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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. So...last season it was about Myriad. This season it's about Medusa. lol.


    Last episode was more like it with the twists.


    But ugh at Monel liking Kara.


    And finally it returned to the Dad arc from Season 1.


    And I figured out what was missing. It's the fact that before this episode, the 'team' have not really been together. It is doing what Season 2 tend to do which results in a sophomore slump: having all your own characters in separate stories rather than in same stories which was done in Season 1. So much so that the show does not at all seem like it's about Supergirl. And it shows. But that scene at the beginning with the team at the alien bar...is how it should be.


    And I believe Cat will be back by the end of the season.

  2. I remember season three being on of the best. And love, love, LOVED the music...though I never found out  what song was  used as the intro for the season three box set when you hit the main menu. lol.


    Still I loved how unrelated stories connected so well in season three.

  3. Why, thank you!!!



    That said...while a lot is going on so far (I'm up to tonight aka Episode 6), I am not feeling this season the same as last. Did love Episode 5's bombshell. Monel is hit or miss with me because I can't get the actor's arc as Kai on TVD out of my head and I HAAAATTTTTTTEDDDDDDDDD Kai.


    And is Kara too whiny now?


    There's lots that I like but I guess as a whole there's something missing.

  4. 2 hours ago, marceline said:


    NPR worked just as hard to normalize Trump as the rest of them. I'm going to enjoy watching Congress pull their funding.




    This was a coup, pure and simple. Trump didn't win the popular vote, there was rampant voter suppression and interference by a foreign power. He's truly not a legitimate president.

    So...IMPEACHMENT anyone?

  5. 4 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    I am over here literally bawling right now. I feel like as an African American gay man, there is no longer a place for me here. Racism and misogyny as truly won. 


    I'm hurting for Obama too as his entire legacy will be obliterated and mean nothing. 



    4 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I am Black and a Woman. I cannot hide my skin color nor my gender. I have felt the sting of discrimination even in the best of economic times. I have had ignorant comments told to me as if they were compliments. I have been harassed and called names, men whispering nasty things in my ear and yelling them in the street. I've even been grabbed by at least one rando.


    Just two houses down, there is a man who had a Trump/Pence sign on his lawn.


    I have a friend who, over the weekend said she was afraid to leave her house on Election Day. Also a Black Woman.


    Show of hands, how many people have felt/do feel what I'm going through?

    Does tonight count?

  6. See? I find Kelly calling Tamra out to be my highlight, with Vicki FINALLY starting to give it to Shannon a close second. You could see the moment when Vicki took those gloves off, got that HBIC tone in her voice, and made Shannon STFU. And it was a thing of beauty after her letting Shannon get away with whipping her like a dog.


    I cannot believe how mellow and dare I say it relatable Meghan has become.


    Agree on Kelly v Heather. As much as I used to like Ms. 'Have a Oreo,' I think it's time for her turn on the mat.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    I enjoyed tonight's episode. I am actually glad that Sheree is back and has her peach status. 


    Ace is adorable. I do need Todd to step up though. He already missed out on Kayla's childhood. It wouldn't be cute for it to happen again with another child. 


    Kenya v. Sheree is hilarious. It's lighthearted. It's fun. It isn't toxic. It's obvious the two really like each other and enjoy the shade the hell out of each other just cause. I like their little rivalry. 


    Phelony is a low-down dirty b-tch for bringing Thotlandia to Kenya's housewarming. She knows damn well Kenya did not invite her. 


    Production is wrong for rushing Kenya into doing her housewarming, which is what obviously happened. Even though she has a bit of ways to go, her house is gorgeous. I just hate they pushed her to finish it, so they can have footage for the season premiere. From her IG photos though, her house has come together well. 


    Nice to see Chateau Neverland is almost done even though Sheree had no furniture in there. I do think she needs to cut back on the shade to Kenya when Sheree owes the IRS a boatload of money. But again, their rivalry is hilarious. 


    I think this season is gonna be epic and fun along the lines of season 1-5 of this show. 




    Garbage. Pure garbage. The reunion was simply nothing but a retread of the first 4 seasons of this show. Are we seriously still discussing stripper-gate? 


    It got even worse when Tre's dumbass accused Jacqueline & Caroline of turning her into the IRS. I know she's slow but damn... This was just a total reach. 


    I could not take Tre & Melissa trying to rewrite history when we clearly seen it all play out before our eyes. 


    At the end of the day, Tre/MeHo/Jaq are cancers to this show. They ALL need to go. This show jumped the shark tonight. 


    Siggy can go too as I am over her Hallmark moments speeches. It's annoying watching her try and psychoanalyze everyone. B-tch, you're a 'relationship expert,' not a therapist. 


    SN: RHOC's epic reunion comes on tomorrow. RHOCheshire's finale is tomorrow and part 1 reunion is on Tuesday. There are a lot of premieres and reunion this week...


  8. 6 hours ago, Cat said:


    Given that the arrest (to which David plead guilty) is in the public domain, Shannon could have easily stopped it in its tracks with a well-timed "David was drunk. It was an altercation that went wrong. It was the first and last time he laid a finger on me. It was years ago. We worked through it." BAM. DONE. Shannon famously said last year that she knew going on the show meant putting everything out there, the bad with the good. This could easily have been filed under "the bad," but instead Sham CHOSE to make it a thing. She chose to make it thing because she wanted to blame Vicki for something. She was desperate for Vicki to be the bad guy because Sham feels Vicki was not properly punished last season. She also wanted a Big Dramatic Confrontation with Vicki but it fell as flat as Meghan's ass because Vicki no longer gives AF about Sham.


    I found it eminently watchable this season, better than last season actually. Mostly because it seemed shorter. And also because Kelly had no interest in kissing up to the Coven. When Heather told her "I really wanted to like you," it was meant to devastate Kelly but instead she just laughed in the face of the puppet who controls allllll the masters. Those witches are legends in their own minds. What a wake-up call the negative audience reaction is turning out to be.


    Remember this? I am ready for it:





    I was just thinking last night when I replied to Cheap that I wish I had that gif.



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