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Blog Entries posted by PhoenixRising05

  1. PhoenixRising05
    It is a new day and the cruise ship survivors are still on the coast guard cutter, which is searching for the missing Jack and Billie. They have finally been giving some food, drink, and dry clothes. The storm is still going strong outside as a coast guard officer enters the room...

    -Bo walks up to the coast guard officer, along with Hope. The officer says there is no word on Jack and Billie. He reminds Bo of the fact that they have been out in that storm for hours. Bo nods and thanks the officer for the update. Chelsea, Kate, Lucas, and Philip approach Bo. Abby calls out to Bo and asks for word on her father. Bo says there is nothing yet but, he isn't going to lie, it isn't looking good since they have been out there for hours. Forrest comforts Abby, promising her it will all be ok. He is there for her.

    Kate breaks down in tears, saying this is her punishment for her actions. Lucas and Philip hate her, Austin is dead, and bow Billie may be dead. Lucas tells her to calm down. Sami comforts Lucas and says she is praying for Billie. Will reiterates the sentiment. Lucas thanks them. Belle approaches Philip and tells him she hopes his sister is alright. Philip thanks her. Belle walks over to Caroline. Philip sees Greta and approaches her. He asks her what Victor and her talked about while walked in the boiler room. Greta tells Philip that he needs to ask his father. She isn't about to overstep her bounds. She then walks over to join Frankie, Caroline, and Belle. Carrie is walking a crying Evan around as Nicole watches. Carrie tells her not to get any ideas and walks away as a stoic Nicole watches.

    Victor is with Maggie, who tells Victor she is worried about going home. She will have to face charges and the media is going to have a field day. Victor urges her not to worry. He will take care of everything. Maggie says she is also worried about the re-igniting of his war with Victor. Victor says it was bound to happen and he plans on being the first to strike once they get home. He isn't about to give Stefano a chance to hurt his family.

    Cassie embraces Stefano, telling him she is so happy he is alright. Stefano thanks her. He sees Lexie and asks her if she is happy as well. Lexie doesn't answer and walks away. Stefano sighs. Tony asks Stefano what he expected. He betrayed his daughter and she has finally realized what he really is. Stefano tells Tony that he only did what he thought was best for the family. That is all he has ever done. Anna rolls her eyes, saying she has heard that BS before. Stefano tells Tony to shut her up. Tony tells Anna to come with him and tells Stefano that he is the one that screwed up and now he must deal with it. Tony and Anna walk off as Cassie comforts Stefano, telling him it will be ok. He still has her. Stefano smiles.

    Abe walks over to Lexie and asks if she is alright. She has been acting strangely since Celeste and himself were found locked in the cabin room. Lexie tells Abe she is fine and just doesn't want to be bothered. Celeste then comes over and asks Lexie if there is anything she would wish to talk to her about. Celeste adds that she senses great upset in her. Lexie tells her mother and Abe to back off and to let her be. Lexie walks off, leaving behind a bewildered Abe and Celeste.

    Cal hugs Caroline, who tells him she is happy he now knows everything about his past. Kayla and Frankie reiterate that sentiment. Kayla walks over to Steve, assuring him that Jack will make it. Steve tells Kayla that he finally is back to himself and it would suck if Jack wasn't around. He really wants to reconnect with him. Kayla embraces him, telling Steve she knows.

    Roman sits by Marlena when Caroline comes over, asking how she is. Roman says the ship's doctor says she is fine but he would like Barbara to examine her when they get home. He needs to make sure Marlena really is back. Belle and Sami both come over, telling Roman they are sure she is. They family needs her and she senses that. Carrie walks by with Evan. Roman tells her to come over. Carrie does so. Roman asks how Evan is. Carrie says he seems very upset but that is no surprise given what has happened. Roman looks into her eyes and tells her it will all be ok. They will all get through this as a family.

    Caroline, Roman, Sami, Belle, and Carrie (holding Evan) stand around Marlena, all huddled together, as Cal watches. Katherine asks Cal if he is alright. Cal tells her he is fine. He knows all about his past now and he has her. That is all he needs. Katherine smiles and embraces him as Cal continues to stare over in Roman's direction, whispering "At least that is all I thought I needed." Katherine asks if he said something. Cal smiles and says he didn't. She then embraces him again as Cal looks over at Roman, seemingly jealous.

    Julie looks at Doug longingly as he is comforted by Hope across the room. Shane asks Julie if she is ok. Julie shakes her head. Shane leaves. Julie's eyes fill with tears as she says she will never be ok again until she knows Doug and her are ok. Nico then taps her on the shoulder and offers her some tissuers. She smiles, saying that he is always a gentlemen. Nico insists he was always taught to treat a beautiful women with respect. Julie smiles and thanks him for his kindness. Nico assures her that Doug will come back to her. Any man would be stupid to leave her. Julie smiles and thanks him. Nico smiles back.

    Max asks Chelsea if she is ok. Chelsea says she will be fine. They look over and see Abby still being comforted by Forrest/Fred. Chelsea says that Abby has family on board to comfort her yet she is always with him. Max admits he is hating this situation more and more by the minute. He just doesn't understand the fascination that Fred seems to have with Abby. Chelsea says she doesn't either and it is creeping her out more and more.

    Philip decides that he needs to ask Victor about Greta as he knows something is going on there. He is about to go over when a coast guard officer enters. He says he has an announcment. They are going to head to a port nearby where all the cruise ship survivors can disembark. Travel back to Salem can be arranged from there. Victor says he can handle the travel arrangements back to Salem. He will call in a favor. The officer nods in agreement. Bo asks about the search for Jack and Billie. The officer says they will continue to search and will update the appropriate people as warranted but conditions still haven't improved and the chances of survival are dropping rapidly. He thinks they should all prepare for the worst.

    Abby breaks down in tears as Forrest comforts her. Kate turns away in horror as Sami comforts Lucas. Philip is stunned and walks aimlessly in circles. Kayla comforts Steve. Max takes Chelsea in his arms. Hope asks Bo privately but he thinks the chances are. He simply shakes his head as Hope embraces him.

    The scene then shifts to the stormy waters where a badge of some kind is floating. The camera pans in to reveal the item floating to be press badge. The name on it is none other then Jack Deveraux's. The scene then frezzes on Jack's press pass and then fades to black.


  2. PhoenixRising05
    The cruise ship has gone down, the impact of which has caused several lifeboats to turn over. This has put many lives in danger on the very dangerous stormy seas as we rejoin our beloved Salemites in peril...

    -Roman is pulling a lifeless Marlena with him as he struggles to swim through the stormy seas. He promises he that he will protect her and won't lose her...not after just getting her back. They hear a women crying out for help. Roman recognizes the voice. He then hears someone swimming nearby. It's Jack!!

    Jack sees Roman and asks if he has seen Billie. He can hear her screaming but can't find her. Roman says he has heard the screams but has not seen Billie. Jack explains that Billie and himself managed to reach the top of the ship and jumped off just before the ship sank but he hasn't been able to find Billie since. Roman explains that he pulled an unconscious Marlena out through a cargo door. Jack asks about Orpheus. Roman says he either got away or went down with the ship. They hear Billie's screams again. Jack goes after her. Roman follows him, pulling Marlena with him and continuing to yell for help.

    Meanwhile, several lifeboats are turned over and loud screams for help can be heard by many. Bo is swimming around the stormy waters, screaming for Hope. He prays that he hasn't lost her...not when they just reunited. He then hears Hope screaming his name and swims around looking for her. Eventually, he reaches her and lovingly embraces her. He reminds Hope that he told her to hang on. Hope says that the force of the ship going down was just too strong. That is why nearly all the lifeboats tipped over. Bo tells her they need to hope help comes soon because there is no way they can stay alive on these waters.

    The scene then shifts Chelsea and Max search the waters for Abby. Chelsea fears she is dead as Abby is paralyze. They find her empty folded up wheelchair. They then hear Forrest yell out that Abby is fine and turn to see him on the lifeboat with Abby and Shane, who has managed to tip the lifeboat back over. Chelsea and Max look at each other, dumbfounded over Forrest coming to Abby's rescue again.

    -Sami and Lucas swim over to Shane and the lifeboat he is on. She tells Lucas they have to find Will and the others. She tells Lucas she saw both Carrie and Evan go under. Lucas tells her they will. Belle then comes over, pulling a defensive Kate. Kate asks her why she didn't just let her die. She deserves it after what she has done and she won't be able to live with herself. Belle says she has children and grandchildren to think about and tells her to start thinking about them. Lucas searches for Sami and Evan but finds a lifeless Nicole. He gives her mouth to mouth and she comes to. Sami swims over and tells Lucas to find Will and let the bitch die. Nicole tells Lucas that he should've let her die. Lucas shakes his head and swims away. Sami and Nicole coldly state at each other as Shane comes over and helps Nicole to the lifeboat.

    Lucas swims around and finds Carrie, holding Evan while holding on to a piece of debris. He swims over and tells Carrie to come with him. Carrie tells Lucas the water is so cold and Evan could get sick. She tells him she can't lose anyone else she loves. Lucas assures her it will be ok. Meanwhile, Sami searches for Will and hears someone screaming in the distance. She swims around, calling out for Will. The voice answers back, screaming for help. Sami realizes it's Will and swims over. She finds him and embraces him. She tells him it will be ok and they swim back to the lifeboat.

    -Bo and Hope find Doug swimming around. They ask him why he isn't in the lifeboat with the others. He says that Julie disappeared after the lifeboat tipped over. He calls out for Julie and says he needs to find her...even after what she has done. He still cares about. Bo and Hope help him look.

    The scene then shifts to Cal and Katherine, who help pull Lexie and Cassie on to the lifeboat. They join Tony and Anna. Abe and Celeste then swim over and get help being pulled up. Abe and Celeste go to embrace Lexie but she moves away. Abe asks what is wrong. Lexie doesn't answer. Victor makes his way over with Maggie. Cal pulls them up. Victor asks about Greta, who soon swims over with Philip. Greta says she can't swim and Philip helped to save her before she went under. Victor tells Philip that he owes him a debt of gratitude. Philip asks why as Greta is nothing to him. He was just saving a life. Victor is silent. Caroline and Frankie are then pulled on board.

    Cassie then asks where Stefano is. They hear a cry for help in the distance. It's Stefano. Cassie says they need to go help him. Victor says there will be no such thing. He looks out toward Stefano and yells out "Nothing personal. It's just good business, old friend." Maggie remembers that Stefano said that right before leaving Victor and her to die. She tells Victor that she knows where he is coming from but saving Stefano could end the war. Victor shakes his head and says it won't end until one of them is dead. They have the opportunity to let Stefano die now and need to take it.

    The sound and sight of a large boat gets everyone's attention. Stefano turns and sees the boat. It's the Coast Guard, who yell out through a speaker for everyone to hang on.

    Meanwhile, Bo and Hope help Doug search the stormy waters. Hope sees an object floating in the distance. Bo tells her that isn't an object but a body. It's Julie. They swim over and give mouth to mouth. Doug prays she is alright. She comes to and tells Doug she knew he still cared. Doug is silent and turns away from Julie. Bo and Hope help them to the lifeboat, where they join Steve and Kayla. A still injured Steve says it was nice going for a little swim. Kayla laughs and says she only wishes the water were warmer. Bo sees the Coast Guard cutter and announces that help has arrived.

    -Later, many of the cruise ship guests are now on board the coast guard ship. Towels have been given to them all for warmth. Julie comes over to Doug and tells him she knows she made some mistakes but thinks they can still work it out. They do love each other. Doug gets up and walks away, leaving Julie all alone. Maggie sits with Victor, fearing that the war between him and Stefano will be much worse now given the events tonight. Victor says he doesn't care. Caroline comes over and says Victor had the right idea...to let Stefano die. Stefano comes over, laughing. He says that he wouldn't have died anyway. He is the phoenix, afterall. Victor and Stefano coldly look at each other, acknowledging the fact that both left each other to die. Victor says it seems the way is back on. Stefano nods, telling Victor he will see him back in Salem. Stefano walls away, leaving behind a worried Caroline and Maggie and a determined Victor.

    Max tells Chelsea he doesn't like this Fred Allen guy as he watches Abby with Forrest/Fred. Chelsea admits to Max that something is up with him and she doesn't like it and hasn't since meeting him. Philip asks Greta what is going on between his father and her. Greta says that he will have to ask Victor. Bo and Hope walk in after talking with the coast guard. Kate is sitting alone when Nicole walks by. They exchange cold glances as Kate tells Nicole she should be the one dead. Nicole blankly stares at Kate and walks away. Sami sits with Carrie and asks if Evan is ok. She thinks he is. Sami tells Carrie they will get through this and embraces her. Lucas tells Carrie that Sami is right. Carrie is silent.

    Belle comes over, saying she is worried about their father. She notices Bo and Hope have returned. Bo comes over with Hope. The whole room listens in as Bo says that everyone is accounted for except Orpheus, Roman, Marlena, James, Jack, and Billie. Just then, Roman is brought in with Marlena. He places the unconscious Marlena on a cot. Belle, Carrie, Kayla, Bo, Hope, Caroline, and Sami embrace Roman. He fills them in on what happened and his belief that Orpheus got away. He also tells them of James's death and says he was killed by Orpheus. He also shares that it took everything he had but he got the "real" Marlena back...at least, he hopes. Roman adds that Marlena has been unconscious ever since she passed out after she seemed to fight her way out. Sami says she is sure that if he saw the "real" Marlena back, she's back. Their love brought her back. Roman hopes so. They all need her right now.

    Bo says that means only Orpheus, Jack, and Billie are not accounted for and he doesn't expect to find Orpheus. Roman says that Jack was searching for Billie after they jumped ship before it went down. Roman explains he followed Jack but he lost sight of them and couldn't hear Billie screaming anymore. Chelsea begins to get worried along with Kate, Lucas, and Philip. A coast guard officer then comes in and Bo informs him that only 3 are unaccounted for. The coast guard officer says the storm has gotten too nasty and their men are doing their best but the chances of anyone surviving out there is going down with every hour. A worried Abby breaks down with worry for her father, saying she can't lose him too after losing her mother. Forrest comforts her as Max watches. Chelsea says that Billie and her had issues but she still cares about her. Max comforts her before Bo comes over, embracing her and promising they will find her mom as Hope watches, knowing she is her real mother.

    The scene then shifts back to the stormy seas as Jack searches for Billie. He can't hear her screaming but sees something floating in the distance. It's Billie!! he swims over and discovers her not breathing. He begins mouth to mouth, hoping he remembers how to do it. He begs her not to leave him now as continues mouth to mouth.

    The scene then freezes on an unconscious Billie and then fades to black.



  3. PhoenixRising05


    Clip of the cruise ship sinking amidst the stormy seas.


    Clip of Doug searching for Julie in the stormy waters.

    Doug: JULIE!!

    Clip of Bo swimming in the stormy waters.


    Clip of Roman pulling a lifeless Marlena in the water.

    Roman: I won't let you die....not after all we have been through.


    Clip of Jack and Billie holding on to a piece of debris.

    Jack: Oh my...


    Clip of Lucas holding a desperate Sami.

    Sami: Where's Will?! Where's our son?!





  4. PhoenixRising05




    "SALEM LIVES: VENDETTA" and "THE VOYAGE OF VENGEANCE" have brought great changes to Salem Lives over the past few weeks. From reunions and payoffs to deaths and shocking revelations...the residents of Salem have seen it all of late. "It's been wild and very exhausting to write," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "We invested so much in this and we built up to these events for over a year. We wanted it to be perfect and, judging from the response by the fans, it was. We only hope we can keep on delivering."

    While the past few weeks have made fans who patiently awaited payoffs happy, it's very bittersweet as some characters have said their final goodbyes recently. As of the July 13 episode, 5 actors have seen their character killed off. Those actors consist of Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady), Paul Kersey (Alan Harris), Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed), Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano), and Roscoe Born (James McCluer). Ackles was doing double duty for most of the last year and had asked to be released from the show. "It's just too hard," Ackles admits. "I loved the show but I was only supposed to come back for a little over 6 months with Ari (Zuker, Nicole) but it turned into more of a recurring thing. However, I worked quite a bit and it conflicted with "Supernatural" alot so I knew I couldn't do this any further. The writers were great and gave me a fantastic exit. I was pleased but I will miss all my friends."

    Kersey wasn't around for comment but Born reiterated that sentiment. "I knew it was a short-run. I only wish more time was spent on James grieving but Tim told me that was his fault. There was just so much story and James got lost in the shuffle. I had so much fun with this role. I mean, I worked with Deidre Hall (Marlena). It was just a blast." Cioffi was also pleased with his stint. "I was shocked when I returned last year because I left in 1990. Never once was there any speculation, except my name was mentioned in 2004 during the Captive Island plot. I was never called though. I had a blast last summer and had a blast returning to finish the story. I would return anytime, if asked. The material I received was a pleasure to play." Muldoon's exit was perhaps the most shocking as his character, Austin Reed, is married to Carrie Brady (Christie Clark) and has been frontburner all year. Muldoon, the role-s originator, was asked to return as a recast for Austin Peck. Muldoon had been wooed for years to return to the role and admits that he's sad to see his run come to an end. "It sucks but it's the business. They felt Austin had nowhere else to go and that he was merely a prop to Carrie and those around him. I kind of had the feeling when they brought me back that it wasn't going to last. I just had an instinct. I am happy I did return. This is the best material I ever got and playing this story with Christie, Ali, and Bryan was awesome. The exit I was given couldn't have been any better. I would come back as a ghost or for whatever they had in mind. I was treated well and have no regrets or ill feelings. I just hate to leave but that's life."

    "We hate to see these actors go but many of these exits were necessary," admits Lowery. "Jensen was here alot longer then we all thought and Paul, Charles, and Roscoe were never meant to be long-term characters. I feel bad about Roscoe because his character got the short end of the stick. My co-EP/HW Patrick L. Ewing and I planned to do much more with him pertaining to his grief over his family and so on. The blame for that rests on me. I put other stories ahead of that and we suffered in that area. I regret what happened there. I feel bad about Patrick too but we just had nowhere else to go with Austin and some people had to go. This opens up alot of story and we needed to make the current stories end with a bang. We promised lives would change and this changes lives so we are proud of how everything went but sad to see these actors go."

    Setsiders have been reporting for weeks that a massive casting bloodbath was about to hit and it appears to have begun. However, it may be far from over, as sources hint. "It's not over," Lowery hints. "We have more exits to come this summer and a few more further down the road. The cast was simply too large so that goes into our line of thinking and some exits coming are storyline-dictated. We just try to tell the best stories possible so whatever it takes to do that, we'll do."

    The most surprising news, however, is word of cast additions in the midst of cast cuts. In a major casting coup, 2 major movie actors and a major soap star will be joining Salem Lives by summer's end. Famke Janssen (X-Men Trilogy, Nip/Tuck) will join Salem Lives August 3 as Miranda Grey, an ISA agent who is friends with Shane (Charles Shaughnessy) and has ties to another Salem resident as well. The role is recurring at the moment. "Famke is one of my favorites and we are delighted to have her aboard," enthuses Lowery. "She is a fine talent and will bring alot to Salem Lives." The other film star joining the cast is Christian Bale (Batman Begins, The Prestige), who will join Salem Lives on August 24 as Alexander Dawson, son of Elizabeth Dawson. He is said to be a brooding man that has led a privileged life but feels something is still missing. "This is a major coup as he is one of the hottest actors in Hollywood right now," says Lowery. "He is an amazing talent that gives us something we need...a young leading man. We will have to work around him a but but we feel we can do it." The role is contract.

    Playing the role of Alexander's mother, Elizabeth, is none other then GH favorite Finola Hughes (Anna). "We are thrilled to have her and we will need to work around the show she has and her summer GH schedule but we have a plan in place," explains Lowery. "We believe she will bring alot of class and elegance and will contribute alot. Her coming aboard really makes the story for me." The role is recurring for now but expect Elizabeth to have connections to a few Salem residents.

    In the midst of all these comings and goings. Lowery promises fans that Salem Lives will not lose any steam. "The best is yet to come," he adds. "You haven't seen anything yet."

    For more casting news on two cast members who are STAYING, see below.



    Famke Janssen (Miranda Grey): Janssen debuts as the ISA agent friend of Shane (Charles Shaughnessy) on August 3. The role is recurring. See main article above for more.

    Finola Hughes (Elizabeth Dawson): Hughes debuts as the mother of Alexander (Christian Bale) on August 24. The role is recurring. See main article above for more.

    Christian Bale (Alexander Dawson): Bale first airs as the brooding mystery man on August 24. The role is contract. See main article above for more.


    Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed): Muldoon last aired on July 9. He originated the role in 1992 and returned to the role in November 2006. See main article above for more.

    Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano): Cioffi, who returned in July 2006 after a 16 year absence, last aired on July 10 when Ernesto died in Cal's (Josh Taylor) arms. See main article above for more.

    Roscoe Born (James McCluer): The actor, who joined Salem Lives in December 2006, last aired on July 10. See main article above for more.


    Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady): Nicole fans worried about her fate can rest assured...she is going nowhere and the actress has been upgraded to contract status after starting out short-term and being recurring since December. "I love her," enthuses EP/HW Tim Lowery. "We are glad she is contract now. She is a familiar face to recent fans and isn't related to anyone. The possibilities are endless. We weren't sure what we were going to do with Jensen and his situation but we came up with something a few months ago and we still have much story to tell with Nicole." Zuker returned to the role in May 2006, alongside Jensen Ackles (Eric). Before that, she had previously played Nicole from 1998-February 2006. Sources hint that Nicole will be involved in a huge story this Fall. Will she be good or evil?

    George Delhoyo (Orpheus): The actor, who just returned in June when Orpheus was revealed as the infamous MCF, is going nowhere and is on contract status.


    -The cruise ship survivors fight for their lives in the stormy seas.
    -Two arrests are made.
    -The truth about Forrest/Fred is spilled.
    -Don't miss a stunning, jaw-dropping moment that will leave you breathless!!


  5. PhoenixRising05
    As the storm continues to rage on, we revisit our beloved Salemites aboard the cruise ship...

    -On the second level, Marlena has her gun aimed at Roman.

    Roman: This isn't you, doc. You don't want to do this.
    Marlena: Your beloved "doc" is dead so stop calling me that. And, yes, I want to do this. I want everyone on this ship to die.
    Roman: No, you don't. You have children on this ship. Your not a monster, Marlena. You would never want them to die. Hell, you would never want anyone on this ship to die, the exceptions being Stefano and Orpheus.
    Roman: That's the brainwashing talking. Tek, Wendell, and Andre...they started this and Ernesto and Orpheus picked up right where they left off after we thought you fell to your death in the volcano. I got through to you before you fell...I know you are still there. I know the real Marlena is just fighting to break through. She is probably crying out to her loved ones. I know her...all of her loved ones in pain is killing her.
    Marlena: SHUTUP!! Marlena is gone. She's been gone. What was left of her died in that volcano.
    Roman: That's not true. Remember when you tried to smother me with a pillow back in January? You stopped yourself. Marlena made her presence known that night.
    Marlena: Like hell she did.
    Roman: You have no other explanation. Look...all the brainwashing manipulated your emotions. They used all your bad memories to twist your mind so that they could use you for their own gains. You were vulnerable and they knew that. The night you fell into the volcano you mentioned voices in your head. Those voices are still there. Those voices are Tek, Wendell, Andre, Ernesto, Orpheus...and God knows who else. You can put an end to this. They know you blame yourself for all the horrible things that have happened to the people you love. They know you think you brought it on all of us. They used that...it was their key to manipulating you.
    Marlena: Shutup!! Damnit! I have had enough! You couldn't be more wrong. Everything you just said is BS and I sick of it. I'm sick of you. Time to shut you up...permanently.

    Marlena puts her finger on the gun's trigger and aims it at a nervous Roman.

    The scene then shifts to Kayla and Bo, who are still giving Steve CPR as Abe, Hope, and Frankie watch and pray that he makes it. Kayla pounds on Steve's chest and begs him not to leave her. He promised her they would get their lives back! She can't lose him now...not after just getting him back. Bo holds compressions and tells Kayla it's been too long. He isn't breathing. Kayla feels for a pulse and gets nothing. With tears streaming down her face, she looks down at Steve and refuses to believe he is gone. He can't be gone. Bo embraces his sister as Frankie and Hope comfort each other with a horrified Abe watching. Kayla then breaks from Bo's embrace and says she isn't giving up.

    Kayla (crying): We've never given up on each other in the past and I'm not going to start now. When I nearly died in Sydney, you didn't give up on me. I flatlined and the doctors believed I was gone but that didn't stop you. You were my angel that day...just like you always have been. You brought me back and I am going to bring you back...just the way you brought me back with...
    Bo: What Kay?
    Kayla: A kiss. Steve's love brought me back when he kissed me. I'm not letting you go, Steve. (clutches his face) You hear me?! I'm not letting you go!

