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Blog Entries posted by PhoenixRising05

  1. PhoenixRising05
    At the Newcastle Mountain Retreat in Colorado, Cal has just came in from skiing on the slopes. Katherine is with him, and asks how everything went. He says fine but he just can’t relax knowing that his family is in trouble. She reminds him that the Bradys are not his family anymore. He walks up to her and tells her that just because she insists on acting like a prude most of the time, doesn’t give her the right to dictate who is and isn’t family.

    She tells him he’s right, but he just has to put the Bradys to the side for right now, that’s all. His feelings for them may be what is blocking his memory from coming back. He sees that but doesn’t want to turn his back on them. Whoever wiped out his memory will pay for taking his past.

    He swears it, on everything he loves.

    -At Salem University Hospital, Eric & Nicole’s family and friends wait out in the hallway patiently for Fr. Jansen to arrive so they can get married. Caroline drifts off quietly, thinking about someone. When Kate comes over and asks what is wrong, she softly says she wishes Marlena was here to see her son get married. Kate puts her arm around andtells her that she is watching, not in body, but in spirit. Kate truly feels that Marlena’s spirit has been here the whole time and wants Caroline to not sell her short. Caroline is surprised by Kate’s kindness and Kate says she would be surprised how much tragedy changes your disposition.
    They both smile and laugh and when Caroline turns around, she sees someone she recognizes. She is shocked beyond belief and walks past Kate to look at the face of her granddaughter, Belle, who has returned to Salem. She welcomes her home and gives her a big hug and Belle returns the gesture, saying she’s happy to be home. Belle asks her if she knows this man standing behind her. Caroline & Kate, who has joined the welcome home celebration, look at this man with amazement. Kate walks over and touches his face, and, after cradling it and staring at him, starts crying. She gives a huge hug to this man , who tells her not to strangle him. It's Philip. Everyone breaks out in laughter.

    Belle says she has a gift for the happy couple as she heard she was returning to a wedding. The Card says “Best Wishes at this time. Hope the road of love and happiness rises to greet you in every direction. Love, C.C. Capwell”. Philip says that he is a friend of Victor's and wanted to send a gift for the happy couple. Belle says she knew they couldn't show up without a gift.

    Kate asks him how’s he’s been. She apologizes for not calling him in the last few day but hopes he understands with everything that has been going on. He knows that and says it’s no big deal. He also says his recovery has been difficult but more than anything else, it’s good to be home. Kate and Belle concur. When Kate asks Belle how things have been, Belle just cryptically says ok. They both look at each other and clam up, not wanting to talk about it. Kate and Caroline notice this but say nothing and view the arrival of Fr. Jansen.

    -Nicole walks over and informs everyone that Dr. Rowen says that they should have the wedding ASAP. She starts crying again, saying that he doesn’t have much time and falls into Max’s arms. They all look around at each other, hoping that they are not witnessing Eric's final “Days”.

    -On the rooftop, Victor responds to Roman’s deadly threat:

    Victor: How DARE you speak to me like that?! You were a son to me! I accepted you when you fell in love and married Isabella. I was in your corner when you thought you were Forrest Alamain, and Vivian Alamain tried to steal your fortune! I WAS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT YOU BACK TO SALEM, DAMMIT!!! And now you pull a gun on me when I try to save your son’s life?!
    Roman: You give me this damn rundown of the last 15 years of my life, and expect me to forget the fact that you BOUGHT me and used me as some damn Pawn?! Then you had an affair with my mother, which produced Bo, and almost destroyed my parents’ marriage. You’ve started this war, and Bo and many others almost got killed! And now you act self-righteous about helping my family?!


    Victor’s eyes grow wide with Roman’s last statement. He takes a step forward, but Roman holds fast. He then climbs into the copter, and slams the door, locking it behind him. Victor runs up and tries to open the door, but Roman threatens the pilot:

    Roman: I’m a member of the S.P.D. and a former I.S.A. Agent. You better fly this copter to Chicago so I can save my son’s life, or you won’t live to see tomorrow!

    After a moment of terrified indecision, the pilot revs up his controls and flies off, almost taking Victor with him. Victor, Lucas, whose now walked on the rooftop, and an unseen Sami watch as the copter takes off into the night at breakneck speed.

    Victor angrily turns, curses Roman, and walks away. When he walks back inside he gets a phone call from one of his accociates. Victor speaks to this man intently: It turns out the man he’s talking to a world-famous businessman. This businessman gives him information that he has recently obtained about Stefano DiMera, informing him that his plan is working and that DiMera’s empire has taken a substantial hit in the stock market. Victor is pleased, and remarks that at least something is going right on this day. His friend wishes him well and tells hin if he needs anything, just to let him know. Victor thanks him and bids him goodbye. When Lucas spots Victor, he asks if everything is ok. Victor says yes.

    He just got word from an accociate with some news. Lucas ask if this person was anyone important. Victor says to Lucas:

    Victor: Do you think Victor Newman is important?

    Lucas says of course. He’s one of the richest and most powerful businessmen in the world. Next to him, of course. Both men laugh and Victor tells him he’s going far in this life and for him to just stay with him. Now, he says to Lucas, he’s on his way to dinner with Maggie. He says to keep him informed about Eric’s condition and to let him know when Roman returns.

    Lucas sees Sami on the rooftop, looking off in the direction that the copter flew. He walks up to her and ask:

    Lucas: You ok? Did you see that exchange, Sami?
    Sami: Yeah, I sure did. (Smiling) I saw my daddy fly off to save his son. To hold a gun on a man like Victor Kiriakis, and not bat an eye, or even blink......that something else.
    Lucas: Sami.....if I didn’t know better, you look almost happy Roman did what he did.
    Sami: (Crying) I am, Lucas. (Wiping away her tears) I’ve spent my whole life blaming that man for everything that has ever went wrong in my life. I blamed him for that night at Titan with my mother, and turned my back on him. (Looking at Lucas) I was so wrong. He was shot by Stefano, held captive, had his memory erased and his face changed, and all he ever wanted was to be with his family. And I spit in his face, Lucas! Every chance I got.
    Lucas: Don’t be so hard on yourself, Sami. (Putting his hands on her arms and holding her) You have to realize that you whole family was hurt by what Stefano did to Roman. You were a baby when he disappeared and was.......presumed dead. How can you hold yourself accountable for that?
    Sami: Because Lucas, I ignored him, told him to go to hell, wished death on him, and the entire time, for 15 YEARS, he was my father. Everything I have done to you, Carrie, Austin, my mother, Kate, Brandon, and our little boy.....and he pulls a gun on a man so he could be the one who saved his son. He gave blood twice so that Eric could live, even if it cost him his own life. How can I still hate that man?
    Lucas: You mean......you now accept him? You know what this means, don’t you?
    Sami: I do. I know it means that the wonderful, sweet, kind, heroic man who just flew off......

    Is my dad, Roman Augustus Brady. And I’m very proud to call him that.

    Sami looks once more off into the distance and then tells Lucas that she is going back to speak to Belle. Lucas smiles as she walks past, and gives a deep sigh, happy and proud of the change that seems to be finally taking hold.

    Victor meets Maggie at Chez Rouge, and surprises him with a candlelight dinner for two. Victor takes Maggie’s hand and draws her close, thanking her for getting his mind off of what is happening in his life. She says he looks angry about something, and ask what it is. He says it’s nothing, and he won’t let whatever happened to ruin this wonderful evening. Soft music starts up, and they look at each other smiling, and start to dance. This romantic moment is interrupted by a phone call Victor receives. He excuses himself for a moment as he takes this call:

    Victor: Now what’s happened? Really? Thank you very much for the call, and keep me informed. Goodbye. Well, that was very interesting. This is going to be one HELL of a New Year.....if I have anything to say about it.

    The screen freeze-frames on a very determined Victor.

    ***There will be no Next on Salem Lives with this episode. Wednesday's episode will be posted after midnight so readers can catch up on Monday's and Tuesday's.***

  2. PhoenixRising05
    At Salem University Hospital, Nicole stays by Eric’s side. She has tears running down her face and leaves to go out into the hallway. Once there she informs the shocked family members that her and Eric are going to get married. Caroline walks up to her and, after a moment’s hesitation, congratulates her. She tells her she has really changed for the better and would be honored to have her as a Brady.

    -Hope and Billie run into each other in the hallway. She asks Billie to walk with her. Once they get outside. Hope doesn’t mince words and gets right to the point. She wants Billie to help her stop Bo from continuing his involvement in this DiMera/Kiriakis mafia war. Billie jerks away from her, telling her she should have thought about his involvement during all the times she turned her back on him.

    Hope is pissed. She tells Billie it’s none of her business what went on between those two, especially since her daughter killed her son. Billie fires back, saying why in the hell did Hope come to her wanting her help?! She then tells Hope that Bo may be in this mess because Hope has spent all of her time believing everyone else but him. Everyone and their mama has came up to her speaking of Bo in a horrible fashion and after twenty years together, she believes them over him, so, whose the damn hypocrite here?!

    Hope looks at Billie with shame, telling her that no matter how much it kills her to say this, she’s right. Hope would throw the fact that she can’t keep her hands off her husband at her (Which causes Billie to place her hands on her hips and frown up angrily), but how can she say one word when every time she could have just believed Bo, she didn’t. She looks at Billie and apologizes to her for trying to get her involved. Hope says it’s her mess and she’ll clean it up. She tells Billie goodbye and leaves.

    The scene then slowly dissolves into Bo, laying in a chair at the hospital. He is having another strong flashback to a traumatic childhood memory and he can’t seem to shake it. He once again calls out for Shawn Sr., Caroline, Roman, and Kimberly but they can’t help him. He suddenly jumps up sweating and looking around frantically, making sure that he is safe.

    Sami has Roman’s head cradled in her lap, with tears streaming down her face. She calls for help:

    Sami: Please! Someone help me!

    When personnel rush in, they pick Roman up and place him on a gurney. When a nurse ask what happened, Sami replies:

    Sami: He fainted. He had given blood earlier today, but must have done it once more. My brother, Eric Brady, is down the hall, and he wanted to help, I guess.
    Doctor: Is this Roman Brady?
    Sami: Yes. Yes it is.

    Sami holds onto her purse, looking on as the hospital personnel work on her father. The doctors and nurse stabilize Roman and he slowly comes to. Sami is standing right there, demanding to know one answer:

    Sami: What the hell is wrong with you?! Eric is fighting for his life, and you do something stupid like this! You should have your damn head examined!
    Roman: (Trying to regain his senses) What damn difference does it matter to you?! I’ve got nothing but nasty attitude from you for the last 15 years. You don’t give a damn what happens to me!
    Sami: (Yelling) You are a damn lier! (Stomping her feet) I’ve always loved you, Daddy!!!

    Both look at each other, shocked. Roman says:

    Roman: Get the nurse. I think I’m going to pass out again.

    Sami is shocked as well, and clutches her handbag tightly, no believing what she just said.

    -Victor joins Caroline in one of the waiting rooms. He walks up to her and hands her a cup of coffee. She accepts but is none too pleased to see him after the events in Sydney. He tells her he wishes she would understand his motives and reasons behind his actions. She says she doesn’t give a damn about his actions. All she cares about is her baby boy coming home with 4 bullet wounds in him, all because of him.

    Victor says he would give his life for any of his children. Caroline tells him he seems to have forgotten the promise he made to Isabella. Victor grows intently quiet and stares at Caroline. She said yes, he heard her. What would she say if she saw what has happened to her brother all because of him? She says don’t do anything for my family thinking it will make headway with her because until Bo is out of this war, they have nothing to say.

    As she leaves she turns and thanks him anyway, for what he is doing for Eric.

    -Roman witnesses Caroline walk away from Victor. Victor feels he ca use this gesture to rub salt in Roman’s wounds where his family is concerned but what Victor doesn’t notice is Roman getting up off of his gurney and walking slowly towards him. Roman stands behind, waiting for Kayla and Greta to thank him. He is holding himself up slightly and when Victor turns around, he lambasts him, telling him that he will take care of his son, not Victor. Caroline walks up behind Roman and turns him around, jumping on him for giving blood so soon after doing it the first time. Roman doesn’t really care about himself. All that’s most important to him is his son. And he can’t believe that she would be accepting of anything from Victor Kiriakis!

    Sami stands off from everyone else, watching the entire scene, but paying special attention to Roman. She smiles ever so slightly, surprised that she is secretly cheering him on as he protects his family.

    Victor gets a phone call and tells everyone the helicopter he bought for his trip for Eric is there. He promises everyone he’ll return ASAP. Roman says over his dead body and races past Victor, heading to the roof. Having gotten his strength back, coupled with a burst of adrenaline, Roman kicks the door to the roof open and waits for the copter to land. Victor follows closely behind and, standing behind what’s left of the door is Sami, watching the whole scene.

    The copter lands and Victor tries to push past Roman. But, Roman grabs Victor and pushes him away. When Victor regains his footing, he storms towards to copter but gets stopped dead in his tracks when Roman pulls his gun! He says loudly to Victor:

    Roman: Eric is my son! The Bradys are my family! You cost us the life of the finest man who ever live. My father. I’ll be DAMNED if I’ll let you anywhere near any of them again!
    Victor: You are so damn smug and arrogant, Roman! Do you honestly think your mother & family would approve of your methods?!
    Roman: This coming from a mafia godfather?! That’s rich! I’ll save my son’s life, and I’ll watch over MY family. And if you take one step towards this copter........


    The screen fades out on an angry Roman's face.

    ***There is no Next on Salem Lives for this episode. Please just go ahead to reading Tuesday's show***
  3. PhoenixRising05
    Week of 12/11/06 Edition


    Family and friends rally around Eric to make his final wish come true this week on Salem Lives and Nicole couldn't be happier. "Eric is the man she loves and she has done more to hurt him then he has done to hurt her," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "That is the key. He was the first person to give her the time of day in Salem and was the only guy that never led her on or hurt her to the point where she couldn't stand him. He came back to her even after she broke his heart." Family and friends prepare and gather for the simple, romantic ceremony in Eric's room. "It's sweet and not alot of fanfare but it's nice," promises Lowery. "It's a nice break from the darkness over Salem." Eric and Nicole are pronounced husband and wife but then thinks take a turn for the worse on many accounts. "Bad news about Roman surfaces and Eric also worsens," says Lowery. "Nicole has no choice but to call Fr. Jansen for last rites." Is the honeymoon already over for the newlyweds?


    Sami finally comes to terms with accepting John as Roman and, more importantly, as her father this week on Salem Lives . The action picks up with Sami helping Roman, who has given far too much blood in an effort to save Eric. "We see Sami finally worried about him for the first time since the island," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "Something clicks in her when he doesn't wake up and she just calls him daddy. She shocks even herself and seems overjoyed when he awakens." Roman recovers but then gets upset when he sees Caroline thanking Victor for volunteering to go to the clinic near Chicago to help Eric. "Roman goes into a rage and doesn't want his family to owe anything to Victor," adds Lowery. "He doesn't want him using anything to manipulate his mother into falling into his trap again so he follows Victor up to the roof to meet the helicopter as Sami follows."

    On the rooftop, a desperate Roman faces off with Victor and pushes him out of the way and boarding the helicopter himself. He pulls a gun on the pilot and co-pilot and orders them to fly away on his orders as he is a member of the Salem PD. Meanwhile, on the rooftop, an angry Victor leaves but seeing all that Roman is doing for Eric has affected her. "She has flashbacks to the years John as Roman raised Eric and her and to all the fights between them and to all the recent happenings," says Lowery. "She realizes he was right and that she was afraid to accept him. It goes against everything she has beleived and she was embarassed by how she treated him after how he raised her. Seeing what he is doing for Eric is different then seeing what he has done for her in recent weeks as when Roman did things for her she thought he was trying to impress her but, with Eric, he is pretty much ok with Roman so there is no reason to do this other then caring for him. She used her bad childhood and what she witness in that night at Titan as a reason for her actions for years. Now she can't and she is just afraid to accept him as her dad even though she knows he is and wants to."

    Lucas then joins Sami on the rooftop and a there is a cute moment. "He asks her what is going on and she says that her dad went off to save her brother and she smiles," enthuses Lowery. "She seems proud and she realizes that part of her redemption is accepting John as Roman and her father. It's like one of her last steps and it seems ok to do it now as she has seen how much he loves and cares for Eric and that tells her alot." Lucas is proud of her and they share a close moment. By week's end, the lightheartedness dissipated as bad news about Roman prompts Sami to take action. "It's another way to prove herself and to redeem herself but she also wants to make everything up to Roman in a way," previews Lowery. "Plus, she needs to help her brother." The question is how far will Sami go to prove she has changed?


    Victor and Maggie's relationship moves to a new level...sort of this week on Salem Lives when they share a kiss under the mistletoe. "Victor is upset about what happened in Sydney and Roman's interference in his helping Eric and so on so Maggie arranges a private dinner for them at Chez Rouge," previews EP/HW Tim Lowery. "They are all alone as the restaurant is not yet open to the public and it's romantic, even if it wasn't intended to be." The friends end up talking and dancing and express how much they mean to each other. "It becomes clear as they talk more that they feel quite strongly for each other and they question how deep their feelings are," says Lowery. "Maggie fears being alone and Victor has been alone for so long and has been hurt by Caroline. Maggie and Victor don't judge each other and they have been there for each other. They express these feelings to each other and, in a vulnerable moment, they kiss." However, the kiss is under the mistletoe so they both claim they were going along with tradition but, privately, it's clear to both of them it might mean more. What will Caroline do when she hears about this? "It may get ugly," laughs Lowery.


