives.............

    Hope to Bo: Well, would you look at that. It looks like fate has brought us together again.
    Caroline to Victor: I don't want to this. Why? Are you afraid of what might happen?
    Shane: Alan is here...
    Roman to Austin, Shane, Abe and Lucas: We need to find Sami before it's too late.
    Sami: I need to find that man. Why was he so familiar?
    Alan: I can't let that woman find me. She knows me and no one can know I am here.
    Nicole to Eric and Greta: I want the truth. What is going on?
    Billie to Jack: May I have this dance?
    Maggie: Oh my God...You've come back to me!!!
  22. PhoenixRising05

    Peck is OUT, Muldoon is IN!!

    In a stunning move that is shades of the Robert Kelker-Kelly/Peter Reckell shakeup of 1995, Salem Lives has decided to release Austin Peck and recast the role of Austin Reed with Patrick Muldoon. Muldoon originated the role in 1992 and left to pursue other opportunites in 1995. Peck stepped in and played the role until being dismissed shockingly in 2002. He returned in September 2005 and has played the role since. Rumors had been circulating for weeks about a big recast shakeup and it appears to was it. "We felt we needed a change," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "It was necessary for where we are going with the Austin character and we have always loved Patrick. I think many of us have wanted him back for years. This has nothing to do with Austin Peck or his contributions. He played the role during the character's glory years in the 90's and we appreciate everything he has done. Austin is in a darker story and we just feel Patrick suits the direction we are going on. Simple as that." Expect Peck to last air in late November and Muldoon to first air around the same time. "The switch will be very reminscient of another recast in the late 90's," says Lowery. "I am curious to see if the fans catch it. It is a nice nod to history."


    Salem Lives is looking for two actors in their early 20's for a powerful story involving Abby (Ashley Benson) and Chelsea (Rachel Melvin) in November and December. Both young men are described as wildly handsome and reckless. The roles are said to be short term and are set to begin in mid-November.
  23. PhoenixRising05



    Victor: This is war, Dimera.
    Hope: Bo, please don't do this!!
    Bo: I have to do what I have to do.


    Clip of Nicole watching Eric and Greta.

    Nicole: I want to know what is going on. I demand to know what has been going on between you two.


    Clip of Alice, Lucas, Bill, Laura, Doug, Julie, Melissa, Sarah, and Don all around Maggie.

    Don: Maggie, just let us help you!!
    Maggie: No!! Leave me alone!! Everyone just leave me the hell alone!!!


    Roman: We can't let Sami and Alan meet.


    Clip of a masked Sami with Alan, who is in costume.


    Sami: That voice...do I know you?


    Maggie: Oh my God...your here!! Your really here...



  24. PhoenixRising05
    Week of 10/29/06 Edition


    SL's Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) is at the center of the festivities as November kicks off.

    It's a huge week on Salem Lives as the Horton Halloween Ball takes center stage with a series of huge moments and big twists that will turn everything upside down. The week is so huge that EP/HW Tim Lowery is keeping his mouth shut in regards to details. "Let me put it this way," says Lowery. "This week will not be abundant with spoilers. We will give you enough to wet your appetities but this week is meant to be surprising and hardly predictable. It is our official kickoff to sweeps and you will see the same kind of thing during sweeps in regards to spoilers. I want this month to be one that amazes and just leaves people wanting more in December and part of that is being surprised so keep an eye out for spoilers but don't expect much detail at all this week or in the weeks ahead." So, what can be expected from the big fesitivities this week? Here is an some insight into some of the happenings at the ball so consider these part of the Peeks and Previews for the Week of October 30 :

    -Sami and Alan close in on each other.
    -The Horton's appeal to Maggie, who reaches her breaking point.
    -Abe and Celeste try to get through to Lexie.
    -Bo and Victor face off with Stefano and Lexie while Cassie remains loyal to the Dimera's in secret.
    -Nicole misinteprets Eric and Greta's conversation and confronts them.
    -Hope and Caroline try to convince Bo and Victor to end the war.
    -Roman, Shane, Austin, and Lucas work to make sure Alan and Sami don't meet up.
    -Maggie gets a special visitor.
    -Jack and Billie try to work through their differences.
    -Fate brings lovers and enemies together.
    -DON'T MISS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY which will feature a HUGE HALLOWEEN CLIFFHANGER as part of the big kickoff to NOVEMBER LIKE NO OTHER!!!

