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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. How so?



    Admittedly, the fact that the conversation was taped opens up questions as to whether or not what Kanye and Kim did was illegal, but the damage has been done: Taylor not only lied as a way to find an excuse to play victim again (or threw them under the bus once she saw the backlash against the line), it looks like she deliberately race-baited, too. It's disgusting.

    Here's the tape in question:

    Do I wish someone other than Kanye and Kim had exposed Taylor? Yes, but as the old adage goes, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day." 

    I like a lot of her music, but she should have just owned the calculating businesswoman side of herself, because unlike any other backlash she's had--even the Nicki Minaj stuff on Twitter last year--this has hurt her credibility more than anything. Combined with her overexposure and her refusal to admit she lied and apologize, it will be VERY hard for her to recover from this. 

    And except for a few Tweets at the beginning from members of her Girl Squad (including Selena Gomez, who quickly put her OWN foot in her mouth), the majority of her famous friends have kept mysteriously silent about this.

    This is a good article, too:




    I wasn't a big fan of her, but I felt that she fought hard to win respect in the last few years that even I had to take notice.


    And this? Just damages her for me on top of her dating drama. And if she goes after them, it will only make her look worse in the court of public opinion I believe.

  2. OOOOOOooo at those blind items over at TT saying that Erika Jayne is gunning for Bethanny who herself is trying to ice out LuAnn from the show.


    I saw. Those blind items were giving me LIFE last night (although I believe Bubbles = Sonja, not LuAnn, and the Girardis may be offering her legal advice!). I swear, don't trifle with Erika Jayne , bitches. She does not play. Bethenny has been so mean and arrogant lately that it is kind of fun to see somebody about as rich as her putting her in her place, because God knows nobody on RHoNY is.




    Read the comments. ;) Because yes, Bubbles = Sonja.



    That suit.



  3. I knew I forgot to mention something. lol.


    Can't wait to see articles at the end of this month since it's premiering at a festival in San Francisco then.


    Yeah, I was surprised no one posted about it!


    As long as there's no spoilers posted here until the movie airs on HBO! :P I want it all to be a surprise!

    Hehehe. Same.


    Though I admit I did read the logline for what it will be about and liked the idea behind it...not to mention it was completely vague.

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