    Belle and Philip return to Salem with Claire this week on Salem Lives and it is clear not all is right with the recently reunited family. The young Kiriakis family is reunited with friends and family at the hospital. "Belle knew she had to come back because of Eric and Philip wanted to return too for his family," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "The immediately immerse themselves in the happenings in Salem but it is clear there is something else going on. They are being asked questions left and right but don't really give answers. They are being secretive about something." By week's end, Kate witnesses a tense moment between Belle and Philip and it soon becomes clear that something happened in San Francisco during Philip's recovery and that all is not right with the now-united family. "They claim they worked out their differences in San Francisco but it's not clear if they are telling the truth," says Lowery. "Philip is having a hard time adjusting to life after the plastic surgery and all the rehab so he is very temperamental. Whether that is the source of the tension remains to be seen but there is definitely something going on." As for who will be playing the new Philip since Kyle Brandt left the role this past summer, tune in on Tuesday December 12 for the answer!!!



    Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson): Look for Steve (Stephen Nichols) and Kayla's (Mary Beth Evans) daughter to return for the holidays to finally meet her presumed dead father. She first airs on December 18.

    Christie Clark (Carrie Brady): Clark returns after a short hiatus on December 19.

    Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady): As previously reported, the actress is returning for an umlimited run. She first airs on December 19.

    Tom Welling (Andrew Donovon) and Michelle Williams (Jeannie Donovon): As previously reported, Andrew and Jeannie return to Salem with their mother but won't stick along with her after the holidays. They first air on December 19.

    Previews and Peeks into Week of 12/11/06

    -Roman's actions touch Sami and she has a change of heart.
    -Hope begs Bo to end his alliance with Victor.
    -Victor and Roman face off.
    -Katherine and Cal make progress...bot on on his past.
    -Belle, Philip, and Claire return to Salem.
    -Victor and Maggie get cozy.
    -Belle and Philip are hiding something.
    -Eric and Nicole take a leap of faith.
    -Kate's curiosity is piqued where Belle and Philip are concerned.
    -Abby and Chelsea wake up but remain in the dark about their conditions.
    -News about Roman rocks the Brady's.
    -Sami takes action.
    -Nicole asks Fr. Jansen to give Eric his last rites.
    -Laura's wish comes true.
    -Bo's memory flashes continue as he gets a mysterious phone call.
    -Greta encourages Chelsea to tell Hope the truth.


    Tuesday December 12: Sami has a breakthrough as Belle, Philip, and Claire return to Salem.
    Wednesday December 13: Victor and Maggie kiss!!!
    Thursday December 14: Eric and Nicole wed as news of Roman surfaces...

    Next Week: Chelsea tells Hope the truth. Romance is in the air on Christmas Eve for Jack and Billie and Max and Abby. Salem celebrates Christmas as the Horton's trim the tree once again and miracles abound in Salem. Carrie returns. Stephanie, Kimberly, Andrew, and Jeannie return. Bo has a surprise for Hope. Two surprise returns shock Salem. Sami and Roman share a special Christmas moment. The Johnson's enjoy their first Christmas together.
  4. PhoenixRising05
    -At the hospital, Hope approaches Victor and says she needs to speak with him. She fears for Bo's life, especially after what happened in Sydney, and begs Victor to do something to make him quit. Someone is going to get killed eventually and she does not want it to be Bo. Victor insists there is nothing he can do. Bo is his own man and he reminds Hope of everything Bo and his family has had to deal with.

    Hope understands but says she can't lose him after everything that has happened. She nearly lost him in Sydney but she isn't going through that again. Kate arrives and agrees. She orders Victor to find some way to make Austin and Lucas end their alliance with Victor as well. Austin and Lucas overhear and tell Kate to butt out. Kate insists that if they want Carrie to return this is not the way to do it.

    Lucas reminds Kate of Carrie leaving because it wasn't safe to be around with a baby. Kate rolls her eyes and says that Carrie probably couldn't choose between Austin and Lucas. Lucas assures Kate that Carrie loved him and wanted him. Austin looks on, knowing full well that was not the case.

    Victor tells Kate and Hope there is nothing he can do but he does need Austin, Lucas, and Bo to help in his cause. However, if they choose to leave on their own, that is up to them and he will have to accept it. Victor leaves and so do a frustrated Austin and Lucas. Kate and Hope wonder what it's going to take to end all this turmoil.

    -Kayla, Greta, and Bill are in the hospital file room researching Eric's condition and possible treatment options. Kayla begins to think it is doubtful they will ever find anything to help. Steve is wandering aimlessly in the background. Kayla tells him he can leave but he insists on staying since he doesn't know anyone and only feels comfortable with her. Bill then points something out and Kayla takes a look. She says they may be on to something.

    -Billie is by Chelsea's side when Bo arrives and says there is news. Billie leaves with Bo. Meanwhile, Frankie stops by Abby's room to get Jack. He tells Jack there is news about Abby and Chelsea's condition. They leave.

    -Caroline, Frankie, Max, Bo, Hope, Maggie, Doug, Julie, Kate, Lucas, Austin, Billie, and Jack are all present. Laura stands in the background with Julie to avoid Jack. The girls' doctor arrives. Billie begs the doctor to tell them what the news is about Abby and Chelsea.

    -Sami lashes out at Roman and tries to throw him out of Eric's room. Nicole comes in and says Eric doesn't need this. Roman agrees and ushers Sami outside. He tells Sami she is wrong and that this isn't no time for this kind of behavior. Sami tells him not to lie to Eric. He isn't their father and never will be.

    Roman asks Sami why she can't accept this. Is she afraid to be wrong? Afraid of what accepting a man she has hated for years with no reason will feel like? Is she embarassed to be wrong? Sami tells him to shutup. Roman reminds her she has no reason to hate him. The scene she witnessed between him and Marlena when she was younger was not adultery. He was the real Roman all along so he never broke up her family or her marriage. Stefano tore them apart when he made him and everyone think he wasn't Roman.

    Sami turns and, with tears in her eyes, she remains silent. She wipes the tears away and tells him to stay away from Eric and her. He is not family. Roman asks Sami what he needs to do to get through to her. Sami says nothing. He will always be John Black to Eric and her.

    -The doctor tells Jack, Billie, and the others that Abby and Chelsea will survive and should be waking up soon. However, they may have life changing injuries. Due to Abby's two severely broken legs, she may never walk again. Chelsea's left arm was practically shattered in the accident and she may never be able to use it again. Jack, Billie, and the others are devestated.

    -A nurse interrupts Roman and Sami. Roman asks her how Eric is and tells her that he is his father so she can tell him. The nurse says he lost alot of blood and is still losing more. The infection is worsening and with the blood clots and internal bleeding, they are also worried about an anerysm. They are low in the blood bank this time of year and they have asked a few to donate blood but Eric has such a rare type.

    He needs a transfusion to keep him holding on so they can have a chance at finding something to help. Sami volunteers to help her brother since she has the same blood type. Roman offers to as well, remembering he has the same type. Sami rolls her eyes and says him giving blood does not change a thing.

    -Jack comforts a devestated Billie. Jack says it will be ok and they will get through this. Billie thinks they should keep the condition from the girls when they first wake up until they recover and are able to handle it. Bo, Hope, and the others agree.

    -Doug and Julie comfort Laura, who blames herself and says she will never forgive herself nor should anyone else. Meanwhile, Kate tells Lucas and Austin that she doesn't know if Chelsea can handle this after everything she has been through. Lucas says that they will just hold off on telling her until she is stronger like Billie said and, hopefully, it will all work out.

    -Sami gives blood, as does Roman in another cubicle. Sami asks the nurse if Eric has enough for now. The nurse says he could use around two more pints to get him through at least tomarrow afternoon. They will just have to hope they can find some more or get some more donations. It's just they don't have enough right now. Sami offers to give more but the nurse says that would be dangerous.

    Roman overhears all this and remembers what Sami told him earlier about him not being able to do anything to prove himself. He will always be John Black to Eric and her. He is not a father to them. Roman finds another nurse and tells her that Dr. Rowen told him to come to her...to donate some blood for Eric Brady.

    -Frankie tells Max that now is the time to tell Abby how he feels. Max can't deny it anymore. Frankie says he knows he cares deeply for her and she is going to need him. He advises Max to tell her the truth as soon as she wakes up.

    -Hope tells Bo that this is why Bo needs to end his involvement with Victor. Chelsea will need him now more then ever. They all need him. Bo tells Hope it's his decision, not hers. He can't make it right now and he orders her to stay out of it.

    -Caroline goes to tell Kayla, Bill, Steve, and Greta what is going on with the girls. Bill is stunned. Kayla tells Caroline they found a drug to help Eric but it's in a clinic in a small town outside of Chicago. The problem is the roads are impassible there due to a major snowstorm and their only option to get the drug here in time may be helicopter. There is alot of redtape to go through to use the hospital's so they don't know what to do.

    Caroline gets upset and says they don't have alot of time. Eric needs help fast. Victor then arrives with Maggie and says he may be able to help. He will offer his helicopter and will personally oversee going to the clinic to get the drug. They are all stunned.

    -Nicole is by Eric's bedside when he finally wakes up from the sedative. He is very weak. He asks Nicole what is going on but she tries to tell him he is fine. He knows he isn't and wants the truth. Nicole fills him in on what is happening. Eric says he knows he is dying and wants her to grant him a dying wish.

    Nicole refuses to beleive he is dying. Eric tells Nicole to just listen. He tells Nicole his dying wish is for her to marry him ASAP.

    -Sami finishes talking to the nurse and then collects her belongings. She sees Roman slowly come out of a cubicle and asks him why he was in that one when she last saw him with another nurse in another cubicle when she was giving blood. She sees something is wrong and asks him what is going on.

    Roman prepares to say something when his eyes roll to the back of his head and he collaspes right in front of her. Sami kneels down next to him and yells for him to wake up. She calls out for help as she cradles his head in her arms as the screen fades out.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Eric to Nicole: So...we getting married or what?
    Hope to Bo: Please Bo...please give this up.
    Billie: She's right Bo...we need you. Chelsea needs you.
    Caroline to Victor: If your doing this because of your feelings for me, don't do it at all. There is no hope for us, Victor. None.
    Sami to Roman: Wake up!! Please wake up, daddy!!!
  5. PhoenixRising05
    -It's a new day in Salem. Caroline, Frankie, and Max are at the hospital. Doug and Julie soon arrive. Laura arrives and Julie embraces her and asks how she is holding up. Laura says the best she can under the circumstances. Doug asks where Bill is. Laura says that Bill is helping Greta try to find something to help Eric.

    Caroline comes over and mentions the rest of their loved ones from Sydney are back and should be arriving. At that moment, Bo and Hope rush in followed by Steve and Kayla and an emotional reunion occurs. Caroline is so happy they all made it and hopes that somehow Stefano pays for what he did to them. She asks where Roman is. Bo says he went to the station to see what is up with what happened to Sami.

    -At the station, Abe and Shane are filling Roman in on what happened with Sami when Sami enters with Austin in tow. She asks if there is any confirmed word on the explosion. Abe says he still beleives Stefano was behind it. Roman agrees. Sami tries to ignore Roman and asks Abe to let her know when he learns anything. She leaves with Austin without saying a word to Roman, who just shakes his head.

    -Meanwhile, in a secret location in the US, Stefano is reading a Salem newspaper and reads about the explosion at Sami's apartment. He tells Lexie it seems that he is being blamed for it. He snickers and wonders why his enemies don't know his style by now. He would never do something like that so quickly after Sydney and would want the Brady's to suffer. Death by explosion is to quick. Lexie quietly asks when they are going to return to Salem and get revenge. Stefano says soon. They will let their enemies enjoy Christmas and then pull the rug right out from under them...

    -Lucas arrives at the hospital with Kate. Caroline tells Bo and Hope there is something she did not tell them on the phone. It's about Chelsea and Abby. Meanwhile, Steve and Kayla are caught up to speed on everything by Doug and Julie and Kayla says that they should go check on Jack since he is Steve's brother. Steve says whatever and goes off with her. Maggie arrives with Victor and Laura, Doug, and Julie embrace her. Julie hugs Victor and thanks him for taking care of Maggie. Victor says she saved him but she should have never come. She could've been killed. Julie says it's all ok now. Victor says that may be but that's only for now.

    -Bo and Hope race to Chelsea's room and find Billie at her bedside. Bo sits down at Chelsea's bedside and begs her not to leave them. He says they can work through everything together...as a family. Their time together has been short and it can't end like this. Billie goes outside to talk to Lucas and Kate. Hope tells Bo that this is why he needs to end what is going on and stop working with Victor. His family and friends need him. Bo says he can't think about that right now. Hope agrees it isn't the right time but tells Bo it would be for the best.

    -Austin joins Lucas, Kate, and Billie and says that Sami went to check on Eric. Kate learns of the explosion and, if it was Stefano, she wants Lucas and Austin to end their involvement with Victor. This war must end and she won't let her sons end up killed. Lucas and Austin doubt they will be doing much right now as the war has died down with Stefano lying low. Billie says that Stefano is at his most dangerous that way and there is no telling when he will strike.

    -Will meets "Ace" (really Alan) on the pier. He asks why he called him. Alan says he wanted to make sure he didn't tell his mother anything about him being in front of her apartment. Will says he didn't say a thing. Alan explains he was just coming to see Will since Will had told him that Sami wasn't home. No one must know about their friendship as some would think a guy his age hanging with a 16 year old is creepy. Will agrees but is happy they can be friends. He says he looks at "Ace" like a role model. Alan says he is proud to hear that and they bump fists. Alan reminds Will he is always there for him for whatever he needs. Will promises the same for Alan. Alan says he will hold Will to that.

    -Kayla and Steve check on Jack, who is with Abby at her bedside. Kayla says they are praying for her and Chelsea, along with Eric. Jack thanks them. He says he can't stand to see his daughter like this and admits he is a failure as a father. Kayla tells him not to say that. Steve, on instinct, tries to comfort him and assure him it will be ok. While doing that, Steve calls Jack "Jackson." Jack and Kayla are stunned and tell Steve that he used to call Jack that all the time. Jack and Kayla both wonder if he is close to remembering all.

    -Nicole comes out of Eric's room and joins Caroline, Max, Frankie, Laura, Doug, Julie, Maggie, Victor, Will (who has arrived at the hospital), Lucas, Kate, and Austin in the waiting area. She tells them all that Eric is getting worse. She then tries to hold it together and breaks down as Austin comforts her, She says she hates crying but just can't help it. Caroline says they must have faith that it will all work out in the way God intends and, hopefully, it will be the way they all want.

    -Kayla and Steve leave Abby's room. Steve is encouraged by his calling Kayla "Sweetness" and now Jack "Jackson." Kayla says with him being in Salem it's only a matter of time before it all comes back to him. She adds that Jack will help and so will all their loved ones. They are then interupted by Greta and Bill, who say they need Kayla's help with helping Eric.

    -Roman enters Eric's room and sits down. He looks at Eric and says he doesn't think their family could take more tragedy. He reminisces about these past few months since he learned he was Roman and how he still can't adjust. Sami arrives but stays quiet and listens. Roman says he wants to do right by all of them. He knows Marlena is watching. He wants their family united and together but he has failed. He has always loved them as his own even as John. He just wants Sami and Eric to accept him and begs Eric not to die. Not when he just got him back. He tells Eric they need more time together.

    Sami then makes her presence known and tells Roman to stop acting like he is Eric's father. He isn't nor is he her father. He never will be.

    The screen then fades out on a defiant Sami's face as she faces off with Roman.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Sami to Roman: There is nothing you can do. You will always be John Black to us.
    Hope to Victor: Make him quit...make them all quit before someone gets killed.
    Kate: I agree with that.
    Bo to Hope: This is my decision not yours so stay out of it.
    Billie (with Jack): Tell us, doctor. What news do you have about our daughters?
    Kayla (with Bill) to Greta: Oh my God...this may be something.
    Eric to Nicole: I need you to grant me a dying wish.
  6. PhoenixRising05
    -As the floor with Sami’s apartment burns around them, Alan is the first one to regain consciousness. He looks around, barely able to stand, but manages to do just that. He looks down at Sami, who is also coming around, and plots an exit for them as the floor beneath them begins to show signs of buckling.

    Austin & Lucas run up to the apartment building, only to be held back by police. Austin asks if everyone got out safely, to which the police officer responds that there are still two people up on the 21st floor. Lucas turns and gives Austin a very worried look and then says that he hopes no one died because someone decided to play these games once again.

    Abe & Shane arrive at the blast site, long enough to see Alan carrying Sami out of the building......alive. He puts her on a gurney, and Lucas runs up to here, begging that she is ok. He is also worried because Will has not checked in yet and he normally does by this time. Austin stares at Alan and then accuses him of blowing up the top floor of the apartment building. Abe fills Austin and Lucas in on the preliminary investigation, which has shown that a bomb was planted in Sami’s apartment. Lucas becomes livid and attacks Alan, beating him to a pulp.

    -At Salem University Hospital, Jack has just walked back into the cafeteria after checking on Abby. He gets a cup of coffee and sits at a small table, long enough to see the breaking news report about the explosion on television. He thinks to himself “What in the world is going on?! Are we all being targeted?” He is jolted out of his shock by Billie, who has placed her hand on his shoulder and is also watching the report. She remarks how this past week had been a nightmare. She wonders if Chelsea will ever be the same. Jack hopes so, as he hopes the same for Abby. They have a long road ahead of them, he remarks. She agrees, hoping that they both will learn from this and won’t make this mistake again.

    Billie also wonders what her mother was thinking. He says apparently the very same thing Jennifer’s mother was thinking. It’s all about them, as far as he can see, and nobody else matters. He bets, at that very moment, that both of them are plotting how they can use this incident to their advantage. She also agrees on that, saying that she is sick and tired of always having to tell her mother to stop acting like a spoiled brat. No wonder they turned out like they did, she says. Jack can't understand why they thought Billie and him can be more then friends. Billie then reclutantly mentions that maybe that is a possibility. They both look each other and begin to laugh, calling that a joke.

