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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. RHoV

    Christina was just so fun and tongue-in-cheek. I loved her. I have yet to watch Season 2 and I think that is because (laptop issues aside) due to the lack of her. And her tagline always makes me laugh.

    Love the clip above. The lighting, the scenery. Her dress.


    I liked Marissa. I thought she had potential for sure. And Yolanda checking her never got old for me. But I saw potential in a rivalry there.

  2. You can't be everything to everybody. A glimpse is just a glimpse. Girls met similar criticism. It's not the show's fault for being what it is, rather, the industry could step up and green light more shows that would provide more of a spectrum.


    + 1

  3. ATL

    All that shade!!!

    I guess I knew it was coming, but still...

    She did not hold back...and yet...she did. I take this as a warmup for next Sunday.

    I'm unclear on this receipt thing. So did Kenya pay or not? In any case, I too am starting to anticipate a reunion that rival Season 4 as my favorite ATL reunion. Because it's all every day there's a new piece/drama between Kenya and Nene.


    I thought the whole ring thing was a setup to get it to look like Lisa does try to control everything. Lisa was making a simple observation (not unlike Yolanda in Paris) and the girls are just jumping on it because they are jealous of Lisa.

  4. ATL

    Well, it was overdue for Nene to 'fire' back so yay for a blog.

    Shade, shade, shade.


    I also thought, Cat (loved the comments btw), that they were meaning that one line Yolanda said in Paris and ran with it. And it was a harmless remark.

    I just didn't like that episode at all. All of those flashbacks for me were taken out of context and Brandi was just coming across as extremely trifling and desperate. I found the necklace thing as such a setup. And so far, Team Lisa, in the start of this break.

  5. "Life isn't all diamonds and rose; but it should be!"

    And it is the way she said it that made it so perfect as it had a sense of naughtiness to it.

    Haven't seen this week's episode but I do have to point out that in Brandi's talking heads she has said she would have fired Scheana and that Lisa should have done the same...which is ridiculous on many levels given that Lisa would have been sued for doing that...and the fact that she met Brandi years after hiring Scheana.

    Waiting for your (and Cat's) comments on this (and next week's) episode. wink.png

    ETA: All of Lisa's taglines have rocked. That one and the Season 1 tag are EVERYTHING.

  6. Yeah I'm pretty sure they are not friends. Urgently or in recent times. Even if they are it's nowhere near comparable to Scheena. As we discussing with ATL I have no problem with friends being friends with someone their friends dislike. Except in an extreme distraction. And Scheena is an extreme situation. I think Brandi was as ok as one can be with her working for Lisa still. The issue seems to be more this season with Lisa pushing them to interact. Brandi interacted with her to start VPR, and that should have been the end of it. Not to mention this season it's clear Lisa has brought Scheena around a lot more in their non work life as well. But to bring her around Brandi and push Brandi to talk to her about marriage? Production or not I don't car it's a shitty thing to do.

    The reason Lisa walks away when Yolanda is confronting her is because Lisa can't control the conversation. She can't flip get script and turn it all on Yolanda. Because Yolanda isn't a Brandi or Kyle. And Yolanda is totally in the right when saying if something happened to changed Lisa's opinion of Kyle and M after crucifying them publicly and to her friends. I think her asking Lisa if they are real friends or Hollywood friends is more than warranted and it's it appears that Lisa brushes it off and then leaves as opposed to giving an answer.

    Don't even get me started on how men is talking to the ladies. Esp Yolanda.

    And that...for me...was the only valid thing that I did like from those clips. A lot has been going on between Yolanda and Lisa that I wish they would be able to sit down and talk about it. Perferably when the others are not around to stir the pot. Because they have known each other too long to just let it fall apart like this. And I'm sure Yolanda has been noticing something and would surely bring it out in a civil way.

    Now that 4 on 1 at the table. HELL TO THE NO!!!

    Yeah I'm pretty sure they are not friends. Urgently or in recent times. Even if they are it's nowhere near comparable to Scheena. As we discussing with ATL I have no problem with friends being friends with someone their friends dislike. Except in an extreme distraction. And Scheena is an extreme situation. I think Brandi was as ok as one can be with her working for Lisa still. The issue seems to be more this season with Lisa pushing them to interact. Brandi interacted with her to start VPR, and that should have been the end of it. Not to mention this season it's clear Lisa has brought Scheena around a lot more in their non work life as well. But to bring her around Brandi and push Brandi to talk to her about marriage? Production or not I don't car it's a shitty thing to do.

    The reason Lisa walks away when Yolanda is confronting her is because Lisa can't control the conversation. She can't flip get script and turn it all on Yolanda. Because Yolanda isn't a Brandi or Kyle. And Yolanda is totally in the right when saying if something happened to changed Lisa's opinion of Kyle and M after crucifying them publicly and to her friends. I think her asking Lisa if they are real friends or Hollywood friends is more than warranted and it's it appears that Lisa brushes it off and then leaves as opposed to giving an answer.

    Don't even get me started on how men is talking to the ladies. Esp Yolanda.

    And that...for me...was the only valid thing that I did like from those clips. A lot has been going on between Yolanda and Lisa that I wish they would be able to sit down and talk about it. Perferably when the others are not around to stir the pot. Because they have known each other too long to just let it fall apart like this. And I'm sure Yolanda has been noticing something and would surely bring it out in a civil way.

    Now that 4 on 1 at the table. HELL TO THE NO!!!

  7. LOVE. Loved it. It resonated right down to the GOONIES comment which I do OFTEN around people. LOL!!! And I had a Sean Astin crush as well. Still do actually.

    But ugh at Augustin!!! Your friend is happy with someone and he does what in the preview.

  8. Speaking of friendships (and now that I'm up and about after working all day), I managed to see the episode and that preview is actually making me dread since the Nene/Marlo fallout.

    What I loved about Marlo (and apparently Nene felt the same way from that link) is that Marlo can read a bitca. Loved her doing that to Diana in IDON Ep. 2. And I love Team Talls.

    And I have never seen Marlo read Nene. It had never crossed my mind that that would EVER happened because they were so tight.

    So...hearing Marlo call her out and given my views on friendship (and why I loved me some season 2 HILLS) I just don't think I'm going to like it at all.

    And yes, I saw both sides of the Nene/Peter argument as well.

  9. I love this show, because I wasn't expecting it to be like SATC, QAF or GIRLS. I love that I can identify and understand (at times), where each of the three main characters are at in their lives on this show.

    I'm old enough to remember how crazy you can be, when you're still single in your late 20s, questioning your life and relationship in your 30s and wondering if you've made the right choices in your life when you turn 40.

    I also like that these characters are not over the top and hilarious every 5 minutes and that they are portrayed as sexual beings, but it doesn't justify their entire existence.


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