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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Love you all, but haters, LEFT. lol.


    I thought it was a great length and I wanted to see it ever since her People mini-interview about it. And then the time jump was flawless.


    I don't know enough of Jill's history except that she's evil. But she looked good.


    ETA: Speaking of looking good, great to see LuAnn wear what she has in the opening on the show. She looked just as fierce. But I love it when the RH wear their clothes on show (Season 1 Kyle of RHoBH with her strapped black dress comes to mind.)

  2. 41 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    I think something may have been off bc I just watched the episode and we saw the ceremony. Declared the I Dos and kiss. Good for LuAnn and I support her decision not to invite those hateful harpies



    Thank you for seconding me.

  3. 19 hours ago, Mr. Vixen said:

    Hi dolls! Did ya miss me? :wub:



    That RHOC trailer is great! The intro was incredible - loved it! I'm gonna jump back in this season...been a while since I watching OC religiously.



    And having watched the OC trailer again...it looks like you all just might get Vicki/Kelly/Gretchen/Lizzie alliance after all against Tamra.

    4 hours ago, WTGH said:


    LOGO had The A-List.


    Maybe Bravo can do something similar?

    Oh, that fun, but trashy drama...lol.

  4. 5 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Eww at Jenna Jameson possibly being on this show. She's is pure trash. Trump loving trash at that. I used to like her when she was on Celebrity Big Brother but she soon fell off with me with the stupid sh-t she constantly spouted. Not surprised she's friends with Erotika. Two trashy peas in a pod. 


    @Cheap21 @DaytimeFan @Chris B @Cat @Gray Bunny @Antoyne RHOC trailer: 



    Too vague.


    However...was that Lizzie?

    3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:




    3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Queen Tamra?




  5. 15 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    My primary issue with this is that Lee Daniel, Danny Strong, and Ilene Chaiken will be enamored with the DuBois clan at first, but will toss them aside to create 35 other side characters in the process, so they can have more cameos on the show. This show needs to get back to being tightly knit like it was in season 1. It skidded off the tracks quickly these past 2 seasons. This is the time to fix matters. 

    You don't think they righted the ship this season in terms of focusing on the Lyons more versus Season 2 with the cameos?

  6. That finale was good until the last minute.


    Really?!? SERIOUSLY?!!!???


    That said...I'm all ready for the DuBois v the Lyons next season with all those revenge plans that Mama has up her sleeve.


    And DEAD at Boo Boo Kitty getting set up with that hot sauce being delivered being the cherry on top.

  7. Uh...since I watched the trailer without knowing who was what...I hate to say it...but it looks like camp trashy fun. Still shouldn't be done, but oh well...

    On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 3:56 PM, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Can Hollywood leave classics alone? There are a plethora of writers (myself included) with original ideas that need to be greenlit. Stop rebooting sh-t. Jesus. 

    Me, too, fellow writer!!!!


    + 1

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