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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 4 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    RHONY new intro:



    Dorinda and Ramona are my favorites.


    Meh on LuAnn (but she looks fierce). Love seeing her so happy and having her back.


    Speaking of fierce, Sonja is bringing it for me in those shots.


    Overall, love.

    2 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    So is this blowup of Eden's at the season finale the clincher that sealed her fate as "just a friend of"? I seem to remember hearing she made a big stink about something, which led producers to decide not to feature her as much as a full-time wife. I must say, she was a complete dud. 

    I assume it was Eden just mentioning Kim...with Kyle being a producer and all feeling that was in poor taste.

  2. 6 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Good. I hope she gets the Sheree special then some. 


    Sad part is that TamaraTattles said that all the women are returning next season though. 



    I hope she spills EVERYTHING. I am praying that they brought Mama Joyce to the reunion in some capacity too b/c you know she knows the 'word on the street' and ain't afraid to spill it. :lol:

    See? If it is true that Nene is coming back next season, I want those thots to come back so she can drag them as only Nene can.

  3. 3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    @Cat, I don't think Erika's the new queen of BH. Not after last night. Many of her own fans were chewing her out on Twitter last. Erika caught hell on Twitter, and I was of course leading the pack. :P People finally saw and confirmed what LVP and Kathryn said about Erika last season--that she IS cold and defensive.  


    In other news, Erika's boss friend, YoLemonHead Hadid, has a new reality show coming soon called Model Moms...<_<



    What you twit to her?

  4. 32 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:


    I just watched it. I am in shock about what I saw. They all earned their paycheques tonight, that's for sure.


    Rinna is despicable. Her behaviour this episode was a jump the shark for me. She threw exactly the same dig at Dorit that Kim threw at her which she's dined off on for years. Kyle got in a few good hits on Rinna's position and she was 100% right (when have I ever said that about Kyle?) Rinna inserted herself into the conflict between Erika and Dorit without any reason, whatsoever, and her venom was palpable. Then she throws out a cocaine allegation which doesn't make any sense. 


    Erika lost me tonight when she turned on Eileen. That was the most irrational, insane reaction since NYC's Scary Island. Eileen made a harmless comparison trying to diffuse the situation and Erika just snapped and went over the deep end. It was obvious to most of us that Erika was never going to let Pantygate go and while it's a waste of her time it's her grudge to bear. But it became clear that Dorit could never adequately make amends, so Erika brought it up only to castigate Dorit and make a big fight about it. Make no mistake, Erika went looking for that fight.


    When Eileen, Kyle and LVP are all on the same rational side, trying to bring an end to conflict, you know an argument is insane. 



    Eileen was trying to point that out re: Erika not there for any amends but Erika was  not here for that.


    How dare she curse Eileen out.


    And Lips pot stirring...ugh...no.


  5. Now tha I've seen the end of the camping trip (RHoa), when is the reunion?

    13 hours ago, Cat said:


    I'd say that this is an accurately-seated Reunion. LR has to be up top in the Brandi spot because she got into the drama this year.



    Yes they are and I am SO EXCITED for it! They filmed during the late campaign and election itself, and Carole is a big advocate for Hilary; as it was a shocking election result, I can see why they would feature it. NYC has always been a town where politics are important, and so are advocacy groups. It usually skews Democrat, and even its Republican leaders have been of the 'fiscally conservative but socially liberal' variety. What is interesting for me is that while Carole was pro-Hilary (and I suspect Dorinda and others may have voted that way too), some speculate Bethenny to be more 'libertarian-Republican' in her politics. As Carole's BFF, I wonder if the show will allude to this, or whether B wants to keep her role strictly neutral politically. Or maybe C and B are on the same page politically!


    So ready for LuAnn in her fur chubby and her face-off with Bethenny. A part of me hopes they put the meanness aside and come to some point of understanding, as vicious and destructive as Bethenny was last season. 


    Image result for luann gifs


    Image result for luann gifs


    Image result for luann gifs


    lol can you tell I'm excited about RHoNY coming back?? :lol:



    You are not alone, Cat.


    Love LuAnn. But I wasn't around before Season 6 so I got  know her on her own terms. An

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