    Jack hopes that, even through all of this mess, they can still be friends. Billie says she would really like that. It’s about time she had a male friend she’s not sleeping with, or who isn’t married or engaged. They both laugh for the first time in a week. They get up, and look silently at each other, and then hold each other as they walk out of the cafeteria and back to their daughter’s bedsides.

    -Outside on the balcony, Bill is still trying to calm Laura down. She feels that she has messed both of these girls lives up pretty badly. Bill tells her this is nowhere near all her fault. He holds her face, looking at her and telling her that at least she will learn from this. He also thinks Kate will use this to her advantage. Laura wipes her face, hoping that the silliness will come to an end with this tragedy. Bill hopes the same thing, but wonders when the children have more sense than the adults, how will things truly end up? He comforts her as she ponders his words. Laura mentions how she wishes she never left the mental institution as she has felt so much pain and caused so much since then. Bill tells her never to say that and that they will get through this...together.

    -Sami regains consciousness long enough to see the fighting that is going on. Alan finally gets a word in edgewise, saying that since he knew Sami would not accept a care package at the hospital, he dropped it off there instead. None of the men believe him, until one officer backs up his story, saying a witness has come forward. When Shane asks what this witness saw, the officer replies that she saw Alan walking around on the street 10 minutes before the explosion and that he went into the building a few moments before Sami entered and everything went up.

    A package is then brought over, which contains chocolates inside a destroyed wrapper. Alan says he bought those for Sami, remembering that she liked them. Lucas and everyone else grows quiet, ashamed that they got it wrong once again. Abe wants a security camera tape to seal the deal, which the officer says is being worked on right now. The fire chief comes over, telling the group that 3 people were found dead and 4 were injured severely. When Sami wonders out loud where Will is, Alan becomes worried, saying that he was in the building at the time of the blast. Sami becomes livid and begins to beat Alan on his chest, demanding to know where her son is.

    -Back at the hospital once again, the Caroline and Greta watch on in horror as the staff work on Eric, working feverishly to save his life. Nicole looks on and thinks about all the wasted time between them. She turns around and walks away. Greta follows, asking her what’s the matter. Nicole says that if she would have put as much effort into being by Eric’s side as she does being a [!@#$%^&*] to everyone, he may not be in this situation. Greta is quiet, basically agreeing with Nicole.

    They both return to the waiting room, just in time to overhear Dr. Rowen tell the family that within 48 hours, Eric may be gone. They don’t know what else to do. The clotting and internal bleeding just may cost him his life and he seems to be developing a life-threatening infection as well. Nicole breaks down in Greta’s arms, begging God for a miracle. Bill & Laura come in and get filled in on what is occurring. Bill suggests that he & Greta do some more research on what’s happening. Greta says she has done enough research to last a damn lifetime but nothing is more important than this, so they both rush off. Caroline turns back around and sees Nicole in Eric’s room. She is holding his hand and rests her head near his, speaking softly into his ear for him to get better and that she isn’t going anywhere.

    -Lucas pulls Sami off of Alan when everyone sees Will walk around the corner. Alan hides. Sami runs up and hugs him, asking what happened. Will tells them when the floor exploded, he was in the elevator. Thank God that it was on the second floor and it collapsed to the basement. Will goes to be looked at by the EMT's, allowing Alan to come out of hiding. Abe & Shane confer with the other officers, who all now agree that Alan is innocent. The camera footage coincides with the time he says he entered the building. Plus, why would Alan stick around after planting a bomb in someone’s apartment?! Austin feels that Alan didn’t do this, no matter how much he wants to believe to the contrary. Lucas agrees, saying that it would be too easy. He would want Sami to suffer. Alan disagrees, saying that he is innocent and that they all need to get off his back.

    The fire chief pulls Abe to the side and tells him that the building is all cleared. Abe thanks him and everyone else and tells the group of the news. When Sami turns to speak to Alan, he’s nowhere to be found. Will returns and asks who Alan is but Sami tells him it's nothing for him to worry about. When Sami asks Abe who could have done this, he looks at Shane and they both say the same name at the same time:

    Stefano DiMera.

    Austin, Will, Lucas & Sami look on horrified as the thought sinks in. From a distance, the Mysterious Cloaked figure looks on, secure in the knowledge of what he/she has done. He/she laughs hysterically as he'she says:

    MCF: This town doesn’t now fear yet. But.....it’s coming. And when I’m through, nothing, or no one, will EVER be the same again.

    The screen slowly fades to black on the group as the mysterious figure watches them.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives..................

    Hope to Bo: Please Bo. Put an end to this. Stop working with Victor.
    Greta (with Bill) to Kayla: We could use your help.
    Jack to Steve: I don't believe it. You remember...
    Stefano to Lexie: It appears there was an explosion in Salem...and I am too blame.
    Alan to Will: What did you tell your mother?
    Roman to Eric: You can't die, son. Not when I finally have you back.
    Sami to Roman: Oh please!! Stop acting like your his father.
  7. PhoenixRising05
    -Caroline, Greta, and Nicole look in on a resting Eric. Nicole goes and sits by his bedside and then turns around to thank Greta for everything she’s done for him, especially given their dislike for each other in the past. Greta just hopes that he will learn from this and not do something this stupid again. He agrees and thanks his family for staying by him. Sami also steps in and thanks Greta as well. Shocked, they shake hands.

    Later on, while alone, Eric promises Nicole that everything will be just fine from now on. As she once again takes his hand, his eyes slowly slip into the back of his head. Blood runs from his nose and he starts shaking violently. The nurses rush in and then calls for Dr. Rowen. With Greta and Caroline looking on with a devestated Nicole, a Code Blue is now called and they all hope that this is not the end for hm.

    -Sami receives a phone call from Will, saying that he is coming home early. She decides to go home and cook him dinner and spend some time with him with Eric doing better. Austin & Lucas want to come along with her. She tells them that she can take care of herself. Alan won’t try anything so out in the open. The men look at each other, hoping that she is right about that and realize arguing won't do any good. She begins to leave, telling both men that she’ll return later, with Will in tow.

    Meanwhile, at Sami’s apartment building, Will walks past Alan coming from the direction of Sami’s apartment. Calling him “Ace”, he asks what he’s doing there. Alan doesn’t answer and now sees to be searching for an excuse to explain it all.

    Salem University Hospital

    Back at the hospital, Jack and Billie grab a bite to eat from the cafeteria and when they turn to leave, bump into Bill & Laura. Jack immediately becomes angry, lashing out at her for what happened to his child. Laura doesn’t even fight back. She stands there and excepts the full brunt of Jack’s wrath. Bill asks him to calm down but Jack will have none of it.

    Billie also gets in on the act, calling her a hypocrite for always criticizing her mother for everything and then acting just like her when she doesn’t get her way. Kate, who has overheard all of this, backs up her daughter enthusiastically. Jack turns and stares at Kate, saying that she really is the last one to pass judgement on anyone. Kate shuts up. Billie brings up her telling Chelsea a while ago to do whatever possible to get what she wants, no matter who it hurts. Now, who could that have came from?

    Kate is very quiet now and accepts some blame for what happened but still tries to push it off on Laura. Billie tells her that there is more than enough blame to go around but she is sick and tired of both of them playing selfish games with the people they say they love and then not accepting responsibility for their actions when things go haywire. Jack says Amen to that. But, he promises that it will change. From now on, neither woman will be allowed in his home, or near his child, and if he does see them close to her......he will take matters into his own hands. He turns back to Laura, announcing that Abby no longer has a grandmother and that Jennifer would be doing handstands in her grave right now. Bill comforts a devestated Laura. Kate asks Billie if she would ever cut her out of Chelsea's life. Billie says she would if Kate continues to encourage Chelsea's behavior and manipulation. Billie leaves to follow Jack as Kate gleefully watches a devestated Laura in Bill's arms.

    -Austin decides to go and see if Sami is ok, after viewing Alan earlier in the day. Lucas joins him, saying that they both need to keep an eye on him and protect Sami and Will while he’s in town.

    -At police headquarters, Abe has placed a call to an old friend of his. When Shane walks in and asks who he is talking to, Abe says he’s on hold. The phone is then answered by a secretary, who tells him that his friend is out but will return his call ASAP. Abe thanks her, and hangs up. Shane looks at him and asks will he fill him in now? Abe tells him he called Mac Scorpio of the PCPD. When he calls back, he’ll fill him in on any info he has on Stefano and his dealings and will give them a hand.

    Shane tells Abe they need to find him and quick. He’s dangerous when he’s in hiding. Abe snaps back, telling him he knows that and doesn’t have to keep repeating it over and over again. It gets quiet for a minute and Abe apologizes. Shane tells him it’s ok. He knows he is worried about Alexandra. Abe walks to the window and stares out, hoping she is ok. The screen then fades, once again, to............

    A secret location, somewhere in the States. Alexandra slowly awakens, to find her father seated next to her. She drifts in and out of consciousness and Stefano softly speaks to her, telling her that all is not lost. Just then, he receives a phone call on his private cell form a mysterious man, who informs him that everything is under control. He thanks him and warns him to stay out of sight. They bid each other farewell and hang up. Stefano is giddy at this point, saying that he’s sick of playing games. Time to begin to bring this play to a close. He smiles wickedly at that last statement.

    -Sami gets off of the elevator to her floor. As she is walking around the corner, she also runs into Alan, who grabs her by the arm and tells her that they have to go right now. Sami tries to shake loose, demanding that he get his hands off her this instant. Alan yells that they don’t have much time and when Sami asks what is he talking about, she yanks free at that very moment. She turns around in slow motion, facing her front door, and then, quick shots go all through her apartment, settling in on the stove, which has a bomb wired to it! Right before she opens the door.............

    A massive explosion pierces every inch of the dwelling, and when things settle for just a moment, Sami & Alan are lying unconscious on the floor near her apartment, as everything around them is on fire. The screen slowly fades to black, with them trapped in the middle of this destruction.

    Next Time, On Salem Lives............

    Nicole to Caroline: I can't lose him. I can't lose Eric.
    Greta: I am not just going to stand by and watch Eric die. I have to do something.
    Bill to Laura: It's all going to be ok.
    Laura to Bill: I wish I never left that institution.
    Billie to Jack: Maybe they all were on to something...maybe you and I can be more then friends?
    Austin to Lucas: Oh my God...Sami!!!

  8. PhoenixRising05

    Big casting changes are coming to Salem Lives this December!!! As previously reported, Patsy Pease will make her long rumored return to the role of Kimberly Brady later this month. "We wanted to bring her back sooner, like right after the funerals this summer, but were unable to," notes EP/HW Tim Lowery. "Now we are and she will be sticking around, like Shane (Charles Shaughnessy) has for awhile." In addition, Tom Welling and Michelle Williams are returning to the roles of Andrew and Jeannie Donovon and will return with their mother, Kimberly. "They will leave after Christmas," says Lowery. "We need them with their parents but there is nothing for them to stay for and both actors have other things going on, like Tom having Smallville, so it works out fine." Look for Kim and the kids to show up around Christmas. Look for final word on an official first airdate soon.

    In addition to these holiday tidbits, there is more. The recent Horton returns of Melissa Horton (Lisa Trusel), Sarah Horton (Alli Brown), Bill Horton (Kale Brown), and the return of non-Horton Don Craig (Jed Allen) will end on December 26. Also, look for Jaime Lyn Bauer's Laura Horton to depart with Bill as well as her story will be winding down. "We loved having all of them but Laura and Bill were here to move Jack (Matthew Ashford) and Abby (Ashley Benson) along and that story is ending and the other returns were to help Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) during her bout with alcoholism and those stories are over," notes Lowery. "In many ways, the returns having to do with Maggie were extended so we could have those family members here for the holidays so they would've been gone already. We are glad we were able to have them for the holidays and we want the fans to enjoy the rest of their current run, which I am sure they will."

    Also, look for Christie Clark (Carrie Brady) to reappear just in time for Christmas. "There has not been much for her with Alan (Paul Kersey) in Salem and her part of the story in holding pattern but she will be around for the holidays and then go away again," previews Lowery. Her story will really get going in early 2007. As for Joseph Mascolo (Stefano) and Renee Jones (Lexie), don't expect to see them much either. "They appear on Dec. 1 and on Dec 5 and then they have another one episode appearance after that before they go totally MIA until the end of the month when we revisit the war story again," says Lowery. "Then you will be seeing alot of them, especially around New Year's."

    In other holiday news, Martha Madison ends her 8-10 week hiatus and will return to the role of Belle Brady-Kiriakis next week. Ava and Olivia White will also return as little Claire Kiriakis. However, the big question mark is who will be playing Philip and that is a question Salem Lives wants the fans to answer. "We want fan input," says Lowery. "We want the fans to send us their comments and and opinions. We have some actors in mind but we feel they have some ideas as well so send them on in!!" Fans will have until Friday December 8 to speak their minds as nuPhilip is expected to debut next week!!!

    Finally, Salem Lives has hired soap vet Roscoe Born to play a new role. The characters name or details about the character are not known except that he is said to be a middle class, family patriarch who works for Victor (John Aniston). He is expected to debut later this month. More on this at a later time.

  9. PhoenixRising05
    -It's a new day in Salem. The episode opens at Salem University Hospital where Kate is walking into Chelsea's ICU room to see how she is doing. Billie is there and she says there is no change. Billie leans in close and begs her daughter to fight for her life. They already missed enough time already and she still feels like she hasn't had a chance to be a mother to her. Kate comforts her.

    -Jack is in Abby's ICU room when Laura arrives and asks how she is doing. Jack says there is no change. Laura blames herself. Jack turns and lashes out at Laura, saying he should've known better then to listen to her. He had a feeling she was using Abby to come between Billie and him and he should've listened to Billie. He just never wanted to believe his daughter could act out like that and Laura used that and Abby just because of her hatred for Kate and not wanting Billie with him. He tells her to get out.

    Laura runs off in tears and right into Bill's arms. Doug and Julie are also there. Julie reminds Laura that she warned her that her plots would backfire. Laura wonders if Jack and Abby will ever accept her in their lives again and prays to God that Abby survives or she would've played a role in her own granddaughter's death. She says Jennifer must be turning over in her grave seeing all that is happening.

    -Lucas comes over to Caroline, Frankie, Max, Austin, Sami, Cal, Greta, and Nicole to inform them of Abby and Chelsea's condition and there being no change. Caroline says she just got a call from Roman in Sydney and that they will all be back in Salem tomarrow. She adds that Kayla and Bo are fine after what happened. Everyone is releived and Caroline wishes pain and suffering on Stefano and the Dimera's for all they have done.

    -Cal goes off to get coffee for everyone and bumps into Katherine. He explains why he is at the hospital and what is going on. Katherine says she is concerned about his lack of progress since his first session and thinks that something has to be done. Cal asks what she thinks. Katherine says they need to leave Salem so they can isolate him from the people he grew to love and care about as Roman. It's in his best interest for his treatment. Cal refuses and says he is not leaving the people he cares about like this, even if they aren't really his family.

    -Sami is walking through the hospital with some food when she bumps into Alan. Alan explains he heard about her brother and her cousin, Chelsea, and came by for support. Sami slaps him and warms him to just stay away from her and her family. She doesn't buy his little ""I'm changed" act and isn't buying his attempts at redemption either. Alan insists he is sincere and just wants to make amends and that is why he came to the hospital. Sami warns him to just stay away from her or, better yet, leave Salem and drop whatever he is really up to or else. She will not be a victim this time and he can either do as she says or she will take action. Sami walks away.

    -Austin is walking with Lucas and sees Sami leaving Alan. Both men walk over to Alan and ask what he is doing there. He reiterates what he said to Sami but Austin and Lucas don't buy his nice guy routine. They both warn him once again to stay away from Sami and her family or he will have to deal with them. They leave as a frustrated Alan looks on.

    -Nicole is awaiting word on Eric and looks at her watch. It has been hours in surgery but they were warned it may take hours. Dr. Rowen comes out and Nicole asks him if Eric made it through. Later, Sami is with Caroline, Greta, and Austin. Cal and Katherine arrive as well and Cal introduces her to everyone. Nicole comes down in the elevator and says she has news about Eric. Sami asks what it is. Nicole says Eric made it and the tumor is gone but there is still a chance of complications like anerysms, blood clots, infection, etc. Caroline says they will just pray that none of that happens. She runs off to tell Frankie, Max, and the others. Sami, Nicole, Austin, and Greta go upstairs to see Eric in recovery.

    -Katherine explains to Cal that it should be easier for him to leave Salem with her now with Eric doing well. Cal asks if it is really necessary. Katherine feels that being around people he thought were family and friends as Roman and being in Salem may be hindering his efforts to remember his past before being faux Roman. Cal agrees to go if she is sure it is necessary. He needs to recover his past no matter what.

    -Cal bumps into Cassie and says goodbye, as he will always think of her as a daughter from his time as Roman and when she was thought a Brady. Cal also runs upstairs to say goodbye to Eric and bumps into Sami, who is on her way up to see Eric with the others. Sami wishes him luck and she agrees they will always feel a connection between them. Cal says that Eric said the same to him and that he feels the same way himself. Nicole, Sami, and Greta are excited that Eric is awake. Cal then says goodbye to Caroline, Frankie, and Max and leaves.

    -Nicole runs to Eric and embraces him, happy to see him awake. Greta, Sami, and Austin look on as Nicole pledges her love to Eric and he quietly does the same and they hold each other closely.

    -Max enters Abby's room while Jack is there. Jack is begging Abby to fight to survive. Jack sees Max and thanks him for watching over Abby and not giving up during the rescue. Jennifer would thank him and he says he owes him a thank you as well for saving Abby. Max asks if he can stay with her for a bit. Jack leaves.