    As to what is happening in addition to the ball, here is some more Peeks and Previews for the Week of October 30 :

    -Things turn rowdy at Abby and Chelsea's party.
    -Max and Cassie are drawn into a dangerous situation, forcing Max to be a hero.
    -Kayla has a romantic fantasy about Steve and later finds her and Steve growing closer.
    -Laura attacks Kate while Bill tries to keep both woman in line.
    -Frankie stands by Billie, forcing Jack to choose as to who he believes.
    -Will makes a new friend.


    "The ball is intense, dramatic, and actually has some classic Halloween fright in it," promises Lowery. "I think the fans won't want to miss it because it is definitely memorable, as is the aftermath."

    Red Letter Days!!!

    Monday October 30: The ball takes several dramatic turns as the Horton's organize an intervention to save Maggie, who reaches her breaking point, and the great war in Salem heats up as Victor and Bo face off with Stefano and Lexie.

    Next Week: Steve crushes Kayla's dreams. Caroline comes to a frightening realization. Stefano and Lexie head for Australia. The rift between Jack and Billie grows. Victor and Bo learn of Stefano's plans, unaware they are falling into his trap. Lucas and Austin fight over Sami. Cal meets Dr. Katherine Harcourt.



    Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine C. Harcourt): As previously mentioned, the actress has won the role and will debut as the psychiatrist of Cal Winters (Josh Taylor) on November 10.

    John Clarke (Mickey Horton): As previously mentioned, the original cast member returns for a brief visit on October 31 and November 1.


    -Expect that big recast announcement tomarrow and it is a doozy!!!
    -Look for lots of Steve and Kayla (Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans) in the next two months.
    -Fans may want to hold on to their seat as the final two weeks of November will not make for a happy Thanksgiving. In fact, they will make for a BLOODY one.
    -Rumor has it Alexis Thorpe (Cassie) will be upped to contract status as big story is planned for her in the new year.
    -Look for a new family to come to Salem starting with the patriarch of the family, who will end up in Victor's (John Aniston) employ. Look for this new family to debut in December.
    -It is not looking like a pleasent holiday season for the Brady's or the Deveraux's.

  25. PhoenixRising05
    -Alan is walking the pier in Salem, perplexed due to the fact he has been unable to find any of Carrie's loved ones. He sees an ad on the front page of The Spectator promoting the Horton Halloween Ball and realizes everyone must be there. He hopes Carrie will be appreciative of his efforts and he goes to find a costume.

    -The ball is underway at the Penthouse Grille. Maggie arrives and is welcomed by Alice, Doug, Julie, Laura, and Hope. Maggie stresses she is only staying for a little bit and that she is only there to get them all off her back. She goes to get a drink and nearly slips by picking up a glass of champaigne. She notes that she needs to do a better job of concealing her drinking unaware that Caroline saw her slip and is suspicious.

    -Roman meets up at the ball with Shane and Abe and asks if they have seen anything. Austin and Lucas arrive and Roman thanks them for helping out. Lucas says he was asked to come anyway since it's his family's event. Roman informs them that he isn't sure if Sami is there but they need to keep an eye out for her and for Alan, should he show up. He tells Austin and Lucas they will put aside their differences in regards to Victor for one night to make sure nothing happens with Sami. They all agree to split up to cover the floor better.

