Belle walks up to the front door and begins to knock. She waits a few short moments before trying again. She calls out to both her mother and father, asking them to answer the door if they are there. Inside, Marlena continues to lie unconscious on the floor of the living room. Belle continues to knock and yell out for Marlena and Roman repeatedly, to no avail. A worried Belle opts to fore go politeness and to use the key she was given for emergencies. She unlocks the door, enters, and is shocked to see her mother lying lifeless on the floor. She races over to her, trying desperately to wake her.
Lucas and Joelle continue to go at it passionately on his desk. Joelle kisses Lucas from head to toe, telling him she will give him a night he won't soon forget. Lucas does not resist her advances and begins to kiss Joelle's neck and shoulder in response. Shortly thereafter, Lucas looks over while kissing Joelle to see a picture of Sami and himself. Lucas then pushes Joelle off him and tells her they have to stop.
Lucas: I can't do this, Joelle. Not with you. Not with anyone. It's not right.
Joelle: What do you mean?
Lucas: I love Sami. I just lost her and...it's too soon to be doing this. It's too soon to be even dating. My focus is on my son and just getting our lives back on track. I'm sorry, Joelle. We can't do this and your advances toward me must stop...TONIGHT!!
Joelle is stunned.
Passions continue to ignite for Hope and Steve as they begin to make love on the bed in the bedroom. While this is happening, both Hope and Steve simultaneously continue to remember a night from their missing years where a similar scene was taking place at the old Maison Blanche. Steve kisses Hope all over as she does the same. Just then, a loud crash from downstairs causes both Hope and Steve to jump off each other and to their feet. They wonder what the noise was. Steve tells Hope he will go down and check. After Steve leaves, Hope looks around the room and at the bed she was just on with Steve, clearly affected by what just transpired between them both.
Tony remains in one of the Dimera Mansion secret rooms, still stunned by the contents of the torn and faded diary entry of his mother, Daphne, that he found in his old poetry book. Tony wonders what it could all be about and why his mother would go to such means to keep everything a secret. He considers that maybe she had to hide something from Stefano and she wants Tony to retrieve it or information on it. Tony decides he can't wait and that he must take action and do what his mother says in the diary entry before Stefano somehow hears of this. He must go to New Orleans and to Maison Blanche, per her instructions. Tony makes a call to the Salem Airport, asking when their next flight to New Orleans is.
Stefano and Lexie continue to watch Abe and Celeste on the dance floor. Abe is trying to calm Celeste after her latest premonition. She tells Abe she is fine but hopes whoever it was about is fine too. Both Abe and Celeste now have eye contact with Lexie. Celeste tells Abe they need to talk to Alexandra right away as it's clear she saw their kiss on the ship. The look of anger and resentment on her face seeing them dancing together proves it. Abe agrees they need to talk to her. Lexie sees them coming over and tells her father she wants to go. She doesn't wish to speak with them right now. Stefano tells her not to let them bother her but Lexie insists they go. Stefano sees how upset she is and agrees to her request to leave. They both get up in a hurry and walk out as Abe and Celeste arrive at the table. Abe sees Lexie and Stefano leaving and says he is going to follow them. Celeste goes with him.
Meanwhile, Frankie sits at a table and looks at his watch, wondering where Greta is. Nicole then approaches him and sits down at the table. Frankie asks if she can help her. Nicole smiles and takes a sip out of her martini, saying he sure can help her. She needs a lawyer.
The scene then shifts to outside the Salem Towers. The camera then pans down to the body of a lifeless Greta lying in the middle of the street in a pool of blood. Lexie and Stefano walk out of the Salem Towers building. Lexie turns around and sees Abe and Celeste getting off the elevator. She tells Stefano they are following them. Stefano takes her hand tells her to come with him. As they turn to cross the street, Stefano sees Greta's body in the street. A look of horror and shock takes over his face. He alerts Lexie and points to Greta's body. Lexie is horrified as well and races over to Greta with Stefano as Abe and Celeste exit the building and race over too upon seeing what is happening. Lexie tends to Greta and looks her over.
Lexie: She has several facial lacerations and it looks like some glass is embedded in several of them. She has a deep head wound and is bleeding from the mouth.
Abe: You thinking internal injuries?
Lexie: For sure. I think she may also have a skull fracture. Father, call an ambulance. Hurry!! There is no telling how long she was lying here.
Stefano: Yes. Of course!
Celeste: My premonition...this must be...
Abe: Who it was about. Yeah.
Lexie: Oh no!
Abe: What?
Lexie: I think she may have severed an artery. There is so much blood and she has a deep gash on her arm. If help doesn't come soon, she may not make it through the hour.
Both Abe and Lexie look at each other with worry and then back down at Greta while Celeste looks on in horror.
Belle tries desperately to wake Marlena up but fails. She finds Marlena's medication spilled out all over the floor. She decides she needs to call for help and dials 911. She then takes Marlena's hand and tells her mother help is on the way.
Joelle tells Lucas he can't live in mourning forever. Lucas says he knows that but Sami just died a few weeks ago. It's too soon. He also tells Joelle that she is his employee and he doesn't want to cause trouble.
Lucas: Things got out of hand tonight. This can never happen again. Your a hard worker, Joelle. You have it rough and I am more then happy to listen to you and to be a friend. Nothing more. I warned you before and this is the final warning. Let's just keep out relationship friendly and business-related. Agreed?