    Jack sees Billie in the hall and they ask each other how each of their daughters are doing. Jack explains how he lashed out at Laura earlier and apologizes to Billie for not believing her and letting Laura manipulate him. Billie says it's fine and it's in the past. They can deal with it later. She just wants their daughters to make it. Jack agrees and they embrace and comfort each other, hoping they get through this terrible ordeal.

    While with Abby, Max begs her to fight and come back to her family and friends. They need her. He needs her. He apologizes for how he treated her and begs her not to leave him as he begins to weep. Max is unaware that Cassie is listening and watching outside, with a cold look on her face. She then vows that if Abby makes it, she will make sure she does not get in the way of her getting Max. She is a Dimera and she will be damned if that goody two shoes is going to win Max from her. She will win at all costs.

    The screen then fades out on a sinister Cassie watching Max with Abby in her ICU room.

    On the next Salem Lives...

    Jack to Laura: Your daughter would be appalled at your actions. You disgust me!!
    Billie to Laura: You tear my mother apart for years and then you find yourself acting exactly like her. Your nothing but a hypocrite...
    Kate: You said it!!!
    Eric to Nicole: It's going to be smooth sailing from here on in. We are finally going to be together...forever.
    Will to Alan: What are you doing here?
    Lucas (with Austin) to Sami: You better watch your back...
    Sami: Don't worry about me. If Alan tries anything, it will be the last thing he does.
    Abe to Shane: There is no telling what Dimera is planning while he is lying low. We need to find him and fast!
    Stefano to Lexie: We will have my revenge, my darling. Sooner then everyone thinks...
  10. PhoenixRising05



    Clips of Caroline, Kate, Lucas, Bo, Hope, Billie, Jack, Laura, Bill, Doug, Julie, Frankie, and Max waiting in the hospital and then clips of Abby and Chelsea lying in ICU.

    Billie: Doctor, tell us. Will our daughters be ok?
    Jack: Yes, doc. Tell us.
    Doctor: I'm afraid it's bad news...



    Eric to Nicole: It's going to be clear sailing from here on in.


    Nurse: He's seizing!!!

    Clip of Eric having seizures and Nicole and the Brady's looking on devestated.


    Greta to Kayla and Bill: We don't have much time...


    Nicole: You can't die!!
    Eric: I love you...




    Clips of Sami, Will, Roman, Bo, Hope, Kayla, Steve, Stefano, Victor, the shadow of the mysterious cloaked figure, Austin, Lucas, Alan, Lexie, Abe, and Shane followed by a clip of an explosion.



  11. PhoenixRising05
    WEEK OF 12/4/06 EDITION


    Is it finally the end of Eric and Nicole?

    Eric fights for life this week on Salem Lives as his medical condition takes him and his loved ones on an emotional rollercoaster. The week begins with Eric's loved ones awaiting word on how his surgery went. "Dr. Rowen comes down and tells Nicole who relays the info to everyone else," previews EP/HW Tim Lowery. "It's very good news as Eric made it through and the tumor has been removed but there is some bad news, which is that there is the chance of complications such as blood clots, anerysms, infection, etc." Eric's loved ones then visit him and all seems to finally be going on the right track. "Eric is telling Nicole that it's going to be alright now," says Lowery. "For the first time in a long time, he has hope and he now has a positive outlook. He thinks he got his miracle." Things then take a bleak turn when Eric begins to go into a seizure and tests reveal the formation of blood clots. "The Brady's are stunned and Nicole is right by Eric's side as he grows weaker just as he was feeling strong again," adds Lowery. It gets worse when Eric develops an infection and the risk of a fatal anerysm begins to rise. "He just starts weakening and the doctors are trying everything," sighs Lowery. "They knew the surgery was his risk with lots of complications but he would've died anyway and now he is at death's door again." By week's end, Greta, Kayla, and Bill come across something that may help Eric but it's a long shot. "Eric's diagnosis is that he has around 24 hours to live and no longer," notes Lowery. "This clinic in a town near Chicago has a drug that may help someone in a complicated condition like Eric's but there is a bad snowstorm and the roads are impassible. Someone volunteers their services to go get the drug but that someone is going to bring about a whole load of tension and drama. At the same time, we have a weak and fading Eric making a stunning request of Nicole and one of Eric's loved ones performs a heroic act that could put that person's life in danger as well. A Christmas miracle is definitely needed." But...will they get it?


    Has the Victor/Stefano war claimed another victim?

    An explosion rocks a beloved Salemites' home this week on Salem Lives but who is the victim and the culprit? "At the risk of spoiling it, fans just need to watch Tuesday and they will see what happens," laughs EP/HW Tim Lowery. "One of our beloved characters has a death trap waiting for them but as to whether it is successful and who orchestrated it...fans just need to tune in and find out." Prior to the explosion, Alan is threatened by both Sami and Austin. Could the supposedly-changed rapist be targeting Sami or one of her loved ones? Could Will be his target? At the same time, an in-hiding Stefano is promising Lexie revenge for what has happened to their family. Is this a Stefano plot? Is he targeting one of the Brady's? There has alos been a mysterious cloaked figure running around of late. Is this his or her doing? Could Ernesto be involved? Is Victor so upset with Roman that he would target him to keep him out of his business? Is it Victor targeting Stefano? The possibilities are endless and fans just need to tune in for the explosive scenes on Tuesday to find out!!



    Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady): As previously reported, Pease returns in late December with her children, Andrew and Jeannie. She will then remain on indefinitely despite her children leaving town shortly after the holidays. Look for more info on this in the casting release above the Insider.

    Tom Welling and Michelle Williams (Andrew and Jeannie Donovon): Both actors, who played the roles at this summer's funeral event, will return to the roles in late December when their mother returns to town for the holidays. Unlike their mom, Andrew and Jeannie will take off on Dec. 26 while their mother stays behind in Salem. Refer to the casting release above the Insider for more.

    Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis): Madison returns in mid-December when Belle returns from San Francisco with a recovered Philip. As for the casting of Philip, see the casting release for more on that.

    Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis): Baby Claire comes home with her parents Belle (Martha Madison) and Philip in mid-December.

    Roscoe Born (Character name TBA): The soap vet shows up in late December as an employee of Victor (John Aniston). See the casting release for more on this.

    Previews and Peek into Wk of 12/4/06

    -Billie and Jack beg their daughters to fight for life.
    -Jack lashes out at Laura.
    -Sami and Austin issue warnings to Alan.
    -Katherine makes a stunning request of Cal.
    -Eric's loved ones joy is short-lived.
    -An explosion rocks one Salemites world.
    -The rest of the Sydney travelers return to Salem and are stunned by what has transpired.
    -Kayla, Greta, and Bill race to help Eric.
    -Steve has another breakthrough while comforting Jack.
    -Bo is flustered by a mysterious memory.
    -The Brady's and Deveraux's get devestating news.
    -Victor steps up to the plate again.
    -An act of heroism puts a life in peril.
    -Eric makes a stunning request of Nicole.


    Tuesday December 5: An explosion rocks one Salemites home. Whose and will they survive?
    Friday December 8: It's a race against time to save Eric. Meanwhile, Eric makes a stunning request of Nicole and an act of heroism puts another life in danger.

    Next Week: One Salemite has a change of heart. Victor gets shafted but finds himself getting cozy with Maggie. Abby and Chelsea wake up. Hope begs Bo to end his alliance with Victor. Katherine and Cal make progress...but not on his past. A Salem couple ties the knot. Belle, Philip, and Claire return to Salem.

  12. PhoenixRising05

    "It's a huge month that we really have been building to since our regime took over," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "Things have been very dark and Salem and the beginning of the month will see more of that. However, as the month goes on, hope springs enternal and happiness finally returns to Salem right on time for Christmas. There will be some miracles and some big returns. The fans will be pleased and Christmas week itself will be very emotional."

    Nicole/Eric/Greta: "This story is building to it's emotional climax. The Brady's and Nicole rally around Eric. Will Eric really die? Greta's discovery and Victor's help may still not be enough. There will be some heart-stopping heroics as Eric continues to slip away. Look for the Sami/Roman dynamic and Roman/Victor dynamic to be pivotal here."

    Jack/Billie/Laura/Bill/Abby/Chelsea/Max/Cassie/Frankie: "Laura finally realizes the mistakes she has made with letting her hatred for the Roberts/Reed women get the best of her and will confess all to Jack. Max will begin to realize the true extent of his feelings for Abby and will share them with Frankie. There will be a turning point for Cassie as she realizes it's no longer about helping Stefano with his revenge-she has fallen for Max. The question is...will she act on those feelings? Abby and Chelsea will be on the brink of death and this will bring Jack and Billie closer together and have an impact on both girls if and when they wake up. Look for Laura and Bill's run to end at the end of the month."

    Bo/Hope: "Hope will be by Bo's side as he recovers. They return to Salem and will lend support to their families in their time of need. The war story takes a bit of a break but Hope will still be trying to pull Bo away from his alliance with Victor. Christmas is huge for them as they get a big surprise and a shocking confession that will change the course of their future. New Year's will bring the war back to the surface and there will be a stunning turn of events that no one could've predicted. There is also the matter of that confusing memory Bo keeps having, which will build to a huge story in 2007."

    Lucas/Sami/Austin/Will/Alan/Carrie: "Something big happens that will raise the stakes big time in the Alan/Sami story. The threat level will get raised big time in regards to Alan and the question of whether he is a changed man really comes into play. The other question is whether there is more to his friendship with Will. Will has a secret that will be revealed towards the end of the month and that will really accelerate this story into the new year. Also, look for some big progress on the Roman/Sami front. As for Carrie, she will be MIA in the beginning of the month but we will have her around for the holidays. Her story will really build as we go into the new year." Also, look for Sami to try to steer Lucas and Austin away from the Dimera/Kiriakis war."

    Victor/Maggie/Roman/Caroline: "The war will die down so we will see Victor dealing with the aftermath of Sydney and he will play a big role in helping the Brady's through a period of crisis. The tension between Roman and Victor comes to a boil and will explode around New Year's as the war begins to pick up again. Look for Maggie and Victor to grow much closer as the year comes to a close and Caroline is definitely not going to be happy."

    Steve/Kayla: "We are slowly building their story. Steve will have flashes here and there as be begins his trip down memory lane. Christmas and New Year's is happy for them and it will be like love story part two for them. Even with little or no memories, Steve is failling for her all over again."

    Stefano/Lexie/Abe/Celeste: "With the war taking a break, Stefano and Lexie will lie low. The question is has Lexie recovered from her gunshot wound? The fans will learn that early on in December before their story is given a rest. Look for Stefano to resurface towards the end of the month in a big way and things will really spiral out of control. Meanwhile, Abe and Celeste will care for Theo and Celeste will begin to have eerie vibes about a catastrophic New Year's event that will rock Salem..."

    Cal/Katherine: "Cal continues treatment. The fans won't see every step but they will see the major steps that matter here as he tries to remember his life before becoming faux Roman. Katherine will worry that the family and friends he garnered as Roman are interfering with his treatment and will force Cal out of Salem with her to aid in his treatment. That is when sparks will really fly."

    Belle/Philip/Kate: "They will return around mid-December. Philip will be fully recovered and back with Belle but there is more going on here then meets the eye. Look for Philip to get involved in Victor's business with Stefano and he will also be pivotal, along with Belle, to the Roman/Victor dynamic-especially at year's end. Kate will be very much involved in this as well."

    Returns/HoliDAYS Event: "There will be several returns as we approach the holidays. Kimberly will return with her children. We also have Belle and Philip returning (see above) and all the recent Horton returns will stick around through Christmas. Look for Laura, Bill, Melissa, Sarah, Don, Andrew, and Jeannie to ship out of Salem right after Christmas when their runs reach their end but, of course, the door will be open for a return for all of them. Kimberly will remain with the show well into the new year and will be pivotal to Bo's story and all the other goings on in her family. There will also be two BIG surprise returns Christmas week that will be both emotional and stunning. It will be a real nice Christmas gift to the fans I believe."

    ***Be sure to read Thursday's episode below if you haven't yet!!!***
  13. PhoenixRising05
    -Jack & Billie walk back into the Devereaux home and are stunned when they call out and no one answers. Jack calls Frankie who tells him to go to Salem University Hospital and, if he sees Billie, tell her to come as well. He doesn't tell Jack why and just tells him to hurry. Jack turns and matches eyes with Billie, telling her they need to get to the hospital. They both rush out.

    -At the hospital, both Laura & Kate sit next to their granddaughters in their separate I.C.U. rooms. Lucas & Bill are there as well, as everyone watches the girls’ breathing slowly but steadily with the help of machines. When Laura gets up to go outside the room, she sees both Jack & Billie arrive.

    Laura walks out into the hallway and fills them both in about Eric. Jack says he’s sorry to hear about him but he knows Frankie would not have told him to come to the hospital with Billie if this was about Eric. He asks what is really going on and Laura fills them in on the tragedy that happened to their daughters.

    Frankie, Caroline & Kate, who've joined the group, tell them that Chelsea & Abby fell in with a couple of bad guys and that the car they were driving across the bridge in hit the guardrail and crashed in the river below. Billie holds her hands over her mouth in shock and Jack asks out loud what else can he and his family take. He walks right past them into the I.C.U. room and stops dead cold upon seeing his child.

    Billie walks in as well and is stunned at the sight of seeing her daugher lying there hooked up to machines. Jack sits by Abby, telling her that no matter what he has to do, she will come back to him. He lost Jennifer. He can’t lose her as well. He rests his head on her right arm, crying deeply with guilt for not being there for her and not listening to Billie's warning. Billie makes the same promise to Chelsea but also tells Kate that if she does come out of this, things will be different. No more free reign and no more influence from her. Kate is stunned, hoping Billie is not blaming her for what happened. She says no. Crying, she says she blames one person. Herself.

    Walking outside the hospital, Cassie catches up with Max asking him if he wanted to get some lunch and get his mind off things. He just stares straight ahead saying thank you but no. He can’t eat anything at a time like this. Frankie has witnessed this exchange and walks up to Cassie. She is visibly upset but Frankie doesn’t care telling her to lay off Max for right now. Cassie says he needs her but Frankie feels all she cares about is herself. He says that figures. She is a DiMera and it seems that side of her is showing itself. She gets angry but he doesn’t care and then he walks away to catch up with Max. She vows to have him for herself, by any means at her disposal.

    -Abe is sitting behind his desk when Shane limps into the cop shop. Abe jokes that he thought Shane would have thrown that cane out the window yesterday. Shane says that if he does that he may walk with a limp for the rest of his life. But, he’s not there to discuss that but wants an update on Stefano. Abe soon gets a call as him and Shane go over some notes. He hangs up and tells Shane that the department’s contacts place Stefano in two cities.

    Dallas, Tx., and Genoa City, Wisconsin.

    -Cal Winters arrives downstairs once again, to comfort these people who he still calls family. While he looks in on Dr. Rowen examining Eric, Caroline fills him in on his condition. Cal is shocked that Eric would keep such a thing to himself. So is Sami & Caroline. Dr. Rowen returns to the family, saying that the surgery he wants to perform may not save his life because the tumor is too advanced. When Nicole says that he will die anyway and that this is his only chance, Sami amd Austin agree, and the family join together as they watch Eric being wheeled out of his room and down the hall.......for what could be his final time. When the screen dissolves on the family, the scene switches to.....

    An unknown city, where Alexandra is being kept. She is alive, but barely, and Stefano has entered the room to check on her condition. The doctor he has gotten tells him that she will recover but that it wasn’t a good idea to take her out of the country after what happened in Sydney and her condition. Stefano tells him he’s there to give aide, not to think that he can lecture him. With that, the doctor leaves the room. Stefano leans into Alexandra, telling her that all will be well. He does not want her to be a part of what will happen next. He stands straight up and warns her that the residents of Salem will pay for their actions toward their family. The screen freeze-frames on his face, as he now plots destruction, and slowly fades to black.

    On The Next Salem Lives...............

    Sami to Nicole: What happened?
    Nicole to Sami: It's Eric...
    Austin to Alan: You stay away from Sami or there will be hell to pay...
    Cal to Katherine: What are you saying?
    Katherine to Cal: You have to leave Salem.
    Laura to Jack: This is all my fault.
    Jack to Laura: Your damn right it is!!
    Billie to Chelsea: You have to hang on. I can't lose you now...not after all the time we missed already.

  14. PhoenixRising05
    -It's a new day in Salem. At University Hospital, Kate and Caroline are drinking some coffee when a doctor calls for their attention. They are then joined by Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Lucas, Frankie, Max, and Cassie. Sami and Austin arrive as well and ask for an update. Caroline says they are about to get one. Kate and Caroline ask if Chelsea and Abby made it true surgery. After many hours in the OR, the doctor says they both made it but are in a coma. Everyone is devestated. Max runs off, clearly upset. Frankie goes after him, followed by Cassie.

    -Frankie assures Max that Jennifer is looking over Abby and she will be fine, just like he is sure the Benson's are looking over Chelsea. Max says he hopes that is the case. He already feels like he let both girls down enough, citing how he abadoned Chelsea during her rape ordeal and how he treated Abby. Frankie says everyone makes mistakes and that Max did everything he could to save them at the bridge. Max says it still may not be enough.

    Frankie sees the look in his eyes and says he knows that Max will always care about Chelsea but he has a different look in his eyes when talking about Abby. He tells Max to admit he has fallen for Abby. Max denies it, saying they are both close friends. They grew close during the island fiasco and after but that's it. He thinks of her as just as much a friend as Chelsea. Frankie knows there is more to it and tells Max that if Abby does survive, he should act on any feelings he has. Life is too short to hesistate. He leaves as Max contemplates what he said.