    Kayla then kisses Steve passionately as the screen turns white as a Steve and Kayla montage begins...


    As the montage ends, Bo is back to doing compressions as Kayla is doing mouth to mouth. Bo tells Kayla it's no use. Even her kissing him didn't help. It's over. Steve's gone. Kayla breaks down in tears and pounds on Steve's body as she lays her head down on his chest.

    Steve: Calm down, baby...

    Kayla picks her head up and looks at Steve, whose eyes have opened. Bo, Hope, Frankie, and Abe are elated.

    Kayla: Steve...
    Steve: That's me...damn! What happened to me, sweetness? I feel like I was hit by a truck.
    Kayla: Well, your close. We were knocked around by a wall of water.
    Steve: Well, that explains it. I'm telling you, I would rather deal with what we did in Stockholm then this junk.
    Kayla: You remember Stockholm? (looks into Steve's eyes) Oh my...you know, I noticed it when I first looked into your eyes when you opened them. You remember...
    Steve: Of course I remember. Marlena was kidnapped and we all went to get her. Too bad that dude Orpheus didn't die back then because now we have to deal with that nutjob.
    Kayla: You remember! You got your memory back!
    Steve: Yeah...I guess I did. Finally! That kiss you gave me did more then pump my heart (smiles).
    Kayla: I was just returning the favor.
    Steve: Thanks, baby.
    Kayla: We're finally going to have our lives back. We can be a family again!
    Steve: Sure can.
    Bo: I hate to interrupt but we are on a sinking ship and we need to get out of here.
    Steve: Always the party pooper. Ok...

    Steve gets dizzy as he tries to get up. Kayla says that she will need help with Steve. Steve says there is no need but Frankie thinks it's a good idea. The ship rocks back and forth and Hope says that they are running out of time. Bo says he is going to find Roman, Marlena, Jack, and Billie. Hope tells him she is going to and he can't stop her. Abe and Frankie agree to get Steve and Kayla to the lifeboat. They remind Bo they only have one left and they will wait as long as possible. Bo nods. Abe wishes him and Hope luck as they take off.

    The scene the shifts to Jack and Billie, who break from their passionate kiss as the cabin room is filled with water near their necks. Jack tells Billie he feels good that they admitted their feelings for each other. Billie agrees but wishes they had done it sooner as they are about die. Jack says they could still get a miracle. Billie shakes her head. They both then hear a loud crashing sound. A terrified Billie wonder what that is. Just then, the door of the cabin room bursts open as a huge rush of water pours in, overcoming Jack and Billie.

    The scene shifts back to Roman and Marlena, who is about to pull the trigger.

    Roman: Your still in there, doc. I am going to do whatever it takes. I won't give up on you like I did that night near the volcano. You need to fight...fight your way back to us!
    Marlena: Shutup! Marlena is gone. She's dead and never coming back. Your wasting your breath.
    Roman: You want to kill me (walks closer to Marlena). Go ahead. Do it. You still can't bring yourself to pull the trigger. That proves Marlena is still there. Come on, doc. Come back to me. Come back to Carrie, Sami, Belle....we need you. We all need you. Now more then ever.
    Marlena: This will stop!!
    Roman: If you want it to stop, then do something about it. You have the gun. Fire it.
    Marlena: I...just want to wait...
    Roman: For what? You know you can't do it. Why? Because I'm reaching Marlena. It's inevitable. She can feel my love. She can feel that she is needed. Her loved ones are in pain. We need her. We need you, doc. Please. Come back to us!!
    Marlena: NO!!
    Roman: Doc, so much has happened! Please...it's Roman. The man you love. I love you so much! We all do. Our friends...children...we all need you! I need you!!
    Marlena: Damnit, Roman!!
    Roman: Doc...come on. Don't give in to the brainwashing! Don't give in to the manipulation! That is why you took on the name, Samantha. It symbolizes one of the worst things that ever happened to those you love that you could've prevented. You think it's your fault. You still blame yourself for her murder and always will. That wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault that Sami and Eric lost so much time with you. You were kidnapped by Orpheus and Stefano. It wasn't your fault that I went years thinking I was John Black. None of this was your fault. Come back to us, doc. We can get you help! We can fix all this!

    Marlena's hands begins to tremble as she begins to lower the gun.

    Roman: Wait, I know what is going on. You want all of us to die so protect us. You think getting rid of us will spare us more pain. The brainwashing twisted that thought in your mind. Your words say that you want us all dead but, in reality, you are trying to protect us by killing us, thinking it's better then a cycle of pain and suffering on earth.
    Marlena (turning away and putting her head down): No...that's ridiculous.
    Roman: No, it's not. The idea of it sounds off but it's something Marlena would do. The Marlena I love. The Marlena we all love. She would never want her loved ones dead. You love your children, Marlena. That isn't you.
    Marlena (puts her hand up to her head): I'M NOT MARLENA!!
    Roman: We need you, doc. The family needs you. We've lost so much...we need you with us to get through this. The family needs to be together. We need you!!
    Marlena (shaking): Marlena is gone!! For good!!
    Marlena: STOP THIS!!!
    Roman: NO!! MARLENA...(as tears well up in his eyes) we can't go on without you. We've lost enough...we can't lose you!!
    Marlena: You haven't lost enough! And I will make sure you lose more!
    Roman: I didn't want to...tell you...(fighting off tears)...but...
    Marlena: What's wrong with you?
    Roman: Marlena...we need you...we lost Eric...we need you here with us. We need you here so we can heal and get through...(Roman is overcome with emotion and wipes tears from his eyes)

    Marlena turns away from Roman and seems deeply affected. Her eyes well up with tears as she tries to fight the tears off.

    Marlena: Wait, Eric? He's gone...how? When?
    Roman (fighting off more tears): The gunshots that were heard earlier. Eric was hit. There...was nothing...we could do. And that's not all. A pole fell on Austin, crushing him. He didn't make it. Carrie is devastated. We all are. We've lost so much! We need you, doc!!
    Marlena (clutching her head and fighting back tears): Austin...Eric? My son...the girls...Carrie...Sami...Belle...no, they needed to die. Eric and Austin both. Everyone must die!!
    Roman: You don't want that, doc. That's not you. Fight...come on baby!! Fight!! Our son is gone!! We all need you!!
    Marlena: No!! I don't care!!! Marlena isn't here!!! Stop this!!
    Roman: Come on, doc!! COME ON!! WE NEED YOU!! I'M HERE!! (moves closer to Marlena)
    Marlena (aims gun at Roman again): DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!!
    Roman: I love you, Marlena. I love you, doc.
    Roman: I love you!

    Roman then grabs Marlena and kisses her. Marlena gives in but pushes him off her, aiming her gun again.

    Marlena: YOU...MUST DIE!!! ARGH!! (holds head in pain) THEY...THE VOICES...THEY WANT...
    Roman: Don't listen to them!! Come on, Marlena. Come back to me!! Come back to those who love you!! Remember the good and bad!! Not just the bad!! Remember your life, doc!! All that you have done!! All about your life!! All about our lives together!!

    Marlena continues to clutch her head as Roman's words reverberate in her head while a Marlena montage begins...


    As the montage ends, Roman turns Marlena around and sees her face soaked with tears. He looks into her eyes and holds her face in his hands, lovingly.

    Roman: Doc...
    Marlena (crying and looking deep into Roman's eyes): Ro...man...Roman!!!
    Roman: It's you! Your back!
    Roman: I know!

    Roman takes Marlena in his arms as they both break down in tears.

    Marlena: I tried...I knew you all needed me. I knew you were all in pain. The voices...they just...
    Roman: It's ok, doc. It's all going to be ok.
    Marlena: Austin...Eric!! Eric!! Our son!! Oh, Roman!! How could this be!!
    Roman: We's get through this, doc. We will...we need you so much! I need you!!
    Marlena: I tried so hard to stop this. To break through...I... argh!! (clutches her head)
    Roman: Doc! Marlena!

    Marlena then pistol whips Roman and aims her gun yet again.

    Marlena: STAY AWAY!! (holds her head and screams out in pain) ARGH!! DAMNIT!! IT HURTS!!
    Roman: MARLENA!!
    Marlena: STAY AWAY!! (points gun) I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!

    Just then, a rush of water bursts through the door to their passageway, overcoming Roman and Marlena.

    The scene then shifts to...Jack, who is holding on to a railing as the force of the water tries to pull him away. Billie is on the other side of the passageway, hanging on for dear life to a door latch. Jack tells her to hang on. Billie says she isn't sure how long she can. Jack tells her to do it for him. Billie smiles. Just then, water bursts through another door, overcoming Billie. Jack can't see her and panics, calling out frantically for her. He screams that he won't let her go and that he is coming. He then lets go and gets pulled away by the forceful waters, just as the ship begins to tilt and water begins to fill the ship more rapidly.

    The scene then shifts to the main deck. Steve and Kayla are on the lifeboat with Abe and Frankie. The ship has begun to tilt. Abe says they have to lower the boat now. He yells down to Shane and tells him to tell the other lifeboats to back up from the ship or they will get pulled down with it when it sinks. Shane yells back up that he will and then does as instructed. The other lifeboats begin to pull away. Bo and Hope arrive and announce that they couldn't find Jack, Billie, Roman, or Marlena. Hope says the ship is sinking rapidly and they knew they had to come back. Their children need them and they need to do what is best for them. They all just need to hope and pray that the others found a way off or will find a way off before it sinks. Abe thinks they did the right thing.

    Bo and Hope board the lifeboat. Bo, Abe, and Frankie begin to lower it. Abe tells Bo he told the other lifeboats to get going so they don't go down with the ship. Bo thinks that was a good idea and hopes they get away to before the ship sinks or they may be in trouble yet. Frankie reminds them of the storm and says there is still that to deal with. Hope agrees...they all are far from being out of the woods.

    The scene then shifts back to...Roman, who is making his way through the passageway that is now filled with water. He is yelling for Marlena and looking for her. He sees her floating and swims to her as the water continues to filter in. The ship begins to tilt as Roman reaches Marlena, who then jumps up and hits him again in the face with her gun.

    Marlena: I told you to stay away!!
    Roman: You were in trouble. I...
    Marlena: I did that so you would come over!! I want you dead!! I need you dead!! I will be damned if I let the ship claim your life! I will!!
    Roman: I don't think so!! You won't do it!! Marlena won't let you!!

    Roman then lunges for Marlena. They fight over the gun and it goes flying out of her hand. Marlena tries to fight off Roman and is punching and kicking as the water continues to rush in, adding further struggle to their battle.

    Marlena: LET GO OF ME!! DAMNIT!! LET GO!!
    Marlena (shaking her head in pain and frustration): NO!! ARGH...NO!! RO...NO!! I WON'T...NO!!
    Marlena (breaks free of Roman, clutches her head): NO...ArGH...YES...
    Roman: I love you, doc! Please...
    Marlena (crying): I...I...love you, Roman.
    Roman (looking into Marlena's eyes): Doc...it's you. Your back!
    Marlena: They stopped...the voices stopped...(holds her head) please be gone. I...don't want to...fight...it's so hard to fight them...
    Roman (holds Marlena in his arms as tears well up in his eyes): I'm here now, baby. It's ok. It's ok.
    Marlena: It's always ok in...your...arms.

    Marlena then passes out on Roman's shoulder.

    Roman: Doc...doc? Marlena?

    The ship begins to rock and begins to tilt up.

    Roman: Oh my God...we're going down. I have to get us out of here...and fast.

    More water rushes in as the ship tilts even more.

    Roman: It may already be too late.

    The scene then shifts to Bo, who watches as the ship is tilting downward and beginning it's descent into the dangerous, stormy waters. Hope and Abe pray the rest of their loved ones got off. Bo looks at all the other lifeboats and shows a face of horror. Frankie asks what is wrong. Bo says they aren't far enough away. None of the lifeboats, including theirs. He yells out to everyone to keep their life vests on and to hang on. There is a good chance the ship will take all of them down with it. Hope, Frankie, Bo, Abe, Steve, Kayla, and all the guests on the other lifeboats all look on in horror as the cruise ship sinks before their very eyes. Bo yells out a final warning for everyone to hang on as the ship goes under, the force of which begins to pull at the lifeboats. Bo hangs on to Hope and tells her to hang on and don't let go as the scene goes white...

    and then fades to black.


  6. PhoenixRising05
    As the storm continues to rage on, we revisit our beloved Salemites aboard the cruise ship...

    -Victor and Maggie break from their kiss. Maggie says at least now they can die knowing how they feel about each other. Just then, Caroline appears. Greta, Frankie, and Philip soon follow. They are shocked to see Victor and Maggie. The water has reached the faces of Victor and Maggie. Victor explains how Stefano left them to die. Caroline says it sounds like the truce is over. Victor nods.

    Philip and Frankie search for something to break the gate lock with. Frankie finds an ax in a glass holder on the wall. Philip breaks the glass. Frankie uses the ax and breaks the lock, revealing Victor and Maggie. Caroline embraces both of them as Philip embraces Victor, followed by Greta. Everyone wonders why Victor and Greta hugged. Victor says there is no time and he will explain later. They need to get off the ship now. There is no time to go looking for everyone else. Frankie agrees and they all race off.

    -Marlena has her gun aimed at Orpheus as Roman watches. She tells him his reign of terror is over. Orpheus laughs and says that Marlena is making him out to be some sort of comic book villain. Marlena lashes out at Orpheus and reminds him that she isn't Marlena. She is Samantha and his time is up. She points her gun at Orpheus as a horrified Roman watches.

    -As water continues to fill the passageway, Kayla grabs hold of a railing and calls out for Steve. She recalls them being thrown up against the wall by the rush of water, with Steve taking the worst of the hit, and prays that Steve is ok. She then sees Steve's body being dragged off by the force of the rising waters. Kayla realizes she must swim over to him and lets go of the railing, allowing herself to be pulled by the dangerous waters as she struggles to reach Steve.

    The scene then shifts to Jack, who is being pulled away by the rising waters. Billie screams out for him. Jack tells her to hold on. Jack sees a cabin room nearby and grabs on to the door frame. He holds on tight and tells Billie to take his hand as she is pulled by. She does do and he pulls her in to the room. Jack then closes the door behind them to keep anymore water from getting in but tells Billie it's only postponing the inevitable. Billie asks why they bothered getting in the room if it's only going to fill with water too. They may as well have taken their chances with the rising waters.

    Jack says it's the only thing he could come up with quickly and they were both in danger. Billie tells him they still are...only now they are going to die sooner rather then later as they are trapped in a room that will soon be filled with water as well. Jack tells her not to panic but Billie tells him it's over. They need to accept it. No matter what they did they were going to die. They just helped it to happen sooner. Billie turns away, resigned to her faith, as a frustrated Jack looks around the room, searching for a safe way out.

    The scene then shifts to Bo, who is calling out to Hope. She is still holding on to a steel bar. Bo tells her to hang on. He notices a staircase near Hope and thinks that may be his best chance to get to her and get them both to safety. Bo allows himself to be pulled by the forceful waters as Hope screams out to him that he is being stupid and will get himself killed. Bo reaches for the staircase railing and, after nearly missing it, manages to grab it. He pulls himself up to the second stair and reaches for Hope, who is a few feet away. Hope says she takes back the stupid comment. Bo smiles and says that she needs to stop with the kneejerk reactions. Hope explains it's her nature and he is always one to take stupid risks.

    Bo tells her enough with the talking. He instructs her to grab his hand and he will pull her over. Hope reaches but nearly gets pulled away. Bo tells her to take his hand. He isn't going to let anything happen to her. He can't lose her. Hope and Bo both smile at each other. She then reaches for his hand as he reaches for hers. She grabs it and he pulls her over, fighting the force of the rising water, but managing to get her to safety with him on the staircase. He pulls her into an embrace and holds her tight, elated she is alright.

    Bo: I don't know what I would've done. Seeing you handing on like that...I was so scared. You mean everything to me.
    Hope: And yet you spent the better part of the last year pushing me away.
    Bo: Look...
    Hope: Bo, don't you see? You claimed that you pushed those you love away because you felt you couldn't be the man you should be. You felt you couldn't be the husband, friend, father...but, don't you see? You still are. You prove it everyday. Today, you showed that your still my hero and a hero to so many others. You took charge with helping to get everyone off the ship and you helped Will with his problems for weeks. Your Uncle Eric hurt you but that was in the past and you only just remembered it now. It doesn't change who you are. Your still the same man I fell in love with. You questioned your manhood and everything that you are but there was no reason for it.
    Bo: Hope...I just want to be what I need to be. A loving father and son...someone my family can depend on...someone...
    Hope: You are all of that and more. You always have been. You still are what you strive to be, Bo. You just proved it by saving me and by how you helped out in the ballroom. Nothing has changed. The man who isn't who you want to be is that man who lied and pushed his family away for months. All that did was cause more hurt for everyone. That man goes against everything you strive to be...so, promise me that man won't make a comeback? We have alot of issues to work through but...your still the same man that I can't live without. The man I want to wake up next to every day for the rest of my days. I love you, Bo Brady. I just want us to be together. We all need to be now...more then ever. We can work through our problems together. You just can't run and hide.
    Bo: Your right. I caused more harm then good. I hurt the people I love more with how I handled learning the truth. I just got rattled and...I just want to heal. I want our family to heal. No more running away or pushing people away. Life is too short and, if we get off this ship, I promise we will face our problems head on. I love you, Fancy Face. Always have and always will. I want to be in your arms again. I want our lives back.
    Hope: Well, then, let's get going so we can get off this ship and make that happen.
    Bo: Just a second...

    Bo leans in and kisses Hope passionately.

    Bo: Needed to seal our reunion with a kiss. We have come so close to reuniting before...just needed to make this official.
    Hope (smiling): No arguments from me. Come on, let's go!

    Hope and Bo race off.

    -On the main deck, Abe and Cal are discussing what they should do. Katherine, Lexie, Celeste, and Stefano have been loaded into the lifeboat but they wonder if they should wait for any of the others to find their way back before lowering it as there is only one lifeboat left. Victor, Maggie, Frankie, Greta, and Philip arrive. Victor takes a look at Stefano and lunges for him, lashing out at him for leaving him and Maggie to die. Abe says there is no time for this. The ship is going down and some people are still missing. Abe says he is going back to search for them. Frankie agrees to go with him, as does Cal. Abe says he needs Cal to stay behind with the lifeboat. His expertise is needed. Cal agrees and asks if Abe is sure about lowering the lifeboat given they have only one left. Abe says they have to get as many to safety as possible. Everyone agrees.

    Celeste tries to convince Abe to just wait for the others but he says he has a duty and that is to go and help those people. Lexie watches this scene, recalling seeing her mother and Abe kissing before. Stefano watches Lexie coldly stare in their direction and smiles. Victor says he isn't getting in the same boat as Stefano. Cal tells him he has no choice and he will use whatever means necessary to keep order on the boat. Maggie and Lexie try to calm both men. Stefano and Victor coldly look at each other as Abe, Frankie, and Cal lower the lifeboat. Once it's lowered, Abe and Frankie race off to find the remaining 8 guests on board the ship.

    In one of the other lifeboats, Abby asks Chelsea if she sees her dad on the boat that just got lowered. Chelsea shakes her head and says she doesn't see her mom yet either. Forest tells Abby it will be ok and embraces her. Max whispers to Chelsea that he doesn't like what he is seeing. Chelsea agrees. On another lifeboat, Cassie is relieved to see Stefano and Lexie on the just lowered lifeboat. Anna comments on how Stefano just doesn't die. Tony smiles. On another lifeboat, Julie tells Doug that she doesn't see Hope yet. Doug says he doesn't need Julie reminding him that his daughter is still in harm's way and orders he to just be quiet and leave him alone. Julie turns away from Doug and begins to cry. Nico puts his hand on Julie's shoulder as a gesture of comfort. She looks up at him, puts her hand on his, and smiles.

    Meanwhile, Sami asks Carrie how she is holding up. Carrie remains silent, while holding Evan, and begins to tear up when looking into Evan's eyes. Sami embraces the both of them. Lucas looks at Will and says they need to stick together as a family...now more then ever. Will nods. Belle watches a stoic Nicole, who has her back turned to everyone. Belle tells Kate that nothing will ever be the same again. A stone-faced Kate nods in agreement and says that she, herself, is to blame. Her son is dead and she could've prevented it all from happening.

    -Back on the ship, Jack is still looking around for a way out when Billie tells him to give it up. The cabin room is rapidly filling with water. It's only a matter of time as the water has already reached their waists. Jack says he won't give up. Their children need them. He promised Jennifer he would take care of them. Billie tells Jack that he will be reuniting with Jennifer soon. Jack tells her not to talk like that. Billie says she can't help it. The ship is sinking and the room is filling with water. There is no way out. It's over and they just need to accept it.

    Jack: Billie...
    Billie: Jack...the sooner we stop denying it and just admit that we are going to die, the better. Although, admitting something so hard can be...difficult (looks down and turns away).
    Jack: I get the feeling you aren't just talking about dying on this ship, are you?
    Billie: Nevermind.
    Jack: Oh, come on. I know you, Billie. We've been friends for years.
    Billie: Yeah...I know. That is what makes it hard.
    Jack: What?
    Billie: So much time has been wasted. Now, here we both are...on a sinking ship...about to die. After all we have both been through, especially in the past year, it's weird for it all to end like this. I only wish...
    Jack: Billie...just tell me what is on your mind. I can tell something is.
    Billie (fighting back tears): It's hard, Jack. I'm almost as afraid of this as I am dying. I have been hurt so many times...Bo, Nicholas... my luck with love has sucked, to put it mildly. I am so afraid to put my heart on the line (wipes tears from her eyes) You know, I finally moved on with my life and then, last summer, you and I begin spending more time together then usual. You needed me because you lost Jennifer and then we had all those troubles with our daughters and Laura, not to mention working together on the cloaked figure case and you helping me through JJ and Angel's deaths and the kidnapping of our daughters. You have been there for me so much. We've always been close but...now...
    Jack: Billie...
    Billie (crying): I have wanted to say something for so long but...I didn't want to be hurt again. I also didn't want to ruin what we have. I would never want our friendship to end. It's gotten be through some rough times.
    Jack: Billie...what are you saying?
    Billie: So much time wasted...I was so scared to tell you. I didn't know how you would react. Now, we are going to die and I can't help but...tell you. My feelings...they are just boiling over inside me...I just want you to know...if this is it...
    Jack: Billie....go on...tell me...
    Billie (tears streaming down her face): I love you! I love you, Jack! I have fallen...totally and completely...in love with you.

    Jack looks on stunned and turns away from Billie.

    Billie: (wiping her tears): I knew it. I should've never said anything but...I couldn't help it. I mean, we are going to die anyway and...God, I'm rambling. I sound like you. Jack, damnit Jack! Say something! Please!
    Jack (turning towards Billie): Guess I rubbed off on you with the rambling...

    Jack smiles as Billie shows a slight grin back.

    Jack: Billie...you've always been a true friend. Always loyal, supportive. In the last year, I would've never made it without you. Between Jennifer, Abby, Orpheus...you were there right by my side through it all. We've both been through alot and here we are. Things don't look too good and that often makes people think about things...life, regrets...and one thing I regret, like you, is not saying this sooner.
    Billie: Saying what?
    Jack: Like you, I was afraid. It's only been a year since Jennifer and I wasn't sure if my family...if I was ready...for another relationship. I didn't want my family to get hurt or myself. I also didn't want to risk what we already have...this great friendship that has been going strong for years.
    Billie: Jack...
    Jack: Billie, now that you have said what you said, I feel like I can say what I have wanted to now, as well.
    Billie: Which is...
    Jack: My feelings for you have become something that is more then that of a buddy. I never thought I could feel like this again about anyone after Jennifer but, lo and behold, I do. Everytime I look into your eyes...it makes me feel alive again. It makes me feel ok to laugh and to enjoy life. Billie...I'm in love with you. I love you, Billie Reed!
    Billie (tears streaming down her face): Jack...you feel the same way?
    Jack: Yes. I only wish I hadn't waited until we were about to die to say this but timing has never been my strong suite, I guess (smiles).
    Billie (laughs): Yeah. Jack, you feeling the same way, it's such a relief...
    Jack: If we somehow miraculously get off this thing, I want to be with you. I don't want to fight it like we both been.
    Billie: We're not getting off though.
    Jack: One thing I have learned in life is you never know. I never thought I would find love again and I did...with you.
    Billie: Got me there. Ok...if we get off somehow, I want to be with you too. I just want to finally be happy!!

    Billie breaks down in tears as Jack takes her in his arms as the water is nearing their necks. They then break from the embrace and look into each other's eyes. Jack gently wipes Billie's tears with his hand and says:

    Jack: Don't cry. No matter what happens...it will be ok. I'm here...
    Billie: Just like you always are...
    Jack: Just like I always will be.

