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Blog Entries posted by PhoenixRising05

  1. PhoenixRising05




    Q: I see you opened a poll regarding the current Steve and Hope story. What was the reasoning behind that and what effect will that have on story?

    A: The reasoning was that my partner and I decided to gauge reader and fan reaction due in large part to the fact that we are dealing with two supercouples here. We don't want to do anything out of character or that causes outrage to the point where readers and fans are turned off to us or feel offended. We take risks and we are all for drama and story first. If we see compelling story, we tell it, even if it means putting the readers and fans through out or is a big risk. Sami's "death" in the summer is an example of that. We already have a story in mind and a plan in place. This is more or less a way of helping us with execution of the story and how we want what is planned portrayed.

    Q: How did the idea for the Halloween/Michael Myers story come about?

    A: That is a better question for my partner. Ask him that next week after the event. I will just say it's original, creative, and a nice change of pace story-wise. It's a good way of celebrating the holiday on SL and it is also helping us move story forward so it works on all counts.

    Q: What is going on with the episode lengths? They have been quite long this week.

    A: Due to time constraints, the episodes had to be longer. We apologize to our loyal fans and readers and thank them for their support. Next week should be a bit better as a whole. Between the Halloween event and sweeps, we just had no choice if we were going to stay on course. When situations like this present themselves, our goal is to make the episode so entertaining that the episode doesn't feel long or that the length is hardly noticed. We hope we did that this week. We understand the frustration. We always strive for quality first but do know that we listen to reader and fan concerns and things will be better.

    Q: Where are the sweeps previews?

    A: Next week's Insider will have them along with a special announcement on a big event in November and some other features coming the readers way.

    Q: Are there any cast comings and goings on the way? It's been pretty quiet on that front of late.

    A: Yes, it has. It feels great to have stability since most of our first year and a half was filled with comings and goings. We feel our cast now is what we have envisioned for awhile now. There are a few tricks up our sleeve, kind of like Liz's return earlier this month. Fans and readers need to keep looking out because we won't announce everything but do know that some exciting things are coming.






    Last Friday, Salem Lives began a 6 episode event to coincide with Halloween entitled "The Night of Terror." The heavily promoted story was revealed on Friday to be centered around the mass murdering maniac from the highly popular Halloween movie franchise, Micheal Myers. "The story will engulf our whole canvas and it's one of the most gripping, edge of your seat stories we have ever done," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "This is not just a stunt. It will move story as well and the intensity and drama this story presents is like nothing we have ever done. This is indeed a departure for us as we have never done something with the creepy, slasher-like vibe this story has. I want to give kudos to my partner who came up with this unique idea and for crafting such a wonderful story around it. We hope readers will enjoy it and that this will leave them wanting more."

    The event is so big that the set was closed, thereby forbidding any teasers or spoilers from leaking out. "It was necessary," Lowery states. "A story of this magnitude needs to be kept in a state of unpredictability and suspense and keeping readers in the dark is the best way to do that. We also didn't put out anything regarding next week or November sweeps so readers can't look ahead and get a clue of what happens this week. It just helps the overall feel and impact of the story."

    Look for more on this event and how it came out in next week's Insider.


    We recently had time to sit down and ask Charles Shaughnessy (ex-Shane, Days/SL) three questions on how he’s doing since leaving SL, what he thinks of it right now, and how he feels about being on the outside looking in right now.

    SALEM LIVES INSIDER: Good to see you again. Your exit in August came as a surprise. How did it come about?

    CHARLES SHAUGHNESSY: Well, it wasn't a shock because they brought me back on recurring in June of 2006 when the new writing team stepped in. Then, I left for a bit and returned for the duration of my stint in late August. I was recurring the entire time but I felt contract. I worked alot and they kept roping me into things, for which I am happy. I was just shocked at the time. I also never expected them to bring Patsy (Pease, ex-Kimberly) back for that long of a run. Once they did, I began to think there was more to this and she did as well. We had a blast and I wasn't upset when we both were told our stints were finished. We had more work then we ever could've dreamed of having and it was fun. The door is open for a comeback and the exit we were given was wonderful. The whole experience was fantastic all around and Patsy felt the same.

    SLI: What is your opinion on SL right now?

    CS: The same as it was while I was there. I just feel the intensity level of the show is great. It's edge of your seat but true to character and history. It is realistic and I think that is the proper way to be. Everything that happens has a reaction or effect. It's all mapped out and, as an actor, you appreciate that rather then regimes that constantly change their minds. SL is a joy to be a part of and to follow.

    SLI: Would you ever come back? Have you been approached?

    CS: When I left Days after my second stint in 2002, I didn't think I would go back. SL was such a great experience that I would love to return. It was a pleasure and there was mutual respect there. I have not been approached but we keep in touch and I think it will happen at some point. We'll see but I'm game on my end.

    SLI: Thanks so much, Charles. We do appreciate it.

    CS: Sure. Good day to you.
  2. PhoenixRising05
    ANNOUNCER: This Week........

    On Salem Lives......

    Quick scenes of Michael busting through a glass door and walking slowly down a dark hallway.

    The Most Terrifying Mass Murderer On Record...........

    Clips of Hope screaming, Roman brandishing a gun, and Stefano taking aim.

    Hits Town. Witness..........

    Bo: What Kind Of Monster Is He?!
    Marlena: Please God......Help Us.

    The Night HE Came To Salem!

    This Week........Only On....

  3. PhoenixRising05


    The evening of October 30th started like any other in the City of Salem, Ilinois. This was especially true for the Salem Police Department, as Abe sits at his desk reading reports form the previous day. As he sifts through the papers, a representative from the D.A.’s Office walks in, throwing a leather bound file on his desk in front of him and telling him........

    Rep: You better read this, Commissioner. This person comes up for review this evening and, if it is granted, he will be transported to a maximum security prison tomorrow.
    Abe: (Slowly looking up) And good morning to you too. Thank you so much for almost knocking over my coffee.
    Rep: The D.A. wants to know what you intend to do about it.
    Abe: Tell the D.A. that all of our officers will be forever vigilant, ok? If, and that’s a big if, the prisoner is transferred, they won’t come anywhere near Salem, alright?
    Rep: (Leaning forward on his desk) You better hope not, Commissioner. Because if that happens........
    Abe: (Leaning forward) First of all, get off my desk.

    The rep stands up slowly........

    Abe: And second, I just told you what is happening. I don’t need some tight-ass coming in here telling me my job, especially when she was sucking her thumb when I was busting Stefano DiMera and Victor Kiriakis. Now.........there’s the see through door. See your way out of it.

    The Representative slowly turns and walks to the door but, before she walks out, she turns and tells Abe......

    Rep: I hope you’re right, sir. Because God help us all if you’re wrong.

    The rep.walks out, leaving Abe to lean back in his chair. He looks at the folder and, after reading the name on it, sighs deeply. He then opens it slowly, puts on his reading glasses, and starts reading, as the scene dissolves to..........


    Salem D.A., Patricia Cromwell, is on the phone.........

    Patricia: What?! Oh dear God, no. Are you serious?! Whose bright ass idea was this?! (After a pause) Well, we all better be on the ball tomorrow. God help us if this one escapes.

    She hangs up the phone and stands up, walking to the window and looking out onto the city of Salem, and thinks to herself.....

    Patricia: God........pray for us. Pray for us all.

    The scene then slowly fades to black on her worried face.


    The next morning, Hope is helping JT with his breakfast. Bo walks into the house and walks over to Hope, kissing her on the cheek and kissing JT on the head while also messing up his hair. He walks around to the couch and sits down, asking Hope.....

    Bo: So........how is my family doing today?
    Hope: We are doing fine. How are you doing, Bo?
    Bo: Ok. The therapy sessions are going good. Starting to........make some connections. Haven’t felt this well in a while.
    Hope: That’s good, Bo. I didn’t think you would go, to be honest with you.
    Bo: Well, it was too important. The doctor that Victor put me in touch with is really good. I didn’t know he cared so much.
    Hope: You know, even with this war he is fighting, which I hate.......

    Bo rolls his eyes..........

    Hope: Victor really loves you a lot, Bo. Even I can see that. He has ever since he found out you were his son.
    Bo: I know. I know. Just wish all this battling was over, you know? Get some damn peace back into our lives. So I can.........spend time with my favorite girl and my favorite guy. (pats JT lightly on the head)
    Hope: Well, you will always be my favorite cop, Brady. Never forget that, ok?
    Bo: You bet.

    Bo leans in and gently kisses Hope, as she places her hand on his cheek. They then look lovingly at each other, as the scene dissolves into........


    Marlena is putting things back in her office and hanging pictures on her wall. As she turns to get another picture, a nurse comes in and welcomes her back, saying that it’s good to see her. Marlena smiles as she goes to hug the nurse, saying that it’s good to be back. But.........all she’s doing is putting some stuff back in her office. She still has some things to work out before she starts telling other people how to live.

    A man walks in with flowers and tells her he wishes he would have listened to her earlier. Marlena looks to see that it is Roman, as the nurse looks at both of them and then excuses herself. After the nurse leaves, Roman walks over to Marlena and tells her how sorry he is for the fight they had the other night and knows that last night isn't going to make up for anything. Marlena turns silently and walks back over to her desk, picking up a picture and silently placing it on the wall. Roman wants Marlena to please listen to him but she turns and says........

    Marlena: You are in NO PLACE to make demands, Roman.
    Roman: I know, Doc. I know........I was just saying.........
    Marlena: You just want me to overlook how much of an !@#$%^&*] you’ve been lately. I won’t do that. Sami’s dead, Eric’s dead, Carrie is overseas with our grandchild, Belle is still trying to put her life back together after what happened with that jackass Philip........and here you are, playing supercop. Oh, I’m sorry...........FORMER supercop.
    Roman: Ok. Bout sums it up, I guess. Look, can we at least call a truce? Just for today?
    Marlena: (After a pause) Well...........it is Halloween. Maybe we can.........do what we used to.
    Roman: You mean.........go trick or treating?
    Marlena: Yeah, I guess. That used to be fun. Especially when the kids were small.
    Roman: Sure was........before so much changed. So..........can I look forward to picking you up tonight?
    Marlena: (After another pause) Sure, Roman. Why not.

    Roman runs over real quick, hands Marlena the flowers he was holding, gives her a quick kiss on the lips, and rushes off, telling her he’ll see her tonight right before he runs out the door. Marlena smiles after he leaves and the nurse walks back in. Marlena asks her to get her a vase to put these flowers in. The nurse smiles and leaves to find a vase as Marlena holds the flowers close to her and smiles as she smells the wonderful scent. The scene then dissolves to.........


    A judge is about to make a decision in the courtroom......

    Judge: It is the opinion of this court that the prisoner be remanded to the Joliet State Prison, to stay there.........until the day of their death. And...........

    May God Almighty Himself have mercy on your soul.

    The judge hits the gavel and the prisoner is led out of the courtroom slowly. As the prisoner walks past Patricia., who is sitting in attendance, she picks up her cell phone and calls Abe. When he answers, she tells him that the prisoner is being transferred. Abe sighs deeply, telling her that she better call her friends statewide and let them know what is going on. She agrees and then hangs up the phone.

    As she walks out of the courtroom, the scene switches back to the cop shop, where Abe walks out of his office and tells one of his officers to get Bo Brady on the phone. The officer obeys and runs off to call Bo. Abe then thinks to himself that if the meeting went wrong........

    He knows only God can help them then.


    The scene then dissolves into nighttime, where kids are being taken up and down the streets of Salem trick or treating as the skies are slowly getting darker. Steve and Kayla walk down the street, watching the parents and kids having a great time on the Eve Of All Saints. Steve holds Kayla in his arms, saying how great it is to be home for a day like Halloween. Kayla smiles but then asks him if he still plans to get involved with that Orpheus/Stefano/Victor business now that he is home.

    Steve stops her, telling her that he’ll do what he has to do. Period. Sometimes, good people have to do bad things to get the right outcome, he tells her. So, no need for her to worry. Kayla says she won’t and the scene pans upward over the beautiful streets and, when the scene pans back down, the prisoner that was in court earlier that day is now headed to their new destination.


    The men who are transferring this person speak amongst themselves, with one saying.........

    Officer 1: Damn. I could be at home right now. Another Halloween without taking my kids out.
    Officer 2: Man, don’t worry about it. We won’t be long. All we have to do is drop this cat off and head back home, alright?
    O1: Easy for you to say. You don’t have kids.
    O2: Oh, so now I have to have kids in order to speak my mind, huh?
    O1: Just speed it up, ok? Having this prisoner in here gives me the creeps.
    O2: Well, finally.........something we agree on.

    As the men talk, they don’t know that the prisoner has broken the restraints that were binding their hands and, as the men look out into the night........

    The prisoner springs forward, smashing their right hand through the protective glass shielding. Both men scream out in horror as the officer in the passenger seat reaches for his gun. The prisoner backhands him, shattering his jaw and knocking him unconscious as his head smashes through the glass window.

    Then..........the prisoner turns his attention to the driver..........

    The scene comes up from over a nearby ravine as the car is now driving across all the lanes of the road. The car then hits a guardrail and tumbles end over end downward, coming to a rest near a huge tree as it smashes into it. After a few moments, one person climbs out of the destroyed car. The person stands, looks at the car, then turns.........

    And slowly walks away and makes their way back to the street. It is..........the prisoner, who is removing the last of the restraints that binded them. Then, after walking about 400 yards, they past a sign..........that simply says........

    Salem: 5 miles.

    The prisoner stops, looks up at the sign, then turns back to look ahead at the city of Salem........

    And then continues to walk slowly down the road.

    The scene then fades to the...


    Bo has just hung up the phone talking with Abe. He walks back into the main study and walks over to Roman and Victor. He turns and tells Roman that there may be a problem. When Roman asks what it is, Bo tells him that a special prisoner that he recommended putting away almost 30 years ago is being transferred to a maximum security prison in southern Illinois.

    Roman looks at Bo with shock. He walks past Bo, telling him and Victor that Abe and him thought they were doing the right thing. He hopes no one is hurt by this maniac. When Victor asks him who they’re referring to, Bo says apparently............a serious nut job. Victor asks if there is anything he could do, like call the Governor or the Attorney General. They both owe him many times over. Roman says for right now, he thinks they need to bring Abe over and get on the phones and hope that this prisoner made it safely to their destination..........

    Before it’s too late. Bo gets back on the phone to call Abe as Roman picks up his cell phone to make some calls. Victor calls Nico in, giving him orders on how to proceed this evening.

    The scene then fades into.........


    Lucas is at the door, handing out candy. He smiles as he gives the kids their treats and wishes them a good night as they leave. He watches them walk into the night and then closes the door, walking back into the living room to see Maggie helping Alice with her famous cookies. Lucas says he is glad to be helping them out as it's taking his mind off his problems. He sits down, saying that he hates he missed out on all of this growing up. Alice tells him it wasn’t his fault. Lucas says he knows. He then says that if he didn’t have a mother who was so damn selfish, he could have spent his life with his real family.

    He says he hates the fact he didn’t grow up a true Horton. Maggie tells him that he shouldn’t blame anyone for that. It was just fate, the same way it was fate to find out he is a part of this family. And always will be. Hope walks in agreeing with Maggie, saying that she has always loved him, no matter what. She then walks over and gives him a kiss on the cheek, making Lucas blush. He then says quietly to Hope that he saw some pictures of her from some years ago and.........wow. She’s was just as beautiful then as she is now. Hope smiles, wondering if Lucas wants to be kissing cousins.

    Lucas blushes again, saying that he needs to get some candy from the kitchen, which makes all the women laugh out loud.

    Hope then gets a phone call and tells the person she will be right there. Hope then says she has to go. JT forgot something for his costume. Hope kisses Alice and Maggie and tells them to say goodbye to Lucas for her. She tells them she may be back later and wishes them luck with the trick or treaters. Hope then gets into her car outside and calls Bo, telling him that she is on her way home right now to get something for JT and then she will be all his. Bo smiles, saying that he will see her soon. They tell each other their I love yous and, as Hope hangs up the phone, starts her car, and drives away, the scene pans upward into the crisp night sky.........

    And back down into a service station on the main road to Salem.


    The older station has two attendants, one sitting in the shop, the other working on a car in the garage area. The attendant inside has a radio turned to the police band frequency and hears a report about two missing officers who were transporting a prisoner to another prison when they lost contact with headquarters. As the police continue on the radio, the attendant goes out into the garage and tells his co-worker........

    Attendant 1: Aye, two cops are missing. And some prisoner has escaped. Maybe we should lock up and go home for the night.
    Attendant 2: We will........as soon as I replace this radiator.
    A1: Man, that can wait until tomorrow.
    A2: I know it can...........but I want to get it done so I can start on that lady’s transmission tomorrow. That’s an all day job, friend.
    A1: No [!@#$%^&*]. Look..........I just don’t like being out here this far from Salem with some escaped convict missing.
    A2: Damn........OK!! Ok........if it makes you feel better, I’ll finish up here and I can drop you off on my way home. Now.........does that remove your panties from your ass?
    A1: Sure does. And hurry up............I want to see my lady tonight.

    To himself, the second attendant says.........

    A2: Chasing after some ass is more important than your job, huh? !@#$%^&*].

    As the first attendant walks back into the shop, he notices that there is no sound coming from it. He steps slowly into the shop, looking around, and walks slowly over to the radio. What he sees makes his eyes grow wide with shock as he looks down at the radio.........

    And sees it completely destroyed. It looks like someone hit it with a baseball bat several times because there is nothing left of it. He slowly walks backwards from the radio, looking around to see if anyone is in the shop. He starts to then turn around and, when he does.......

    He comes face to face with the prisoner. The attendant tries to scream out but the prisoner grabs him by the throat, squeezes around his wind pipe with a vice-like grip, and crushes his larynx. The prisoner then puts one hand under his chin, another on top of his head........and jerks his head sideways, snapping his neck in two pieces. The attendant’s eyes are still open as the prisoner drops the dead man to the floor and then turns their head to look into the garage........

    The second attendant is still working on the car and, after looking for a tool that he needs, decides to slide out from under the car. As he does.........he stands up, looks around, and sees his wrench laying on a small table in the corner. As he walks over to it, he hears something fall off to his left. He looks over........and sees that one of the tool boxes fell over. He goes over to pick up the tools. As he bends down, he picks up a socket and places it in the toolbox but, when he picks up another socket......

    He is grabbed by the back of the neck. He is stood up and turned around. He is struggling to free himself but can’t get away. The prisoner has now grabbed him by his throat and the shocked and terrified attendant is now being carried by his throat towards the front of the car. Once he is there, the prisoner looks at the begging man, looks at the car hood, lifts it up, and then slowly places the man’s upper torso on top of the engine. And then, with incredible speed and unbelievable strength.......

    He smashes the hood of the car down on the attendant several times until blood is pouring down on the ground under the car. The prisoner then slams the car hood down on the attendant once more and leaves it there. He then looks throughout the garage for some other clothes to change into. After 20 minutes have past, the prisoner walks out into the lot and sees a car sitting in front of the station. The prisoner slowly walks over to the car, gets in..........and pulls down the sun visor, where a set of keys falls out. The prisoner chuckles once and starts the car. The prisoner then slowly drives off into the cold, crisp night and the scene then dissolves into...........


    Hope is driving through the winding street in the Salem countryside. As she drives by, a car that was sitting on the side of the road starts up, and Hope looks into her rear view mirror to see the car. She continues to drive as the car pulls out onto the street and gets behind her. The car slowly follows Hope as she drives and she keeps looking in her mirror to see what the other driver is doing. Hope then looks down and picks up her phone, calling Bo. When he answers, Hope says that someone is following her closely. She tells Bo she is getting worried to which he responds for her to tell him where she is.

    When Hope begins to tell him, the driver speeds up and slams into the back of her car. Hope lunges forward, hitting her head on the steering wheel, and dropping her cell phone on the floor. Bo calls out but Hope can’t pick up the phone as the driver slams into her car once again. Hope then puts both hands on the wheel and speeds up, trying to get away from the crazed driver. The driver, though, speeds up as well and pulls along side Hope’s car. The driver then jerks the car to the left, smashing into Hope’s car once again. Bo is now screaming into the phone but Hope can’t respond as she fights for her life against this maniac, who then jerks the car to the left again, slamming hard into Hope’s car.

    Hope, with her forehead bleeding, manages to roll down her window. She then jerks her car to the right, slamming into the other driver’s car. She does it once again, with the same result. The cell phone goes dead as Hope then looks over to the other car and the driver rolls down the window. Hope looks at the driver and her eyes grow wide with terror as she stares at the driver.............

    And the driver turns their head very slowly
    (FACE OF PRISONER/DRIVER) as the terrifying scene freeze frames on the driver’s face.........

    And then suddenly goes black!


  4. PhoenixRising05



    Nico walks into the living room and tells Victor that all their men are in position. Victor is pleased and tells Nico to keep him updated on any happenings with Stefano and if they locate Orpheus. He tells Nico they must strike soon. They just need to wait for the right opportunity. Victor admits things will be interesting now with Orpheus being Stefano's son. He admits being curious as to how they will both handle that. Nico agrees it will be interesting. Henderson then walks in and tells Victor the surprise for Mrs. Horton is all ready. Victor smiles and says good. Maggie will be very surprised when she gets home.


    Bo opens the door and lets Kayla in with JT. Bo thanks her for picking him up as he wasn't sure he would make it out of work to get him. He asks JT how school was. JT says good and then goes running upstairs. Kayla says it was no problem and asks if there is any word. Bo shakes his head, saying his contacts have nothing. Just then, Hope and Steve come through the door and an overjoyed Bo and Kayla embrace their spouses and then Hope and Kayla and Steve and Bo embrace.

    Bo asks where they have been. Hope apologizes to Bo for running off again. Steve interjects and says he got another lead on his missing years and wanted to make a move on it before Stefano was hot on his trail. He brought Tony with him to help but Hope wanted in too. Steve reminds Bo of how stubborn Hope is. Bo says he knows but says he can't help wondering if there is more to this. This is the second time they ran off and only left a note behind and, this time, they didn't even contact them to let them know they were ok.

    Hope apologizes, saying everything happened so fast and they wanted to be careful not to tip Stefano off. Bo tells Hope and Steve he doesn't want them taking off like this anymore. Next time, he is going with them. It's too dangerous. Kayla agrees, telling Steve they are a team and are in this together. Hope and Steve agree and promise not to run off anymore, at least without talking to them first in person. Bo and Kayla are pleased. Bo asks if they found anything. Hope is about to answer when Steve interrupts, shaking his head and saying the trail was cold. Stefano must have gotten rid of any evidence that proved he was in some of these places.

    Bo asks where they went. Hope says they checked out some more Dimera lairs and tunnels in the Midwest and on west coast. She tells Bo he would be surprised to see how many secret hideaways Stefano has. Bo says he doubts he would and says he is just happy to see them both. Kayla agrees, begging them both not to leave like that ever again. Hope and Steve embrace their spouses again and assure them they won't as they longingly glance at each other.


    Elizabeth, Jack, and Alex are finishing their lunch as Jack looks over an article Alex wrote. Jack tells Alex that he is fantastic. Alex thinks he is just saying that to get him to like him. Jack tells him that isn't it. He tells Alex he is a great writer and would make a fine reporter or, even, author. Alex says he hopes Jack is right. He loves to write. Elizabeth tells Jack it's all Alex ever seems to do as he never had much of a social life. Jack says that clearly practice made perfect because Alex's writing skills are at the pro level. Alex is pleased to hear that and says he has more writings in the car. He tells Elizabeth he is going to go get them and says he will be like back.

    After Alex leaves, Elizabeth asks Jack if everything is ok. Jack nods and says it is. Elizabeth admits that she can tell something is wrong and could see it from the moment he showed up today. She tells him she always could tell when he was upset or bothered by something. Jack tells Elizabeth she really does know him. Elizabeth smiles. Jack says he is still having problems with Billie. Elizabeth asks if she is still on her kick about her trying to break him and Billie up. Jack nods, saying that she is adamant.

    At that moment, Billie walks in and sees Jack and Elizabeth. She sneaks over to a booth, not wanting to disturb them or to be seen. Elizabeth tells Jack she would never do what Billie is accusing her of. She admits to Jack she does still love him and always will. He owns a special place in her heart and that will never change. She then goes on to say that she would never scheme to tear him and Billie, or any other woman, apart. She tells Jack that she knows whatever happened between them is in the past and she would never want to risk hurting him or his family, or even Alex.

    Elizabeth asks if Jack believes her. After a few moments, Jack says he does. He's known her for too long and he can see she means what she is saying. He tells her he is relieved to hear her say what she just said. He just wishes Billie could and that she would believe it. Alex then returns and, as Jack turns slightly around, he notices that Billie is there. He asks if they would both excuse him and leaves. Elizabeth sees him go over to Billie. Alex tells her to just back off and leave them alone. Elizabeth smiles and tells Alex she isn't doing anything, really. Jack and Billie are tearing themselves apart and she doesn't have to lift a single finger.

    Billie asks Jack why he came over to her. Jack says they need to talk. Billie reminds him of where their attempts at talking got them this morning. Jack asks about Lucas. Billie says nothing really happened. She then tells Jack to just say what he wants to so he can go. She can't talk to him right now with the way things have been going. She tells him she just doesn't have the energy. Jack sits down and fills her in on what Elizabeth just told him. Billie can't believe he believes that BS. Jack says he knows Elizabeth and it isn't BS. Billie tells him to look inside himself. He knows she is right.

    Jack asks Billie why she is being so difficult. He asks her to give Elizabeth a chance. Billie tells him she did and she quickly found out that the woman is a snake. Jack tells her he doesn't know what else to do or say. He is just torn right now because he is being pulled in two directions. Billie says that wouldn't be happening if he didn't let it. Jack asks what he is supposed to do. Billie says nevermind and gets up. Jack tells her that he doesn't know what else she wants from him. Billie says nothing. He can't give her anything right now since he is in denial. She tells him all she wants is for Elizabeth to disappear from their lives...permanently.

    Alex and Elizabeth overhear and Jack asks if Billie means that. Billie says she does. She wants the woman out of both their lives and doesn't care how it happens. She adds that she would even make it happen if she could. Jack is shocked she is saying all this. Billie tells him that she only wishes that her wish would come true. They would all be much better off. Billie then grabs her purse, leaves money for a tip on the table, and leaves. Jack returns to Elizabeth and Alex, both of whom can't believe Billie would say such a think. Jack doesn't think she means it. Elizabeth thinks she does and says that Billie hates her and has hated her all along. Jack tells Elizabeth that he knows Billie and she won't harm her. Elizabeth says she doesn't have to herself. The mere fact she was wishing for her to disappear for good is enough of a jinx and she tells Jack she is really worried. An upset Elizabeth lies in Alex's arms for comfort as Alex stares at a frustrated Jack.


    Doug races in and embraces Hope lovingly. Bo comes in and says he called Doug and that he has another surprise that he wanted to be just right for her. JT then comes in with a "I love Mommy" cake. Bo says he had it all ready for when she came home as he thought and hoped she would. Hope embraces and kisses both JT and Bo and thanks them. She then begins to fill Doug in on where she has been.

    Meanwhile, Stephanie walks in and races into Steve's arms. Kayla tells Steve she called her over. Steve and Stephanie are overjoyed to see each other. Stephanie begs him not to run off again. They still have to get to know each other. Steve smiles, saying he won't and that he looks forward to spending time with his little "Sweetness." Bo then calls over to Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie and asks if they want cake. JT then gets cake all over his shirt. Hope tells JT to go right up and take it off so that he doesn't make anymore of a mess. Bo says that he didn't take all of JT's shirts out of the laundry basket and tells JT he will go up with him to find him another shirt. They both leave.

    You've watched them fall in love. You've watched their love grow in spite of interference. Now...watch their love reach new heights with the creation of their miracle child.

