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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. The last episode though showed that there were serious cracks in Kevin's relationship with John though. I don't know if you guys would agree or saw what I saw....but when Patrick's sis (the bride) came over to chat with them and suggested that Kevin propose to John so that there would be a gay wedding (eye rolls commence) Kevin didn't exactly seem thrilled at the prospect (just the idiot I'm dealing with wasn't thrilled at the prospect of getting lunch together the other day...but that's a story for another day lol).

    It just seemed like there was some type of tension going on between John and Kevin. Hence why I wasn't surprised by the kiss later on. I do think Patrick could easily end up being the side piece.

    On another note I don't get what makes Patrick think that he's so above Richie in terms of job or status. I mean aside from his family its not like Patrick is exactly loaded. So I don't understand why he was so neurotic about introducing Richie to them when his job in some ways isn't that much better...Sorry but if I was a status whore like that I don't think I'd be working as a low level videogame developer AND then snub my nose at a person who cuts hair....

    As much as all that is true, you will be oh so surprised how many people truly are status whores and snub their noses at who a person will date as if their jobs (whether it is a telemarketer, cashier, doorman at the club, living off the SSI) are any better.

    But that could just be the South. ph34r.png

  2. He would totally be Carrie Bradshaw style neurotic being the other 'woman.'

    But that is true...we are getting everything from Patrick's point of view and there is what he is hearing and what he is seeing. So that makes Kevin ?

    So what is real? what is not?

    Still...that kiss....hot.

  3. Ohhhh nice....you'll have to PM me and share! I definitely just had a rough convo with someone I would like to get to know better but not sure if we're on the same team or even page...lol

    Such is life....

    It was nice until I caught him on the other bus. ;)

    But still...like you said...such is life. And just more proof these things happen.

    Now that next episode...was the first time I've wanted to slap Patrick all through the episode.


    Dom...do not shoot yourself in the foot.

    And *jaw drop* at the restroom scene.

  4. but you're avatar biggrin.png Love me some Cordy and her season 5 hair and outfit was FIERCE

    Thank you. Same with that delicious pic you have on yours right now.

    Love, love, LOVE Cordy. And totally agree with you about her Season 5 self.

    Eve: Oh. You must be Cordelia Chase. I'm-

    Cordy (giving fierce bitchface) Didn't ask. (walks off).

  5. I would wash my hands clean. While Kyle past season attacks on Lisa were bad, they're forgivable. Brandi's ... Nope. I'd forgive but never forget and NEVER be friends with her again. She'd be dead to me. Ghost status and not Casper the Friendly Ghost.

    + 1

    Feel the same.

    As for Yolanda, honestly, I have strongly mixed feelings about how I feel. Both of her taglines are among my favorite and ring true in my own life, I find her inspiring, and so much of what she has said her first season and so far this season does ring true to me. Like I said, I would have simply loved if she had just taken Lisa aside (which apparently she did going by blogs) and discussed her feelings would have been fine and something I am used to her doing versus in an open setting which sounds OOC for her to me.

    But watching her and Lisa fall out is a chord for me. Because they were so great with Brandi together.

    ETA: Brandi at the table after Lisa left so say it all. She knows it. She F*CKED UP.

  6. That's exactly how I saw it. Obviously Frank seemed to be doing it more for Auggie (another of his "art" projects?) at first, but then when he was really into it Aug was completely on the outside and might as well have not even been there (unlike how when CJ was filming Aug and Frank, Auggie was obviously playing up for the camera.)

    I hate to just always link AV reviews, but I thought they were pretty spot on in their observations this week--

    While perhaps not a shocking insight, I liked this paragraph from avclub's review--I liked the episode more than them (they gave it a B, one of the lower ratings if not the lowest) but I agree some of the few issues I do have are symptomatic of having to do all this in just 8 episodes

    "The problem with having eight episodes to tell this much story is that one week Patrick and Richie are showing every other romantic hero on television how it’s done and the next Patrick’s falling in their footsteps. After the disastrous picnic, Patrick tries to prove to Richie that he isn’t embarrassed of him. So this is what he says: “What are you doing two weeks from now?” He’s trying to invite Richie to his sister’s wedding, but Richie understandably isn’t having it. So he keeps kissing him. Notice the pattern yet? “Looking In The Mirror” is about people using sex to solve non-sexual problems. But they aren’t solving them. They’re distracting from them. When Dom kisses Lynn, it’s because that’s the kind of relationship he’s used to. Frank just wants to make Agustín feel better, but Agustín needs a different kind of support. Now Patrick is so desperate to keep Richie that he makes a big leap without considering if that’s what he wants, if that’s fair to Richie, and if that really addresses the issue at hand."


    No wonders about posting on this end. I now read AV reviews with you in mind. wink.png

    And if it wasn't for them or a few other reviews I would have missed the fact that Frank got into it with CJ. So Auggie gets some karma.

    ETA: Yay for the series high for LOOKING.

    And YES to the Carrie and the wedding dress. So...uh oh. Not that the preview for next week helped.

  7. I just reminds me of two co-workers trying to gang up on me for 1)something I didn't do and 2)the fact one of them is a lazy sob. They found out that day I had a bit of old school Nene in me and she had no problem clicking trifling bitcas. I explained calmly and you STILL trying to come for me. Script was flipped just...like...THAT. ;)

    I totally missed the first time around that Joyce's husband said what I said. Right now, Lisa is hurt. but eventually, Kyle should have just go to her one on one.

    LOVE that opening.

  8. Okay now that I've seen a little bit more...

    Brandi...Over her.

    Yolanda...I get where she is coming from with her feelings about friends thus, conflicted. However...a mother's touch might have been needed to avoid a lot of this.

    Lisa...it's Lisa. Duh. lol. And I think she said it on the beach...5 on 1...HELL to the NO. They want to talk to her, she can talk to them one by one adult to adult...not with a 5 on 1 or a table ambush. And maybe Yo should have let her cool down for a moment before she talked to her instead of getting offended.

  9. The things that a boyfriend does for his mate...lol. Frank deserves better.

    I thought it was a great episode though Augustin ticked me all kinds of off. He was happy. Why mess with it? Cheered when Richie got all up in his face. You can talk behind someone's back, but you don't have the balls to say it to his face. Reminds me of the many situations I have dealt with in the interracial dating pool.

    Poor Dom. :(

    And Patrick? I really can't dislike him. Yes, he is wishy-washy, but he is finding his way.

  10. RHoV

    Christina was just so fun and tongue-in-cheek. I loved her. I have yet to watch Season 2 and I think that is because (laptop issues aside) due to the lack of her. And her tagline always makes me laugh.

    Love the clip above. The lighting, the scenery. Her dress.


    I liked Marissa. I thought she had potential for sure. And Yolanda checking her never got old for me. But I saw potential in a rivalry there.

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