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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Cat, you are giving me life today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must needed given the sad news my mother revealed to me. So *HUGS*.

    I was feeling that I was the only one that watched the girls having fun. I have been looking forward to it from the trailer since these girls are always fighting. And now...I saw it and my mind went FAKE, FAKE, so frelling FAKE!!!

    Nice to not be alone. smile.png


    As we conclude this fiasco of a vacation (I use that word loosely), it brings it all back. . .

    I understand Joyce and Michael's comment saying that we should have answered. But, as Joyce now says when she sees the footage since she wasn't there, I answered on the beach -- and that for most people would've been enough.

    So when I witness Yolanda stating I left because I didn't want to have that conversation. . .she was right. I knew what they were looking for. They were looking for blood. It is quite fascinating to see the two-faced conversations, full of animosity from people I believed to be friends, that led up to this. I hope they are proud of themselves and what they see. I wouldn't be -- that's a certainty.

    I do believe that if you state categorically, denying the accusation, as I did to Kyle saying"I did not see the magazines when we were at Brandi's house." I was baffled, but still defending myself. To then keep perpetually interrogating me with the same question -- well at that point that is tantamount to being called a liar. I should only have to answer it once. When I see Mauricio calling me a "f---ing bitch" on the beach over a rumor from the trustworthy Brandi, that hurts. Kim had only heard it from Brandi too. She wasn't there. . . but was acting as if she was a viable witness. Then in an interview, for Kim to say she was glad we were gone -- that spoke volumes.

    Yolanda now states in her blog that no, she never saw me with the magazine. I wish she had said that at the time. Carlton who was there too and potentially could have supported me -- she confirmed that also. I had been the last one to arrive. We were in the hallway and no she also never saw the tabloid. Where was this all coming from?

    Carlton had been cancelled from the trip, which was a shame as she could have backed me up. The point of this conversation was mystifying. What could possibly result from it? Nobody had mentioned the tabloid all weekend when we had been in Palm Springs. We had given the stories the credence they deserved. The only result that could transpire from this assertion was a wedge between Kyle and I.

    I had had enough. I have precious little spare time at the moment and had really reached my limit. You only see 43 minutes. I was there two days.

    I was confronted by Yolanda and chastised with accusation of not being a supportive friend. It was outside just before I joined the table. She was accusing me of only coming to see her twice -- once, for dinner opposite her house with our husbands, and once to sit with her in her bedroom. She lives 45 minutes from BH not around the corner.

    It did not really make sense to me. I had been busy on Dancing With the Stars. She was at many of our group events -- in the boxing ring, at the circus event, and I hadn't seen her as particularly frail. Although I'm sure this Lyme Disease is challenging, in fact I was quite impressed at her strength as she throttled the poor, unsuspecting teacher.

    Carlton had been cancelled from the trip, which was a shame as she could have backed me up. The point of this conversation was mystifying. What could possibly result from it? Nobody had mentioned the tabloid all weekend when we had been in Palm Springs. We had given the stories the credence they deserved. The only result that could transpire from this assertion was a wedge between Kyle and I.

    I had had enough. I have precious little spare time at the moment and had really reached my limit. You only see 43 minutes. I was there two days.

    I was confronted by Yolanda and chastised with accusation of not being a supportive friend. It was outside just before I joined the table. She was accusing me of only coming to see her twice -- once, for dinner opposite her house with our husbands, and once to sit with her in her bedroom. She lives 45 minutes from BH not around the corner.

    It did not really make sense to me. I had been busy on Dancing With the Stars. She was at many of our group events -- in the boxing ring, at the circus event, and I hadn't seen her as particularly frail. Although I'm sure this Lyme Disease is challenging, in fact I was quite impressed at her strength as she throttled the poor, unsuspecting teacher.

    She also stated that I had let Brandi down by pulling away, but Lord knows I had tried to help her. I think as a friend you accept them for what they are and try to help them with what they can become. Of course, I had tried to slow down her drinking, especially when we were all together as a group for the world to see. And, well you know what reaction transpired from that. . .

    I had unequivocally been told to back off. They were becoming closer. I was informed I was not going to Sacramento and I understood that and there seemed to be strengthening in their relationship, almost like allies.

    It all so contradictory. "You mother me too much. " "You haven't called me for a week." I have my own children and businesses and am always there in an hour of need -- as I was many a time even in an emergency. That is what a friend does, no questions asked. I know I am that three o'clock in the morning phone call to the people I include as friends. I also know in my heart that Ken and I had been incredibly supportive in many ways. I won't explain that. I don't need to count. If you count you will always be behind.