Joelle: Sure. I guess. I'm sorry.
Lucas: Hey, I gave in. I pushed this too far tonight and I regret it. I really am sorry for that. Well, I have to get back to Will and I want to get some paperwork done tonight so see you in the morning. Let's just start fresh tomorrow. A clean slate? Sound good?
Joelle: Wonderful. Strictly plutonic.
Lucas: There you go. Good night.
Joelle: Night.
Lucas leaves. Joelle then takes a paperweight and tosses it to the floor in frustration.
Joelle: This is not over yet, Lucas. I will have what I want. It's just going to be a harder road then I originally thought. I'm not giving up. No way in hell.
Steve returns to Hope and tells her that Byron was doing some cleaning and simply dropped some things. Hope says she is glad he did. They got caught up in the memories and things went too far. Steve agrees, saying he has no idea what came over himself. Hope says it was the same thing that came over her. The strength of memories and the emotions that come along with them can be overwhelming, especially when you first recover those memories. Steve apologizes for losing control. Hope says she did the same. They just need to be more careful.
Steve thinks they should lay off re-creating scenes from the past and stick to looking for tangible evidence right now. Hope agrees, saying they could use a break from re-enacting the past. Steve pulls out the key Tony gave him, saying they may need it to enter any secret rooms they uncover. Hope is glad they have it and tells Steve they have to get a move on. They can't afford to waste time as Stefano could always learn what they are up to and put a stop to it. Steve agrees and both him and Hope leave the bedroom and return to searching the house.
Tony arrives at Gate 3 and checks in. He then mentions how he is glad Stefano was out for the evening. The more discreetly he accomplished this mission, the better. He just wishes he could say goodbye to Cassie and Anna, just in case something does happen. He looks at the diary entry from his mother and wonders what the faded and torn off parts say. He just hopes whatever he was meant to find from his mother didn't burn with Maison Blanche years ago. Tony's flight is then called to board. He puts the diary entry away and hopes he soon finds the answers he seeks.
The ambulance has arrived and Marlena is on a gurney. The EMT's have collected all the pills and determine that Marlena did not OD. Rather, she didn't take the pills prescribed to her by Barbara. Belle wonders why her mother would be that careless, especially being a doctor herself. The EMT's think it would be best to take Marlena to the hospital for observation but think it's likely she is just mentally and emotionally exhausted and is suffering the after effects of her mental disorder on top of lots of stress. Belle hopes that is all it is and says she will call Barbara to meet them at the hospital. The EMT's then wheel Marlena out as Belle dials on her cell phone and follows.
Frankie asks why Nicole would need a lawyer. Nicole says she wants to look into her legal rights in regards to Evan. She adopted him and Carrie gave him up. Frankie explains that Carrie is Evan's biological mother and that she never signed a legal document giving up her rights. An angry Nicole lashes out, saying she may as well have given what she did. An annoyed Frankie tells Nicole to bother someone else as he is waiting for someone and has no interesting in her rantings. Frankie gets up and walks off, leaving behind an enraged Nicole, who promises this isn't over and that the Brady's and all those who wronged her will pay for how they have treated her.
Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location, a young blonde women stares at a picture as an older, middle-aged women with reddish brown hair enters the room.
Older Woman (Martha Byrne): Not again. When are you going to stop sitting around here looking at his picture? Huh? That isn't getting anything accomplished. Go there, sweetheart. You go and reap the rewards you are entitled to. You and I have suffered so much and we have this great opportunity waiting in Salem. Let's not wait anymore. Let's not waste it. (gently rubs the young woman's shoulder) I will be right by your side the whole way.
Younger Woman (Elizabeth Hendrickson): I don't know, mom. I don't know if I can go through with this. (looks at picture) It just doesn't seem right and I don't want to dishonor his memory. Not after how he treated me.
The camera then pans around and down to reveal the picture the young woman is holding to be a picture of...ERIC BRADY!!!
The scene then shifts back to the SALEM TOWER RESTAURANT. Frankie calls Greta's cell. Outside, in the street, Celeste tells Abe and Lexie that Greta's phone is ringing. Abe answers it. Frankie asks what he is doing answering Greta's phone. Abe tells Frankie there has been an accident and tells Frankie where he can find them. Frankie hangs up and races out of the restaurant. Stefano asks Lexie how bad the injuries are.
Lexie: Extensive, father. It's not good.
Stefano: Dear God. Poor Greta. I held such disdain for her mother but Greta...she was always so sweet and forgiving. She would never harm a fly. Just a beautiful girl inside and out...(wipes a tear from his eye)
Abe: Wow...the great Stefano Dimera weeping?
Stefano: I am human, you know?
Celeste (looking at Stefano): Sometimes.
Frankie races out of the Salem Towers building and to Greta's side as the ambulance pulls up. Frankie asks what happened. Abe says they believe it was a hit and run. The EMT's come over and Lexie fills them in on the details of Greta's condition. Celeste tells Frankie she had a premonition of this. Frankie asks who would want to hurt Greta. Stefano says he was just wondering the same thing. The scene then shifts to Cassie, who has just entered the DIMERA MANSION through the foyer. She pours herself a brandy and sits down on the sofa, smiling and saying:
Cassie: All in a days work!
Cassie then sips her brandy as the scene fades to black.