    Hope tells Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie to help themselves to the cake. Hope then asks Doug how things are with Julie. Doug catches her up on things and Hope asks if he really thinks ending it is the best thing. Doug reminds Hope she was just as mad at Julie. Hope tells Doug that sometimes circumstances can drive a person to do things they don't want to do, especially when it comes to their family. Doug asks if something is going on with her. Hope shakes her head, saying no. She just thinks he should give Julie another chance. She just doesn't think what happened is worth throwing away so many years of marriage and love. She then tells Doug it's her decision though and she will support him no matter what. A shocked Doug nods, saying he has alot to think about.

    As Steve gets himself some cake, Kayla fills in Stephanie on where her father has been. Stephanie asks Kayla if she thinks dad is hiding something. After a few moments and a brief look over at Steve, Kayla says she doesn't think her father would do that. Stephanie says she is just happy he is back. Kayla looks over at him and says she is too.


    Maggie walks Alice into the house and they are both shocked to see a devastated Julie lying on the sofa. They both ask what happened. Julie fills them in on what happened with Doug and says it;s over. Maggie urges her not to say that. Julie says she has to say it because she has to accept it. It's over. Doug and her are through. Julie then breaks down again in Maggie's arms as a heartbroken Alice watches.


    Kayla announces that they must be going. She embraces Bo and thanks him for all his help. He does the same. Steve sneaks over to Hope and tells her they have to talk. Hope says she will tell him when and if she is ready to. He asks what her problem is. Hope says he knows what it is and tells him to do everyone a favor and leave the past and everything that happened between them the past few weeks where it belongs...in the rear view mirror. She tells Steve she is not going to destroy her family. Steve agrees but still thinks they need to talk. Hope wishes him a good night and goes over to say goodbye to Doug. Stephanie comes over and asks if Steve is alright. Steve nods, saying it's good to be home. Steve then embraces Stephanie as he and Hope stare at each other from across the room.


    Marlena comes home and is shocked to find what appears to be Roman's luggage in the living room. She then sees Roman comes out from the kitchen and asks what the hell he is doing there. Roman says that it's his house too. Marlena reminds him that she kicked him out last night. Roman tells her that he isn't just going to give up on their marriage. She should know that by now. Marlena says she isn't giving up. He is the one giving up and compounding problems they already have.

    Roman tells Marlena he is sorry if what he is doing is worrying her but he tells her she just needs to accept it. He is doing this for her and for their family. Eric and Sami's deaths will not go unpunished.

    Marlena: Alrighty then. Go back to the force. Stop with all of this mafia and vigilante justice [!@#$%^&*]. That is the problem here, Roman. Your going to get yourself killed and then what good does that do? Your family needs you. I need you. We've needed you for months yet there you go every night to help Victor or go after Orpheus or to do God knows what.
    Roman: I just can't stand around and do nothing!
    Marlena: No one said you had to. Why not do this the right way? With the support of your friends and family. With all of us around you. We can all unite and work as a team.
    Roman: Oh, yeah. That will work. Then, when we are finished, we can go home for tea and crumpets. Come on, doc. This thing isn't going to end using that stupid approach. I am handling this the best way I know how and I'm not going to change my mind. You will just have to accept that.
    Marlena: I don't have to accept anything.
    Roman: No, you don't. I just wish you would. (gently touches Marlena's cheek) I just hate all this fighting.
    Marlena: So do I. I just want you to hold me and to tell me it's going to be ok. That is what I have wanted for so long, Roman. That is what your family wants. We need you here with us. I need you here with me.
    Roman: I know and I'm trying. Look, I'm here now. Let's just forget all the other [!@#$%^&*] and live in this moment, right now. Come here.

    Roman takes Marlena in his arms and kisses her on the forehead.

    Marlena: Being here in your arms, I feel so safe. For the first time in so long, I feel like nothing can hurt us.
    Roman: That's because nothing can. I won't let it. I promise you, doc. I will make everything alright again. I can't bring Sami and Eric back but I can make sure they rest in peace. I owe them and you that much.
    Marlena: Right now, all I want is for you to hold me close and not let go.
    Roman: Your wish is my command.

    Roman and Marlena then sit down on the couch as he wraps his arms tightly around her even more before telling her he loves her. They then kiss as Marlena tells him she loves him too and that it feels good that they are both back where they belong...in each other's arms. Roman smiles, saying it sure does, and then pulls Marlena into another kiss.


    Alice sits in her chair in the living room and watches Julie as she lies on the couch. She asks her if she is ready for all the trick or treaters tomorrow night. Julie doesn't answer. Alice tells her not to give up. Julie tells Alice that she has no choice. All good things come to an end and her marriage just did. She tells Alice her time is up and she has lost the love of her life. Alice reaches out and takes her hand. Julie then falls apart yet again and breaks down in her grandmother's arms.


    Maggie walks in the front door and is greeted by Nico, who tells her that Mr. Kiriakis would like to see her upstairs. A confused Maggie asks what is going on. Nico smiles and tells her to go upstairs and find out. Maggie walks upstairs and hears some romantic music playing from Victor's room. She enters and finds the room covered in roses and rose petals with a candlelight dinner set up. Victor then appears out of the bathroom in a tux and says he thought they might enjoy some special alone time together, something they never seem to have nearly enough.

    Maggie asks what he had in mind. Victor takes her in his arms and says a romantic dinner, maybe a dance or two, and then who knows. They kiss as Maggie says she likes the who knows part. They both laugh. Maggie suggests she get into something more comfortable and tells Victor to make sure they're not disturbed for while. Victor says he will get right on that. Maggie then slowly walks away, twirling her hair and telling a smiling Victor she will be right back. Victor then opens the door and calls out to Nico, who races upstairs.

    Victor tells Nico that he and Maggie are not to be disturbed. Nico nods and says he understands. Victor dismisses him and then smiles as he leaves. He then turns around to see Maggie in a beautiful red cocktail dress. Maggie thinks it's time to get their evening started. Victor agrees and then leans in and passionately kisses Maggie.


    Steve and Kayla are back at their suite. Steve comes out of the bathroom after showering and is shocked to see Kayla lying on the bed in a negligee. He smiles and asks what she is up to. Kayla says it's been awhile and she has missed him greatly. She thought he may be in the mood for some good, old fashioned loving from his favorite girl. Steve jumps on the bed and says he is intrigued. Kayla smiles and says she thought he would be. They kiss but, as they kiss, Steve recalls kissing Hope and them nearly making love at Maison Blanche.

    Steve jumps back. Kayla asks if he is ok. Steve lies and says he is just fine. Kayla says good and goes back to kissing him all over his neck as Steve looks off in the distance, his mind seemingly elsewhere...


    Hope enters her and Bo's bedroom and tells Bo that JT has already gone to be. He is so excited about trick or treating tomorrow he thinks the day will get here faster by going to bed early. She then finally notices something is off about the room and is shocked to see the room dimly lit by nothing but candles with Bo lying on the bed with champagne on ice right next to him. Bo smiles and tells Hope he missed her and thought she may like to do some catching up. Afterall, it has been a long time. Hope slowly walks over. Bo takes her hand and drags her down onto the bed, kissing her passionately.

    As Bo kisses her, Hope recalls kissing Steve passionately in the cabin on the grounds at Maison Blanche. Hope pulls away. Bo asks if she is ok. Hope says she thought she heard something and she was startled. Bo says it's probably the earth moving. They both laugh as Bo tells her to come here. He begins to kiss her again as Hope looks off into the distance and sighs deeply before whispering:

    Hope: What...is wrong with me?
    Bo (as he kisses Hope): Did you say something, Fancy Face?
    Hope: No. Nothing at all.

    Bo continues to kiss Hope as the scene freezes on her face as a look of anguish and confusion crosses it and then fades to black.



    IT'S COMING........

    TO SALEM..........



  5. PhoenixRising05


    Julie shows up to meet Doug and apologizes for being late. Doug says it's ok. Julie tells him she has waited so long for this and is so happy he is giving her a chance to talk things out with him. Doug tells Julie he would like to ask her a few questions first if that is ok. Julie says it's fine and they sit down. Doug asks if she regrets the lies she told him. Julie says she does everyday. She knows what she did was wrong but she also knows that she was protecting Maggie, who was a mess at the time. She tells Doug she regrets the lies from the standpoint of lying to him and breaking the trust between them but not from the standpoint of protecting Maggie. She would do anything for family. Doug says he knows. That is why he fell in love with her.

    Doug then asks if Maggie or some other family member were not involved and it was someone she knew but not that close to, would she do the same thing? Julie says she isn't sure. It would depend on the circumstances, who the person was, and how it all came to that point. Doug then asks if she would do it all over again, would she do it the same way? Julie nods, saying she would because it's Maggie. It's her family. It doesn't mean she doesn't love him. Doug says he has one more question. Can she promise him she will be honest with him from this point forward for the rest of their lives? Julie tells him that's not fair. Everyone tells white lies and sometimes a lie is necessary. Doug tells her to answer the questions. Julie says it would depend on but then Doug cuts her off, telling her to just answer his question. Julie sighs and says she can't make any promises. She has no idea what life could throw her way. No one does. Circumstances often times determine the action so it's unfair to make her answer a question like that.

    Doug gets up and walks away. Julie asks why he is asking all these questions. Doug tells her he was testing her. He needed to see if her answers were what he could accept and if they were in line with what he has always known and thought about her. He tells Julie he doesn't like what he is hearing nor does he think he really knows everything he should about her, despite all their years together. He knows she was quite the troublemaker in the past but he thought she was past being underhanded and falling into those ways. Julie says she is and that she did what she did for Maggie and her family. She doesn't understand where Doug is coming from at all. Doug says Julie may never understand and admits he really doesn't either. He is just going on how he feels and, right now, he feels they are through. He tells her they're over and that he has to leave Salem. He can't deal with her, the memories, and everything else. He tells her it's time and that it's the end.

    Julie begs Doug to just talk with her some more and to be reasonable. Doug says this is how he feels and he feels this is right. He pushes a distraught Julie away from him and says goodbye. A crying Julie races after him but he grabs her and tells her to stop this and to just leave it be. He tells her she just needs to accept it. She can't change how he feels about what she did or how he feels in this moment, right now. He tells her that he will have a lawyer in touch. Julie then lets out a shrieking "No!!" and falls to her knees, begging Doug not to do this. Doug gently brings her to her feet and puts her on a bench. He tells her to stay put and then says goodbye again and leaves as Julie breaks down in tears, begging Doug repeatedly to come back. She then gets to her feet and races off in tears after him.


    Celeste comes downstairs and says that Theo is taking a nap upstairs, mentioning he must be tired from spending the night with his mother . She then asks when he is going to work. Abe doesn't answer. Celeste asks what's wrong. Abe hangs her a packet of papers and an envelope and says that Lexie acts fast. Celeste looks over the papers and asks if they just arrived. Abe nods. Celeste sits down and comforts him, telling him it's going to be ok. There is a still a chance at convincing her not to do this. Abe shakes his head, telling her it's over. He called to speak with her and she altered her voice mail message to tell him she doesn't wish to see or speak with him or Celeste until the divorce hearing.

    Celeste tells Abe she isn't giving up on her daughter and he shouldn't either. Abe says he doesn't want to but he can't help but think this is it and that papers are forthcoming regarding going to court over Theo. Abe tells Celeste he can't believe it's come to this. Celeste embraces him and tells him they will get through to Alexandra together and that she will be there for him. Abe thanks her and says he is going to need all the help he can get.


    Tony enters the main lobby and bumps into Anna, who is heading up to her room. Anna says that she should look into staying at another hotel. Tony tells her she can't keep avoiding him and mentions to her that he knows they had a breakthrough last night. He could tell she still cares about him. Anna says she will always care about him and that she also appreciates him saving her life but she just can't go down this road with him. Too much has happened. Tony thinks they just need to talk things out. Anna shakes her head and tells Tony to just stay away from her, for both their sakes. Anna walks away, leaving behind a frustrated Tony.

    Meanwhile, Alyson and Jean are in their room. Jean comments on what a nice day it is and suggests going to the park for a stroll. Alyson hates the idea, asking if she remembers what happened yesterday. Jean says she does and tells Alyson she can't live in fear. In fact, she wouldn't have to if she had pressed charges. Alyson tells Jean she wanted to give Nicole the opportunity to back off first. She sees some good in her and, obviously, she is right because Eric would never love someone as cold and calculating as she seems.

    Jean thinks she is making a big mistake. A frustrated Alyson then explodes and asks Jean when she plans to just let her run her own life. She tells her she wouldn't be in this situation if not for her. She was perfectly happy away from Salem when no one knew about this child except the two of them. Jean tells Alyson that Eric's family had a right to know. Alyson tells Jean that she isn't stupid. She knows the only reason why she gave a damn about coming to Salem and telling the Brady's about Samuel was because she wanted stature and was hoping to get something out of this for herself, whether it be money or something else beneficial. Jean denies that, saying she just wants what is best for her.

    Alyson then tells Jean that she will decide that, personally, from now on. She will act on her own for herself and her baby. It's her life and she is not letting anyone dictate it anymore. Jean mentions that Alyson is letting Nicole do that right now by letting her go free after yesterday and now deciding not to leave the room with Samuel. Alyson tells Jean to get Samuel ready. They will be going to the park. Jean nods and goes to get Samuel but Alyson stops her, telling her she is doing this because she wants to and not because Jean suggested it. Jean says that's fine and then Alyson goes on to tell her:

    Alyson: I gave Nicole one chance but I will not give her any others. If she slips up, her baby snatching ass will be behind bars. That, I promise you.

    Jean nods and walks away. She goes into the other room to get Samuel and wonders what on earth got in to her daughter. Meanwhile, Alyson puts her shoes on and says she is sick of being a doormat for everyone, including mom. It's been that way for too long and that is going to change. She then says if Nicole pushes her, she won't know what hit her.


    Outside Greta's room, Caroline exits the room only to be greeted by Nicole. Nicole smiles, saying she was told at the Pub that she could find her there looking after the royal answer to Swiss Miss for Frankie. Nicole admits she was hoping she would come out of Greta's room. She isn't in the mood for Salem's beloved princess to kill her with sweetness today. Nicole says she was so much more tolerable in a coma. Caroline raises her hand to slap her but restrains herself. Nicole mocks her, saying that she thought the Brady's used their words and not violence to solve disagreements.

    Nicole then thinks for a minute and says that is just another thing to add to the hypocrisy of the Brady family. Caroline asks her what she wants. Nicole says she is truly sorry for the incident with Alyson and Samuel and says she will continue to stay away from both of them. Caroline says that's good. Nicole says there is a catch and it's something she just thought of late last night. Nicole tells Caroline she will be sure to keep away from Alyson, Samuel, and the whole Brady family for that matter if Caroline grants her one request and that is for her to call Carrie and ask if she can visit with Evan.

    Caroline defiantly says absolutely not. Nicole tells her she might want to think about that. Caroline tells her she might want to think about honoring the agreement she made with Alyson before she ends up in the slammer. Nicole says she knows Eric would want that baby with her and not some girl he had a fling with. She also knows that Evan belongs with her. Carrie gave him up willingly. Caroline tells her this isn't finders/keepers. Nicole agrees, saying it's doing what is right. Caroline thinks she is deluded and says this conversation is finished. Caroline warns her to stay away from her family but, especially, Alyson and Samuel.

    Caroline asks if that is understood. Nicole says it's crystal clear. Nicole then gets in Caroline's face and tells her to remember that anything that happens to her family, they brought on themselves and that includes her. Nicole smirks and tells her to have a nice day before walking off, leaving behind a frustrated and somewhat worried Caroline.

    You've watched them fall in love. You've watched their love grow in spite of interference. Now...watch their love reach new heights with the creation of their miracle child.

    The scene then shifts to another end of the hospital as Billie arrives in the conference room and greets Alice and Maggie. She asks where Julie is. Maggie says she went to meet Doug. Alice says they are praying that things work out for them. Billie tells them she hopes things do too. Maggie asks if she has talked to Jack. Billie shakes her head, saying she hasn't seen or talked to him since he left Greta's room to meet Elizabeth and alex. Kate then walks in and asks her why she is just standing there. Billie turns and asks what she means. Kate tells Billie if she is having problems with Jack falling prey to another woman she just needs to fight like hell to keep him. Maggie says she is staying out of this and helps Alice walk over to Lucas.

    Billie reminds Kate that she has said she was trying to change. Kate says she still is but that doesn't mean she can't still encourage her children to fight to be with the person they love. She just won't be interfere personally. Billie rolls her eyes, saying that should be hard for her. Kate says it will be but she has no choice. Kate puts her arm around Billie and tells her not to give up. If she loves Jack, she just needs to fight with all she has because it will be worth it. Billie says it's not easy. Jack loved Elizabeth and probably still does deep down and Alex is his son and is in the middle of it all.

    Kate tells her none of that matters, unless she feels Jack may have feelings for Elizabeth that potentially surpass his feelings for her. Billie shakes her head, saying she can't be sure of anything right now. Just then, Philip walks by and greets and embraces Billie. Kate says hello to him too and Philip reluctantly says hello back and walks over to Lucas. Billie tells Kate she is sorry to see that things are still bad with her and Philip. Kate says they are bad with Lucas too. She tells Billie she is all she has right now. Billie smiles and says:

    Billie: Lucky me.
    Kate: Ha ha. I'm going over to attempt to talk to Lucas.

    Kate leaves Billie and heads over to Lucas, who is talking to Philip. Philip offers Lucas whatever help he needs, telling him he has alot more power at Titan now and will use whatever means necessary to him to help. Lucas smiles and thanks him, saying having the Kiriakis family on his side can't hurt. Kate then comes up, saying it could with all of the violence that is going on. Lucas asks what she is doing there. Kate reminds Lucas she is his mother and she came to support him. Lucas tells her that he doesn't have the energy to fight with her and just tells her to stay out of his sight. Lucas walks off, as does Philip, leaving behind a heartbroken Kate.

    Meanwhile, the mysterious figure once again watches Lucas from the hallway outside the conference room and then moves away upon hearing someone coming. Will then walks quickly down the hall. He then stops before entering the room and sees a distorted shadow on the wall in around the corner. Suspicious, he walks slowly around the corner and sees nothing. He then turns and enters the conference room, embracing Lucas. Lucas assures him it's all going to be ok as Joelle arrives with Patricia, while the mysterious figure watches from outside the room once again.


    Dr. Dobbs wonders why Miranda wants to talk to Abby. Forrest says he knows. It's because she is going to try to convince her to stay. Just then, Abby opens the door to her room and says that's exactly right and she is going to stay. She tells Forrest it's not just because of Miranda, although her words helped verify things and made her sure she was doing the right thing. She tells Forrest she remembers all that he did for her and how he has treated her. She also tells him that his story affected her. She was just caught off guard and thought he had an agenda, especially with her resemblance to Sylvia. She tells him she knows that isn't the case now and that he just wants to protect her and to help.

    Dr. Dobbs goes to call Miranda to tell her what Abby has decided. Forrest thanks him and then tells Abby that he wants to bring his brother down too. Abby says she wants to as well, especially given what he did to her Uncle Steve and her mother. She tells Forrest she wants him to stay and that she plans on staying. She promises to do whatever she can to help and to follow his orders. Forrest asks if she is sure. Abby nods, saying she is sorry for how harsh she was. Forrest embraces her, saying it's alright and he understands. He is just sorry for lying to her. Abby tells him it's in the past and all that matters now is completing this mission of his. Forrest nods, saying it should be easy with her on board. Abby says she hopes so to which Forrest agrees, saying it has to be easy...for all their sakes.


    Orpheus enters Sami's room. Sami is watching Joelle and Lucas's meeting at the hospital on the surveillance camera. Orpheus asks her she isn't eating. Sami says she doesn't see a point in living. Her family and friends need her. Lucas needs her. She tells him she is through living for nothing but remaining in captivity. Orpheus orders her to eat. Sami says she won't eat. She may as well be dead anyway if all he is going to do is keep her locked up and she knows he plans to kill her and her family so she is dead no matter which way. She tells him it may as well be now. Orpheus loses it and grabs Sami forcefully by the arm, ordering her to eat or Lucas and Will will have bullets in their skulls within the hour. Sami is frightened of Orpheus and his rage and caves in, saying she will eat. Orpheus lets her go. Sami tells him she has never seen him like this. He is usually calm and sure of himself. He is always mocking her and enjoying torturing her but something is different. Sami points out she heard him screaming and tossing things around all last night. Orpheus tells her to mind her own business and to do as she is told before leaving. After he leaves, Sami wonders what is going on with him. She then returns to watching what is happening onscreen. Meanwhile, outside Sami's room, Orpheus clutches his head and asks why this had to happen and why his life was full of nothing but lies.


    Lucas and Joelle are arguing at their meeting as Frankie and Patricia interject. Patricia says that Joelle's demands for a $12 million dollar settlement or a piece of ownership in Roberts INC, along with complete funding for her mother's medical treatment is reasonable. Lucas doesn't think it is. Patricia then mentions a promotion along with a $6 million dollar settlement. Lucas says he isn't settling because he didn't do anything. Frankie tries to calm him. Patricia says that it looks like they will be seeing him in court then. She tells Joelle to come on. There is nothing more for them to do or say. Joelle tells her to wait and tells Lucas to remember the shape her mother is in. She tells him she is uncomfortable in the hospital and needs top notch care to come back from her recent setback. She knows Lucas is a good guy and begs him to at least provide funding for her mother's medical care up front. She promises to be more lenient on him. Lucas tells her he will provide funding for her mother's care if Joelle drops th case.

    Joelle says she can't do that. Lucas then says that he can't give her mother what she needs. He tells Joelle he feels sorry for her mother and her son but he knows he is innocent and so does she. Patricia says they will see about that. Patricia drags Joelle to the door, while Joelle warns Lucas that if her mother's condition deteriorates or worse, she will make sure he loses everything. She tells him this isn't just about her. It's about her son and mother too and she won't have them suffer because he is in denial concerning what he did. Lucas shakes his head in frustration as Joelle and Patricia leave, as the mysterious figure watches from afar.

    Lucas embraces Will, who is worried that they are in trouble. Maggie and Alice comfort them and Frankie assures Lucas he will do all he can. He thinks his case could go either way but tells Lucas that is good odds right off the bat. Lucas nods and thanks Frankie. Philip embraces Billie and says he will seeing her. An upset Kate walks over and watches him leave. Billie asks Kate if she actually expected Philip to say goodbye to her. Kate says she doesn't expect anything anymore, from anyone really. Meanwhile, Sami is watching everything on the surveillance camera footage on the monitor in her room. She touches the screen as Lucas has appeared on it hugging Will and tells them she wishes she were with them. She says she isn't sure what is going on and that she is sorry she isn't there. Sami wipes tears from her eyes as she tells Lucas and Will she loves them and that she isn't giving up. She will come home to them. She promises.


    Tony walks in to find Stefano sipping brandy at his chess board. Stefano tells Tony he has been expecting him and tells him to get right to telling him all about his recent quest to find the missing Dimera. Tony says it will be his pleasure. Stefano points out to Tony that he knew he was up to something. He had heard of his misadventures with Hope and Steve at Maison Blanche but could never learn anything concrete. Tony tells Stefano he must be slipping in his old age. Stefano tells Tony to just tell him how all this transpired. Tony gives Stefano the folder of information from Liz that proves Orpheus is Stefano's son and tells Stefano all about how Daphne gave Orpheus up because she feared Stefano's influence on him and how she did it by going into hiding during the pregnancy. He then explains how she kept it a secret and how she made sure he was the only one that learned about, at least at first.

    Stefano is stunned, saying he can't believe he never picked up on more being behind her disappearance all those years ago. He also says he must give Daphne credit for the way she kept it hidden and how difficult she made it to learn the truth. He would've never expected her to use clues and to use Liz Curtis as the secret keeper was inspired. Stefano adds that she was more like him then she thought, at least in some ways. Tony tells him he is sadly mistaken and that Daphne wanted him to know first because he is her son and she knew this secret could potentially destroy Stefano. At the time of her death, she knew that he would know what to do with such a goldmine like this. She wants him to rise up and destroy Stefano and his empire of evil. Tony adds that she was right to trust him with it and that he plans to use this as the vehicle to end Stefano's reign of terror for good, something he will take great satisfaction in. Meanwhile, Orpheus watches all this unfold on one of his surveillance cameras, clenching his fist in anger and frustration as he watches.

    Stefano laughs, saying he can't destroy him nor will this secret have any affect on him. Tony tells him he is wrong. Orpheus has already shot him and nearly wiped out half of Salem. He hates Stefano and Stefano hates him. Tony says that all the makings are there to end this dynasty of terror. Tony gets in Stefano's face and tells him he knows it's true and that it will soon be over for him and all that he stands for. Stefano throws his drink against the wall, takes Tony by the collar, and throws his body against the wall, telling him:

    Stefano: Don't you ever get in face again! You bastard! No one talks to Stefano Dimera like you just did and gets away with it. You'll see how wrong you are, as will your mother from her grave. I used to give a damn about you, Tony. Not anymore. You've disrespected me and this empire too many times. I've lost hope for you ever being someone of promise. Your nothing to me now. In fact, if you unwisely decide to stand in my way, you will be an enemy to me and to this family. Think about that, you fool!!

    Stefano then tosses Tony to the ground and walks out of the room. Once out of the room, Stefano says:

    Stefano: Nothing will deter me from my plans. Not Daphne. Not Tony. Not even my newfound son. The day of reckoning for all my enemies is close at hand. Much closer then they all think.

    Stefano laughs as the scene freezes on his face and then fades to black.


  6. PhoenixRising05


    Doug is sitting alone, thinking about the advise Jean gave him at the Salem Inn last night. Doug then thinks back to his wedding to Julie.


    Doug begins to tear up and wonders if there is anything left between them to fight for. He then thinks about the advice Jean gave him and tells himself he knows what he must do. He takes out his cell phone and begins to dial.


    Alice and Julie are sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast when the phone rings. Julie tells Alice she will get it and is shocked when she answers to hear Doug on the phone. Doug asks Julie if she can meet him at pier 11 this morning. Julie tells Doug that Lucas is having a meeting with Joelle to address her accusations and that the whole family is going to support him so she can't make it. Alice motions to Julie, who puts down the phone and asks Alice what she wants.

    Alice tells Julie to go ahead. Maggie can come and get her. Alice tells Julie she can't give up the chance to work things out with Doug. Julie asks if she is sure. Alice nods, saying the family could use some good news right now and she may be the one to bring it to them. Julie says she hopes so and then picks the phone back up, telling Doug she will meet him in an hour at pier 11. Doug tells Julie it sounds good and hangs up.

    Alice tells Julie the fact that he called and wants to talk is a good sign. Julie agrees, saying she finally sees a ray of hope. Alice takes Julie's hand and tells her to just have faith and it will all work out. Julie and Alice embrace as Julie says she will try and thanks her for her support and comfort. Alice smiles, saying it's her job. They both laugh.


    Maggie is lying in Victor's bed when she hears a rattling noise. She sits up to find Victor standing over her with a covered tray. Victor smiles and says that breakfast is served. Maggie is shocked. Victor says he made it himself. It's the first time in at least 10 years that he even stepped in the kitchen. Maggie is impressed and asks Victor why he did this. Victor says he wanted to surprise her because he wants to make everyday they spend together special because he loves her. Plus, he wanted to give cook a day off. They both laugh.

    Maggie begins to dig into her tray and asks Victor if he is just trying to kiss up to her after that shootout with Stefano and Orpheus last night. Victor asks how Maggie found out. Maggie tells him she overheard Nico talking about it with the head gatekeeper. Victor reminds Maggie of their agreement. Maggie says she remembers and that she isn't judging him or lashing out. She just wanted to know if that is why he was doing this for her. Victor smiles and then kisses her passionately, telling Maggie that is why he did it. Maggie smiles and kisses him back as one thing leads to another and the two of them begin to make love.


