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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 1 hour ago, Khan said:


    Reading about your ordeal just breaks my spirit, Amy.  Thank God that you were ultimately vindicated and that you were able to receive the professional help that you needed to cope.  I pray that all women out there who have been through what you went through come out on the other side as well. :)


    I see what you mean.  Mama Khan was STUNNED when she learned Luther Vandross was gay.  But I was, like, "C'mon, you couldn't tell??".


    Truthfully, I suspected Spacey was gay when I watched him all those years ago on "Fall from Grace," the NBC miniseries where he portrayed Jim Bakker.  My gaydar pinged before I even knew the concept, lol.


    Meanwhile: Celebrities ain't havin' none of his [!@#$%^&*].

    Wait? What? It's true about Vandross? I admit I wondered but I have never been allowed to even say something like that in my Mom's household to not dark old soul/r&b memories.  Mind blown again.

    23 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Netflix doesn't play........



    Yep. Pretty much.

  2. 2 hours ago, Khan said:


    My guess?  It'll blow up.  Others will come forward about Spacey.  And yes, I agree, "House of Cards" will fold.


    You know, it wasn't enough for Spacey just to apologize for the incident.  No, the preening s.o.b. had to try for another Oscar-worthy performance and drop a bombshell that, frankly, wasn't a bombshell.  (If you are shocked that Kevin Spacey is gay, then congratulations for emerging from your coma.)  On the one hand, I GUESS I should applaud his coming out (even if, again, just about everyone knew already). But, OTOH, part of me feels that that is TOTALLY beside the point.  The fact that Kevin Spacey is out of the closet now does not and should not, in any way, mitigate what he did to Anthony Rapp and Lord knows who else.


    Oh, well.  


    I'm just proud of Rapp for finding the courage to talk about this incident after living with it for so long.

    Quite honestly, knowing for sure Spacey is gay for me is like knowing Clive Barker was.  Which I didn't know until his appearance on Bill Maher late night ABC debate show with Sophie B Walker and he said matter of fact in passing during the debate. Mind blown then. Same here. All I knew was what can best be called rumor a la the DC mention above.


    Just saying. Though to be fair I am a Gem and we do get distracted into a coma so...;)

  3. 4 hours ago, Cat said:


    Wow. This piping hot tea!


    KG has nothing to lose. She feels her career has been destroyed, and her former friends did not stand up for her. This includes her former bestie Anderson Cooper, and Andy Cohen.


    Does anybody doubt this about Andy? I don't. And right now with Harvey Weinstein having been momentarily toppled from his perch, KG perhaps feels she has momentum on her side when it comes to naming names in the business. But this may make her unhireable, sadly. Hollywood as we know has a creepy code of silence. Moreover, Bravo are so invested in Andy (for all intents and purposes he is the face of Bravo) that I'm not sure they will dismiss him for this coke allegation. Not unless he has powerful enemies within Bravo and NBC/Universal. Still, this should give Andy some pause for thought. The only reason Kathy went gonzo on social media was because TMZ posted Andy coming out of LAX today and being asked about Kathy Griffin. He was shady and pulled an "I don't know ha" and that is what triggered KG's ire. Hell hath no fury...


    I read a comment somewhere wishing that Joan Rivers was alive in order to counsel and guide Kathy with all this. I wish for Kathy's sake she was.

    I was just about say that this must be about Andy pulling a Mariah Carey on her, but you beat me to it. lol.



  4. 2 hours ago, Toups said:

    Finally have time to post! LOL  Let's start with "Gorgeous".....LOVE IT!    I think this song is a fun/happy song, though it can be interpreted in a sad way.....but it's mostly happy for me because I'm always smiling whenever I sing the chorus. LOL  It's an easy song to remember, so I was able to memorize it in a couple of days (I still haven't memorized the first two songs) .  Love the opening beats - it's sounds so cool.   I also like the funny background noises/sounds (like her laugh).  Just like in "Ready For It" there's a split second silent count before the bell rings (love this!.....it's campy).   I put this with with my other fun/happy songs, like "22" and "Begin Again" where the song just makes you feel good.  Not everything has to be lyrically awesome. 



    Really liked the RFI music video.  It's obviously not as good as the LWYMMD video (it's going to be hard to top this video...I don't think it will happen this era.....maybe next era).   Not really a big sci-fi or anime fan, so all the references passed by me.   For this type of video, I think she and Joseph Kahn could've added more of a story, like the beginning of the Bad Blood video.  Just some intro and an outro.    I didn't see anything wrong with a body suit. 



    So she's doing Secret Sessions again - I think so far she's done 5 of them.  Part of me is happy for all the fans that get to listen to the album and meet her.....and the other part of me gets a little sad because I wish it could be me.  :(  LOL   The London fans seem to be all about "Track 5" that apparently made them all cry and apparently it's a happy love song.  Some say it was better than "All Too Well"......I'm calling B.S.  You can't overhype something like that!  I think that's crazy of them to say that.  LOL



    Re: Going the folk rock route.  You want her doing that NOW?  No way.  I don't want her doing that until she's in her 40's, at least.  Like I said before, I think she'll do one more pop album in her early 30's.  Then in her mid 30's, I want her doing pop-rock.  









    Thank yoU!!


    I was getting ready for work this morning and catch myself humming/singing to it in the background.


    It is totally delicious earworm happy song.  lol.


