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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 46 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    I thought the premiere was solid. It wasn't mind blowing but it was good. 


    I don't get why Nene cares whether Kenya is married. I don't get why any of these women care. Nene beefing with Kenya is stupid. Always has been. Always will be. Kenya has always wanted to be close to Nene, but Nene always turns on her like a viper b/c she can't control Kenya. She better realize that Kenya is her strongest ally going into the reunion. Especially, when the numbers aren't quite on Nene's side anymore. 


    Speaking of someone who isn't on Nene's side anymore ... Sheree! I always knew that these 2 would go at each other again. The slick shots that Sheree threw at Nene in her talking heads said it all. I feel like Sheree is threatened that Nene has returned. Nene and Sheree are gonna go at it come reunion time. From WWHL tonight, Nene seemed a bit thrown that Sheree was taking shots at her. It's only gonna get worse down the line as I know Sheree most likely took more shots at Nene. I see them locking horns at the reunion like s4. 


    I get why Kenya didn't invite many people to her wedding. Why would she? They'd all just sit there and questioning it like they are questioning it now. I wouldn't want that negative energy on my special day either. Kenya seems very happy, so I am happy for her. 


    Buick continuing to play victim is tiring. I cackled when she moaned about no one but Sheree reaching out to her after the reunion last season. Why in the hell would Kandi, Kenya, or Cynthia, who you've had altercations with in the past, reach out to you? Porsha acts like she's the wronged party when she isn't. She's far from it. I'm all for Nene dragging Porsha all season long. What I am not here for is Sheree acting like she's the middle man when she isn't. I can predict it now that Sheree will side with Porsha, as Porsha will be given the underdog edit this year. :rolleyes: Porsha will go after Nene (the alpha) and Sheree is all for that. Especially, since she's feeling threatened as aforementioned. 


    Bravo is an a**hole for not showing taglines. The least they could do is release them some time this upcoming week, which I doubt they'll do. <_<


    Sneak peeks for next week: 



    Highlights of Nene on WWHL tonight: 


    I am right there with you, NbA.  In the Nene v Toyota feud, I'm firmly Team Nene.  Her being back is probably the only reason Buick wasn't fired so she can be truly and utterly DRAGGGGGGEDDDD.

  2. 5 hours ago, alwaysAMC said:

    Did y’all see that they’re moving this to Friday after tonight’s premiere?  I just don’t understand why Bravo is doing them like this again!

    Ugh!!!! BS given the promo about ATL nights...

  3. 4 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    Speaks to the quality of the posters in this thread. 



    I know I look forward to yours and Cat's thoughts every RHoBH season. ;)


    And I wouldn't have gotten into Melbourne at all if it wasn't for everyone's opinions on it as well as the fabulous Gina.

  4. On ‎11‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 7:02 AM, Vee said:

    Practically overnight, his career is over.


    I knew Spacey was a longtime and relentless lech for often unwilling younger men, both at HoC and the Old Vic but also well pre-dating both of those. I didn't know it extended to young boys. God.


    Re: Corey Feldman, this is just decades-old gossip but the story for many years was that his BFF, the late Corey Haim, was raped on the set of the '80s classic Lucas as a young boy. The alleged perpetrator, people claimed, was 

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    Charlie Sheen.

    I wonder if that tale will resurface.

    *jaw drop*


    No idea. Disgusting.

  5. 5 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    RHOD trailer released: http://www.eonline.com/news/890802/the-real-housewives-of-dallas-season-2-reunion-trailer-is-here-complete-with-a-major-walk-off


    I am so over Cary, Brandi, and Stephanie. <_<

    I'm glad that Kameron shaded the f-ck out of Brandi by calling her Oscar the Grouch in the trash can.  You know that ached Brandi to the core. :lol:

    Love Leeanne but I am p*ssed that she allowed these b*tches to get her to walk off set. She should've just sat there and nodded with a grin. You don't allow bitches to see you sweat! You make them sweat!

    I hope LeeAnne comes back and drag all of them (especially Cary trying to get all grown woman now) for filth.


    That said, I loved Cameron (and I'm sure Ashley Abbott who held her own as well in that clip) throwing her status in ALL OF RIGHT COUCH'S FACE. You can give a pig lipstick, but that don't at all make it a proper woman. Yes, Brandi got pressed about that to. She can stay that way.

  6. 11 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:


    +1 on both counts. D'Andra and Miss Dee at Jabot was an awesome storyline for this season and I really want to see more of it next season (please Bravo, another season please?).


    LeeAnne won me over too. She is harmless and can laugh at herself non-stop. Once she wore that hot dog costume I was sold. 


    And YES TO MELBOURNE! That commercial is excellent. Bring it on, it has been missed. 


  7. 28 minutes ago, Cat said:


    I watched Just for Jabot and it was exactly as you guys described: perfect soapy goodness! When Dee Simmons handed over the keys to the company with a "as GAWWWWWD is mah witness" I almost cried. I called Dee Tammy Faye Bakker when the season first started, but Dee Simmons is SO much more than that! She is a true character. And D'Andra has achieved something most HWs don't on these shows: treat people decently, own up to your mistakes, don't try and play victim to get the audience on your side, and they will come. By putting her company and mother in the foreground, D'Andra made Jabot the breakout SL of the season as far as I am concerned. I hope we see more of her and it next season. I also buy her friendship with LeeAnne.