    Caroline, Max, Stephanie, and Billie arrive at the hospital, wondering why Frankie called them there. Frankie then races around the corner, thanking them for meeting him. Billie asks Frankie what is going on. Frankie says he doesn't know. Rich called and said that he had big news on Greta's condition so Frankie decided to call all of them down like they said they wanted him too. Jack then appears, saying he is sorry he is late. Billie turns and looks at him and the two of them lock eyes. Frankie says it's fine as Rich hasn't been around yet.

    Just then, Rich appears from Greta's room. Frankie asks what is going on. Rich smiles and tells them all to come in and see for themselves. Everyone enters to see Greta turning her head toward them with her eyes open. An overjoyed Frankie races over to her and kisses her forehead while also embracing her. He tells Greta he is so happy she has finally come back to them. Caroline whispers to Billie that it's pretty clear Frankie is quite taken with Greta. Billie says she knows and that she hopes Frankie tells her how he feels. Caroline tells Billie she is going to call Victor.

    Once Caroline leaves, Jack comes over to Billie, commenting on how great it is that Greta is ok. Billie smiles and says it is. Things go silent as Jack asks Billie if she has calmed down. Billie says she's fine. Jack nods and says that's good. He tells Billie that he would like to talk to her later in a calm manner about things so they can work everything out. Billie tells Jack she was calm last night until he started acting like an idiot who refuses to listen to reason. Jack tells Billie that it's not the place to argue. Billie tells Jack she doesn't care and then mentions talking later. She asks why they can't talk now. Jack explains he has a lunch date with Elizabeth and Alex. Billie turns away in disgust and takes a deep breath. Jack reminds Billie that Alex is his son and he needs to bond with him. Billie tells Jack she gets that but then stops herself before going on. She tells Jack she can't deal with this. It feels like she is talking to a brick wall.

    Billie goes over to Frankie and Greta. Billie tells Greta she is so happy she is awake and that she will come by later and visit so they can catch up. Greta whispers "thank you." Frankie explains that Greta is going to need rehab to help regain some motor skills and to help get her communicating again. Billie says it's understandable and tells Greta to let her know if she needs anything. Greta nods. Billie then motions to Frankie to follow her. Frankie does and asks what's up. Billie urges Frankie to tell Greta how he feels about her. It's been obvious for months and life is too short, as they both know, to wait another day, let alone moment. Frankie isn't sure he can and doesn't want anyone to get hurt. He doesn't want to lose his friendship with Greta.

    Billie thinks about her and Jack and tells Frankie that it doesn't matter. She uses Jack and her as an example, noting that it may not be the best example with their problems right now. Frankie thinks it's too much of a risk. Billie tells Frankie he doesn't have to worry about a make version of Elizabeth showing up to cause problems. Neither he or Greta has any past loves out there with Eric and Jennifer both gone. Frankie tells Billie he will think about it. Billie smiles and embraces Frankie, telling him she will come by and check on Greta later. Frankie tells Billie he will see her at Lucas and Joelle's meeting. Billie nods and walks by Jack without acknowledging him. Jack turns and watches Billie leave and sighs.

    Outside the room, Billie looks in and watches Jack with Frankie and Greta. She wipes tears from her eyes and says that she just doesn't know what else to do. She walks away as the scene shifts to the nurses station, where Caroline is talking to Victor. She tells him she is sorry to interrupt but just thought he should know and the doctors had tried to reach him and failed. Victor says he was busy all night and had a good part of his men dealing with a situation so things were in chaos. Victor thanks her for telling him and says he will be right over. Victor hangs up and Maggie, who is still in their bed, asks what is going on. Victor smiles and tells her Greta is awake. He tells Maggie he hates to cut their morning short but he really wants to see her. Maggie says it's no problem and that she will go with him. She then gets out of bed and and grabs some clothes as Victor thanks her and goes into the bathroom to begin getting ready.

    Meanwhile, Max and Stephanie leave Greta's room. Max says he is happy for Frankie. He was so worried about Greta. Stephanie says she can tell Frankie cares for Greta. Max tells Stephanie he wishes he could admit to both Greta and himself. Stephanie thinks he will in time. Max then mentions that he forgot to ask her if she has heard from Abby. Stephanie shakes her head, saying she figures she is still with friends. Max tells her he figured she would contact her since she is her cousin and admits he is a little worried. He just thinks it's suspicious she would take off shortly after Jack came home and in the midst of her therapy. Stephanie thinks it's weird too but can't find reason to worry.

    Max notes that Forrest is missing too and he just thinks it's strange. His gut tells him it's no coincidence. Stephanie asks if Max talked to Jack. Max says that Jack is the one that told him Abby was with friends when he called looking for her after she wasn't answering her cell. Max mentions that he got the sense that Jack seemed worried about something but it would just be an assumption to say that he was worried about Abby. He tells Stephanie that he isn't going to keep asking Jack because he has enough on his mind and he doesn't want to push. Stephanie tells Max she can't imagine Jack lying to him about Abby as there is no good reason for that. Max shakes his head in frustration and tells Stephanie he just can't shake the feeling something more is going on here and admits he doesn't like the feeling he's getting.

    Malibu, California

    Forrest comes into the kitchen carrying a bag while talking to Miranda on the cordless phone. Miranda can't believe he is just giving up and that he told Abby everything. Forrest tells her he had no choice. Abby overheard them and there was no way out of the situation. She's not stupid. An angry Miranda tells Forrest she knew something like this would happen and thinks Sylvia played a role because of her resemblance to Abby. Forrest thinks she did too. Miranda asks what he plans to do now. Forrest says he has already told Dr. Dobbs that he is leaving and for him to keep treating Abby. Forrest adds that he will continue to fund the cost of her therapy. Miranda tells Forrest she will have to call him back. There is something she has to do. She hangs up as Dr. Dobbs enters the kitchen. Meanwhile, Abby sits in her room near her bed. She recalls everything Forrest told her last night and her reaction and wonders if she has handled this all wrong.

    Dr. Dobbs asks if Forrest is sure about leaving. Forrest nods and asks if he told Abby. Dr. Dobbs says he told her through the door of her room. He assures him that she is still in there but remains silent. Forrest thought that was the case. He then enters the hallway and walks to the door of Abby's room. He tells her through the door that he is leaving now and she doesn't have to worry about him being around anymore. The ISA will likely take a new approach and he assures her that Dr. Dobbs will continue working with her and that he will take care of the payment. Forrest tells Abby he does care for her and that he has enjoyed the past few months with her. He considered her a dear friend and promises her this was never about her looking like Sylvia or some other ulterior motive. It was simply about protecting her. Forrest says he just hopes she can understand that in time and apologizes for lying to her.

    Forrest then turns away and picks up his bags. He thanks Dr. Dobbs for his help and hands him an envelope full of cash, telling him that should take care of everything. Dr. Dobbs wishes him luck and promises that Abby will be well taken care of. Abby is listening to everything behind her door and wonders if she was too harsh and not understanding enough. Just then, the phone rings. Dr. Dobbs answers it. It's Miranda, who tells Dr. Dobbs who she is and to put Abby on the phone. Dr. Dobbs tells her that Abby has locked herself in her room. Miranda asks if there is a phone in her room to which Dr. Dobbs replies there is but Forrest and hims disabled all the phones but the main phone so she couldn't get away. Miranda just tells him to put her on the phone.

    Forrest asks Dr. Dobbs what is going on. Dr. Dobbs fills him in and tells Abby she has a phone call. He lies and says it's her father. Abby is shocked and opens the door slightly, asking if this is a trick. Dr. Dobbs hands her the phone and tells her to see for herself. Abby takes the phone and closes the door completely, locking it. She answers the phone, acting as if it's Jack and telling him she misses him and wants to come him. Miranda tells Abby that she is not speaking with her father. She introduces herself and tells Abby that she is in great danger. Everything Forrest said is true and he is the best chance she has at protection for herself and her family.

    Miranda assures her that Forrest is on the up and up and that he really wants to bring his brother down. She tells Abby she must listen to Forrest and do what he says. Not just for her sake but her loved ones' sakes. Abby asks how she knows this isn't a trick. Miranda tells her she don't but she can always call Shane Donovan, who is her former partner, and he can vouch for who she is. She tells Abby to trust her instincts and that she is confident she will make the right decision. Miranda hangs up as a confused Abby wonders what to believe and what she should do.


    Jack sits with Greta and tells her about all she has missed. Greta is shocked that Jack has a son. Jack smiles, saying he would like him to work at The Spectator too, if that is ok with her. Greta smiles, having difficulty talking. Jack tells her it's ok. They can talk about that when she is better. He tells her not to worry about The Specator and that he will take care of everything as he has all along. Greta thanks him. Jack looks at his watch and says he has to go but he will be back soon. Greta nods and they both embrace. Jack tells Frankie she is all his and leaves. Greta smiles at Frankie and tells him she could hear him talking to her all along. Frankie says he was there pretty much every day for the entirety of visiting hours. Greta laughs and says he must have no life. Frankie laughs and shakes his head, saying he cares about her. Greta and Frankie lock eyes. Frankie tells Greta there is something he has to tell her.

    Just then, Victor and Maggie walk in. Victor races right over to Greta and embraces her. He then kisses her hand and says it's such a relief to have her back. Greta says she could hear him talking to her too. He says he is her father and there ways nothing that would keep him from being by her side. Greta smiles. Victor says he looks forward to them spending time together now and promises he will not take this second chance they have for granted. Greta says she won't either. They hug as a tearful Maggie watches, telling Frankie how beautiful the scene is. Frankie agrees, saying Victor already seems to have fallen in love with his newfound daughter. Greta then remembers Frankie wanted to tell her something and tells Victor she is sorry but she wants to hear what he had to say since it seemed important. She calls to Frankie and asks what he wanted to say. Frankie tells her it's ok. It can wait. They have nothing but time now. Greta and Frankie both smile at each other as Greta turns her attention back to Victor.

    The scene then pans up to show Victor at Greta's bedside, talking to her, as Frankie and Maggie watch and then the scene fades to black.


  7. PhoenixRising05


    As Stefano looks at Orpheus, his son, in shock, he starts to step backwards. One of his men on the inside see this and points a gun at the window. Roman sees this and fires a shot into the window, barely missing Stefano. Orpheus jumps up and takes two big steps before diving on top of Stefano and shielding him from the gunfire. At that very moment, Bo’s men come out of the shadows with weapons drawn. Stefano and Orpheus’s men take positions themselves and, as one of Stefano’s men gets antsy.......

    Gunfire erupts. Roman starts shooting Stefano and Orpheus’s men from the rooftop while glass from the front of the restaurant flies everywhere. Marlena is accidentally pushed outside into the middle of the gunfight but, like the hero that he is, Bo comes flying up in his limousine and jumps out of the car, grabbing Marlena. At that moment, from around the corner, a black Corvette comes blazing down the street. The man known as Hawk slams on the breaks and jumps out, pulling out a huge nickel plated Magnum from his long black trench coat.........

    And opens fire at Stefano’s and Orpheus’s men. Injured and dead men are flying everywhere, as is the case on the inside of the restaurant. Stefano looks up at his newfound son.........and gives him a look of contempt. Orpheus looks down at his father..........and spits on the floor. Then, both men get to their feet, then duck down and make their escape. Out in the streets.........

    Bo has pushed Marlena into the limousine and, as he takes cover, looks up at Roman. Both men’s eyes lock as Bo gives his brother the order. At that moment, in slow motion, Roman drops the sniper rifle, reaches down to his bag..........and pulls out a machine gun! He then throws his baseball cap off stands up, puts one foot on the railing in front of him........

    And opens fire, spraying the entire street and storefront with a rain of bullets that have not been seen in this city in years. Men drop dead after being shot and killed, their bodies littered with bullets. Bo jumps into the limousine and orders his driver to........

    Bo: DRIVE!!! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!

    The limousine driver guns the car as it flies down the street. Hawk jumps into his car, slams into reverse, backs up, turns, and floors the accelerator as the black Corvette flies off into the night. Roman sees that Bo, Marlena and Hawk have made their escape and puts the machine gun back into his bag. He then puts is cap back on, looks over the railing at the death and blood running in the streets, and quickly makes his escape as well off the building.

    Inside the restaurant, dead men and women lay everywhere as Orpheus and Stefano make their getaways. Stefano turns to his left and thanks........

    Stefano: Lincoln. Thank you.........for pulling me out of there.
    Lincoln: No problem, Stefano. What the hell just happened?
    Stefano: We were blindsided tonight. That’s what happened. And I know by who.
    Lincoln: Victor..........
    Stefano: (Smiling) Yes. Yes, indeed.

    At that moment, Stefano gets a phone call from none other than........

    Orpheus: Well, no thanks for saving your miserable life?
    Stefano: Thanks? HA!! You must be CRAZED. I’ll thank you when I bury you, how about that?
    Orpheus: And here I thought we could go to a ball game sometime.......and you could buy me a hot dog.
    Stefano: You must have gotten your sense of humor from that witch mother of yours.
    Orpheus: Don’t you talk about her like that, !@#$%^&*]. She must have feared you enough to hide me for all those years.
    Stefano: And that is what I’m going to get to the bottom of. Starting tonight. There is no way in HELL I could be the father of a BASTARD like you!
    Orpheus: We’ll see who the bastard is.........DAD.........when this war is over. Goodnight.........and sleep well.

    Orpheus hangs up the phone as Stefano orders Lincoln to get every man in Italy on this right now. He wants answers..........and he wants them now, before he is forced to kill his own son.

    As the police drive up to the deadly scene, Anna and Tony come driving up as well. They get out and survey the death and destruction as Anna asks Tony when this all will end. As Anna turns her back, one of Orpheus’s lone gunmen walks out from around the corner and, mistaking Anna for Marlena, takes aim at her. Tony, who is standing a few feet away, turns to see this, and in slow motion, runs toward Anna.

    At that moment, a shot rings out and Tony lands on Anna as they both fall to the street. When Tony looks at Anna..........she is not responding. Tony begs for Anna to be ok and, after a few very anxious moments,........she starts to stir. Anna looks up into Tony’s loving eyes..........and she embraces him, as he smiles and hugs her for all it’s worth. They then look over towards where the shot came from........and see the gunman laying in the street, dead. When they look at the figure walking down the alley across the street and into the night........

    The scene shifts to the other side of the street to see a smiling Roman Brady pull the brim of his baseball cap down as he gets into a black Cadillac and drives off into the night.

    Two hours later, after Bo has dropped Marlena off at her home and left men there, Roman comes flying into the house, looking for her. When she comes running downstairs, he pointedly asks.......

    Roman: What in the !@#$%^&*] was that, woman?! You could have gotten yourself killed.
    Marlena: Oh, that’s really something, coming form Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald here. Since when did you take up sniper work, huh?
    Roman: That’s not the damn point.........
    Marlena: IT IS THE DAMN POINT!!! I wouldn’t have had to do none of that [!@#$%^&*] if I had had my husband here by my side. You still don’t see that, do you?
    Roman: Yes, I do, Doc. But this isn’t like...........the Strangler, or when Stefano kidnapped you or the twins, or when Orpheus has played one of his sick games. This is three men fighting for control of this city and each other’s destruction. I had to take a side..........and I did. Please understand that and realize that this has nothing to do with you.
    Marlena: Then we have nothing more to say to each other. There’s the door. Don’t let it hit you in that stupid ass of yours on the way out. Oh and by the way......

    Your [!@#$%^&*] is in the closet. I suggest you take it with you.

    Marlena stomps back upstairs as Roman storms to the closet, takes out his luggage, opens the door, and slams it behind him. He then jumps in his car and speeds off into the night, leaving a dejected........and crying Marlena upstairs........alone.


    Tony walks with Anna. They stop to sit down and Anna says that Salem is just as lively as ever. Tony then turns to her and asks if the look she gave him tonight meant something. Anna pauses, then says that he disappeared from that very pier years ago in a fog and took her heart with him. She doesn’t know if she can go through that again. As Anna stands up, Roman comes walking down the stairs to where the couple is sitting and Anna looks at both men, saying that they really need to figure out what’s important to them........before it’s too late.

    She then says she is going to check on Marlena, leaving Roman and Tony to look at each other and then out into the Salem River, as Roman says.....

    Roman: Damn, man. What a night.
    Tony: Sure as hell was, Roman.

    The scene then fades back to............


    Bo walks into the living room. Victor walks over, hands him a drink, and shakes his hand. Bo says Victor shouldn’t be too proud of him with how he screwed up. Hawk, who was outside, walks into the living room as well, telling Bo that Victor knows how well he did tonight. Bo thanks Hawk for his timely intervention. Hawk says it was all in the wrist. He then finishes his brandy and says he has a meeting with a beautiful lady. They will talk tomorrow morning. Victor and Bo say their goodbyes and, as Hawk leaves, Nico walks into the room.

    Bo walks past Victor and Victor notices that Bo seems distracted. Bo says that he is waiting for word from one of his men on a private matter. When Victor asks what it is, Bo reluctantly tells him it has to do with Hope and then quickly follows it up with a request to leave it alone. Bo then walks past Victor and upstairs to the surveillance room as Roman walks into the room. He asks Victor if he could crash at his place and Victor smiles, telling Nico to instruct one of the servants to get a room ready. As Nico leaves, Victor picks up his cellphone and makes a call.............

    Victor: Well...........I guess a Father’s Day card is in order.
    Stefano: (Laughing) Excellent move, my friend.
    Victor: You would have done the same.........
    Stefano: Oh, and I will. The oil tankers were the first salvo. The next one will be the last.
    Victor: Well, dear friend, better get two coffins ready, one for you........

    And one for that bastard of yours. Good evening.

    Stefano: (Smiling) Till we meet again.

    Both men hang up as Victor looks at Roman. He tells him that Bo is very distracted and now is not the time for that. Roman says he’ll talk to him. Victor says he better.........before this........distraction........costs him dearly. The scene shifts to Roman and then back to Victor, as it fades out into.........


    Orpheus walks into his darkened bedroom and sits down on the end of the bed. He then reaches over and picks up a picture of a woman. He looks at it and then, after a few moments, presses it to his face, while quietly saying..........

    Orpheus: Why.............why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you tell me?

    The scene then goes into a close-up on him holding the picture to his face...........and then it slowly fades to black.


  8. PhoenixRising05



    Q: Do you care to respond to the story line point that Alyson let Nicole off with a warning when she was caught taking Sam, Alyson son?

    A: A: We will fix that this upcoming week. Sometimes a plot point needs to progress for it to get to the point it was meant to be. I didn't agree with it, but went along with it after my partner and I came to an understanding that in the future, it would not be wise to have this happen again. I hope that our readers stick with this character to see what is coming up.

    Q: Whose idea was it to put Jack and Billie together and to try out the Steve/Hope “experiment”?

    A: Well, that was my partner. He wanted to see where the fans would lean to and he was right on. Jack and Billie are a match made because there is so much history between them that can be tapped into. And Steve and Hope........what is there to say? Fans have been wanting them together for years. So, he thought it would be time to try it out to see where it goes. It is working out very well. Stay tuned, though. More of that is to come.

    Q: Stefano seems to have found his backbone in recent episodes. What is the thought process behind this?

    A: Stefano became a man who talked WAY too much [!@#$%^&*] and wasn’t backing it up. And, frankly, I think readers got sick and tired of him always threatening someone and then sitting back and playing chess, listening to opera or having a brandy. It was time for this great man to take action, and, as Hogan Sheffer would say, “Get his balls back!” I hope the readers think he has and, rest assured, he will not go back to being some damn mouse just talking [!@#$%^&*] and not backing it up.

    From now on, this Stefano DiMera means business! (laughs)

    Q: Does that mean that Victor or any others will be sacrificed to make Stefano stronger?

    A: Oh, hell no. Some of the best and most humbling comments I have read came from readers who said they loved Victor and how he is written. The challenge is to keep him just as strong as Stefano and for it to make sense on the blog. We are up for that challenge. The characters will have the strength and the good sense to do what they need to do. None of that dumbing down characters just to prop up some other character. Victor will remain a vital figure, just as vital as Stefano.

    Q: What is coming up next?

    A: Tune in Friday, October 26th and you’ll see. It has already started but it kicks into high gear on that day. The stakes rise. And, unlike that garbage on The Young And The Restless right now, we will deliver.

    Previews and Peeks into Wk of 10/22/07:

    -A Marriage Hangs In The Balance.
    -Violence Erupts Between Father And Son.
    -A Miracle Occurs.
    -Two Couples Are On The Brink.
    -Deadly Adversaries Prepare To Strike, And..........

    On Friday, October 26th.........

    Salem’s Night Of Terror........Begins!!!!!!!!

    Next Week..........All HELL Breaks Loose!!! Witness The Most Terrifying Night Of Their Lives!!!

    Catching Up With: Philece Sampler

    Salem Lives sits down with Philece Sampler (ex-Renee, Days) to see what she’s been up to since leaving daytime and how she feels about a turn on Salem Lives.

    SLI: Thank you for sitting down with us, Philece.

    PS: Thank You. My pleasure.

    SLI: First question. Would you come back to daytime?

    PS: You know, I’m having a wonderful time doing voice work and just being a wife. My life is nice, slow, and easy. (laughs) I don’t see myself coming back to daytime. But, I do love the fact that Renee gets referenced on SL and Days. I truly don’t know how they could bring back a woman whose been dead for twenty years and was buried but, I guess you can ask Stephen Nichols for the answer to that question! (laughs)

    SLI: What do you think of SL?

    PS: It’s very exciting. I have spoken with both men who run that show and they seem to have their heads screwed on straight. It’s not perfect, nothing is. But, I truly love what they are doing there. The romance, action, adventure......it all works for them.

    SLI: Last question. How do you feel about Days killing off Renee, with so much story to be told?

    PS: That was their decision. Not mine. I still hear from fans, all these years later, that they feel it was stupid to kill her off after making her a DiMera and leaving the stuff with Tony and David so wide open. I’ll be P.C. and say that it may not have been the best move but I guess it was best for the show at the time. Who knows. I’m just glad that everyone accepted me into their living rooms every day and that they still remember me.

    SLI: Thanks for your time, Philece.

    PS: My pleasure.

    On Friday, October 26th.........

    Salem Braces Itself............

    For The Ultimate Evil!!!!!

    A Night Of Terror...........Begins!!!!
  9. PhoenixRising05

    Clip of Stefano with his gun pointed at Orpheus as Marlena yells behind him.

    Marlena: Then how about the fact.............that you have a gun pointed at...........


    Stefano: He can't be my son!!


    Clip of Roman aiming his gun at Stefano, Bo racing in with Victor's men as Stefano and Orpheus's men point their guns.


    Clip of Roman firing his gun and Victor, Orpheus's, and Stefano's men shooting their guns with Tony pushing Anna out of the way, Marlena covering her head as glass shatters, and Bo falling to the ground as Victor yells...

    Victor: NO!!!


    Clip of Steve and Hope embracing Kayla and Hope.


    Bo to Hope: It's good to have you back, fancy face.
    Kayla to Steve: I need you here with me. You aren't running off anymore, right?
    Steve to Kayla: No, baby. No.

    Clip of Steve and Hope glancing at each other as they hug their spouses.


    Clips of Steve and Hope nearly making love at Maison Blanche and of them kissing at cabin.


    Hope to Bo (as Steve and her lock eyes from across the room as he hugs Kayla): I love you, Bo. Please always remember that.



    IT'S COMING........

    TO SALEM..........




  10. PhoenixRising05


    Abe brings Theo downstairs and tells him to watch cartoons until mommy gets there. Celeste tells Abe they really should try to find a way to get Alexandra to talk to them. Abe reminds Celeste that Lexie has taken every measure possible to avoid that. She sends people over to get Theo or waits in the car while someone else enters to get him. Celeste tells Abe they should refuse to let anyone in but him. She tells Abe they need to know once and for all if she saw their kiss.

    Abe agrees but thinks they have to be careful. He gets the sense that Lexie is in a vulnerable state and doesn't want to cause her to further distance herself from them. Celeste sees his point and says she has something else on her mind too. Abe asks her to go ahead and tell him. Celeste tells Abe she feels they need to discuss what happened between them.


    Lexie is on her way out through the lobby when she spots Anna rummaging through her purse. Lexie comes over and says hello. Anna gives Lexie the same greeting and says she didn't know Lexie was staying there. Lexie says she is until she can figure out some things. Anna tells her she knows the feeling. Anna then asks how Tony is doing. Lexie says she wouldn't know as he has been in and out of town handling something. Anna thinks that is strange. Lexie looks at Anna inquisitively and asks her why she just doesn't talk to Tony and give him another chance. She can see she still cares about him.

    Anna tells Lexie she will always care for Tony but he messed up things with Carrie and it's hard for her to get over some things that happened before he left her all those years ago. She tells Lexie she wishes it was that easy to just forgive him or push him out of her life like a bad dress or something but she can't. Lexie says she understands and feels the same way about Abe. Lexie then looks at her watch and says she must be getting going. She tells Anna to take care and invites her to do lunch with her sometime. Anna likes the idea and bids her good night as the scene shifts to...

    The Salem Inn bar area, where Jean is still staring down Doug after their tense exchange. Doug apologizes to her, saying he has alot on his mind.

    Doug: I'm worried about my daughter and...well...
    Jean: Marital problems?
    Doug: How did you know?
    Jean: I can tell. God knows, I have had my fair share with my ex. So, what did she do? Cheat on you? Damn! I'm so sorry to be so blunt. I...
    Doug: No. It's ok. She didn't cheat on me. Although, it would be much easier if she had. She lied to me about something for months. Something that caused me to nearly die and to lie in a coma for weeks.
    Jean: Oh my...why would she do such a thing?
    Doug: Well, her aunt had been going through some tough times. She lost her husband and fell off the wagon. There was just guy she became involved with after her husband's death. He hurt her real bad and there was an incident. Whatever the case, I ended up in a coma and near death and she lied about it.
    Jean: To protect her aunt, who had something to do with this?
    Doug: Right. Her aunt had lost control and got drunk. One thing led to another...
    Jean: So, your wife is a devoted family gal?
    Doug: Yeah. Always has been.
    Jean: That's a damn good thing. Most people would love that.
    Doug: I do. It's just...
    Jean: This seems like a situation that wasn't easy for her. You know, sometimes someone tells a lie for reasons they believe are right. Sometimes the circumstances aren't so cut and dry. I mean, there are white lies but there are also major lies that one feels they need to tell to help a person, protect them...
    Doug: I know but I just can't see it...
    Jean: The person that gets hurt always has trouble seeing the reasoning but, believe me, it's not that the person wants to do it.
    Doug: You sound like your speaking from personal experience.
    Jean: My ex-husband and I used to lie to each other all the time. We blamed each other but, looking back on it now, I think we see the both of us were at fault. I mean, he may have cheated first but then I went ahead and did the same thing and lied about it. Mistakes were made on both ends. I just feel bad that my daughter was in the middle of it. She blamed herself for the divorce because she was in a rebellious phase then and her father and I would argue over her at times. After the divorce, she came to live with me but had this big falling out with her father. She blamed him for everything and lashed out at him for hurting me, even though she knew I had did some things to bring the divorce on as well. She told her father she hated him and walked out, never to see him again. That is why I didn't tell her when I heard about his death in a sailing accident.
    Doug: What?
    Jean: I knew she would feel a tremendous amount of guilt. I couldn't do that to her. She told him she hated him and those were her last words to him. She would never forgive herself or get over it and she is in enough emotional turmoil as it is. I know it was wrong but I felt it was right and still do. I just want to protect her and I will always do whatever it takes to do that. I'm sure your wife felt the same way when she did what she did. She felt she was helping family and protecting them. That is what you do. Protect your own. It's a natural inclination.
    Doug: Yeah, I guess it is. I suppose I would do the same thing for my daughter.
    Jean: And her, right?
    Doug: Yes...yeah. I can't believe I am just opening up to a stranger like this.
    Jean: Hey, I'm doing the same thing. We both played the game here so, what do you say we keep everything said between us?
    Doug: Fair enough. But I don't even know your name.
    Jean: Jean Parker (puts out her hand).
    Doug: Doug Williams (shakes her hand and smiles). You know, it's funny. I sit here and think I have the right to judge others, including my wife, but I really have no right. It's hypocritical. I was a con artist early on in my life. I schemed and plotted to rip good people off...
    Jean: Anyone that is hurt feels the need to judge the person at fault. It's just natural. What your feeling is normal.
    Doug: You really are a good listener. I'm glad we met here tonight. It's been a great talk.
    Jean: Yes, it has. I couldn't agree more.

