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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. ATL

    God, yes!!! Lexis is awesome, and I am happy to see more of her. And she looked great at the pajama party. Keep right on bring it, gal.

    I don't think I'm liking Cynthia at all this season except for that scene where she found with her man in the kitchen. I think I am finding her kinda of shady now where last season she was very upfront and fierce about everything she was doing.

    Maybe that's what it is with Kenya this season. She isn't trying hard, and just being and I am finding that refreshing.


    Le sigh.

    In any case, I think those guess on who is in and who is out are on the money.

    EDITED TO ADD: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEXIE!!!! I CAN'T WITH THAT. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE.

  2. Well, you handle your biz, Kenya.

    Now that I've watched the episode, it doesn't look like Kenya charged either.

    I don't think I can say much else that hasn't been said already. I know that if some guy grabbed for my neck, I would fight back to. And I don't find Kenya in the wrong for this. Though yes, she could have called. At least she explained, though it did fall on deaf ears.

  3. Have I mentioned how much I want this fabulous bitch on the show more?


    Yessssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Lexis and that gif that Cheap posted.

    FINALLY watching the episode right now.

    EDIT TO ADD: Looooving Kandi's hair.

    Lexis is rocking her pjs!!!!

    And uh...Nene does seem off to me as well.

  4. See? Now is hookup as in going all the way or hookup as in making out. That was what have been unclear to me since I've been working so much in the last two weeks that I am showing up while episodes have already started. So I get the impression Tom and Adrianna have maybe made out once. But it didn't go farther than that. Or am I wrong?

    Kristen threatening arrest in hindsight just makes me think that she was saving face cuz she was totally owned by Stassi.

  5. I still can't believe how far the trio have fallen. And each week has brought hint after hint after hint of what's coming. And I am trying my best to reserve judgment until it plays out onscreen, but I am wondering how major it is going to be that goes down.

  6. Honestly, the Kenya I've been seeing I LIKE. This Kenya can stay. Especially if the other ladies fall out with Nene, it gives Kenya a chance to truly form relationships with them, her biggest problem thus far. Honestly, she's been vindicated with the Phaedra/Apollo stuff, so she's on the right track so far. I can't wait until Kenya and Marlo become friends.

    + 1

    Totally agree.

    Kenya has definitely become a highlight for me.

  7. I agree with much of that (though I liked it a lot more than you did.)

    But it is very very different from QAF (the awesome UK and the largely awful US versions.) To be fair both had much more soapy pilots (again especially Season one of the US remake what with the team behind Sisters doing it.) No big potential overdose to cap this episode or someone [!@#$%^&*] an underaged kid, etc.

    As someone else said, it makes sense this was by the director of Weekend and that's the feel I got. It is slice of life--there's no initial hook (even Girls which does share a slightly similar "indie film" look and feelhad Hannah moving and her relationship with her parents as the hook.)

    I did love the pilot. I can't say if I'll love where it goes--and I do think it would have been smart of HBO to air the first two episodes back to back, but... (most of the positive reviews have said that the show finds its footing in the third episode--the critics got sent four, and there are only eight, so...)

    I did like what Nussbaum said about complaints that either the show was too slight and not edgy enough (one gay critic complained that they cut away before the blow job) or else that it's too focused on sex. http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/television/2014/01/20/140120crte_television_nussbaum

    Me. LOL!!!

    But seriously, that is what I have gotten from others, that people are split down the middle as well.

    On the good side, I am getting others to watch. :)

  8. That's interesting, because I am finding that critics' reviews have been for it...given most of the critics have had the first 4 episodes dropped on them so they have a better picture than viewers.

    And viewers appear to have a problem with it which boils down to either 1)it is too slow which I find debatable but what really gets me is 2)they want to nitpick things like that first scene saying no one does that anymore. I find that laughable because all one truly has to do is look around and see YES, IT DOES. In fact, on my way home last night by the park I can honestly say YES, IT DOES. I had a giggle and kept moving.

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