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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Now tha I've seen the end of the camping trip (RHoa), when is the reunion?

    13 hours ago, Cat said:


    I'd say that this is an accurately-seated Reunion. LR has to be up top in the Brandi spot because she got into the drama this year.



    Yes they are and I am SO EXCITED for it! They filmed during the late campaign and election itself, and Carole is a big advocate for Hilary; as it was a shocking election result, I can see why they would feature it. NYC has always been a town where politics are important, and so are advocacy groups. It usually skews Democrat, and even its Republican leaders have been of the 'fiscally conservative but socially liberal' variety. What is interesting for me is that while Carole was pro-Hilary (and I suspect Dorinda and others may have voted that way too), some speculate Bethenny to be more 'libertarian-Republican' in her politics. As Carole's BFF, I wonder if the show will allude to this, or whether B wants to keep her role strictly neutral politically. Or maybe C and B are on the same page politically!


    So ready for LuAnn in her fur chubby and her face-off with Bethenny. A part of me hopes they put the meanness aside and come to some point of understanding, as vicious and destructive as Bethenny was last season. 


    Image result for luann gifs


    Image result for luann gifs


    Image result for luann gifs


    lol can you tell I'm excited about RHoNY coming back?? :lol:



    You are not alone, Cat.


    Love LuAnn. But I wasn't around before Season 6 so I got  know her on her own terms. An

  2. Just now, Soaplovers said:


    The problem was that the close friends all lived in the city....and for chicago...you needed some housewives that lived in the city and some that lived in the suburbs.  



    Leading back to what you said about getting at least two housewives from the suburbs to balance it out...organic drama?


    Seems like such a waste if that was the only reason it was a no-go,

  3. 4 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    From what it sounds like..the Sydney show has descended onto S4 NY (yet there were some funny scenes like Ramona interviewing assistants and luann trying to teach her daughter to drive)...and OC season 11 toxicity (maybe Kelly from OC should move to sydney...shed fit in perfectly)


    In order for a ftanchise to work especially a new one...you need to know and care for the cast members...and yes...they need to not interact as much at first until we know them first...then interact and see the conflicts arise.


    I rememebr heaes ago, they tried to do a real housewives of chixago...but Andy cohen said no one interesting was found.  From what i recall...they auditioned groups of 5 or 6 close friends together.   However, if i were casting for my home city...how to gwnerate organic conflict is to cast women from the city and the suburbs (there is a huge suburb vs city debate)...sort of how on NY...Alex living in brooklyn and trying to social climb was such an organic conflict.

    I would have loved a RH of Chicago.


    That would have been the way to cast. After all RHoBH started as them all being close friends.

  4. 1 hour ago, Soaplovers said:

    Phaedra is a lawyer so no surprise she gets away with her stunts.


    Porsha shouldve been fired a long time ago.  She's a meaner version of gretchen of OC fame.


    I like that RHOBH is 'boring'. I like one franchise not to go too far into the gutter.  


    Doritt needs to understand that not everyone is open and warm....some people are guarded and take time to warm to othersm. Erika has a strong friendship with Eileen..as well as one developing with Kyle.  


    Im more like Erika....I dont call just anyone a friend...it takes time for me to develop a friendship...but once that friendship is developed...I cherish it.  Dorit reminds me of someone i used to be friends eith...open and eager to call anyone a friend...yet easily gets their feelings hurt if the other person doesnt respond to them as quickly.  Plus..Dorit is one of those types that is nice to your face yet talks smack about you to others when you arent around..same as with this previous friend of mine.





    While I think I have mellowed as I've grown older, my old friends post-college would say that I was the definition of ice. Until I got to know you, then I was BBF gal!!! lol.


    So I understand where Erika comes from, and understand why she has to smack a ho talking smack down when needed.

  5. 9 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    RHOA Sneak Peek:



    In my opinion, it is time for Porsha to go. Now see this is why I never liked that b-tch. She takes sh-t too damn far. Suggesting someone was attempting to drug & rape her to perpetuate a damn lie?



