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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. It's like Cat (?) that is how the reunion is looking right now...Shady Phae Phae also has her trump card by getting into Kenya and Cynthia's good graces, but Poorsha got no one after this.


    She played herself.

  2. RHoA


    I really, really enjoyed tonight's episode. It was a great mix of light shade, family scenes (loved seeing Cyn with her family at the lake house and realizing it was her sixth year wedding anniversary on the day she got the house, Riley's bday and her talk about her dad, Noelle and peter), and of course drama.


    LOVED Kandi going in on Poorsha. LOVE. Kandi does not suffer fools. And in a fight between two close friends, it is best to stay out of it. This is going to be messing.




    Saw the promo with Eden. Like her so far.




    Yay for Dorinda. It would seem that her friendship with LuAnn is genuine and I find that cute.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Beverly Hills is PERFECT this season! I can't believe anyone has any complaints. It's like an old school housewives season, very New York meets Atlanta. They throw shade and bicker, but it's not serious. We get all the glamour we want and some fun scenes mixed in. I'm happy. This show has always gotten too dark and too serious. I'm glad everybody is trying to chill the hell out. I'm so over all that darkness. 


    Atlanta has been a bit a bit of a dud for me but now that Kandi and Phaedra are feuding you can tell it's gonna heat up. Kandi was delicious in her take down and the fallout is obviously going to be amazing. Phaedra is very calculated and is smart to use Porsha to do her dirty work. This is about to get very good. Still, next season that HAVE to revamp the cast. At the very least do like OC/BH/NYC and filter in at least one full time wife each year. They shouldnt have gotten rid of Claudia in retrospect. And if they are gonna be lazy, just go ahead and cast Marlo already. This is getting stale. 


  4. tumblr_nklsmlmk0k1qk7scno1_540.gif


    And THAT is how I feel about Kandi v Phae.


    A LONNNNNG TIME COMING AND they BOTH know the others' secrets. Kandi was in the right for waiting soooo long to go off.





    To be fair...it has always been a slow burn to the seasons. HOWEVER this season appears to have the balance right (2 ladies feuding with rich bitcas being rich with parties and jetting out in the background and a bit up front). So I'm liking. But will they be like RHoNY (which btw is filming again) and be able to resolve their fighting or be RHoA and feud forever and a day...

  5. HAHAHHAHA!!!!


    I have to agree. Stassi was messy this past episode for all her good shade.


    And yes, I love how Lisa stays shading her. However, all of that drama did explode because Lisa send Ariana a la proxy when she should be Boss on all of them to get along. That is a business. If coworkers don't get along to the point where they can't work at all together, she should be stepping up personally.

  6. To be fair, Mama Joyce wouldn't even be after Shady Phae Phae if Shady Phae Phae was not slowly, but surely coming for Kandi. And as we all know...you do not mess with a woman's kids...no matter how old said kid is.


    That said...I can't wait to see the Kandi v Shady Phae Phae showdown next week. To see where it goes from there.


    Looks like RHoA is heating up...

  7. Yassssss, hunni!!! Here for Mama Joyce revealing what everyone already knows (and Kandi has come around as well given the preview for next week): Shady Phae Phae is just that...SHADY!!!!!


    Other than that, poor Kenya. Given how my love live has been this last few weeks, I can understand while she is determined to hold on...but once he said that he was not even planning on coming back when he went out to LA...I would have been BYE!!!!

  8. 2 hours ago, Cat said:

    Going into RHoBH I had lost the love for LVP. However, the moment I heard Vanderpump purrrrrr with rrrrrrrrrrrelish over her line about leaving the crown where it belongssssss, I was hooked. Erika was all over her tagline, too. TBH judging by the credits alone, all these women sound like they have upped their cigarette intake and put on some pounds (except for Rinna, obvs). Not that it looks bad on them! Erika has that sexy bombshell thing going on, and LVP is the sultry siren. Kyle is def getting in on some caboose action too lol.


    Erika seems to be trying to warm up her ice queen image -- she was a lot warmer and friendlier onscreen this episode than the whole last season.


    Did you guys know that Eileen is the oldest of the current HWs? I was surprised when I read that. LVP is over a year younger than Eileen. Eileen has had great work done. I just hope she dials it back on the snarling rottweiler this season. I got her points last season but her delivery was awful towards the end.


    LVP turning her back on Eileen was lololol, esp with Kristen DiMera looming over LVP's shoulder. I wonder if Lisa will ice Eileen out of the show by the end of the season.


    Not sure about Dorit. I miss Kathryn tbh. She was fired too quickly!


    Oh, Kyle has been a shady inauthentic tryhard since Season 1 -- she actively pitted Taylor against LVP and encouraged the enmity. I guess it made her feel powerful? With Kyle it has always been a mix of jealousy, low self-esteem, and social climbing (brown-nosing the even richer girls like Adrienne). I do think LVP is manipulative and I am watching her with trepidation this season, but I feel for her with a 'friend' like Kyle. Kyle constantly bitches against Lisa, but when Lisa is (rightfully) hurt, Kyle yells at her that she 'can't take a joke,' 'holds a grudge,' 'never lets it go.' Kyle is a feckless friend.

    yOU SAW it too, huh?


    Great camera work.

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