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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 7 hours ago, Soaplovers said:


    I kind of got a kick out of Kathryn.. though I think being shell shocked at the reunion and holding onto a pillow when the other women were arguing probably sealed her fate.  She and her husband were kind of cute together, and she seemed kind of quirky.


    Hopefully, Luann is doing this because she truly has accepted she has hit rock bottom and not to generate more airtime and story.  I'm hoping she comes through this, but cynical me remembers her from seasons past.. and it will take action more then words.



    I like quirky. :)

  2. 5 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Luann is checking into rehab per her social media. 


    Her statement is that she is totally embarrassed, has the utmost respect for police officers and is voluntarily seeking help at an alcohol treatment facility. 


    Luann hit bottom and surveyed the damage and took action. Good for her. I hope it is a healing time. 

    Which is why I continue to admire her.  And will root for her.

    On 12/28/2017 at 3:09 AM, Cat said:


    I think Adrienne has been burned badly by what happened in S3. She shouldn't have lied and said outright in interviews that she gave birth to her kids when she is plainly 50+ years old, but she got exposed publicly and it signaled the death knell of her marriage too. She is a bit of a control freak so I imagine even being a FOH is out of her comfort zone.


    When Camille relives her Club MTV dancer days, it is so amazing. I notice Kyle ALWAYS comments snarkily on her dancing, but I think she is just jealous because nobody is noticing her whipping her hair or doing the splits in the corner. :lol: Sigh. The Camille vs Kyle rivalry! I know Camille was meant to be the most hated HW but I was so Team Camille S1!



    I can't believe I missed that A+, gold star, elegant shade! ^_^ It's like the old Camille came back for a second. "The morally-corrupt Faye Resnick." Faye should have showed up on this Vegas trip too!


    When Adrienne walked into the room, I was shocked at the aura she projected, like that of a little old lady. The cat-lady work could be part of that.


    Dorit is laying it on thick with the Erika love, and it is so odd given how much Erika targeted her last season.


    If Teddi won't kiss Erika's ass, she might not be here next season. Sigh, I still say Kathryn should have been given another chance.



    Good thing Joyce's hair is no longer around. :ph34r: She hasn't done that for a while, has she? lol. 


    I got used to Kathryn, too and would have love to see how a 2nd season would have done.

  3. 6 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Some genius posted this on YouTube, and this seemed the most appropriate thread:





    Nikki, Sharon, Hillary, and Jill had it in spades. Laurens was cute. As was Ashley.


    Funnily enough Chelsea sounds like a first season housewives tag. So does Phyllis's. 


    Vikki...meh. Lily...meh.

  4. 3 hours ago, Cat said:


    Since Lu was totally dickmatized by Tomcat, I assume you are talking about Lizzie & Christian. :o And if so, I totally missed that exchange. The story she was selling was that they had a scorching sex life, interrupted only by the toddler terrors they had, but clearly I snoozed through that scene you mention!

    IKR!!!! I opened my internet and there it was!!! Poor Lizzie.


    But like SoapLover said...it was a very brief scene and Lizzie was quite drunk.

    1 hour ago, Cat said:


    I found this latest episode rather slow-going. When Erika's Gestapo dominatrix outfit, and Lisa Rinna in a procession of bikinis, are the talking points of the episode, you know it's not going to be a banner one. Still, it's early days.


    Also, Adrienne and Camille were there but they barely got a look-in! The show really has drifted from some of its original roots.

    But regardless of what was said last night Camille DID get a brief TH. 


    I expect her to get another one.


    And I was shocked to see Adrienne again. She seem so shy to be in front of the camera again versus Camille. Shake it, Girl!!!

  5. 3 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    She probably saw them out and about, drank too much, caused a scene and then didn't even realize it was a cop when they arrived on scene. The whole thing sounds so blown out of proportion - it seems the judge thinks so too - she got to go back to New York without posting bond. 

    All I can think if that is the reason why...poor LuAnn...

  6. 4 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Siggy has announced that she’s not returning!!


    11 hours ago, Cat said:


    Just rewinding the opening episode and I had to stop and listen again to Erika begging DWTS to call her for their 'Champion of Champions' show.


    Since when was Erika a 'champion' on DWTS? What is this revisionist history?? Wasn't she booted off in, like, Week 4? After time spent in a couple of dance-offs?