    They both then lean in and share a passionate kiss as the water in the room continues to rise.

    The scene then shifts to Kayla, who is fighting the force of the water as she continues to swim to catch up to Steve. She is closing in and sees that Steve's body has stopped being pulled away as it's reached a dead end. Kayla notes that the water is rising fast and swims quickly over to Steve. She pulls his limp body to a staircase and pulls him up the stairs to a landing on the next floor up. She checks him over and discovers his head is bleeding and concludes it was injured when he was thrown against the wall with her, only he took a direct hit.

    Bo and Hope arrive. Kayla is happy to see them and tells them what happened to her and Steve. She discovers he isn't breathing and panics, saying Steve can't leave her now. He promised to remember his past and to fight to get his life back. She won't let him die on her. She won't give up. Kayla begins CPR as Bo helps by doing compressions as Kayla does mouth to mouth as Hope prays that Steve makes it as Abe and Frankie arrive. They are happy to see Bo, Hope, Kayla, and Steve and ask what happened. Hope tells them what is happening and they all look on with worry, hoping Steve will be fine as Bo and Kayla continue CPR.

    The scene then shifts to Marlena, who still has her gun aimed at Orpheus as Roman watches.

    Orpheus: I can't believe you would consider killing me. I was helping you to get your revenge.
    Marlena: No. You used me. Little did you know that I was using you too...
    Orpheus: There! We were using each other!
    Marlena: Yes but you betrayed me. You framed me for the McCluer murders and then set me up to be locked in a nuthouse, which allowed me to be framed for the Chez Rouge fire. I went through hell and you are going to pay for it. Your going down...just like everyone else on this ship!

    Marlena has her finger on the trigger. Roman begs Marlena not to sink to Orpheus's level. Marlena lashes out again and reminds Roman once more that she is Samantha and he will butt out or get a bullet to the brain. Marlena prepares to fire as Orpheus aims his gun, saying he will fire right back. Marlena smiles and tells him to go right ahead. It will be worth it. The ship then rocks, throwing everyone's balance off. Roman takes the opportunity to go for Marlena's gun. he lunges for her and struggles with her over it. Orpheus races off, which Marlena notices. She throws Roman off of her and says:

    Marlena: Damnit! You let him get away! Salem PD shows it's stupidity again! You say you hate the man and then you help facilitate his escape.
    Roman: I just didn't want you to do something you would regret. This all has to end, Marlena.
    Marlena: Marlena is gone. That is the last time I will say that. This is also the last time I will allow you or anyone else to get in the way of my plans. The only thing ending tonight is the lives of everyone on this ship, including you.
    Roman: Mar...
    Marlena: SHUTUP!! IT'S OVER!!! YOUR LIFE, THAT IS!! Your lucky. The others will likely suffer slow and painful deaths by drowning but yours will be simple and quick. BOOM!! HA!!
    Roman: You don't want to do this!

    Marlena aims her gun at a nervous Roman as the scene fades to black.



  7. PhoenixRising05
    As the storm continues to rage on, we revisit our beloved Salemites aboard the cruise ship...

    -On the main deck of the cruise ship, the aftermath of the explosion has worried everyone. Bo tells Hope that he can't wait any longer. His mother and Frankie are down there along with Jack, Billie, Abe, Celeste, Cal, Katherine, Roman, Marlena, Philip, and Greta. Hope reminds him about Victor too. Bo nods. Hope says she won't let him go. The ship is going under and there has been so many explosions. Plus, someone needs to help get people off the ship. Bo says they can't get anyone off if no one is making their way to them. Kayla notes that Bo has a point.

    The ship then rocks yet again and jerks everyone around. Bo says he can't wait anymore and races off. Hope races off after him. Kayla says she has family down there and they may need her. Steve warns her not to go but she runs off anyway, as a frustrated Steve gives chase.

    -Orpheus and Roman both recover in the aftermath of the explosion. Orpheus tells Roman he has waited for this moment for so long and even a sinking ship and plethora of explosions won't ruin it. Roman tells Orpheus that he must lead a pretty sad life to be this obsessed with revenge for all these years and to go through all this just to get it. A smirking Orpheus tells Roman that it's not best to insult a man with a gun. Roman tells Orpheus he doesn't scare him. Orpheus comments on Roman's undying bravery and determination. Roman tells him to save the BS.

    Orpheus laughs and says that he is so happy to be able to kill Roman himself, rather then him simply drowning or being blown to bits. This way he can watch him cry out in pain and die. He just hopes it's a slow and agonizing death.

    Marlena: Like yours is going to be, Orpheus?

    Orpheus and Roman are both stunned when Marlena appears, aiming her gun right at Orpheus

    -Abe and Celeste are still locked in the cabin room, crying out desperately for help. Celeste tells Abe that she feared that so many of them would lose their lives and it seems that is coming to pass. Abe tells Celeste not to panic. Celeste says it's hard not to when they are on a sinking ship and there is no one around to save them. Plus, they just had another explosion of some sort. Celeste asks Abe what will happen to Theo since they have no clue where Alexandra is. He will be all alone. Abe takes her in his arms and tells her to stay calm. He will do everything in his power to get them off the ship and to find Lexie. He just needs her calm. Celeste takes a deep breath as Abe goes back to trying to open the door.

    Meanwhile, an unconscious Lexie lies near a wall as a lost Stefano tries to find a way off the ship. He realizes the danger they are in as the ship is sinking and he can't find a way off. All the passageways look the same and time is running out, especially since they just had another explosion. He then turns to find Lexie gone and is shocked. He turns back around and comes face to face with Lexie, who slaps him.

    Lexie: You bastard! I can't believe I ever called you my father!
    Stefano: Alexandra...I...
    Lexie: Don't even try to lie to me. You know...I wasn't completely unconscious this whole time. I heard your ramblings. You took advantage of the fact that I got hurt so you could take me away from everyone. You want to groom me to be what you want...same goes for Theo.
    Stefano: Alexandra...
    Lexie: No...I am through with you and this family. I turned my back on the Dimera's once before and came back to the family only to have my father lie to me. You set me up to be seduced by Tek. You ruined my marriage and you used Theo to tear me away from my loved ones. You helped keep my son from me just so you could have me under your thumb! Now, you want to take me away...what? You going to brainwash me? That's your solution for everything!
    Stefano: Alexandra...I was only doing what was best for the family. I need you...you are the future. You and Theo. I made mistakes...but I can't lose you, my darling. Come with me...let me show you what life can...
    Lexie: No...I already know what life as your daughter is like and I don't want any part of that. I am through with you and this so called family.

    Lexie runs off as Stefano calls out after her and then follows behind.

    -Cal and Katherine are trying to make their way to the top of the ship. Katherine wonders where the last explosion came from. Cal isn't sure but knows they don't have alot of time. The ship feels like it's sinking. The ship then rocks back and forth, throwing both of them against the passageway wall.

    The scene then shifts to Jack and Billie, who are recovering from the effects of the last explosion. Billie holds her head, saying that will be a nasty bump. Jack tells her she will be lucky if that's all she gets. The ship then rocks back and forth again, causing both of them to fall backwards. As they try to pick themselves up, Billie hears a crashing noise. Jack tells her that it sounds like a rush of water closing in. A worried Billie says they need to hurry. They both get up and race off as the scene shifts to...

    The second from last level of the ship. Philip and Greta hold on to the staircase banister and watch the water closing in on them. Philip says he can't see Victor or Maggie anywhere. Greta says that the force of the water must have pulled them down the passageway. She wonders how they will ever find them now.

    Meanwhile, Victor and Maggie struggle to stay above water as they are pulled down the passageway. Maggie finally grabs hold of a staircase railing and yells for Victor to grab her hand, which he does as he floats by. They walk up the stairs but find themselves trapped as the staircase is closed via a steel gate. Victor frantically bangs on it but the lock won't budge. Maggie tells him the water is rising and it won't be long before it reaches them. Victor turns away and says he knows.

    The scene then shifts to Frankie, who pulls Caroline out of a water-filled passageway and embraces her. He says he is so happy she is alright. Caroline says she is just happy she remembered how to swim. She says they need to find Victor and Maggie. She was wrong to even consider leaving. They need help. Frankie asks her how she knows they aren't already off the ship. Caroline says she feels it. A part of her heart will always be Victor's and she feels him still on board. She asks Frankie if he is coming with her or not. Frankie follows.

    -Stefano races down a passageway, trying to find Lexie. He turns a corner and is shocked to see Victor and Maggie behind a steel gate. Victor and Maggie are shocked to see him, as well. Victor asks what he is doing. Stefano explains he is looking for Alexandra. Victor asks Stefano for a little help as the water is rising fast. Stefano walks towards them but hesistates. Victor asks what is wrong. Stefano smiles and says:

    Stefano: It's nothing personal. You and I go way back. I respect you. This is just good business. I hate that the lovely Maggie must suffer too but, alas, how often does an opportunity like this present itself?
    Victor: What opportunity?
    Stefano: The chance to rid myself of one of my greatest enemies. The best part is that I don't have to do a thing.
    Victor: We had a truce.
    Stefano: Yes and I honored that. However, that was when the cloaked one was terrorizing Salem.
    Victor: Orpheus still is out there, as far as we all know anyway.
    Stefano: Things change, old friend. You would do the same. I know you would. One must always do what is best for one's family...and empire. You perishing...let's remember we are at war. We took a break and partnered to protect those we love. Those days are over...at least for me. I can not let this chance go by. I must seize it.
    Victor: You bastard! If I get off this ship, so help me...
    Stefano: IF...Victor. The chances of that...well, you know what those are. So sorry you were caught up in this, dear.
    Maggie: Your awful.
    Stefano: May you both rest in peace. Again, Victor, let me say you were a worthy foe that played the game well. My respect and admiration for you is unmeasured. Until we meet again...in parts unknown...goodbye!

    Stefano walks off as Victor screams out to him, saying that he will get what's coming to him for this...somehow. Maggie asks what they are going to do now. Victor looks at the rising water and says all they can do is hope for a miracle.

    -Back at the cabin room, the ship rocks back and forth once more. Celeste looks out the porthole and can see the ship taking on more water. A frustrated Abe then punches the door and says he can't do this anymore. Celeste races over to him and tends to his hand. Abe says he is fine but Theo won't be. He may end up losing all of them or, worse, Stefano may have Lexie and then he will go get Theo and groom both of them. Celeste reminds him that he was telling her not to think like that. He tells her that is when there was hope. There is no hope now. No one else is on the ship. Time is running out. They are going to die.

    Celeste begins to break down in tears, saying she should've thought about Theo and never came with him but she wanted to help. She could've at least boarded one of the lifeboats like he told her to. Abe says they all have regrets. They just need to hope and pray for the best for Theo. As tears stream down Celeste's face, Abe wipes them and begs her not to cry. Celeste says she is scared. Abe takes her in his arms and comforts her. As they pull away, the ship rocks, throwing them both back against the door. Celeste is pressed against Abe, who is pressed against the door. They lock eyes.

    Celeste: It's not going to be long. I can feel it. Death is upon us.
    Abe: Celeste...
    Celeste: Abraham...I am just glad that I am with you right now. I don't think I could face this...I am grateful. Grateful for you being by my side the past few months and...
    Abe: So am I. You've been a godsend and...if this is it, then being with you right now...it helps.
    Celeste: Abraham...I...am so...
    Abe: I know...it's scary.
    Celeste: I...need...

    Celeste then moves in as Abe slowly does as well and the two lock lips. At that moment, Lexie races down the passageway and catches a glimpse of something in a cabin room. She peers in to see her mother passionately kissing her husband. She stands in shock. Stefano then comes up from behind and sees this scene. He can't help but smile. Lexie turns around in tears, telling her father not to say a word.

    Cal and Katherine turn appear and comment on how good it is to see live people, although he wishes it weren't Stefano. Katherine says they need to get off the ship now. Cal sees Celeste and Abe in the cabin room and asks what is going on. Lexie says she found them and she was about go in and get them. Cal asks if something is wrong. Lexie asks Cal to get them as she feels sick and needs to get to the main deck. She races off as a smiling Stefano follows. Katherine asks what that was about. Cal has no clue.

    Celeste tells Abe she is sorry for the kiss. Something just came over her. Abe apologizes too and says he didn't fight it. They are both to blame. Celeste then recalls her vision of kissing Abe and realizing it just came true. Cal then opens the door and asks what is going on. Abe and Celeste are grateful to see him and fill him in on them getting locked in. Katherine says time is running out and they need to get off the ship. Abe agrees and tells Celeste she needs to get off this time...for Theo's sake, even if he needs to stay on board to help anyone still on board. Celeste agrees. Katherine says Lexie and Stefano are on their way up the main deck. They just saw them. Abe and Celeste are relieved and Cal says they need to get going. All four race off.

    The scene then shifts to Caroline and Frankie, who are searching for Victor and Maggie. Frankie tells Caroline that it may be time to give up and get to the lifeboats. Just then, Philip and Greta appear. Frankie embraces Greta, expressing how good it is to see her. Greta and Philip fill them in on what happened with them, Victor, and Maggie. Caroline says they can't leave them. They need to find them...and fast. Greta agrees and her and Caroline race off as a worried Frankie and Philip follow.

    Meanwhile, the water has risen past Victor and Maggie's waists.

    Maggie: It's hopeless, isn't it? Honestly...?
    Victor: Yes. Afraid so. There is always a really small...
    Maggie: No, this is it. It's payback for my sins.
    Victor: We all make mistakes in life, Maggie. Some of us learn...some of us don't. I have made many that I never learned from.
    Maggie: Same here. My drinking...it led to all this. It's all my fault. Mickey died because of me and then I screwed up your life and Doug and Julie's. The Horton name is going to be dragged through the mud because of me. Now, here you are with me and you are going to die because of me.
    Victor: Maggie...STOP IT!! You need to stop blaming yourself. That helped lead to all this.
    Maggie (fighting back tears): I know...but I messed up so many times. I even messed up what we had. There you were...there for me through Mickey's death, my drinking...I had to ruin it...so many times. The biggest being my lack of faith in you. If I cared about you as much as you did me, I would've never believed that you slept with Nicole.
    Victor: Maggie...it's fine. I understand and that is what I wanted you to think. I listened to Julie and I let myself believe that pushing you away was the best thing but it wasn't. I love you, Maggie. Pushing you away wasn't right. All it did was hurt the both of us in so many ways. We both made mistakes and I regret mine so much. We missed so much time together.
    Maggie: I hurt you so bad. I said such terrible things...
    Victor: We both hurt each other but I always felt that you loved me. Did you feel that I loved you?
    Maggie: You know...yes. I did. A part of me always did.
    Victor: Let's end all this talk about regrets right now. Maggie, can you forgive me for all my mistakes? For pushing you away?
    Victor (with tears in his eyes): Now, just know that I forgive you and if, by some miracle, we do get out of here, I want us to be together. No matter what. I will support you. We will face all the charges you face together. I will do what I have to...we will be together. No more will I allow us to be kept apart. You own my heart now, Maggie. Let's leave the past in the past. You do love me, don't you?
    Maggie (crying): For so long I wanted to say this but...yes! With all of my heart...yes! I never thought I could love again but...Victor...if we do get off this ship...I want to be with you! I just wish...
    Victor: We will face the charges. I won't let you go! I will help you. I promise.
    Maggie: I know you will but...
    Victor: Trust me.
    Maggie: This time...I will. Oh...it feels so good to finally tell you how I feel. Hold me!

    Victor takes Maggie in his arms. They then break apart and look into each other's eyes.

    Victor (fighting back tears): If we don't make it, no regrets. We know we love each other. That's all that matters.
    Maggie (crying): I love you, Victor Kiriakis.
    Victor: I love you, Maggie Horton.

    They then share a passionate kiss as the water is now reaching their necks.

    The scene then shifts to Jack and Billie. Billie tells Jack she can hear the water closing in. He says they have to hurry. Just then, a flood of water breaks through the ship's walls, overcoming Jack and Billie as the scene shifts to...

    Kayla, who is caught up to by Steve. Steve says this is a bad idea. Kayla says her family and friends may need her. She is a doctor and she took an oath. Steve says they lost Bo and Hope a long time ago so now that means more people are missing and separated. Kayla tells him to calm down. Everything will be fine. They will all make it off the ship. Water then comes bursting through a door in the passageway, throwing Steve and Kayla against a wall and pulling them away as the scene shifts to...

    Bo and Hope. Bo asks why she always has to follow him into dangerous situations. Hope smiles and says it's the way things have always been. Bo says that may be true but this is dangerous and all he needs is her getting into trouble. They need to find the others so they can all get off. Hope says she is fine and the others will be too. They just to have faith. Just then, water bursts through a door in front of them. Bo flies against a wall and looks around for Hope. He screams out to her and sees her hanging on to a steer bar for dear life. She calls out to Bo as the water continues to flood in,trying to pull Hope with it as Bo watches, terrified.

    Meanwhile, Marlena asks Orpheus and Roman if they liked that little explosion. That was her masterful work as she wanted to shake things up a bit. She hints that more surprises are to come. Orpheus tells Marlena not to be stupid. He tells her to leave and let him kill Roman. She will likely die if she stays on board much longer. Marlena asks why he cares and says that he will die if he stays too. She adds that she doesn't care if she dies, just as long as he and everyone else goes down with her. She then aims her gun at Orpheus and says that she would like very much to kill him by her own hand and then asks why not do that now?

    A nervous Roman looks on at a worried Orpheus and a deranged Marlena as the scene fades to black.



  8. PhoenixRising05
    As the storm continues to rage on, we revisit our beloved Salemites aboard the cruise ship...

    -Victor can’t believe that Greta is really his daughter and demands answers as to why this may be true. Greta wants to explain everything but feels that with them all on a sinking ship, this just may not be the right time and place. Victor tells her that it may end up being their graves so, if it is, he wants to know the truth. At that moment, both of them hear loud crashing against the boiler room door and, moments later, the door bursts open as water rushes in, carrying both Philip and Maggie with it. A chained Greta slogs through the water and goes to help Philip up the best she can. Philip then regains his bearings long enough to unchain Greta and also to go over to Victor and try to remove the chains holding him at bay.

    With Greta and Philip’s help and the help of a crowbar that Philip has found, Victor is finally free and all four guests look for another way out as the water rises in the room. Maggie looks past everyone and sees another door and alerts everyone. They all then help each other through the cold, murky water to the door. When they reach the door, Victor tries to open it but it is locked. They all look around for anything to help break the door down as the water continues to rise.

    -Caroline is searching for Victor in the bowels of the ship. She is hoping that she didn’t make a mistake sending Maggie after Victor. Just then, she is caught from behind by Frankie, who is telling her that they need to get out of there and fast.

    --Worrying that Cal may have died, Katherine starts to check his pulse and places her ear to his chest to see if he is still breathing. She lets out a sigh of relief when she hears his heart beating perfectly. Cal starts to stir and he sits up on the floor. He then stands up as Katherine looks at him and she watches him walk slowly over near the bed that Ernesto is lying next to. Katherine walks up behind him and places her hands on his shoulders as Cal makes a startling announcement.....

    Cal: I remember. I remember damn near everything about my life.

    Katherine gasps in shock and takes a step back as Cal turns and looks at her. He then tells her that......

    Cal: This man knows everything about me. (Looking at Ernesto) Don’t you, old man?
    Ernesto (opens his eyes slightly):Yes. Yes, I do.
    Cal: Then why didn’t you tell me?! Why didn’t you tell me that you knew my mother?! I remember her crying her eyes out as I left home to join the service. She never knew I went to Vietnam, did she?
    Ernesto: Yes, she did. So did your brother and sisters. (Breathing heavily) I tried everything I knew to prevent it from destroying everyone you loved.
    Cal: Then why? Why did I leave home?! TELL ME OLD MAN!! WHY DID I WALK OUT ON MY FAMILY?!
    Ernesto: Why? I don’t know why. All I know is that it was the greatest regret of my entire life. To have.......

    A son of mine.......

    Walk away from everyone who loved him. How do you think that made me feel?!

    Cal stumbles backwards. He can’t believe what he just heard. One of the men he has hated most has just told him.....

    That he is his father.

    -On the ship's 2nd level, near a maintenance room, James holds Orpheus at gunpoint as Roman tells him to let Jack and Billie go. Orpheus refuses, of course, saying.....

    Orpheus: I see that the years have done nothing for your intellect, Roman. Still as stupid as ever.
    Roman: Man, listen to what I’m about to say. My son........is dead........because of you. Not to mention all of the other people you have murdered over the past year. So..........I would drop the smart ass [!@#$%^&*] before James blows your damn brains out!
    Orpheus: Temper, temper, old friend. (Pulling a gun) I think this evens things up a bit.
    James: Roman, tell them to get the hell out of here. This prick won’t do a thing.
    Orpheus: Tell him, Roman. I bet you thought the very same thing.......right before I blew your house to hell.

    Roman looks at Orpheus, slowly walks over to the cabin room, opens it, walks forward staring at Orpheus again, and then slowly turns towards Jack and Billie, motioning them to leave. Billie looks at James and, with tears coming down her face, tells him that she is so sorry for what happened to his family. James just shakes his head all the while staring hatred at Orpheus. Jack slowly nods his head at Roman and he takes Billie’s hand as they both walk around the corner and then sprint down the hallway. When Orpheus takes a step forward, James walks right in front of him, standing between Orpheus and Roman.

    -Back in the boiler room, Philip sees a blowtorch sitting by some crates next to the wall. He grabs the torch and brings it back over to the group. Greta asks him where he got it from. He says that he happened to see it over by some crates. Maggie remarks that it is really convenient to find a blowtorch that just happens to be sitting around. Victor agrees, saying that stuff like that only happens in soap operas. Philip frowns at them and then lights the blowtorch. After several frightening moments, the door is pushed open and the group is now free. They walk out into the hallway and Philip spots a staircase leading upward. Philip and Victor help Maggie and Greta through the water and up the staircase as another huge rush of water closes in behind them...

    Meanwhile, Caroline asks why they need to get off right away. It seems they have some time. Frankie says that water is quickly filling up the lower levels of the ship. After hearing this, Caroline agrees that getting off is best and thinks that Victor and Maggie may have got off too, given the situation. She takes Frankie’s hand and, as they turn to leave the hallway, a huge wave of oncoming water breaks through a wall and takes them both down the long hallway.

    -Ernesto continues his discussion with Cal and Katherine in the cabin room, his breathing becoming more and more shallow.....

    Ernesto: We fought so badly the day before you left home. You never wanted to be a part of my world. I tried my best to protect you, your brother and your sisters, Marina and Isabella. I tried to protect you......from the horrors of this world. And I failed. You hated me so much when you left.

    Cal and Katherine listen intently.......

    Ernesto: We never knew.......what happened to you. All we ever heard.......was that you were M.I.A. I spent millions trying to find you.......but nothing. Your mother........she died of a broken heart. She blamed me for what happened to you, which is one of the reasons..........why she had that affair with Victor, which produced your baby sister. And then.......

    Stefano found you.

    Cal walks over and sits down on the bed, beside his dying father.........

    Ernesto: He was the one who had your face altered and trained you to become Roman Brady. In fact........you and Roman were on the same island at the same time after Stefano shot and kidnapped him, turning him.........and you as well, my son.........into his Pawns. He knew...........that he would use you to disrupt Roman’s life if Roman.........had failed in his duties as Stefano’s Pawn.

    Katherine walks over and hugs a now crying Cal as he looks down at Ernesto..............

    Ernesto: So, you see why I did what I did. Orpheus told me that I could have you back as my son if I helped him with all of this........deception. But........he lied to me, son. And now..........I must pay for my crimes.
    Cal: No. You have to live. (Leaning down over Ernesto) You can’t let it end like this.
    Ernesto: This is not my choice, son. But (Placing his hand on Cal’s hand) I want you to know......that there wasn’t one single day that went by........that I didn’t think about you. And I never, ever.........stopped loving you, my son.
    Cal: Well, then, (Wiping away tears) we can all get off this ship and you can make it up to me, ok?
    Ernesto: No, my son. Take your beautiful bride and save yourselves. She looks so much like your beautiful mother. (Looking at Katherine) You keep my son happy, dear.
    Katherine: I will spend the rest of my life doing just that.
    Ernesto: Well, I guess this is it. Go. Go and get out of here.

    Cal stands up and both men shake each other’s hand instinctively. Then, Ernesto smiles at Cal, and his hand drops down next to him, as his eyes slowly close. Cal looks down at Ernesto and says out loud....

    Cal: Goodbye, Dad. If you see her, tell Mama I said hi, ok?

    Katherine takes Cal’s hand and she slowly leads him out of the room. As Cal leaves, he can’t take his eyes off of his now deceased father and, right before he leaves the room, he turns off the light, and closes the door.