    Doug and Jean both smile at each other as the scene shifts to...


    Maggie comes out of the kitchen with some of Alice's doughnuts as Julie tells Alice that Doug could be gone already. She just knows it's over. Maggie tells Julie not to think like that. Alice tells Julie to just have faith. Alice tells Julie to think of all that she and Doug have. They are destined to be together until the end of their lives. Maggie tells Julie that Alice is right and Julie just needs to hang on to that. Julie isn't sure she can or if that is enough. She doesn't know what she will do if Doug leaves her. She can barely keep it together now. Maggie tells Julie she will have her family and friends by her side if it does happen. She won't be alone. Maggie tells her not to worry though because she feels Doug and her will be back in each other's arms soon enough. A tearful Julie hopes she and Alice are right. Maggie embraces her and tells Julie to just believe and keep the faith as Alice watches and looks to the heavens above, asking Tom to help Doug and Julie through this difficult time. She says they need all the guidance they can get.


    Steve is going through his bag when he hears a scream coming from the bathroom. He calls out to Hope and asks if she is ok. She screams again. Steve races over to the bathroom. Another scream comes from the bathroom. Steve breaks down the door to see that a pipe under the sink has burst and Hope, who is clad only in a towel, is trying to stop the water. Steve goes over to Hope, who falls backward into his arms. Her towel falls off as Hope looks up at Steve and the two lock eyes. Steve tells Hope he's got her. After a few moments of silence, Hope says she can see that. Steve looks down and tries to tell her about the towel but can't seem to get the words out of his mouth. Hope continues to look into his eyes but finally stirs and realizes her towel fell off. She freaks out, picks up the towel, and races out of the room as a clearly affected Steve watches her run out.


    Forrest begs Abby to listen to him. He tells her he is working with a former ISA partner of Shane Donovon's. Her name is Miranda Grey. Forrest tells her The ISA sought him out last winter to help in their mission because they had received intelligence that Lawrence was on the warpath. Katerina had left him after learning that he handed Steve over to Stefano after his "death." She heard about how he faked Steve's death and it upset her so much that she took off and no one has heard from her since. Forrest explains that Lawrence blames Jack because Katerina learned about Steve from The Spectator. She would always get it once and awhile to check up on Salem. She always seemed to feel drawn to it, despite her loss of memory.

    Forrest explains his brother losing Katerina left him with nothing. He is now being driven by a desire for revenge. It's all he had and all that keeps him going. He wants everyone to share in his misery. Forrest explains the ISA came to him last winter and said they wanted to him to help to protect her. Lawrence wanted to get his revenge on his enemies through her. Jennifer was gone and he thought it would be poetic justice against you and so many others. I was suspicious of my brother still concerning Sylvia's death and had felt for years he needed to be brought down so I obliged. The ISA learned of Orpheus', then known to them and everyone as the MCF, ship in Italy. They knew people were being held on board from chatter they picked up on. They didn't know the details but they knew that Abby was on her way so they decided to plant him on board the ship.

    Forrest admits it was risky but the ISA observed the ship and it seemed the bottom cell rooms were for the imprisoned so they deduced that only one more room was available for prisoners. Forrest explains he got himself captured by walking around on the ship and that is who he was in the position he ended up in when Abby and him met. Forrest says he is just lad it went smoothly and that their plans went as well as they did. Forrest tells Abby he knew he had to get close to you so she would trust him when the time comes. That is why he pulled out all the stops to impress her. He explains that Dr. Dobbs also came in for that reason. He was to help solidify the trust but he had to be used to get Abby out of Salem. Forrest explains that was done to brief Abby on what was happening when they felt it was time. This way, she wouldn't run away nor would there be anyone standing in the way and interrupting. Plus, they can't let her loved ones in on this or Lawrence will know they are on to him. He tells Abby it wasn't supposed to be now that she found out.

    Abby still can't help but wonder if her resemblance to Sylvia is the bigger reason why he is doing this. Forrest shakes his head, saying he can't lie that he doesn't think about Sylvia nearly everytime he looks at her but he assures her that he didn't take the case due to the resemblance. He did it to bust his brother, who could've killed Sylvia, and to protect her and those she loves.
    Abby asks Forrest if she knows of Lawrence's plans. Forrest shakes his head and says nothing concrete. Forrest asks Abby if she believes him. Abby looks at him and then wheels away. Dr. Dobbs yells out to her, assuring her that Forrest's intentions are true and good. Abby wheels into her bedroom as Forrest tells Dr. Dobbs to give it up. He blew it and the mission is a failure. Meanwhile, Abby thinks about all that she has just heard and wonders if Forrest is telling the truth or if he is trying to make her his replacement for Sylvia. She wheels over to her bed and says she has no idea what to believe right now.


    Jean has just finished telling Doug about her and her daughter and their connection to the Brady's through Samuel being Eric's son. Doug is shocked by the story and tells her Eric was a great man and he is sure Samuel will grow up to be just like him. Doug also tells her the Brady's are a great family and very welcoming. Jean says she knows that and affirms they have been great. Jean looks at her watch and says that she lost complete track of time and that she must be going. Her daughter probably needs her. Doug tells her again that he enjoyed their talk. Jean says she did too and that she hopes to see him again. Doug smiles and says he will be around and that he hopes to see her too. Jean bids him good night and leaves as Doug looks back, watching her leave, and then thinks about what she said. He begins to wonder if he has been too hard to Julie and if he should at least talk things over with her.


    Abe sits Celeste down and tells her that he thought they understood each other. Celeste says she knows they have to put what happened in the past but reminds Abe that there was something there and she fears it could make itself known again. Abe says they can't let it. If they do, they may lose any change of ever having Lexie back in their life. Celeste admits to Abe she doesn't think it was love, although she does love him as her son in law. She tells him it felt more like one of those girlhood flings. Abe tells Celeste they were both vulnerable and were helping each other during a difficult time. They bonded and are now closer then they ever have been and he is grateful for that. Abe tells Celeste he feels the life and death situation on the cruise ship was what pushed things over the edge. He doesn't think they would've ever reached that point otherwise. Celeste isn't so sure. Abe says they may never know but thinks it's time that they move on and try to forget this so called infatuation ever happened. Celeste nods in agreement, saying it's what is best for everyone.

    Just then, the doorbell rings and it appears to Lexie's chauffeur, asking if Theo is ready. Celeste tells Abe to say Theo isn't coming out unless his mother is the one that comes to get him. Abe isn't sure that is a good idea but Celeste convinces him it's worth a try if it gets Alexandra in to talk to them. Abe does as Celeste suggested and, after a few minutes, an angry Lexie comes bursting in, demanding to know the meaning of this. Abe smiles, saying it finally got her inside to talk. Lexie realizes it was a trick and calls out for Theo, saying it's time to go. Abe grabs Lexie and begs her to just give him a few minutes. Lexie says she has nothing to say to him. Celeste begs her to just hear them out. They know what she saw on the cruise ship and want to explain. Lexie says there is nothing to explain. She knows where they all stand. Abe asks Lexie what that means. Lexie turns and says:

    Lexie: It means that I saw my mother kissing my husband. I heard that you two got close during my absence but seeing that...
    Abe: You were right, Celeste. She does know. Look, Lex...
    Lexie: No, Abe. I have nothing to say to either of you. You betrayed me. As far as I'm concerned, you both are out of my life and have been since that night on the ship.
    Celeste: Alexandra, please!!
    Lexie:No, mom. I'm through. No matter what happens...I'm through with the both of you. As far as I'm concerned, your both dead to me and I think it's about time I do something to finally move myself past all this. Makes me wonder why I didn't lash out and make this declaration months ago. I guess I just needed a little push. Thanks, Abe.
    Abe: Lexie, we can talk about this. Don't do anything you will regret.
    Lexie: I already did. The fact that I even thought about giving us another chance a few months ago...you'll be hearing from my lawyer, Abe.
    Abe: What?
    Lexie: You heard me. I've wasted enough time already. I'm ready to act now. I'm ready to move on. I'm filing for a divorce and you can expect Theo's custody to come into play again too.
    Celeste: Alex...
    Lexie: No!! Don't say anything. Theo, sweetheart!! Let's go!!

    Theo comes running out as Lexie takes his hand and tells him to say goodbye to daddy and grandma. Abe and Celeste embrace him and tell him to have fun. Lexie then looks back at them and turns away in disgust before walking out the door. Celeste asks Abe what they are going to do. Abe is silent and walks out of the room as tears stream down Celeste's face as she begins to realize she may have lost her daughter forever...and maybe her grandson too.


    Steve closes the door behind him after the hotel utility man leaves. Hope is laying on the bed. Steve tells her everything is cleaned up and fixed. Hope is silent. Steve apologizes for what happened. Hope says it;s not his fault. They both can't help themselves and she knew this would happen. Steve tells her they will just have to do a better job at keeping their emotions in check. Hope says they can try as hard as possible but the past and the emotions associated with it are strong. Hope doesn't think they can fight the power the memories have. She tells Steve she hasn't felt the same since that night they went to Maison Blanche and nearly made love. She tells him she is afraid of what they might do. Steve tells her he will make it his personal vow to her that he will fight whatever urges or feelings that come up. He will make this as easy as possible on both of them. Hope says she's tired and just wants to go to bed so tomorrow will come and they can go to Maison Blanche and get this all over with. She hopes the quicker they do it, the less likely that something will happen that could lead to heartache.

    Steve turns out the lights and says he can't argue with that. He then goes over to his bed and lays down. Hope turns the opposite way and wipes tears from her eyes. She says she has this awful feeling she is about to do something that can hurt the people she loves. She then prays to God that she doesn't do something she'll regret. Meanwhile, Steve does the same, asking the big guy upstairs for strength to fight what he is feeling before it's too late.

    The scene then pans up and fades away on Steve and Hope lying in their beds and then fades to black.


  11. PhoenixRising05


    Hope and Steve are on their flight to New Orleans as Hope is telling Steve it's remarkable how quick they got a flight. Steve says they got lucky. Hope admits she still has her doubts that she is doing the right thing. Steve assures her she is and that he is right by her side. They will handle whatever comes there way together. The plane then experiences a great deal of turbulence and the pilot makes the announcement that due to some severe weather ahead, they will be making an emergency landing in Nashville. Hope asks a frustrated Steve what they are going to do now. Steve tells her they will just have to stay the night at a hotel. Hope asks if he is talking about in separate rooms. Steve nods and says of course. Hope smiles and says good.


    Kayla is front of Abe's office having some coffee when Bo races past her. Kayla follows him into Abe's office and asks if his contacts had anything. Bo shakes his head, saying it's like Steve and Hope just vanished again. Kayla can't understand what is going on with them. Bo tells her that with Tony gone too, according to the note, it seems they got a lead on Steve's past again. Kayla worries about them being tricked or falling into a trap. Bo says he is worried too because this is the Dimera's they're talking about. He promises Kayla he will do everything he can to find them.

    Just then, Bo's cell rings. He answers it. it's Doug, who tells Bo he went by the house looking for Hope and no one was home. He asks if he knows where she is. Bo tells Doug not to worry and fills Doug in on what is going on. Doug can't understand why Hope would take off once, let alone twice. Bo says he doesn't either. Doug offers his help but Bo says he has it taken care of. He is sure Hope is fine but he just wants to find her in the event that she ends up in trouble. Doug asks Bo to keep him in the know. Bo tells him he will and then hangs up. Kayla tells Bo she has an awful feeling that Hope and Steve could be in trouble. Bo embraces her and assures her it's going to be alright.


    Tony waits on Liz's couch and looks at his watch. She then enters the front door and apologizes for having to leave. She tells Tony that Mrs. Flowers is an elderly woman who is all alone and she goes over to check on her. She tells Tony that she had a little fall but she is ok now and got checked out by a nurse that lives down the block. Tony tells Liz he would've came over to help. Liz appreciates it but says she had it taken care of. Liz tells Tony they can now get back to what they were discussing. Tony and Liz sit back down as she reminds Tony of how close she was to Daphne. Tony says he remembers what a comfort Liz was to his mother during her depression. Liz remembers how scared Daphne was of Stefano, all the way up to her life's end.

    Tony: I recall her getting stronger. She was, indeed, a very courageous women. However, she could only take so much and her depression took so much out of her. I know she was thankful for your companionship. She always said one of the best things I did was marry you.
    Liz: She helped me tremendously too. We helped each other. Remember when I shot Marie? She was right there by my side.
    Tony: Yes. Mother was very loyal. Giving...loving...I think of her everyday. She gave me so much...and I know she would've given me more.
    Liz: She loved you, Tony. Just like she loved this other child. She knew once she learned she was pregnant that she had to protect the child. Stefano had been trying to influence you since the day you were able to comprehend what he was saying. She always told me she was lucky you didn't have his blood running through your veins. That saved you from becoming the heir to his evil, she would say. This child was Stefano's, conceived from a night in which Daphne had a hard time speaking about.
    Tony: My God... don't tell me...he forced himself on her?
    Liz: No. She was embarrassed to admit she still loved him. He had treated her badly from the moment after they married and onward. Despite all the hurt, all the other women, all the lies...she still couldn't help but love him. Every once in awhile he would turn on that charm of his and sweep her off her feet. One of those nights conceived the child we are speaking of.
    Tony: So, what happened to the child?
    Liz: Well, she told me there was just man back then. He was good friends with your father, Enrico, and came to be your mother's keeper in a way after your father passed. The man's name was Paolo. Paolo hated Stefano with a passion and was only working for the Dimera's to make a decent living for his family's sake. Daphne was hiding her pregnancy from everyone until she knew what to do but Paolo learned of her condition one night when she was ill. He had offered to take her to the doctor but she told him nothing was wrong. She just was sick to her stomach. She told him about the baby and confessed her fears of what the child would end up like if Stefano was an active part of the child's life. So, Daphne ran away into hiding at Paolo's urging. The plan was to hide out and then to give up the child once it was born. She felt she had no choice. Stefano frantically searched for her and Daphne told me of the many close calls she had. She would hide out in any place she could find. Sewers, soup kitchens, even Stefano's very own tunnels and catacombs.
    Tony: Didn't that risk the child's health?
    Liz: Sure, but Daphne felt it was worth it to protect her baby from becoming the next source of Dimera evil. She was already worried about what you would become. She always felt horrible that she wasn't able to get you away from Stefano. She considered herself lucky that you turned out how you did.
    Tony: I consider myself lucky, as well.
    Liz: Anyway, she went into labor while hiding in a small village in souther Italy. She made her way to an Inn. The innkeeper called a doctor and the baby was delivered. She then told the doctor she wanted to give up the child. The doctor was confused but Daphne explained she didn't feel the child would get a proper upbringing. The doctor followed her wishes and the baby was taken away. Daphne then returned to Stefano, who was furious with her. She merely lied and said she needed to get away to relax and clear her mind. She took alot from Stefano but she accepted it. She was devastated to learn that Paolo had been killed during a fight with Stefano in her absence. He was covering for her and she felt great guilt over the situation.
    Tony: I can imagine.
    Liz: Your mother kept tabs on the child. She used a Dimera contacts that she trusted. One that had worked for Stefano but was fired due to incompetence. He would use what was at his disposal to provide Daphne with info about how the child was doing and so on. I have everything she compiled, along with proof of the child being Stefano and Daphne's. She wanted to make sure all her bases were covered. She told me about all this a short time before her death. She had hinted at it and had such a hard time opening up. She said she always sort of knew she was going to entrust me with this because I was the only friend she had and could trust to tell you and you alone. Once she knew she could trust me, she came out with it. She had a feeling her life would be cut short so she felt the need to tell me when it felt right. She needed to make sure the information would somehow be passed on to you so you could find your sibling and fight Stefano together.
    Tony: I see. I also noticed you talk of the child but don't talk of it's gender or it's name.
    Liz: Well, I guess part of me can't accept that the moment has arrived where I can finally share this secret with someone. It seems surreal that you finally made it here.
    Tony: Yes, well, I'm just glad I found the clues and completed this journey.
    Liz: Your mother knew she had to take a risk. It couldn't be easy. She needed to protect the secret so if Stefano or anyone else found the first clue in your favorite book they wouldn't know what they had come upon. She was confident that not even Stefano could figure out what was going on if he had found the first clue. She knew there was no way he would find the others. Daphne knew there was a chance of you not catching on to all this and then I would be taking this secret to my grave. Luckily, you did. You figured it all out, just like your mother thought.
    Tony: Yes, well, I know how it all happened so, now, it's time to tell me about this sibling of mine. Is it a he or she? A name...I need the rest, Liz. Time is not something to be wasted right now.
    Liz: I know. I know. I'll tell you. Just let me go get the info your mother compiled and the proof.

    Liz gets up as Tony waits anxiously to learn the rest of the answers he so desperately seeks.


    Abby tells Forrest to go ahead and begin as Dr. Dobbs watches.

    Forrest: You see, my family...we built this wall of lies around us. We had to have this perfect image and father wouldn't have it any other way. Father always thought of Lawrence as the crown prince. I was small in stature and father detested me from the moment of my arrival. His treatment of me, from what I can remember, was not like that of a Alamain. It was almost like I was some stray picked off the street. If it weren't for mother...(fights back tears) I don't know...
    Abby: It's ok, Forrest.
    Forrest: Lawrence detested me too. I was only 3 but he makes no secret of the fact that he bullied me.
    Abby: How do you know?
    Forrest: I've met with him several times. You see, it was Lawrence who encouraged father to send me away. Father wanted to send me to a school in eastern Europe where I could be properly refined. I was not an Alamain to him from birth so he had planned to mold me into one. However, he did not want to deal with the embarrassment of it all so he covered it up. They had the perfect opportunity to do so the day I fell into that pool. I didn't understand what I was doing and just fell in, I suppose. The next thing I know, I woke up in a sort of dormitory at a school, the very one I gather father wanted to send me too. I later learned from my brother that Lawrence had helped father fake my death. Mother believed it because she had seen me fall in. Father made Lawrence pull her away so he could pull me out and take me away. No one ever saw the body. I never saw...mother again (wipes tears from his eyes).
    Abby: Wow...I'm...sorry.
    Forrest: I spent 15 years of my life at that school and left at age 18. It ended up being one of the greatest times of my life. You see, I made friends with this young girl. Sylvia was her name. Luscious blond hair, eyes that I would find myself lost in everytime I looked into them...she had my heart from the minute she arrived. She had been sent there against her will as well and we bonded. We were the same age and, even at 3, we felt drawn to each other. We laughed, played...without her, my life would have been...nothing. Our friendship grew into love. After we graduated, I proposed. Unfortunately, that very day, she had reunited with her family. She had forgiven them for some reason and she just had to go with them, of course. Both our hearts were broken that day. I didn't know how I would live. She had her family but I had nothing. However, I did go in search of my family. I learned that mother had died but I couldn't find father or Lawrence. I somehow got it together after that and made a career for myself. How I had the strength to go on...but I did. This wonderful man gave me a job in his shipping organization and I worked my way up to, for all intents and purposes, running it. Then, one day, this women walks in asking for assistance in transferring some orders for her father's business. It was like walking back into the past...
    Abby: Sylvia, right?
    Forrest: Yes. We reconnected. It was like no time had passed. I met her family and they made me feel like I belonged. One thing led to another and I asked her to marry me yet again. This time was the charm (smiles). We were so happy...until my brother came back into my life.
    Abby: Just like that? After all that time?
    Forrest: Yes. See, Lawrence had people around that reported back to him. He knew everything about me. I mean, he had the Alamain name and influence. He had returned to Europe with his beloved Katerina.
    Abby: Oh yeah, my mom told me about her...wasn't her name Carly, though?
    Forrest: Yes but my brother called her his Katerina. She had lost her memory and regressed back in time to when they had fallen in love. When we first met after all those years, he smugly described the privileged life he had led. He told me how happy he was but I told him I was happy too. The life I had led did have ups and downs but I felt it could've been worse. Needless to say, Lawrence was disappointed that his words had no effect on me. He was clearly bothered by the fact that I was happy and satisfied with my life. Around this time, a man named John Black had also been claiming my identity, mostly thanks to Lawrence who planted my half of the locket and fabricated DNA results to make it appear John Black was me. He and Stefano Dimera had come to an agreement. They had been making many dealings at that time.
    Abby: Yeah. Lawrence handed over my presumed dead Uncle Steve to Stefano. The police and ISA have been looking for him but nothing.
    Forrest: Yes, well, my brother has been living in the shadows, shall we say. Lawrence just wanted to make sure I remained a distant memory, even if that meant making it appear someone else was me. Of course, we know he is Roman Brady now. Needless to say, I was upset with my brother and reminded him he couldn't erase the fact that I am an Alamain too. I had kept the name through the years, even if so many were paid to make sure no one of significance ever realized that I was the real Forrest Alamain. The tension between us was palpable. We met several times. It was clear my brother was doing it for fun and games. He just always had to try to prove he was better then me in every way. More and more he became frustrated because his efforts were futile. I was happy and planning a wedding with Sylvia. You know, I finally thought things were going to be alright in my life. For the first time...(begins to cry)

    Abby rubs his shoulder and tells him to go on.

    Forrest (tears streaming down his face): The morning of our wedding...everything was fine. I talked to Sylvia through the door of the bridal room of the small chapel we had decided to marry in. Her family left her to be alone and she...never walked down the aisle. We...waited...(wipes tears from his eyes) and...waited...and nothing. Her family went to check on her and I was so worried I had to follow, especially after hearing what sounded like screams. We all arrived outside the bridal room and saw smoke coming from it. Sylvia was screaming and we determined someone was in there with her (in tears). We heard her struggling and fighting with what clearly was a man's voice. It was muffled for sure. We tried hard to get into the room. I tried the window outside but the room was in flames. I couldn't see anything but there were wedding guests outside, who saw no one...get out. Two bodies...were found in the remains. One of a man and one of a woman, the woman being proven to be my Sylvia (breaks down in tears). My precious, Sylvia (pulls out his picture of her from his wallet). I will never find love like I had with her. Never.
    Abby: You think your brother did it?
    Forrest: The authorities never found anything, really. I suspected Lawrence. The next time I saw him...he was more smug then usual. He was also secretive. Part of me would like to think he would never go that far just to make it known to me he is superior but...he is capable. I knew back then he was and I know now he. It's all speculation. My poor, Sylvia...we were finally going to get it right (covers his face with his hands).

    Abby looks over at the picture as she rubs Forrest's back in an attempt to comfort him. This time, however, she studies the picture and realizes Sylvia bears a resemblance to her. Her face then turns to one of fear. Abby begins to back up in her wheelchair. Forrest turns around and asks what is wrong. Abby tells him to stay away from her. Forrest realizes Abby now has seen the resemblance and begs her to let him explain. Abby refuses to listen. Dr. Dobbs vouches for Forrest. Forrest admits to Abby he is working with the ISA to protect her and her family. Abby doesn't buy it and then asks Dr. Dobbs how much Forrest bought him off for. Forrest explains to Abby he brought Dr. Dobbs in to help her walk but he did use Dr. Dobbs to isolate her from Salem and her family. It was for her protection. Abby rolls her eyes and asks from what. Forrest tells her from his brother. Abby is shocked.


    Hope and Steve enter their room. Hope is upset they have to share a room but Steve tells her with a few flights grounded the place was bound to fill up. Hope looks around the room and wonders why they can't take the credit the airline gave them and go elsewhere. Steve says it's only good at the airport motel and advises Hope to lower her standards a bit. Hope points out that the bed shakes for a quarter. Steve laughs and puts a quarter in. He then jumps on the bed and tells her that's cool. He encourages Hope to come aboard. Hope tells him he is out of his mind. Steve then gets up and grabs her, dragging her on to the bed. They shake back and forth on the bed as Hope screams at Steve to let her and get off of her. He begins to ticker her and asks why "Ms. big bad former cop" is not capable of breaking free from his grasps. Hope warns him not to mock her. Just then, they look into each other's eyes and pause. Both Steve, who is on top of Hope, and Hope both seem lost in each other's eyes.

    The bed then stops shaking. Hope tells him she thinks they should get up now. Steve slowly gets up. Hope does so as well and, seemingly nervous, she tells Steve she could really use a shower. Steve says ok and watches her grab her bag and go into the bathroom. In the bathroom, Hope takes a deep breath and asks herself what is wrong with herself. At the same time, Steve asks himself the very same question and blames himself for making Hope uncomfortable. He tells himself he needs to keep his composure or else he will hurt her and probably even others. Plus, the trip would be a bust. Steve goes over to his bag and takes his shirt off. He looks over in the direction of the bathroom and takes a deep breath before digging through his bag for something.


    Doug sits at the bar, worried about Hope and thinking about Julie and their marriage. His frustration boils over, leading to him smashing his glass of liquor on the table. Jean comes over and sees this scene and says:

    Jean: You know, that is quite dangerous and a hazard to your health. I mean, they say drinking excessively is too but it doesn't help matters when your using your glass in such a manner.
    Doug: Excuse me?
    Jean: Sorry. It was hard to just sit back and say nothing seeing a scene like that. Seems like you have a whole bunch of problems, buddy.

    Doug looks at Jean and asks her why she feels the need to share her opinion because he certainly doesn't care to hear it. Jean is offended and tells Doug that she won't be talked to that way. She approaches him slowly and stares him down as Doug wonders what he got himself into.


    Tony looks over a folder and tells Liz he can't believe what she just told him and what he read. Liz assures him it's all true. Tony tells her he needs to get back to Salem ASAP. He tells Liz he hates to rush off and thanks her for everything. They embrace. Liz says it was her pleasure and she is so happy to have fulfilled her promise to Daphne. She wishes Tony luck. Tony wishes her luck as well and tells her not to be a stranger. Liz tells him he can come back and visit too. Tony smiles and says he will call her on that. He gives her a friendly kiss and then leaves. Liz closes the door behind him and hopes that Tony and all the rest of Stefano's victims find peace. She then looks to the heavens and tells Daphne her secret is out. Her son knows and now let the chips fall where they may. Meanwhile, Tony calls for a cab and looks at the folder Liz gave him, saying Stefano and Salem are in for quite a shock as the scene freezes on his face and then fades to black.



  12. PhoenixRising05


    Tony, Steve, and Hope pull up to the house that fits the address they have for Liz. Tony tips the driver as they exit the cab. They then walk up to the door. Hope wonders if Liz has changed at all. Tony smiles and says he is sure she hasn't. He then takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell. There is no answer so Tony rings it again. Steve notices the window shades moving and says that someone is in the house. Tony begins to knock and yells out to Liz, telling her who is there. The door then slightly opens. Liz glanced from behind it as Tony smiles at her. The look of fear and worry on Liz's face turns into one of relief and joy as she then opens the door and embraces Tony and then Hope, saying it's been a long time.

    Hope and Tony tell Liz she looks well and ask if she remembers Steve. She says vaguely and welcomes them all in. Hope comments on how lovely her home is. Liz thanks her, saying it's just enough for her. Tony is shocked she never married again. Liz explains she focused on her career after she left Salem, which is why she kept the name "Curtis." It just fit better. She did that movie she left to do but her acting career never exactly took off so she went back to focusing on her singing. She tells them she is now the headliner at a local nightclub act downtown and is enjoying her work, other then the constant worrying. She then apologizes for being so hesitant to let them in. Tony tells her he knows she is worried about Stefano. Liz doesn't answer but Tony tells her it's ok. He knows that his mother entrusted her with a secret that could change the Dimera family forever.

