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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    He only denied charges of "non-consensual sex" but basically remained silent about the individual accusations by specific actresses until Lupita.



    Old habits die hard?  He's been getting away with atrocious behavior for so long, he still seems to cling to the notion that he can still wield power over someone. 

    And who better to wield power over than a PERSON OF COLOR.


    Just...disgusting on so many levels.



  2. On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 5:56 PM, MoTheGreat said:

    I was chanting to Andre to take it off.

    LOL!!! I had to bite my finger and wet my lips.


    His body starts banging.





    Catch up to this past Wednesday...haven't seen it yet.


    How's this season shaping up? Good?

  3. 6 hours ago, Cat said:


    She looks stunning! IA it kind of crept up on me, but ever since The Pirate (and maybe even before, when she got camel-tossed and laughed it off?), I've been rooting for her to have a good ole time and dismiss the slut-shamers. It is inspiring! She's had some knocks but she always gets back up with a smile on her face, a positive attitude, and relatively few recriminations. Even in yesterday's Wendy Williams interview, when asked about the HWs she enjoys the most, she mentioned Dorinda, Sonja... and Bethenny. She really has let bygones be bygones.



    Yes, I think then and like others have mentioned...when she separated and just living her life and having fun even though people might pick on her for her age, it was when she started to be fun. NOT PERFECT. But she had such a carefree, happygolucky vibe that I wish more people would be like. If she pops up in a mag now, I tend to read it when I didn't at all before. And I continue to love her friendship with Dorinda...who did not suffer the season two curse.



    Makes me think of myself when I was younger actually. lol. But that's been on my mind a lot.

    6 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I’ve definitely become ride or die for Luann. I think it started the season she was demoted but they still featured her every episode. She seemed much lighter and free and her looking at the camera laughing when Aviva threw her leg was amazing.


    6 hours ago, Cat said:



    hahahhahaha!!!! I SOOOOO DIED WHEN THAT WENT DOWN.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    you need to be watching this season of RHOD it’s SO GOOD


    I watched Dallas yesterday and Leann is a queen. She may be the best housewife of 2017. Her smashing the glass was on the level of Aviva throwing her leg. Iconic moment


    Im not a Brandy fan but I loved her exposing that fake ass Cary

    I love you for that gif. I have to say I'm loving LeeAnne's crazy ass this year and that episode is sooo re-watchable.



    36 minutes ago, Cat said:




    Related image

    MMMM....beautiful diva.  I think I've somehow become ride-or-die for her. If anything over the last few years she has shown that she is willing to follow her happiness for better or worse and I just find that relatable and inspiring on a personal level.

  5. 1 hour ago, DaytimeFan said:


    Fashion Police hasn't been itself since Joan died. The show should have ended after they aired the tribute episode to Joan (which was one of the funniest and most lovingly produced hours of television I have ever seen). Much as I like Brad, he wasn't George Kotsiopoulos, and Melissa wasn't Joan, and Nene and Margaret Cho weren't Kelly and without the original group it made no sense for Giuliana to be there. Ultimately, losing this gig is the last tiny bit of independence Nene had from the RH franchise - she better play nice or she's going to be lose big time.


    Lu is fabulous and word on the street is all the NYC ladies are being brought back. Lu will be A-OK in the long run. 

    Hehe at word on the streets.


    Definitely can't wait to see LuAnn's next move.


    As for Nene, she has always hustled so I am sure she will find something. You know Bravo don't like nice.

  6. OC


    Yes, I loved Tamra going in on Shannon, too. Someone needed to.




    OMG!!!! That was soooo WORTH THE WAIT from the first promo.  I loved that LeeAnne got everyone to confront each other and exposed Cary for the fake she is, but onto the fact that Brandi is two-faced as well.

  7. On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 7:43 AM, KMan101 said:

    I think Elizabeth Hurley could work as Alexis but I agree that Alexis will forever be Joan's.

    Well she's done wonder the Royals, but....NO. LOL.

    On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 10:20 AM, UKBoi said:

    There is no point trying to replicate the Joan Collins mould for this Alexis. If Cristal is now a latina, Jeff Colby is black and Sammy Jo is a MAN then why not put a new spin on the Alexis character. I think Melinda Clarke, who played Julie Cooper Nichol in The OC, could be great as a bitchy new Alexis, or Kelly Rutherford who could take the character in a total ice queen direction. At this point they have nothing left to lose.


    I feel bad that it tanked in the ratings but they did this to themselves, there was no joy in the pilot, the way it was shot made it look really dull and lifeless when it should be glossy and glam looking. The wedding, for a billionaire and his new bride, looked cheap and dreary, and the inclusion of David Bowie in the soundtrack to make it "edgy" failed miserably. 


