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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 23 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    This house is sick! However, I am not sold on Stephanie and her husband. He is so disinterested in her. 


    Loved the house.


    I wouldn't say he is disinterested. He was fine with her until she kept going on and on and make a comment about how he acts. Then he shut down.


    Is it wrong that I find him cute?

  2. 4 hours ago, Chris B said:

    See I don't see it as filler. This episode for example had some strides with Peggy continuing to upset the ladies, Meghan showing herself to be more two faced and bitchy and the Vicki/Tamra/Shannon story is building. I feel like each week the stories are building towards several collisions. I'm also very curious what will happen with Kelly bc we know she's going to have a tearful makeup with Shannon later on. This season is very Knots Landing as Andy would say, building and building. 

    Yeah, this is how I feel like as well. And I'm liking the slow build.


    As for Dallas, yep. @Nothin'ButAttitude has convinced me to try it. Glad I did. Most of the girls have cute husbands. The one with the husbands and they were both nerds when they were younger...WOW. He grow up doable to me and looks so devoted. LOVE.

  3. OC


    You must all have forgotten the OC Trailer that shows Gretchen and Lizzie this season and how if it is to be believed, they are part of the pot-stirring about Eddie is gay rumor. So perhaps when that hits they are being pretty FOH later in the season.




    B had worked done. lol.


    Best dressed to me was (in order): Carole, LuAnn, Ramona. In fact, Ramona and LuAnn looked younger and somewhat chic.


    Other than that...it doesn't look explosive, but at least it looks fun.



    Is it wrong that I can't wait to see Team Talls together again?

  4. 12 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Call me crazy, because this IS a reach but I think Marlo may have a peach! She reposted the cast pic in San Francisco which Andy also tweeted and she captioned it "This is how #RHOA do a girls trip🍑"


    Of course it could mean nothing but considering Nene and Kim both mentioned their peaches (or lack of in Kim's case) when announcing their returns it made me think. 

    Could you imagine?


    Maybe an attempt at pushing Toyota out at long last?

  5. I'm sitting here from a night of partying and lmao at these hos.


    So much going on I will have to do a rerun. Love it. Karen is giving so many facial expressions to gif that I'm getting life.


    Agree Monique is MVP. She just checked Giz and then went on down the line (@Monique) and gather Robyn together.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    @Cat & @DaytimeFan, one of Erika's cronies has announced she is out next season! 



    La sigh...but this might be a good thing.


    WILLA FORD  as in the singer with the hot CBS promos in the late 90s/early 00s. LOVE. 'did u understand about that?'

    As for the OC taglines...


    SHANNON. Karma.


    TAMRA. Hate to admit it, but I love its tongue-in-cheek-ness.


    MEGHAN. Speaking of tongue-in-cheek...fave. Just hope she is the voice of reason again this year.


    KELLY. Hehe. Never change.


    PEGGY. okay.


    LYDIA. I liked it. I know little of her, but she seems quirky, but firm.


    VIKI. You let them hos know what's up. Love the whooos.



  7. 7 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Yay to Shamea being back. I grew to like her this last season. I hope we get to see her drag Phaedra with her comments



    She gave me so much life going in on Shady Phae Phae at the reunion.

    ETA: And I see Eva the Diva was at that event.



  8. 11 hours ago, Cat said:

    Welp. This is shocking. Karen and TheBlackBillGates owe a good $4.5 million to the IRS. Tamara Tattles is reporting it from an article in the Washington Post.




    From WaPo: “The government has a $1.468 million lien against Ray Huger, 70, a former IBM executive who founded software and consulting company Paradigm Solutions in 1991, according to an April 26 filing in Fairfax County Circuit Court. Paradigm Solutions, where Huger is the president and chief executive, also has a $3.06 million lien against it, Montgomery County Circuit Court records show.”


    Cue my fave shocked gif.


    Image result for real housewives shock gif



    Those girls are going to get her.

  9. 4 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    and her thirsty ass keeps latching onto someone new, in a desperate attempt to get that peach Bravo never gives her


    Season 4:


    Season 4 & 6:


    Season 7 and 8


    Season 9



    Season 10


    I wouldn't mind that because she would probably bring Toyota down once and for all. SInce she's thirsty for that peach.

  10. 8 hours ago, juniorz1 said:

      Oh I remember your Chris Laurita obsession.  Quite well.  To be fair, I think Chris would make a damn fine husband.   My Real House Husband rankings you ask?  Ok, if I must....

    1. Apollo Nida (ATL)

    2. Romain Zaga (Miami)

    3. Doug McLaughlin (OC)

    4. Mauricio Umanski (BH)

    5. Christian (Lizzie's Hubby, OC)

    Honorable Mention- NotGay Eddie Judge (OC), NotGay Simon (OC)


    I loved me some Christian- his laid-back , very California approach to life and hair.   Romain's squinting really turns me on.   Doug's undercover gigolo Christian sex appeal.  Mauricio's chemistry with Camille is and was always fire.   But Apollo is a damn God.

    LOve your list.

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