    Liz smiles and tells Tony it all makes sense as to why he is there now. She admits to him she was beginning to think he would never find the clues that led to her, which is why she was more worried then ever of Stefano catching on first somehow. Tony assures her that Stefano has no idea of any of this yet but Tony tells her she must tell him everything before Stefano does learn of what is going on. Liz looks at Steve and Hope and tells them she hates to be rude but thinks it would be better if she talked to Tony alone. She made a promise to Daphne that she would share this with Tony and it would feel wrong if they were there. Hope says she understands.

    Tony tells Steve and Hope to go ahead to the airport since they will want to head for Salem immediately once they have the answers they need. Steve nods in agreement as Hope tells Liz she simply must come to Salem for a visit. Liz says she will once things calm down as it seems Salem isn't the safest place. Hope smiles and embraces Liz, saying she understands, especially with her involvement in the Dimera's business. Liz thanks her and tells Steve and Hope it was nice seeing them. They both echo that sentiment as they leave and tell Tony they will see him later.

    Once alone, Tony and Liz sit down. She asks if he wants some coffee. Tony smiles and says it's remarkable that they are able to be civil after their tension-filled marriage. Liz says that was ages ago and she knows he has changed. She also explains that she knows all about his horrible ordeal in captivity. She tells Tony she is so sorry. Tony thanks her. He then tells Liz that he would like very much to get down to business. Liz understands, saying she knows he is worried about Stefano finding out what he is up to and admits she is too. Tony promises her she will be protected. He will make sure of it.

    Meanwhile, outside, Hope finishes calling for a cab to the airport and notices Steve making a call of his own. She hears him asking for two tickets to New Orleans and asks what is going. Steve tells her there has been a change of plans. They are going back to Maison Blanche. An angry Hope tells him the hell they are as the scene shifts to...


    In the living room, Alex warns his mother that playing games like she is could be dangerous. Elizabeth reminds him that he has always longed for a better life. A life with a complete family and they all have a chance at that now. Alex reminds her they could've been a family years ago if she hadn't lied about not knowing who his father is, which he still doesn't understand the motivation behind. Elizabeth explains that she had her reasons and she isn't getting into them now. She tells him she is going to go see where Jack and Billie went and what is going on. As she prepares to leave, Alex tells her he needs to tell her one thing before she goes. Elizabeth turns and asks what is it.

    Alex: Obviously, I am still upset about you concealing the truth about my father from me so you need to be wise here, mother. By that, I mean using me just to snare Jack away from Billie is not a good idea. I will not be a pawn. Your choice! Just know, that if you choose to ignore my warning and end up dragging me into the middle of whatever plot you have in mind, so help me I am through with you. I will no longer have a mother. Understood?

    A stunned Elizabeth looks silently at Alex, turns, says she will be back soon, and leaves. Alex shakes his head in frustration as he watches her leave.


    Jack chases after Billie and finally manages to catch up to her. He begs Billie to just stop and listen to him. Billie finally stops, reluctantly. Several officers are nearby. Jack asks if they would move away a bit so they can talk alone. The officers agree. Billie tells Jack she doesn't feel like talking or listening to him right now. Jack knows she is upset but begs her to listen to reason.

    Billie: Listen to reason? You took Elizabeth's side over mine just because you think she is this perfect image of what every woman should be!
    Jack: I never said. Alex acknowledged that his mother is not a violent person and, way back when, I knew her to be like that as well.
    Billie: People can change, Jack.
    Jack: Well, I don't see reason to believe she has. I think Elizabeth is right in that...
    Billie: Let me guess. In that I'm jealous, right? This is not about Alex being your son, Jack. This is about Elizabeth and the fact that she has changed. She came right out and told me she has and that all her years of being alone hardened her. She told me she was going to pull out all the stops to make you all hers. She told me that right to my face, Jack!!
    Jack: Well, I don't know what to say. Uh...is there...is there a possibility you are exaggerating or that you took her words out of context?
    Billie: DAMNIT, JACK!!! It's pretty clear we have a bigger problem here then Elizabeth. You refuse to listen to a word I say! Your in denial and your...ugh!! What the hell is wrong with you? Ever since you found out Alex was yours...
    Jack: I know I blew you off earlier and that is why your upset but...
    Billie: YOUR NOT HEARING ME!! Your choosing to hear what you want to and to see what you want to. You don't want to believe what I'm saying is true.
    Jack: I don't understand. I don't understand what you want from me!
    Billie: Clearly! What I want is for you to remember those words you said to me on the ship. Those same words you repeated to me in that cave on the island. I was dying and you told me how much you loved me. You put your heart out on the line right there and it was then that I realized we had something worth taking a chance on...worth fighting for. Then here comes Elizabeth and Alex and we still seem to be on track until you learn, without a doubt, that Alex is your son.
    Jack: Right. See, I knew it was jealously. Billie, that's ok...
    Billie: I'm not jealous. I want Alex to be a part of your life. A big part of it. This is about the fact that you aren't seeing what is going on here. Elizabeth is using the situation to get close to you. She is using it to break us up and you keep seeing it her way. You keep seeing it as me being upset or jealous all because she told you that was the case.
    Jack: I think we better just calm down. Maybe we should talk in the morning so cooler heads can prevail.
    Billie: Fine but nothing will change. We will still be at this same place, Jack. Until you get out of your world of denial and start listening to me... all I want is for you to at least consider what I am saying and to just look into it. At the very least, that would show me something that will give me hope. Alex is important to you and rightfully show. Elizabeth is his mother and that means you two will forever have a connection but that does not make then a package deal. You have a close relationship with your son without catering to Elizabeth and falling right into her trap. Jack, I think a part of you thinks getting closer to Elizabeth will help you bond with Alex and that isn't the case. He is a grown man. He doesn't need his parents together. He just needs you both in his life. You understand what I mean?

    Jack turns and stands in silence. Elizabeth arrives and watches from a distance, trying to also stay out of sight of the officers.

    Billie: Jack?
    Jack: I will take what you said into consideration. I'll call you in the morning. Good night.

    Jack walks off as Billie calls out to him.

    Billie: Damnit, Jack. You just refuse to see it. You don't want to see it. You can't accept what I am saying as the truth. Oh, Jack, if you don't rise above this insane sense of denial...there's no hope for us. Elizabeth will be the end of us (fights back tears).

    Meanwhile, Jack walks by Elizabeth, who comes up behind him, saying she was worried about him after what happened. She asks if he is ok. Jack tells Elizabeth he is fine but he wants to be alone so he would appreciate it if Alex and her took off. He will call them tomorrow. Elizabeth understands and asks once again if he is ok. Jack nods and says he just needs to get some fresh air and to think. Elizabeth bids him good night and says she will call him in the morning. As she walks off, she looks back at Jack and smiles as the scene shifts too...


    Dr. Dobbs is talking to Abby through the door, begging her to come out of her room. Abby asks if he was in on this sick plan too. Dr. Dobbs tells her that Forrest and him just want to talk to her. They don't want to hurt her in any way. Abby tells them she wants the truth and will come out if they give it to her. Dr. Dobbs looks at Forrest and tells him he doesn't have a choice. Forrest sighs deeply and tells Abby he will tell her the truth. He will tell her everything. Abby then slowly opens the doors to make sure everything is on the up and up and then slowly wheels out. Forrest motions to her to follow him.

    They enter the living room of the beach house. Forrest sits on the couch and Abby wheels over. Dr. Dobbs sits nearby. Abby reminds him she wants to know everything. Forrest says he will tell her everything and tells her it all starts with his childhood. Abby asks him if he means when he was presumed to have drowned. Forrest nods, saying that the whole sordid tale began on that very day.


    Hope tells Steve she isn't going to Maison Blanche. She reminds him they have to wait for Tony and they promised him they would help. They also can't take the risk of Stefano being on their tails. She adds that there is a good chance that Maison Blanche is crawling with security after their last visit. Steve thinks she is right but they can work around that. He tells they have to get to the truth. Hope tells him they already pretty much know Chelsea is their daughter and that they developed feelings for each other while imprisoned together. There isn't much else to learn. She tells him they can have a DNA test done on him and Chelsea to determine the truth once and for all.

    Steve: Your afraid. I know you are.
    Hope: I'm not afraid. I am just sick of this. Being away from my family, lying to my husband...I want it to stop.
    Steve: So do I but we need to do this, Hope. I heard about what happened when you investigated your past before and I know it led to some nasty things.
    Hope: No kidding. I lost yet another year of my life. I'm not going down that road again. I'm not getting lost in the past.
    Steve: I don't blame you but we both know there is still things missing from our memory banks (points to his head). We're always going to wonder what that is. We'll feel incomplete without whatever that is.
    Hope: I'll live.
    Steve: Well, I won't. Hope, I don't know much of anything about my missing years and this could be just the tip of the iceberg for me. If not for yourself, do it for me. We've been friends for a long time and I know it's a risk. I know your afraid of what might happen for many reasons. Your a strong woman. One of the strongest I know. We'll do this together. We''ll get through it together. I know if you look insider yourself you will see that this is right. That we have to do this. We have to.

    Hope is silent.

    Steve: Come on, sweet thing. You know I'm right. You know you will always wonder if there is more to all this. Your a cop. The curious part of you wants to know. I mean, who knows. We may learn something that can help us bring down the Dimera empire. You never know. You never know unless we give it a whirl. So, what do you say, pal? I'm not doing this without you. We were in this together then and we will be in this together now.

    Hope turns toward Steve.

    Steve: So, can we do this?

    Hope turns away for a moment and then takes a deep breath and says she better not regret this. Steve tells her she won't. She then tells Steve let's do this. He thanks her and says he will call and get them flight. Hope says she will call Tony since she doesn't want to go in if Liz and him are in the thick of things. Steve agrees that is the right way to go. Hope begins to dial and prays she isn't making a mistake.

    Meanwhile, inside the house, Liz tells Tony she appreciates the offer but doesn't need protection. Tony insists and says it would make him feel better. Liz smiles. Tony tells Liz to go ahead and begin to tell him about the long lost child his mother had. Just then, Tony's phone rings. It's Hope, who fills him in on the plan for her and Steve to head to New Orleans. Hope tells Tony she hopes he understands. Tony says he does and thanks them for all they have done and tells Hope to call if her or Steve need anything. Hope thanks him and says they will and promises to catch up to him once they are all back in Salem, unless they need anything. Tony wishes her and Steve luck and then hangs up. Tony tells Liz that Steve and Hope have to go. Liz wishes she didn't have to send them away but says she just wants to hold to her promise to Daphne. Tony says they understand and so does he. He tells her she can always come for a visit.

    Tony sits back down and tells Liz to go ahead and tell him the secret his mother entrusted her with. The secret that concerns his long lost half-sibling. Liz takes a deep breath and tells Tony she will and that it's a long time coming. The scene then freeze frames on Tony as he waits for Liz to begin to give him the answers he has been searching for and then the scene fades to black.


  13. PhoenixRising05



    1.) There seemed to be some controversy over the fact that Alyson let Nicole off the hook for snatching her baby. Did you want that to be a point of debate? What was the purpose there?

    A: Well, it was not meant to evoke debate, although that is always great in terms of attention. It was meant to do a few things. It moved Nicole into a position of action where she was pushed far enough to go after Caroline and the Brady's to prove a point to them. It was also done for the benefit of the Alyson character. We want to show her as weak but she will come into her own. She has her mother always instructing her and she is very fearful of the things going on in Salem. Nicole is her main fear and she knows what she is capable of. She knows of her affiliation with Orpheus and how they kept Carrie's baby from her. She didn't have Nicole arrested nor did she punish her because she was afraid of the ramifications. She thinks the result could be worse that way. Her reasoning is that by giving Nicole another chance, maybe she will see the light and back off. It was like an olive branch of a sort. Alyson is naive in this case because she hasn't experienced things like this. She led a normal, simple life and now she is bring thrown into the lion's den. She was screwed either way because the fans know Nicole isn't giving up and they also know that Nicole would make her pay if she was punished for taking the child. It's a catch 22. For fans of Alyson, she will reach the boiling point and then we will see a new side of her. A side that is deep within her, waiting to bust out to stop people from making her a doormat. It's a more independent side of her. That is coming.

    2.) What is the deal with all the guest star/cameo appearances?

    A: It's part of what we do to be unique. We don't always spoil everything in casting news and it makes SL more realistic when you have people just pop up. We like bringing people in as henchmen or to serve specific roles. You never know when one may catch on and become someone you can utilize in other ways. It makes the canvas more alive.

    3.) I'm lost in regards to some of the current stories. Is their summaries available?

    A: We don't like summaries because we feel it dilutes the story. If anyone is new to reading the blog or stopped reading and is returning, Roman and I are happy to answer any questions. Just PM us or comment in the blog. We can help you or point you in the direction of some episodes that can help fill you in. This way, you can go back and not have to read everything to catch up but you also get the proper sense of how the story is or was. It just works better we feel.

    4.) SL went through many cast cuts this past summer yet the cast is just as large due to additions of some new characters. Will there be more cuts and do you worry that this could take away from other characters/stories?

    A: The new characters were needed to spice things up. The cuts were made for story reasons and also because we felt some characters needed a break so we brought on new ones that we felt could add to the canvas and stories we were telling. These new characters have slowly been worked in and developed and it seems the fans are enjoying the slow "get to know them" process. I should also add that we tend to bring back lots of past characters for brief visits or to fill roles in stories pertaining to their families and that is always going to be something that we do. We will never let them take away from those pivotal to the current canvas but history is important. It adds to the emotional investment of the stories we are focusing on and we won't shy away from bringing on familiar faces to move story or to add a presence. A good example of this is Liz Curtis, who returns this week.

    5.) It seems like alot is happening behind the scenes based on that blurb in last week's Insider. Care to elaborate?

    A: No (laughs). Every week is big, as usual. Halloween is obviously something fans need to get hyped for. It's going to be amazing!! Also, there is some fantastic things in the works for November sweeps and December. November may have a special event that the fans will really enjoy. We're still seeing how it can work in the broad scheme of things. Just keep reading to see what happens!! You won't be disappointed!!




    Gloria Loring (Liz Curtis): The fan favorite is back, as previously reported. She will appear on October 15 and 16.


    We recently had time to sit down and ask Christie Clark (ex-Carrie) three questions on how she’s doing since leaving SL, what she thinks of it right now, and how she feels about being on the outside looking in right now.

    SALEM LIVES INSIDER: Good to see you again. Your exit in August came as a surprise. How did it come about?

    CHRISTIE CLARK: I knew it was coming. Last year, when the new writers came on, they told me that my story was starting slow. It picked up big time in February and all of a sudden I was working my ass off!! It was fun. I felt like Ali (Sweeney, Sami). She is always having this much airtime. However, when I knew Patrick (Muldoon, ex-Austin) was fired, I knew I was done. They kind of hinted to me they were tying up Carrie and Austin via the baby story. I felt sad because Patrick took Austin's (Peck, ex-Austin) place and was gone in less then a year. The material we had was great though. We also gave Austin and Carrie fans a nice wedding. I can't complain about my exit either. Nice way of tying things up.

    SLI: What is your opinion on SL right now?

    CC: It's on a roll right now it seems. Everything has a different vibe since the Fall premiere. I mean, it's always been action-packed but the intensity is at an all-time high and there is definitely alot more internal conflict and serious drama going on. It's basically the same old great stories but things are bouncing more then usual.

    SLI: Would you ever come back? Have you been approached?

    CC: I would come back. I'm not doing much and I maintain open conversation with SL. There are no hard feelings. I understood why I had to go. They want me back at some point and I will be waiting for the call. I love it there. Carrie is overseas somewhere and I can't see her being gone all that long. I would love to return sooner rather then later but I'm patient. I'll wait. It's worth it, I think.

    SLI: Thanks so much, Christie. We do appreciate it.

    CC: Anytime.


    -An Old Fan Favorite Returns.
    -Abby Demands Answers.
    -Billie And Jack Have A Falling Out.
    -Doug Has A Change Of Heart.
    -Abe And Celeste Talk Things Out As Lexie Finally Confirms Their Suspicions.
    -Steve & Hope Grow Closer.
    -Tony Has A Secret That May Destroy Stefano!
    -Marlena Holds The Key To A Shocking Secret.
    -A Devastating Truth Is Revealed.



    NEXT WEEK: Greta Wakes Up. A Disappointed Doug Breaks Julie's Heart. The Past Eats Away At Steve And Hope. Billie Lashes Out Over Elizabeth. Lucas And Joelle Try To Reach A Settlement. Abe And Lexie File Officially For A Divorce.



    It’s Coming...........

    To Salem..........


  14. PhoenixRising05


    In the secret room, Hope decides to call the police contacts that she knows to see if they found out anything. Steve can't believe Stefano even has secret rooms in a penthouse. Tony says Stefano has secret rooms and passageways in all of his properties in the event he has to escape or hide something. Tony continues to look through the files and finds a notation from Liz Curtis in one of the documents. He tells Steve and Hope that this is the break they needed. Liz is in Indiana in they have to leave ASAP. They can't risk Stefano catching on before they learn the truth. Hope and Steve take off for their homes, saying that they will leave notes for Bo and Kayla, hoping they understand. Tony hopes they do as well because this running off is really making them look bad in their spouses’ eyes.


    Stefano is riding on a stationary bike as Lincoln walks in. Stefano greets him, asking how the clean-up is going. Lincoln tells him that Victor is spending a fortune trying to clean up that spill and cover-up the attacks on his tankers. It won’t break him by no means but it will put a very serious dent in his wallet. Stefano smiles, saying that since Victor will now be busy, it’s time to turn their attention to Orpheus.

    Stefano then asks if things are where he wants them. Lincoln says that everything is almost in place. They move very, very soon. Stefano smiles once again, saying........

    Stefano: Good. Excellent work, my friend. That Orpheus won’t know what hit him when we strike. And Victor........he doesn’t suspect a thing?
    Lincoln: Not one thing. As far as he knows, I am one of his loyal men.
    Stefano: Good. Good. You know.........I’ve been letting way too much slide by, because of honor. He blows up my warehouse with my daughter in it.........and I let it go. He blows up my HOME..........and I let it go. Well........no more. The oil tankers were just a preview. Next time...............

    Victor will receive the main presentation. And Orpheus..........dear Orpheus. His hell.........is just beginning.

    The scene then fades into the...


    Victor is on the phone with the Governor of Texas, assuring him that every effort is being made to contain and clean up the spill. He thanks the Governor and tells him to give his best to his wife and children. As Victor hangs up, Roman walks in with a brandy and asks him.....

    Roman: How’s the clean-up going?
    Victor: We just started. The money I’m going to sink into this...........Stefano better be glad his sorry [!@#$%^&*] ass isn’t standing here right now.......or he would have a bullet in his head.
    Roman: Well, if any of us would have done that years ago........
    Victor: We wouldn’t be in this [!@#$%^&*] now, right?
    Roman: Yeah. You can say that.
    Victor: Well, then.........are you going to work with me once again..........and find out what that bastard is up to?
    Roman:Yeah. Why not?
    Victor: Good. And...........just to give you some help..........I asked this man to be your eyes and ears.

    A familiar man walks into the study(CLICK HERE FOR PIC OF THE MAN!!) and stands in front of Roman, saying.......

    Man: You’re looking well. You ready to ride on this?

    Roman looks at the gentleman, then at Victor, and then back at the gentleman before saying..........

    Roman: With guns blazing.

    All three men then walk out of the room, leaving to discuss plans.


    Hope is about to run out of her house, Steve comes walking in with his bag. Hope asks if everything is alright, to which Steve replies yes. Steve then says that they don’t have the time to talk about it there. They’ll talk when they get on the plane. Hope agrees and picks up her bags as she and Steve run out the door to Salem Airport.

    A short time after, Bo comes home and calls out to Hope. When she doesn’t answer, he looks around for her, walking into the kitchen and then coming back into the bedroom. Kayla calls him on his cell phone, asking him if he got a note from Hope or Steve. Bo says no at first and then looks down on the end table to see the note Hope left him. Kayla wants to know what is going on with those two.

    As Bo reads the note, he wants to know the very same thing.


    The cat fight continues as Billie smacks Elizabeth hard across the face. It stops the fight for a few moments as Elizabeth rubs her face. Billie tells her to stay away from Jack, pointing a finger in her face. Elizabeth slaps the finger out of her face and smacks Billie hard. Billie holds her jaw, looks at Elizabeth with shock and anger, and then tackles her into some tables.

    Jack and Alex run into the place and pull both women apart, with Elizabeth yelling that Billie is jealous of her son and Jack. Billie yells at her, saying that’s a lie. Elizabeth says she doesn’t want Jack and Alex to bond. She then says that Billie started the fight in the first place. Alex does agree with his mother, saying that she is not violent like that. After a few moments of confusion, Jack sides with Elizabeth, telling Billie that she could have found a better way to handle the situation.

    Billie then says that since he’s already believing the trout mouth, lying bitch, he can have her, and storms off furiously. As Jack goes after her, Elizabeth looks at Alex.....

    And just smiles.

    When Alex walks over to her, he asks what is her game. Elizabeth just says that she is doing what is necessary for him and her. Outside, Jack catches up with Billie and asks why he has a problem with his son. Billie says she has no problem with him.......her problem is with Elizabeth. Jack says all that he is worried about is Alex and Billie jumps in, saying that she knows he still has feelings for Elizabeth and if he doesn’t watch out........

    She will sink her teeth into him. Billie turns and walks away, leaving a stunned Jack standing alone as the scene freeze frames on his face and slowly fades to black.


    LIZ IS BACK!!!
  15. PhoenixRising05


    Nicole sits at the bar, drinking a martini. She thinks about what happened earlier with Caroline, Jean, and Alyson and says that she is sick of Caroline meddling. She is sick of all the Brady's acting as if they can do no wrong when they are hardly perfect. Nicole mentions how they judge her and ostracize her when they act horribly at times too. She looks at the pictures of Eric and Evan she has laying down by her drink on the bar and says, with tears in her eyes, that she has already lost them. She isn't going to lose anything else.

    She looks at the picture of Eric and tells him she knows he would want Samuel with her and not some woman he had a fling with. He knows she would give him all that he needs. She promises him she will have to resort to measures he wouldn't like but she doesn't care. Nicole knows he would want his family to understand where she is coming from and to learn a lesson and finally accept her. Nicole is confident that will happen but says she has to do this her way, even if she knows Eric would not condone it. She then wipes the tears from her eyes and says she must act soon and she will begin with Caroline's children as she lives through them. Nicole promises they will see what hypocrites they are and will wish they never treated her as they did. Nicole asks for a refill and then tells herself that, at the very least, Caroline and the Brady's will be distracted enough not to worry about her going after Samuel. The bartender gives her the refill she requested and Nicole raises her glass for a toast, saying:

    Nicole: To revenge and to getting everything that I want. Better late then never, I always say!

    Nicole then downs the martini and smiles evilly.


    Alice and Julie are visiting Lucas in his room. Alice encourages Lucas to have faith and assures him it will all work out. Frankie is working on his case and he has the support of the whole Horton family. Lucas thanks both her and Julie for coming. Julie says they were shocked when Maggie called them. They are just glad he is alright. Will then returns with some ice chips for his father. Lucas thanks him. Julie asks how he is holding up. Will says it's hard with mom not being around anymore but he knows she would want him to be strong and to take care of dad. Lucas and Will embrace.

    Meanwhile, outside the room, Doug watches the scene going on inside. Julie tells Alice they better get going as it's getting late. Alice agrees. Lucas asks if they would please take Will home. Will wants to stay with Lucas but Lucas tells him that visiting hours are over and he doesn't want him staying overnight in the hospital. Will doesn't want to let on that he is afraid to be alone so he agrees to go home. Julie says they will happily take Will home. Alice, Julie, and Will embrace Lucas and say goodbye to him, reminding him they are there for anything he needs. Lucas thanks them.

    On the way out, Julie tells Alice she is shocked that Doug didn't stop by. Word of what happened to Lucas was all over the news. Alice is sure he has a good reason. Julie thinks it's because he knew she would be there. Will then asks if that is Uncle Doug in the distance. Will points toward the elevators. Julie and Alice look and Julie can see it's Doug. She races after him as he boards an elevator. Julie tells Doug she has been looking for him. She doesn't know how to contact him or where he is and since thinks they should talk. She asks if he still plans on leaving Salem.

    Doug is silent. Julie begs him to talk to her. Doug says he can't and he isn't sure he ever can again. He tells her he took a chance and came by to see Lucas but he saw her there with Alice and Will. He didn't want to interrupt. Julie tells him he should have came in. Doug tells her didn't want any trouble and asks if she will wish Lucas the best and to tell him he will be in touch. Julie thinks he should tell him himself. Doug tells Julie he has to go. Julie begs him to just give her a few minutes but the elevator doors close.

    Julie returns to Alice and Will. Alice asks if she is ok. Julie looks at Will and fights back tears, not wanting to make his situation worse. She lies and says she is fine. Will and Julie then stand on both sides of Alice and help her walk off as Julie hides the fact she is wiping tears from her eyes.

    Meanwhile, Joelle enters her mother, Elma's, room. Elma is on a respirator and is conscious but doesn't seem able to move. Just then, Joey enters and asks his mother how grandma is. Joelle asks where he came from. Joey tells her Mrs. Ellsworth dropped him off. He was so worried and wanted to know what was happening. He asked a nurse where to find her. Joelle smiles and hugs him, saying grandma will be ok very soon. She is just sick and not able to move. Joelle explains that the machine is helping her to breathe and is making her better. Joelle promises both Joey and Elma that she is taking care of everything and that they will finally have the break they have been waiting for soon. She promises them they will all have a better life...soon.


    Maggie walks around the old, dusty, worn down Salem Club. She recalls the bustling environment it used to be as Max walks down the creaking stairs to enter the club, asking if it's safe to be there. Maggie smiles and nods, saying she just had some people here to inspect the building and survey it. They told her it would be alot of work to get the place up and running. Maggie then tells Max that everything is taken care of. She combined some money Mickey left her with some Victor gave her and they have the place now. She just needs to get the proper permits and such. She tells Victor is going to help her. Max tells her he will help finance the work that is needed to get the place back into shape. Maggie tells him that will be great and they can use some of her savings if there is a need.

    Maggie tells Max she is hopeful they can get some people to work on this so they can have a February opening. Max thinks that is being optimistic. Maggie agrees but thinks it's possible. She admits having alot on her plate living with Victor now. She also explains that she and Victor have had their idea for a Memorial Wing in Sami and Eric's honor approved by the hospital. She urges him not to tell anyone as it's a surprise for his family and they will unveil it at a Gala Event next month. Max thanks her and says that is great. He figures Victor is doing it for his mom, though. Maggie admits she knows that is part of it but it's also a way for him to make peace with the Brady's and to help them get past all the tragedy of this year.

    Maggie asks him how he is doing. Max says he is fine. He has a few buyers for the garage so he should have some money from that soon. He adds that it's weird with Abby not around. Maggie says she knows and admits being shocked she took off to be with friends right after her father came home. Max says he wondered about that too and the fact that she was leaving therapy for awhile. Max notes that Forrest is also MIA too. Maggie asks him what he is thinking and Max says nothing since they can't be together. Jack would never allow Abby to go with Forrest alone out of town, although Abby is of age.

    Maggie tells Max she is sure Abby will be back soon and that there is nothing to worry about. If there was, they would know it. She tells him to follow her. She wants to show him how she wants to layout the club around the bar in the center. Max nods and follows her as they make their way around the club, surveying what they have to work with.


    Lucas is almost asleep in his room when the sound of someone standing above him wakes him. He is shocked to see that it's Joelle and asks what she is doing. Lucas threatens to call security but Joelle says she comes in peace, at least this time. She just wanted to check on how he was doing. Lucas asks her how she thinks he is doing. He nearly died and then she sues him for sexual harassment. He asks why she is doing this. Joelle says she is just doing what she has to do and she is sorry it has to be this way. Lucas asks what that means.