    -Back on the second level, James raises the gun to Orpheus’s chest, telling him that.....

    James: I should destroy the same thing in you that you destroyed in me. What did my family ever have to do with any of this?
    Orpheus: They were keeping you off of the mission. All of them had to be eliminated. Don’t you see that, you fool?!
    Roman: No, James! I know how you feel. Believe me, I do. We both have lost children to this sick bastard. But.......don’t play his game. Don’t let the pain and hate ruin you forever.
    James: (Walking up toward Orpheus) You don’t know what he made me do. To you, Marlena, Cal....everyone. All that crap on New Years’ Eve, the kidnappings......all of it. And I’m supposed to let him walk away from that?!
    Roman: Yes, James. You are. It is taking God’s Hand right now not to strangle this !@#$%^&*] for what he has put all of us through.....but then he wins. And where does that leave you?
    James: (Pointing the gun at Orpheus’s head) Satisfied.
    Orpheus: Well, James. What’s it going to be........being Roman’s puppet........or taking justice into your own hands?

    Orpheus looks at James as he turns ever so slightly. When James diverts his gaze, Orpheus grabs James’s hand and the two men struggle for the gun. When they lower the gun between them, a shot rings out, as Orpheus and James look at each other for what seems like an eternity....

    And then James slowly slumps to the floor.

    Orpheus backs up as Roman rushes over to James, kneels down next to him, and then cradles him in his arms......

    Roman: Well, that didn’t go as planned, did it?
    James: (Smiling) No, I don’t think so. Do me a favor, man.
    Roman: Name it.
    James: Tell Billie and Jack that I don’t blame them for what happened. This asswipe played us all. You, me, Marlena......everyone.
    Roman: I’ll do that, man. Look.....you’re going to be just fine.
    James: I know. I’m going Home. At least.........I hope so.
    Roman: Don’t say that, James.
    James: Roman, I have been nothing without my family. They saved me. I’m just glad I came clean before the end, you know?
    Roman: Yes. Yes I do, my friend.

    At that moment, James looks past Roman and sees a bright, beautiful light. He gazes at the light for a moment and then sees a figure emerge from the light. The figure, who is dressed in white......

    Is his beautiful wife, Renee.

    James smiles and reaches his hand out to her as she reaches her hand out to him. When they take each other’s hand, James’s spirit rises from his body........and he is now dressed in white. He looks at Renee like he did the first time he ever saw her beautiful face, as she says to him.....

    Renee: Welcome Home, My Darling.

    James looks past her.....and sees the smiling faces of his three children...JJ, Jonathan, and Angel. He slowly walks forward with Renee, as his family finally takes him Home....

    And he slumps dead in Roman’s arms.

    Roman slowly places James’s head on the ballroom floor and says to Orpheus.....

    Roman: Well, !@#$%^&*].......just you and me.
    Orpheus: Excellent. I have been waiting for this moment for 20 years.

    Just then, another explosion rocks the ship and shakes it to its core once again. Both Roman and Orpheus lose their balance as the scenes shift throughout the ship to the trapped guests. Victor and Maggie fall down the staircase and are pulled away as a wall of water comes down upon them as a horrified Philip and Greta watch. Frankie and Caroline manage to make it to a staircase only to be slammed against the wall and tossed back into a rush of water. Jack and Billie, as well as Cal and Katherine, get tossed around between walls and doorways as the scene shifts to an outside view of the ship as it continues to take on water.......

    As the scene slowly fades to black.


  9. PhoenixRising05
    The thunderstorm is intensifying as lightning and thunder continue to make their presence felt. The seas have become a concern as the waves are now up to dangerous heights. The rain is coming down in sheets and visibility couldn't possibly be any worse as we rejoin our beloved Salemites after the explosions that rocked the cruise ship...

    -The ship is rocking from left to right due to the aftermath of the explosions set off by Orpheus. Austin has his arms around Carrie, who is holding Evan. Carrie sees the cracked lookout pole beginning to fall and screams as it falls toward them. Austin turns, sees the pole, and pushes Carrie out of the way...resulting in the pole falling on him. Carrie shields Evan as she falls against the wall, recovering before falling to the deck. She turns and sees Austin, lying pinned by the pole on the ship's deck. Carrie lets out a blood curdling scream as a frightened Evan begins to cry.

    Meanwhile, Lucas stirs at the bottom of a staircase and finds Sami and Will next to him. Sami slowly recovers and tells Lucas she is fine. They both shake Will and try to get him to wake up, realizing he took the brunt of the fall. Will slowly stirs and asks what happened. Sami says it feels like explosions rocked the ship and they ended up falling down the staircase. Lucas says he dove after them and that is how he ended up at the bottom of the stairs. Sami thanks him for his efforts to save them and then hears Carrie screaming, along with Evan's cries. They race up the stairs and are shocked to see Carrie, holding Evan, knelt down by a pinned Austin's side. Sami is in shock as they race over. Lucas and Will try to lift the pole but fail. Lucas tells Will to go get help. Will races off.

    Nicole, who is lying nearby, gets up off the deck and sees Carrie holding Evan. She is stunned to see Austin pinned and asks what happened. Sami tells her to stay out of it as Carrie tells Sami to hold Evan. Nicole says she can hold "her" son but Sami warns her that if she even so much as touches Evan, she will send Nicole flying overboard. Nicole backs off, still distraught over Eric's death.

    -In the ballroom, Philip picks himself off the floor and wonders what the hell happened. Hope is with Forest, Abby, Steve, Kayla, Jack, Billie, Chelsea, and Abby. Kayla is tending to Forest, who grabbed on to Abby's rolling wheelchair during the explosions and prevented her from flying out and being injured by putting himself between the wall and her. Abby thanks him for saving his life and says she doesn't know where she would be without him these past few months and now, today, after he saved her life. Jack, Billie, Chelsea, and Max all have uneasy feelings about Fred/Forest. Max asks if the guy is for real. Chelsea says she doubts it. Jack tells Billie he wants to know more about this "Fred Allen" and thinks there is more to him then meets the eye. Abby embraces Fred/Forest as Jack, Billie, Max, and Chelsea suspiciously look on.

    Bo returns to the ballroom. Hope races over to him as Roman does the same. Roman says that Marlena, Orpheus. and James are all gone. Bo says they have bigger problems. The explosions all came from the bottom level of the ship and the ship is taking on water pretty quickly. Roman reminds Bo that Marlena changed the position of Orpheus's explosives to give those on board more time but also for them to suffer. Bo says they still have limited time and need to get everyone into the lifeboats, which he found on the far right side of the ship. Bo announces to the crowd in the ballroom that the ship is taking on water and they need to evacuate. Philip hears this and realizes his father is still on board and likely locked in the boiler room. He decides he can't leave without him and goes off after him.

    Abe walks up to Bo, Hope, and Roman and says that Lexie and Stefano are missing. Celeste walks up soon after and says she is getting a vibe that Alexandra is in great danger. Roman tells Abe to go after them if he wants. They can start getting people off. Abe thanks them as Hope wishes him luck.. Celeste tells Abe he may need her and her psychic abilities. Abe tells Celeste to think of Theo and to get off the ship. He doesn't want Theo to lose his whole family. Celeste tells Abe she is going to search for her daughter...with or without him. Abe reluctantly agrees. Cassie asks Tony and Anna where grandfather and Lexie went. Tony says he has no clue and then whispers to Anna that he thinks his father is up to something.

    Bo begins to motion the crowd in the ballroom out to the deck to board the lifeboats. Bo tells Roman to go after Marlena if he wants to. Just then, Will races in and says that Uncle Austin is hurt real bad and they need help getting a pole off him. A stunned Kate races off with Belle, who believes Carrie will need her. Roman realizes he should go to for his daughters. Bo tells him to go. Roman races off. Billie tells Jack she needs to go check on her brother. Jack offers to go with her. Hope tells them she will make sure they all board the lifeboats. Will tells Kayla they will need her. Steve says he will go with her but Kayla orders him to stay and help Bo get people off. She will meet up with him as soon as she takes care of Austin. He agrees but urges her to be careful. She smiles before racing off.

    Shane, Bo, Hope, and Steve load Forest, Abby, Chelsea, and Max on to the first boat. Nico assists with the loading. Abby and Chelsea don't want to leave their parents but Shane assures them they will be right behind them. Hope tells Doug and Julie to get on. Doug asks if he has a choice of lifeboats. Hope tells Doug she understands he is hurting but this is not the time. Doug gets on with Julie and clearly shows his discomfort with the situation as Julie's eyes well with tears. Doug tells Hope that she better be getting off right behind them. Hope smiles and says she will be. Bo orders Tony, Anna, and Cassie to get on the lifeboat. Cassie is worried about Stefano. Tony says that he will be fine...he always is. Anna can't help but agree. All three board the lifeboat as Bo says it's time to lower the first boat down.

    Caroline sees this scene as Frankie races up to her, asking if she has seen Greta. She was supposed to return to the ballroom but he hasn't seen her since before the explosions and she isn't in the ballroom now. Caroline says she hasn't seen her. Frankie can see that she is upset and asks what is wrong. Caroline admits she is worried about Victor. He is locked up somewhere on the ship and she sent Maggie off to find him. She is so worried and, if anything happens to Maggie, it's her fault. Frankie says it's not her fault and it will be ok. Caroline says she can't leave it to chance and takes off to find Victor and Maggie. Bo sees this and asks Frankie where she is going. They need to get her off the ship. Frankie explains that she went after Victor and Maggie and tells Bo he will go get her. He needs to find Greta anyway. Bo says he will go too but Frankie tells him to trust him...he will bring mom back and find Greta. Bo is needed to help with the evacuation. Bo says fine and says he will come after him if he isn't back soon. Frankie races off.

    -In the boiler room, Greta asks Victor what the hell just happened. Victor says it sounded like a large number of explosions. Greta wonders what is going on and then sees water filling in through the doors in front of them. She points the water out to Victor, who turns his head and says that the ship must be taking on water. Greta panics and tells Victor no one knows they are down there and they are near the bottom of the ship. Victor tells her not to panic. Greta begins to shake and cries out that they are going to die!!

    Meanwhile, an unconscious Maggie lies against a wall a few yards away from the boiler room. Water is filling the area and is now reaching above Maggie's head...

    -Back outside on the deck, Roman races over and asks what happened. Carrie says that pole was cracked and the explosions loosened it and forced it to fall. Austin pushed her and Evan out of the way and saved them. Kayla arrives with Belle, Kate, Jack, and Billie and begins to check him out as Roman and Lucas lift the pole off him. Kayla surveys Austin's body as a frantic Carrie asks her if he is ok. Kayla puts her head down and takes a deep breath. She then looks out, trying to prevent Carrie from seeing the tears welling in her eyes. She fights the tears back and tells Carrie that the pole crushed Austin's chest. He has massive internal injuries, among them being a collapsed lung. Carrie asks what she is saying. Kayla shakes her head and says she can't do anything more. There is nothing that can be done. A devastated Billie is in disbelief as Jack comforts her. Lucas comforts a crying Sami while a Kate, with tears streaming down her face, turns away, in shock over what is happening. Nicole looks on, also stunned at what is going on.

    Carrie (crying): This can't be happening!! There has to be something...anything...

    Roman embraces her. Austin stirs and his eyes open. He smiles at Carrie and those around him.

    Roman: It's ok...Carrie...look!!
    Carrie: Austin?
    Austin (breathing somewhat heavy): It's ok...I'm ok. It doesn't hurt, really. It hurt at first but...now I feel numb.
    Carrie: Aus...
    Austin: Come on, guys...girls...don't cry. I hate seeing people cry. I think you all know that by now. (looks at Will crying) hey...come on. man. You and I go back a long way. I...thought I was your father at one time. You know I don't want no tears. Your mom and dad don't need that. No one does. Be strong for them and for everyone. Take...care of them.
    Will (wiping his tears): I will. I love you, Uncle Austin.
    Austin: Love you...too. (looks at Kate) Mom...what's with the sad face and the crying? That isn't the Kate Roberts I know.
    Kate (crying): Austin...I'm so sorry. This is all...
    Austin: No...it's ok. Mistakes are made. Don't...feel guilty...for my sake...don't blame yourself.
    Kate: God...Austin...I do love you!! (comes close to Austin and lovingly touches his face and kisses it) I love you...
    Austin: I do too...mom. Even after everything...I do too.

    Austin looks around at Belle, Roman, Lucas, and Sami.

    Austin: Hey, Roman, tell everyone to stop with the tears.
    Roman: I don't think I can.
    Austin: Well, then take care of them for me. My family...Carrie...Evan...and Belle, take care of your sisters and...
    Belle (wiping a tear from her eye): Done. Don't worry.
    Austin: Speaking of sisters and brothers...Sami...I am so...proud of you...what you have become. You...finally turned a corner. I just...wish...
    Sami (fighting back tears): Thank you. That means alot coming from you.
    Austin: A part of me will always...care...love...love you. I always knew that you would come around...I always saw the good in you. Same goes for you too, Nicole (looks at Nicole, who is standing by the wall a few inches away). Sami lost her...way many times...you have right now. There is still time to find...your way. You and I...were close. I saw the good...I still see it. Don't...give up. Just...know...I forgive you...despite everything...

    Nicole is silent as tears well up in her eyes. She turns around, trying to hide the fact that she is breaking down.

    Austin (turning back toward Sami): Promise me...you will take care of that son of yours. He's...very special. I should know.
    Sami (crying): I will. I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused you. I kept you from Carrie for so...
    Austin: It's...ok. Just take care of Carrie for me and Evan. Take care of yourself and...be happy. Please...you earned it. You...deserve it.
    Sami: Thank you. I will always remember all the times you supported me and stood by me. I appreciate it all...a part of my heart will always belong to you...my first crush...and obsession.

    Everyone laughs. Austin laughs but also cringes in pain.

    Sami (crying): I...will miss you.
    Austin (breathing heavy): Same here. (looks at Lucas) And...you! We certainly have had our share of sibling rivalry, have we?
    Lucas: Sure have.
    Austin: You know...what, man? I always respected you and loved you, despite all that. I...hope...you know that.
    Lucas: I do and I felt the same way. I am glad we all buried the hatchet a few months ago. I don't know how I would feel...
    Austin: I know...I feel...the same.
    Lucas: All those issues...the tension...none of it matters...I just want you to know that I love you, bro.
    Austin: Right back at you...oh, hey...same goes for you, man. Be happy. You deserve it...both you and Sami. Be...good to each other...and...please, watch...
    Lucas: I will watch over Carrie and Evan. No problem.
    Austin: Tha...nks. I know he may...be your...son...but...
    Belle (pointing to some papers): Actually, we can find that out now, although it's bad timing. All the talk of all the problems between you and Lucas reminded me that I still had the DNA tests that Carrie had done to prove Evan was her son. Carrie had both Lucas and Austin's DNA tested with Evan's so this test also proves who the father is. We all got so caught up and things we never thought about it.
    Kayla (taking the papers from Belle): I will look them over.
    Carrie (wiping tears): Kayla? Well?
    Kayla: Austin was a match...he is Evan's father.

    Carrie embraces Austin, takes Evan from Sami and says:

    Carrie (crying): Meet your daddy, Evan.
    Austin (taking Evan's hand): Good to finally meet you, son.
    Lucas: Congrats Austin. Evan is a lucky baby to have you as a father.
    Sami: I second that.
    Billie (crying): I agree
    Austin: Thanks. Hey, sis...how did I almost forget you?
    Billie: Your not supposed to leave like this...you have a son now and a wife...you finally got it...
    Austin: Well, then, I guess I can be at peace with no...unfinished business (laughs).
    Billie: Not funny. What am I going to do without you? It's always been you and me...you were all the family I had for so long...
    Austin: Well, we have more then that now. You need to be...strong for them. Take care of them...and my family. Your my best friend, Billie...I love you and I don't...think I could've had a better sister.
    Billie (crying): I don't think I could've had a better brother...I love you too. You should be staying her to take care of your family! They don't need me! They need you!
    Austin (having trouble breathing): Stubborn, as usual. I...don't...think I have much...time. (looks at Carrie) I know that we've been through...
    Carrie (crying): Alot? Yeah...all because of me. I'll never forgive myself...none of this...
    Austin: Do you love me?
    Carrie: Of course I...
    Austin (short of breath): Then...don't bl...ame your...self. I said some...things...but...I never...stopped loving you. All...these years...just like I told you...you were always the one. Too bad...we finally had it right...I...thought...married...we even had... a son...
    Carrie: I will tell him all about you. How good of man his daddy was. How he saved him and his mommy by...giving his life...
    he will be so proud.
    Austin (smiling): I...have...one more...thing to...s...ay...I want...you...to know...I forgive you...know that...be happy...don't be afraid...to love...ag...ain...take care of...Evan...and your...self. I...love...you...always...Ca...rrie.
    Carrie (crying): I love you, too. (embraces Austin while holding Evan and then kisses Austin on the lips as his eyes slowly close).
    Kayla (checking his pulse): He's gone.

    Carrie breaks down on Austin's body while holding Evan, Lucas comforts a crying Sami, Roman and Belle embrace, Kate breaks down in tears and blames herself for her son's death, Nicole fights back tears and can't bear to turn around, and Jack comforts Billie, who blames this on Orpheus and races off to find and kill him. Jack races off after her. Roman sees this and tells Belle he needs to go get Billie and Jack. Roman orders Lucas to get everyone to the lifeboats and to take Austin's body. Lucas agrees as Roman kisses Belle, Sami, and Carrie and says it will all be ok. They will get through this. He also promises to find Marlena. He races off.

    Meanwhile, a gun-toting Marlena is on the 3rd level of the ship, determined to find Orpheus so she can get him back for screwing up her plans.

    The scene then shifts back on deck to Lucas, who helps load Carrie, who is holding Evan, a silent and stunned Nicole, a devastated Kate, Sami, Will, and Belle on to a life boat. Bo tells Kayla to get on the lifeboat but she refuses, saying they may need her help as a doctor and a good deal of her family is still on board. She isn't going. Bo decides not to argue. Bo appoints Lucas as the captain of that lifeboat and tells him to make sure things go smoothly as Shane is manning the first lifeboat. Lucas agrees and goes down with the second lifeboat as Bo shares with Hope his worry about his mother. Kayla is also worried as Roman is still out there too and Frankie and others.

    --The scene shifts to the cabin room where Cal, Katherine, and Ernesto were. Katherine wakes up and checks on Ernesto. She shakes her head and says he is bleeding out and doesn't have much time. She races over to an unconscious Cal and begs him to wake up. Ernesto is dying and this may be his only chance to learn the whole truth about his past. Katherine begins to panic as Cal is not waking up...

    The scene then shifts to Abe and Celeste, who continue to search for Lexie. Abe wants her to turn back but she refuses. The ship then rocks back heavily. They both fall backward into a cabin room. Abe asks Celeste if she is alright. She says she is and he helps her up just as someone closes the cabin door, locking them in. Abe and Celeste scream for help. Meanwhile, the camera pans around the corner to reveal...STEFANO. He picks up an unconscious Lexie and says that a Dimera must use whatever means necessary to complete a mission...and his mission is to keep her devoted to the Dimera's. She is the future and Abe and Celeste are in the way. This will rectify that and he says he will take her away where he can groom her and Theo to follow in his footsteps...as it should be...with no one standing in his way. He then carries her unconscious body off.

    -The scene then shifts to Jack, who is chasing Billie. He finally catches up and tells her to calm down. She says that Orpheus is to blame for Austin's death and she wants him dead. He did all of this. They are both shocked when Orpheus comes out of a maintenance room. He is shocked to see them and comments on how they are two real big pain in the asses. They keep putting their noses and his business. Billie says that her brother's blood is on his hands. Orpheus laughs and says they all will be dead soon enough. He asks Billie if she would like to join her brother sooner. He aims his gun at them and orders them into the cabin room behind them. Jack and Billie refuse but Orpheus insists they will be dying anyway so why wait? Plus, he can't take any chances of them foiling his escape. He points the gun and and walks closer and closer to them, forcing them into the cabin room. He closes the door and locks it as Billie panics inside the room, asking Jack what they are going to do.

    Orpheus walks away from the cabin room and is stopped by Roman. Orpheus laughs and says they meet again. He admits being pleased because he wants the honor of killing Roman all by himself. James then appears and tells Orpheus not so fast, aiming his gun right at Orpheus. James tells Orpheus that his reign of terror ends here as Roman finds himself caught in the middle while Jack and Billie watch from the cabin room.

    The scene the shifts to Caroline, who is searching for Maggie and Victor frantically and is on the 2nd level of the ship. Meanwhile, Philip nears the boiler room and realizes he has to swim to get to it as the water is filling the bottom levels fast. He sees a body floating and swims over. It's Maggie!! Philip gives her mouth to mouth and she recovers. She asks what he is doing there. He says he knows his father is locked up in the boiler room and he needs to get him out. The ship is sinking. Maggie panics as swims over with Philip to the door. He tries to open it, to no avail.

    In the boiler room, Victor tells Greta to calm down. Greta says she can't. The room is filling with water and it's over their waist now. They are going to die. Victor is silent and tells Greta she should've never came after him. He is nothing to her. Greta says she had to come after him. Victor says he knows he helped save Eric's life back at Christmas but he can't think of any other reason why she feels so strongly about risking her life to save his. Greta says she had to do it. Victor doesn't understand and asks what he is missing as she seems to be holding something back. Greta, realizing their lives could be coming to an end, says she is holding something back. Something has kept to herself for over a year. Victor asks what that is.

    Greta: I don't want to die until I tell you...your...
    Victor: Go ahead...
    Greta (as tears well up in her eyes): Victor...YOUR MY FATHER!!!

    The scene then freezes on a stunned Victor and then fades to black.



  10. PhoenixRising05



    Clip of Greta and Victor chained in the boiler room.


    Clip of an unconscious Steve in Kayla's arms as she caresses his head, lovingly.


    Clip of Bo and Hope on the cruise ship.

    Bo to Hope: I won't ever let you go again.


    Clip of Billie falling into Jack's arms and looking at him lovingly followed by a clip of Victor chained in the boiler room and Maggie searching the ship for him.


    Clip of Orpheus holding a gun on Roman while James holds a gun on Orpheus followed by a clip of Marlena holding Roman at gunpoint.


    Marlena to Roman: You can't stop me!!


  11. PhoenixRising05


    As fans of SALEM LIVES already know, the VOYAGE OF VENGEANCE event officially began on Monday July 2 in the wake of the SALEM LIVES: VENDETTA climax. This week, the VOYAGE OF VENGEANCE explodes as many Salemites fins themselves going down with the ship...literally. "It's a summer blockbuster story and it is epic," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "However, it is not going to be a story or event that is driven by the catastrophe. This is going to be driven by the characters. This event greatly changes the canvas. We lose some beloved characters but, in the wake of tragedy, comes love and romance for some new couples and some of our most beloved couples. There are some magic moments that will drive fans to tears. It's great drama and it tugs at the heartstrings."

    Indeed it does. One setsider reported four scenes, in particular, that had the whole cast and crew in tears. "It was alot of raw emotion and the acting and overall impact of the scenes really got to everyone," says Lowery. "I think it's some of the best stuff we have done and I hope the fans agree. Every episode this week is fantastic with big things happening every day and it all leads to Friday, which is some of the best drama we have seen all year. Every day this week just gets bigger and bigger with what we are doing. We hope the fans enjoy it."

    Lowery credits his Co-EP/HW, Patrick L. Ewing, a great deal with the evolution of VENDETTA, the VOYAGE OF VENGEANCE, and the upcoming stories in the wake of all this. "I need to thank him alot," says Lowery. "Our visions came together on all this and the results are what you are seeing now. We each brought our own ideas to the table and it all meshed so beautifully. He really has written some great stuff during all this. He always has written great stuff but he has reached levels I never thought could be reached in writing. Just take the MCF reveal episode, for example. The suspense and drama of that episode was top notch and all credit goes to him for that. I am just glad to have him writing with me. SALEM LIVES would not be the same without him."

    Lowery admits the biggest difficulty with all this is the cast cuts that are being made. "The next few weeks and beyond will be hard," sighs Lowery. "Some wonderful actors and actresses will be gone but we need to do what's best for SALEM LIVES. We feel this is best an that the story potential is great from so many angles. We hope the fans understand and sit back for an amazing ride."

    For more on the cast cuts hitting SALEM LIVES, check out next week's edition of the INSIDER which will feature in-depth coverage of any departures that have occurred thus far.


    Paul Kersey (Alan Harris): Kersey, who returned to the role of Alan in June 2006, last aired on July 4 when Alan was shot for the second time and fell to a watery grave. A setsider reports that Kersey only signed for a year, which was the length of the story, but the door does remain open for a possible return. For more on Kersey's exit, check out next week's INSIDER.

    Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady): Ackles, who reprised his popular role in May 2006 for what began as short-term but soon became a recurring role, is out. He last aired on July 4 when Eric succumbed to a gunshot wound with his family around him. Setsiders report that Ackles had stayed much longer then expected and that recurring was still hard to do with the actor's primetime gig on the WB's "Supernatural" so the time had come for Ackles and the show to part ways. For more on his exit, check out next week's INSIDER.


    -Several Salem couples share some magic moments.
    -Two dramatic love confessions take place.
    -Several Salemites meet their maker.



    NEXT WEEK: The cruise ship survivors fight for their lives in the stormy seas. Don't miss a stunning, jaw-dropping moment that will leave you breathless!!
  12. PhoenixRising05
    -The storm has picked up. It is raining heavily and the stormy waters surrounding the cruise ship are making their presence known. Thunder and lightning have become a recurring theme and visibility is poor, at best. The fire in front of the ship has been put out by the torrential rains. The scene pans down to the upper deck of the ship, which is the lookout landing. Carrie and Sami pull Lucas and Austin off of Roman and Eric. Carrie tells Sami that neither of them has been shot. Both men regain consciousness, as does Roman. Lucas tells Sami and Carrie that they all bumped heads during the scuffle when the ship jerked forward from the lightning strike. Sami says that she fired her gun and Nicole fired hers, as well. Carrie adds that Sami's bullet didn't hit anyone because they fell back when she fired and also says there was also a third shot. Roman says that he and Alan struggled for Alan's gun as he was trying to get himself up and it went off. Alan was hit.

    Sami is revealed that it was Alan who got shot and not anyone else. She then looks at Eric and says he must have bumped his head really hard. She then notices blood pouring out of his chest and screams. Roman takes a look and realizes Eric has been shot. Carrie turns and realizes Nicole hit Eric when she fired. Nicole, still in shock, shakes her head in disbelief.

    Nicole (shaking with tears in her eyes): I...I...Alan told me to shoot. Roman was...on top of him...I was aiming for him so Alan could get free. I...never...not Eric...

    Roman says that Kate went to get help as he figured a doctor may be needed. Roman calls out to Eric to wake up and talk to him. Eric doesn't respond. A crying Sami says this can't be happening. It has to be a nightmare. Lucas comforts her. Sami breaks free of his embrace and begs Eric to wake up. She is then stunned when she is grabbed by the neck from behind by...ALAN!!

    Alan has his gun pointed at Sami's head. Roman orders him to let her go. Alan, showing a devilish smirk, says:

    Alan: The bitch destroyed my life. It's time for her to pay up...followed by sweet Carrie over there.
    Sami: Wrong...Alan. It's time for you to pay up...for all that you have done.

    Sami punches Alan in the gut and breaks free, She turns, points her gun, and aims it at Alan.

    Sami: It's over, Alan.
    Alan: Not...yet!!

    Alan lunges for Sami. Sami pulls the trigger and the bullet hits Alan right in the left side of his chest. He falls back and flips over the banister, into the stormy waters below. Sami looks over the banister and says:

    Sami: May you rot in hell you bastard! (takes a deep breath) It's over. Finally...Alan's gone...
    Carrie: Yeah but he was the only one who knew were Will and Evan were. Now what will we do.

    The scene the shifts back to the ballroom. Orpheus asks Marlena what she is talking about as those in the ballroom watch. Marlena smiles and says he will see soon enough. She walks away to a corner as a curious Orpheus watches and notices her whispering something to James. Orpheus's attention is divided between his guests in the ballroom and Marlena and James. He opts to keep an eye on Marlena and James while checking on those in the ballroom. Caroline walks over to Maggie, who is distraught over her secret coming out earlier and over Victor being taken away.

    Caroline: It's not too late, you know. He loves you, Maggie. You love him.
    Maggie: I didn't trust him. I didn't believe in him. I said some awful things...
    Caroline: I talked to him. He has forgiven you. He loves you, Maggie. The way he looks at you...
    Maggie: Is like he looks at you?
    Caroline: I am not your competition. Victor and I can never be. Too many people will get hurt. We have tried so many times...we share a son and the love will always be there but...I am his past. You, my dear, are his future. Go to him. Life is too short and there is no telling if we will make it off this ship with Orpheus on board and this storm. Tell him how you feel. Be happy. I apologize for the awful things I said before...we all have trouble letting go and so much was happening.
    Maggie: It's ok. It's in the past. I appreciate you saying this but...say we get off the ship, what will happen? I'm going to jail.
    Caroline: Victor will be by your side. He will help and support you. Just go to him. Everyone can see the love you two share. You two need each other...the love is evident when you two look at each other and talk about each other. Go find him...Orpheus is letting people wander. Go...before it's too late. Time is so precious...I of all people know. You don't want regrets.
    Maggie: I do love him...we do really need to talk and...ok...fine! I will go find him. What if he is being guarded?
    Caroline: You'll find a way. We Horton's and Brady's always do. Just be careful and find someone to help once you do find him.
    Maggie: Good idea. Thanks. It means alot.
    Caroline: Just be good to each other and love each other. You two deserve every happiness.
    Maggie: So do you.
    Caroline: Don't worry about me. As long as those I love are happy...I'm happy.
    Maggie (smiling): Ok. I'm off. Wish me luck.
    Caroline: Good luck.

    Maggie races out of the ballroom as Orpheus smiles, commenting on how the room is emptying out. Julie wonders where Maggie is going and asks Hope, who gives her the cold shoulder while Doug walks away from her as well. Kate then races in and says Roman told her to come and Kayla. They may need a doctor and Kate adds that she heard gunshots. Kayla says she will come. She tells Steve to stay behind. Caroline realizes Roman, Carrie, Eric, and Sami are out there and says she is coming too. Belle says she is going to. It's her family out there and she regrets not going before when they left. Greta is worried about Eric so Frankie agrees to take her outside, leaving Jack, Billie, Abby, Chelsea, and Forest behind. Bo won't let Caroline go but she insists. Frankie says he will take care of her and Greta.

    Hope tells Bo they should go too but Bo says they should stay back to protect the rest of those in the ballroom from Orpheus. There are enough people out there. Shane reiterates that plan, as does Abe. Lexie offers her services. Stefano reminds Lexie of her vow to never help those that betrayed her again. Lexie reminds Stefano that he betrayed her too. She turned her back on everyone else and went back to the Dimera's only to have her father lie to her. She walks away and leaves with Kayla, Frankie, Greta, Kate, and Caroline as Abe and Celeste both smile. Cassie comforts Stefano, telling him it will be ok. He still has her. Stefano walks away silently, leaving Cassie with Tony and Anna. Tony tells Cassie to leave Stefano alone as it's not a good time.

    Abe tells Celeste he is proud of Lexie. Celeste says she is too but she is so afraid of what is coming. Death is drawing near and there is no telling how many victims it will claim. Bo, Hope, Doug, Julie, Max, Jack, Billie, Steve, and Shane overhear this and look on, worried.

    The scene shifts back outside on deck. Roman is trying to stop the bleeding but can't. Lucas whispers to Roman that this isn't good. Roman nods and says he agrees but hopes they are both wrong. Kayla, Lexie, Frankie, Greta, Kate, Belle, and Caroline arrive and are shocked to see Eric has been shot. Carrie fills them all in on what happened. Kate looks over at Nicole and advises someone take the gun from her. Lucas takes the gun from Nicole's hands. She is still in shock and repeatedly says "She never meant for it to happen." Lexie and Kayla examine Eric and determine the bullet hit a major artery. Sami asks what that means.

    Kayla: We're out on stormy waters...so far away from a hospital. We're not even going to be able to get him to one! I...I'm sorry. (begins to cry) The chances...there not...
    Carrie: No...
    Greta: Not Eric...he just got another chance to live...it's not right.
    Frankie: I know you two were close.
    Greta (crying): Our relationship ended ugly but I still cared...we were still friends. After all we did to save him before, how can...

    Frankie embraces Greta and tells her he is there for her. She thanks him.

    Sami: No...not Eric. There has to be something...a first aid kit...putting pressure on the wound...(shaking and crying)

    Lucas grabs her and tells her it will be ok. Sami screams:

    Sami: NO!!! MY BROTHER IS DYING!! A PART OF ME IS DYING, DAMNIT!!! (looks at Nicole) YOU BITCH!!

    Lucas holds her back. Eric's eyes then slowly flutter open. Everyone is overjoyed. Lexie asks how he is feeling.

    Eric: It doesn't hurt...really. Hey...could you and Aunt Kayla stop working on me? We need to accept what is happening and just...get this show on the road.
    Roman: Don't say that son.
    Eric: Your a cop, dad. You deal in facts. The fact...is that this is it for me. I can feel it...I heard Lexie and Aunt Kayla. I had two brushes with death before. This was...my third shot. Third time's the charm.
    Greta (crying): Don't say that!
    Eric: Come here, Greta.

    Greta walks over.

    Eric: I want to thank you for being such a loyal friend. I know our relationship...didn't go so well. I appreciate all you did when I was sick and...you were a true friend. I'm sorry I hurt you and...
    Greta (in tears): It's ok. I care about you. Always have and always will.
    Eric: Me too. Some guy will be very lucky to have you. He's out there, Princess. You just need to find him. All...I want...is for you not to cry for me. None of you. Be happy. Greta (pulls Greta in close to him and is whispering)...tell Victor. Life is too short. You searched for years to find your father. Go to him...tell him. Do it for me...and for you.
    Greta: Eric...
    Eric (smiles): I will be watching you, Princess.

    Greta smiles. Everyone then hears a noise. They are stunned to see Will come up the stairs, holding Evan. Carrie and Austin race over and scoop Evan up in their arms while Sami, Lucas, and Kate reunite with Will. Austin greets Evan and tells him it;s nice to meet him. Carrie smiles as her and Austin lock eyes. Carrie tells Austin that is the best look he has given her in 24 hours. Austin tells her to think nothing of it. He loves her but there were so many lies. He needs time...to think and figure things out. Carrie nods as Lucas comes over and greets Evan. Will then tells everyone how he was locked on the bottom level in a room with Evan. Evan was crying and Will says he was screaming for help when grandma Marlena freed them, saying that "children should not pay for the sins of their elders." Everyone is confused. Sami fills Will in on what has happened and embraces him, telling him Alan is gone and he can't hurt them anymore.

    The attention then goes back to Eric, who tells Caroline, Belle, Frankie, Kayla, Roman, Carrie (who is holding Evan), Will, and Sami to come closer to him. Eric tells Will that he needs to take care of his mom. She is going to need him. He tells Lucas and Austin to take care of his sisters and warns them not to hurt them. Eric tells Frankie and Kayla that he regrets not spending more time with Max and them but tells them to take care of the family and to look out for themselves. Eric tells Caroline that he will miss walking in to the pub and getting some chowder or smelling whatever aroma was coming from the kitchen. A crying Caroline tells Eric the family won't be the same without that gorgeous smile of his. Eric tells Caroline he will say hi to grandpa for her. Greta and Caroline comfort each other.

    Eric (turning to Carrie): You hold on to that baby of yours. Make up for that lost time...life is too short.
    Carrie (crying): I know. I'm going to miss you. You have no idea how much.
    Eric: I love...you.

    Carrie kneels down and embraces Eric, with Evan in hand, and then backs away. Eric motions to Belle.

    Eric: We never really spent...much time together. I regret that.
    Belle (crying): Me too. You were gone for so long and now you come back finally and...
    Eric: It's ok. Just know your bro is...looking down on you. You be happy and take care of Claire.
    Belle (crying): I will tell her what a great guy her Uncle Eric was.
    Eric: You do that. I love...you.
    Belle (embracing Eric in tears): Love you too.

    Belle leaves Eric, who then motions to Roman.

    Eric (turning to Roman): Dad...I don't want you to feel guilty. I want you to be the man you always have been. The man I am so proud to call my father.
    Roman (fighting back tears): Son...that bullet...it was...meant...
    Eric: Stop it! Just...don't give up on mom. I wish I could say goodbye to her but...just don't give up. You watch over the family, as always.
    Roman (in tears): I love you, son.

    Father and son embrace as a crying and shaking Nicole watches, still in shock. Eric orders Lucas to bring Nicole to him. He does so and Eric pulls Nicole in close. Eric tells Nicole that he's sorry for everything that happened. It seems like the third time wasn't the charm for them. He tells her what happened was an accident and that he wants her to find happiness, despite everything. He adds that he still believes there is good in her. He saw it when he first fell for her and he saw it a year ago. He tells her she can find it again and she can still lead a happy, full life. He tells her that she got lost and that she can find the way back. It may take time but she can. He then kisses her on the cheek and tells her goodbye and that he will be watching. Lucas then pulls her away as her body goes limp. She tells Eric she is so sorry and breaks down in tears. She breaks free from Lucas's arms and turns and walks away.

    Eric then tells Sami to kneel down next to him. She does so.

    Eric: Hey, sis. You know...it's funny. Twins come into this world together but they hardly ever, if at all, leave this world the same way.
    Sami (crying): I can't take this. It's like a part of me is...
    Eric: Your made of the strong stuff. You will be fine. You need to be strong for dad, Will, and the family. Do that for me.
    Sami: I finally straighten myself out and your not even going to be around to see me get married and finally settle down.
    Eric: I have seen enough of your weddings, sis (laughs).
    Sami (laughing): This is no time for jokes. You have always been the one thing...I could count on. You always understood me when no one else did. God...why...this can't happen.
    Eric (eyes beginning to close): Sami...it's alright. I will be watching and I will always be with you...right by your side. Just...b...e...happy. Be...happy...fo...r...me. I...love...you sis. I love...you all.

    Eric's eyes then close as Sami lets out a blood curdling scream. Lucas comforts her as Austin comforts a devastated Carrie. Roman turns away, wiping his tears and fighting back more. Caroline embraces him. Frankie comforts Greta, who tells him to go be with his family. She is going back to the ballroom as she can't watch this. Frankie nods and tells her to be careful. Greta walks away and, remembering Eric's words, says she knows what she has to do. She needs to find Victor and tell him the truth.

    -Back in the ballroom, Philip worries about Victor and wonders if he should go after him. He sees Orpheus watching him and panics. The scene then shifts to Cal and Katherine, who are tending to Ernesto in a cabin room. Katherine tells Cal that Ernesto doesn't have much time. The bleeding just isn't stopping. Cal begs a now unconscious Ernesto wake up and tell him what he knows about his past. Ernesto's eyes open, slightly. He tries to say something but struggles. Cal tells him he can do it and that this is important. He begs Ernesto to give him the answers he needs.

    -Back on deck, a distraught Roman picks up his son's body and says he isn't leaving it there. He leads everyone down the stairs and they all head for the ballroom. Sami stops. Lucas and Will ask what's wrong. Sami breaks down in tears as Lucas and Will embrace her. Nicole is an emotional wreck and she spots Carrie holding Evan. She says that she may have lost Eric...but she isn't losing Evan. Nicole walks right up to Carrie and tells her to give her son back to her. Austin tells Nicole to back off as Evan is not hers. Sami, Lucas, and Will look on. Lucas tells Sami that this is pretty bad but he fears the worst is yet to come.

    -In the ballroom, Roman puts Eric's body down in the corner. Everyone in the ballroom is stunned. Bo and Hope comfort Roman over his loss. Orpheus looks at the body and acknowledges the first casualty. Roman lunges for him but Orpheus pulls out his gun and tells him to back off.

    -In the boiler room, Victor is chained to a wall and sweating. The door then opens. It's Greta. Victor asks what she is doing. Greta explains that she heard two guards talking about a prisoner in the boiler room so she raced over and jumped a guard, knocking him out with a fire extinguisher. She stole the guard's keys and they need to hurry. She tries to unlock the chains but is interrupted by another guard, who asks what she thinks she is doing.

    -Back in the ballroom, Marlena waits in a corner with James and says it's time. She thanks him for his help in getting by the guards. James says that Orpheus betrayed him so it's time to return the favor. He asks Marlena what she is really up to. Marlena says nothing much...just blowing the ship sky high. James is shocked and says he thought she was simply foiling Orpheus's plan. Marlena laughs and says she was just fitting it to her standards. She reminds James she wants everyone on the ship dead, as well. She just wanted to do it. James says she can't do this. Marlena pistol whips James, knocking him unconscious as she says that she can do whatever the hell she wants.

    Marlena reminds everyone in the ballroom it's the 4th of July and that it's time for the fireworks. Orpheus demands to know what she has been up to. Marlena smiles and tells Orpheus to pull out his detonator. He does so. Marlena tells him to push the red button. Orpheus explains that the ship will blow. Marlena laughs and says it won't. Orpheus is confused and presses it. Nothing happens. Marlena yells out, "Gotcha!!"

    -Back in the boiler room, Greta finds herself in chains on the wall across from Victor. Victor says she should've never came and asks why she did. Greta says she had to. Victor asks why that is. Greta is silent.

    -Back in the ballroom, Orpheus asks what Marlena did. Marlena explains that she heard that the emergency detonator he gave to his head guard was defective so she switched the defective detonator with the real one. She pulls out a detonator and says that she has the real one and has re-arranged the explosives on the bottom level so that the ship will take a little more time sinking rather then just blowing up and sinking. She wants everyone to suffer as the water filters in and sends them to their death. Roman interjects and tells Marlena she doesn't want to do this. Marlena reminds Roman that her name is "Samantha" and she does want to do this. Orpheus says that he has armed guards above. She will never get the chance to pull this off. Marlena smiles and says she took all that into account. She then pulls out several grenades and throws them. It's tear gas!!!

    Everyone ducks for cover. Roman goes after Marlena. Marlena covers her face with a mask as Orpheus lunges for her. The detonator and both their guns go flying. Marlena and Orpheus struggle. Roman races to reach the detonator. Orpheus breaks free and lunges for the detonator as Roman and Marlena watch. Roman screams, "NO!!" as Orpheus falls right on top of the detonator, pushing down the red button and setting off the explosives on the bottom level.

    Loud explosions can be heard as the whole ship rocks. Everyone screams. Doug, Julie, Frankie, Caroline, Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Abe, Celeste, Kate, Lexie, Stefano, Cassie, Philip, Tony, and Anna all fall back and are tossed around the room. Abby's wheelchair is tossed around with her in it as Forest lunges to save her while Jack, Billie, Max, and Chelsea watch. Roman gets thrown against the wall, as is Marlena. Orpheus rolls and slams against a wall, as does James. In the boiler room, Greta and Victor wonder what is going on. Meanwhile, Maggie is nearing the boiler room and gets thrown by the explosion. She is knocked unconscious just as water bursts through one of the holes caused by the explosion. Cal and Katherine hear the explosions in the cabin room and are thrown around the room. Ernesto rolls off the bed and on to the floor. Cal falls and hits his head, knocking himself unconscious.

    On deck, Sami and Will are thrown backward and fall down the staircase as Lucas lunges after them and falls down the staircase himself. Nicole falls back and hits the wall behind her, knocking herself unconscious. Austin takes Carrie, who is holding Evan, in his arms, and tries to shield them. He grabs on to a railing and tells them both to hang on. The three of them do not see that a communication pole, which was struck by lightning earlier causing it too loosen and crack, is tipping over from the impact of the explosion. The pole then completely snaps and falls right toward Austin, Carrie, and Evan. Carrie turns and screams as the scene goes black.


  13. PhoenixRising05
    -On the cruise ship, Sami continues to chase after Alan. Alan hides in the captain's quarters, wondering how he is going to lose Sami, who is gaining on him. Nicole, who has followed the both of them, is nearly seen by Sami. She ducks out of sight. Meanwhile, back in the ballroom, Lucas is worried about Sami and thinks they need to go after her. Austin wonders how they can do that when all these armed men are standing around above them. Carrie says they need to find a way. Evan and Will are missing and now so is Sami and Alan. They can't wait anymore. Eric overhears and agrees. Roman jumps in and says that they can't go off on their own. A desperate Carrie says they are wasting time.

    Orpheus walks over, smiling, and then adds to the debate:

    Orpheus: Go on. All of you. None of you can leave this ship. We are out in the middle of nowhere. The waters are too deep and there is a storm on the way.
    Hope: A storm?
    Orpheus: Yes. I couldn't have planned it better myself. If my plans don't kill you, the storm and it's the dangerous conditions it creates will. This storm has forced all boats and ships back to port while we are heading right on into the heart of it. Hope you all packed your floaties.
    Caroline: You monster!
    Orpheus (smiling): Thank you, Mrs. Brady.

    Roman says they are wasting time and they have to get going. Bo asks if they need his help. Hope, Shane, and Abe also offer to help. Roman says they need to stay back to protect everyone else in the ballroom. Austin turns and notices that Carrie is gone. He races off with Lucas, Kate, Eric, and Roman in tow.

    Orpheus: Well, that cleared the room. Time to have some fun with the rest of you!

    The scene then shifts back to Alan, who slowly sneaks out of the captain's quarters. He makes his way on to the deck and sees Sami behind him searching. He goes up to the third level of the ship. A hand then touches his shoulder, stunning him. It's Nicole, who asks Alan what the hell is going on. Alan says he is trying to avoid Sami and needs her help. He asks her to pull out the gun he gave her earlier and to cover him. Nicole wants to know where Evan is. Alan says he will tell her once Sami gets off his ass. Alan insists they have to move...now!! Alan walks away quickly as Nicole pulls out her gun and follows.

    Sami turns and sees Alan and Nicole running above her. She is shocked when Carrie grabs her arm, asking her what is going on. Sami says she is chasing down Alan, who appears to have Nicole with him now. Sami adds that she needs to keep going...this must end tonight. Carrie follows, saying:

    Carrie: That monster has my son!!! Wait for me!!

    -Back in the ballroom, Orpheus seems to be distracted by talking to one of his armed guards on his radio. Caroline goes up to Victor and says:

    Caroline: Unbelievable. A year ago, we were all on some damn island being held together like this and now it's a ship.
    Victor: I know. Don't worry, Caroline. We'll get off this ship and we will make it through this storm.
    Caroline: I know. I have faith. You know, I never thought that we would be talking like this after all that has happened. I just want you to know that...
    Victor: It's the past, Caroline. We all make mistakes. I think what happened was what was meant to happen. I will always love you. We just never could get it right. The timing...Shawn...
    Caroline: I know. It just seemed like we were causing ourselves more pain and those we love more pain. It's for the best.
    Victor: I know that you don't like my violent lifestyle and the way I dragged Bo and...
    Caroline: Bo made his own decisions. It was an ISA operation. I don't like you going back to your shady dealings and all the guns and...you know...I don't want to talk about it. I want you in my life. We share a son. I think it's best if we don't mention your business or anything related to it. Let's just be friends and avoid issues we know will cause tension.
    Victor: Good idea. It pleases me to have you in my life in any capacity. A part of my heart will always belong to you, Caroline. Bo will always be a reminder of the great love we shared, in addition to the memories.
    Caroline: Yes...well, you have Maggie now. You love her. I can see that. I was wrong to act how I did before and to...
    Victor: I understand. Again, we all make mistakes. I do care about her very much.
    Caroline: You love her. I see the way you look at her. The look in your eyes...it's just like...
    Victor: How I look at you?
    Caroline: Only...stronger.
    Victor: Yeah but so much has happened and now she has legal trouble...
    Caroline: You can help her. You have the power to. She loves you. She made a mistake and I know she feels guilty for it. You two have become so close and...life is too short. Don't waste a day...a minute. Go to her. Work things out and be good to each other. Be happy...I know seeing that will make me happy.
    Victor: Thank you for that You are truly one of a kind, Caroline. Your right. Maggie and I do need to talk.

    Orpheus then comes over and says that isn't happening. He orders one of the guards to take Victor back to his own personal prison. He deserves to die alone so he can think of all the reasons why he should burn in hell. Caroline begs Orpheus not to do this as Maggie looks on, in tears. Caroline looks at her. Maggie and Caroline lock eyes. Caroline whispers to her to go to Victor. A crying Maggie turns to see the guard pulling Victor away. Maggie races after them, crying and screaming for them to let Victor go. Victor turns back and looks at Maggie lovingly. He whispers "I love you" as he is pulled out of the ballroom and the door closes behind him and the guard. Caroline races over to comfort Maggie, who breaks down in her arms. Julie watches this scene and turns towards Doug, who turns away from her as tears well up in her eyes.

    Philip, having just watched his father be dragged away, regrets getting his father and himself involved in this. He assumes they took him back down to the boiler room and he contemplates going down there and rescuing him. Greta overhears this and wonders his Philip got Victor and himself involved in what is going on. Greta then wonders if she should sneak off and find Victor. There is no telling what could happen and it may be time to tell him that he is her father...before it's too late and she never does. Frankie comes over and asks if she is ok. She nods and they return to Jack, Billie, Abby, Chelsea, and Forest.

