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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 9 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    She did 37 episodes of 90210 (the last two seasons) and Las Vegas ran for 5 years and 106 episodes. 90210 was on its last legs when she joined and Las Vegas was wholly forgettable.


    My point being that, in both cases, she didn't make a splash at all and neither show launched her career into anything substantial. 

    Perhaps in hindsight...but I remember LAS VEGAS getting waay too much print at the time. Except for maybe its last season.


    Now...maybe it will the show that Fergie met her man...;) 

  2. That reminds me...was this week's episode of BH the one where they showed Lips filming at DAYS? Or is that still coming?


    The latest issue of SOD...or last week's...had pictures from her filming at the studio and she managed to get Deirde Hall to film again and am looking forward to it. 


    I agree with you @Cat. It would not surprise me at all if that was exactly what Lips and Erika are doing to Dorit. 

  3. On 2/14/2018 at 1:41 PM, Cat said:

    @Nothin'ButAttitude @ChitHappens @Antoyne agree about RHOA. None of the women really want to be there. And Production is doing a poor job. The show is not being edited and put together with any wit or humor or understanding of these women. Carlos King, for all his faults (and lord knows he fed Phaedra that gossip about Kandi) had been working on ATL since S1. Michael Beck doesn't appear to have watched RHOA. His production only perks up when Kim Zolciak slimes her way onscreen -- and then the show starts feeling like Tardy For The Party. But when she's not on, it is just a collection of contrived scenes about not much. I mean, Porsha's veganism is a central storyline. Are Kandi and Kenya even on this show anymore? They are halfway out the door. Nene feels like a FOH. Sheree feels like a FOH who happens to be mute.


    The only people who seem somewhat invested in being onscreen are Porsha (Bravo still trying and failing to make her happen), Marlo (nasty), Kim (NO) and Mama Joyce (ditto). Add Cynthia and that is quite the motley crew to base a show around. 


    Like @Nothin'ButAttitude I really worry for Beck's production on RHONY. I don't think Tardy For The Party is adequate work experience for ATL, let alone NYC.



    Dorit and Erika showed their respective asses BIG TIME this episode. Dorit is a born liar desperate to impress her new buddy. She is so dumb because she doesn't realize that Erika and Rinna are playing her. Rinna is taking a purposeful step back from the theatrics, thereby forcing Dorit to stir the pot on her own. And Erika is getting closer to the fool, coaxing out the dumbassedness and giving Dorit enough rope to hang herself.


    I 1,000% empathize with what Erika goes through with her lady-cycle. However, Erika's decision to stay at a hotel was because she disdains these women. She doesn't want to spend one more minute with them than absolutely necessary. Erika was a massive b!tch to Teddi who was hosting everybody with warmth and graciousness. I warmed to Teddi this episode because she is honest in her feelings without being cruel. Unlike Erika, who acted like Teddi's hand on her arm was going to give her Ebola and icily told her "I don't need to be petted." Yeah right, Erika. That's why you stormed off in a huff. Erika pretends she doesn't care but she absolutely does, very much so. I hope she gets called out at Reunion about this because she treated her hostess very badly -- much worse than Kathryn acted a few seasons ago at Erika's house.


    Also, when Erika was interrogating everybody about what they had said the night before, it felt very KGB henchwoman and took me back to when Erika was Yolanda's heavy in finding out who said Munchausen. Yeesh.


    Camille was great, especially when she shuffled her chair forward to call Dorit a tattletale. Get her diamond, Camille!





    I would call it dry or slow starting still. It has had moments, but they have been just that. I do agree that right now Twink Boy is trying to stack the show in Wig's favor even though that rusty dishrag is nothing but rachet trailer park trash. Just look at what is going on. I know everyone is not liking Cnythia's storyline. I am in the minority on that. I admit that I don't like how she is going about all these relevations from Eva and Thotzilla, but it is what it is. I mean other than Leon and Peter has Cynthia ever really dated?


    That said...


    NENE...I'm entertained but I'm interested in the fallout from her comment that got her booted off the Xscape tour.


    KANDI...can afford to be low-key given last season. I don't mind watching her life. However, they need to give up trying to have her makeup with Toyota. However long it take her to forgive Xscape? I rest my case.


    TOYOTA. I admit that she is coming across somewhat better with me than I expected she would. Maybe it's because they are showing her point of view. However...how real is it?


    SHEREE. The best story for her would be if someone revealed how broke she really was. The fact she can't even change her clothes on trips should be a BIG clue.


    KENYA. This so feels like her swan song. And I am sad, but I am happy she is happy. And Marc suuure ain't ugly. lol.


