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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. I totally agree... I was fearful in season 8 of OC when Alexis was bought back last minute that it would be the same vibe with the same 5 women (i.e Tamra/Gretchen/Heather bullying Alexis with Vicki mooning over Brooks). I think the producers realized that as filming started and added Lydia to the mix. Lydia and her honest retorts were refreshing while her mother Judy was a delightful Tinker Bell Hippie smile.png Plus, she did help broker truces between Heather/Alexis and Tamra/Alexis... while finally telling Slade that he was d bag and calling Gretchen a malibu barbie LOL What surprised me was that Tamra and Vicki didn't bully Lydia because she was the new girl like they did with Gretchen, Lynne, Alexis, and Peggy to a lesser extent.

    Atlanta kept the same cast, yet new things have been happening to most of them so there wasn't a need to change up. Though I think I would have changed out Kenya with someone new if a cast change was needed. I think season 6 should be Porsha's final season though I'm intrigued with the dynamic that she has with her mother. It's like she was coddled and sheltered by her mother and she ended up marrying someone that did the same thing... just in a more controlling manner. Now that she is divorcing, she has returned to her mother instead of truly striking out on her own. Like Kandi's story this season, Nene's story, and even Cynthia's story.

    Btw, do you guys notice that the new season's have had more focus on the housewives within their own families and less in big group settings? I know RHOBH have had two episodes in a row, and I like that better then all the catty big group gatherings.

    Yes, I do believe that i said something to that effect a few pages...comparing it to RHoV Season 1 with its slow burn to drama blowout....and hopefully a payoff.

    And I agree with Chris. It does seem very obvious that it doesn't seem like...outside of Kandi and sometimes Nene, no one wants to film with Kenya. Not that I don't mind seeing Brandon but...

  2. So...tonight's RHoBH? So I noticed that everyone had their own storylines going on...which I liked...but it made me wonder if it was just a case of the tension between the girls is resulting in them having screen time together...or if they are doing the slow burn that I used to hear around here in terms of RHoM Season 2 or RHoV Season 1 where there is a lot going on with supporting characters and/or family and it all building to an excellent payoff. In fact, i would say that is what appears to be going on with RHoA so far as well.


  3. I can't help, but wonder though could the reason that Yolanda and Brandi 'may' turn on Lisa is the fact that maybe Lisa and the newbies will start to gang up on Kyle kinda of like how Kyle and the girls used to gang up on Brandi though.

    Things to make you go hmmm...

    I'm liking Carlton so far.

    And Yolanda is LOVE for me.


    I see Nene just posted a picture about a large thing of flowers that Marlo sent her.

    Is it too much to hope that the two of them have made up if Nene is making comments (with light shade) of thanks and mentioning her at all?

    *fingers crossed*

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