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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. YASSSSS!!!! As predicted, LVP is sitting back and letting these hos destroy themselves.


    And yasss again!!!! Not so cool are you, Erika, when someone sees through you like Miss Eden did?



    ETA: love LVP's saying that nothing bothers your enemies more than forgetting about them. Because it is so true.


    And I am here for Lips vs Kim as long as Lips does not back down.



    Can't wait!!!!

  2. LOL!!! I just said frakked and came out to my hallway for better connection.


    That said...ShanNONE can...have several seats...would use my Joan Collins meme but...again internet connection.


    That said...I'm happy to see that Vicki was taking NO s*it this year versus last year. Keep right on checking her and Tamra's backside!!!! And then to think ShanNONE wants to cry and play victim. No, bitca, no. Thinking you were going to come in and get crazy with anyone. LOL!!! Only to see someone brought a different brand of crazy this year...LOVE.

  3. 5 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I'm happy so far. We've got Queen Vanderpump, Kyle, Lips, Eileen, Erika... we lost YoLemony & Kathryn, and we have Camille back as a friend. I don't know who the final chair is (was that a Port Charles thing back in the day?) but it's presumably a new lady and not Camille. 

    Why...yes, it was a thing. It was part of THIS arc...



    7 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Erika is back...:rolleyes:



    So the last one has to be the new girl who will at the center of the drama.


    And we have that other girl and Camille as FOH. Should be a fun season.

  4. 6 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    The one in the middle definitely looks like Erika, which I love.  I can't figure out if the right one is Eillen - the one sitting down doesn't look like her to me, but I could totally be wrong haha.  I guess we'll find out one more today!

    See? I think the one sitting is Eileen because she often has a sitting pose like that.


    I think Eden is on the end.


    Erika in the middle.


    And like Lisa's look.

  5. RHoNJ:


    @Nothin'ButAttitude. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe even the Great Danielle Staub cannot save this sh*tshow. 


    - Teresa is delusional and clearly has a gag order on everyone to never mention 'prison,' 'criminal' or 'felon.' All words she embodies.

    - Melissa is the same fake-ass wannabe she was nine noses ago.

    - Jacqueline is dangerously addicted to attention, to the detriment of her husband and children's welfare. She seems to think she is a 'main' HW -- I, however, find her eminently replaceable. Also all her surgeries are making her face look like it is melting.

    - I stopped liking Siggy after episode 1. Useless and annoying.

    - Dolores is a fab person but too good and too lowkey for this show.

    - The editing is wack. Maybe Production is too close to the women: this is the only RH franchise where the good stuff is actively cut and instead we get a mishmash of hearsay about fights that happened offscreen. This would never happen with OC, NY or ATL.

    - They keep trotting out that disgusting bullfrog Rich Wakile. Stop. He's an embarrassment.

    - I only enjoy 5 people on the show: Gia, Gabriella, Milania, Audriana and Juicy the Criminal. With Juicy the Crim in the pokey now, all that are left are the little girls. And it is painful watching them struggle with the selfishness of their parents. The two eldest ones already don't want to be on there. 


    Am I being to harsh on this franchise?


    Nope. Not at all. 


    I do think that Danielle can generate some life back into this show, but not for long. I just don't think NJ has a long life anymore with this cast of women. Not even Felonresa. 


    I'd trade NJ for a revival of Miami or DC any day.


    I never saw DC but Miamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


    And with this cast (if they want to fire Joanna Krupka, that's ok with me too):


    Image result for Real housewives of Miami season 2 pics

    Le sigh. I miss Miami.

  6. Season 3 trailer:



    I am loving this season and I am loving Caroline Stanbury. How did that happen!? She's sort of fearless in how she lets it all hang out. The dinner party scenes with Caroline Fleming's family highlighted why Caroline Stanbury is different from the rest of 'em (aside from Annabelle): she can paint on the perfect appropriate face and make witty party banter even as her whole business implodes.


    Annabelle is losing me with her behaviour with Julie. She's expecting Julie to read her mind, it seems so stupid. 


    I still love Sophie Stanbury because she's a lush and a total hot mess at all times and one withering comment away form decimating someone.


    Marissa behaved just perfectly at the Fleming castle...she really knows how to fit in.


    The same cannot be said for Juliet who just SCREAMS Illinois. 


    Finally, Caroline Fleming can go play in traffic. What a pretentious bitch. She's awful.


    I can't believe next week is the finale!

    So...thoughts on the new trailer?

    Returns Nov

  7. Image everyone is talking about:



    If I were ME-lissa, I'd be scared. Danielle has expressed that she doesn't f-ck with her and has dirt on her. 


    See. This is why I don't buy Melissa/Tre's reconciliation. Tre knows that Danielle has said she has intel on Melissa.  


    I know Jacqueline and ME-lissa are quaking in their boots. Even Dina commented on Andy's Twitters being shocked. 



    Well, I just saw in the tabs just yesterday that Tre is actually campaigning to bring Danielle back because no show = no money for Tre to pay her bills.

  8. Yolanda! Thats who is missing. I kept looking at that list and was wondering who got cut. Katherine was the only one that came to mind


    Image result for Lisa Vanderpump laughing gifs


    How could you forget??? The QUEEN of Malibu! The QUEEN of KeepingItReal! The QUEEN of #Hashtags! #RealFriendsDon'tQuestionYouEverTheyJustFollowOrders #LymeJourney #That'sJustYouKnowBrandiBeingBrandi! #MyLove #MyKing #MyRefrigerator #TheStateofCaliforniaSaysIShouldGet50%ofDavid'sFortune


    Image result for Yolanda munchausen gifs



  9. The Beverly Hills ladies have been in Hong Kong this week. I saw both Lisa's, Kyle and Erika in Instagram videos. I'm guessing we won't get a promo video for awhile?


    Doubt it. I've heard they'll be bumped back to January instead of December. I expect a promo some time in November.

    I bet they are waiting to see if any drama breaks out in HK, and then....a promo.


    So Season 7 appears to be Kyle, Lisa, LIps, Eileen, Erika, and two newbies and a lot of Camille.






    Is the Dad storyline dropped?


    AND...no more Maxwell Lord?


    considering it was mentioned yesterday, I think not.


    Good. I never liked Max. I was more shocked at no Lucy. Is she gone and what happened to her?


    Thank god they ended Jimmy and Kara. Both had no chemistry and the romance was forced. I kind of feel like his days are numbered now and I expect him to die. Maybe during that crossover event

    Hehe...that must have been while I went downstairs to get my pizza. :P


    I think Lucy will show up again.


    I like the slow burn of Jimmy/Kara. Though I do love her with Winn.

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