    Speaking of victim... Brandi illustrates all that is wrong with the premise that Victimhood makes you the show heroine. She and her coven of mean girls think that by targeting somebody in their friendship circle and then icing them out, that will put your clique at the top of the heap. They think that by making LeeAnne the enemy, it validates their friendship with each other and gives them power. I hope they get a walk-up call at Reunion.


    LeeAnne won me over this season. Last year she was too extra for me, wallowing too much in the pain of her charity cases. This year has been a revelation. She is much better at comedy and is a self-deprecating star.


    Hope they all come back next season though if Kameron ends up a FOH, I won't be mad about it.


    Now... bring on Atlanta, BH and MELBOURNE.

    Thank you! Last season, I was not feeling LeeAnne at all. But this season she (like LuAnn once she dropped her title) just showed the good and the bad and why she is the way she is...AND I LOVED IT. She had me when she had the Hot Dog confession, but more and more she kept opening up. And finally...well...even I teared up for her at her party last night. Part of it is that Mandy Moore just did an interview with People magazine about her views on tolerance and how It is a extremely hard to find love in this world so if you find it with someone whether it's a guy or girl, people should be happy that it was found PERIOD. So seeing what made LeeAnne tick this season, capping it with her engagement party along with personal stuff going on right now in my own life just was the cherry on top for me with her. Just love her and LOVE her friendship with D'Andra and that they have known each other for a long time and it shows on screen.


    D'Andra was definitely the best newcomer this year hands down. I need her to come back next year. That...and Jabot...which given the light shade Bravo gave last night in the afterwords should happen. :)

    19 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    These women are disgusting. I don't care if you like Vicki or not, she is your co-star. Have enough respect to go see the damn woman in the hospital. I just found the whole ordeal disgusting. Only Peggy and Lydia handled everything with class. MegaNeck and ShanLoon were the worst. They had a chance to redeem themselves after the Glamis incident and still didn't. They came off even worse than before. Kelly and TamRat, though the lesser evils, looked heinous in the scene too. The fact that Kelly acted like a raging nut over food boggled my mind. Hey Kelly, ever heard of a to-go plate? Yeah. You could've ate on the way to the hospital. 


    When Ostrich-neck and Tub-of-Lard Beador gave Vicki that casserole, I really wish Vicki would've told 'em to stick it where the sun doesn't shine. 


    Moving on, Tamra and Vicki's argument was draining. How many times does Vicki have to apologize to Tamra? It's old. If Eddie isn't gay then stop harping on it. The fact that Tamra keeps getting upset over it further makes the audience (who happen to be the originators of the rumor) believe something is there. As we say in the South, "A hit dog will holler." Tamra is hollering. I did want Vicki to uppercut her a** when Tamra was screaming in her face. I don't like that. If you're gonna scream, don't do it in my face. 


    Kelly picking on Peggy is stupid. Obvious Kelly is looking for conflict when it isn't necessary. Also what is obvious is that Peggy seeing Vicki like that was deeper than what it was. I knew from jump that Peggy seeing Vicki struggling brought back scars of seeing both of her parents fall dead before her. Peggy isn't over it. 


    I just found this to be a rather dark and nasty episode of OC. 




    Great finale even though a certain trio stays p*ssing me off. 


    Brandi/Steph/Cary are insufferable. Like I said before, it makes total sense why this coven of witches are together--misery loves company. They are all in crappy marriages with crappy men. Of course they'd transfer their negative energy elsewhere--Leeanne that is. 


    Stephanie and Cary blaming Leeanne for Brandi acting up this year is crazy. Brandi is a grown woman. It was very hypocritical of Stephanie to say Leeanne is controlling when she demanded Brandi drop Leeanne as a friend or else. 


    Cary was caught in yet another lie tonight. Glad that D'Andra and Kim busted her a** and said she was lying. I hope Leeanne drags Cary from here and back at the reunion after she's done with Brandi. 


    Brandi is a snake. If she thinks she came off well this year, she didn't. She used Leeanne as a shield, so she can say whatever then she turned on her when she no longer needed her. Disgusting. I can't with Brandi taking a jest that Leeanne made (re: slitting her throat) and making it something big. We all know Leeanne ain't gonna do a damn thing. These women are too sensitive and scary for me. 


    D'Andra is a saint. I just adore everything about her, and she is the rookie of the year when it comes to Housewives. She was a great find. The scenes with her and Mama Dee are such classic soap. Seeing Mama Dee turn the empire over to D'Andra and the two sharing a cry is something we'd so see on classic Y&R


    I adore Kameron while most don't. She can be annoying but she is loyal. I love her loyalty towards D'Andra and now Leeanne. I hope those 3 continue to build a friendship.


    Obvious Leeanne's wedding is gonna be filmed during s3 of the show. I just hope that they don't let it consume the show like Adriana and Joanna's wedding did on Miami s3. It killed that show. I wish Leeanne the best and hate the women are nasty to her. 


    Can we bring Tiffany back along with this already established six-some and make them a strong seven next year? I wanna see if Tiff and D'Andra will clash or get along. 


    I can't wait for the reunion. I hope Leeanne drags everyone. 

    Judging from the video you posted....you got your wish. ;P

  8. Hahahaha @DaytimeFan saying Jabot.  Dallas Season 2 was a sleeper hit and I am actually going miss them.




    Lydia still there?



    3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:



    WOW. How Yolanda Fake Friends they are.  So the couches are perfectly casted...good girls on one side, mean girls on the other.


    BTW HATTTTTE that wannabe Heathers dress Cary is wearing at the reunion.

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