    Kayla and Katherine continue to help tend to Ernesto with Cal. Steve asks Kayla if he can help in any way. Kayla shakes her head and says he needs a hospital. He is losing too much blood. Katherine says that even a first aid kit would help a little but there isn't any around the ballroom.

    Orpheus: Go ahead, Mr. and Mrs. Winters. Ernie is a dying man. Go find the kit and try to save him. It's futile, anyway. Although, you may get the answers you wish out of him. That would be a comfort before you all perish so go right ahead. It's not like you can leave the ship.

    Kayla tells Cal and Katherine to take Ernesto and go and not to question it. Cal tells Kayla and Steve to come. Kayla thinks that Steve and herself need to stay back. Orpheus said he was letting only him and Katherine go. Besides, she is needed there if anyone else is hurt. Cal understands and he and Katherine help Ernesto to his feet and race out of the ballroom as Orpheus motions to the guards to let them go. Kayla tells Steve she hopes Ernesto survives, at least long enough to help Cal get the answers he needs.

    Meanwhile, Celeste is trembling and Lexie asks if she is ok. Celeste says she feels death in the air as Lexie, Abe, Bo, Hope, Caroline, Shane, Steve, Kayla, Forest, Abby, Chelsea, James, Tony, Anna, and Stefano overhear while Orpheus laughs and yells out that death is indeed in the air...and closer then they all think. Orpheus them looks outside and sees lightning in the distance. The wind is picking up and so are the waves. Thunder can now be heard and it's starting to sprinkle as Orpheus watches in glee at what he is seeing. He then hears Marlena yell out:

    Marlena: You know...it's usually when you think things are perfect that things usually go wrong. You may think you are all powerful but your not. Far from it. That will be proven...tonight.

    Orpheus looks on, laughing, as the remaining guests in the ballroom continue to watch.

    Back on deck, Alan and Nicole have made it all the way up to the fourth level of the ship-the lookout landing. They are both stunned when Sami and Carrie appear behind them. Alan pulls his gun on Sami as a out of sorts Nicole aims at both Sami and Carrie. Sami aims her gun at Alan and tells him this ends...tonight!!!

    Meanwhile, on the second level deck, Austin is searching for Sami and Carrie and sees them up above. Austin races to the stairs and quickly moves up them. Lucas sees the women as well and follows Austin. Kate, Roman, and Eric see Lucas and Austin race off. Roman tells Kate to go back and get Kayla. They may need a doctor and he also doesn't want Kate getting hurt. Kate refuses to leave but Roman insists and begs her to cooperate. Kate reluctantly agrees and races off. Eric tells Roman they need to follow Lucas and Austin. Roman grabs him and tells him no. He has another idea but he needs Eric to follow his instructions.

    The scene shifts back to Sami and Alan, both with guns pointed at each other. Alan tells Nicole to move to the side and to keep that gun on Sami and Carrie. Nicole obliges.

    Sami: It's over, Alan. After all the suffering you...
    Alan: Suffering?! You don't know the meaning. You and your sister over there (looks at Carrie). She knows I had a tough life...my father...
    Carrie: I know, Alan. That still doesn't give you the right to do all this. I gave you another chance. I believed in you and trusted you. You treated me so wonderful. You saved me...I can't believe that was all an act.
    Sami: It sure was...and I told you...
    Carrie: I know, Sami. Your evil, Alan. You, Nicole, Orpheus...you all cost me time with my son.
    Nicole: Honey, you gave him up. We just took advantage.
    Carrie: You know...
    Sami: Don't bother. We'll deal with her. Alan, you raped my son. That is something he may never get over and now you have him and Evan. Where are they?
    Alan: How do you know I have them? Maybe young Will got lost or jumped overboard? Maybe Evan is with him?
    Sami: Cut the bull.

    Sami and Alan stand looking at each other as the tension rises.

    Alan: You don't know what I went through...after you shot me...my life was a mess. I started drinking...no one wanted to date me...I got into this fight after a few beers and I ended up in jail for assault. The guy got messed up pretty bad...all that aggression and anger I had was built up...I was in prison for 2 years before being released. I tried to get over it...move on...but I couldn't. What my father...and what you two did to me...my father is gone but you two were still here. You both needed to pay. I needed to make it appear like I changed and I knew Sami would never buy it but...Carrie...always the good one...the gullible one. You bought it...that got me in., in addition to me becoming William's best friend. With Orpheus's help, I got the ball rolling on my plans...now, tonight, I will complete my revenge. I will say I felt...glorified after getting some from your son.
    Sami (holding back tears): You bastard!!! I will shoot you right here...and, this time, I will aim for the head or the heart.
    Alan: What a relief!

    Austin and Lucas then arrive. Lucas asks Sami to give him the gun. Sami tells him to back off. This is her chance to make him pay and she isn't giving it up. Austin begs Sami to calm down. He is the only one who knows where Will and Evan is. Sami points out Nicole probably knows. Nicole shakes her head. Alan tells Nicole to keep her focus and to hold her gun on Austin, Lucas, Sami, and Carrie. Meanwhile, Eric and Roman are climbing up the safety ladder. They make their way up and find themselves right under the lookout landing. Roman tells Eric they will jump over. He grabs Alan and Eric grabs Nicole. Eric agrees.

    The storm is intensifying. The waves, thunder and lightning, wind, and rain have increased. Visibility is low. Sami and Alan have guns on each other.

    Sami: For years, I lived with what you did to me. I never got over it. I moved on but I will never forget. Now...you hurt my son, just like you hurt me, and he may suffer with those memories for the rest of his life...because of you!!! I will make you suffer for all this...even if its the last thing I do!!!

    Carrie, Austin, and Lucas try to calm Sami down as Nicole hears a noise and turns around just in time...to see Eric and Roman jump over the banister. They ambush Alan. Eric leaves Alan to Roman and lunges for Nicole. She jumps back. Eric sees Alan getting the upper hand on Roman. He goes over to help, as do Austin and Lucas. Nicole looks on, gun pointed at the men on the ground, struggling with Alan, who has dropped his gun. Sami and Carrie see Alan recover his gun as Austin, Lucas, Eric, and Roman struggle with him. Alan then yells out to Nicole to remember who knows where Evan is and orders her to help him...and to SHOOT!!!

    Alan begins to pick himself off the deck as the struggle continues. Nicole aims but has trouble pulling the trigger. Alan manages to pick up his gun. Sami sees it and aims her gun. Lightning strikes the front of the ship, starting a fire and rocking the whole ship. Nicole is sent falling forward, along with everyone else. She then accidentally pulls the trigger while Roman yells out for Sami to shoot...leading to her firing as well!!! A third gunshot soon follows leading to Carrie and Sami screaming as the smoke from the lightning strike and fire, along with the rain and wind, make it hard to see what has happened.

    Sami and Carrie recover and then race over and see Alan, Austin, Lucas, Roman, and Eric laying on each other in a pool of blood. Both women scream and then turn to see Nicole, who is shock, with her gun pointed right at the men lying on the ship's deck as the screen fades to black.


    Greta: I know what I have to do.
    Sami (crying) to Carrie: This can't be happening. It's a nightmare...it has to be.
    Caroline to Maggie: Do you want to spend what could be the last moments of your life wondering what could've been? Go find Victor. Before it's too late.
    Marlena to Orpheus: Gotcha!

  14. PhoenixRising05
    -Orpheus: My, my, Roman. You should be used to seeing people come back from the dead in this town.

    Orpheus chuckles at Roman as Roman and the rest of the guests are stunned by seeing this man’s face once again, after 20 long years. Bo can’t believe it, as Victor steps forward and asks Orpheus....

    Victor: What in God’s Name did ANY of us do to you to cause so much grief?!
    Orpheus: Ask your former son-in-law, Victor! Taking my wife’s life destroyed me. So......I made it a point of destroying his life, as well.
    Roman: So you didn’t think that blowing up my house and kidnapping Marlena wasn’t enough?!
    Orpheus: Apparently not, Roman. If it was, I wouldn’t have had as much fun ruining the lives of everyone that you hold dear.
    Stefano: (Stepping Forward) You are one.......disgusting human being.
    Orpheus: Look who’s talking. That’s real rich coming from someone who has kidnapped or murdered friends and relatives of almost everyone standing in this ballroom. And.......(Holding up a picture of Roman’s former face) who was it who changed this man’s face and turned him into one of his Pawns?! You or me?
    Stefano: Whatever I did.........I regret. I have spent 30 years of my life trying to bring Roman to his knees......and for what?
    Orpheus: Now, I guess you’re going to tell me you’ve found religion.
    Stefano: The only kind you can find in my world......and I will spend the rest of my days (Walking towards Orpheus) making you pay for everything you’ve done to me and my family.
    Orpheus: Stefano......you don’t have one clue, do you? I have spent the last 20 years amassing a monetary fortune that now rivals you, Victor and Ernesto. Business holdings, stocks, bonds, and some more.....nefarious activities have allowed me to assemble a consortium of partners from around the world.

    The guests look at Orpheus silently as Marlena, who has just been standing to the side watching with her gun in hand, quietly sneaks off to the side of the stage and out of the ballroom.

    Orpheus: And I also have secured the services of a highly trained mercenary staff that will remain loyal to me and only me. Now, question.......how can you, or Ernesto, or even Victor match up against that?
    Victor: Young man, you truly are delusional. If you honestly think that we are not prepared for anything that takes place........you are dead wrong.
    Steve: Dead being the operative word, !@#$%^&*].
    Orpheus: Well........so be it. If that is how you choose to meet your fates......who am I to disappoint?

    Orpheus walks away from the group as Hope looks over at Bo, who turns to look back at her. Cal tends to an unconscious Ernesto as Kayla comes over and helps Katherine tend to him. As Kayla bends down and begins to give medical attention to Ernesto, Katherine asks Cal what the hell is going on and who this man is. Cal explains that he is someone from Roman’s past. What’s strange, he adds, is that he remembers him too, even though he knows he never met the man before tonight. Katherine knows that it must be more of the brainwashing he went through to become Roman Brady. Cal agrees and all three then happen to turn and look at Orpheus, who is walking towards them.

    Orpheus stops and looks at the three of them, then throws a file at Cal. It lands on top of Ernesto and Cal snatches it off him before standing up to face Orpheus. Orpheus warns him to watch his temper. If he decides to become a hero, not only will everyone die, but he will never find out what is in that file. Orpheus then smiles, turns, and walks away. Katherine stands and goes over to Cal as Kayla continues her work on Ernesto. Cal opens the file and starts reading. With Katherine reading along with him, he starts to realize, very quickly, that this is everything pertaining to his past from birth up until his wedding to Katherine, including his tours in Vietnam, his rank as Captain, his work with Stefano, the doctors who performed the surgery on his face, the men who brainwashed him.........it’s all there.

    It also includes files on his family. Before he can get into that, though, Steve walks over and asks how Ernesto is doing. Cal closes the file and says that he is hanging on. Steve then asks Cal if Ernesto meant for any of this to happen. Cal says that he didn’t, but, look where everyone is. Once again, Cal reminds, most of their family and friends are stuck together, held by some madman bent on their destruction. Steve remarks that maybe he should have moved to Cleveland instead of Salem. Nutcases running around, cruise ships in the river...he just doesn’t know what he got himself into marrying into the Brady family. All three chuckle at the thought of what is going on and Steve then tells Katherine and Cal that if they get out of there, if there is anything he can do, to let him know.

    As Steve shakes Cal’s hand and walks away, Cal and Katherine look down at Kayla. Kayla looks up with a worried look on her face and then stands to tell them both that they better get him to a hospital soon......or else he won’t make it. And then, Cal says, he will lose what he feels is the only link to his past. Katherine hugs him from behind as Cal stares at the other guests and then looks down at the file on his life.

    As the scene shifts, Bo walks over to Hope and asks how she’s doing. Hope says that she is used to stuff like this. What she wants to know is how did Orpheus survive all these years? Roman had shot and killed him on the island where he held Marlena. Bo knows this and doesn’t have a clue. He looks around, trying to find a way out, and wonders how all of them are going to get out of there with Orpheus’s guards standing on the second floor, pointing weapons at them. Hope looks at Bo, places her hand on his chest, and then tells him how proud she is of him. Bo smiles and leans in, gently kissing Hope. He tells her.......anything for his Fancy Face. He just hopes that they all can survive this. This is a very dangerous game.........

    One Orpheus intends on winning. Hope stares at Orpheus, who is looking at her as well, smiling, and then she places her head on Bo’s chest as he comforts her.

    Doug looks at Bo comfort Hope and just shakes his head. When Julie walks over to him and asks him why he is doing that, Doug just says that he has spent his life doing only two things.....loving and protecting her. And how does she treat him? By lying to him about the fire that nearly killed him. He tells her that he thought she was through acting like a spoiled brat. Julie looks at Doug and tears start to stream down her cheeks as Doug tells her that the tears mean nothing to him. When Julie tries to explain, Doug turns and walks away but not before telling Julie that as far as he is concerned......

    She is dead to him. Julie breaks down completely as Maggie runs over to comfort her.

    Sami is worried about Will. Lucas tells her to calm down. They will find him. Sami sees Alan sneak off stage and exit the ballroom. She decides that she can't wait. Her son needs her and Alan could very well lead her to him. She tries to think of a way out of the ballroom with all the guards around. She then has a brainstorm. She begins to cough violently and then faints in Roman's arms. He places her on the ballroom floor to look at her. She then reaches up and says she is sorry. She grabs his gun and holds him and the rest of the ballroom guests at gunpoint.

    The armed men above aim at her but she aims at Orpheus, threatening to kill him if he doesn't let her go. He smiles and, ultimately, does and she races off to look for Alan. Nicole sees her racing off and, realizing Alan went that way earlier, follows to see what is going on. Meanwhile, one of Orpheus's armed guards radios down to him and asks if someone should go after Sami.

    Orpheus: Just let the woman go. It's most likely her last night alive, either way. Same goes for all of them. They can't go anywhere...except straight to hell!!!

    The screen then freezes on Orpheus's face and then fades to black.


    Celeste to Lexie: I can feel death in the air tonight.
    Marlena to Orpheus: You may think you are all powerful but your not. Far from it.
    Lucas to Austin: We have to find Sami before it's too late.
    Sami to Alan (both holding each other at gunpoint as Nicole watches): This ends...tonight!!!
  15. PhoenixRising05

    Clip of Orpheus pulling off his hood.


    Orpheus to Roman: Well...aren't you going to say hello to your old friend?!?!


    Orpheus: I will kill you all...with this (holds up detonator). I will blow this ship sky high!!!
    Marlena (pointing gun at Orpheus and holding another detonator): Not if I do it first with you on board.

    Clip of Orpheus turning around in shock at Marlena.


    Marlena (about to press the button on the detonator): And...down goes the ship!!


    Clip of Alan racing to the top of the cruise ship with Sami running after him.


    Sami (holding Alan at gunpoint): This time...I am aiming for your head.
    Alan: You kill me and you will never know where Will or Evan is!!


    Clip of Roman and Eric jumping over a banister and grabbing Alan as both Sami and Nicole fire their guns while a third shot is fired and the screen goes black.


    Sami (crying): NO!!!!


  16. PhoenixRising05
    As James places his hand on the MCF’s cloak, someone in the room points a gun at his head, saying cryptically....

    Marlena: I wouldn’t do that if I were you, partner.

    James, without even looking at Marlena, slowly removes his hand from the MCF and lowers his gun as well. He then takes a few steps back and wipes his face, looking at Marlena with contempt. Everyone else looks at Marlena as well, with Stefano remarking....

    Stefano: My, my, my, Roman, she is even a better Pawn for this person than you were for me.
    Roman: (Turning to face Stefano) Old man........you better keep that smart crap to yourself. The face is different but the hatred remains the same.
    Stefano: More lowly threats from a lowly man. Acting the high and mighty cop, while your WIFE is holding a gun on all of us!!
    Roman: My wife is my problem, old man! Remember that!
    Stefano: How can I or any of us forget it?! This.......psychotic woman is holding us at gunpoint with a man who loves walking around wearing a smelly CLOAK, for God’s Sakes!!

    The MCF speaks up, saying........

    MCF (via voice changer): ENOUGH!!! I’m sick of all of you, quite frankly. And, I’m sick of these games. Walking around like this bores me.

    The MCF, having manipulated the circumstances in his/her favor, walks away from the group, pausing briefly to look over at Cal, Katherine and Ernesto. Cal looks at the MCF with hatred then looks back down at Ernesto, who tugs at his shirt and quietly says to him.....

    Ernesto: I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. Really.....I didn’t.
    Cal: Well, I would think you would have learned something from what you did last year.
    Ernesto: Apparently not, Cal. (Coughing) Didn’t learn a damn thing I guess.

    Victor walks over to the three people and bends down next to Ernesto. In a surprising but very touching gesture, he takes Ernesto’s hand. He then tells him..........

    Victor: Well, my old friend. Didn’t turn out like you wanted, did it?
    Ernesto: No. I guess not.

    Both men chuckle at the thought of where everyone is and how this entire situation turned out. The MCF looks on as Ernesto grips Victor’s hand and tells him.......

    Ernesto: Thank you. For being a father........to Isabella.......before she died.
    Victor: (Pausing) The greatest time of my life, my friend. Amazing, isn’t it? We all were......young men together. You, me, Stefano.......we achieved wealth and power but why do we always learn the most important lessons when it’s too late?
    Ernesto: (Having trouble breathing) I don’t know, Victor. I have not one clue.

    Stefano walks over and looks down at Ernesto, smiling slightly. Both Katherine and Cal look at Stefano as he then leans over.....and gently kisses Ernesto on his forehead, before taking his other hand and shaking it gently. He then pats Ernesto on his chest and walks back over to the group. Victor then tells Ernesto........

    Victor: Well, if this is it, and you see Isabella.......tell her......that I said hello.
    Ernesto: I will.......old friend.

    Victor then looks at Cal and Katherine and then silently stands up, looks at Ernesto once more, and walks back over to the group. The MCF then responds, saying.......

    MCF: How touching.

    The guests stand and look at the MCF, who then says that one of his or her guests are missing. When everyone looks around, Lucas says that he doesn’t see Will. Sami and everyone else look around the ballroom but there is no sign of him or Alan, for that matter, as Eric says. Doug, Julie and everyone else look at the MCF and Bo pipes in, demanding to know what has happened to Will. The MCF tells him that Alan has taken Will to another secure location. What is about to happen is not for a young man that age.

    But, the MCF assures, he is safe. Sami takes a step towards the MCF and the MCF holds her at bay, telling her.....

    MCF: The mother lioness trying to protect her damaged cub. Sickening if you ask me.
    Lucas: Who asked you, you psychotic bastard?!
    MCF: Watch your mouth, boy!! Don’t ever think that you are man enough to deal with me, ok?
    Victor: Then, if he isn’t, maybe I and my men are.

    Just then, Nico bursts into the ballroom along with several armed men. Stefano smiles at his old friend as Victor turns to look at Stefano and then turns back to look at the MCF. One of the men walks over to the MCF and yanks his helmet off, revealing the face....

    Of Steven Johnson, who tells the MCF......

    Steve: Whose got the drop this time, !@#$%^&*]?

    Steve then turns and walks towards Victor, shaking his hand and thanking him for including him in this thing. Victor, having been joined by Stefano, Roman and Bo, tells Steve that it was his duty to see that not one other person was harmed by this person. He knows that he kept his word.....and that his dear Isabella just might be proud of him right now. Bo seems to think so, slapping Victor on his back while flashing a huge smile on his face. Roman walks over to the MCF and demands that the person release everyone on the ship, to which the MCF replies.....

    MCF: Dear, dear Roman. Do you honestly think it would be that easy? OF COURSE NOT!!!!!

    The MCF slowly reaches into their inside jacket and pulls out a device. A timing device. The MCF then tells the guests that.....

    MCF: Now, did you honestly think that any of you would get off this ship alive?! How could you sell a person short who got a cruise ship into the middle of Illinois?!

    The group reflect on that for a moment before Frankie maneuvers his way past some of the guests, trying to get closer to Marlena. The MCF’s attention is on the men standing in front of him or her as Billie and Eric see what Frankie is doing and slowly walk in front of him, shielding him from the MCF while he gets closer and closer to Marlena, who is still holding her gun towards Roman. Forrest looks on in silence, thinking to himself that maybe it would have been best to stay where he was at instead of getting mixed up with the MCF.

    At that very moment, Frankie springs up and grabs for the gun that Marlena is holding. Tony launches himself at the MCF but is grabbed by a man from behind. The guests then realize that other than Steve and Nico, the other men that he came in with work for one person...........the MCF! Frankie was successful in getting the gun away from Marlena and a huge fight now ensues with Cal jumping off of the stage onto a guard while Bo takes two huge steps and tackles another guard.

    Roman elbows the guard standing behind him in the gut while Eric takes a swing at another guard. Julie, Maggie, Caroline, Hope, Belle, Carrie, Sami, Kate, Greta, Lexie, Celeste, Cassie, Anna, Abby, Chelsea, and Kayla all back into a corner and watch this free for all as Roman, Bo, Austin, Lucas, Jack, Max, Shane, Abe, Philip, Steve, Eric, Frankie, Victor, James, Lucas, Tony, Stefano and Nico do hand-to-hand battle with the MCF’s henchmen. One of the guards is knocked towards the group of women standing in the corner and Doug gets ready to join in the fight but both Hope and Julie grab him and stop him. Doug looks at Julie and yanks his arm away from her, while Hope stares hatred at Julie for what she did. They then turn their attention back towards the brawl taking place.......

    As Kayla sees Stefano reach inside his jacket pocket, the fight continues as Roman kicks one guard in the gut while swinging a roundhouse right cross at another, connecting with his jaw and sending him flying. Bo slams another guard into the wall and then looks over to see Roman in trouble. He runs over and tackles another guard who was just about to hit Roman over the back of his head. Roman turns and faces the guard as Bo stands up. Now the brothers are instinctively standing side by side as Bo grabs the guard and holds him while Roman knocks him clean out with another right hook. As the guard falls to the ballroom floor, the brothers look at each other and then turn to rejoin the battle.

    Lucas punches a guard out while Eric and Steve fight with two other guards. Victor smashes a vase over a guard’s head as Stefano punches another guard and pulls the device out of his jacket. He screams into it........

    Stefano: NOW!!!!

    And at that very moment, men on the second floor above them reach over the balcony and point guns at everyone in the room. Shots ring out overhead as the fight dramatically stops and everyone in the huge ballroom look upward to see men in black battle gear and helmets holding everyone at bay. Victor catches his breath and walks over to Stefano and then they both shake hands. That is when everyone realizes that this latest turn of events was secretly planned by Victor and Stefano, who look at the group with huge smiles on their faces.

    But the MCF, who was not involved in the massive brawl, then pipes in once again. The person steps forward and tells the group with contempt.....

    MCF: You two old men really think that you have fooled me, right?! This is MY ship.....this is MY game.....and I call the SHOTS here, GOT IT?!?!

    The MCF then looks skyward and orders the men to take off their helmets. When they do...Stefano, Victor, Roman, Bo, Steve and the rest see that these are NOT Victor and Stefano’s men. The mood then turns grave when they all realize that the MCF has pulled his/her last greatest trick and now there is nowhere for any of them to escape to. The MCF steps forward and tells the guests.....

    MCF: All of the men that you hired are in the cargo hold right now, having been made unconscious by the sleeping gas that I released down there. (Looking at Victor and Stefano) I run this, got that?! (Looking at Roman) And now, that all of this BS is now out of the way, I think it’s time to show you all who has manipulated your petty lives for the last year.

    The MCF walks forward and stands near Roman. The MCF then removes his or her gloves. Bo, Hope, Kayla and the rest of the group are shocked by what is happening. The MCF speaks, saying.....

    MCF: I hope your medical insurance is paid up because, my dear old friend, you’re going to need it in a few moments.

    The MCF throws his or her gloves on the ballroom floor and then reaches up, grabs the front of the cloak, and rips it open. The MCF then takes one more step towards Roman and looks at him face to face. The MCF then reaches up, takes the hood of their cloak and slowly pulls it down, finally revealing who has been tormenting, blackmailing, and murdering the people of Salem for the past year.

    MCF: Well, Roman THE IDENTITY OF THE MCF REVEALED!!!........aren’t you going to welcome back.......


    Roman, Bo, Steve, Kayla, Hope, and the rest of the guests are stunned by who the MCF is as Marlena laughs wickedly. Victor and Stefano look on in absolute shock, Steve stares hatred at this person, Cal looks down at a now unconscious Ernesto and back at the MCF as the scene goes from one shocked face to another and stops on the face of the MCF, who stares hatred at Roman........

    And then the screen slowly fades to black.


