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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. I like Nene's new talking head. Those waves are EVERYTHING.

    Not sure how to feel about Kenya's dog. I used to be whatever about such things when I was younger, but having a friend live with me for a while (with dog in tow) changed that. So I can see why people would be upset over a beloved pet since I grew to love that dog. But part of me always goes if you can care for a pet so much, why can't you do the same for your fellow man and the like.

  2. Marissa would have been a good addition full time. Her husband is a producer, she works in real estate so we could have seen some small scale Hollywood parties (since he produced indie films) while we could have been treated to some house porn. She was friends with Mauricio/Kyle, became friendly with Brandi while having some tension with Yolanda. I wonder if she would have served the same purpose as Joyce or Carlton.


    One thing I like about Heather is that if she has a problem with you, she will straight up tell you. I can't wait for episode 5 where she has a verbal smackdown with both Aviva and amanda. I wonder if Ramona will be absent from episode 5 like she was from episode 4? I bet she might have helped Sonja not be a trainwreck?

    All of that!!!

    The point I was making is there is potential for a rivalry if not a feud with Kyle for Carlton.

  3. Kylie Minogue has had more success in recent years on the Billboard Dance Chart:

    Red Blooded Woman (2004): #24

    I Believe in You (2004): #3

    Wow (2008): #19

    All I See (2008): #3

    All the Lovers (2010): #1

    Get Outta My Way (2010): #1

    Better Than Today (2010): #1

    Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel Love) (2011): #1

    I used to dance my ass off to RBW in the clubs. Still do actually. lol. Whitey mix and Naurotic Thrust remixes rock.

    I never knew how GOMW did so happy to see it did great. Cuz the intro to the video with everyone not moving like puppets with cut strings have always gotten to me.

    And now....OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYLIE HAS A NEW CD AND i DIDN'T KNOW!!!! :D :D :D

    Sorry. I love all my music divas, but Kylie as my friends know became my ride or die diva. So I feel :( I didn't know.

  4. BH

    then she should be a friend who pops in occasionally to film with Lisa and at events to rile Kyle up. I really don't care to see any insight into her life and don't think she is housewife material.

    IA with the thoughts on Marissa. She should have been added

    it would be hilarious for this to be a trend with Bravo calling out the posers and the fakers although to her credit, Sonja didn't pretend that she owned it. IA with whomever said they wish Bravo was this shady when Sheree was around!

    i wouldn't mind that at all. But I liked Carlton. And she is the perfect foil to Kyle. I think there could be some great mileage to a rivalry between the two.

    And her calling Kyle trash was made of win.

    I am surprised to see that Marissa was not added. At the time, she was popping up on other Bravo shows and definitely had connections.


    I see that the new issue of PEOPLE picked up the RHoA fight between Porsha and Kenya. Says yes, there was one, and talked about the tension since they joined in Season 5 and the like. Not much else.

  5. But that’s Brandi’s problem, not Lisa’s. As mentioned, Lisa has known Scheanna before she even knew Brandi. She is her employee and is Pandora’s friend, whom I believe she also does some work for. Brandi says she doesn’t want Lisa to fire her but the only way that she can completely write her off would be to do that. She’s not only Lisa’s employee, but she is now an employee of Bravo. Lisa has to interact with her and that involves having a more intimate relationship than most employers would have. Lisa is involved and has a relationship with ALL the VR cast members and that’s bc they are doing a tv show together. She’s stressed that several times during this reunion.

    Are they friends? Scheanna is an employee and via the friendship with Pandora is an acquantice. Brandi is putting her on the same level, and that not the case. I doubt Lisa is calling Scheanna early in the morning to have long conversations or hanging out together as girlfriends. Their time outside of filming is probably limited, whereas Lisa and Brandi had a real relationship that extended off camera. Brandi is being super paranoid and jealous.

    Now Lisa may have been wrong for not warning Brandi that time when Scheanna was going to be serving at the party but its getting to the point that its real childish. We’ve seen Lisa hide Scheanna away and scurry her off bc she was scared of how Brandi would feel. I thought the point of the sitdown 2 years ago would be so that they could move on and that this wouldn’t keep being such a recurring issue bc they are in the same circle. I don’t think Lisa is in the wrong for being around Scheanna. It is what it is and if Brandi feels she cant handle it, then she needs to do what is best for her and just stop being around Lisa, but she knew the situation when she came into it, so these tears now fall on deaf ears.

    + 1

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