    Meanwhile, both Max and Frankie are unaware that Cassie overheard their conversation. Cassie is clearly bothered by it and realizes she has grown to really care about Max. She then says it's no longer about helping her grandfather get his revenge. She now wants Max...for herself. As a Dimera, she vows to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

    -Nicole is still by Eric's side. Caroline, Sami, and Austin arrive to check in. Nicole says Eric is still asleep. he hears everyone there and wakes up. He is very weak and says that it's not long now. He can tell. Caroline tells him he needs to have hope. They are all praying for a miracle and they do happen. It's nearly that time of year. Sami echoes those sentiments and shoots a look at Nicole to agree, which she does. Eric refuses to believe there is any hope and says he has accepted he is dying and it's time they all did too.

    -Greta is at the park when she gets a call from Victor in Sydney. He apologizes for not calling her back the night before but admits alot is going on and it took him awhile to do what he had to. Victor tells her that Dr. Rowen is on his way and will be at University Hospital by afternoon. Greta asks how he could get there so fast. Victor mentions how Dr. Rowen was already on his way to the US and he had his people track him down. That is what took so long for him to call back. Greta is pleased and thanks Victor. Victor says he did it for Caroline and Bo. He owed them. He asks Greta to let him know how it all turns out. She agrees and hangs up. Greta goes to the hospital and waits for Dr. Rowen before telling anyone about him. Thinking about Victor helping her, Greta wonders if she has misjudged her father.

    -In Sydney, Victor explains what is going on with Eric to Maggie. Maggie heard Roman telling Bo and the others and admits it's horrible. She is very pleased Victor helped. He said he had to after what has just happened to Bo because of him and how Shawn Sr died because of him. Maggie insists those incidents were not his fault. Victor says they were indirectly and he should be blamed. He tends to always hurt the ones he loves and admits he is like the poison Roman calls him. Maggie denies that is true.

    Victor asks Maggie if she is going to listen to Roman's warning and stay away from him. Maggie defiantly says no and that no one tells her what to do. Victor is her friend and has been there for her. Victor appreciates her loyalty but thinks Maggie should hold to the promise she made him and stay out of his business and away from him. He doesn't want her getting hurt. Maggie says she will do her best to stay out of his business but she will never stay away from him. She has grown to care too much and he is important to her. He did so much for her and she wants to return the favor. Victor feels the same. Maggie puts her hand on his and they both smile and thank each other for always being there for one another.

    -Caroline, Austin, Sami, and Nicole leave Eric's room as they are told to by a nurse who needs to check him out. They wait outside and are joined by Kate, Lucas, Doug, Julie, Bill, Laura, Cassie, Frankie, and Max. Laura says that the girls are being brought down from OR now but they can't see them yet so they wanted to see what was going on with Eric. Caroline says there is no change and time is running out. Nicole adds that it may already be too late.

    Greta then arrives in the waiting area with Dr. Rowen behind her. She tells them all she has news about Eric and that there is hope yet. She explains her research, how she was unable to get Dr. Rowen to come to Salem, and how Victor helped her bring Dr. Rowen to Salem. Greta explains who he is and his expertise in tumors and anerysms. Dr. Rowen goes into Eric's room to learn more about Eric's condition and to examine him. The Brady's are hopeful and excited and thank Greta. They feel bad for blasting her yesterday and they all apologize, even a reluctant Nicole. Greta thanks them for understanding and says they all just need to wait and pray...that this is the miracle they needed.

    The screen then fades out on a hopeful Greta and Nicole looking in on Dr. Rowen examining Eric in his room.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Jack (with Billie): We're home!! (looks at his empty house) Where is everyone?
    Shane to Abe: It seems Stefano is lying low.
    Abe to Shane: Yeah...waiting to strike again.
    Laura to Jack: There is something you should know.
    Sami: Well, Dr. Rowen, can you save my brother?
  15. PhoenixRising05
    -The horrible evening is finally coming to a close as Sami, Will & Austin arrive back at her apartment. Austin comments on the night saying he doesn’t have one clue how everyone got through it without losing their minds. Sami says that her family is used to it. Will overhears the conversation and steps in long enough to tell Sami that he is staying with her tonight since Lucas is still at the hospital with grandma Kate and the others

    Sami is thankful and glad about this news. Sami remains worried about Eric and also about those in Sydney. When Austin asks why, she says it’s because she nor anyone in her family have heard one thing from the group since leaving for Sydney. Her father would have called although she could care less about him. Austin rolls his eyes. Will is shocked. When Sami ask why, he tells her that this is the first moment she has referred to Roman as her father. She grows silent and says that’s no big deal. They know what she meant.

    Austin disappears into the bathroom for a shower. When he walks in, Austin (played by Austin Peck) wonders what tomorrow will bring. Sami talks from the kitchen saying that she hopes it brings peace. Twenty minutes later, Austin (now played by Patrick Muldoon) walks out and agrees with Sami, while drying his head. Sami & Will look shocked. When Austin asks what’s wrong, Sami says that was one hell of a shower. Will stares at him and Sami sees this. She asks why he is looking at him like that and Will grows embarrassed and goes to his room.

    -Kayla slowly comes to upon hearing Steve call her “Sweetness”. Stunned by saying that, Steve now doesn’t know what to say to Kayla given what has happened. Jack puts his arm around him, telling him to calm down and relax. She’ll be fine but what’s important is for him to regain his past and, with Jack’s and his family's help, he will. Steve seems pleased. Kayla drifts back into unconsciousness but not before telling Steve that her greatest dream has come true. Steve looks at her, wondering if he will end up disappointing her and everyone else.

    -Bo also comes to slowly and sees Hope & Roman by his bedside. Roman welcomes him back to the living and. joking with him, says that even taking 4 slugs will not get him out of the money he owes him after their last poker game. Bo smiles slightly, telling Roman he’s good for it. He has a rich daddy. They both laugh. Roman tells the couple he’ll be out in the hallway. They have much to discuss. He pats Bo on his forearm and leaves.

    Hope sits next to Bo, thinking about past adventures and wonders out loud if this will finally change his mind about revenge. Bo softly tells her it wasn’t about revenge. He was protecting his family. Hope asks him does it have to cost him his life. Bo says he has spent that life protecting the people he loves and, if he dies, it won’t be for nothing. Hope sighs, saying that he needs his rest. He asks her if she will still be there when he wakes up. A tear falls down her cheek and she responds, telling him that no matter what, she will always be by his side. With that, he slowly slips back into a deep sleep. She then lightly strokes his hair as he sleeps.

    -Victor picks up his cell phone, only to hear Greta on the other end. She asks him if could use his power and money to convince a top surgeon to come to Salem for Eric. When he asks what’s wrong, she tells him that he is suffering form a brain tumor and could die at any minute if he doesn’t receive treatment. Victor tells her that he has more than enough going on right now but will make a phone call and put a friend of his in contact with her. She thanks him, and almost slips by calling him Father. She catches herself and hears Victor remark about how he will always be there for Caroline, especially with Shawn Sr. gone. He is doing this for her and for Bo, who would want him to help. They bid farewell to each other and hang up. She drifts away to the day she found out he was her father and hopes that Victor will come through.

    -Roman comes around the corner and tells Victor that he heard the entire conversation. Victor tells Roman that he thought he quit spying on people years ago, when he left the I.S.A. Roman responds, telling him that where his family is concerned, he would spy on James Bond to keep them safe. Victor feels his attempt at humor was very poor. Roman really doesn’t care what Victor believes, especially since his father died after finding out about his mother's affair with him. Victor walks up to Roman and tells him that this will be about enough of that.

    Roman says that he knows Victor isn’t telling him how to act and what to say. He’s a grown man and the head of his family. He’ll take care of the Bradys quite well. Jack & Billie witness the entire exchange and can’t believe the public display going on. Victor informs Roman that he has to make a phone call for Greta. When Roman asks why, he tells him that Eric is suffering from a brain tumor and that she called Victor, not Roman, for his help. Roman is shocked, wondering why and how this happened. Victor says he is doing a fine job of taking care of his family. Roman is livid but silent.

    -Jack and Billie leave Victor and Roman to argue and look in on Bo & Kayla. Jack is no longer envious of his brother and thanks God for his safe return. Billie remarks about how the love flows between these two couples and Jack agrees. He knows how it is to have that kind of love, even after all the times he’s screwed up. Billie holds Jack as he says that he hopes he experiences that kind of love again. Billie is sure he will and he feels that Billie will as well. Along with Abe and Shane, Jack and Billie decide to head home to Salem. Hope and Maggie think it is a good idea as the rest of them will stay behind until Kayla and Bo are ready.

    -Back out in the hallway, Roman has calmed down and has walked over to Maggie, apologizing to her for shooting her. He also gives her a warning. What ever she does, she better stay away from Victor. He poisons and destroys everything he touches. Maggie is upset, and tells Roman that for once in his life, he should stay out of someone’s business. She can take care of herself just fine and walks off, leaving him frustrated. He turns and sees Victor and walks over to him, vowing that he will put an end to this war, once and for all. Victor stands toe-to-toe against Roman and tells him to give it his best shot. The screen freeze frames on both men as they stare intently at each other, as the screen slowly fades to black.

    On The Next Salem Lives..............

    Kate: Doctor, what can you tell us?
    Caroline: Are the girls going to live?
    Frankie to Max: Admit it. You have fallen for Abby...
    Cassie: It's no longer about you, grandfather. I want Max...for myself.
    Eric to Nicole: There is no hope...and you need to accept that.
    Greta: I have news...about Eric
    Victor to Maggie: Are you going to listen to Roman? Are you going to stay away from me?
  16. PhoenixRising05
    -At Salem University Hospital, Nicole is still sitting with Eric reassuring him that they will get through this. Eric says he has already excepted his fate and Nicole should too. Sami comes in and says that she is not going to let him give up that easy and asks Nicole if she agrees. She nods lightly and says they just have have to fight this.

    -Greta is doing research on a hospital computer when she finds something. She tells herself there still may be hope afterall and goes to make a phone call. She later returns disappointed and says she needs someone who is a threatening figure with power and money as she doesn't have the reputation of being threatening to anyone. The only people she knows like that are Stefano and Victor. Knowing that she must try to save Eric's life, Greta decides to seek out Victor for help.

    -Doug and Julie comfort Laura, who is verbally bashed by Kate over her role in what happened. Kate accuses of Laura of letting her hatred for her and Billie to cloud her judgement and become more important then her granddaughter and Chelsea. She was blind to what Billie was bringing to her attention because of her hatred. Laura doesn't argue back and just says, lightly, that Kate is right. Bill tells Kate to lay off as everyone makes mistakes and Chelsea's recklessness is likely to be at fault here as well.

    -Max tells Frankie that he can't lose Abby or Chelsea. Frankie says he knows how much he cares for both girls, especially Abby. Max asks what he meant by that but Greta interupts and wants to talk to Frankie. Meanwhile, Cassie comforts Max as they await word. She says she knows he cares about both of them but she saw what he did for Abby tonight and that showed alot. She asks if Max is in love with her. Max says they are just friends and he cares about her. He would've done the same for Cassie.

    -Sami returns to Caroline, Austin, and Lucas. Caroline encourages her to go home and she will call if there is word. Sami reluctantly agrees and Austin offers to go with her for safety reasons. Will goes too while Lucas stays back with Kate. The doctors then come out and say they have news about Abby and Chelsea.

    -In Sydney, Maggie comforts Victor and Roman and Billie hold Hope back as Bo is in cardiac arrest. Jack is restraining Steve as well as Kayla is in cardiac arrest herself. Steve begs her to hold on and then calls her "Sweetness." The doctors manage to stabilize her as Steve wonders why he called her that. Jack says it's what he used to call Kayla. Meanwhile, Bo is stabilized as well and everyone is relieved. Abe goes to check on Shane. Billie and Jack rejoice that it seems like everyone will be ok. Hope stays by Bo's side and vows to never leave him again.

    -Back in Salem, Eric falls asleep as Nicole cradles his head in her arms. She kisses him and says it will all be ok...it has to be.

    Meanwhile, Greta says she needs to ask Frankie for a favor. She hopes he isn't mad at her because of her keeping Eric's secret. He says he understands. She thanks him and asks if Billie gave him a phone number to reach her. She knows that Billie has a satellite phone. Frankie nods and pulls it out. Greta asks if she can use it and says she will explain why later. Frankie lets her have it and leaves.

    -Frankie returns to Caroline, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Kate, Lucas, Cassie, and Max. The doctors inform them all that Abby and Chelsea both need emergency surgery to repair their injuries. They are all devestated. Laura and Kate sign off on the surgeries as next of kins and everyone watches worried as both girls are wheeled up to surgery.

    -In Sydney, Billie gets a phone call on her satellite phone from Greta. She tells Billie not to ask questions and asks if she has seen Victor. Billie says he is right there practically next to her. She asks her to give him the phone. Meanwhile, Victor is talking with Maggie, who is reassuring him that Bo will get through this. Billie says he has a phone call and hands him the phone. Victor is shocked to hear Greta and asks what she wants. Greta says she needs his help. Victor says he is busy with more pressing matters. Greta says that it has to do with Caroline and the Brady's. Victor says she has his attention.

    -Steve is at Kayla's bedside and wonders if his calling her "Sweetness" means he is getting his memory back.

    -Hope is at Bo's bedside and is sure he will make it. Roman is near her and says he knows he will too. Hope says if he doesn't by some chance, she will make Victor pay for his role in involving Bo in all this as well as Stefano. Roman says not if he gets to him first. Hope caresses Bo's head and begs him to hang in there and stay with them. She promises to make it worthwhile. Meanwhile, while lying in bed, Bo continues to have a blurred memory of himself crying and alone as a child.

    The screen then fades out on an overhead shot of Hope by Bo's side with Roman behind her.

    On the Next Salem Lives...

    Sami to Will: What's wrong? Why are you looking at him that way?
    Steve: Kayla...
    Kayla to Steve: I heard you calling for me...
    Bo to Hope: Where do we go from here, fancy face?
    Victor to Greta: What do you want?
    Greta to Victor: I need you to use your power and money...to save Eric.
    Roman to Maggie: Stay away from him, Maggie. Stay away from Victor before you get yourself killed.
  17. PhoenixRising05
    At Salem University Hospital, Nicole finally arrives, and walks into Eric’s hospital room. He is barely conscious and speaks only in a whisper. She starts crying heavily as she is reunited with her one true love, who is near death. She vows to him that she will stay by his side and he will recover. Eric tells her it’s way too late for that. He wants her to be happy and not mourn him. She tells him to be quiet and conserve his strength, as doctors quietly check on him and, as she holds his hand tenderly, she sits by his bedside.

    -In the outer hallway, Nicole has come out and has joined Caroline & Sami as they blast Greta for not telling any of them about what was wrong with Eric. All she can say is how sorry she is and hopes that one day she will be forgiven for what she did. Austin & Lucas have also arrived, and, after hearing what Greta has done on Eric’s behalf, are shocked as well. Greta’s guilt is getting the best of her until she excuses herself.

    She goes downstairs to the computer room to do heavy research on what Eric’s condition and what remedies might be available. She now feels this may be the only way left to save his life and redeem herself in his family’s eyes.

    -Meanwhile, at Salem Bridge, the S&R team work on Chelsea. They revive her and a cheer goes up loud and clear. The paramedics load her into a waiting ambulance and Kate tells Frankie that she is going to the emergency room with her. Frankie tells her that he will pray for her and Kate returns the favor, hoping that Max & Abby will be ok. They hug and Kate leaves on the ambulance as it blazes a path down the street.

    Frankie runs back to the bank and looks out where Max was. The car is still submerged and there is no sign of either Max or Abby. Time is growing very short and he knows that if neither one comes up soon all maybe lost and it will turn into a recovery operation. As Cassie comforts Frankie, a miracle occurs. Max has managed to free Abby from the sinking car with help from the team and has brung her to the surface.

    The paramedics now work on Abby but Frankie is still horrified because Max has not surfaced. As everyone looks on quietly, they hear someone yell from a distance. When a huge floodlight is shown in that direction, it reveals a S&R team member, who has Max in his grasp! Frankie thanks God over and over and runs down the bank to where they pull Max out. They perform CPR on him and, suddenly, he regains consciousness.

    -Back in the ER of Salem University Hospital, Chelsea is wheeled in and quickly put in one of the rooms, where ER doctors go to work on her immediately. The chief paramedic informs the staff that she has a severe concussion, massive internal injuries & multiple fractures of her right arm. Kate overhears this and starts to cry uncontrollably. She starts to collapse under her sorrow, when Lucas enters the waiting room and catches her. He asks his mother what’s wrong and then happens to turn and look inside the ER backroom, where he sees his niece lying unconscious.

    When Austin walks in to see what the commotion is about, Lucas fills him in and begs him to go back upstairs and tell Chelsea’s family that she is near death and that she doesn’t have much time. Austin agrees and races upstairs. Lucas tries to keep Kate conscious but she has a bruise on her forehead and is slipping in and out. He calls for a nurse to bring a doctor for his mother. As orderlies put Kate on a gurney herself, they wheel in Abby at the very same time. Her condition is grave as well with a severe head injury, internal bleeding, and two crushed legs. The paramedic tells the ER doctor that it is truly a miracle that both girls made it to the hospital at all, which she agrees.

    Caroline, Lucas, Austin, Sami, Will, Kate, Doug, Julie, Laura, Bill, Frankie, and Max watch as both girls are stabilized and rushed into emergency surgery. Laura breaks down in Bill’s arms, blaming her selfishness for putting these girls in this spot, especially Abby. She tells him that if she dies, Laura feels she may not be able to go on. Bill insists she stop talking like that and learn from her actions. Max has walked in, asking about the girls’ condition and Bill walks over and thanks him for saving both their lives. Max says it was what anyone would have done and prays that they see another day. Max thinks about Abby secretly but Cassie, who has followed him, also sees this and now realizes that he may actually love Abby as more then a friend.