    EVA. I don't think she fell flat if the other ladies are running with it and using it to start drama with Cynthia. A good start instead.


    WIG. Because I haven't did it in a few pages...




    Love every time Kenya own her A&&.




    Behind, but I will be watching that posting above later. Camille has been showing signs of Season 1 and I love it. I would love more if she would take Dorit down who has been on so annoying this season.


    And it looks like Kyle is going to get in her a*& next week. 


    Okay, watched it. And speaking of Camille...


    I liked this, too. Camille, please continue to call Dorit out. She really needs it.

  4. DEAD at that BLACK PANTHER promo with NJ's Melissa and POTOMAC'S Giselle.


    'Quick. Lift this.'


    'Not every woman in Jersey flip tables.'



    Oh, no, Nene. Not 'Captain Save a Bitca.'



    Well, that was a good setup episode. It ended as the girls were heading for the airport to head to Barcelona. It looks like next week ends on Nene finding out about Kim's Twitter post that Bri did. So I guess that leads the week after next for Toyota Ford vs Marlo. 


    Wow. I feel like it's been forever since they pulled a multiepisode arc like the other HWs.

  5. 6 hours ago, Cat said:



    She won't be a full HW in this upcoming season as NY must have a lot of their filming already in the can. But I bet she is angling for season 11.


    Speaking of this upcoming season, I am more excited for NY to air than any other franchise ever. So much has happened. So much IS happening. It is all unexpected and seemingly absolutely REAL. We'd better not have filler like Bethenny emasculating Frederik as they try to flip some SoHo real estate. We need the unprecedented moments I mentioned! We need Luann's mugshot and then Lu coming back to NYC to spa-detox with the HWs. We need her cabaret show. We need Bethenny and Jill meeting up again at Bobby's funeral. We need Ramona toasting to Mario's karmic mess in Morocco. I'm greedy! I want to see it all!


  6. See you all are giving him too much credit.


    I agree with @YRBB. He was just going through the motions. Even his dancing was that way. The only time I saw fire from him and him being in synced (pun unintended) with the dancers was during CRY ME A RIVER and the Prince moment. Okay, and selfie kid. And energy was medium during CAN'T STOP THE FEELING. Otherwise...meh. Not what I'm used to from JT at all. So disappointed.

  7. 39 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:


    Katie’s accident was straight out of Another World - Felicia fell through a skylight (and Linda Dani got a facelift)...


    Stassi is a lot of things but racist isn’t one of them. 


    LVP was furious at Jax - and rightly so. I don’t think we’ve ever seen LVP like that. 

    I heard about the facelift, but never knew how it occurred.




    And I agree. It is a rare thing to hear LVP curse so she was clearly P.O. And it doesn't seem to be going away judging from next week's promo.


    18 minutes ago, MrPrezident said:

    This season of Vanderpump Rules is the best since season 2! 


    Arianna will find ANY reason to not like Stassi.


    Lala and James are the gift that keep on giving!


    Any idiot can see Jax would much rather be with Stassi than Brittany.


    Arianna is so much more into Scheana than Sandoval. Obvi.


    Crazy Kristen makes this show SOOO much better!


    Katie Blah and Tom Blah are the glue.... I GUESS.

    I agree. It was a chore to watch last season.


    But this season? I can't get enough of it. It's been good. We even have recurring characters again. From James's gay 'friend' to Billie (who I find fascinating) to even Faith...it's been good.

  8. WOW. at that Katie bombshell. Explains quite a lot about her. Not dying after falling through 25 stories from a skylight would change me, too. It's sad she does not show depth more often.


    Hmmm...at the girls accusing Stassi of being racist. Entitled...yes. But racist...yeah. I guess I would have to say I don't see it. 

  9. 8 hours ago, YRBB said:


    Definitely repetitive but not a bad song and certainly an interesting/impressive video.



    OK, this was pretty adorable, both song and video.


    I'm still not sure what he's trying to do with all of this, though.

    Supposedly it is about the origins of his son's name...or something.


    That said...so far...of the songs I've heard...the first one and the last one are easily my favorites. 


    14 hours ago, Cat said:

    Still overrated and annoying af imo.


    Image result for tony stark eyeroll gif


  10. 2 hours ago, YRBB said:


    OMGGGGGG!!! That was great. I never knew I wanted to see country Kylie lmao. Some really cool 'diva' outfits too and some nicely shot moments.



    I like that while yes, it is different for her, it was still HER. And that coda at the end of her guarding up her jacket...was just cute. 


    In the comments under the video, someone has a deeper intrepretation of the video that I liked as well which was cool.

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