  17. PhoenixRising05


    Beginning Monday July 2, Salem Lives will begin a special 3 week event entitled THE VOYAGE OF VENGEANCE. This event, on the heels of Salem Lives: VENDETTA, will focus on he aftermath of what happened during VENDETTA and will drastically change the lives of every Salemite. "It's a classic summer adventure story," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "My co-EP/HW and I put this together awhile ago as they grand finale of everything we built with VENDETTA and all of our other stories. This is the culmination of a year's worth of story. Many of these stories have been going since we began writing and we will see the big climaxes to these while new stories take shape. This event will feature a great mix of drama, intrigue, suspense, and romance. It's the biggest thing we have ever done and it's truly like a summer movie blockbuster. It starts Monday but, in many ways, this VOYAGE OF VENGEANCE has been going on since everyone boarded the boat on June 21. It's a cataclysmic event, to say the least."

    At the center of this story is a great amount of tragedy as many Salemites won't be making it back home. "It's true," sighs Lowery. "We have such a large cast and we have been trying to write for everyone but, at the same time, when that happens you tend to miss some story beats at times so we really need to scale down and focus on who we feel needs to be involved right now. Some major character will be leaving us in the days and weeks ahead and this exodus could continue even into 2008. We have some big things planned and alot of it is story-dictated so it won't be forced at all but we do feel it's necessary to make cuts." As for who is getting cut, Lowery is mum. "The fans will have to wait and see. We will address the cuts and state of matters as we go along but we don't want to spoil anything. We just want the fans to enjoy this epic event because it is one hell of a ride."




    George Delhoyo (Orpheus): As fans learned on the Friday June 29 episode, Orpheus is the mysterious MCF that has been terrorizing Salem for months. Delhoyo was added to the contract cast but no word yet on how long his stay is intended to last.


    -Orpheus is finally face to face with his enemies.
    -Sami gets a chance at revenge.
    -Alan takes a stand.
    -Nicole and Carrie fall apart.
    -Cal begins to get answers.
    -Marlena gets the upper hand.
    -Chaos erupts on the cruise ship.



    Will SL's Bo and Hope (Peter Reckell and Kristian Alfonso) get caught in the crossfire on the cruise ship?


    NEXT WEEK: Several Salem couples share some magic moments. Two dramatic love confessions take place. Several Salemites meet their maker.
  18. PhoenixRising05



    EPISODES: 11 (TWO WEEK HIATUS FROM 6/4/07-6/15/07)

    1.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-11
    *Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-11
    *Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-11
    *Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-11
    *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-11
    *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-11
    *Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-11
    *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-11
    *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-11
    *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-11
    *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-11
    *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-11
    13.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-10
    *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-10
    *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-10
    16.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-9
    *Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-9
    *Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-9
    *Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-9
    *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-9
    21.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-8
    *Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-8
    *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-8
    *Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-8
    *John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-8
    *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-8
    *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine C. Harcourt)-8
    *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-8
    *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-8
    *Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-8
    31.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-7
    *James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-7
    *Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-7
    *Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-7
    *Roscoe Born (James McClure)-7
    *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-7
    *Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-7
    *LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-7
    *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-7
    *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-7
    *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-7
    *Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-7
    43.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-3
    44.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-2
    *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-2
    46.) George Delhoyo (Orpheus)-1



    Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)
    James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)
    Ron Leath (Henderson)
    Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)
    Arloa Reton (Joelle)
    Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)
    Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)
    Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)
    Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)

    TOTAL 2007 RANKINGS (AS OF 6/30/07)

    PREEMPTIONS: January 1, January 2, January 9 (make up episode posted on Jan. 13.), June 4-June 15, 2007 (2 week hiatus)

    Episodes: 118

    Days: 16

    New Year's Day (January 3-8, 2007)
    January 9-January 23, 2007
    January 24-January 30, 2007
    January 31-February 12, 2007
    February 13-February 20, 2007
    February 21-March 2, 2007
    March 5-March 13, 2007
    March 14-March 27, 2007
    March 28-April 3, 2007
    April 4-April 10, 2007
    April 11-April 19, 2007
    April 20-April 27, 2007
    April 30-May 9, 2007
    May 10-May 21, 2007
    May 22-June 21, 2007
    June 22-

    1.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-77

    2.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-72

    3.) Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-69

    4.) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-68

    5.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-66

    6.) Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-65

    7.) Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-63

    *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-63

    *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-63

    10.) Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-59

    11.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-58

    *Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-56

    *Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-56

    *Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-56

    15.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-55

    16.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-54

    *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-54

    *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-54

    19.) Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-50

    *Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-50

    21.) Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-48

    *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-48

    23.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-45

    24.) Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-43

    *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-43

    26.) Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-42

    *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-42

    28.) Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-39

    29.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-38

    *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-38

    31.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-37

    *Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-37

    *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-37

    34.) Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-36

    35.) Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-35

    36.) Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-34

    37.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-32

    38.) Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-29

    *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-29

    40.) Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-26

    41.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-25

    42.) Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-16 =Last aired on 2/26/07

    *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-16=Last aired on 2/26/07

    44.) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-15

    *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-15

    46.) Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-15

    47.) Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-14

    *LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-14

    49.) Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-13

    50.) Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-12=Last aired on 2/26/07

    *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-12=Last aired on 2/26/07

    52.) Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-10

    *Ron Leath (Henderson)-10

    *Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-10

    55.) Billy Ray Cyrus (Jed Montana)-8=Last aired on 5/2/07

    56.) Martina McBride (Nora Montana)-4=Last aired on 5/2/07

    *James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)-4

    58.) Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-3

    *Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton)-3=Last aired on 4/9/07

    60.) Arloa Reton (Joelle)-2

    *Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)-2

    *Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *David Tom (Jeremy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Pamela Roylance (Sandy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Alli Brown (Sarah Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Jean Bruce Scott (Jessica Blake Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Scott Palmer (Joshua Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Stephen Schnetzer (Steven Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Justin Hartley (Spencer Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Michael Leon (Pete Jannings)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Jed Allen (Don Craig)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Kale Browne (Bill Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Larry Bryggman (Tommy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Blake Berris (Nick Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Franc Ross (Rev. Frank Stewart)-2=last aired on 5/2/07

    77.) George Delhoyo (Orpheus)-1

  19. PhoenixRising05





    1.) Tishy (343 pts)
    2.) daysfan (303 pts)


    PRIZES: The second place finisher will have the chance to see a character written into the blog in their honor this July. This will be minor role, however, with little input allowed from the second place finisher, which is daysfan in this case. The first place winner will have the chance to have a character written into the blog in their honor and they will have a HUGE amount of input. This character will be written in for at least 6 weeks and could be made a long-term character if the character takes off with fans.

    Here were the final Vendetta trivia questions just in case anyone was interested:

    1.) What was the MCF's first official crime (Hint: It took place in 2006, not in 2007)?
    2.) Name 3 of the MCF's most notable crimes and those he or she targeted.
    3.) Who are the MCF's assiatants (both willing and unwilling)?
    4.) What was the MCF's lair until recently?
    5.) When approximately did the MCF make his or her first appearance on Salem Lives?
    6.) True or False: The MCF has used hi-tech gadgets and spy gear to complete his or her missions.
    7.) Name 3 of the important clues you acquired as a Vendetta game player and how you think they are important to the identity of the MCF.
    8.) Name 3 clues or hints you picked up on from some of the Vendetta clips or just regular episodes of Salem Lives. How are they important in your mind to the identity of the MCF?
    9.) Is the MCF male or female?
    10.) Who is the MCF?

    Tishy and daysfan...I will be sending you each a personal PM by Monday to discuss your prizes and to tell you each specifically what you got right and wrong and so on. If the both of you or any other player has any questions about the clues or any other part of this event, please send a PM and we will happily assist you. Thanks and congrats to both Tishy and daysfan once again!!

  20. PhoenixRising05
    James: You.......disgusting bastard.

    That is all James can say upon learning that the MCF was the one who murdered his entire family in a night of unholy terror. Tears stream down his face in anger and sorrow as it sinks in. James stares at the MCF and says to this person...

    James: After everything I have done for you......you repay that by killing the people that I love?
    MCF (via voice changer): I don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Your family was nothing to me. Why would I kill them?
    James: Because you are one sick !@#$%^&*], that’s why. You have been playing God with these people’s lives for the past year, all with my help. And then you do this.
    MCF: Get off your moralistic high horse, my friend. You did what a good soldier does. Period.
    James: A good soldier?! Putting these people through hell?! I need to have my head examined for ever listening to you. All the pain I have went through.....you caused.
    MCF: I did not kill your family.
    James: Oh, give that crap to someone who hasn’t seen you operate for the past year. All that crap you did with Marlena Evans.......

    Marlena stands just off to the side, smiling from ear to ear....

    James: And now I’m supposed to believe you. Bullshit!
    MCF: Look here. (Walking towards James) You are getting way out of line. You better remember who I am before you join the others in their fate.
    James: Save that horseshit! You can keep the threats. (Pulling a Gun) Oh, I see I now have your attention.
    MCF: Put......that gun down, sir.
    James: Oh, now I’m ‘Sir’. Amazing what a firearm can do to change the tone of a discussion.
    MCF: Yes. It certainly can.

    James holds the gun up and points it directly at the MCF, demanding that....

    James: You either tell me the truth about what happened to my family that night or I’m going postal in this place.
    MCF: As crude as ever. No wonder I had to kill those people you called family.

    James is shocked and beyond angry. His hand is shaking as he holds the gun at the MCF.

    James: I knew something.....but not this. I ought to kill you right here and now.
    Roman: No, James. Don’t become the scum that he is.
    James: Roman, your family is still here. I have nightmares about what I saw that night. And you just want me to let him walk away from that?
    Roman: Yes, James. I do. I know what it’s like to feel so much pain and hatred from the death of a loved one that it will drive you crazy. But.....you have to be bigger than the pain, James.
    Marlena: (Stepping out from the back) Well, well, well. I thought I was the doc in this relationship.

    Marlena points a gun at Roman as Doug, Julie, Maggie, Caroline, Bo, Hope, Belle, Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, Will, Kate, Eric, Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, Max, Shane, Abe, Lexie, Celeste, Stefano, Cassie, Victor, Philip, Tony, Anna, Kayla, Abby, Chelsea, and Forest all look on with Nicole watching from the back of the ballroom. Steve, Alan, James, and Ernesto are still onstage. All of them look on in amazement.

    Julie tries to call out to Marlena but she is told to shut up. Marlena also says that her name is Samantha and if anyone else calls her by that horrible name again.....it will be the last thing they ever do. Cal and Katherine look over at Marlena as they tend to Ernesto. Sami also tries to take a step toward her mother but Marlena points the gun at her as well and tells her that she is the last person who should try and get through to her. She still does remember all the times that Sami called her a whore and a slut. Nothing will ever make her forget that.

    Sami tells her that it is all in the past. Marlena tells her “Like hell it is.” She reminds Sami of everything she’s been through after that crap on the island over a year ago. So, she tells Sami, no need to play the daughter act with her. That is dead and gone. Doug pulls Julie to the side while this exchange is going on and tells Julie that he can’t believe the woman that he fell in love with and married would do what she did. Julie is crying now, telling Doug that she thought it was the best thing for everyone at the time. She reaches out her hand to Doug, who jerks his arm back and tells Julie that he doesn’t know if he can ever look at her with anything but contempt from now on. Doug then walks back over to the group, leaving Julie to cry her eyes out at what she has done....

    And what it has cost her.

    As everyone watches on, Ernesto reaches up and grabs Cal’s shirt, telling him......

    Ernesto: You have....to get your bride and yourself out of here.
    Cal: We’ll split when we can get you to a doctor, ok?
    Ernesto: Even........after all.....these years, still the cop, aye?
    Cal: Well, I guess so. (Pausing) Why did you get involved with this nutcase anyway?
    Ernesto: All in due time. And now, just do what I say, and leave here......now.
    Cal: No. No matter what crimes you have done, even you don’t deserve this. (Looking at Katherine) Right?
    Katherine: Right, as always.

    Katherine smiles at Cal as he asks her to help him take Ernesto to a huge table in the ballroom. As Eric rushes over to help Cal carry Ernesto, Roman and Bo, along with the rest of the guests, try to get through to Marlena......

    Roman: You can’t do this, lady.
    Marlena: Call me Samantha. I know you always had the hots for my sister. Now you have the best of both worlds. (Turning to the MCF) You know, that was my favorite Star Trek: TNG episode.
    MCF: You know, you really are nuts.
    Marlena: Thanks for the compliment, boss.
    Bo: Boss? You mean that you have been working for this !@#$%^&*] all this time?!
    Marlena: Bo, Bo. Don’t be so nasty. This person washed my back.....so to speak, and I washed theirs. Just a simple business transaction.
    Roman: Then you must know how dangerous this person is, Doc.
    Roman: Ok, ok. Samantha. I so sorry.
    Marlena: The only true words you’ve said today.

    James, still holding the gun, steps over towards the group and stands next to Bo, Roman and Steve. James tells the MCF.....

    James: You know, I’m sick of this crap. This has went on long enough. After what you did to my family, I think the least that can happen......is for these people to finally find out who you really are.
    MCF: You wouldn’t do that. You’re a loyal soldier.
    James: I haven’t been loyal to anyone since I got back from Vietnam. My family......my precious family, were the only ones who I ever cared about......and loved. And they accepted me for who I was. And you (Crying) destroyed all of that. So now (Pointing the gun at the MCF) since you stripped me of everything.........it’s time for me.......to return the favor!

    James calmly walks over and reaches up to the MCF’s hood. The MCF has no choice but to stand there and watch James slowly reach for the hood and prepare to yank it of.......

    As everyone in the ballroom looks on in terrified shock. As James says.......

    James: Well, time to reveal.....the puppet master........

    The scene goes to quick shots of everyone in the room and then stops on the MCF............

    As the scene suddenly goes black.


  21. PhoenixRising05
    -Cal, Katherine, Doug, Julie, Maggie, Caroline, Bo, Hope, Belle, Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, Will, Kate, Eric, Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, Max, Shane, Abe, Lexie, Celeste, Stefano, Cassie, Victor, Philip, Tony, Anna, Kayla, Abby, Chelsea, and Forest all look on with Marlena watching backstage and Nicole watching from the back of the ballroom. Steve, Alan, James, and Ernesto are still on stage as the MCF laughs and says to Stefano:

    MCF (via voice changer): Wow...that cold stare has me shaking in my boots.
    Stefano: Don't mock me.
    MCF: Oh, come on. Why such tension?
    Stefano: You shot me!!! You left me in a coma for weeks. You led Alexandra on a wild goose chase and ambushed her in Milan. You attacked her in my own home country. You imprisoned her...you also imprisoned my son, Tony.
    MCF: Oh, come now, Stefano. You don't give a damn about Tony. He isn't even your son. He's Enrico's with Daphne. You only call him your son to suit whatever purpose you have at the time.
    Stefano: I will not have you making such ludicrous statements.
    MCF: It's the truth. You know it.
    Cassie (whispering): So, that is why he didn't seem so desperate to find Tony at first. But, that means I am not his granddaughter by blood. He seems to treat me well...
    Stefano: Tony, don't listen to this person. Whoever it is, don't worry. He or she is speaking nonsense.
    Tony: I know, father. You wouldn't lie to me. You told me years ago that you have and always will think of me as your son.
    Stefano: That won't change. I assure you.
    MCF: Touching. Cassie! One of my lovely forced assistants. (gently touches Cassie's neck)
    Stefano: Get your hands off her. You have done enough to my family. I will have your head!!
    MCF: Calm yourself. Cassie and I are good friends. Aren't we?
    Cassie: You...
    MCF: We started off rough. You see, I set her up so that her little secret came out. She had made it appear like Abigail Deveraux pushed her down the hospital stairs, thereby causing her to miscarry her baby with Max. She manipulated Max and guilted him into staying with her and turning against Abby. She even blackmailed Chelsea by using the fact that Chelsea murdered her rapists. I set Cassie up and had Max walk in on her watching the security camera footage of her fall down the hospital staircase. She had wanted Chelsea to steal it so I made it very accessible for her to steal. I tricked Chelsea into leaving Cassie's room and made sure Max walked in on Cassie watching the tape. She lost everything, making her vulnerable to doing my bidding. She wanted revenge on Max, Abby, and Chelsea so I met with her and asked her to do me a favor. One that would help me and herself. Tell them, Cassie.
    Cassie: I...
    MCF: Oh, you want me to? How giving!
    Cassie: No!!
    MCF: You see, everyone. The lovely Cassie aided my men and I in kidnapping Abby Deveraux and Chelsea Brady. I needed to distract Jack and Billie a bit so, with Cassie's help, I had their daughters kidnapped. Cassie was nice enough to drug the girls and cover our tracks as my men entered the Deveraux home and nabbed them.
    Max: You did what? I knew it. I knew you were acting real guilty that night!
    Jack: You helped them kidnap my daughter!
    Billie: I can't believe this!!
    Abby: Just when I thought you couldn't go any lower, you do this. Cassie, you truly are a Dimera.
    Cassie: I...
    Stefano: Cassie, is this true?
    Cassie: Yes. The cloaked person threatened you and our family, grandfather. You were in a coma. I didn't have a choice.
    Stefano: If I wasn't shot and in a coma...
    Cassie: It's ok.
    MCF: Gotta love you Dimera's.
    Stefano: Shutup!
    MCF: You really act like the caring father. Bravo!
    Stefano: I love my children.
    MCF: Yeah...but only when they are what you want them to be. They must be true Dimera's.
    Stefano: What the hell are you talking about? I would do anything for my children no matter...
    MCF: Now that is bull. If that was the case, how did your Alexandra lose Theo? Your one of the most powerful men in the world and you can't make sure your daughter wins a custody case? Sounds to me like you wanted to ensure loyalty from your daughter. She had turned her back on your family once after losing the child she believed to be hers. You knew the only way to get her fully back into the family and to remain loyal would be to turn her against all of Salem. Isn't that why you hired Tek to seduce her and break up her marriage to Abe? That set up the custody issue so perfectly. Poor Alexandra watched all of her friends in Salem support Abe because they wanted to keep Theo out of the Dimera's clutches. You knew this was pushing her toward you and you twisted the knife. Then, you lied to her and said you tried to influence the judge with threats and bribes but he balked when, in reality, you did nothing, Stefano. You made it seem like she lost Theo because of Abe, Celeste, and all of her friends in Salem. You and the Dimera's were all she had and she needed you to help get Theo back and that turned her to the dark side, if you will. Caring father...HA!! Not you. Not a father that manipulates his own children.
    Lexie: Father, is this true?
    Stefano: Alexandra...I...
    Lexie: Oh my...you did. (Lexie slaps Stefano) How could you?!
    Stefano: I'm sorry. I...
    Lexie: No!! You don't get to speak. Not now.

    Lexie turns and walks away from Stefano. Celeste looks at Abe and smiles. He smiles back, realizing this may turn Lexie against her father and the Dimera's for good.

    MCF: Ok. Enough of this. I'm bored with this group. Let me see who else I can have fun with.

    The MCF looks around. Hope and Chelsea both panic, wondering if the MCF will come back to them and reveal their secret. The MCF then looks at Cal and Katherine.

    MCF: Ah!! The newlyweds. How is life treating you?
    Katherine: Go to hell!
    MCF: Aww...is that any way to talk to the person who can give your husband the answers he seeks? I know the truth, Cal. I know all about your past, just like I said in the invitation you received to come here.

    Cal is stunned.

    -Back in Salem, at the Horton house, Kim is drinking tea with Alice. She thanks Alice for letting her stay with her. She had no place to go and the police made her leave the harbor. She is so worried about their loved ones. Alice says they just need to have faith that it will all work out. Kim says she has a horrible feeling that they may have seen many of their beloved love ones for the last time. Alice tells Kim she did right by calling the police as soon as the ship left. Kim hopes it wasn't too late.

    Alice looks at Tom's picture, remembering the awful feeling she had earlier that something bad was going to happen. She prays that Tom and all of heaven's angels will look down on their loved ones at sea and bring them home safe and sound. Kim then joins hands with Alice and says that the people they love need all the prayers they can get. They both then close their eyes and continue praying as the scene shifts back to...

    The cruise ship, where Cal asks:

    Cal: You know the truth? Your bluffing.
    MCF: I do. Ernesto, come here!

    Ernesto walks off stage and down to the MCF.

    MCF: Give me that file.
    Ernesto: Wait, no. Per the terms of our partnership, you vowed not to reveal this.
    MCF: I changed my mind.
    Ernesto: You can't...
    MCF: The partnership is off, Ernesto. Things change.
    Ernesto: Wait, you can't...
    MCF: You know, I was going to let you have your revenge on your enemies, just like my other assistants. I like you, Ernie. However, you are getting on my nerves right now. It's simply good business and I think you and I need to go our separate ways now. I have had a change of heart.
    Ernesto: You used me! You used all of us. You appeased us by allowing our enemies on board to make it look like you were sincere. Damnit...you played even the people that were on your side. The people that helped you pull this off.
    MCF: Your usefulness has reached it's limit. You no longer have anything I need.
    Ernesto: Wait a sec...

    The MCF then points his or her gun at Ernesto and shoots him. Ernesto falls to the ground. Everyone in the ballroom is stunned. The MCF laughs and says there is plenty more where that came from if everyone doesn't behave.

    Cal and Katherine look on. Cal tells Katherine to tend to Ernesto. He may be a bad man but he may have the answers to his past. He tells Katherine that Ernesto seemed really worried that the MCF would tell him about his past. Ernesto appeared in his memories. It has to mean something. Katherine agrees and goes over with Cal to Ernesto. They begin to tend to the wound and put pressure on it. Katherine is aided by Kayla, who says she took an oath to save lives regardless of who the person is. Kayla says that Ernesto is losing a lot of blood.

    The MCF watches and says that this scene is truly touching but it's time to move on. James then comes forward off stage.

    James: Wait, how do I know you won't screw me over like you just did Ernesto? I mean, he was your partner.
    MCF (looking at Alan): Have I screwed you over?
    Alan: Nope. I am pretty happy.
    MCF: See?
    James: Yeah. Big deal. Alan is getting his revenge and what he wants but I have yet to get anything. My family was murdered and you promised me...
    MCF: Revenge. Yes, I know. You will have it.
    James: Seeing as how you just betrayed Ernesto, I can't trust you. Also, the fact that you have mentioned everything tonight but the night my family was murdered tells me that you are hiding something.
    MCF: Do you want to be shot, too?
    James: I just want answers. I want to know why you are steering clear of mentioning my family's murder tonight? You said Marlena did it so why not mention it? You talked of everything else.
    MCF: Well, there was no point in mentioning it and...
    Marlena: Oh, please. Don't try to avoid the issue again. Just tell them all the truth. Tell James the truth.

    Marlena then appears, aiming a gun at the MCF.

    Roman: Doc...
    Sami: Mom...
    Belle: Mom...
    MCF: Marlena!! Truly a sight for sore eyes!
    Marlena: I'm not Marlena. I'm Samantha. Also, save your BS for someone else. You betrayed me. We had an agreement. I help you and you help me. You set me up the night of the Chez Rouge fire. You fed me to the police and I ended up locked in a psych ward for weeks!!
    MCF: Well, I look at it as me sending you on a vacation. I mean, you got some nice peace and...
    Marlena: Shut up. I'm not crazy!
    MCF: Well, you have taken on the name of your dead sister.
    Marlena: Ugh...I should've known you would betray me in the beginning.
    MCF: Oh, come now. I helped rescue you from that volcano last summer after you fell. Ernesto saw you fall on that ledge and he and I came back and got you. We nursed you back to health.
    Ernesto (weak from his wound): That's bull. You...and me used hypnosis on her. We took advantage of what Andre, Wendell, and the Dimera's did before us. They had messed with Marlena's mind to have her...recall all the bad times in her life over and over again. They twisted everything in her mind, taking her to a dark place. She was still like that when we got a hold of her. I used my hypnosis talents while you used ISA psychological techniques to get her...under your control. Too bad we pushed her to a psychotic break. She became a loose cannon. You thought that she could be controlled. That was the plan. We were going to use her as a key piece of our plan but she went over the edge. That is...why we had no choice but to set her up and have her get captured and put in that psych ward. We needed her out of the way or else she would ruin everything. We put her through hell and put ourselves in the predicament we...got into with her.
    Kayla: Well, you both had to know that was coming. Her mind can only take so much and it went through a lot in a short period of time with the brainwashing and hypnosis from Tek, Wendell and Andre, and then from you two.
    Ernesto: Yes. She went off the deep end and multiple personalities was the result. She became a loose cannon, as I said.
    Katherine: And her sister represents one of the darkest things ever to happen in her life so, based on the fact that the brainwashing and hypnosis was emphasizing the negative in her life and manipulating it to mold her into what you two wanted her to be, it's no wonder she took on that persona.
    Marlena: ENOUGH!! I am not crazy and stop rehashing all this!! Now...back on topic. Come on, oh great cloaked one. Tell James. What are you afraid of? For months, you strut around like you are invincible so what has changed?
    MCF: I have nothing to tell.
    Marlena: STOP LYING!!! You glossed over this topic all night. You obviously have something to hide. Think about it, James. You and I spent time together. What purpose would I have to kill your family? I wasn't afraid of the police or anyone else. They couldn't catch me until the cloaked one over there set me up.
    James: Well, you did say one time that you would do whatever it takes...
    Marlena: Yes but I had no reason to kill your family. They were more of a threat to the cloaked one and Ernesto then me. If they went down, I would still be around and kicking and I could still do what I planned to do. They had more to lose, James. They had more motive. We all know Ernesto wasn't here at that time so that leaves our beloved boss over there.
    James: Alright. Fine. (looks at MCF) I want the truth. I have had my suspicions, especially lately, that you were the one that brutally killed my family and that you used that to keep me on board to do your bidding. You didn't manipulate my emotions, did you? I mean, losing my family...I want to avenge them and you know that. You could use that as a way to get me to help you with your enemies. You didn't do that, did you? I want the truth. Did you do that? Did you kill my family and manipulate me like that?
    MCF: Of course not.
    Marlena: LIAR!!! Julie and Mags over there already tried to frame me for arson.