    Joelle says she has to get back to her mother. Lucas asks her again what she meant by what she said. Tears stream down Joelle's face. She wipes them and turn turns around and tells Lucas she wishes him luck and that she will see him in court. Joelle leaves as a mysterious figure watches her as she walks to the elevator. The mysterious figure then looks in on a frustrated Lucas and then quickly moves away from Lucas's room and exits via the staircase.


    Abby exits the therapy room of the house. Dr. Dobbs comes out with her and tells her she did good and that they will pick up bright and early in the morning. Abby asks about her progress. Dr. Dobbs says her balance has improved and she is moving the legs so he is hopeful she will be walking, at least with the use of a crutches or a cane, soon. Abby thanks him for everything. Dr. Dobbs says it's what he does and bids her good night before walking off.

    Abby sees Forrest on the phone in the kitchen and can't help but wonder about the picture of the woman she found on the plane and about seeing him looking at it earlier and becoming emotional. Abby figures the woman must be a past love or maybe even a current one. She wonders if he could be talking to her right now. Abby wheels closer to the kitchen and hears Forrest talking. She is unaware that he is talking to Miranda.

    Forrest (on the phone to Miranda): Things are progressing quite well. I just have to wait for the perfect moment to act.
    Miranda: Have you even figured out a way to make her do it?
    Forrest: I told you I would.
    Miranda: That's reassuring. This is why I like mapping things out ahead. Forrest, I am warning you. You can't screw this up from your end because, if you do...
    Forrest: I know. I know what happens. It will all work out. We will complete the mission. Don't worry. No one has any clue what is going on. Abby is even in the dark and I am always around her.

    Abby hears this and is stunned.

    Forrest: It's all going well now that we are out of Salem. There is no one around to interfere.

    Forrest then turns and sees Abby right in front of him. Forrest interrupts Miranda and says he has to go. She asks if there is a problem. He lies and says there is nothing to worry about. He is just cooking something and needs both hands. Forrest then hangs up and asks Abby how long she has been standing there. Abby tells him long enough to know he is up to something and that all her friends and family were right. She asks Forrest what he wants with her. Forrest insists he just wants to help her and that he can explain.

    Abby wheels away to her room and locks herself in. She tells him she is calling the police. Forrest panics and yells for Dr. Dobbs. He orders him to disable the phone line. Dr. Dobbs asks why and Forrest tells him to just do it. Just as Abby gets through to 911, the phone goes dead. Forrest tells her he is not going to harm her and there is no need to call the police. He tells her to just come out. Abby refuses, saying she doesn't believe a word he says and the fact that he just disabled the phones in the house tells her he is dangerous. Forrest promises her that he is not but hears no response from Abby. He yells out to her and asks if she is ok as she lays her head on her bed and begins to cry, wondering why she didn't listen to everyone's warnings about Forrest.


    Jack arrives home and finds Billie sitting on the couch, reading a magazine. She tells him she has been expecting him.

    Jack: I've been looking all over for you.
    Billie: I doubt it.
    Jack: What's wrong? You seemed upset earlier when you called me.
    Billie: I'm fine, Jack. Don't worry.
    Jack: No, your not. I can tell. Your just saying that because you are a woman and you want me to figure all this out. Ok. Ok, I'll bite. Let me think. I left the toilet seat up again. Wait, no, we don't live together. Uh...
    Billie: Typical, Jack Deveraux. Making jokes at the most inopportune times.
    Jack: Ok. Whatever I did, I will make it up to you. How about we go out on that date? We can do it right now. Let's cash in that rain check and do it like we planned.
    Billie: I would like nothing more but alot has happened since this morning. Alex is your son.
    Jack: Right. I know. It's great. Much better then I thought it was going to go. We're already bonding and I thought for sure there would be tension and some awkward moments and...

    Billie puts her head down and turns away. Jack sees this and begins to realize what is going on.

    Jack: I just think...wait, is that what this is about? Are you jealous?
    Billie: Of you and Alex? No. I want you to bond with your son and have a relationship with him.
    Jack: Then, what's the problem?
    Billie: Are you really that...you know what, nevermind. Forget it. I think we should go on that date. I think it may help me feel better. At the very least, it will take my mind off things.
    Jack: Ok...well, let me go get a jacket. It's supposed to be a little chilly tonight.
    Billie: Ok. By the way, (smiling) what do you have in mind for this surprise date? (wrapping her arms around him)
    Jack: If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise.
    Billie: Hmm...hurry it up, Deveraux.

    Jack races out of the room and into the coat closet near the kitchen. He looks through the closet and realizes he left the coat he is looking for outside. He goes out to get it and sees Alex in the backyard. Alex turns. Jack asks what he is doing there. Alex says he just wanted to look at a real backyard, something he didn't have growing up. His mom took him from one penthouse or townhouse to another. He never had the simply family home with a white picket fence. Alex explains to Jack it's the simpler things in life that seem the most important to him. He never could get in to the upper class lifestyle. Jack smiles. Alex looks at Jack and tells him he wants this life. He wants what Jack has. Jack looks at him, puts his arm around him, smiles, and tells him it's his.

    Meanwhile, inside, Billie is touching up her makeup when the doorbell rings. Billie yells out to Jack that she will get it and is shocked when she opens the door to find Elizabeth. Billie asks what she is doing there. Elizabeth says that Alex and her are there to see Jack. Billie asks where Alex is. Elizabeth tells her he is out back. He wanted to look at the yard. Elizabeth explains that Alex has always been a sucker for the lesser things in life. The things commoners seem to love and adore. Elizabeth asks if Billie is going to invite her in. Billie rolls her eyes and motions for her to come in, whispering:

    Billie: Do I have a choice?
    Elizabeth: I beg your pardon.
    Billie: You know what. I'm not even going to pretend to like you. Elizabeth, what are you doing here? Really?You and Alex were just with Jack for most of the day.
    Elizabeth: We had more that must be discussed.
    Billie: Now? Couldn't it wait until tomorrow? You just saw him. What could you possibly...
    Elizabeth: Do I sense an attack of the green-eyed monster? That is the expression you Americans use, correct?
    Billie: I had you pegged from the minute I met you.
    Elizabeth: You mean when you were dying from a spider bite on a deserted island and my son and I saved that overly sized ass of yours?
    Billie: Ouch. Well, let's be honest, shall we? You only did that because Jack was there. It was your way of showing him you were still that sweet, innocent girl he fell in love with years ago but you have clearly changed, haven't you?
    Elizabeth: We all change, Billie. Years of leading the lonely life I have...I've been transformed by them. I'm no longer the same naive, rich girl I once was. I understand life's hardships and struggles. I know that nothing comes easy. You have to fight for it in life.
    Billie: And that is what you intend to do. You intend to use every trick in the book to reclaim Jack.
    Elizabeth: Well, you said you weren't going to lie or pretend so I will follow your example. Your right, I do intend on reclaiming the man I love. You need to learn, my dear, that first loves are hard to get out of one's systems and, almost always, first loves find their way back to one another.
    Billie: What mushy romance novel did you read that bullshit out of?
    Elizabeth: Call it what you want. I believe it. However, I also believe in making things happen. One can't wait for things to be handed to them so I intend on using what I have to snare Jack and bring him back to my loving, waiting arms, where he belongs.
    Billie: Including using your own son.
    Elizabeth: Whatever means possible. Whatever I have at my disposal, I will use. I will do whatever I must. I'm in this for the long haul.
    Billie: Well, so am I. You may have had him first but he doesn't want you. He wants his son. He wants to bond with him. Jack will see through this eventually. He isn't stupid, although that can be debated sometimes. I will not let you use the son you two share as a way to latch on to Jack and never him go. I will fight you at every turn.
    Elizabeth: It appears a war has begun then. I guess you and me are now officially enemies.
    Billie: I thought of you as an enemy the minute I saw you.
    Elizabeth: So be it. May the best woman win. (begins to snicker) Funny.
    Billie: What?
    Elizabeth: I think we both know I already rank well ahead of you in the "best woman" department. I guess it was a poor choice of words on my part. It is a shame you can't use the talents you inherited from your mother to help you hold on to Jack.
    Billie: You...
    Elizabeth: Too bad those whorish talents won't be of use to you (laughs).
    Billie: Bitch!

    Billie hauls off and slaps Elizabeth.

    Billie: You have alot of nerve judging me when you are using your own son to further your own agenda. You make me sick. I can't see any man having use for a piece of trash like you.
    Elizabeth: Look who's talking.

    Billie slaps Elizabeth again. Elizabeth announces she has had enough and tells Billie she is going to show her what she is really up against. Elizabeth then lunges for Billie, tackling her to the floor. Both women go at it as they fight, scratch, and claw on the floor of the living room as the scene freeze frames on them struggling with each other and then fades to black.


  16. PhoenixRising05




    Clip of Abby and Forrest sitting on a couch in the house in Malibu.

    Abby: Tell me the truth!!


    Abby (slapping at Forrest): Get away from me!!!


    Clip of Jack and Billie in the park.

    Jack: What do you want from me?!
    Billie: I want you to listen to me!! I want you to start putting me first!!!


    Clip of Steve and Hope in each other's arms all wet with her naked.

    Steve: I got ya.
    Hope: I...guess you do.


    Clip of Stefano and his men cornering Orpheus.

    Stefano: I've waited a long time for this moment.



    Clip of Liz and Tony at her house in Indianapolis.

    Tony: Tell me who the long lost Dimera child is, Liz.


    Tony to Liz: You can't be serious...






    IT'S COMING........

    TO SALEM..........




  17. PhoenixRising05
    OCTOBER 10, 2007: EPISODE #347: SNATCHED


    Caroline walks over to Alyson and tells her that the family will find a way for her to stay in Salem with Sam. She shouldn’t be worried about Nicole. Jean tells her that she believes Caroline. No need for her to leave town. Alyson says that if anything happened to her child........and then she gets upset and runs off. Jean excuses herself while she chases after her and Caroline turns her back for a moment to watch. Nicole stalks in the distance and, when she sees that Caroline is paying no attention, she runs over quickly......

    And snatches Sam up in an instant.

    As Nicole runs off with Sam, Caroline turns and sees the boy gone. She panics and calls out for him. Alyson and Jean run over, asking where Sam is. Caroline says she turned her back for a second and now he’s gone. Jean runs over to get security as Alyson and Caroline start running through the mall, looking for Sam. After a few moments, Nicole is spotted by Caroline a short distance away. Security runs up to her and stops her from leaving.

    Alyson and Jean then stomp up to the scene, demanding that the police get involved. And Caroline tells Nicole that she will press full charges on her for trying to kidnap her grandson. But, in a startling turn of events, Alyson says she will not press charges. Caroline and Jean turn and look at her with utter shock, with Jean saying.........

    Jean: HAVE YOU LOST YOUR [!@#$%^&*] MIND?!

    Alyson demands that everyone hear her out as she walks up to Nicole. She tells her in no uncertain terms that if she EVER lays one fingernail on her son again.........it will take a battalion of surgeons to remove her foot from Nicole’s ass. Nicole agrees to the terms, all the while thinking to herself that it isn’t over yet. When Jean asks if Alyson will stay in Salem now that Nicole knows what’s what, she agrees. Caroline then walks up to Nicole and tells her that she better listen to what was told to her.......or else. She tells Nicole she has no problem slapping the taste out of her mouth if need be and then walks off.

    Nicole watches as all three women leave with Sam, thinking to herself that it is time to teach the Brady's a lesson they won’t forget. She then turns and leaves in a huff.


    Bo walks in looking at some papers. Victor and Roman walk in from outside and Victor tells him how proud he is of him. Bo looks up long enough to say that Victor has taught him a lot over the past year or so and he’s decided to apply it. Roman agrees, saying that if he wouldn’t have spent so damn long upholding the damn law.........his children might still be alive. Victor tells both men to come and have a seat as he explains to them both.........

    Victor: The sign of a true man is one who learns form his mistakes and protects his family. You think I don’t have regrets?
    Bo: Yeah, I know. But............Isabella wasn't killed by some !@#$%^&*] like Stefano or Orpheus.
    Roman: Bo’s right, Vic. Just like when I was accused of the Strangler murders.........I was on the run from the law. Mainly because of Stefano. It didn’t protect me then........and it damned sure didn’t protect Sami or Eric or Greta........or anyone else whose been hurt or killed during this.
    Victor: Which is why I have decided to strike like a cobra right at the throat of the bastards.
    Bo: And what does that mean?
    Victor: Stefano is so worried about Orpheus (Victor pours himself a brandy) that he can’t see straight. Now is the time to hit.........hard and fast.
    Roman: And I guess blowing up his house wasn’t enough.
    Victor: Not by a long shot, Roman.

    At that moment, Bo gets a phone call and excuses himself. After he leaves the study, Victor turns to Roman and proposes an idea..........

    Victor: Roman, I was wondering.........could you use one of those famous disguises of yours and get close to Stefano?
    Roman: Right in the snake pit, huh?
    Victor: Exactly.
    Roman: Yes. Yes, I believe I can.
    Victor: Good.

    As Victor and Roman talk, Bo tells Steve, whose on the phone, that they are making plans against Stefano. He should be a part of that. Steve waits for a moment before declining, saying that he has other things on his plate right now. Bo is quiet for a moment, wondering why Steve would turn this gig down, but he then tells Steve he understands. Steve says it won’t last much longer and then he’s all Bo’s. Bo gets another call on his cell and tells Steve he has to let him go but they’ll talk later.

    After Bo clicks over, Steve hangs up, telling Tony and Hope that everything is cool. Bo doesn’t suspect a thing. Hope tells Tony that it is no problem helping him with the DiMera files and also searching the net for clues to Liz's whereabouts. Hope explains she is using her police contacts too. Tony tells them thanks, saying that this is very dangerous work. Steve says they gave him their promise to help. Just then, Tony hears Stefano coming and races out of the secret room, telling the couple to continue working as he closes the door.

    Tony walks into the master study of Stefano's penthouse as Stefano asks him where he was off to just now. Tony covers, saying that he was just looking around the new place. Stefano smiles, saying he knows when he’s being lied to. Tony says that Stefano always did know him, especially when he had Tony and Andre duel over Anna all those years ago. Stefano says that is ancient history. He did what he felt he had to do, just like now. Tony asks what does that mean. Stefano says.........

    Stefano: You will see, my son.

    Stefano walks over to his wet bar and pours himself and Tony a drink. He asks Tony to celebrate with him as he takes out his cell phone. At that moment, Lincoln walks into the room, smiling. He says that the mission was accomplished and it was a complete success. Stefano asks if anyone was hurt and Lincoln says no. Everyone is fine.

    When Tony asks what’s going on, Stefano looks at him and smiles, saying once again.........

    Stefano: You will see, my son.

    The scene then shifts quickly back to the Kiriakis Mansion, as Bo comes running in, shocked. Victor and Roman both look at him as Victor asks what happened. After he catches his breath, Bo finally works up the nerve to say........

    Bo: You won’t believe this.
    Victor: Believe what, dammit?!
    Bo: I...........I just got a call from one of our men. Your takers, Victor............your oil tankers. Four of them...........went down, Victor. And a fifth is spilling oil into the gulf.

    Victor stares at Bo with utter shock as Roman says.......

    Roman: Do they know what happened?!
    Bo: Not yet. The investigation has started. We’re flying the crews in, they’ll make out reports. We’ll know much more later.

    Victor takes a step towards Bo, asking him in a quiet tone......

    Victor: Bo.........how much did we lose?

    Bo hands him the portfolio of the estimated cost. Victor opens it and staggers backwards. He then turns and looks off into space as he says..........

    Victor: Dear God.............Two hundred and sixty-one million dollars.........gone. Like that. And (he turns to face Bo and Roman) another two hundred and fifty million to clean up the spill?
    Bo: Yes. Yes, Victor.
    Victor: Who............WHO WAS THE BASTARD WHO DID THIS TO ME?!?!

    At that moment, Victor’s home phone rings. He activates the speaker, as a very familiar voice says........

    Stefano: Well............how’s my favorite oil man doing tonight?

    Victor looks at Roman and Bo and then turns back to the phone, saying........

    Victor: Good move. Damn good move, my friend.
    Stefano: The first of many, Victor. You see..........it’s time to..........even the odds, so to speak. You started this, Victor, and I intend to end it. Guess I’ll have to fill up my car with some other brand of oil since yours is floating in the gulf of Mexico. Pleasant dreams, my friend.

    Stefano laughs as Victor picks up the phone..........and smashes it on his desk.

    The scene then quickly shifts back to Stefano’s penthouse, as he once again turns his attention to Tony. He tells him that is what happens to men who cross him. So, Tony better not forget that, son or no son. He has once again proven who is master of this family........and anyone who crosses him will be dealt with. He then bids Tony a good evening as Stefano and Lincoln walk towards the dining room.

    Tony returns to the secret room and tells Steve and Hope that they need to find the information they need........and fast. Stefano has just took the stakes to the next level and they better find some answers or something to end this feud.......

    Before they all pay........with their lives. Steve and Hope look at each other and then at Tony.........

    As the scene freeze frames on his face and slowly fades to black.


  18. PhoenixRising05


    Elizabeth walks up to Jack, telling him that they need to be as close to a real family as possible. Billie, feeling left out, looks at Jack, who says nothing. He still can’t believe after all these years that he has a son. Then, Elizabeth says, now is the time to take advantage of that. Billie walks off in sadness and, as she rounds the corner, she bumps into Frankie. She asks him how Greta is doing and he tells her they almost lost her. Billie can’t believe it and hope she pulls through.

    Frankie does as well but then asks Billie what is wrong with her. She says that Jack just found out he has another son. Frankie is shocked. Billie says that now that Elizabeth has brought this out, she’s sure to latch on to Jack every chance she gets and has no problem using her son to get him. Frankie tells her that maybe she should tell Jack how she’s feeling and she agrees, saying there’s no better time than the present.

    When she walks back over, she sees Jack being hugged by Elizabeth as Alex watches and smiles. Elizabeth then steps back as Jack offers Alex a handshake and Alex accepts as they say they will see where things go from here. As they all smile at each other, Billie turns to Frankie and tells him that it will be on if Elizabeth tries to get close to Jack. As police officers walk by, making sure everything is safe, Billie stares at Elizabeth with anger as the scene slowly fades to black.

    Meanwhile, in his room, Lucas wants to know what game Joelle is playing. She smiles, saying that this is no game. He knows how he treated her at work and she intends to make him pay, not only for herself but for poor workers everywhere. Lucas practically spits in her face, saying that he will prove how much of a liar she really is. Will then tells her to back off before things get rowdy in the hospital. Maggie concurs. Joelle turns around surprised. Maggie asks her why she is surprised? Did she honestly think Lucas’ family would not be in his corner, defending him from some alley cat whore such as Joelle?

    Patricia then steps in, saying that she believes Joelle and will represent her and reminds them she is DA and that holds alot of weight. Patricia also doesn’t give one damn about the Horton name, especially when a Horton is involved in a sexual harassment case. Patricia then tells everyone that they will see them in court and that she can't wait to bring down one of the "perfect" Horton's. Maggie says she hopes Joelle gets off her street corner long enough to show up in court then asks if her pimp will be along with her. Joelle frowns as Patricia leads her out.

    Lucas and Will thank Maggie for sticking by them right now. Maggie says that’s what family is for. She then leans in and kisses Lucas and then kisses Will, saying that she saw Frankie in the hospital earlier. She going to go ask him if he would represent Lucas against this crap. As Maggie leaves a worried Lucas and Will.........

    Joelle stands out in the hallway with Patricia. She smiles when Patricia tells her that before she’s done, Lucas Horton will be walking around with a tin can begging for change for what he’s done to Joelle. Joelle smiles, saying that’s all she wants to hear.


    Victor sits at his desk, looking at a file on Orpheus. Nico walks in and asks him.......

    Nico: Sir, what will you do about Philip?
    Victor: Like I said.......teach him a lesson. He wants to turn his back on his heritage and sell out his own father for that slug-ass bastard? Well..........time to pay the piper.
    Nico: And how will that happen, sir?
    Victor: Let Bo know that I want Philip to have more responsibility at Titan. This way, Philip doesn't suspect anything. Time to make my son’s head swell with power..........

    Before I snatch the [!@#$%^&*] rug from out under him.

    Nico obeys Victor and calls Bo up on his cell phone, as Victor turns his chair and looks out the window. When Nico is done, he asks Victor.........

    Nico: Do you think this will get the point across, Victor?
    Victor: Nico............I love that boy more than my own life. Just as I love his brother and sisters. My children are why I have done what I have done for the past year. But, make no mistake. The little !@#$%^&*] made one HUGE mistake..........

    He crossed me. And no one..........NO ONE...........[!@#$%^&*] with Victor Kiriakis, is that clear?
    Nico: Very, sir.

    Nico leaves to make plans for not only Philip but for Orpheus as well............

    As the scene fades into...


    Kate is brought in by one of Orpheus’s men and sat on the plush couch. Orpheus then dismisses his guard as he walks over and takes off her blindfold. Kate fixes her hair as she looks at Orpheus, saying.........

    Kate: You didn’t need the blindfold. Thought we stopped using that years ago.
    Orpheus: My dear Kate.........still the same beautiful smart ass you were 30 years ago. How are you doing, my dear?
    Kate: Well, I’ll be fine when you tell me why you snatched me up like that.
    Orpheus: You looked like you needed a friend and since we have been very close friends in the past.........
    Kate: You thought it would be fine to kidnap me. You know that every cop in Salem is looking for you.
    Orpheus: Which means I’m very safe. They couldn’t find a piece of gum even if they were chewing it. No worries, my lady. You are safe here.
    Kate: You said the same words on our first night together.
    Orpheus: Well, you said you always wanted to do it with a spy. You should have been happy.
    Kate: Oh, my dear.........I was.

    Kate smiles and so does Orpheus. At that moment, a guard walks in and whispers something in his ear. Orpheus excuses himself and leaves the room but not before telling his man to watch Ms. Roberts.

    In her room, Sami has her ear to her door, listening to the guards talk about the guest that Orpheus has in his study. She then pauses for a moment and then starts banging on the door. The guards burst in, telling her that what she is doing will not work and for her to keep quiet. Sami grows very quiet as one of the guards pulls his gun. The guards leave Sami’s room as she sits on her bed and starts sighing deeply, thinking of another plan of escape.

    Kate grows restless sitting by herself reading a magazine and gets up to look around. In Sami’s room, Sami stands up and walks over to her window but goes to first switch her lamp on. She then gets a brainstorm. She looks at the door........and back at the lamp. Back in Orpheus’s study, Kate starts to walk down the hall, telling the guard that she has to use the bathroom. The guard lets her go.

    As Kate starts walking down the empty hallway, Sami picks up the lamp and smashes it on the floor. Kate hears the noise and stops in her tracks. She then looks around and sees a door down the hall. Kate starts walking towards the door as Sami goes to the door and listens for anyone who may be coming.

    Kate reaches the door and places her hand on the doorknob.........

    As Sami smiles on the other side, hoping that Orpheus’s guest heard her break the lamp.

    Kate puts her ear up to the door as Sami does the same thing and the screen splits in two as each woman stands on either side of the door........

    As the scene freeze-frames and then slowly fades to black.


  19. PhoenixRising05


    Elizabeth sits Jack and Alex down and thinks they should start getting to know each other. Jack and Alex both seem tentative. Elizabeth encourages Alex to tell Jack about himself. Alex tells Jack about his love of writing and says he has gotten several articles published. Jack is proud, saying that when he started on the Spectator, he and his late wife, Jennifer, scooped many a story. Elizabeth asks if there is any place at the paper for Alex and Jack says he’ll ask Greta once she’s better. From around the corner, Billie sees all of this and takes out her cell phone. She calls Jack, asking if he can break away to come talk to her.

    Jack says he’s too busy right now. He then asks if it is important. Billie pauses and then says no, it’s nothing. She says she just wanted to ask a question and he has already given her the answer. She hangs up the phone on Jack, who is surprised by her tone. Billie then turns and stomps over to the elevators, steps on the one that is open, and seethes in anger as the door shuts.


    Abby has just been wheeled out of her therapy sessions with Dr. Dobbs. After the doctor leaves her, she quickly flashes back to the photo of a woman that fell out of Forrest's wallet on the plane and then comes out of it when Forrest enters the room. He just returned form jogging on the beach and Abby asks if he had a good time. He replies that it was as good as exercising can be. Abby wants to know something, though. Forrest says she has the floor as he pours himself some orange juice and sits down next to her.

    Abby wants to know if he has ever been in love.

    Forrest looks at Abby and then downs at his drink as Dr. Dobbs walks back into the room. Forrest remarks that he’s just been saved by the bell and chuckles. The good doctor tells Abby that they need to do some more exercises. She frowns, saying that she thought she was done for the day. The doctor tells her that if she continues today, she can have tomorrow off. Abby says she can’t pass up that deal and starts wheeling herself back into the training room. |

    She stops to tell Forrest goodbye but sees him in the corner of the room, near the deck. He is holding the picture of the same woman that Abby remembers and is staring at it sadly. Abby thinks to herself that she now has her answer to her earlier question as the doctor wheels her away.


    Kate is just about to open the door........

    When a guard yells at her to get away from it. Orpheus comes out from the other end of the hallway as the guard takes hold of Kate. Orpheus orders the guard to let her go, which he does, but instructs Kate that she shouldn’t be poking around people’s homes. Kate says he sure didn’t mind that when she used to walk around his place naked. The guard tries not to smile as Orpheus looks at him. The guard straightens up quickly as he turns his attention back to Kate.

    Orpheus stares at her with rage, pointing a finger in her face and telling her that he will let her go, this time.........and, with a warning. Kate listens intently as Orpheus tells her that she will be released, unharmed, so long as she doesn’t tell one living soul about seeing him or his high rise apartment. Kate shakes her head quickly as she says no one will hear a peep out of her. Orpheus says that he remembers what a lying bitch she is so he will know if she went back on her word.

    He then orders his guard to blindfold her and take her back to Salem Park. There are no police there and, for some reason, there never is. It should be easy. The guard obeys and fights to blindfold Kate. Sami hears all of this and Orpheus suddenly remembers whose room they are standing in front of. Right before Sami can start pounding on the door, Orpheus steps in her bedroom, telling her.......

    Orpheus: Now, now, my dear. Close.........but no cigar. Your friend won’t say a word.......not if she enjoys living. Goodnight, my dear. Pleasant dreams.

    Orpheus leaves Sami’s room as she goes and sits on her bed, burying her face in her hands.

    One of his men then comes back down the hall, telling him that even though Kate started kicking and screaming, she has been subdued, and is being taken back to Salem Park as they speak. Orpheus tells him that it is good work on all parts but if anyone ever has that much freedom in his home again....

    The person who allowed it will suffer. The guard understands and leaves Orpheus, as he walks back down the hallway.


    Bo and Kayla sit at the bar, worrying about Steve and Hope. Bo had his men looking for both of them and they found nothing. They then hear Steve say that maybe they should have just turned around and looked towards the front door. Both he and Hope, along with Tony, walk through the door as Kayla runs up to Steve and Hope walks over to Bo and kisses him gently. Steve and Kayla hug and then Kayla asks what Tony is doing with them.

    Hope says that Steve had some memory jogs from his past and Tony offered to help. Kayla looks at Steve, asking why he didn’t tell her about this. Steve said he didn’t want to make a big deal about it. Tony concurs, saying that he used his influence to help Steve out. Hope then says how sorry she is to Bo for just taking off like that. They couldn't risk the trail getting cold. Bo doesn’t mind at all, telling Hope that anything that helps Steve is worth it.