    She also said that she'd be perfect for the show because she "can play the game now." You mean, not come across as an icy, disdainful beyotch who doesn't talk to the other peasants? Because I guarantee that was the reason why America did not warm to her. Congrats on coming to that conclusion one year later tho! -_-


    In other BH news, looks like Brandi Glanville has finally cottoned onto the fact that Yolanda was using her for the cameras:





  7. 21 hours ago, Cat said:

    RHOBH Premiere Party. I love that LVP tweaked her look!


    Image result for RHOBH season 8 premiere party pics


    I've seen Erika wear this look before. Tut tut, Erika. I expect more from you! 


    Image result for RHOBH season 8 premiere party pics


    Bride of FrankenLips.


    Image result for RHOBH season 8 premiere party pics


    Newly plumped cheeks. That Kyle By Ailene Too outfit makes her look stumpy.


    Image result for RHOBH season 8 premiere party pics


    This is not Dorit's best look. I actually do think Dorit's fashion credentials are legit, and I usually like her style, but here it all looks a bit messy. And wow she got some new ginormous boobs.


    Image result for RHOBH season 8 premiere party pics


    Camille. Eh.


    Image result for RHOBH season 8 premiere party pics


    I forgot Teddi Mellencamp! Anyhoo, her look was pretty basic. I'm not sure Teddi is that into fashion like some of the others claim to be are.


    Image result for RHOBH season 8 premiere party pics

    Erika looks FIERCE.


    Meanwhile Lips is giving me straight up Nancy 'The Craft' Downs vibes with the new hairstyle AND I LOVE IT. LOL.



    I agree with the rest of what you said.


    PS. Twitter should be fun next Sunday when Nene sees what Sheree said about her in response to what she heard when Kandi told her what Nene said on the San Fran trip about her man. ;)



  8. Lord...Stassi is soaring up that Jax/Brittany drama when he admitted that he slept with Faith more than once.


    That said...this is delicious. 


    I can't wait for everyone to realize LaLa is back. 

  9. Nah, I would say ATL has been uneven, but last night's episode was boring except for Kandi and the tea.

    1 hour ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    @Cat and @DaytimeFan, I know you have thoughts. ;)


    As for mine...


    Love Kyle's dress if not her tagline.


    Erika with that hair touch was EVERYTHING and love her tagline.


    Digging Dorit's new haircut, but that tagline is hm.


    New girl looks like she has a gay BFF so could be interesting. Too early to tell on tagline.


    Ooooh, Lips...NEVER change. lol.


    LVP is LOVE. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    I was actually on Siggy's side at first bc I would have been offended to by that Hitler analogy but she lost me when she accused Margeret of being anti-sematic. I was also with Danielle as I would have DRAGGED her and Dolores


    And goodness knows Danielle did start to drag Siggy...ALMOST ALL THE WAY ACROSS THAT TABLE. LOL.

  11. 4 hours ago, ChitHappens said:




    Not that I was not angry and disgusted, but THIS. I see RED.

    4 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    This is a good article from the gay male perspective.



    I've had many conversations like this in recent weeks:


    Not only is this attitude truly demeaning to victims, it reeks of ignorance.


    A feeling that I'm sadly all too used to. Worse, they choose to be.

    47 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Next up: This dude.


    From his former star:




  12. NJ


    I'm sorry...Siggy was deflecting...and found Danielle ain't the one. She has the mansion in crazitown.


    That said...I loved that Dolores was enough of a friend to get ready to throw down and at the same time got in Siggy's face to force her to calm down for once.


    And they all got thrown out of the restaurant was hilarious.



  13. I agree...Spring Preview was shades of Misery.  That said...first chance Cookie gets, you know she's going to clock that nut.


    Also going by the preview and tonight...I think it is safe to say the rival family arc is over.


    And I laughed at Boo Boo Kitty losing again.  that's what you get.


    I also like how Lusicous is now. I definitely hope they continue to explore this blending of his personas.

  14. 7 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    I actually gasped when Jax admitted that he'd slept with Faith. I really couldn't believe it. 


    I'm all for Tom Tom - they are so good to each other and I like the idea of their bar. 

    I know that I shouldn't be surprised but yes, I also gasped when Jax admitted it.


    So far I am liking this season more than last. Feels like how it used to be interestingly enough.

  15. 2 hours ago, kalbir said:


    You think Lucious and Cookie will get their payback on the fall finale?


    I don't know about anyone else, but it's jarring to see Phylicia Rashad as a villainess. She'll always be Claire Huxtable to me.

    I would love for her to linger a bit, but you know how pacing can be on this show.



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