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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 6 hours ago, Soaplovers said:


    I almost gave you side eyed for the vancouver mention till I saw you referenced season 1 of vancouver...which was a good season and not as toxic as season 2.


    What Im noticing about all the new housewide shows here and abroad us that theyre only focusing on the petty fights with less focua on the day to day stuff.


    What made the earlier versions work was a healthy balance between drama and the day to day stuff (which is why I love that the hamlin girls are getting talking heads where theyre eye rolling their mom lol). 

    Tbf, all current seasons of the American shows have gotten back to showing family stuff at least. Some of the best scenes in the current RHOA has been Cynthia interacting with her daughter and family.

  2. Porsha totally couldn't hold her own against ShebySheree. And it's going to be fun (per WWHL clip) her going up again Kandi again thanks to Marlo's s*it-stirring.


    Speaking of Marlo, well, hasn't Marlo always gone in when she reads...which is why people knew to not come for her a la Africa trip?



    THANK YOU, KANDI!!!!! I just said that above in the thread when she calls Poorsha out for her getting an attitude when they only talking at that point at the dinner.


    Poorsha came off poor with that doctor's note. If you wanted to discuss like a REAL GROWN UP when it was brought up tonight, you wouldn't feel the need to save face next week. Whatever, girl.



    ETA:  Nene looks good on WWHL and is coming across so good. LOVE.

  4. Rewatching and I'm sorry, but Kenya was still making a point and Poorsha was just starting to get dramatic...which got worse when Cynthia and Kandi took Kenya's side.


    Everyone went in on Toyota when she came with the stank. And cannot even give 'tude when she was giving it.


    And yes LOVED when Kenya everyone on her side of the table was ready.

    OH, yesssss!!!! Guess I'm watching WWHL tonight.

  5. Damn internet. :D:D


    Like I said before...this makes me wonder when this was filmed since at the start of the season IRL Kandi, Cynthia, and Kenya (and Nene if she had filmed) were set to not film with Poorsha until she dealt with her issues. Thus, Kenya mentioning it.


    And everyone trying to make it 'Kenya's at it again' is totally missing the point...which even Kenya said. I loved her going in about it.


    worded this better in my OTHER post so sorry it went BAMF.

  6. 4 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    I didn't see much as I was flipping back between the show and Obama, but from what I've seen, I was impressed by Dorit tonight. Wrong or right, she impressed me how she took on that whole table w/o breaking a sweat. She also had me rolling when she called Kyle's sneaky ass out. Kyle always tries to paint LVP as the sneak when it has always been her. 


    You know something wrong when I am pro-Kim Richards. Lisa Rinna has pushed me to the point where I am rooting for Kim to demolish her ass. I see next week that once again oversteps her boundaries and uses Kim as her story. It's gross. She needs to stop. Rinna truly showed her cards tonight. So did Eileen. I loved when Kim called them out for being in cahoots and manipulating one another. They always accuse LVP of pulling strings when they do it too. All these women do it.


    And can Camille get her f-cking diamond back already?! I've said this before but they should've just went ahead and added Eden & Camille to the season, and had a season of 8 women.

    Work ran overtime (darn campers. Ugh!) and it looks like Bravo isn't doing a late showing of it.


    How was Camille?

  7. Well, the rumor is that Jill DID film for this season of NYC as a FOH if I'm not mistaken. The real question is...will said film scene make it to the light of day.


    And yeah...I would say given what little of Season 1 of RHoBH I've seen that Dorit does give off that vibe a la Season 1 Camille.

  8. 6 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Im with Eileen. I dont get why PK adn Dorit have an opinion on how she handled the death of her mother. And she really didnt recall that convo? Give me a break! How does one forget talking about the deaths of two cast member's parents?


    I like this Eden woman. IA with her and Rinna on the hair. Its iconic.


    Camille! Im glad she got a reintroduction and talking head. Is she a friend this season, bc her past appearances just had her showing up in the background


    Image result for joseline sick of you ho


    I was willing to give her a chance but Im over Dorit. She comes across very judgemental. I couldnt f--k with her. Girrrllll, she tried it at that brunch

    I believe that Camille is going to be a FOH this year since I believe she went to just about everything this year.

  9. Did you see the gown Caroline F wears next week, @DaytimeFan? And her response?




    I couldn't get into it on a first viewing. But second viewing was great. I guess because I was working on my own blog at the moment.


    I was kinda digging Juliet (IKR) until she came for Marissa. No wonder the friendship is over.


    I loved drunk Sophie as well. I hope that this feud with her and Caroline is over. Though it seems Julie might actually cause some drama next week.

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