    When we left that hotel, after Kim had been pretty abusive with no regret, we knew to stay or inform them that we were exhausted by the unrelenting accusations and wanted to leave it would result in an even more complicated scenario.

    We looked at each other as we were going to bed, saddened by the day's events and decided to get the hell out of there -- to find the most glorious hotel on the island and vanish for a few days, to recover and lick my wounds. So that is what happened.

    Ken had unfortunately developed an infection, potentially septicemia in his arm. We had to find an emergency doctor who came to us at the St Regis. He had his elbow lanced, intravenous antibiotics, and a course of treatment. I am sure when they discovered we weren't there in the morning, they all rejoiced in Puerto Rico that the witch was dead and some, who had orchestrated this attack, could now have center stage. . . That ultimately is what this is all about.

    A week passed. Yolanda tweeted a photo of Kyle and Kim tagged "girl power" so I knew they were united by their common enemy and that it was a subliminal message to me.

    Carlton came over and I tried to explain to her how I felt, but I still felt too emotional. You have seen me for a 120 episodes and rarely, if ever, have seen me cry. I don't like to show that and I hate to watch it now. But I was deeply hurt and had not heard from any of them, which was fascinating by virtue of the fact that this was just an accusation, hurled by someone who had a penchant for vindictive, defamatory statements.

    As we witness the girls prepare for college, it was a poignant moment. As a parent, I have been through the emotional wrench as our children leave the nest. I developed shingles when Max went. But now I think I would have it if they came back! But all those years of preparing them, and then it's over and you wait with bated breath for that phone call when they need you and your job as a mother is not redundant -- the validation that you are the one they turn to.

    The one thing I hope for, is that as our children make their way. We have instilled in them the most fundamental lesson, to be kind to one another and remember honesty is only a virtue when coupled with kindness. . .Thank you for watching.

    Love always,

    + 1



    I didn't know it was confirmed so YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

    ETA: Yes, Cheap, I can say DILF? *Smirks* ;)

  2. Wow!!!! We are at the season finale next week already?!? Wow.

    Well, I guess where I am at on this conflict between Lisa and the girls. Because that first 30 minutes was trying and I felt that they were fake as hell.

    Yes, I said it.

    Love that Carlton has Lisa's back. And judging from the preview she will be going in on Brandi and I love Lisa taking on Kyle AND Yolanda. She brings her bitch face and I support that 100 percent given what I saw in that first 30 minutes.

  3. I don't think she tried to hook them up. However I knew it was him before the credit as well. Foreshadowing maybe?

    Kevin and John appeared just fine to me at the wedding which made Kevin making a move on Patrick that much shocking for me. I see all the reviews I read was saying Patrick was looking at him all night, but I must have missed it all.

    Agree with Eric about Dom. Not that he would be the first gay man to get bent out of shape that someone isn't falling all over his...part.

    ETA: SFK, hot friend. ;)

  4. The last episode though showed that there were serious cracks in Kevin's relationship with John though. I don't know if you guys would agree or saw what I saw....but when Patrick's sis (the bride) came over to chat with them and suggested that Kevin propose to John so that there would be a gay wedding (eye rolls commence) Kevin didn't exactly seem thrilled at the prospect (just the idiot I'm dealing with wasn't thrilled at the prospect of getting lunch together the other day...but that's a story for another day lol).

    It just seemed like there was some type of tension going on between John and Kevin. Hence why I wasn't surprised by the kiss later on. I do think Patrick could easily end up being the side piece.

    On another note I don't get what makes Patrick think that he's so above Richie in terms of job or status. I mean aside from his family its not like Patrick is exactly loaded. So I don't understand why he was so neurotic about introducing Richie to them when his job in some ways isn't that much better...Sorry but if I was a status whore like that I don't think I'd be working as a low level videogame developer AND then snub my nose at a person who cuts hair....

    As much as all that is true, you will be oh so surprised how many people truly are status whores and snub their noses at who a person will date as if their jobs (whether it is a telemarketer, cashier, doorman at the club, living off the SSI) are any better.

    But that could just be the South. ph34r.png

  5. He would totally be Carrie Bradshaw style neurotic being the other 'woman.'

    But that is true...we are getting everything from Patrick's point of view and there is what he is hearing and what he is seeing. So that makes Kevin ?

    So what is real? what is not?

    Still...that kiss....hot.

