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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. I don't know. I seem to recall the first SATC season finale was kinda of abrupt and open. Just like Richie and Patrick breaking up, there was Big and Carrie breaking up. Will Lynn/Dom work is comparative to Will Samantha stay with a man with a small...tool? And currently how stand alone those first season episodes were...well...

    I admit that I am curious to see where both of those relationships go. I see too many levels going on with it and find it fascinating.

  2. That season 3 reunion is in the Top 5 reunions for me. It was just classic. The entire arc with Kelly was so hilarious because she was so delusional. Even her own team seemed embarrassed by her.

    If I were to rank my Top 5 Reunions, it would probably be:

    1. RHOA: Season 4 - This reunion gets top placing due to how fabulous everybody looked and because it wasn't just one moment that was good, but the entire 3 parts. This was drag levels of shade being thrown and the reads were out of this world.

    2. RHONJ: Season 2 - Again, this was a reunion that was good from beginning to end with everybody in the mix. The ending hug with Jacqueline and Danielle will forever be in my heart! biggrin.png

    3. RHONY: Season 3 - It just doesn't get more entertaining than this. Everybody got into the action and between Kelly, Bethenny and Jill, there wasn't a bad moment.

    4. RHOA: Season 1 - I shouldn't even need to explain this one. Nene on fire about to beat Kim's ass, Lisa about to kill Kim for talking about her kids, DeShawn giggling like a damn fool. This was must see. This set the standard IMO.

    5. RHODC - Odd choice to some, but I found this very entertaining and it's no surprise ratings went up for both of these episodes. The ladies were fired up and looked fabulous. I found them a lot more polished (especially Cat) and ready to go. I think Andy and the other ladies did a good job of taking Michaele to task for the White House incident and we got some good moments with Cat being confronted for being a potential racist. I thought this reunion did a good job to set up the second season that never was. Shame we never got a follow through with Stacie's trip to Kenya.

    Granted, I haven't seen many reunions, but THAT is the standard that I compare reunions to. Because I can watch Nene v Sheree, Marlo v anybody, Kandi going in over and over and over. Bummed that most of the links on YT have been taken down.

  3. The BH reunion was disappointing. A lot of blah with Joyce, Brandi, Yolanda, and the biggest time-filler of 'em all, Sh*t-Stain Pillow Richards. I like that Andy recapped her 4 years on Housewives. I hope that's an indication of her coming full circle to heal herself and send her on her way, full of turtles, squirrels, prayers by the trashcan, and the inevitable mauling by an unruly dog.

    Brandi is a twat. Is that word censored here?

    I will say this: I think Joyce has potential for next year. But this year's arguments were petty and uninteresting. Although I believed her over Brandi during the discussion over hairflip-gate.

    I can't wait to hear the response to Lisa's question next week.

    Was Carlton there...?

    Well...it worked for Sheree...ph34r.png

    And :) at me and Eric saying the same thing at around the same time. Great minds...

  4. Sigh...okay...you've guilted me into it!

    Kyle: THIS BITCH has the gall to say, with a straight face "I don't hold a grudge" to the very woman (Lisa) against whom she has the biggest grudge in the world. A grudge that her star was eclipsed by a British restaurateur who lives in a much nicer house than her. Kyle is the perpetual victim. And so she shall remain, the realtor's wife, conditioning her hair in her average house in that part of Bel Air that's a lot closer to Sherman Oaks than it is to Beverly Hills.

    Kim: she fails to realize that Ken and Lisa just don't like her. They don't like her because she's a deluded whiner, loser and boozer. Ken's reaction to her half assed apology was classically British: no sh*ts were given at all. Kim is irrelevant to Ken and Lisa and she is filthy in her thirst for some kind of revenge against their unwillingness to validate her pathetic mess of a life.

    Brandi: she was drunk the entire episode. And pilled out too from the looks of things. Given that Jen from 'Sober House' is her bff it is disturbing that nobody seems to check her in terms of how she's mixing alcohol and medication. She was not sharp, on point or sober at all. And it's all one big contradiction: she wanted Lisa to be her protector, yet when she acted on that, Brandi threw a childish fit and then tried to smooth things over with "I love you! We can work this out with an apology from you! You've hurt me! You've pulled away! I need you!"...what a psycho. An utter liability.

    Joyce: beautiful smile. Her husband makes me laugh. Brings nothing else to the table.

    Carlton: irrelevant aside from the fact that she didn't join the pile in on Lisa. God Save The Queen, may the British always stick together.

    Yolanda: she made an ass of herself this episode. The "My husband would speak to you?!" to Ken...oh, what an unflattering light. The "Don't touch me Ken!"...talk about blowing things out of proportion. The "Are you my real friend or my Hollywood friend?" nonsense as she talked smack about Lisa the last two episodes and then greets her with an air kiss and helllloooooo crap. Bonding with Kim over their daughters leaving home for college? The same woman she lambasted at the S3 Reunion? Bizarre. Crashing Ken's conversation with Mauricio? Ken's right, she is stupid.

