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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. I agree with much of that (though I liked it a lot more than you did.)

    But it is very very different from QAF (the awesome UK and the largely awful US versions.) To be fair both had much more soapy pilots (again especially Season one of the US remake what with the team behind Sisters doing it.) No big potential overdose to cap this episode or someone [!@#$%^&*] an underaged kid, etc.

    As someone else said, it makes sense this was by the director of Weekend and that's the feel I got. It is slice of life--there's no initial hook (even Girls which does share a slightly similar "indie film" look and feelhad Hannah moving and her relationship with her parents as the hook.)

    I did love the pilot. I can't say if I'll love where it goes--and I do think it would have been smart of HBO to air the first two episodes back to back, but... (most of the positive reviews have said that the show finds its footing in the third episode--the critics got sent four, and there are only eight, so...)

    I did like what Nussbaum said about complaints that either the show was too slight and not edgy enough (one gay critic complained that they cut away before the blow job) or else that it's too focused on sex. http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/television/2014/01/20/140120crte_television_nussbaum

    Me. LOL!!!

    But seriously, that is what I have gotten from others, that people are split down the middle as well.

    On the good side, I am getting others to watch. :)

  2. That's interesting, because I am finding that critics' reviews have been for it...given most of the critics have had the first 4 episodes dropped on them so they have a better picture than viewers.

    And viewers appear to have a problem with it which boils down to either 1)it is too slow which I find debatable but what really gets me is 2)they want to nitpick things like that first scene saying no one does that anymore. I find that laughable because all one truly has to do is look around and see YES, IT DOES. In fact, on my way home last night by the park I can honestly say YES, IT DOES. I had a giggle and kept moving.

  3. This show is far too white, sure. The Latino guys ticks the diversity box, and let's face it - the reality is that gay communities across the country are very racially segregated, even when we share the same social spaces.

    I like that it's in SF and not NYC or LA. I've never been to SF, but it is our nation's most proudly gay city.

    The facial hair IS the look right now and has been for a while. (And in the behind-the-scenes, the creatives all have beardage.) But that pornstache on a beautiful man like Murray Bartlett is a TRAGEDY and needs to be shaved off or he should go all in on a goatee or beard. Hopefully there's a character reason for his look.

    I'll be watching in spite of myself. And looking forward to Russell Tovey (which autocorrected to "stovetop" on my phone) in a gay role.

    The bold.

    Adding on to this: Glad to see LOOKING has a thread here. I was a big fan of the movie WEEKEND...the main scene between the two leads about love, relationships, gay marriage, etc in the middle of the movie being one of my favorite scenes of all time, bringing me to tears every time I watch it because I get both of those points of views and how it resonated when the movie was the released and still does...so once I saw a trailer I was curious to see if I would love.

    And I'm sorry but so much of that pilot rang true to me. Given the style that WEEKEND was done in, I was not surprised with the style. Boring to some, but I love that slice of life, you are there vibe and character driven-ness of it all. Also I am set to enter mid-30s this year, and find myself pondering. And seeing all of my close friends and exes settling down made what Pat and Murray's character (*cough*Farscape*cough*) was going through hit the bullseye with me.

    The only thing that I felt was going to bug me and make me get into debates more than likely will be Augustin and his bf and what went down (not throwing any spoiler down just in case someone wants to see it). And that of course, is due to my personal views and experiences....but I am open to seeing where it goes. And Augustin is hottie for a hipster. lol.

    Love the sarcastic roomie. Can't wait to see more of her.

    And the ending...perfect. I cheered.

    Totally over the comparisons to GIRLS and SATC, but do what you gotta do to get exposure...which is how LA works.

    PS. HATTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEE the doctor. And do you know how often I have to deal with that type? ph34r.png

  4. Re Brandi and Joyce, I think it all goes back to the rooftop when Jouce tried to throw Brandi under the bus to get some story and conflict with Lisa. And I'll say it again, Joyce can handle Brandi because she talk at her and just go on and on and on and call her names to get railed up and Brandi will self district, but carlton comes at Joyce with one sentence and she's a confused mess. Not surprising at all.

    I'll tell you why Kyle needs to go, even tho I'd honestly rather keep her: she is acting too much. We are getting nothing real from her. We joke about her pulling a Camille but truth is Camille did still bring us something. And she provided us with the we don't say he hit you, but now we said it greatness. Kyle would never. She's always ou on an act but before parts of her would come through and I don't think that's ever going to happen again. Plus without her we won't have Kim. So bye.

    At this point I think I'd rather keep Joyce over the sisters Richards.

    And can I just say that I loved Camille v Yolanda in Vegas from last season. I think Camille still did continue to bring great moments for sure.

  5. If you check out sneak peek on Bravo website you will see Lexis. Kenya gets into it with Cynthia's friend Natalie who came with Cynthia to that dance class at the Kandi Factory. Natalie came for Kenya's throat but Kenya says she has the tea on her husband Christopher Williams. He is most known for his song "I'm Dreamin'" he's also a known drug user who used to beat Stacy Dash.

    MY BAD!!! I got the sneak peek that they showed during Andy's interview with Nene last night on WWHL mixed up with the trailer for next week...or the promo for it. Does the sneak peek also have Nene starting to go in on Natalie, too?

  6. Phae-phae: "I don't like bite size brownies and I don't like cocktail sausages" laugh.png

    Mal bringing up the sex was OUT of line and was none of her business. I cant belevie she went there. Biisssshhhhh

    Love Kenya's material with her father. I have to say she was the star of this episode. She was instigating sh-t, had great talking heads and a good amount of screentime. Was enjoying her a bit

    IA with Nene in her decision to not to Kandi's bootleg play. It is NOT a good look for her, especially since she does want to be taken seriously in Hollywood. Going from NBC her ratchet production is a major step backwards.

    Ewww to Phaedra's baby throwing up on Porsha. Good though bc that's what she gets for being stupid. LOL at Phaedra saying buying that house is the stupidest thing she's done

    Cynthia: "Does Porsha like being read by Nene?" LMAO at how Phaedra and Kenya shouted out her business to Nene. They tag teamed her knowing she didn't want Nene to be told.

    They crying was so over the top and IA with Kenya. She was doing that for sympathy. She is too needy and just had to turn that event into being about her



    I hoped as soon as they showed the clip that you would screen cap that b*itch so THANK YOU, CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at those boots. Are those the godness one that she wore in that I DREAM OF NENE episode?

    And I love the fact that Marlo is popping back up given all she said back in Season 4 about Kandi and Todd at the reunion and a season and a half later...just like with Kim and the house...what she said appears (I said appear) to be the gospel...maybe.

    Wonder if she will have something to say about that.

    And did you all see LEXIS is there, too?

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