    I do agree the characterisations of Fallon and Steven are very cliched (00s teen drama bitchy girl, 60s play harmless gay) and more work could have been done with them. I would have liked for the coin to be flipped where Steven is concerned. Why not take him down the road of a bisexual version of Ryan Phillipe's Cruel Intentions character, Sebastian? Rich playboy who flip flops between men and women all in a bid to get attention from his father, who still wont take him seriously? Blake pushes him away because he sees nothing but Alexis in his son with his manipulations and trouble making. As for Fallon, they've got something right with her wanting Blake to take her seriously and treat her as an equal, but why not use her as a perfect representation of how women are still fighting for equality with men, especially in Trump era 2017? Blake could be urging her to be the perfect pampered heiress doing fluff charity projects and having an Ivanka-esque powerless position within Carrington Atlantic (don't even get me started on the fact this doesnt nearly have the same ring as Denver Carrington) only for Fallon to oust her father from the company after a series of schemes to show her power and ability. She's your Tiffany Trump right there, not taken seriously by her father but this Fallon is determined to show him, and the world, that she's a force to be reckoned with.


    The Cristal/Sammy Jo having secrets that threaten to expose Cristal's new wealthy lifestyle plot is something straight out of so many failed late 90s/early 00s primetime soaps. Why not choose to portray Cristal as an educated, successful in her own right businesswoman? Why does she need to be a gold digger from the wrong side of the tracks? Wouldn't it be more interesting if, in this version, Cristal was just as much an equal to Fallon and Alexis? Able to outmanoever them while still remaining kind and pure?

    + 1

  8. 14 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    Blake and Fallon were arguing and he had mentioned that her mother no longer had a say since she choose to leave years before....and then Cristal asked Steven about Alexis since no one would mention her..and before he could answer..they got interrupted.


    There are a lot of characters inteoduced..so it's smart to hold off on Alexis being introduced till later in the season...imho



    Though I agree with DaytimeFan. I don't see anyone being able to EVER be Alexis. Though I do like that it sounds like she throws quite a shadow already.

  9. 5 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Just finished watching the pilot... not horrible, but not good either.


    I do like that Claudia looks more like a hot mess then the more subdued/elegant version of season 1/2 of Claudia in the original version.


    I wish that each scene was longer then a minute each,but I do like the mentions of Alexis.. plus Fallon vs Blake in business (story ideas from the 1st season of the original show).  Cristal seems more like a bitch then a good guy.. so I'm curious to see what Alexis will be like when she does show up.

    What tidbits did they do for her? I'm curious.

    3 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Sigh. No Joan, no Dynasty.

    Understood. I jusr know you would have a lot to say on this.

  10. 4 hours ago, Cat said:


    I love yours too. With OC, I'm waiting to see what you guys here think of the episode before deciding to watch. I'm sure with the Iceland trip I will be watching.



    I just meant that the Inquistr is probably going off of other internet reports but is unlikely to get somebody at Bravo on-record to comment. That doesn't mean it's not an issue at Bravo HQ, though. I'm betting Nene's apology was written with the hand help of Bravo legal counsel.


    The issue is building steam (and is getting reported on E! News). However, Bravo may wait before making a decision, to see if this will die down. Personally, I don't think they would fire Nene before Reunion has even filmed. They need her messy ass on Reunion, and they still have a few weeks of actual show filming left to do.


    The fact that Kim and Brielle are posting the video on their social media and fuelling the fire makes me think, yeah, Michael Beck gave them the go-ahead. I can't decide if Michael has game, or whether he is doing way too much. Anybody who cosies up to that failed Mattel doll experiment and her thot daughter usually ends up getting burned.

    And where there is smoke...;)


    I agree. She has to at least do the Reunion. That said...WOW!!!! All this drama and we are still a month away from it even premiering...

  11. ATL


    LORD...TOO MUCH!!!!!






    Poor Tre. No one should lose a parent. This month is the anniversary of my father's passing so her scene with her kids while she was on the boat resonated.


    SIGGY: You all are right. She is doing too much.


    MARGERET. I like her so far.


    DOLORES. I find her drama so far with her son and the ex relatable.


    DANIELLE. Wow. Like Bethanny a few seasons back on NYC, so THIS is who you are talking about. I like her vibe so far.


    Nice start.

  12. Annnnnnnnd it's back!!!


    Watching the premiere and I guess we are getting family vs family after all. And I'm here for it.


    Looks like Tory Ash is going to get stalker-y on Tiana.


    I do wonder how long they can keep Lusicious without his memory. Liking how messy it is getting.


    No sign of Boo Boo Kitty...yet...

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