    Lisa: she came into this episode with the greatest weapon of all: total disregard for these women. She just doesn't care anymore and it was hilarious that Kyle couldn't grasp that Lisa basically dumped her. Brandi of course didn't make any headway as she slurred "I don't care about your feelings, this is about ME"...what a mess. No wonder Ken and Lisa just left, as if that situation was going to go anywhere, I think not.

    The reunion looks good only because Lisa looks well prepared. May Brandi, Kyle, Kim and Yolanda all get raked over the coals for their bullshit.


    Definitely needed given the news I just received. Uh...I hope that you got satisfaction watching Lisa cut Kim off as soon as Kim tried to talk crap about Ken.

  5. Yolanda was a tool at that party. We saw a thousand Yolanda VTs where she talks about how Lisa acts like a Hollywood friend, not a real one, but what does she do at the BH celebration? Goes up to Lisa with air kisses and "How are you?" Like nothing even happened. Kim pulled the same trick after badmouthing Lisa and Ken. She apologized, Ken accepted it and walked off. OMG how dare he treat the star of Return to Witch Mountain in such an inconscionable way?! EVIL Ken!

    Then we had Yols inserting herself in Ken and Mauricio's conversation (which Ken had to take Mo elsewhere to properly finish), then had the nerve to jump all over him again for 'butting into the womens' conversation.' Worse, she tried to make Ken grazing her hand seem like a violent attack upon her person. She was bending over backwards to make Ken and Lisa look like the bad guys. It was clear that nothing Ken or Lisa would say or do was going to satisfy anybody, especially Yolanda, revolutionary leader of the peasants' uprising. At first I wondered why Lisa didn't just come out and say "I wasn't involved in Tabloidgate." Maybe because she couldn't get a word in edgewise. The others didn't want to hear it. Brandi told her to shut up, she didn't care how Lisa was feeling. And just when she started to get warmed up about Scheana, before Lisa can explain her side, she's all "I'm a stronger, happier person without you in my life so this falling out is the best thing to happen to me." Well, ok, then. Good for you. In that case, as Lisa pointed out, there was no point in Lisa defending herself. More importantly, Bravo doesn't want to hear it. Lisa already told Kyle she wasn't involved in Tabloidgate in PR. I kept hoping they would cut to that clip of her saying it, but they did not. Why should they? Because that would end the argument right there and this waste of a season would be exposed for what it is -- a whole bunch of nothing. The taglines at the end showed that no woman has any story going. OMG Kingsley hasn't passed dog obedience school! Portia wants to be a child star! Yay the Hilton gene! Brandi hates Boyce! Boyce is still trying to make her budget pageant happen! Carlton is doing nothing in particular!

    Kyle running after Lisa sort of made me want them to patch things up again, but at the same time, her constant need to paint herself the victim, to have Lisa acknowledge that victimhood and flatter her accordingly was exhausting. And why would she want such an awful person in her life if she was so hurt by Tabloidgate? it kind of undermines her whole argument. Lisa was so quiet and muted in this episode, she is well and truly over all of it. And this Reunion is going to be more of the same [!@#$%^&*], different day. I wonder if anyone will call Yolanda out on her [!@#$%^&*]-stirring. It certainly does not seem so in the previews.

    Finally, Brandi's "Checkmate, BITCH!" line was nowhere to be seen. Maybe because production realised that after the way it all went down, "Theckmate, bith" would look a damn fool.

    P.s.: Yol's hair at that party was the best I have ever seen it. Lisa's ass looked phenomenal in her dress. God knows what Motorboating Kyle was wearing. Kim and Carlton looked like hot messes. God help me but I am really starting to enjoy Boyce's husband.

    Waiting for DF's view of the finale as well as happy to see yours. ;)

    And when you think about the bold above...and I realized that it wasn't even said...one can't help but wonder what else is being hid away.

  6. Team Lisa! Yolanda was the worst last night, worse than Brandi. Did anyone else notice how she pulled a Faye? Last season she got all pissed bc Faye inserted herself at the table in a conversation that didnt involve her yet thats exactly what she did on this episode. She needed to STFU. She was doing the most trying to make this about her, looking for an issue where there wasnt one

    OMG!!!! You're right!!!! Because Yo was so much love when she took Faye down. What a difference a year makes. ph34r.png

    Love that Ken simply walked away with Mo to continue their talk.

  7. And yet so true.

    Here we had Patrick talking about how he would really give up the booty for Richie due to so much internal reason.

    But he had very little (thus the looks of being uncomfortable...since he doesn't do that...position...often is understandable) convincing to give it up for Kevin. And then he gets discarded unlike how Richie would not discard him like that if he had only been willing but he couldn't get passed himself.