    I also agree about her singing above. I loved her singing IKYWT at the AMA a few years back and that felt/sounded like she was singing it live enough to me. And I liked it better than what was on the actual cd.

  5. 7 hours ago, Cat said:


    Of course Kim and Troy went as a Playboy Bunny & that pimp Hugh Hefner. OF COURSE THEY DID.


    But Nene and Greg as exterminator & roach?? OMG this is making me want to root for Nene this season!


    I wish I could get a better read on Kenya's outfit. IS that Eva as Cleopatra? She looks incredible. By contrast, Sheree looks like Mama Joyce pretending to be Nefertiti.


    Michael Beck is doing everything to make his precious blowupdoll princess the star of RHOA and come out on top. It is driving me nuts.

    Victoria Secret model at their fashion show I believe.


    And come to the dark side re: Nene. ;) No one has time for that trashbox wig headed heffa.

    2 hours ago, Cat said:


    I'm sure Shannon will manage to blame Vicki for the dissolution of her marriage, too. "It couldn't withstand all the lies and vicious rumours that Vicki Gunvalson put out there!" 


    Seriously tho all the juicy RH news is coming out late Friday! It kind of makes me wish Atl was starting this Sunday and a one-episode OC reunion (because that is all it deserves) was this Monday.

    But thanks to the internet we know it is not rumor, all Viki has to do is bring her receipts and Shaloon will have NOTHING...except some crow.



    1 hour ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    She can't blame Vicki at all. They were having marital problems long before Vicki arrived. Her first season, we saw David was over Shannon. Shannon and David are only blame from their marriage dissolving. 


    I hope Vicki pulls out receipts again if Shannon tries to blame her. One primary receipt would be the report Shannon filed against David years ago before she joined the show. I'd whip that out and remind her that their marriage was on shaky ground long before then. 



    I don't think Vicki's standing will be hurt. In all honesty, I have a strong feeling in my gut that next season will be the downfall of Shannon, as she'll be Gretchen'd. We've seen from this recent episode that TamRat misses Vicki and knows that she'll never get rid of Vicki. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. TamRat is starting to realize it is better to rejoin Vicki than go against her. 


    TamRat will be eager to move on; meanwhile, Shannon will want to remain stuck in the past--her beef with Vicki, dealing with the next stages of her flop marriage, etc. TamRat will use that as reason to jump ship. 



    Great minds...

    New BH trailer?



  6. And that's just PART of the controversy this trailer appears to be courting.


    Apparently per a uk article I saw, there are still the people who got mad at Scarlett's casting in GHOST IN A SHELL to also deal with just by doing any kind of homage.

  7. 1 hour ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    Pretty boring episode with the exception of the ending with Vicki going into cardiac arrest. I'm sure MegaNeck will swear that Vicki was faking it down line for pity. :rolleyes: Obviously, Vicki was seriously in pain as she was turning sheet white.


    The gall of Shannon talking about someone being sensitive and throwing a fit over small stuff. This b-tch has been screaming like a banshee nonstop since she popped up in s9. I am glad production pulled out that receipt to show how stupid, petty, and childish she reacts too. 


    Lydia throwing the menus was funny. I only wish it was something heavier, so she could've knocked the sh-t out of either Tamrat or Shannut. The scene with Lydia/Vicki was cute though. It is obvious that Vicki is looking out for Lydia and doesn't want her to get and exiled over stupid crap like she has. 


    Iceland is pretty and is something I'd enjoy. It annoyed me watching these women moan b/c they weren't on a trip to their liking. Not all trips should be to exotic places where you old tramps and get drunk and fool around. Sometimes, you need a little culture, which this Trump loving group desperately needs. 




    Again, I thought Dallas was juicy! 


    Kameron and Brandi calling truce is so short term. I think Kameron even knows it deep down. If Brandi can flip flop on her two "besties" (Cary/Stephanie), she is bound to do the same to her too. I am glad that Kameron still has her guard up and is skeptical of Brandi. 


    Cary blaming Leeanne for Brandi spilling her sordid past is crazy. How could Leeanne caused Brandi to do so when Leeanne was just as shocked as the rest when Brandi dropped the bomb about Cary being the nanny turned mistress turned wife? Cary is so dumb. When will she realize that Leeanne is the least of her worries? Brandi is the one plotting your downfall, dingbat. Leeanne does all her devious acts in the opening. She's a wolf. You see her coming. Brandi is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The sooner Cary grasps that concept, the better she'll be. 


    Steph's scenes with Cruz and Travis were touching. Those scenes are the few times I feel for her and like her a teeny bit. I still think she's a snake, who's obsessed with Leeanne. 


    Kameron's dog food scenes were hilarious. Her daughter did not give a f-ck about Kameron when Kameron went on that tangent about worrying if the new sample was pink enough. Is it bad that I find Kameron's hubby a little a sexy? Maybe it is b/c he's wealthy. I don't know but I find Court to be cute. 


    Speaking of a woman with a hot husband, D'Andra's story gives me classic soap teas. Watching her in the lab discuss a future product that could propel their line gave me Brooke (B&B) and Ashley (Y&R) teas. Will D'Andra get the L22 to finish her product? Will Ms. Dee learn that she might be out of thousands of dollars? Find out next week on the Real Housewives of Dallas! :lol: Just so soapy. 

    You are not alone. I love a hot nerd.


    And love your last paragraph. Can't wait to see the episode.

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