    In Sydney, Roman works on his badly injured brother. Hope is being held back by Victor, while Roman says that Bo is breathing but barely. They load him onto Victor helicopter and it takes off at breakneck speed. Hope, Roman & Victor jump on and follow closely behind. Roman looks down at the carnage that was left behind and turns to Victor. Victor doesn’t even look at him but when Roman tells him that this is all in his lap Victor explodes, telling Roman that if he had just let him handle it his son would not be near death right now.

    Roman grows livid. He tells Victor that all this Godfather crap was his idea and if his baby brother dies, he will make sure Victor follows right behind him. Victor asks if that was a threat and Roman tells him to take it anyway he wants. Victor informs Roman that just because he has fought Stefano for twenty five years, don’t think he’s as much of a pushover as he is. He says that if Roman takes his best shot there will be two funerals. One for Stefano.....and the other for him. Hope wants both men to hear themselves and can’t believe that they are making threats while their loved ones are fighting for their lives. That statement seems to end the exchange....for now.

    -Later, at a Sydney hospital, Abe & Maggie are waiting in the outer room after receiving treatment for their wounds. They both witness the others coming in. Shane is being treated in the ER and Jack gives everyone the news that he will be make it but is still unconscious. Hope is laid on a gurney and Roman tells the attending doctor that she is to be treated for her ankle, no matter what she says. He then walks over to Abe and asks if he is ok. Abe tells him he’s fine, but is worried about Alexandra. Roman says that one thing Stefano won’t do is allow his child to die. He probably has her being seen by some of the finest doctors money can buy and he should know. Abe is strangely relieved at this news.

    Roman then walks past Victor and into the ER room where doctors and nurses work on his brother & baby sister. He quietly talks to his father, wondering where he went wrong. Jack & Steve barely speak, as they look on in Kayla’s direction, while Hope has used her crutches to walk near Bo’s bedside after the doctors have stabilized him. She sits down next to him and gently takes his hand, vowing that things will be different once he comes home. Victor & Maggie listen on silently as they observe the love between the two and Roman sits between his siblings, hoping for a miracle. It is fleeting and when Kayla suddenly flatlines, a desperate Steve jumps past the doctors near her on instinct and begs her to live. The scene then switches to.....

    A beautiful park. Kayla is surprised that she has recovered so quickly and takes in all the sights. She is the happiest she has been in ages, with Steve back by her side. She then looks near a huge tree to see a man standing there. She decides to walk closer to him, just so she can introduce herself, and is shocked when she recognizes the face......of her late father, Shawn Sr!

    At that very same time, Bo has suddenly went into cardiac arrest as well. Roman jumps up and runs around his bed, grabbing Hope who has now gone into hysterical screams begging this man she loves to not die. Victor holds Maggie as she starts crying and Billie helps Roman pull Hope out into the hallway so that the ER staff can do their work on him. Bo then has an out-of-body experience himself, with memories of his life flashing before his eyes. His childhood, fighting and laughing with Roman, holding Roman after he has been shot by Stefano, confiding in Kimberly, kissing Caroline on her cheek, marrying Hope the first time in England, finding out Victor was his father, leaving town, playing checkers with Kayla, pulling Roman up off of a cliff after finding out it was him & many more memories.

    One last memory is that of a Bo as a little boy. He is terrified beyond belief, as someone is trying to hurt him. He calls out for Roman, Shawn Sr., Caroline, and Kimberly, but no one comes to his aid. As the figure walks up on him, telling him it will be alright.........he flatlines. The screen splits into three different sections, with Bo & Kayla dead on either side, and a monitor that reads flatlines in the middle. As the anguished cries of their loved ones echo and beg for them to live, the screen slowly fades to black.

    On The Next Exciting Episode Of Salem Lives............

    Sami to Eric and Nicole: We aren't going to give up on you, bro. Are we, Nicole?
    Greta: Oh my God...there may be hope afterall.
    Max to Cassie: Abby and Chelsea can't die.
    Cassie to Max: You still care for both them but your feelings for Abby...you love her don't you?
    Steve at Kayla bedside: Why did I say that?
    Hope to Victor: If I lose him, I will make you pay.
    Roman to Victor: Not if I don't first.
  18. PhoenixRising05

    Clips of Kayla collapsing in a pool of blood, Nicole at Eric's bedside, Chelsea's car crashing off the Salem Bridge, and Bo being shot several times.


    Nicole to Eric: I'm not going to let you die!!

    Frankie to Cassie: They just have to survive...

    Clip of Max underwater trying to save Abby.

    Search and Rescue worker to Frankie: We can't get your brother up...he just won't leave the girl.
    Cassie: Max!!!!

    Kate (looking at the doctors working on Chelsea): Chelsea has to survive...
    Laura to Bill: Oh my God...what have I done?


    Victor: I will make you pay...
    Roman: NO!!! You will pay!!!


    Steve (pushes doctors away at Kayla's bedside): Kayla!!!! I am not going to let you die!!!
    Hope (being restrained by Billie and Roman): BO!!!!!



    Greta: There may still be hope for you, Eric.

    Kate: Chelsea!!!

    Cassie: Max would die for her...he loves her.

    Steve to Kayla: Why did I just say that?

    Blurred clip of a little boy in an alley, crying and shaking all alone.





  19. PhoenixRising05
    WEEK OF 11/26/06 EDITION


    Salem is rocked by one tragedy after another this week on SALEM LIVES as the aftermath of last week's stunning events begins to fully be felt in town. "Without going into it much in spoilers, as I promised I would do until the end of the year, this week is total chaos," previews EP/HW Tim Lowery. "We have the tragic situation of Eric dying and the Brady's rallying around him, along with Nicole. Greta is there too and she feels bad for not sharing the truth about Eric's condition with everyone sooner so she is looking to make it up to everyone by making one last ditch effort to save Eric. She will turn in a shocking direction for help when it appears she has found something that will give Eric hope." Meanwhile, the Brady's have more tragedy on tap when the news of Chelsea and Abby's accident begins to spread. "I don't want to say much but things are not looking good for either of the girls," sighs Lowery. "Max will risk his life to save Abby and this will be a major turning point for Max. Laura will feel incredibly guilty for using Abby against Billie and failing to acknowledge what was really going on with her granddaughter. Jack and Billie aren't home yet so they don't know but, when they do find out, this will drastically effect them as well. It is truly tragic and it really hits the Brady's, who are already dealing with Eric's crisis, hard along with the Horton's."

    While Salem is dealing with all that doom and gloom, some Salemites in Sydney are fighting for their lives. "We left the fans hanging on what would happen to Bo and they will just have to join us on Monday," teases Lowery. "I won't tell you whether he lives or dies but that this will lead to the beginning of a story that will unearth a long-buried secret that will be powerful for many characters and something the fans definitely won't expect. Shane and Kayla are also near-death and we will see Steve showing signs of "old" Steve, even though he doesn't realize it. He will actually say something to Kayla that the fans will love and he will really feel drawn to Kayla. He learns how strong her pull is to him. As for Shane, he will fight for life and his situation combined with all the tragedies surrounding the Brady's in Salem will warrant the return of Kimberly Brady in the coming weeks. The other characters will have to deal with what is going on here. The tension between Victor and Roman is at a high and we start to see them becoming vengeful rivals. Hope will feel tremendous guilt that she didn't give Bo a chance sooner or that she didn't fight harder to save him from getting involved in the Stefano/Victor war. Maggie and Victor grow closer because of her saving his life. Jack and Billie bond as well. Abe worries about Lexie, whose whereabouts along with Stefano's are unknown. Everyone is affected." By week's end, when some of the Sydney travelers begin to return home, they will be hit hard by the news of all the happenings in Salem. "The Sydney people return home thinking the worst is behind them and they are sadly mistaken and those in Salem are not expecting what they hear from the Sydney travelers either so it's like a wave of pain and suffering," says Lowery. "The aftermath of all this will play out as we approach the new year and will really play a HUGE role in some of the big events during the holidays. We will be ending stories while also building on others and even starting new ones. The fans will definitely want to be their for the ride that is coming up because it is unbeleivable."



    Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed): Muldoon reprises the role of Austin Reed on November 30. "The fans will love how we do it," enthuses EP/HW Tim Lowery. "It's very similar to what was done with another recast a few years back. The scene where Muldoon steps in will be a real treat and a good reference to history for the fans."

    Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady): Pease is returning in December for what is said to be a limited run. Expect further details to follow once the deal is official.


    Austin Peck (Austin Reed): Peck's last airdate is November 29 when he relinquishes his role back to it's original portrayer, Patrick Muldoon.


    -It looks like the end for Eric and Nicole as Jensen Ackles and Arianne Zuker's short term runs appear to be ending in December.
    -Insider whisperings suggest two BIG returns for the holidays, both of which will be a surprise. One of them is of lesser proportions but the other will be a return that will shake up many lives.
    -Expect Christie Clark (Carrie) to remain MIA for most of December but to reappear again as the holidays draw near.
    -Fans should expect Stefano (Joe Mascolo) and Lexie (Renee Jones) to be MIA for awhile. The war story is getting a break in December and the show is going to leave fans with the question of whether Lexie survived her gunshot wound for quite a while.

    Previews and Peeks into Wk of 11/27/06
    -Nicole and Eric share a tearful reunion.
    -Nicole and the Brady's blast Greta for her part in keeping Eric's secret.
    -Max risks it all for Abby.
    -Shane and Kayla fight for life.
    -Steve has an epiphany at Kayla's bedside.
    -Bo's shooting leads to the beginning of what seems like a new mystery.
    -Maggie and Victor grow closer, as do Jack and Billie.
    -Laura breaks down.
    -Greta turns to a shocking person for help.
    -Is there hope for Eric?


    Monday November 27: Several lives hang in the balance in both Salem and Sydney.
    Friday December 1: A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER begins as several Sydney travelers return home with grim news and receive some shocking news themselves.

    Next Week: One Salemite on the brink of death may have their miracle but are they out of the woods yet? An explosion rocks one Salemite’s home but whose? Will the occupants survive? Two families receive devestating news.
  20. PhoenixRising05
    -The episode picks up at Salem University hospital. Bill and Laura are talking to the doctor about Eric's condition. Doug and Julie are comforting Caroline, along with Cal. Austin, Lucas, and Will are by a devestated Sami's side. Cal embraces Sami and says it's hard because he will always hold a bond with Eric and her since he believed he was their father. Sami understands and is in denial. Eric can't die and there has to be something they can do. Celeste comes up from behind them and says it's too late-for Eric and for many others they love.

    -Nicole wonders what Greta could possibly tell her that would require her to stop her plane like this. Greta tells Nicole that what she saw at Eric's suite was fake. Eric asked Greta to help him with his plan to make sure Nicole went to LA since he didn't want her to give up her dream job for him. Nicole doesn't buy it. Greta reminds Nicole of Eric's secret and says that she has known what it is for months. In fact, she learned it soon after Nicole asked her to help find out what it is. Nicole is confused.

    Salem Bridge

    -Max wakes up and asks Frankie, Cassie, and Kate if they are ok. They say they are and they get out of the car. Max sees that his car's front end is totaled from hitting the guardrail. Frankie then looks on the other side of the bridge and realizes the car they were trying to avoid went through the guardrail and off the bridge. The four of them race over to all the shattered metal and see a car floating in the river below. Kate realizes it's Chelsea's car and lets out a blood curdling scream as Frankie and Cassie console her and hold her back.

    -In Sydney, Victor holds a gun on Stefano with Maggie by his side. Stefano laughs and says Victor can't stop him. Victor begs to differ and says his time is up.

    -Roman spots Stefano's helicopter and sees Victor from afar and begins to race over.

    -Hope and Bo decide to go look for the others so they can get out of the chaos they find themself in. They make a run for it while dodging bullets.

    -Billie is releived when the CPR works and Shane is breathing. She says there isn't much time for him if he doesn't get medical attention. She tells Jack and Abe to stay with Shane and the helicopter as she goes to find the others.

    -Steve is screaming Kayla's name and for help. Unforunately, the gunshots are drowning out his screams and Kayla, who is lying in a pool of blood, is unresponsive. Steve bangs on the door repeatedly and is desperate for some help. He then looks above and says he isn't sure if he believes in a higher power, or if he ever did before losing his memory, but he needs some help right now. Kayla can't die and he can't watch her die. Steve begs for help to come or for the power to do something to help Kayla.

    Steve then hears two voices and looks outside. It's Bo and Hope, tending to Kayla. They look up and see Steve and open the door. Steve quickly jumps to Kayla's side. Bo says she has a pulse but it's faint. She has lost alot of blood and the wound could be infected. Steve remembers she was acting a bit woozy while tending to victims but he thought she hit her head or something. She must have been hiding her injury so she could take care of the shootout victims. A spray of bullets nearly hits them and Hope wonders when this bloodbath will end.

    -The passengers, flight staff, and pilot are impatient and demand things move along. Nicole asks what Eric's secret has to do with Eric and Greta making it look like they were having sex to get her to leave Salem. Greta tells Nicole that Eric is sick. Nicole seems blindsided and is reminded of Eric's headaches and asks how sick he is. Greta says he is dying. One of the airline attendants asks if the situation can be rectified so the plane can take off. Nicole is stunned as Greta, with tears in her eyes, says that Eric may not have much time left and, even though he didn't want anyone to know or be there, his family is there now and the woman he loves SHOULD be there. Nicole turns her back on Greta and, clearly in shock, has no idea how to respond.

    -Cassie is comforting Kate as Frankie and Max look down below as the car is sinking. Kate is desperate and asks them to do something. Her granddaughter is down there. Max says that the rescue teams are on there way. Frankie reminds Max they called sometime ago and they may not have much time. Max asks what Frankie is thinking. Frankie says they need to act fast and races off, with Max behind him. Cassie yells out to them and asks where they are going. Kate stands up and says they are going to try to save them...before it's too late.

    -Back in Sydney, Bo says they need to get Kayla out of this warzone and to the helicopter where Jack and Billie took Shane and Abe. They can then use some of the medical tools there to help her until everyone gets there and they can take off. Billie arrives and Bo fills her in on what happened. Bo says he is going to find the others and tells Steve and Billie to get Kayla to the helicopter. They agree and Steve carries Kayla while Billie stabilizes her head as they leave. Bo orders Hope to go with them but she refuses. Realizing it is no good arguing, he reluctantly agrees to let her come and they race off.

    -Roman sees Victor aiming his gun at Stefano from afar. Meanwhile, Stefano realizes Lexie needs medical attention fast and tells Victor they will have to resume their battle some other time. He prepares to board his helicopter. Roman sees this, pulls out his gun, and takes aim. Victor aims and fires his gun but realizes he is out of ammo. He needs to act fast so he races over to Stefano to try to pull him off the helicopter before takeoff. Roman aims at Stefano and fires. Maggie sees Roman fire and sees that Victor is in line with it. She jumps in the way and pulls Victor to the ground.

    -Billie and Steve get Kayla to the helicopter. Abe says that Shane is fading and Steve says that Kayla is too. They don't have much time. Jack asks Billie where the others are. Billie says she wishes she knew.

    -Victor gets up and realizes Maggie is shot. She says she is fine. Victor sees it is just a flesh wound. Roman races up just as Bo and Hope do. Victor then notices Stefano's helicopter flying overhead and then pull away. Stefano laughs through his microphone and says, "Until we meet again, my friends." Victor is angry that he wasn't victorious. Roman takes aim but realizes he can't get a shot off. He tells Maggie he is so sorry. Victor realizes Roman shot the bullet and attacks him. Bo orders them to stop and says Shane and Kayla are in bad shape and need a hospital. They all need to get out of this mess now. Victor reluctantly agrees but tells Roman they will deal with each other later.

    -Victor helps Maggie up. He sends a message to his men via radio that it's time to pull out and to collect all survivors and evaculate. Bo says they need to get out of here now as Dimera's men still aren't letting up and bullets are still flying. Victor agrees since he just called his men back. There will be no protection now. They all race off but, as they rush to the helicopter, Hope falls and hurts her ankle. Bo tells Victor and Maggie to go on ahead. Victor says that they need protection since his men have evaculated. Someone needs to cover them. Bo and Roman draw their guns, while also helping Hope along, and say they will provide cover.

    -Back in Salem, Max and Frankie enter the river and swim over to the accident site only to find the car has gone underwater. Max is a better swimmer so he goes under. He finds the car, which is crushed up like an accordian due to the impact of the metal guardrails and the crash. He pulls one of the partygoers out from the back seat via a window and then pulls another one out. Frankie tends to them on the surface as Kate and Cassie join him below the bridge to watch the rescue. Max then pulls Seth out. Frankie can't get a pulse and realizes he is dead. Max attempts to pull Paul out but can't. He can't reach Abby and Chelsea, both of whom have head injuries and are wedged in between crushed metal and the front seats.

    -In Sydney, Victor and Maggie see the helicopter on the clearing and race to it per Bo and Roman's orders. Bo, Hope, and Roman are slightly behind but are being shot at by Dimera men. Roman runs out of ammo. Bo tells him to take Hope and get her to the helicopter. He will be right behind them and will cover them. Roman doesn't like the idea but reluctantly agrees since they won't make it without cover and Bo is the only option. He asks Bo if he is sure he can handle it. Bo nods. Hope resists Roman and says she doesn't like this. Roman picks her up and tells her to shutup and just go along with things for once. Hope screams for Bo and makes him promise he is right behind them. Bo says he is and that he will be right there.