    They all sit down at one of the tables as Steve tells them they couldn’t risk Stefano finding out about their trip. The man has people everywhere. Tony then says that with their vast properties all over the states, they had started in New Orleans and just worked their way back home from there. Bo and Kayla look at each other with Bo saying that even though he’s glad they’re back and that they tried to help Steve, he doesn’t like the fact they went on some dangerous trip like that without telling anyone. Kayla agrees, saying that it shouldn’t happen again.

    Hope says it won’t and then Bo asks if they found anything important. Hope says no, not yet. But, where Stefano is involved, secrets are not far behind. Everyone agrees and also agree to meet later to talk more about their trip. Hope says she needs to get home to see JT and she gets up to leave. Steve follows her out, saying he needs to ask her a question.

    Once outside, Steve tells Hope they need to find the time to talk. Hope says they will, just not now. Steve asks her if she is scared about reliving their past together and, as Hope looks at Steve, the scene shifts back into the Pub where Bo wants to know if Steve and Hope are telling the truth. Tony is shocked, saying that he should be ashamed, not believing his lady love. Hope wouldn’t lie to him and Steve wouldn’t keep anything from Kayla. Kayla and Bo look at each other and then outside........

    As Steve and Hope stare at each other.


    Will is worried about Lucas after all that has happened with Joelle. Lucas tells Will he is fine and that they will fight this and win. Maggie returns with Frankie. Lucas thanks Frankie for coming and asks how Greta is. Frankie says there is no change. Lucas fills him in on the Joelle situation. Frankie thinks it sounds like Joelle tried seducing him and, eventually, resorted to drugs and alcohol but it backfired. He adds that when that didn't work she moved on to suing him for sexual harassment. Maggie thinks it's pretty clear she wants money and maybe even ownership in ROBERTS INC. Lucas refuses any of that and asks Frankie if he will represent him. Lucas tell him he knows he has alot going on but really could use his help. Frankie agrees to represent Lucas, saying he knows Jennifer would want him to help her brother and he sees that Lucas is being bamboozled with this case. Lucas thanks him.

    Just then, Kate shows up outside the room. She composes herself, trying to deal with what happened earlier, and then enters the room. She comes in saying Maggie left a message on her cell telling her that Lucas was in the hospital. Lucas doesn't want Kate there but she insists as she is his mother. Maggie tells Lucas she felt Kate had to be called and fills Kate in on what happened and on Joelle's accusations .Kate is horrified and tells Lucas he could've died. She then offers to help Lucas with his legal troubles but he doesn't want her help, saying she will only make it worse. Will tells Kate to just go. She is only upsetting his dad and making things worse. Kate begins to realize she isn't helping and tells both Lucas and Will she loves them and leaves.

    Maggie follows her into the hall and apologizes, saying she was only doing what she thought was best. Kate nods and thanks her, before walking away in tears. Maggie goes back and tells Lucas she thinks he was too hard on Kate. Lucas tells Maggie she earned that treatment. Maggie realizes Lucas and her differ on the issue and turns around to see a crying Kate watching them from a distance. Kate locks eyes with Maggie and then turns and boards an elevator just as the doors shut.


    Nicole walks near Ballistix and sees Alyson and Jean with Samuel. Nicole thinks to herself how sick these women make her. She walks over to both women and says that Eric truly would have preferred her instead of some slut he screwed for one night. Before either woman can get up and take matters into their own hands, Caroline walks in and says hi. Nicole starts to walk away but stops long enough to tell them that she’ll do what she has to to make Eric proud.

    As she leaves, Alyson says that even though Nicole truly needs her ass kicked, she is worried about what she will do. She then says if Nicole does one thing to hurt her baby........to which Caroline say she shouldn’t worry. The family will protect everyone. Caroline then says that they apparently don’t remember that her two sons used to be some pretty good cops in Salem.

    Well, Jean says that maybe they should be proactive in this whole thing, and Alyson agrees. Maybe it’s time that she take Sam.......

    And leave Salem for good. Jean and Caroline are shocked as the scene freeze frames on her face and then slowly fades to black.



    PROMO FOR WK OF 10/8/07


    Jack: Alex is my son...


    Clip of Jack, Elizabeth, and Alex in an embrace as Billie looks on.


    Clip of an upset Billie watching Jack with Elizabeth and Alex and walking off.


    THREE MEN...

    Clip of Stefano, Orpheus, and Victor.


    Victor: Now is the perfect time to take Dimera out.
    Stefano: Orpheus' reign will come to an end.

















    IT'S COMING........

    TO SALEM..........




  20. PhoenixRising05



    1. The response to Arloa Reton (Joelle Young) has been sensational. How do you feel about the way readers have voiced their opinion about her and her character?

    A: To be perfectly frank, that has came out of nowhere. Arloa has asked if she is doing a good job, and all I can tell her is “Read the responses, my dear.” (laughs) People like her, but hate her character’s guts. Readers have threatened bodily harm to this character, which means that not only is she being written right, readers love Sami and Lucas together, and that is what’s most important.

    2: There was a recent scene with Marlena (Deidre Hall) and Roman (Drake Hogestyn) where Marlena used some very strong language towards Roman about the state of their marriage. How do you feel about her character behaving like that?

    A: For me and a lot of fans.......it’s about damn time! Marlena has been written like some damn damsel in distress for 10 years now, and from what I have seen, readers love the fact that she has regained her backbone and told Roman to f*** off if he can’t get his head straight. I feel she never lost it, but it was laying dormant for far too long. Look forward to more of this. Dee is very excited about her upcoming story, and so are we. She will be back were she should be, and we will NOT make the mistake of another soap who feels it is stupid to use veterans like her.

    3: Victor (John Aniston) and Stefano (Joe Mascolo) are front and center right now, and this Mafia War story has pushed these two great actors to the forefront. How is the response?

    A: Once again, the use of veterans. How can that ever be a bad thing? Nothing is wrong with using the younger set, but they always need to fit into the fabric of whatever story is being told for the vets. Soap opera executives and writers need to start listening to their true fans: vets bring in readers and ratings. These two performers have either been back burned for way too long or have been stuck in one stupid story after another on the other show they worked for. We changed that. We started this feud between them and the entire cast, and one point or another, have been involved. It’s a wonderful story to tell.......and stay tuned for the rest of it.

    4: Steve (Stephen Nichols) and Hope (Kristian Alfonso) have gotten a lot of time together recently on the blog. Will this continue, and if so, why are you breaking up two great super couples?

    A: Who says we’re breaking them up? (laughs) We are telling story that has been under the surface for many years. It never cold be told before because both characters were with other people, and Stephen was gone for so long working on other daytime dramas. This is an opportunity, one which the readers seem to enjoy. Will it continue? Keep reading, my friends. (laughs)

    5: The blog seems to be hitting its stride. What is coming up?

    A: We are getting better in certain areas, but never forget this. There are many things where we can improve on, and I feel that if any writer is so arrogant that they feel his or her blog is on point all the time, you should stop writing. You always push yourself to do better than what you are doing now.........and you stop doing it when it is no longer fun. If anything, I hope and pray that the readers see we are having a lot of fun. The best thing about all of this? Reading responses from the readers of the blog. Giving them the stories THEY want to see, not the stories we want to see and being so arrogant that we won’t listen to what they have to say. Too much of that [!@#$%^&*] going on, where writers come off like the Vince McMahon of soaps, writing the stuff they want fans to have.

    We don’t do that. We try our best to tell compelling stories, and read the constructive feedback and apply it accordingly. We learn form what our readers say, and hopefully they see that in the blog.



    -Victor Lays A Trap......For His Own Son!
    -Kate Tries To Save Lucas From Joelle.
    -Tony Fears Stefano Knows The Truth.
    -Billie Fights For Her Man.......Literally!

    And............On Friday, October 12th..........Stefano, Victor, Orpheus & Roman Circle Each Other.......And Salem May Lay Destroyed In Their Wake!! It’s All Right Here........On Salem Lives!

    NEXT WEEK: An Old Fan Favorite Returns. Marlena Holds The Key To A Shocking Secret. A Devastating Truth Is Revealed. Tony Has A Secret That May Destroy Stefano! Steve & Hope Grow Closer. Abby Demands Answers. Billie Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands!



    It’s Coming...........

    To Salem..........


    Catching Up With: Wayne Northrop

    We recently had time to sit down and ask Wayne Northrop (ex-Roman, ex-Stefano, ex-Wendell, SL) three questions on how he’s doing since leaving SL, what he thinks of the blog right now, and how he feels about Drake Hogestyn playing a role he created.

    Salem Lives Insider: Wayne, it’s great to see you again, sir! What brings you by SONBC Studios?

    Wayne Northrop: Well, I come by to see some old friends in the cast and on the crew, just to say hi. This place is really buzzing with some positive feedback, and everyone seems really excited about what is coming up.

    SLI: Question, Wayne. How do you feel about Drake taking on a role you started?

    WN: I have always felt fine with that. The same way I felt when Josh played the role. I’m not one of these actors who demands this and that. If it works out that I can play Roman, so be it. But my life is so full of richness and happiness right now, I just don’t see myself returning to SL or any soap. Drake played this role so well, and the fans love him to death. It’s his role now, and he’ll do what he does best........take the ball and sprint for the touchdown. With Dee’s help, how can he go wrong? (laughs)

    SLI: What do you think of SL right now?

    WN: Wow. That’s all I can say. Pat asked me back for a one-shot recently, and I just couldn’t turn that down. I know I said I don’t see myself coming back, but........you truly never know. Salem Lives is really doing some great things. The twists and turns and the fact that CHARACTERS are being written for, not couples, is really lighting this place on fire. I find my wife getting into it so much lately, and she is one who can’t be impressed easily. I love it, and hope they continue with what they are doing.

    SLI: What have you been up to?

    WN: Being lazy! (laughs) Working on my ranch, and just enjoying life. We worked hard to get to where we are, and we are just enjoying each other right now. It feels great to just sit on my porch and watch the sunset with the woman I love so much. You just don’t know. But, and this is a big but..........if the story is right, and the offer is right..........who knows? You may see old Wendell causing trouble on a show near you some day again.

    SLI: Thanks so much, Wayne. We do appreciate it.

    WN: Anytime.

    Breaking News!!!!!

    A highly placed source at SONBC Studios has revealed that Salem Lives has started filming very explosive scenes for episodes that will be posted in October and for November Sweeps. Many key stars have been brought in to film for the next four weekends and the studio is rumored to be shut down in the first week of November to film the start of story lines that will, in this source's opinion, "Change the face of Salem Lives for a long time to come." Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the inside source told SONBC that sets are being constructed and finances are being worked out for what is sure to be some huge and shocking events that fans are sure to love.

    Salem Lives will post normally, so no interruption will occur.

    Stay tuned to SONBC and to Salem Lives, if and/or when any other information becomes available.
  21. PhoenixRising05


    Sami paces in her room as she continues to wait for something to appear on the TV screen to show her that Lucas is ok. The screen is nothing but blank now so she figures Orpheus turned it off. Just then, she hears Orpheus talking to her from outside her room.

    Orpheus: I feel so horrible you have no entertainment right now. Unfortunately, I have some errands to run so you will have to use that vivid imagination of yours to keep yourself busy. I promise you that my men and I will personally bring you the latest in quality programming when it becomes available. (smiles)
    Sami: Shutup, you bastard!!
    Orpheus: Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you think about your beloved Lucas going at it all night long with the very beautiful Joelle. Or...you could think about how lucky you are to be away from him, especially given his current state.
    Sami: What the hell are you talking about?
    Orpheus: Oh, I'm sorry, dear. You don't know because your TV is blank. I'm sorry. Well, the gist of it is your beloved Lucas was rushed to the hospital last night because his body was filled with drugs and booze. Wonderful combination.
    Sami: I don't believe you.
    Orpheus: Believe what you want. All I will say is...well, is it that hard to imagine a man who has just lost the woman he loves turning to the bottle? He does have a history, afterall. The man was heartbroken and a broken heart could cause even the sanest person to go over the edge. Believe me, I speak from experience.
    Sami: I don't...
    Orpheus: I must be going. Enjoy your day.

    Orpheus walks off as Sami contemplates his words and realizes it's quite possible for Lucas to have fallen off the wagon. She just can't see him resorting to drugs though. She is desperate to get back to the people she loves, especially Lucas, as time is running out. She knows they are all in danger and that Lucas is falling apart without her. Sami looks up to the heavens and prays that she can find a way out or that someone comes and gets her...and soon!


    Victor and Maggie slowly walk down the corridor. Victor thanks her for coming with him to see Greta. Maggie tells him she loves him and that she will always be there for him, just like he has always been there for her. Maggie tells Victor she is happy the doctors saved Greta and hopes she makes progress soon. Victor hopes for the same and adds that he is happy she convinced him to visit tonight as it's important he is at his daughter's bedside. He has had so little time with her and he wants her to feel that he is there and that he does care. Maggie is sure she felt all that. Victor says he thinks she did too.

    Maggie remembers that she had to run an errand for Alice at the hospital anyway and was planning on going later in the day. She decides she may as well do it now. She tells Victor she will meet him at the mansion. Victor wonders if Maggie should just move in as she is always at the mansion. Maggie wasn't sure he would want that. Victor says he would love it but was afraid to ask. Maggie tells Victor she will always love Mickey and their house holds special memories but she does need to move on and it's hard being around so much that reminds her of her past with Mickey. She asks Victor if he is sure about her moving in. Victor nods, saying he can have arrangements made to move her in ASAP. Maggie agrees to do it, saying it's time they take the next step and she is always with him anyways. She adds that she will still keep her and Mickey's house.

    Victor tells her he is excited. Maggie says she feels the same but must get going. Victor says he should be going to. They kiss and Victor tells her he will see her at home. Maggie and Victor both smile as they part ways. Maggie heads for the nurses station and asks a nurse, who says hi to her, if Dr. Brockfield left an envelope for Alice. The nurse goes to check as Rich arrives. He asks Maggie if she is there for Lucas. Maggie is confused and says she came with Victor to see Greta and is running an errand now. She asks if something is wrong with Lucas. Rich tells her to come with him.

    Meanwhile, Lucas is in his room when Maggie walks in with Rich. Lucas is upset that Maggie knows but Maggie tells him she would've learned anyway. She asks what he was thinking falling off the wagon and taking drugs on top of it. Lucas assures he didn't and fills her in on what happened. He remembers there was a mix up at the bar and he drank alcohol by accident. He explains he was at the Cheatin Heart to comfort Joelle. Lucas explains who Joelle is and her history and tells Maggie his belief that she drugged him. Maggie tells Lucas she believes him, especially since Joelle seems to want him. Maggie then asks if Will knows. Lucas shakes his head, saying he doesn't want him to because he shouldn't worry. Maggie says he has a right to and should find out before he learns from someone else. He may take it the wrong way. Lucas realizes Maggie is right and tells her to do him a favor and call will. Maggie agrees as the scene shifts to...


    Will is in his bed, tossing and turning in his sleep. He is thinking about that infamous night that he learned the truth about who Alan was and the tragedy that followed...Alan molesting him. In the middle of another nightmare about Alan, Will jumps up and begins to hear Alan call out to him. Will frantically looks around the dark room and clutches his head, screaming for Alan to just leave him alone. Just then, the sound of a phone ringing wakes Will from his sleep. He realizes it was all one big nightmare and that they just don't seem to stop. He wonders who could be calling and gets up, puts his robe on, goes out into the living room, and answers the phone. It's Maggie, who tells him his father is in the hospital and he needs to get down there. She adds that Lucas is ok but he should be there. Will wondered where his father was, thinking he was pulling an all-nighter again. He says he will be right there and hangs up. He goes back into his room to get dressed.


    Kate is on a park bench when Philip walks past her, with guards following close behind him for protection. Kate yells out that it must be nice to have guards as she has none. Philip tells her that it's because no one cares. Kate tells him to watch his tongue. She is his mother. Philip says he doesn't feel that way and hasn't in months. Kate asks if he is still angry about the Belle situation. Philip nods and says he wants her nowhere near his life. That is why he just ignored her and only acknowledged her when she called out to him about the guards. He doesn't want her in his life or else she will interfere and mess everything up again. That is all she ever does is do things because she feels they are right for her children and then ends up hurting her children and doing more harm then good. Kate begs Philip to just give her another chance
    to prove herself. She knows she doesn't deserve it but she loves him and all her children are her life. Philip tells her he doesn't think he can do that, at least not right now.

    Kate reminds him that she is his mother but Philip counters by saying he is her son and she has hurt him deeply too, more then he has ever hurt her. Philip tells Kate she won't get any sympathy from him. He then looks at his watch and says he has to go. He has to get back to Titan and get some things before finding his dad. Kate begs him to at least set up a meeting with her to talk. Philip just shakes his head and wishes her good luck and a good day. Philip walks off as tears stream down Kate's faces, wondering if her family is completely destroyed.


    Jack is driving him and Billie back to his place. She tells him she knows he is upset and worried but tells him there isn't anything they can do until they have something on "Fred." Jack says he knows but he is just so worried about Abby and then the whole thing with Alex on top of it is really stressing him out. Jack tells Billie it may be better if they call off their date later. Billie reminds Jack of what made him feel better after Jennifer's death. Jack says it was going out but he isn't in a good frame of mind. Billie notes he wasn't then either and that sitting at home or just worrying about work is not the answer. He needs to socialize and to keep busy by having fun and just relaxing. Jack says that is hard to do right now, just like it was a year ago. Billie says she will help him, just like the last time. Jack smiles and thanks her for doesn't think much will help.

    Jack's cell then rings. Jack asks Billie to answer it since he is driving. Billie does and it's a nurse, who asks for Jack. Billie says he is driving but she can give him the message. The nurse tells Billie that his DNA test results are in and he can come down anytime to have them picked up and/or read to him. Billie thanks the nurse and tells Jack the DNA tests on him and Alex are in. Jack is glad the time has come to know the truth and tells Billie to call Elizabeth and Alex to have them meet them at the hospital. Billie asks about their date since they were going out around the middle part of the day. Jack says they will have to cancel. He apologizes but there is just too much going on and his heart isn't in it today. A deflated Billie says she understands and begins to dial Elizabeth.


    Forrest and Abby are sitting together on their flight. He looks at her and can tell she is nervous. He takes her hand and tells her she will be fine. Abby tells him she always believes that when he says that to her. Forrest smiles. A stewardess comes by offering drinks. Abby asks for a soda while Forrest asks if they have any scotch. The stewardess says they do but there is a fee for liquor. Forrest agrees to the fee and the stewardess begins to fix the drink as Forrest pulls his wallet out. Just then, the plane hits turbulence and the stewardess spills scotch all over Forrest. Forrest jumps up in anger, sending his wallet to the floor, as the stewardess apologizes. Forrest then calms himself, saying it was an accident but he needs to go to the bathroom and clean himself up. Abby says she will watch everything. Forrest thanks her as the stewardess apologizes again.

    The stewardess begins to fix Forrest's drink again as Abby notices his wallet on the floor and picks it up. She sees the stewardess fixing the drink and figures she should pay for the drink for Forrest so he can just relax upon returning. She asks how much the drink is and says she thinks she hears change in the wallet. The stewardess says the drink is on the house because of the spill. She sets the drink down and tells Abby to tell the man with her she is sorry again. Abby smiles and says she will and that it's fine. The stewardess leaves. Abby is about to put the wallet away when she notices something that shocks her. As she was looking through the wallet for money, she came across Forrest's picture of Sylvia. Abby notices the resemblance to herself and wonders who the women is. She sees Forrest coming back and closes the wallet, putting it on the floor. She wonders if she should ask Forrest but can see he appears upset over the spill still.

    Abby asks if he is ok. Forrest says he is a little annoyed but understands it wasn't the women's fault. He also says he is a bit nervous and worried about her therapy. He just wants her to do well. Abby thanks him for that and then tells him his wallet is on the floor. Forrest picks it up and thanks her, saying he has to much important stuff in there to lose. Abby nods and wonders if she should bring it up but, ultimately, decides it may be better to discuss in private after they land. Forrest looks over at her and asks if she is ok as she seems a bit unnerved. Abby smiles and says she is fine and then whispers:

    Abby: For now...


    Jack and Billie are in a waiting area when Elizabeth and Alex show up. Alex says it will be good to finally know the truth. Now, he will know who he truly is. Jack agrees that it will be good to finally resolved the issue of whether he is his father or not. Meanwhile, Elizabeth walks over to Billie and asks if they can talk alone. They go off to a corner as Elizabeth tells Billie there is something she wanted to say for a long time to her and adds that it's more like a warning.

    Elizabeth: I know your the one that pushed for the DNA test and I know you probably doubt my intentions are honorable. No doubt, your assuming I am after Jack. Well, I can assure you the joke is on you and, a little word of warning, if you try to come between my son bonding with his father and us bonding as a family...well, then, this is war.
    Billie: Eliza...
    Elizabeth: No! I was nice to you but it's clear you don't trust me. Honestly, I never liked you either but I'm not going to push you out of Jack's life. I just want you to stay out of the way of us being a family and of Jack bonding with Alex.
    Billie: We don't even know if he is his son and I have no clue where all this is coming from. I suggested the DNA test because any rational person would. I do wonder if you are after Jack but I don't hate you nor do I see a target on your back. I just don't want Jack to get hurt and some things were off about your situation.
    Elizabeth: Like what?

    Just then, a lab tech comes in with an envelope.

    Elizabeth (interrupts Billie): Well, we will have to finish this later.

    Elizabeth races over to Jack and Alex's side as Billie watches. Jack then tells the doctor to lay it on him. The tech tells Jack he isn't a doctor but lab tech. Jack apologizes, saying he is just nervous and excited. The lab tech begins to open the envelope and pulls out the paperwork. He looks through them. Jack asks what the news is. The tech says with 99.9% certainty, it has been proven that he IS Alex's father. Jack is stunned now that it's indeed true as Alex reacts the same way. Elizabeth approaches both of them and says it looks like they are a family now. They will always be connected and will always have a strong bond between them. She kisses both of them and puts her arms around them as Billie watches, her eyes looking sadder by the second.


    Philip returns home, looking for Victor. He eventually finds him in the study, looking over some layouts with Nico. Philip walks up and tells Victor he took care of all the new accounts and sealed all the deals. Victor is impressed and tells Philip he is really doing a good job. Philip tells Victor he just wants to prove he is worthy and wants to make it up to him for his behavior. Victor tells him it's forgotten and that he probably will be giving him more power and control at Titan now that he has proven he can handle it. Philip says he would love to do more and will do whatever is asked of him. Victor is impressed by Philip's turnaround and tells him he has never been more proud of him. Philip thanks him and says that means alot. He then tells his father to call if he needs anything and excuses himself as he has some things to do upstairs.

    After Philip leaves, Nico asks Victor:

    Nico: When are you going to tell him?
    Victor: About me knowing he kidnapped me and handed me over to Orpheus a few months back? Not for a long time. He deserves everything he is getting. He delivered me right into Orpheus's clutches. I nearly died on that ship because of his greed and disloyalty. His betrayal will not go unpunished. I will teach him a lesson he will never forget.

    Victor shows a devilish smile as the scene fades to...


    Maggie, who is by Lucas's bedside when Will races in and embraces his dad. Will tells Lucas he thought he was at work like he had been previous nights but was still worried. He asks if he is ok. Lucas fills him in. Will tells his father he thinks it wasn't his fault either. Lucas thanks him for the support. Just then, Joelle comes in. Will approaches her and asks if she drugged his father. Joelle denies doing anything of the sort. Maggie then gets up and demands to know what she did to Lucas and what she is up to. Joelle says she did nothing to Lucas. It's about what Lucas did to her. Just then, Salem D.A. Patricia Cromwell walks in the room behind Joelle. Maggie asks what she is doing there.

    Patricia: Well, Joelle called my office. She told me she had an interesting case for me. I don't usually take on cases when they are provided in the way Joelle approached me with this one but it intrigued me. I like the idea of bringing down the head of a successful company, especially one that used to be run by the ever so infamous Kate Roberts.
    Lucas: What are you getting at?
    Patricia: Mr. Horton, Joelle here has made some startling claims against you.
    Patricia: You see, Joelle has claimed you sexually harassed her, Mr. Horton. She is suing you and your company for all you and it's worth.

    Lucas, Will, and Maggie all look on stunned as Joelle and Patricia both smile, while a mysterious person watches from outside Lucas' room.


    A devastated Kate walks through the park, drying her tears. She looks up to the heavens and asks if she has paid enough for her mistakes. She loves her children and needs them in her life. She says she needs help getting back into their good graces because she doesn't know what she can do to accomplish that. Just then, Kate walks around a corner and catches a glimpse of Orpheus sneaking off into a wooded area. Kate notices the person she just saw looked familiar and her curiosity is piqued. She decides to try to catch up to the person as it could very well be Philip. She decides to walk around and catch the person so that, if it is Philip, he doesn't run away from her.

    Kate is about to walk when she hears something in the bushes. She realizes the person is still nearby and slowly sneaks into the wooded area. She walks around searching for a bit and hears some moving branches nearby. She thinks she hears someone coming and hides in some shrubbery. After hiding, Kate sees a man emerge from an area of some trees and shrubbery. It's ORPHEUS!! Kate is shocked and wonders what he may be up to being in the park in broad daylight. Kate then jumps up in shock when someone touches her on her shoulder. She turns to see Orpheus standing right in front of her.

    Orpheus: Hello, Katie. Nice to see you again.
    Kate: Orpheus.
    Orpheus: Never could mind your own business, could you? Just had to follow me. Did you think I didn't notice you getting a look at me?
    Kate: I...
    Orpheus: I slipped up in letting you see me but I sure as hell wasn't going to let you bust me. Well, in that case, come with me.

    Orpheus grabs Kate's arm violently.

    Kate: Ow! What are you...where are you taking me?
    Orpheus: Some place where we can talk...for old times sake!

    Orpheus drags Kate off as she screams, resulting in him covering her mouth with his hand as he takes her with him into the night. The scene then fades to black.


  22. PhoenixRising05


    Victor walks over and stands at Greta’s bedside as Maggie stands near the door. He puts his hands on Frankie’s shoulders as they both pray that she pulls through after flatlining. The doctors and nurses work on Greta and Victor turns slowly and looks at Maggie, who looks at him with dread on her face. Victor then turns back around and leans into Frankie, saying that everything will be just fine. Frankie remains silent as Greta is finally starting to stabilize.

    Frankie walks over to Maggie and she hugs him as Victor follows him with a question. How much does Frankie care for his daughter? Frankie says his feelings for her are friendship, he thinks. But, he isn’t sure. Victor says his daughter is very lucky to have such a man of honor in her life. He hopes that whatever happens, when Greta comes out of this, that Frankie will treat her well. Frankie shakes Victor’s hand, saying that he has nothing to worry about.

    As Maggie and Frankie go to get something to eat, Victor walks over to Greta’s bed in the now darkened room, and sits down at her bedside. He looks at Greta, lovingly, as he asks for a favor.....

    Victor: Oh, my darling Greta. If only your sister were here. Isabella had the same strength you do. She was a wonderful soul and my life has been so empty without her. I hope she is here now, helping you get better. Oh please, my precious girl. Wake up, so we can have a life together.......

    Before it’s too late for me.

    Victor rests his head on Greta’s arm as his starts crying quietly.

    Meanwhile, in the ER, Lucas fights for his life as the doctors work on him with Joelle standing by, watching in horror. Rich then leads her out into the hallway, saying that they will pump his stomach but that his vitals are strong and that he should be fine. But, he tells her she cannot stay in the ER and has to wait out in the hallway. What Joelle doesn’t know is that someone is watching her from the elevators around the corner. She can feel eyes on her but, when she turns around, she sees no one.