    Beat that a$$, Kandi.







  6. 4 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Bravo's RHOP trailer (with extra scenes):




    No wonder those two got into it. Ashley with her big mouth.


    And I can't believe I'm saying this...but I'm loving Karen in this...drama and all.


    Giselle...don't make me not like you.

    3 hours ago, Cat said:


    Me watching RHoA episode like


    Image result for monsta x hyungwon gifs


    Did anybody catch Cynthia's comment about Porsha and lines though?? Kandi wasn't the only one spilling tea.


    Cynthia's talking heads and reactions were the enjoyable parts of this episode. I did NOT need to see her vadge rejuvenation, however. I also felt so bad for Riley having to go through that cringeworthy recording. It wasn't even Kim Zolciak-recording-Tardy-for-the-Party enjoyable.


    While most of us already knew about this gossip, IA that it has made the show dark and murky with these threats to 'destroy' each other's reputations/marriage etc. Both Kandi and Porsha are Going There and as a result it's about to get nastier. Especially at Reunion.


    I don't think Porsha has quite lost herself that HW's paycheck, though. Not after this episode. Also because Carlos King... ahem, thinks she's great for the show. It's sad to think that Porsha was presented as a borderline debutante/Christian wife/civil rights royalty, and now she is (allegedly) a busy hooker with a nose for blow. Or maybe the deb/Christian wife was just a cover, as Kandi suggests, in which case, that is even sadder.


    As for Kandi, I doubt she was thrilled about the 'Marvin' revelations.

    I know I was shocked after re-watching all much tea Dodge and Kandi threw all out there.


    Reunion should be EPIC.

  7. 20 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Rinna done stepped in some bullsh-t! Funny how she played dumb and wouldnt own it. If she didnt remember its bc she was high off them pills she takes which would be quite ironic


    Lisa V was messy. I dont think she looked good that episode either


    Why isnt Eden a housewife? I thought she would be and based on her airtime, she should be. She has talking heads, scenes with her family and is right in the middle of all the drama. She feels like more than a friend. BTW, she and her mother look exactly alike


    Maurico is Mexican? I thought he was just Israeli? I dont think his Mexican roots were ever touched on before

    I know TT mentioned that the reason Eden wasn't a housewife is (and going by the STILL TO COME appears to be true) Eden was tooooo much drama of the bad kind and wasn't only a FOH cuz of it.

    ETA: That trailer looked good. I might actually be here for Karen this season.

  8. 10 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    At least they listened to viewer's and dropped Kara & Jimmy fast. They had no chemistry at all

    True...they could build that up naturally. Versus the abruptness of the breakup after that buildup.


    That said...how they were this past week is perfect for those two. A foil of sorts for Kara...IN HER WORKING LIFE. lol

    5 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    It could have been handled better but Kara and Jimmy were so bad that the show is much better now that that plotline is over. I hate that they got rid of Lucy bc I liked her and she made for a great supporting character for both Kara and Jimmy. Jimmy is weakened without her and Kara unfortunately lost a potential good frenemy. Did they even write her out? It feels like the season opened up and she was just gone with no explanation



    YEP. They did. ANd I +1 to all of what you said.

  9. A

    On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 10:20 AM, Wales2004 said:

    This was the show I liked best out of the four but I let it go after the first episode of this season.  They should have left Kara with her crush on James which could have eventually faded away or remained in a way that wasn't a focus.  The mistake was having him reciprocate and using Cat and Lucy to promote a romance between them which was ill advised and definitely premature.  So after all that build up and acknowledgment of their feelings over the entire season which ended with their date planning, they take all of a few seconds to blow the whole thing up.  Somewhere between her trying on outfits and getting a promotion, she has an epiphany that romance is a bad idea. 


    I did not care about them being together but I hated how poorly their ending was written and how it was unnecessarily rapidly it came.  They could have at least taken part of that episode to show her having doubts and then had her tell him in the second episode.  I actually think they should stay away from romantic relationships unless they have someone who can write them better because The Flash is just as bad and I don't watch Arrow but I figure it's the same.



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