    Ending Segment

    -Bill and Laura tell Doug, Julie, Celeste, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Caroline, Cal, and Will that the doctors think Eric is running on borrowed time and that they don't see what they could possibly do. His tumor is too far advanced. Cal hugs Caroline and Lucas embraces and comforts Sami.

    Just then, Greta races in with Nicole behind her, who asks where Eric is. Bill is about to tell her but Nicole notices him about to point towards the ER and rushes past everyone. Nicole bursts into Eric's cubicle and then stops dead when she sees Eric, hooked up to so many cords and machines. She slowly walks over and stands above him. Eric's head turns toward her slowly and he opens his eyes for the first time since being in the ER and seems stunned to see her. Nicole looks into his eyes and then embraces him, saying how much she loves him as her eyes well up with tears. Eric softly and tearfully says he loves her too as Greta and the others watch from afar, some in tears.

    -Kate, Cassie, and Frankie are worried as Max hasn't come up in some time. The EMT's and search and rescue team arrive and Frankie fills them in. He hopes Max is ok and that the girls are too. Meanwhile, Max manages to pull Paul out and gets him to the surface. The search and rescue team take him to shore and order Max to return to the shore. He says the girls don't have much time and he is going to help. He goes down under with the S&R team and they work feverishly and manage to get Chelsea out. She is brought up to shore while the attention turns to Abby, who is not breathing.

    The S&R and Max try to pull her out but can't. The S&R return to the surface while Max remains down below. They try to pull him up but he refuses. They manage to get him up but he then goes back underwater again. One of the S&R team members tells Frankie his brother won't come up until he pulls Abby out and that it is most likely too late for Abby. She isn't breathing and has been down there for awhile and, the longer Max stays down there, the more the chance of things not looking good for him either. Cassie looks on frightened along with a worried Frankie, who asks Jennifer to watch over his brother and her daughter.

    -In Sydney, Victor and Maggie board the helicopter. The pilot amps up the engine. Abe says that Shane's pulse is weakening. Jack and Steve notice the same about Kayla's and reiterate they need to go now. Billie helps Roman get Hope aboard. Bo is still way out on the clearing and Hope and Victor are clearly worried. She begs Roman to go get him. Roman is about too when he sees Bo racing towards them. Hope, Billie, Roman, and Victor are relieved. The pilot says they are ready to go. Jack then sees a another helicopter coming towards them. The others take notice too. Billie looks through her binoculars and says:

    Billie: Oh my God...
    Roman: Billie, what is it?
    Billie: It's Stefano. He is in the helicopter.
    Abe: What the hell?
    Billie: He is pulling out something...it's a blowhorn!!?

    They all then hear Stefano give them a message via the blowhorn:

    Stefano: It's not like me to leave quietly so I know I needed to leave you all with something to remember me by. I am just thankful I flew by so I didn't miss this wonderful opportunity. Here is a little something that I hope will send you all a little message...

    Billie (while looking through binoculars): He put the blowhorn away. The helicopter is passing over us...
    Hope: What is he...Roman...go get him..
    Roman: Hope...
    Hope: Something is going to happen!!! Get Bo!!!

    Roman gets out and races towards Bo, who is nearing the helicopter.

    Billie: Oh my...
    Hope: Is it Stefano?
    Billie: No...someone else in the helicopter...they have a machine gun. They are aiming it at Bo!!!
    Hope: ROMAN!!! GET HIM!!! GET BO!! HURRY!!

    The scene is now in slow motion as Roman is racing towards Bo and Bo towards Roman and the others. We then see a sniper in Stefano's helicopter aiming at Bo with the machine gun as Stefano tends to Lexie, and watches, with a smile. The sniper then fires the gun several times, sending a spray of bullets in Bo's direction:

    Billie: Oh my God!!
    Victor: Bo...
    Hope: BO!!!!!!

    We then see Bo trying to dodge the spray of bullets as the sniper continues to fire. The camera then pans in on Bo as he takes several bullets. Roman gets to him, just in time to catch his lifeless body. Roman falls to the ground with Bo in his arms. Billie fires her gun at Stefano's helicopter to drive them away. Stefano's helicopter then pulls away. Billie turns and races over to Roman, who is cradling Bo in his arms.

    Hope: BO!!! (Hope gets out and limps towards where Bo is)
    Victor: Not my son... (Victor races towards Bo)

    Roman: Bo...come on bro...
    Billie: Bo...come on...not like this
    Hope (kneels down at his side in tears and, with Roman, cradles him in her arms): BO!! NO!!! NO!!!!!

    The screen then fades out on an overhead view of Billie and Victor standing by as Roman and Hope cradle a lifeless, bloody Bo.

  21. PhoenixRising05
    ***This is a long episode due to it being a huge cliffhanger show and all dialogue at the end. There is a link to a Snow Patrol song so click on the link when you find it towards the end of the episode and then just listen to the song during the final scenes (don't watch the video unless you want to after reading our episode ).***

    -The episode begins with Caroline, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Will, Celeste, Doug, Julie, Laura, and Bill racing into the ER to meet Greta. Bill and Laura ask for info on Eric's condition. Greta says he is critical and it's not good, which is expected. Cal shows up and says he had to come. Eric is still like a son to him. Sami asks what Greta meant by "which is expected." Greta says that it is time they all knew the truth...

    -Nicole is on her plane, waiting to take off. There is a backup on the runway so there will be a wait. She looks at a picture of Eric and herself and wonders what went wrong.

    -Max, Frankie, Cassie, and Kate are in Max's car. They are headed for the bridge as they checked out all of the girls' usual hang out spots. Max just hopes nothing bad has happened as he knows what was going on there earlier with the drugs, alcohol, etc.

    -Abby and Chelsea push Seth and Paul off of them but they don't give up. Paul is starting to take Chelsea's blouse off while Seth is running his hands up Abby's back. Both girls say no but the men don't heed their words. Finally, Abby kicks Seth in the groin and Chelsea pushes Paul off her. Both girls make a run for it. The rest of the partygoers wake are shocked that girls would say no to Seth and Paul, who are angry and give chase.

    -In Sydney, gunshots are still being fired with bodies all over. Bo helps Hope Up and they look for cover. Jack, Billie, and Maggie find cover as well. Steve and Kayla get up, as does Roman. Kayla sees Shane on the ground and realizes he has been shot. She races over to him. Steve sees gunshots being fired in Kayla's direction and dives on top of her to protect her. He helps her up and asks if she is ok. She says she is fine and goes to tend to Shane, even though it is clear that she is bleeding from her right side.

    -Abe sees Stefano and Lexie and tries to get over to them but he is hit by a bullet. Lexie screams "No!!!" as Stefano grins. Stefano tries to drag her off as she beats on his chest, asking why he is doing all this. He says it's revenge and that someday she will understand and embrace it. One of Victor's men then takes aim and Lexie takes a bullet. Stefano holds her and assures her it will all be ok. Abe sees Lexie get hit and whispers her name softly.

    -Back in Salem, Sami demands the truth from Greta now. Greta explains that Eric is dying of a brain tumor and he doesn't have long to live. That was his secret all these months. Bill and Laura go talk to Eric's doctor as Caroline and Sami comfort each other and are comforted by their friends and family there with them. Greta apologizes but no one is even paying attention to her. She is happy the truth is out. She then remembers Nicole and that she doesn't know. She realizes there is something she has to do and leaves. Meanwhile, the mysterious cloaked figure watches from afar and seems pleased with the unhappiness of those at the hospital.

    Salem Bridge

    -Back at the bridge, Abby and Chelsea race to her car but Seth catches up and knocks the keys out of her hand. Paul grabs hold of Chelsea and Seth grabs Abby and, with the party crowd surrounding them, both girls are dragged off. Seth tells Abby and Chelsea that no one can find out what they do at the bridge when they hang out so they must be kept silent. Plus, they didn't give them what they wanted. Chelsea has a flashback to her rapes and begs for her life.

    -Back in Sydney, Kayla tends to a badly injured Shane. She conceals her injury too, which appears to be a gunshot wound. She seems woozy and Steve asks if she is alright. She nods. Jack and Billie race over and ask what happened. Kayla says Shane needs medical attention. Roman comes over and says Abe has been shot. Kayla races to tend to him, ducking bullets, as the shootout continues.

    -Maggie, Bo, and Hope are near Abe when Kayla arrives. Abe is only worried about Lexie and her being shot. Hope tells him to relax. Victor comes over and says there is a helicopter nearby that can get them out of here and get the injured tended to. Jack and Billie agree to take Shane and Abe to the helicopter. Abe wants to find Lexie since he can walk but Roman forces him to go with Jack and Billie. Meanwhile, Victor sneaks off to go after Stefano and Maggie follows. Bo goes to look for Victor after Jack and Billie leave with Shane and Abe and Hope follows him. Roman goes off on his own too, in hopes of getting to Stefano.

    -Back in Salem, Seth and Paul find Chelsea's car and decide on the perfect way to make sure the girls stay quiet and get punished for leaving them unsatisfied. They force Abby and Chelsea into the car, along with a few of their other friends. Seth takes the wheel with Paul next to him and they speed off, as the rest of the crazy partygoers left in the dust cheer.

    -Back in Sydney, Kayla continues to tend to the wounded including Dimera henchmen. She claims she took a oath to save all lives. She is in a lot of pain and trying to hide it, only now the blood is dripping down her leg. Steve warns the shootout isn't letting up as the men on both sides keep reloading. They need to take cover. Kayla realizes most of the men are dead already and they need to think about Stephanie. Steve grabs her and they take off for cover.

    -Victor is forced to take cover and is angry when he sees Maggie, Bo, and Hope followed him. The gunshots aren't letting up and bullets are everywhere. Victor is determined to reach Stefano and decides to take a risk. He runs off, much to Bo's dismay and Maggie's. Maggie then races after him and, when Bo tries to go after them, a spray of bullets comes his way and Hope and him duck for cover. Meanwhile, Roman is fighting off some Dimera men in hopes of getting to Stefano as well.

    Ending Segment

    -At the hospital, Austin rejoins Lucas and Cal as Doug, Julie, Bill, and Laura are seen talking nearby.

    Austin: Sami in there with Caroline?
    Lucas: Yeah...I don't know man. I don't know how much the Brady's can deal with. I don't know how much Sami can deal with.
    Cal: I still think of him as a son. I can't lose him.
    Austin: We just have to hope that it isn't as bad as it seems.

    Celeste overhears and says to herself:

    Celeste: Sorry, Austin. It is bad and it is only the beginning. The horror and tragedy has already begun and I just pray our loved ones in Sydney and in Salem can handle what is coming...

    Scene shifts to Eric lying in a bed, with cords and machines around him. Sami and Caroline enter, holding each other in tears. Sami slowly walks ahead of Caroline and looks down at Eric, takes his hand, and says:

    Sami: Don't do this to me. I have lost so much. We all have. We lost mom. I am finally starting to get myself together. I need you here...your the other part of me...please. Not now...not like this. Please...

    Caroline holds her close and comforts her.

    -Nicole is sitting on her plane to LA when there is an announcement:

    Pilot: Attention passengers...we were ordered to delay take off due to an emergency concerning one of our passengers. We hope you under and apologize for the inconvenience. We will prepare for takeoff as soon as the passenger's situation is taken care of.
    Nicole: What is going on? No one looks sick or anything. (turns behind her and then turns back around and is shocked by what she sees) What the hell?

    Greta walks right down the aisle and up to Nicole.

    Greta: Part of the perks of being a princess. I am glad I made it before it was...
    Nicole: What are you doing?
    Greta: Stopping you from making a big mistake. There is something you have to know...about Eric.

    -Max, Frankie, Kate, and Cassie are coming up on the Salem Bridge.

    Cassie: I don't see anyone.
    Frankie: I don't either...what the...? Oh my...

    Right ahead of Max on the bridge is an oncoming car, speeding out of control. It's Chelsea's with Seth and Paul in the front seats and Chelsea and Abby sqeezed in the back with 3 other partygoers.

    Seth: You girls should've listened...
    Paul: Damn straight!!
    Chelsea: Oh God...Oh God...
    Abby: I told you this would...Oh my..watch out!!!!

    Scene shifts to Max's car.

    Cassie: Max!!
    Kate: Max!!! Look out!!

    Max swerves his car out of the way and to the left just as Chelsea grabs hold of the wheel from Seth in the other car, causing the car to swerve out of control as everyone in it screams.

    Seth: [!@#$%^&*]!! What are you do...AAAAAAA

    Max's car collides with a guardrail on the left side of the bridge while Chelsea's car flies through the guardrail and off the right side of the bridge, right into the chilling waters below.

    "Open Your Eyes" by Snow Patrol begins to play in the background as we see the scene shift from Chelsea's car floating in the river to the shootout in Sydney... **Here is the link to the song-go to it and just listen to the song during these final scenes as they really enhance the scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jSfTwZZmXU **

    -Roman is forced to take cover while looking to find Stefano as bullets are still flying.

    Roman: I am not leaving here until I know this is over, once and for all, Dimera. I will end this or die trying!!

    -Bo and Hope are behind a metal structure, taking cover as bullets are flying around them.

    Hope: How are we all going to get out of this, Brady? The gunshots haven't ended since this chaos started.
    Bo: I don't know. I just hope the others are safe and that we all make it out of here.
    Hope: Your wondering where Victor is, aren't you?
    Bo: Yeah...and Maggie and everyone else. I just want all of this over and for all of us to be safe.
    Hope: Same here but how are we making it out of this?
    Bo: I have no clue...

    -Billie helps Abe to the helicopter as Jack carries a bleeding Shane and lays him in the helicopter.

    Billie: I hope the others are ok.
    Abe: You should still be there...Lexie and the others need...
    Billie: Your hurt and you could get yourself killed out there.

    Billie then goes to help Jack with Shane and then looks at Jack with a look of panic on her face;

    Billie: Oh my God...
    Jack: What?
    Billie: Shane has no pulse. Help me do CPR, Jack.
    Abe: Oh God...

    -Stefano puts a wounded Lexie on his helicopter and caresses her forehead. The pilot signals that everything is set and Stefano is about get on board.

    Stefano: It's all going to be fine, Alexandra.
    Victor: Not for you it isn't!!!

    Victor appears, pointing his gun right at Stefano. Maggie comes up behind him.

    Victor: Why did you come?
    Maggie: I...
    Victor: Nevermind. Ok, Dimera. As I said earlier, it ends here. Tonight. Your day of reckoning has arrived.

    -Steve and Kayla are dodging bullets and look confused as to where they are as they search for cover. Kayla is clearly in pain but continues to cover it. Steve sees a steel door nearby that is slightly open.

    Steve: Right there...we should be ok in there until all this hoopla subsides.
    Kayla: It's more then hoopla but, yeah, I see what you are looking at. We can stay there until it's over. Hopefully, the others are safe too.
    Steve: Ok...the gunshots stopped. Let's get to that door!!
    Kayla: Right behind you!!

    Steve and Kayla race to the steel door and notice a key in the lock. Steve walks in first:

    Steve: Grab the key so we don't get locked in.
    Kayla: Alright...argh!!
    Steve (turning towards Kayla): Kayla?

    As Kayla is about to enter, she doubles over in pain, She is holding on to the door and leans on it. Her weight is pushing the door forward. She then removes her hand from her side and sees it covered in blood and then sees blood coming down her leg. She is woozy and falls forward against the door, shutting it and locking Steve in. Steve sees the door close and races over. He sees Kayla leaning on the door through a small window on the door:

    Steve: Kayla!!?? What's wrong? Open the door!!
    Kayla (softly): Ste...

    Kayla's eyes roll back and she collapses alongside the door, leaving her body blocking the door. Steve looks down and sees Kayla lying in a pool of blood, unconscious and not moving.

    Steve: Kayla!!! Damn door is locked!! (banging on the door and desperately trying to open it)Kayla!! Kayla!!!! Kayla!!!! Kayla!!!

    The episode fades out as the camera shows Kayla lying in a pool of blood overhead.
  22. PhoenixRising05

    -In Salem, Eric is wheeled into the emergency room. His shirt is ripped open, and paramedics are busy performing CPR on him. Greta takes this opportunity to call Caroline and inform his family of what’s happened. It's time they knew the truth. The screen fades to.........

    -Nicole, as she prepares to board her plane bound for Los Angeles. She sits quietly as there is a slight delay, thinking about what she’s leaving behind. She then hears the call to board and says goodbye to Salem as she enters the gate.

    -At Chez Rouge, Max & Frankie frantically call Abby & Chelsea’s cell phones but keep getting no answer. Max tells Frankie that Abby must have snuck out to be with Chelsea. Max is livid, saying that those two girls will end up learning the hard way one day. Frankie volunteers to go get them and Cassie & Kate want to ride along, after hearing that they disappeared. Max fills them in on what happened at the bridge earlier. Frankie says it’s fine for them to come. He then goes over to Caroline, telling her that he needs to take care of something and he, Kate, Cassie & Max will return ASAP. Caroline tells them all to be careful.

    After they take off, Celeste has another vision, hearing terrifying screams and seeing bright lights. She tells the group about at Chez Rouge about it and everyone hopes that tragedy will not strike on this night.

    A cell phone rings and Caroline answers it when she notices it's hers. Greta is on the other end, telling her about Eric’s condition. Caroline thanks Greta and Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Will race to the hospital. Doug, Julie, Bill, and Laura tag along too while the others stay behind and clean up. They also say to one another that they hope this is not part of Celeste’s vision.