    -Sami arrives in costume and makes her way around the ballroom, trying to stay under the radar. She bumps into Eric and Greta and asks what they are doing here together. Eric says they came as friends since Nicole was unavailable again. Sami asks if Nicole knows. Eric says she doesn't and he doesn't care. It's time she learned a lession. Sami says she wouldn't want to be him when Nicole finds out and she leaves to get a drink. Greta asks Eric if he wants to call Nicole. Eric refuses and says that Nicole will figure things out on her own. The clock on his life is ticking and if he can't have the woman he loves with him then he will just enjoy the time he has with family and friends. Greta and him toast to that.

    -Nicole returns to the suite and is shocked that Eric is gone. She wonders where he went and realizes his costume gone and he left without her. She quickly gets dressed and heads for the ball.

    -Abe sees Celeste and asks if she has had any more visions. She says she has and that evil is closing in, along with more pain and suffering. It will be a night of emotional upheaval is her claim. Abe privately worries over what this means as Celeste always seems to be right. Meanwhile, Stefano and Lexie are on their way to the ball in his limo. She asks if this is the best idea and he says it is and that it is about time Salem felt the full presence of the Dimera's.

    -Caroline asks Hope if Bo is coming. Hope says she doubts it based on how they left things last night. She tells Caroline she is really worried about him and doesn't know what to do to get through to him. Caroline says they will just have to pray things get better.

    -Victor and Bo are at the mansion discussing plans for their strike on Stefano. Victor senses that Bo is conflicted and asks if he is having doubts about their alliance. Bo says he is doing what he needs to do and what is necessary but it's killing him to be away from those he loves. Victor knows it is but says it has to be that way to be successful and protect them and that he still has him by his side as his father. Bo says he never thought of him as his father but he really is and never thought he would see the day when they were finally on the same page and fighting on the same side after everything they have been through. Victor agrees and says it's nice for a change and vows to Bo that they will succeed.

    -Caroline bumps into Maggie and says she is happy to see she moved out of Victor's mansion. Maggie says she did it for Victor so he can do what needs to do. Caroline is shocked that Maggie is supporting Victor's war on the Dimera's. Maggie says she hopes Victor destroys them for what they did to all of them and tells Caroline that Victor's actions are justified. Caroline disagrees while Maggie tells Caroline her opinion doesn't matter and no cares about it. She tells Caroline to just go about her business and not to interfere and that, if she tries, she will stop her as Victor's friend despite having moved out. Caroline asks if that is a threat. Maggie says it's a promise as she wants her husband's death avenged.

    -Kate arrives and can't wait to spring a surprise on Laura.

    -Jack and Billie bump into each other. Jack asks if she is ok after what happened at the house. Billie says she doesn't want to discuss it at the risk of it being twisted by Laura or someone else and excuses herself. Jack walks away, upset to see things so tense with Billie and him as Laura smiles from afar.

    -Abby continues to contemplate taking the meth and finally chickens out, prompting her to get ragged on and insulted. Abby tells Chelsea that she will have a drink but she will not smoke or do drugs. Chelsea reluctantly agrees and says Abby can start small. She tells everyone to lay off her as she is a beginner. Chelsea brings her a simple beer and tells her to she if she can handle that. Abby takes a few sips and enjoys it and begins to drink some more. Chelsea smiles and says that is the spirit. Meanwhile, two guys watch from afar and have targeted Abby and Chelsea. They note how the brown haired girl looks "easy" and how the blonde should be a challenge since she seems sweet and naive. They admit they can't wait to get their hands on them.

    -Cassie meets up with Max at the ball. He is shocked to see her there. She says she came since it's charity and to call it the "Brady" in her. They laugh and he asks if she has said anything about them making love. She reminds Max that she promised she wouldn't and she will hold to that. She tells him she knows it will never happen again and she only wants to be his friend. He thanks her and kisses her on the cheek and says he would love if they hung around together tonight. He goes to get them some drinks as she slyly smiles that her family is far from through with him, as is she.

