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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. RHOA


    Good start.


    Team Left Couch for sure. Watching Right Couch lie, shade, and be petty was just too much for me. And looking at next week, I love that Kandi threw in the same dig that Cynthia did a few years back at Shady Phae Phae: Bitca, win a case. :)


    KANDI Love that she has been calling out very subtly how fake Phae Phae and Ford Dodge are. And just knowing that Nene Wannabe Jr is about to get egg on her face makes it delicious.


    KENYA Like I said above, she really was holding her own. And I LOVE HER SHORT HAIR. Also calling out Shady Phae Phae.


    CYNTHIA was giving me RHoBH Eileen Season 5 as good backup when Right Couch wanted to spin lies and act melodramatic when oh, yeah, Cynthia also was the same way and dealt with stuff with a class they clearly lacked.


    SHEREE Love her, but loved Kenya putting her on front street beause her delusions are fun.


    SHADY PHAE PHAE Ugh. I am so really for her to get exposed. Everything out of her mouth was ugh. Loved Kandi and Kenya needling her.


    TOYOTA Gal, STFU. Wanting apologies when you haven't even apologize for things you yourself have did. Have a motherfrakking seat. I am sorry if I sound mad that she's about to have a crying fit, but she has it coming.


    I just feel like a game of chess is being played and next week has it continuing as Kandi starts the dragging. Can't wait.

  2. 3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    So agree with everything you pointed out. Especially the last statement. LVP just naturally exudes fabulosity. These women are trying to purchase what she naturally has in a bottle. 


    Oh and speaking of Kim, I am sure that you and @Taoboi will enjoy this clip...


    I just spit milk all over. lol.



  3. FINALLY seeing the BH finale.


    Erika and LIps are being such mean girls.


    Glad to see Dorit holding her own. With bite to boot.


    ETA: Darn, Eileen. You did such a great job of repairing your image in my eyes and you jump in with the mean girls.


    And puhleaze, Erika, you keep bring up Pantygate at this point. Dorit is over it. And if you weren't bothered, Dorit wouldn't use it to get to you with that 'more than enough' comment.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    The finale has not aired. 



    I think Dorit talked to Kim b/c they've both been victims of her constant sh-t talking. To me, it made sense. It was messy though, but I get it. 


    I'm over these broads taking one word (Munchausen, amnesia, pantygate) and making it the highlight of the season. I really need this show to get back to the glitz and glam of the first 2 season. I see LVP trying to steer the show back into that direction, but she's surrounded by so many basics that it can't happen. They seriously need to clean house...


    I got why PK got involved in the fight too. You had Erika and Dorit going at it, BUT you also had Eileen and Rinna foaming at the mouth to get in too. If I were him, I'd get involved too. LVP and Kyle were helping out but they aren't gonna fully put their necks on the line for Dorit. Kim was there too, but she restrained herself b/c she knows how dirty Rinna would get if she got involved. 


    Rinna came for Dorit b/c 1. she thought it would gain her more fans by siding with Erika 2. like you said, she needed a story. Unfortunately for her, it backfired. People on all sides are sick of her. 

    Didn't they have a preview of the reunion before the finale aired just last year? re: RHOA ;)

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