    After awhile, she is given permission to finally see Lucas. Lucas looks up from his bed and tells Joelle that she is nuts if she thinks she’s going to skate for trying to poison him. When Joelle feigns ignorance, an enraged Lucas tells her to go to the office and get her [!@#$%^&*] out of there. She’s fired as of right now. Joelle starts crying, begging Lucas not to fire her. He yells at her that this is just the beginning of what she will face. As soon as he gets out of the hospital, he is bringing her up on charges for attempted murder. Lucas is so angered that a nurse comes running in trying to get him to calm down but all he can do is scream at Joelle to get out of his eyesight.

    Joelle runs form the room in shame and, once she is out in the hallway, she starts to compose herself. She then thinks to herself that she has one other option and then walks briskly to the pay phones. As she picks up the receiver, she now doesn’t realize that the same person who was watching her before is watching her again as she frantically makes her phone call.


    At the airport terminal, Abby stops her wheelchair and turns around, looking at Jack and Billie for the last time. Jack walks over and bends down, saying that everything will be ok. Abby smiles, knowing that he will be fine and that Billie will take care of him. It’s the first time she has felt ok about leaving him since her mother died, which makes Billie smile, as she fights back a tear. Abby tells Jack to give JJ a kiss for her and then says that Jack needs to just tell people she’s off visiting family in Europe, to which Jack very reluctantly agrees to. Abby assures him that with Chelsea away, it should be easy to do. Forrest and Dr. Dobbs then walk up, saying that Abby will be just fine, as Forrest goes and stands behind Abby’s wheelchair.

    Jack stares at Forrest with anger, saying that nothing better happen to his child or else. Billie asks Forrest if he heard what Jack just said and Forrest smiles, saying that they will have no worries. Jack can’t force her to stay but is worried about what is happening. Abby tells him everything will be ok.

    Forrest leads Abby onto the plane as she turns and waves goodbye to them. As she disappears into the private jet, Jack tries to run past security and stop the plane but Billie and more airport security hold him back. Jack can’t take his eyes off the plane as the scene fades back into the plane. Forrest sits next to an apprehensive Abby and takes her hand, telling her everything will be alright. Abby smiles back at Forrest as the scene once again shifts to the airport. Billie holds Jack in her arms and tells him that everything will be just fine.

    The plane takes off as Jack silently tells his little girl goodbye and, as he and Billie watch it disappear into the sky and out of sight, the scene slowly fades to black.


    Sami paces back and forth, frustrated at not being able to find out if Lucas is ok or not, as Orpheus first knocks and then enters her room. She demands to know what he had that bitch do to Lucas. Orpheus smiles, saying that whatever it is, he is sure that Lucas enjoyed it. Sami goes to slap Orpheus once again but he catches her by the wrist and angrily states.......

    Orpheus: No more of that garbage, my dear. The ONLY reason why I haven’t given the order to kill both your lover and your son is that I want to see you suffer first. Only then........will their lives be snuffed out.
    Sami: Orpheus, please, listen to me. My father, as you know, still has many connections from the time he thought he was Forrest Alamain. He is also a former member of the I.S.A.
    Orpheus: My favorite people........
    Sami: I can GUARANTEE your safety as you make your way out of the states if you let me go and don’t hurt my family. Now..........you can’t turn that down, can you?

    Orpheus lets Sami’s wrist go, places his hands into his pockets, and walks past her. After a few moments, he turns around, walks over to Sami, gently places his hand on her cheek, smiles at her and says to her, in a soft voice.....

    Orpheus: Samantha...........I can already get in and out of the country. What kind of fool do you take me for, WOMAN?!
    Sami: You really don’t want me to answer that question.........
    Orpheus: SILENCE!!! I’m SICK of saying it so this will be the last time. Roman and your family will pay for everything he’s cost me. Even if it takes me the rest of my natural life. NOW.........why don’t you sit in here and think of that........WHILE I MAKE PLANS TO WIPE OUT YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!!!

    Orpheus storms out of the room as Sami tries to stop him and pounds on the door as Orpheus slams it shut. And then, a very angry Orpheus orders one of his men to get in contact with their man in the Far East. He tells him that it is time to up the stakes.......

    Orpheus: And set a trap for one Roman Brady!!!


  23. PhoenixRising05


    Victor walks out into the garden as Maggie works. She is silent, knowing that he is standing there but refusing to acknowledge him. Victor stands back and looks at Maggie, then sighs deeply as he asks to speak with her for a moment. She still says nothing, continuing to work in the garden. Victor says he’s sorry for how he talked to her. Maggie still says nothing. Victor then says this relationship thing is kinda new to him and that he’s been out of practice for a long time. Maggie is silent. He then looks off in the distance as he says he will cook dinner himself and serve her breakfast in bed if she will just at least say something to him.

    Maggie stops, turns, looks at Victor and says.........

    Maggie: I like my eggs scrambled.

    She then turns back around and Victor does not see her smiling and trying her best not to laugh. Victor beats her to it, starting to laugh himself at the situation. He then walks over to her as she stands up and they gently kiss as she reminds him she will hold him to his promise. Victor says he intends to do exactly what he said and then turns to tell Nico to have the kitchen prepared. And.......for Nico to have the fire department on standby. Nico smiles as he heads back to the main house as Maggie and Victor go to sit down.

    Maggie tells Victor that with everything that is going on, maybe it’s time for something positive to happen. She wants to re-open the Salem Club and has gotten some financial backing from Max Brady, in exchange for a reasonable ownership percentage. She also wants to use some of the money that Mickey left her. Victor says that it is a wonderful idea. He also has been thinking of doing something for the Brady's, like building a hospital wing in Sami and Eric’s honor. Maggie says that would be a kind and wonderful gesture towards the family right now.

    She then says that she promises that she will keep her nose out of his business. Victor asks if she had to make the same promises to Mickey. She smiles, saying that yes, she had to bend every now and then with Mickey. But, he was such a good man that they never stayed mad at each other for long. She then looks at Victor, asking if he feels like he’s being compared to him. Victor tells her it would be silly for him to ask or demand that she stop thinking or even caring about Mickey.

    She had a long, wonderful life with him. He wants her to always remember her time with him while making a place in her heart for him as well. She says she already has and leans in to kiss him once again. Nico then interrupts them, saying that the kitchen is ready. Victor stands up and excuses himself, saying that when the fire alarm goes off, for Maggie to please run for her life. Victor leaves and Maggie looks towards the heavens, saying........

    Maggie: He’s a good man, Mickey. He makes me miss you just a little less.

    Maggie wipes tears from her eyes as she returns to her garden.


    Stefano sits with Lincoln and devises a strategy against Orpheus as they play chess. He tells Lincoln this man is a thorn in his side. A very annoying thorn. And it is time that he be dealt with. Lincoln makes a move, saying that Stefano needs to remember.........Orpheus is someone who will take no prisoners. Stefano tells Lincoln that he shouldn’t remind him of anything. Stefano makes another move on the chessboard as he tells Lincoln that there isn’t a man walking the Earth who he has underestimated. Not Victor, not Roman Brady..........and definitely not Orpheus. Stefano can’t believe that Orpheus would even do battle with him and Victor but.........the young always takes the place of the old.

    Lincoln asks what that means. Stefano says that he is getting too old to continue fighting battles. He is starting to think he’s wasted a great deal of his life going after these, these.........common people, when he could have been married with a large and loving family. But, he says,..........it was not meant to be. He was meant to spend his life doing battle. And that is how he will be......until that final day, when they are throwing dirt on his grave. Lincoln says not for a long time and then Stefano laughs, saying never to put a time table on fate.

    At that moment, one of Stefano’s men walks in, telling him that his informant just got in contact and told him that the time is approaching. Stefano says.....

    Stefano: Good, good. (looking at his henchman) Thank you for this news. Now.......go and prepare the things that we talked about. And also, tell my operative to stay in place until I give the order.

    The henchman understands and leaves the room with Stefano telling Lincoln......

    Stefano: Well, my friend..........Orpheus is about to curse the day he crossed me.
    Lincoln: Sounds like this is going to be one hell of a fall season.
    Stefano: Yes it will, Lincoln. And the one who may have the biggest fall.......

    Is Orpheus himself.

    Stefano laughs as he walks over and pats Lincoln on the back and then the scene fades to......


    Joelle sits on the edge of her bed. She picks up her cell phone and calls to check on her mother at the hospital. She is told that she is fine and then calls to check on Joey, who is doing fine as well. Joelle puts more drugs into Lucas' drink. Lucas wakes up as she is putting the pills away and asks why he is laying naked in her bed. Joelle smiles and says isn't it obvious. As Lucas asks for some coffee to drink, Joelle smiles and hands him the very same cup she just got through drugging. Lucas drinks the coffee but Joelle, not realizing all the drugs he has in his system along with the little amount of alcohol he had by mistake, sees that Lucas is starting to have a reaction to the coffee.

    After a few moments, Lucas drops the cup on the floor, falls backwards into the bed, and starts to convulse. Joelle calls out his name as he loses consciousness and passes out. Joelle starts to panic as she shakes him and begs Lucas to wake up.

    The scene the fades from an unconscious Lucas.........


    Will walks in. He turns on the lights and sets his keys down, calling out for his dad. As he walks through the apartment, he stops at the lamp on the end table when he hears a voice coming from behind him.

    Alan’s voice.

    Will turns around quickly and sees that in the darkened room, there is no one there. But, the voice continues to call out to him and laughs evilly as Will gets more and more frightened. Will runs to the kitchen and gets a butcher knife from the cabinet, telling the voice to stop. The voice continues as Will backs up against his bedroom door and he then closes his eyes shut, praying that his mother were still alive to protect him. Tears stream down his face as the voice gets louder and louder.....

    And then suddenly stops, leaving a terrified Will sitting on the floor and clutching the butcher knife in his hands, crying his eyes out. unaware that someone is watching from the fire escape outside.

    That scene dissolves into........


    Marlena walks into the living room from the kitchen. She sits her dinner plate down as Roman walks in the front door. He walks over to her, places his keys on the table, and ask how’s she’s doing. Marlena calmly asks Roman does he really want to know. Right after Roman says yes or he wouldn’t have asked..........Marlena gets up, walks across the room right up to Roman and slaps him hard across his face, making him take a step back. Roman looks shocked at Marlena, demanding to know.....

    Roman: What the !@#$%^&*] was that for?!
    Marlena: You should know what the !@#$%^&*] that was for, HONEY!!! I’m going through hell with these sessions I’m in. I need your help.......and you’re off playing what the hell ever with who knows what. That is very selfish........and very cruel and I’m sick of it.
    Roman: Marlena, look. You just......you just don’t understand what I’m carrying inside me right now.
    Roman: No. It came out all wrong, Doc. Listen.....
    Marlena: Oh, now I’m Doc. Not Marlena. This family is going through the worst kind of hell and when we turn to you and each other,......no one’s there. I’m off trying my damnedest not to go COMPLETELY insane.......and you’re off fighting your own personal war against Stefano and Orpheus.
    Roman: Then maybe I need to give you some space then. Maybe I need to get out of here for a while and let Belle move in here with you. That way, you’re safe and we can think about where this needs to go.
    Marlena: I know where it needs to go. You need to come home.........NOW! And get your head out of your [!@#$%^&*] ass, acting like you are the only one that lost something. I know you blame yourself and I wish to GOD ALMIGHTY that you wouldn’t......but you can’t pull away from me now. We need each other too [!@#$%^&*] much.
    Roman: Well, maybe. But........I just can’t make that commitment for us until Stefano and Orpheus are dealt with.

    After a moment, Marlena takes one step closer to Roman and tells him......

    Marlena: Then go. Pack your [!@#$%^&*].......and GET THE !@#$%^&*] OUT!!!!! I’VE HAD IT WITH YOU!!! If you can’t realize how much I love you and how much we all need you right now......then get out of here.....


    Marlena storms upstairs and slams the bedroom door so hard the sound resonates down the block. Roman stands there........silent. And then, after a few moments, he looks upstairs, goes over, picks up his keys, walks to the front door, looks around, turns off the living room light........

    And walks out the door. He closes the door behind him and the scene freeze frames on his saddened face as it slowly fades to black.



    PROMO FOR WK OF 10/1/07


    Clip of Tony reading Daphne's note to him.

    Tony: Mother had another child...


    Clip of Hope performing CPR on Steve.

    Hope: Don't you die on me!!

    Clip of Tony and Hope at the hospital.

    Tony to Hope: That looked like more then friendship, Hope. You acted as if you couldn't live without him.

    Hope looks Tony an then turns and looks in at Steve in his cubicle as a look of confusion overcomes her face.


    Clip of Jack, Billie, Alex, and Elizabeth at the hospital.


    Billie to Jack: Time to find out if you have another son...


    Jack: Ok, give it to me. Tell me if I'm Alex's father.


    IT'S COMING........

    TO SALEM..........



  24. PhoenixRising05
    OCTOBER 3, 2007: EPISODE #342: OPEN UP


    Tony is by Steve's side when he wakes up. Steve holds his head and asks what happened. Tony explains that the gas in the pit knocked him unconscious and that he managed to get him and Hope out just in time. Hope then comes in and races over to Steve, embracing him and overjoyed that he is alright as Tony watches. Steve thanks Hope for everything she did. He mentions he heard her while he was out of it. Hope is shocked that he did and then changes the subject to her just being happy he made it. Tony says he is too, especially since he is responsible. Hope and Steve are confused. Tony mentions that he ordered the guard to drop them in the pit but had no idea the guard would try to gas them. He gave the guard some cash and thought he was trustworthy. Unfortunately, he was wrong.

    Hope asks why he would do that. Tony says he didn't want them getting hurt after what happened at Maison Blanche with Byron. He is concerned Stefano is on their tail and he knows that neither Stefano or his men will kill him. He doesn't know if that same courtesy applies to them. He was simply trying to protect them and knows it was extreme. He also thought him acting alone would help move things along. Steve reminds Tony that he and Hope are looking for answers too. Tony nods and says he knows but it's unlikely that the answers lie in Italy. Hope agrees and tells Tony she understands why he did what he did. Steve agrees too even though he warns Tony he will be hearing from his attorney. Hope tells Steve he doesn't need Frankie. Steve smiles and says he was kidding. Steve then asks what Tony found, if anything. Hope realizes Tony mentioned finding something but never told her.

    Tony fills Steve and Hope in on the note and birth certificate he found in the painting, as well as the fact that Liz has the answers he needs. Tony says they need to leave Italy ASAP because the guards will be on their tail soon and likely Stefano. Hope agrees, telling Steve he can leave the hospital in a few hours. Tony says they can work on tracking down Liz in Salem. Hope thinks it's time to go home as she misses JT, Bo, and the rest of her loved ones. She tells Steve that Bo and Kayla must be worried sick. Steve agrees but reminds Hope they have some unfinished business. Hope nods as Tony interjects and says he will keep to his promise to help them find what they are looking for. Hope smiles, saying they will help him too, just as they said. Tony thanks them and says he will go make the travel arrangements so they can leave.

    After Tony leaves, Hope sits down by Steve and says he gave them quit a scare.

    Steve: Sorry.
    Hope: It's...
    Steve: Wait a sec...Tony isn't here anymore so quit avoiding the issue. I know we have to go home right now but we do have to go back to Maison Blanche. We need to find out for sure about Chelsea and we need to close the damn book on our past.
    Hope: I know, Steve.
    Steve: We also need to talk. Alot has changed on this trip, Hope.
    Hope: Nothing has changed. We had some close calls, a few memory flashes...
    Steve: Oh, come on. You and I both know those memories were more then just memories. Those memories brought some feelings back. Feelings that I know I don't understand. We need to talk, Hope.
    Hope: We will soon. I just want to focus on going home to Bo and my family. We can then go from there. Now, I will be back.

    Hope gets up and leaves the room as Steve watches her, saying:

    Steve: Your in denial, Hope. We have a problem. We have a problem that needs to be talked about...before we lose ourselves and both do something we will regret.


    Jack and Billie are lying on the couch in each other's arms. Billie tells him she will do her best to help him keep his mind off Abby and Alex. Jack wishes her good luck. Billie explains that there is something she has been wondering about. She says it's funny how they seem to have this full-fledged relationship yet they have never really been on a real date. Jack says it's the fact that they have always been close friends. Billie agrees but says they really do need to start going out, at least for tradition's sake. Jack is ok with that and admits he could use the distraction from what is going on with Abby and the Alex business. Billie wonders what they should do. Jack thinks dinner and a movie. Billie thinks they have higher standards and are more creative then that. Jack suggests he surprise her. Billie smiles and says that sounds like a plan. She tells him he will be feeling the pressure not to disappoint. Jack says he is already. They both laugh.

    Jack tells Billie he is so grateful to have her in his life. He still misses Jennifer like crazy but having her in his life has kept him going. He never thought he had any chance at finding another woman to love him, much less tolerate him. He is thankful for all she has done. Billie says she is thankful for all he has done. Jack reminds her that is what friends are for. Billie thinks it's remarkable how their friendship turned into what they are now. Jack just hopes he doesn't hurt her. Billie tells him he could never hurt her. He just needs to believe in himself and not let his inner demons control him. She doesn't want to see him go through what he did with Jen at times with his drive to be proven worthy and so on. Jack promises he will do his best. Billie smiles and embraces him, saying they just need to face the fact that they need each other. They always did and always will. She is just happy he has always been there for her. Jack says that goes both ways. They kiss and then hold each other close on the couch.


    Lucas is raced in on a gurney. Rich tends to him and starts issuing instructions to those assisting him. Joelle waits outside, worried about what went wrong. She recalls his drinking the alcoholic drink at the Cheatin Heart by accident and that he had two pills earlier. She then recalls putting two more pills in Lucas's coffee upon his waking up. She wonders if the combination of substances is what did it. A worried Joelle prays that Lucas pulls through or else she and her mother and son have lost their one chance at a better life. Joelle watches with great worry as Rich and the other doctors and nurses work on Lucas before a nurse walks over and closes the blinds, taking away Joelle's view and raising Joelle's concern even more as she is watched by a mysterious someone from a distance.

    The scene then shifts to...


    Orpheus comes to Sami in her room and asks if she has seen the latest developments. Sami says she isn't in the mood for his games. Orpheus insists it's not a game. He turns the TV on to show Lucas being raced into the ER at University Hospital on a gurney. Sami is in shock and is horrified by what happened. She hears one of the doctors say he seems to have drugs and alcohol in his system. Sami begins to panic and thinks he is falling apart without. She hates what this is doing to the people she loves. Orpheus admits that he is glad he had someone filming this and calls it an inspired move. Sami turns around and tells him to shut up.

    Orpheus smiles and tells Sami there is nothing she can do but toss her insults around and pretend to be strong when inside she is falling apart watching all this happen. Tears stream down Sami's face as she calls Orpheus a monster and promises he will get his. He will suffer when someone finally gets the best of him and takes out his ass. Sami tells Orpheus she will be first in line to give that person a medal. Sami then tells him he will go straight to hell where he will spend eternity. Orpheus tells Sami he will see her there. Sami turns around in disgust as Orpheus laughs. Sami looks at the TV screen, hoping to see something or to hear word on Lucas.


    Victor and Maggie walk down the 7th floor hallway. Victor thanks Maggie for coming with him to see Greta. Maggie says she loves him and wants to be there for him. She knows this is hard for him. Victor looks into ICU #3 and sees Frankie still lying by a comatose Greta. Victor is nearly overcome with emotion and then stops himself. Maggie tells him to let it out if he has to. Victor shakes his head, saying that's not what Victor Kiriakis does. Maggie appreciates his being strong but advises it might be better if he lets out all his emotions. Victor smiles and assures he is fine.

    Maggie and Victor enter the room and ask Frankie how Greta is. Frankie says there is still no change and Rich thinks if her condition stays that way they will have to send her to a place where she can get around the clock care. Victor hopes it doesn't come to that but, if it does, he will see to it she gets the very best care. Victor walks over to Greta and takes her hand, telling her he will do everything he can to bring her back to them. Just then, Greta's monitors go off. Victor looks up and sees that has flatlined. Frankie races out to get a doctor as Maggie comforts Victor, who begs Greta not to do this and to fight for her life.


    Hope is looking in at Steve outside his cubicle when Tony returns, saying he booked a flight back to Salem. They should be home by morning. Hope is silent as she continues to look in at Steve, who seems to be asleep. Tony asks Hope if she is ok. Hope's finally notices Tony is there and nods, saying she is grateful that they are all alright. She is happy to be going home. Tony says he understands as she probably misses her family but admits he wonders if there is another reason why she is so eager to go home. Hope asks what that means. Tony tells Hope he is aware of her past with Steve. He says he overheard alot of things over the years, especially his years in captivity. Hope asks how much he knows. Tony says only that Steve was imprisoned with Hope as someone to keep an eye on her. He was instructed to be a guard and, in return, he would be given info about his past but it seems that all changed when he first saw her.

    Hope asks what happened. Tony says all he knows is that Steve bonded with her and became her knight in shining armor in a sense. Tony adds that he was going to mention all this before but he wasn't sure it was the right time. He had a feeling that is what Steve and her were looking into on this trip and promises he will help them get whatever answers they need. Hope thanks him and then asks what he meant before when he thought she had another reason for wanting to go home. Tony says he meant that he has noticed Steve and Hope getting quite close while on this trip. He noticed it when he first showed up and met them at Maison Blanche and noticed it here in Italy, especially in the pit.

    Tony: I understand you two have always been close friends, Hope, but...
    Hope: What are you getting at?
    Tony: That looked like more then friendship, Hope. You acted as if you couldn't live without him. The way you looked at him in the pit and when I brought you two up...the way you are looking at him now and the way you embraced him earlier...
    Hope: I care about him. He's a friend. He's my brother-in-law!
    Tony: Perhaps I have overstepped my bounds. I apologize. It was none of my business.
    Hope: It's ok, Tony. I think we are all exhausted. We've been through alot. It's a wonder any of us know what we are saying. Just know that there is nothing but close friendship between me and Steve. That's it.
    Tony: Of course. Again, I'm sorry.
    Hope: Apology accepted.
    Tony: Well, I have to go make sure those guards aren't tailing us yet. I'll be back soon to get you and Steve.
    Hope: Ok.

    As Tony leaves, he looks back at Hope, who is now looking in at Steve again.

    Tony: Sometimes the past doesn't stay there, Hope. Feelings are always there. They never go away.

    Tony walks off as he sees Hope still looking in at Steve. The scene then fades to black.


  25. PhoenixRising05
    September 2007 and Total 2007 Episode Counts


    TOTAL EPISODE COUNTS FOR 2007 (through 9/30/07)

    1.) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-116

    2.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-112

    3.) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-108

    *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Horton)-108

    5.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-99

    6.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-97

    7.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-96

    *Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-96

    9.) Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-93

    10.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)- 93

    11.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-90

    *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-90

    13.) Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-89-last aired on 8/28/07

    *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-89

    *Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-89

    16.) Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-87-last aired on 8/22/07

    *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-87

    18.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-83

    *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-83

    20.) Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-81

    *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-81

    22.) Jeremy Sumpter (Will Horton)-79

    23.) Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-75

    24.) Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-74

    25.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-68

    26.) Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-67-last aired on 7/9/07

    27.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-63-last aired on 8/29/07

    *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-63-last aired on 8/29/07

    29.) Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-62-last aired on 7/4/07

    *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-62

    31.) Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-61

    32.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-59

    33.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-57

    34.) Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-54-last aired on 8/24/07

    35.) Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-53

    *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-53

    37.) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-52-last aired on 8/22/07

    *Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-52

    *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-52

    40.) Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-48-last aired on 7/10/07

    41.) Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-46

    42.) Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-45-last aired on 7/4/07

    *Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-45

    44.) LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-39

    45.) Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-21

    46.) Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson)-19

    *George Delhoyo (Orpheus)-19

    48.) Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-18-last aired on 7/10/07

    49.) Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-17=Last aired on 2/26/07 (brief appearance on 7/10/07)

    *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-17 =Last aired on 2/26/07 (brief appearance on 7/10/07)

    51.) Arloa Reton (Joelle Young)-16

    52.) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-15

    *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-15

    54.) Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-13 =Last aired on 2/26/07(brief appearance on 7/10/07)

    *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-13 =Last aired on 2/26/07 (brief appearance on 7/10/07)

    56.) Ron Leath (Henderson)-12

    57.) Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-10

    *Finola Hughes (Elizabeth Dawson)-10

    59.) Billy Ray Cyrus (Jed Montana)-8=Last aired on 5/2/07

    *Christian Bale (Alexander Dawson)-8

    61.) Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton)-7=Last aired on 4/6/07,returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    *Martha Bryne (Jean Parker)-7

    *Elizabeth Hendrickson (Alyson Parker)-7

    *Famke Janssen (Miranda Grey)-7

    65.) James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)-6

    *Jed Allen (Don Craig)-6=Last aired on 4/6/07, returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    *Kale Browne (Bill Horton)-6=Last aired on 4/6/07,returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    *Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-6

    *Hector Elizondo (Byron)-6-last aired on 9/17/07

    70.)Kyle Lowder (Jonathan Brady)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    *Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe Brady)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    *Larry Hagman (Frank Evans)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    *Barbara Eden (Martha Evans)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    *Michelle Williams (Jeannie Donovan)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    *Tom Welling (Andrew Donovan)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    *Eric Winter (Rex Dimera)-5-returned 8/8/07-8/14/07

    77.) Martina McBride (Nora Montana)-4-Last aired on 5/2/07

    *Denise Masino (Angelica Steel)-4-last aired on 8/29/07

    79.) Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton)-3-Last aired on 4/9/07

    *Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing)-3 (Recurring guest star)

    *Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)-3

    *Richard Steinmetz (Dr. Hector Dobbs)-3

    83.) David Tom (Jeremy Horton)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Pamela Roylance (Sandy Horton)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Alli Brown (Sarah Horton)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Jean Bruce Scott (Jessica Blake Fallon)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Scott Palmer (Joshua Fallon)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Stephen Schnetzer (Steven Olsen)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Justin Hartley (Spencer Olsen)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Michael Leon (Pete Jannings)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Larry Bryggman (Tommy Horton)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Blake Berris (Nick Fallon)-2-Last aired on 4/6/07

    *Franc Ross (Rev. Frank Stewart)-2-last aired on 5/2/07

    *Marcia Clark (Judge Karen Fitzpatrick)-2

    *Kristina Wagner (DA Patricia Cromwell)-2

    *Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (Lincoln Bane)-2

    *Mark Wahlberg (Michael Stone) -2

    99.) Wayne Northrup (Mystery Man)-1

    *Jake T. Austin (Joey Young)-1

    *Kathryn Joosten (Elma Young)-1


    1.) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-14

    2.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-12

    *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-12

    4.) Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-11

    *Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-11

    *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-11

    *Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-11

    8.) Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-10

    9.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-9

    *Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-9

    *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-9

    *Arloa Reton (Joelle Young)-9

    13.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-8

    *Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-8

    *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-8

    16.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-7

    *James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-7

    *Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-7

    *Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-7

    *Martha Bryne (Jean Parker)-7

    *Elizabeth Hendrickson (Alyson Parker)-7

    22.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-6

    *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-6

    *Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-6

    *Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-6

    *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-6

    *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-6

    *LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-6

    *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-6

    *Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson)-6

    31.) Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-5

    *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-5

    *Finola Hughes (Elizabeth Dawson)-5

    34.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-4

    *George Delhoyo (Orpheus)-4

    *Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-4

    *Hector Elizondo (Byron)-4-last aired on 9/17/07

    38.) Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-3

    *Famke Janssen (Miranda Grey)-3

    *Christian Bale (Alexander Dawson)-3

    *Richard Steinmetz (Dr. Hector Dobbs)-3

    42.) Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-2

    *Mark Wahlberg (Michael Stone)-2

    44.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-1

    *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-1

    *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-1

    *Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)-1

    *Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-1

    *Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (Lincoln Bane)-1

    *Jake T. Austin (Joey Young)-1

    *Kathryn Joosten (Elma Young)-1


    Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)

    James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)

    Ron Leath (Henderson)

    Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)

    Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)

    Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing)

    Marcia Clark (Judge Karen Fitzpatrick)

    Kristina Wagner (DA Patricia Cromwell)

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