    Doug coldly looks at Maggie and Julie.

    Marlena: I will not continue to be framed for this. Tell James and everyone in this room the truth. Tell them that you killed James's family and used that to manipulate him. You made him hellbent on revenge against the PD, Jack and Billie...practically all of Salem. Tell him, damnit!!
    MCF: I will shoot you!!
    Marlena: I have a gun too. You may have guards all around but killing you will be worth me dying. Tell the damn truth. You did it. Tell him.
    James: Is it true? Did you kill them?

    The MCF is silent.

    James (with tears in his eyes): You did, didn't you? I should've known. It was all right in front of me. How could I....damnit!! You did it...you gutted my family like fish and then you manipulated me!!! YOU COLD BLOODED MONSTER!!!

    The MCF looks on silently. Everyone in the ballroom is stunned and looks on while Marlena, still holding her gun, shows a devilish grin as the screen slowly fades to black.


    James to MCF: After everything I have done for you......you repay that by killing the people that I love?
    Ernesto to Cal: You have....to get your bride and yourself out of here.
    James to MCF: Well, time to reveal.....the puppet master........
  22. PhoenixRising05

    A small group of the MCF's guards arrive outside the ballroom and watch the happenings insider.

    Guard #1: Looks like things are rather tense in there. I should radio in and see what we are to do next.

    The guard radios in and the MCF picks up on the message in his or her earpiece.

    MCF (whispering via voice changer): Yes?
    Guard #1: My team and I are outside. Everything is a go with the explosives. You ok?
    MCF: Yes. Just have a few loose ends to tie up. I will let you know when I need your services. Just stay put nearby for now. Gold leader out.
    Guard #1: Ok. We are to wait for further instructions from the boss.
    Guard #2: So, is the boss taking that cloak off tonight?
    Guard #1: Yes. I think so.
    Guard #3: Finally we get to see who we have been dealing with.
    Guard #1: It won't make a difference. Whoever this is, they are truly hellbent on revenge and have so much anger inside them. There is no telling how far they will go. Hell, we have already seen it. I have a feeling we haven't truly seen the extent of what this person is capable of.
    Guard #2: Then God help this person's enemies and anyone else whoever crosses the great cloaked one.

    The scene then shifts to the MCF in the ballroom as the following voiceover is heard:


    The scene then fades into...

  23. PhoenixRising05
    -The MCF tells Roman that it's not quite time for the reveal of his or her identity yet as Cal, Katherine, Doug, Julie, Maggie, Caroline, Bo, Hope, Belle, Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, Will, Kate, Eric, Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, Max, Shane, Abe, Lexie, Celeste, Stefano, Cassie, Victor, Philip, Tony, Anna, Kayla, Abby, Chelsea, and Forest all look on with Marlena watching backstage and Nicole watching from the back of the ballroom. Steve, Alan, James, and Ernesto are still on stage. The MCF says he or she still has much more to reveal and discuss with them and it's all been so much fun so far.

    Marlena (backstage, rolling her eyes): Yeah. It's been a barrel of laughs.

    The MCF looks around and stares at Steve.

    MCF (via voice changer): Well, your beloved wife already revealed to everyone the terms of our partnership so there is no sense in me repeating what she, I'm sure, so eloquently said to the masses here. All I will add is how well-behaved you were, Steven. Well, until recently.
    Steve: Shutup. If it weren't for my loved ones, I wouldn't have ever...
    MCF: Yes. I am well aware. You want to protect them and want your memory back and yada yada yada...too bad you are getting none of that.
    Steve: We had a deal!
    MCF: Oh, come on now. You lost your memory, not your brain. You had to know this was coming. Besides, I could have forced you into this even by simply making threats. It was just fun to throw in the fact that I could help you regain your memory. It gave you a glimmer of hope for me to crush on this very day.
    Steve: I will kill...

    Kayla races on stage and holds Steve back, taking him off the stage and down with the others in the ballroom. Kayla tells Steve it's ok. He is a victim, just like the rest of them.

    The MCF wishes to move on and tries to remember where he or she left off. The MCF remembers not talking about the night after Carrie gave birth and Alan raped Will and tells the crowd that it may be wise to leave that alone at the moment as there are more fun topics to broach. James looks on, wondering why the MCF keeps skipping over the night of his family's murder. Marlena looks on backstage, laughing at the MCF and commenting on what a coward he or she is.

    The MCF then looks over at Doug, Julie, and Maggie. The three of them are standing together.

    MCF: Ah...nothing like a few Horton's to brighten up the room. Salem's beloved family. Pillars of the community. Well-respected...HA!! If all of Salem only knew, they would not know what hit them.

    The MCF walks behind Maggie and whispers into her ear.

    MCF: All secrets have a way of coming out, my dear. You know what you did. It's eating away at you. Come forward. Your all going to die tonight, anyway. Say it. Absolve yourself. Rid yourself of the guilt.
    Maggie (shaking, as tears stream down her face): Shutup!! Please!!!
    MCF: Hmm...you see, ladies and gentlemen...I don't know if you quite remember that infamous night at the end of February. The night popular Salem establishment, Chez Rouge, went up in smoke. After a few days, it was concluded that the ever so nutty, Dr. Marlena Evans, had started the fire.

    Marlena coldly looks on from backstage.

    MCF: Well, your ever so thorough Salem PD screwed up on the job again. You see, they questioned two beloved citizens who normally would be able to be trusted. However, in this circumstance, they couldn't be. With the help of one Victor Kiriakis, these two women concocted a scheme to pin the fire on Marlena, who was not to blame. Marlena was already committed to the psych ward and couldn't speak for herself so it was all too easy. I should say that one of the women, the one who set the fire, did not want to do this. The guilt has eaten away at her for weeks. She was unconscious at the time due to smoke inhalation and other injuries. Her memory was quite fuzzy at first so the other woman and Victor were better able to convince her that she didn't do it. She soon remembered and they forced her into agreeing to the plan to pin it on Marlena. You see, the woman that set the fire had a bad night that night. She was convinced that the man she had fallen for, so soon after her beloved husband's death, had betrayed her with his ex-wife. This woman was the delightful Nicole Walker-Brady and the man was Victor Kiriakis. The woman believed they had slept together but didn't realize it was a trick set up by Victor to push her away. He feared for her life due to me, the great cloaked one, being around and due to his business dealings. The woman ran off to Chez Rouge, where she spent the night getting hammered as her loved ones searched for her. The next morning, her partner in crime found her and she had gotten so drunk that she lashed out at the world and set fire to the restaurant by tossing down a candle in anger. She fell and knocked herself out as she tried to leave. This fire endangered many lives, as you all know, and ended up leaving beloved Doug Williams in a coma for weeks.
    Roman: What is the point to this?
    Maggie (fighting back tears and whispering): Victor and Nicole didn't sleep together? Oh my...he did it to try to protect me. He does love me.
    Eric: That is what Nicole was hiding and what Victor wanted in exchange for his help with getting her a job at Titan and custody of Evan. It makes so much sense now...
    MCF: The point is...Marlena didn't do it. This all started because a certain someone learned of Victor being alive and went to find him. She felt like she had to or else her beloved aunt would never get closure. She was able to track Victor down outside of Salem and persuaded him to return so he could either break it off with her aunt or stay with her. Of course, she tried to convince him to break up with her aunt out of fear for her safety following the shootout on New Year's.
    Doug: Wait...aunt? Two women...the candle...Chez Rouge...Julie, you were the first one that showed up at Chez Rouge that morning. You saw the fire start and, from what I hear, you and Maggie were who the PD questioned. You two told them you saw Marlena exiting the restaurant.
    MCF: I can assure you, Mr. Williams, Marlena was never inside. Marlena was at the restaurant as I set her up to be caught that night. I had to get rid of her, you see. Whatever the case, she didn't start that fire.
    Doug: Oh my...
    Maggie (In tears after hearing all this): I DID IT!!! I STARTED THE FIRE!!! NOT MARLENA!! ME!!!
    MCF: I knew you would break.
    Doug: Wait, that means the other woman...the one that went and found Victor and brought him back here...the one that helped cover up the fire that nearly killed me...my God, no!!
    Julie (fighting back tears): Doug...I...
    Doug: I told you!! We had a deal. You were not to deal with Victor anymore. You were not to deal with his relationship with Maggie anymore but you did. You convinced him to return here and helped set all this mess in motion by having him return to give closure to him and Maggie. The whole ordeal led to the fire and me being in a coma!! YOUR OWN HUSBAND!! I NEARLY DIED AND YOU HELPED COVER THE CRIME UP!!
    Julie: It was for the sake of the family...the Horton name. It was for Maggie.
    Victor: Doug...
    Doug: Stay out of this!!!
    Victor: Lose the jealousy.
    Doug: Lose the ego, Victor. Yes, I know you and Julie had a brief relationship but that has nothing to do with this.
    Victor: Hmm...I beg to differ.
    Doug: I want you out of our lives. You are a cancer and this proves it.
    Julie: Doug...
    Doug: I know Marlena isn't herself and did a lot of things but she was innocent. God, I can't even look at you and Maggie right now.
    Maggie: Doug...
    Julie: You have to believe me!! I never wanted this. It...happened. I was protecting Maggie. She fell off the wagon after Victor was presumed dead and needed me. The family needed to protect it's good name and...
    Doug: I can't even look at you!! I can't hear this right now!!
    Julie: Doug!! Damnit!! (looks at the MCF) Why do you want us to suffer?
    MCF: Well, dear. Your not my enemy. Ernesto wanted to target you.
    Ernesto: You screwed up my illusion back on the island after the Loretta sank. Hope and you interfered in my plans and, as a result, I had to take you both hostage and Hope ended up going in the cage. Of course, Hope offered herself for your life. You see, I resent the fact that you got off scott-free. Hope was switched with Greta. Both Hope and Greta were scarred. I was left scarred in that explosion and was in a coma for years. You should've been in that cage too with Hope. Actually, moreso you rather then Hope. You were Victor's current trophy girl at the time. You two cared for each other then and one of my regrets was not forcing you into that cage just to make him suffer. In a way, I am making up for that now. However, I just want revenge on my enemies and you happened to be one of them by association that infamous night on the island. The night that left me in misery for years. You must pay and tonight you are and the others will soon too.
    MCF: I am grateful you all are here, even if you aren't my enemies. You can witness how this grand scheme came together and how truly gifted I am as a mastermind (Ernesto rolls his eyes as Marlena says backstage she is ready to vomit). However, I did make a deal with my assistants up there (looks at James, Alan, and Ernesto) and I did promise them they would have their revenge so that is just as big a role in this as any.

    A pleased MCF is ready to move on and tells everyone to shutup. The MCF warns that this all is only the beginning. Hope then calls out to the MCF and asks him or her how heartless they can be. Lives are being destroyed and he or she is treating this like a party game. The MCF snickers and says it is.

    MCF (gently touching Hope's face): Ah...Fancy Face. (whispering in her ear) You have a little secret too.

    Hope realizes the MCF knows about Chelsea being her daughter and not Bo and Billie's. She panics. Bo gets upset and tells the MCF to get his or her hand off his wife. The MCF sarcastically recalls how Bo has been pushing his wife away and doesn't seem to care about her lately...or anyone for that matter. The MCF then remarks on how Bo is a shell of his former shelf. He is isolating himself from everyone.

    MCF: What's the matter? Big, bad Bo Brady learned he got some action from his own uncle and now he isn't so bad anymore.
    Bo: You bastard!! (punches MCF)
    MCF: I could very well be a woman, you know!! Shouldn't be hitting a woman.
    Bo: I don't care. Are you ok? What did this monster say to you?
    MCF: Yes, Hope. What did I say?
    Hope: It's just mind games, Bo.
    MCF: Hmm...perhaps Chelsea can elaborate.

    Chelsea panics as Hope gives her a knowing stare. Chelsea knows from Hope's look alone that the MCF is trying to get them to admit their secret.

    Chelsea: Uhh...No.
    MCF (gets up and circles around Chelsea like a vulture): Oh, come on. I'm sure you can.
    Chelsea: No...
    MCF: Well, I suppose we could move on to your other secret then. The one concerning the vile act you committed. Of course, you had ample reason to perform this act but so many of your loved ones were accused and could've been arrested. Lucky for you, our esteemed Salem PD dropped the ball again.
    Chelsea: What are you...
    MCF: Oh come on, Chelsea. I know you have grown up so much with all you have been through. The car accident Abigail and you were in forced you to mature but this act was committed before that. You still need to account for it and what time is better then now? Your going to die on this ship. It doesn't matter. Just tell all of your loved ones. Tell everyone here since this is turning into a Midnight Confessions themed party anyway. Come on, just do it.
    Chelsea (as tears stream down her face): Why are you doing this? Just back off, ok!!
    MCF: No!!

    The MCF aims his or her gun at Chelsea.

    MCF: Say it. Recall Jason and Barry. The two guys that hurt you so much last summer. You hated them, Chelsea. They raped you, Chelsea. Both of them. They beat you...you wanted revenge. They nearly killed you...you took action. Action that you got away with...until now. Tell them...look at your loved ones and tell them what you did to Jason and Barry.
    Chelsea: Why...
    MCF: Do it or I start shooting up that dysfunctional family of yours (points gun at Billie, Kate, Hope, and Bo).

    Chelsea then breaks down in tears as Abby comforts her and is joined by Kate and Billie, who calls the MCF a monster.

    MCF: Can it, Nancy Drew. Now, let's not stop the fun. It's time to continue on with the misery. Who's up next? Ah, yes. The Dimera's (looks at Stefano, Cassie, Tony, Anna, Lexie, Abe, and Celeste).

    The MCF and Stefano then engage in a stare-down as the screen freezes on a split screen of Stefano and the MCF and then fades to black.


    Kim to Alice: I'm worried. I am worried we may have seen so many of our loved ones for the last time.
    Stefano to MCF: I will make you pay!!
    James to MCF: I want to know why you are steering clear of mentioning my family's murder?
    Marlena: Yes. Why are you, oh great cloaked one?
  24. PhoenixRising05

    Some of the MCF and Ernesto's guards are in the cargo hold. They move the crate of explosives that Marlena was fascinated with earlier, revealing a few more crates of explosives.

    Guard #1: The cloaked one wants these set up on the bottom floor and evenly spead out along that floor.
    Guard#2 and #3: Very good.

    The guards began to move the crates out of the cargo hold.

    The scene then shifts to a little later. The guards are lining explosives under a porthole. They are duct taping them to the ship's wall.

    Guard #1: That's the last set. The whole bottom floor is wired to blow. All that is left is to strike the match.
    Guard #2: Let's also remember the boss can always set all this off with the detonator remote. That will ignite the lead explosive and set off the rest.
    Guard #1: Yes. Everything is in order. Let me just radio up. Gold leader to the cloak!! Gold leader to the cloak!!

    The MCF is in the ballroom, facing everyone, when he or she hears something coming in on his or her ear piece radio. The MCF turns away from the crowd and whispers:

    MCF (via voice changer): Yes?
    Guard #1: It's all set, per your instruction. Once you let us know or detonate the system using your remote, you will blow so many holes in this ship it will sink like a rock.
    MCF: Good...so, I trust everything is in order?
    Guard #1: Yes.
    MCF: Very well. I will be in touch.

    Guard #1 puts down his receiver as the MCF snickers under his cloak and whispers:

    MCF: The end is near...for my enemies and the many others on this ship.

    The MCF laughs as the screen fades to black and then into...

  25. PhoenixRising05
    -The MCF laughs and tells everyone in attendance in the cruise ship ballroom, via his or her voice changer, that it's time to begin this evening's program. The MCF says he or she will now reveal the truth behind his or her first few months in Salem including how he or she appeared for the first time in Salem at the Halloween Ball and watched several Salemites from the shadows. The MCF also reveals his or her involvement in the explosion at Sami's apartment and proclaims that as his or her first official act of vengeance. The MCF notes that they all must know that already since Jack, Billie, and their merry band of detectives discovered surveilance tapes of some of his or her early appearances. The MCF commends them on their superb investigative work. Jack coldly looks at the MCF, who snickers.

    The MCF moves on to explain how he or she effortlessly made it appear he was both a Kiriakis and Dimera lackey at the New Year's Eve ball. Stefano and Victor both fume with anger, saying no one interferes in their business let alone someone like him or her. The MCF laughs and explains how easy it was. The MCF then reveals how he or she was the real person who shot Roman. He knew Bo was asked by Victor to do it and that part of his and Roman's undercover operation with the ISA was to fake it so the MCF interfered and shot Roman for real. It made it appear like Bo did it and it gave the MCF time to escape, even though he was seen by Maggie, Jack, and Billie and nearly caught.

    Bo can't believe that is what happened. He thought things went wrong somehow and wondered if Victor had switched the blanks in his gun with real bullets. Victor says he had no reason to do such a thing. He assumed at that point that Bo was on the up and up. Roman reminds Bo he was wearing a vest. The MCF reveals he had a special type of bullet in his or her gun, designed by the ISA to pierce said bulletproof vests. Roman wonders who the hell he or she is.

    The MCF goes on to mention the happenings at the warehouse a short time after. Bo was on the run and so was Victor due to the shootout and Roman having been shot. The MCF admits that he or she found out their whereabouts and he or she was the one that called the police and Hope. The MCF knew that calling Hope would also drag Caroline into this, along with Maggie. The MCF had hopes that all hell would break loose and it would be a bloodbath, thereby getting rid of so many of his or her enemies. Caroline can't believe they were all manipulated like that. Hope says she knew the person who called her was laying a trap. She never thought about this a lot because of everything going on. Once the MCF became a popular name around Salem's parts, she figured he or she was behind the interference that day. The MCF laughs and then says he or she knew that the explosion of Victor's limo was nothing more then a ruse so Victor could get away. It was too easy.

    Victor wonders how he or she knows so much. The MCF says that all will be known in due time. He or she still has much more to reveal. The MCF then says that the fun is about to begin as he or she says it's time to move on to the night where he or she upped the ante on his or her plans and began to lay the groundwork to this very day. Everything was child's play until this point. Almost like warning shots, even though someone could've very well died, which wouldn't have bothered him or her. Whatever the case, the MCF moves on to talk about a night of new life and great suffering...one that was followed by a night of mass murder that shocked Salem. James watches and realizes the MCF is speaking of his family's murder. Marlena watches as well, wondering if the MCF will actually admit the truth with James right there.

    The MCF explains how they all already know the truth behind Carrie giving up her beautiful child. The MCF explains how easy it was to run interference. He or she just stopped Alan's car and took the baby and made sure Eric and Nicole found it at Green Mountain. The MCF explains that was not the initial plan but it's funny how so much of Salem played into his or her hands. Their lies, deceptions, actions...all made his or her plans easier. He or she then jumps into the future and explains how he or she used Nicole's desire to keep Evan to get her under his or her control in the event that he or she needed her, like when he or she asked Nicole to deliver a letter to someone. Nicole would also be the scapegoat if the truth did come out. Nicole is angry from afar but the MCF laughs, saying that would have been unlikely. Besides, the original plan was to have the whole Evan debacle revealed so that it would aid on luring everyone to the ship, just like it did tonight.

    The MCF adds how shocked he or she is that it all worked out so wonderfully. So much of this was based on whether they would all come of their own accord and so many of them did. Some were forced but that was the clear minority. The MCF then looks at Kate, saying she is another example. Her pathetic interference in her children's lives reared it's ugly head again. He or she knew it would so he or she relied on that to help his or her plans. The MCF reveals how he or she called Kate and made sure she saw Carrie holding Evan at Salem Place. He or she put Kate on the right track and Kate put the pieces together via DNA testing and found out the truth about baby Evan. The MCF adds that the truth couldn't come out yet so he or she made sure that Kate would keep her mouth shut by threatening her family. Nicole would keep an eye on her and Carrie, who soon learned the truth herself. The MCF reiterates he or she wasn't ready for the truth yet to come out so he or she threatened that Carrie would never see Evan again and threatened her family. Crisis averted.

    The MCF laughs about the wedding of Carrie and Austin, saying how much fun it was seeing Carrie tortured with that secret and beginning her marriage with a lie. Carrie lunges for the MCF but Austin holds her back, saying she put herself in that position and has no one to blame but herself. Carrie looks down in shame. The MCF says Austin is right. So much of Salem left the door open for him or her to manipulate them and use them all to his or her advantage. It was truly pathetic. The MCF says that wedding wasn't all fun. He or she was nearly caught and needed to jump over a balcony. The MCF looks at Kate and thanks her for being his or her shield that night. The MCF mentions regretting the loss of his or her beloved lair in the warehouse but would rather have given up that then getting caught and having everything ruined.

    The MCF looks at Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta and calls them royal pain in the asses but pain in the asses he or she had to count on. The MCF needed people on the trail of his or her plans. It was all part of the game to help lure them all to this lovely ship. It also allowed him or her to toy with them all. The MCF does admit that they came too close a few times to the truth but he or she had James on their trail, although he was hard to keep in line at times. Billie mentioned the night in the warehouse they were nearly torched to death. The MCF says that was James and Alan. James wanted revenge on them for their part in his family's death. The MCF mentions how JJ and Angel worked with Jack and Billie on the case and had seen the MCF with Marlena, James, and Alan. They put Jack, Billie, and the others hot on his or her trail, which the MCF had wanted but not at that moment. James says that his family died because of the police, Jack and Billie and their whole investigation, and also at Marlena's hand. The MCF adds that James was and still is in a lot of pain. Billie apologizes but it's too late according to James.

    The MCF quickly moves on as Marlena laughs from a distance, saying she knew the MCF wouldn't say a word about who really killed James's family. The MCF says it's time to go back to the night Carrie had her child. The MCF knows they all now know about Alan and Will's unplanned tryst. Sami tells him or her to go to hell. The MCF admits he or she was quite appalled but realized the situation would work to his or her advantage and it did. It helped get them all to the ship on this night and any suffering that is brought on the Brady's is good for him.

    Roman: Why is that? So much of what you did focuses on my family. On the Brady's. Why do you hate the Brady's? Why do you hate all of us in this room?
    Ernesto (coming forward on stage): Let's remember, Roman, that I am also involved in this and that this room is filled with a combination of my enemies and the enemies of our esteemed cloaked friend here. Some in this room are enemies I and the cloaked one share in common.

    Roman looks at the MCF.

    Roman: Why not take off that damn cloak? I mean, it has to be hot under there. It's summer, for heaven's sake. LOOK AT US!!! LOOKS AT YOUR ENEMIES!!! THE PEOPLE YOU TORTURED FOR SO LONG!! LOOK AT US....FACE TO FACE!!! DAMNIT!!! ENOUGH OF THE GAMES AND THEATRICS!! WE'VE WAITED LONG ENOUGH!

    The MCF turns away.

    Roman: The time has come for the truth. For all of us to learn who has terrorized us for all this time.

    The MCF laughs as Nicole watches from the back of the ballroom and Marlena watches from behind stage as James, Alan, Ernesto, and Steve watch from on stage. Cal, Katherine, Doug, Julie, Maggie, Caroline, Bo, Hope, Roman, Belle, Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, Will, Kate, Eric, Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, Max, Shane, Abe, Lexie, Celeste, Stefano, Cassie, Victor, Philip, Tony, Anna, Kayla, Abby, Chelsea, and Forest all are in the room and look at the MCF as he or she continues to laugh and the screen fades to black.


    MCF to Bo: What's the matter? Big, bad Bo Brady learned he got some from the uncle and now he isn't so bad anymore.
    Bo to MCF: You bastard (punches MCF).
    Julie to Doug: You have to believe me!! I never wanted this.
    Doug to Julie: I can't even look at you!!
    MCF to Chelsea: Why don't you tell them what a cold hearted monster you really are?
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