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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 2 hours ago, ThePrinceOfSunspear said:



    I'll never understand the group think here re Luann and Carole. Luann is a pompous fake ass liar who is so desperate for a man she married someone like Tom who obviously was cheating on her from the get go and then got divorced within 3 months.


    Meanwhile Carole actually has a brain. She had a career. She had a great marriage until her first husband passed away sadly. She actually KNOWS the issues. She actually knows people worth knowing and doesn't even brag or be pretentious about it. She dresses amazingly and has a nice thin figure for her age. And we won't even talk about her hot boyfriend.


    So how exactly is Luanna winning this battle? How Luann even worthy of any respect? Shes been a viper since DAY ONE. She went after Ramona, Bethhenny, Alex, Carole, Heather, etc etc. Its just pure karma thats coming her way right now and she deserves every bit of it. I can't wait until next season to see Carole and Bethenny tear her apart and call her out on her bullsh*tt yet again since I know no one her will.


    As for BH, I haven't seen much spoilers but I'm catching up on the thread to see what NBA posted. Last season was so boring I dont even remember anything except Yolanda wasnt on it thank God. I do remember it was 75% about Erikas v card which is def not compelling television. I really hope something interesting happens or at least Lisa Vanderpump becomes likeable again. Aside from Eileen, Kyle, and to a lesser extense Eden I'm not sure why to tune in.


    It really really bothers and upsets me that Ramona voted for Donald Trump. I want to say I'm surprised but when I think about it shes not that smart and all that money and her lifestyle is what she cares about. Shes a child in a 50 year old womans body and sadly doesn't give a crap about anyone else outside her family. I just wish Bethenny or Carole or Dorinda could get thru to her and explain just how bad she looks and how shes losing people like me as fans.




    So ready for my girl Tre to get in the MIX again. And Danielle can return but she looks as wacky and cra cra as ever. It almost makes me wish Jac was still on the cast cuz that truly would have been a season to end all seasons. I dont know how the ratings are doing but yall keep saying NJ failing and yet it keeps coming back. I think they found good additions with Delores and Siggy (esp Delores) so I say keep her and find a way to bring back Jac.

    Ex-boyfriend I believe.

  2. 32 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    I just saw the Luann interview...it was good. Luann was clearly affected by this breakup and of course Carole, that bitch, didn't reach out. If Carole wants to tangle with Luann again, then fine, but Luann will smoke Carole like she didn't know could happen. 


    I just want Luann to have fun and recapture her single Lu magic. I also want her to buy a small jewel box of an apartment in Manhattan. 


    In Dorinda news:



    Just saw it as well. I want fun and single Lu back too. Sad that that happened and happy she still has hope.

  3. @Cheap21 Supposingly it is going to this season. Since the only thing I've seen of AHS was the beginning of FREAKSHOW and most of ROANOKE, I can't answer that question honestly.


    There was a promo for what's to come at the end that does show a character from FREAKSHOW making an appearance for sure. That's all I got.


    Oh, and Sarah Paulson's character was surprisingly relatable and I loved when she had her showdown at the grocery store. Those I don't think anyone is going to like the Trump disses.


    My bad. Overthought your question. So far...no. Not connected to last season. Is trying for social commentary I feel like last season was though. (reality tv, work we live in, etc.) What that commentary is I would say hatred in today's America and the forms it take.

  4. 5 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:


    That was a sweet one-on-one Hamptons interview. Open and honest, but didn't dive into the messiness of either party. Class act. 


    I don't know if a Carole / LuAnn / Bethenny feud will reignite out of any of this, but if LuAnn can take Mario's little "Countless" comment and run with it for half a season against Ramona, anything is possible. 



    Seeing Tamra without makeup as she got done up to look like a man, doesn't she resemble Jessica Lange? It's around the eyes, complimented by the wrinkles around the mouth when pursed. 


    OMG!!!! I thought that, too about Tamra. Small world!!!



  5. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! One mention of Kenya's potential role this season has sparked a whole discussion branching out to the other shows.




    @Cat you make me want to watch Season three of NYC. It seems like forever since a housewives had gotten a comeuppance (RHoV Jody RHOA Shady Pha Phae this past season, and OC Tamra almost during season 9 comes to mind).

  6. 11 hours ago, MissLlanviewPA said:


    Some of the music is good, but the title is what a lot of abusers say to their victims, and add that in with the idea that she's implying that she's a villain who thinks she's still a heroine...it's a mixed bag for me, for sure. 

    Well, this is Taylor we  are talking about so probably intentional.


    Abusers = media and that roller coaster of fame


    Taylor = abused

  7. 15 minutes ago, Eric83 said:

    Taylor's team is impeccable. I love how nothing ever leaks and when she finally drops the lead single. They have endorsement deals, partnerships, photo shoots, merchandise, music videos all lined up and ready to go. YASSS!

    + 1

  8. 11 hours ago, YRBB said:

    It's happening! 


    The song is being released 'tomorrow night' 



    And this looks to be the album cover. "Reputation" is a great title, considering what's been going on with her public image the past couple of years.



    And it's out November 10!



    That cover is giving me feels. And I agree with @Toups. That cover has a darker feel to it.

  9. 8 hours ago, YRBB said:

    I've been really enjoying Season 3. The show is the perfect example of a maturing, involved plot-driven show that nevertheless bases/roots all these plots in their characters, so it works. Elena and Damon getting closer has been fascinating, and the Klaus stuff really works. I am not crazy about Tyler or his woes, but overall it's in a very good place.

    Yayyy!!! I've been wondering how you were enjoying the fabulousness that is Katherine Pierce...and you stumbled into Klaus. :D

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