  6. Ohhhh nice....you'll have to PM me and share! I definitely just had a rough convo with someone I would like to get to know better but not sure if we're on the same team or even page...lol

    Such is life....

    It was nice until I caught him on the other bus. ;)

    But still...like you said...such is life. And just more proof these things happen.

    Now that next episode...was the first time I've wanted to slap Patrick all through the episode.


    Dom...do not shoot yourself in the foot.

    And *jaw drop* at the restroom scene.

  7. but you're avatar biggrin.png Love me some Cordy and her season 5 hair and outfit was FIERCE

    Thank you. Same with that delicious pic you have on yours right now.

    Love, love, LOVE Cordy. And totally agree with you about her Season 5 self.

    Eve: Oh. You must be Cordelia Chase. I'm-

    Cordy (giving fierce bitchface) Didn't ask. (walks off).

  8. I would wash my hands clean. While Kyle past season attacks on Lisa were bad, they're forgivable. Brandi's ... Nope. I'd forgive but never forget and NEVER be friends with her again. She'd be dead to me. Ghost status and not Casper the Friendly Ghost.

    + 1

    Feel the same.

    As for Yolanda, honestly, I have strongly mixed feelings about how I feel. Both of her taglines are among my favorite and ring true in my own life, I find her inspiring, and so much of what she has said her first season and so far this season does ring true to me. Like I said, I would have simply loved if she had just taken Lisa aside (which apparently she did going by blogs) and discussed her feelings would have been fine and something I am used to her doing versus in an open setting which sounds OOC for her to me.

    But watching her and Lisa fall out is a chord for me. Because they were so great with Brandi together.

    ETA: Brandi at the table after Lisa left so say it all. She knows it. She F*CKED UP.

  9. That's exactly how I saw it. Obviously Frank seemed to be doing it more for Auggie (another of his "art" projects?) at first, but then when he was really into it Aug was completely on the outside and might as well have not even been there (unlike how when CJ was filming Aug and Frank, Auggie was obviously playing up for the camera.)

    I hate to just always link AV reviews, but I thought they were pretty spot on in their observations this week--

    While perhaps not a shocking insight, I liked this paragraph from avclub's review--I liked the episode more than them (they gave it a B, one of the lower ratings if not the lowest) but I agree some of the few issues I do have are symptomatic of having to do all this in just 8 episodes

    "The problem with having eight episodes to tell this much story is that one week Patrick and Richie are showing every other romantic hero on television how it’s done and the next Patrick’s falling in their footsteps. After the disastrous picnic, Patrick tries to prove to Richie that he isn’t embarrassed of him. So this is what he says: “What are you doing two weeks from now?” He’s trying to invite Richie to his sister’s wedding, but Richie understandably isn’t having it. So he keeps kissing him. Notice the pattern yet? “Looking In The Mirror” is about people using sex to solve non-sexual problems. But they aren’t solving them. They’re distracting from them. When Dom kisses Lynn, it’s because that’s the kind of relationship he’s used to. Frank just wants to make Agustín feel better, but Agustín needs a different kind of support. Now Patrick is so desperate to keep Richie that he makes a big leap without considering if that’s what he wants, if that’s fair to Richie, and if that really addresses the issue at hand."


    No wonders about posting on this end. I now read AV reviews with you in mind. wink.png

    And if it wasn't for them or a few other reviews I would have missed the fact that Frank got into it with CJ. So Auggie gets some karma.

    ETA: Yay for the series high for LOOKING.

    And YES to the Carrie and the wedding dress. So...uh oh. Not that the preview for next week helped.

  10. I just reminds me of two co-workers trying to gang up on me for 1)something I didn't do and 2)the fact one of them is a lazy sob. They found out that day I had a bit of old school Nene in me and she had no problem clicking trifling bitcas. I explained calmly and you STILL trying to come for me. Script was flipped just...like...THAT. ;)

    I totally missed the first time around that Joyce's husband said what I said. Right now, Lisa is hurt. but eventually, Kyle should have just go to her one on one.

    LOVE that opening.

  11. Okay now that I've seen a little bit more...

    Brandi...Over her.

    Yolanda...I get where she is coming from with her feelings about friends thus, conflicted. However...a mother's touch might have been needed to avoid a lot of this.

    Lisa...it's Lisa. Duh. lol. And I think she said it on the beach...5 on 1...HELL to the NO. They want to talk to her, she can talk to them one by one adult to adult...not with a 5 on 1 or a table ambush. And maybe Yo should have let her cool down for a moment before she talked to her instead of getting offended.

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