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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Perhaps that is when the falling out between those two start with that argument.

    ETA: It sounded like from descriptions that Nene is going to cause a scene at this CHARITY event and that rubs Peter the wrong way due to that fact.

    PETA: I just did cold shoulder last week. ;)

  2. ATL

    Yes, Vixen. I meant the debate. Just more reason why I love it here. Cuz it looked like you all got heated, but still keep it in discussion mode where other sites would have been crazy. Still...4 page jump.

    Yep. It should be up at Bravo's sight. And I for one loved Nene's diva walk entrance with the music.

    And yay for the ATL ratings!!!

    What Kenya say?


    Faye was asked back?

    I admit that I was surprised to not see Marissa back. I liked Marissa at first. And Marissa v Yolanda was gold. It would have been nice to see where it would go from here.

  3. I agree. So far, Frank has been the dutiful boyfriend. And he hasn't done anything but support Augustin so it bothers me that Augustin has one foot out of the door. LOL!!! Irony for personal reasons. And I just feel Augustin is just going to hurt here and that I am not looking forward to.

    Re Patrick I find it interesting that I can see both sides of why to care bout the character. At times I do wonder why I even bother but at the same time I'm just like him in that it sometimes feels like I'm just wandering this Earth waiting to meet that one special person.....it's like it shouldn't be this hard and yet it is.

    I want to marry these sentences. YES. This hits it on the head why I like him and he resonates with me. This whole past episode has been very much on my mind since its airing because it is hitting a situation in my current life as well where I actually have to take a step back and ponder what I am wanting personally in my life. And you would think it would be easy given how easy it appears for others. It should be easy to express how I feel...after all I am a writer...and yet...

    Those words...

    And yet.


    And I can't wait for next episode. I really think it is going to hit me very hard...in a good way.

  4. How can I care about Patrick with anybody?

    Because of too many Patrick in the world. That and I remember my late 20s. ;)

    Augustin and his attitude about his boyfriend? I can walk out my door and see that every day with so many vapid boys and their toys...ESPECIALLY this week where they are putting out there on the street to my shear contempt. But I could say that about my old home as well where people fall in love after a makeout session and move in two days later and break up a week later.

    Yes, Dom rocks.

  5. ATL

    Like Eric, I also went to sleep.

    And WOW!!! LOL!!!

    Vixen, love your new pic and quote. Because you for reals ride for Nene.

    So you know good and well I want your opinion about how she acts in that preview of the party on Bravo. ;)


    All this talk about production and The Hills (which I openly admit is one of my favorite shows ever, but I was roughly around that age period and related to that season 2 arc too well) just makes me want to ask has anyone read Lauren Conrad's books. While it's fluff, it is insightful in how production can manipulate a situation to get an real reaction since production loves to blindside and/or throw under the bus people. So I feel there is some proof for sure that production is responsible in some way. HOWEVER like Nene says, how people react to it is truly all on them.

    Stassi's leaving?? HELL TO THE NO. Speaking of riding for people, she made a believer out of me this year. WOW.

  6. That was one of the things that I've been loving reading critics (who have all of a sudden been writing after 4 episodes LOL!!!) is that Patrick seems to be torn between the ideals in his head (Kevin) and the reality that is outside of his ideals...not that that is a bad thing for him...in front of him (Richie). So it goes down to whether he will let himself grow or stand in place if standing in place means he just might remain alone.

    My apologies. Last night's episode really has touched a nerve in me. LOL.

    As for Patrick opening up, *cough*next week*cough* ph34r.png

    I wouldn't call Augustin a toxic friend...yet. However, he is not my favorite of the trio.

    Definitely want to see Dom succeed, but I have a thing for guys who want to follow their dreams and open restaurants. LOL. And it looks like maybe he will find a love connection.

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