    Salem Bridge

    -Once again, Abby & Chelsea arrive back at the bridge. The activity is now in full swing. The police, who usually keep an eye on this entire area are nowhere to be found tonight because of Thanksgiving. Abby is upset about having to walk back across the bridge. Chelsea tells her that she left her car on the other side on purpose, so it wouldn’t be seen. Abby is scared, begging Chelsea to leave with her. She refuses, telling Abby that she wants to live life to the fullest. Abby is getting bad vibes from the two guys they’re with and doesn’t like all the drug and sexual activity going on. Chelsea grabs her hand, telling her she has nothing to worry about.

    Walking back near the undertow bank of the bridge, the girls are welcomed back by Seth & Paul. They are offered a hit of meth, which puts the girls off a bit. Seth takes Chelsea away to dance, while Paul asks Abby the same question. He is turned down but reacts aggressively, pulling Abby towards him and kissing her around her neck and face. When Seth starts doing the same thing to Chelsea, it is then that each young girl realize that they are in way over their heads and become increasingly terrified about what is to come next.

    Sydney, Austrailia

    -In Sydney, after the wonderful reunion between brothers, the door opens to reveal another DiMera guard. When the guard removes the mask, it once again reveals Billie’s face. She tells the group that she went to get the master key and now they can get the hell out of there. The group draws their weapons and hightail it out of the room and down the corridor. Stefano & Alexandra are released from a secure room and, when they get to the room where the group was being held, to their shock, everyone is gone. Stefano angrily orders his men to search for the group, and not to return until they are found. He gets even angrier when Alexandra informs him that his master key is now missing!

    -The group makes their way to a flight of steps. Roman & Bo usher everyone to run and get out. When they arrive topside, they are shocked to find themselves in downtown Sydney, right in the middle of their trendy shopping district. While reacting to their surroundings, DiMera henchmen pounce from everywhere and surprise them. After they are subdued, a helicopter lands in a grassy area and steps out its occupants, Stefano & Alexandra, laughing hysterically.

    As Stefano walks up to both Roman & Victor, Victor secretly pushes a red button on a device he has. Stefano tells Roman that finally, tonight, in this most beautiful of cities, his life, and the lives of his family and friends will end right here, right now. Roman surprises Stefano, pulling a gun from his back waist. Stefano curses his men for not finding it but Roman tells him that’s what happens when you let your “Pawn” get the upper hand. Stefano smiles, once again giving Roman credit for always evening the odds.

    Jack & Maggie then take that moment to blast Stefano for the hell they’ve been through since killing their loved ones. While Jack gets up in his face and quietly berates him for holding his brother all these years and killing his wife, Kayla turns to see Steve running off. Stefano looks over Jack’s shoulder and tells her that her perfect dream is becoming a nightmare. After she tells him to go to hell, she takes off after Steve. Stefano tells his men to hold their fire but then changes his mind, once Bo says how sick he is of him. Stefano blames Victor for what happened to Lexie and Roman and his family for thwarting his every move ever since he came to Salem. He says to hell with it, it ends now, and orders his men to open fire.

    As Kayla catches up with Steve, she begs him to give her a chance. Before he can answer, armed men come from everywhere. Thinking that they are more of DiMera’s men, everyone is shocked when they turn out to be Victor’s men, who surround the group. It is now a standoff. Stefano applauds Victor for his preparation. Victor nods his head in approval. Victor then walks past one of his men, and gets up in Stefano’s face, saying that the war will now reach it’s end. Stefano smiles and gently places his hand on Lexie’s arm, walking away slowly. Then they turn and run like hell, while Stefano gives the order to shoot everyone in sight. Victor gasp in horror, and gives his men the very same order.

    Civilians jump for cover and run for safety. Roman, Bo, Abe, Hope, Billie & Shane open fire as well, while people dive for cover. The screen then splits into four separate boxes, where Steve grabs Kayla and hits the ground, Jack dives on Maggie & Billie, Bo tackles Hope, and Victor joins his men in the gun battle, as bodies fall everywhere. While the screams of many echo in the night with the gunshots, the screen suddenly goes black.



  23. PhoenixRising05

    -Max drags Abby and Chelsea into Chez Rouge but stays mum to everyone about where he brought them from. Caroline is pleased when Cal arrives and she reminds him he is always welcome as he is still considered a Brady, the same way they think of Cassie. She is happy he came. The Horton, Brady & Roberts families sit down and try their best to have a civil Thanksgiving dinner as their MIA loved ones would want that. One by one, each person gives their thanks for the good that has entered their lives, hoping that their other loved ones are safe and sound.

    -Will is sitting at the table, being very secretive. He clams up all together when Sami & Lucas start going on about plans for his future, which they hope will include a wife and children.

    -Meanwhile, Celeste is still having horrible visions about tragedy in Sydney and in Salem and hopes for the best and that things will somehow turn out good. But, she doesn’t see it that way, as these visions are not subsiding and are only becoming stronger.

    -After dinner and while everyone is having dessert, Max pulls Frankie to the outer hallway and tells him all about finding Abby & Chelsea at the Salem Bridge and what activity was going on there. Chelsea hears this conversation, and walks over to Abby, telling her that she is going back to the bridge tonight. Abby is aghast by this, reminding her what was going on there and what could happen if she returned. Chelsea says that she is intent on having a great time and that nothing or no one will stop her. Abby rolls her eyes. After dessert, Frankie & Max look around for both girls, and become terrified when they realize that both girls are gone.

    -Back at Eric’s suite, Nicole stands in the hallway, crying her eyes out. She feels the decision has been made. She reaches into her purse and pulls out two items, her handkerchief and her cellphone. She cleans up her face and calls the airport, seeing if her seat is still booked. Then, she calls HighStyle, to inform them of her arrival in Los Angeles early the next morning. They are very pleased because they were about to give her spot to someone else. She thanks them once again for the opportunity to thinks things over and hangs up, saying a defiant good-bye to Eric & Salem...forever.

    -Meanwhile, in Eric’s room, Greta has overheard all of this, and tells him that his stupid plan worked. Nicole is leaving and she tells him that what he has done is cruel. Eric holds his head, saying that he is surprised that she feels that way. She says it just proves how selfish he really is. As she is putting her clothes back on, Eric’s vision becomes very blurry and then, suddenly, he cries out in pain. He passes out from it, falling to the floor. Greta is terrified and jumps to the phone, calling 911 and kneeling by Eric, trying to wake him up.

    Sydney, Australia

    In Sydney, Jack & Billie are still trapped in a shaft with gas filling in. Billie comes up with a plan. After hearing guards below them, she insists that they both surprise the guards, feeling that they can’t stay in there forever. Jack agrees and, when the see the guards directly beneath them, jump through the bottom of the shaft, landing on both guards. Knocking them out, they grab their weapons and take off down the corridor. After outrunning the gas that was activated, Jack wonders what they do now. Billie tells him to look at the camera above them. He does and, just as Billie pulls her gun and aims, he gives the camera, and Stefano, the finger, as she shoots out the lens with a smile.

    In another part of the lower catacombs, Abe is being held by DiMera’s men along with the others, while Alexandra slaps him over and over again. She berates him for taking her son from her, as well as turning her friends against her. He and the others tell her that she did that all by herself. He asks her to stop this madness but she refuses, saying that she has found her home. Abe asks with that bastard father of hers? Abe’s chin stings once again with another slap by Alexandra. She turns while holding her hand and looks at the monitor, knowing her father is watching. She seems conflicted at this moment, because her heart still belongs to this man. She leaves to return to Stefano.

    -Abe seems crushed but Hope tells assures he tried and the Lexie they knew may be lost to them. Bo & Victor tell the ladies that they don’t need their interference on this. Hope says yes they do and won’t leave until they agree to let them be apart of this. Maggie agrees. Victor turns to Bo and asks has she always been like this. Bo says yes, ever since they were young. Both Bo & Hope smile, while looking lovingly at each other.

    -Kayla turns Steve around and speaks with him, telling him that once they are free, she will do everything she can to give him back his past. Steve tells her how grateful he is, while thinking that the first chance he gets, he’s getting the hell away from her and everyone else. He wants nothing to do with his past because he fears what it may hold and doesn't want to disappoint anyone. Just then, Bo walks up to him and doesn’t have the words to say. He just can’t believe his friend is alive. Steve half smiles, telling him he wishes he could remember him and maybe that will happen somehow at some point.

    -Just as Bo embraces Steve, Roman walks up on the group and expresses his shock over seeing Steve alive. Looking at Steve like he’s seen a ghost, he tells him it’s good to see him again. When Steve tells him he doesn’t remember him, Roman tells him that he knows a thing about having no past and tells him not to push it. Steve smiles, glad he has found a man who knows what he’s going through.

    -Roman then takes two steps away from him, saying out loud to Stefano that tonight, this all ends, once and for all. Stefano, with a conflicted Lexie at his side, warns them that it will end and end very poorly for all of them. That is when two guards break through the doors, point to the group, and then turn towards the cameras, immediately shooting out the screens on the walls. When they remove their masks, they reveal the faces of Jack & Billie. Everyone is grateful to see them but Roman tells the group that now is not the time for reunions. It’s time to find DiMera and end this whole damn thing so they can get out of here. They all agree and then grow silent, as two men walk towards each other.

    Jack: Well.......it is.......agreeable to see you again.
    Steve: You’re Star Trek fan, huh?
    Jack: Yeah. Don’t you remember?
    Steve: (After a brief pause) No, I don’t. I have no memory.
    Jack: Well, I guess we can work on that. At your time, and your pace.
    Steve: I’d like that.
    Jack: (With tears coming down his face) It’s good to see you again, bro.
    Steve: Likewise, Jack.

    The brothers hug, as the group looks on. Kayla is also crying, happy that these two men have been reunited, and as the screen freeze-frames on both men, the screen slowly fades to black.

    Next Time, On An Action-Packed Salem Lives................

    Max to Frankie: We need to find them before it's too late.
    Abby to Chelsea: This could be dangerous.
    Chelsea to Abby: I don't care.
    Greta: It's time the truth came out Eric.
    Nicole: Goodbye Salem!!
    Victor to Stefano: It ends here, Dimera.
    Stefano to Victor: Yes...for all of you it does.
  24. PhoenixRising05

    Sounds of gunshots.

    Roman: Everyone get down!!!

    IS HERE!!!


    Greta: Eric!! Wake up!!


    Clip of Caroline and Sami with Austin, Lucas, and Will behind them at the hospital.

    Sami: Greta tell us what is going on.
    Greta: Eric's dying...


    Nicole: It's time to leave Salem...for good!!!

    Clip of Nicole boarding a plane.


    Nicole: What the hell?



    Clip of Abby and Chelsea at the bridge.


    Clip of Seth and Paul dragging Abby and Chelsea off with a group of their friends.

    Chelsea: Let go of us!!!
    Abby: What are you doing?


    Clip of Max, Frankie, Kate, and Cassie in a car.

    Frankie: Max...
    Kate: Oh my God, Max!! Look out!!




    Victor to Stefano: It ends here!!

    Clips of Victor and Stefano's men firing guns along with Victor, Stefano, Hope, Bo, Shane, Abe, Roman, and Billie.


    Clip of Jack and Billie ducking for cover, Steve pushing Kayla down to avoid bullets, and Victor shielding Maggie.

    Hope to Bo: How the hell are we getting out of this, Brady?


    Quick clips of Stefano, Lexie, Abe, Roman, Shane, Steve, Kayla, Billie, Jack, Bo, Hope, Victor, and Maggie.

    Roman: My God!
    Kayla (looking down at someone): Don't die on me!!



    ***Don't forget to check out this week's SL INSIDER as well as Friday's episode and the press release discussing events for the rest of November that are found under this promo!!***
  25. PhoenixRising05
    Week of November 20, 2006 Edition



    Who will survive the battle in the outback?

    Lives are forever changed this week on Salem Lives when all hell breaks loose in Sydney and the aftermath is shocking. "We have been hyping this for weeks but I honestly think the fans have no idea what is coming," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "This is so exciting and Wednesday and Friday are absolutely HUGE. I am not saying anymore about it but it's really something that will change many lives." As viewers witnessed last week, several beloved Salemites fell into Stefano's trap and were captured. Meanwhile, Jack and Billie continued to allude Stefano's clutches and found themselves trapped in an air shaft filling with gas. "The viewers will love what is coming," vows Lowery. "We have two surprising heroes and then we have this great escape which leads to the ultimate showdown between Victor and Stefano. It takes place in this shopping district in Sydney. There are civilians watching and there is a fountain-it's like a little courtyard. Then, all hell breaks loose as gunshots are being fired all over with civilans running and some of our beloved characters are fighting for their lives. It's chaos." When the dust settles, bodies are everywhere and some beloved Salemites have fallen prey to the carnage. "Major characters are shot and those that aren't are trying to save lives, including the lives of those that were shooting at them," says Lowery. "We are seeing heroic efforts all over the place. Two character, in particular, put their lives on the line for both strangers and loved ones and the results could be tragic. All I can say is the endings of Wednesday and Friday will leave two characters on the brink of death and if there is anything fans have learned from me killing off Marlena and Jennifer-no one is safe." All the Insider can say to fans is...HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS BECAUSE YOUR IN FOR ONE HELLUVA RIDE!!!


    Tragic days ahead?

    Chelsea makes a choice this week on Salem Lives that puts Abby and her in danger and will forever change both their lives forever. The week begins with Max dragging the girls to Thanksgiving dinner with their family at Chez Rouge. "The girls eat dinner and then Chelsea walks off," previews EP/HW Tim Lowery. Chelsea tells Abby she is going back to the bridge to party with Seth and Paul and Abby is discouraging it. "Abby only acted out and went to the bridge the first time to get to Max," notes Lowery. "Chelsea is doing it for fun even though Chelsea reminds Abby that they are both in the same boat having suffered alot of loss and feeling alone, especially with Jack and Billie away." Chelsea takes off and Abby gives chase, a choice that will forever alter both girls' lives. "Chelsea opts to go back to a dangerous situation and Abby makes her own choice to follow," says Lowery. "They know they are being reckless but they have no idea the depth of what they are getting into." Frankie and Max notice the girls gone and tell Cassie and Kate what happened earlier that night at the bridge. The four of them take off for the bridge in hopes they the girls are there and that they can prevent any harm of coming to them. Meanwhile, Abby and Chelsea are unaware that Seth and Paul want more out of the evening then just partying and also want to make sure they stay silent about just what goes on under the bridge. The girls return to the bridge and then begin to realize the horror of the situation they are in and what happens next is shocking and tragic. "The viewers will be blindsided," vows Lowery. "They know something happens but the how they don't know and I can promise the fallout from this will have major repercussions for both girls and their families and will forever change their lives. It's all part of the big Wednesday and Friday cliffhanger shows but you have to tune in Monday and Tuesday to see the buildup. This whole week is huge and this is just one big part of it."


    No more happy days for Eric and Nicole?

    Eric nears his end this week onSalem Lives just as Nicole prepares to leave town. The week begins with Nicole reacting to finding Eric and Greta in bed together. "Eric and Greta set it up because he knew she would come over and he knew this would be the final straw for her since she had suspicions," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "He knows this will be enough for her to run away and go to LA and keep her job. He loves her and wants her happy and to move on. How will giving up her dream job to spend her final days with a dying man do that?" Nicole breaks down but then realizes she doesn't need Eric so she calls LA and learns if she wants to keep her job she needs to be back in LA by morning. Therefore, Nicole opts to get her the rest of her belongings for Eric's suite by sending for them and makes a beeline for the airport. Greta overhears and tells Eric, who is pleased. "Greta once again begs him to reconsider and tell his loved ones what is going on," previews Lowery. "She knows he won't take medical help but she wants him to at least tell his loved ones as his condition is dire now." Eric and Nicole end up arguing and Eric gets overcome by pain and loses consciousness. A frantic Greta goes against Eric's wishes and call 911 and he is raced to the ER. "Greta is in a panic and her heart is telling her to do what is right even if Eric wouldn't agree," says Lowery. "The doctors at the hospital tell her that his condition is deteriorating rapidly so she decides to go against another one of Eric's wishes and calls his family. Caroline, Sami, Austin, Will, Lucas, and a few others race to the ER and finally learn the truth about Eric and are devastated." Meanwhile, Nicole is boarding a plane to LA and says adieu to Salem...or does she? Not so fast! "There is a twist there and Nicole gets a surprise that is quite ironic considering her past relationship with this person," laughs Lowery. "I think the fans will like it." As for the status of Jensen Ackles (Eric) and Arianne Zuker (Nicole), Lowery offered no answers. "They are both short-term and that hasn't changed," he says. "It really helps the story because the fans have no idea how this will turn out because neither actor is locked in and I like that. This story is tragic and what is coming up is the real emotional, gut-wrenching stuff. Eric's loved ones will be put through the ringer-big time."

    Week of November 20, 2006 (also posted in the Press Release under Friday's episode)

    Several beloved Salemites face flying bullets and tragedy in Sydney, Australia while two foes engage in a tense standoff. Who will survive when the dust settles? Meanwhile, in Salem, residents gather for Thanksgiving while worrying about their loves ones in Sydney. However, tragedy and danger loom large there as well. A dying man makes a heartbreaking sacrifice and later finds his secret uncovered. Meanwhile, one resident prepares to bid adieu but will they? Plus, two reckless residents make a choice that will change their lives forever and it’s a race against time to prevent tragedy. (REMINDER: SALEM LIVES DOES NOT AIR ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 23 DUE TO THE HOLIDAY BUT WILL RESUME FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24)

    Red Letter Days!!


    Next Week: Week of November 27, 2006 (also posted in Press Relase under Friday episode)

    The traveling Salemites return from Sydney with grim news as lives hang in the balance. One character sees their life flash before their eyes and a suppressed memory begins to make itself known while another character fights for life as well and walks toward the light. Meanwhile, a rescue attempt begins in the wake of tragedy and a family rallies around a loved one as time begins to run out. However, a shocking discovery may present one last hope but is it too late?
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