    I see so much of that in real life that I got that. Or that is what I saw and what that part of the scene meant to me.

    I agree with what you said though about how people want the like with the like. But that too I see all the time so it is about to get interesting online between the shippers.

  8. After a long day at work, I had debated how it would go down with a friend and I said that more than likely since Richie and Patrick 'were on break,' he would wind up sleeping with Kevin. Then Richie would show up and want him back or they would get back together.

    Nice to see Writer Me was right. :D :D

    I cheered for Dom and Lynn.

    Sorry, A. Frank is right about you. And look at you being all self-pity 'woe is me' when it is your own fault in the first place.

    Totally want the song that started off the sex scene between Pat and Kev...which was indeed hot...and turned out like expected. And the look on Pat's face when he realized that Kev ain't leaving his man = priceless.

  9. I honestly can't pinpoint this either....it must have been sometime between last season and this season (after the last reunion).....cuz clearly Yolanda did say something negative about Lisa during that trip to Paris which is still shocking to me at this moment. I mean we all thought the Richards sisters were making it up to protect Kim but looking back at it Kim was already exposed as looking a hot mess. Lying about Yolanda wouldn't have done her any good at the time or changed that fact. So I do think there's a bit of truth to what they were saying.

    Either way Yolanda clearly decided somewhere along the line that she didn't need Lisa or was on equal footing with her. The notion is laughable at best.

    The best part about that trailer is Ken laying on that guilt THICK to Brandi. Girl has no idea of what she's lost. Lisa was her best advocate and probably the one person in Beverly Hills who could have help this woman get her life together, make some smart investments, and actually become moderately successful/wealthy within the next 10 years....what does she do instead? She jumps on the "Lisa is a Evil Manipulator Mastermnid" bandwagon with Kyle and Yolanda and now she's looking absolutely foolish. I don't think Lisa and especially Ken will EVER forgive Brandi for this and while that breaks my heart I don't blame them one iota....

    See? I've always felt that what the Richards were talking about was that line Yolanda did say on camera about Lisa not making light of Kim's whatever was going on with her in Paris. Then they just blew it up.

    Now did she say something else? Who knows?

    The best I have to offer to why Yolanda's vibe changed...and I do feel it has...was due to Lisa and that cancellations . But there has to be more. Because all three of them were thick as thieves the first few episodes. Like that awesome picture of them together I used to have as my profile pic. How did we get from Princess-Duchess-Queen to claws out. I can clearly see it with Brandi and Lisa. But it gets murky for me when it comes to Yo and Lisa.

    ETA: Are we talking Brandi's body language post ambush? Cuz like I said, I felt her face totally knew she had messed up.

  10. You know what I've noticed about her that irks the hell out of me? The absolute hypocrisy. She accuses Joyce of not allowing others to talk (Brandi in this case) but she does the SAME thing in 3/4 of the arguments she engages in! She hurled the same accusation at Kyle last year and also at Camille during that dinner they had in Las Vegas I believe.

    If you want people to allow you to speak then you should do the same thing. Her whole attitude has just changed nd this constant referral to Lyme Disease is so annoying. In the grand scheme of things its NOT the worst thing that could have happened to Yolanda and whats worse is that she at least has the money and resources to fight the condition. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would never stand a chance. So really she needs to get off that one trick pony and come up with a new line of attack against Lisa.

    My question is...when was the moment when Yolanda's attitude changed if anything. Did I miss it? Because she is defintely showing a shade that I have not been liking as of late.

  11. Yolanda really irked my nerve in that trailer when she called Joyce childish. This is coming from the woman that drew hearts on place cards and is b*tching about a friend not coming to sit with her. Bye, Yolanda. She's so basic....

    Now if Joyce throws that in her face...I will fall out of my seat laughing.

    And your posts on this RHoBH reunion are EVERYTHING, NBA. Sounds like we are both on the same page. :)

  12. I love Yo's hair. Kyle looks fierce. And I love what Lisa, Carlton, and Joyce were wearing. That said...

    THESE B I T C H E S!!!

    All of them (except for Carlton and Joyce) going after Lisa like that and trying to curse her out. Ohhhhhhhhh, heeeeeellllllll to the no!!! I loved when Lisa checked Kim's irrelevant behind when she tried to talk about Ken. Is this what the reunion is going to be...'you didn't come to this, you didn't come to that' ReallY?!? Sometimes people do get busy so I don't even want to hear that.

    Also: Carlton calling Kyle trash and the look on Kyle's face = priceless.

  13. It definitely seems that way in the previews I saw, DaytimeFan. Her look. The inflections in her tone when she said to Kyle that this is done.

    Sounds like she will come out swinging...and looking fab doing it cuz that white dress with her form was to die for.

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