    -Lexie and Stefano enter the ballroom, causing a major stir. Abe is stunned, as is Celeste. Stefano asks that everyone go about their business. He knows the Dimera presence is cause for attention but he doesn't want to upstage the party. Roman and Caroline both tell them to leave but Lexie tells them they have just as good reason to be there as they do and walk away. Abe and Celeste look at Lexie, who gives them a cold stare back. Victor and Bo are watching the ball on local news coverage and Victor tells Bo to get into costume as they are going to a ball. Bo asks why and Victor tells him he will see when they get there.

    -Roman, Shane, and Abe meet up. Austin walks over and explains Lucas had to handle something for his family and that he has some bad news. Roman asks if that means there has been some sign of Alan or Sami. Austin says he talked to Eric and Greta and they just got done talking to Sami. Roman says they can't take a chance if Alan is there and that they need to find Sami before she finds Alan. Roman and Abe both order that they must keep an eye on Stefano and Lexie as well. Meanwhile, Sami heads over to a food table and is standing next to a man, who is unrecognizable due to his costume. She is unaware that it's Alan just as he is unaware that it's her.

    -Eric and Greta are dancing and she asks if he is ok. He says he hates to say this to her but he wishes Nicole was here. His time is running out and nothing is working for them. Greta says she feels bad for him and that she is there to help him through all this. He tells Greta he doesn't know where he would be without her. They embrace while they dance as a costumed and angry Nicole looks on from afar.

    -Jack takes a break from covering the Ball to try to talk to Billie again. Billie says she has no interest right now in talking to him and that she wants him to leave her alone right now. She walks away as Laura looks on, pleased with what is happening. Kate sees her and asks Laura if she is having a good time. Laura says it's going well. Julie signals to her it's time and Laura says she has to go. Kate asks what the hurry is as she has a surprise for her. Laura says she has no time. Kate says she will want to make the time as she has someone with her who would be very interested in her actions of late. A familiar voice then says from behind Laura, "Hello, Laura. You've been quite busy, haven't you?" Laura turns around and is stunned to see a masked man take off his mask to reveal himself as Bill Horton as Kate looks on, happy and satisified.

    -Bo and Victor arrive and also cause a stir. Roman, Billie, Hope and Caroline are stunned, along with many in the ballroom. Bo asks why they are there and Victor tells him they are there to send a message. Bo sees Hope and they share a long glance. Hope walks over and asks why he is there. Bo says on business and walks away, leaving Hope alone. Julie comes over to Hope and tell her they need her and that it's time.

    -Julie goes to get Laura and is pleased to see Bill. She tells Laura it's time. Laura tells Kate and Bill they can finish their discussion later. Bill reunites with his son, Lucas and the rest of the Horton's. Julie asks Bill to just follow their lead as they are going to try to help Maggie. Maggie walks over and asks why they are all in a corner of the ballroom and why Lucas, Hope, Alice, Hope, Julie, Doug, and Bill are all together like there is something going on. Julie says there is and asks Maggie to turn around. She does and is shocked to see Melissa. Melissa runs over to her and hugs her. Someone taps her on the shoulder and asks Maggie not to forget about her. It's Sarah. Maggie realizes she never even saw them arrive because they were in costume. Maggie embraces her and then recalls Mickey's death and how they styaed on the island because she wanted to help out and chose not to get on the rescue boat. She sees her family around her and looks into their eyes and begins to hear voices blaming her for Mickey's death. She clutches her head and is clearly overwhelmed. Laura tries to calm her but she runs away from them and right into a costumed man's arms. She looks up at the man's masked face and tells him to let her go. The man takes off the mask revealing the face of Don Craig. He asks Maggie why she is running as he just arrived and the ball is just beginning. Maggie looks at Don and her family all around her while in tears and then begins to break down uncontrollably, getting the whole ballroom's attention. Laura and Bill try to calm her again as Maggie screams out repeatedly for all of them to stay away from her.

    The screen fades to black and the credits roll.
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