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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. NYC


    Bethenny is a terrible person. She's evil, entitled, and mentally warped. When she screamed "I can do whatever I want!" it said it all about her. 


    "I'm single now, now maybe I'm going to get to date Tom" - Jules was hilarious. She battled Bethenny and Carole admirably. It's probably for the best that she isn't returning. She had a good season and acquitted herself nicely. 


    Dorinda defended herself nicely and I really like her. She is a good person with common sense with the "listen to all of this and take pause!"


    Sonja kept herself serene for the first two parts of the reunion. That changes next week...but I think she is a delight to watch and was great value for the season. She has been admirably sensitive to LuAnn with how she's dealt with the Tom issue. 


    Ramona's honest statement to LuAnn about the red flags with Tom demonstrated her best qualities. And then she blew LuAnn out of the water with that Radar Online article that LuAnn conveniently forgot she'd told her about. 


    LuAnn isn't coming off well in this reunion defending Tom. She should have dumped him and kept on being fabulous. There is zero reason why Sonja would lie about the number of times she slept with Tom and the nature of their relationship. Sonja never tried to hurt LuAnn, so LuAnn's callousness to her never made sense. However, LuAnn slaughtered irrelevant Carole yet again with "What are you babbling about again?"



    Can't wait to see that. Loving Dorinda going in on Carole.



  2. Yessssssssssssssssss, LuAnn!!!! Spill that tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Drag that heffa!!!!

    • ETA: When the epsisode when Bethanny slut shamed LuAnn, it was revealed Bethanny was dating him and it was not before the divorce.


    So Bethenny or her man aren't supposed to date before they are officially divorced? I think that's silly if so. Obvious both of them are checked out their marriages and waiting for judgment. 


    I'm not Team Luann either. I feel like Bethenny came off well at the reunion, better than I expected. The best part for me was the Ramona montage for no reason other than she is just so delightfully nutty. Ramona could literally do anything and I will always support her. She always brings a smile to my face! The tea though was Dorinda. The drug scene was soooooooo awkward! She should've shut the hell up when Bethenny said that she wasn't going to go there. When Sonja outright said Dorinda did drugs and then Luann told Dorinda to shut her damn mouth up I damn near died lolololol! Dorinda played herself with that and I'm sorry, but it is obvious from early in the season that Dorinda and John weren't just a little drunk. Please.


    Yes. Dorinda played herself bad last night. For Sonja of all people to bust Dorinda....:lol:


    Sadly, that is not the world we live in. However, discretion. ;)



    Or more importantly own it...which I believe was LuAnn's point of putting it on Front Street.



  3. Danielle Staub returning is the only way I could see NJ bouncing back.

    Agreed. Stick a fork in NJ, it's done. I would be very surprised if Danielle Staub would return, tbh. She was meant to be in Season 3 (aka the season that the Gorgas ate) because she was the one who in Season 2 Reunion threatened Teresa with info about her family -- info given to Danielle by Melissa. But she turned it down, and Bravo reached out to her a couple of times to return later which she also turned down. Apparently she wanted to go low-profile for her kids' sake as they had suffered in school while she was on the show. I can't really blame her for putting her daughters and their chances at an education first.






    Finally watched this sh*tshow of a product placement infomercial. RHoNY broke the fourth wall with this episode. The women were barely hiding that what we are seeing is instigated only for the cameras and that this show is their JOB. I absolutely believe Dorinda when she said Tom called her up in order to set up a scene where the 'waiters reveal that it was all a big mistake.' That kind of scripted BS makes me lose a bit of empathy for LuAnn -- and I *LOVE* the Countess. But she is wedded (pun intended) to the idea of getting married to this jerk (who ain't all that in the looks department) and getting a Wedding By Bravo. I wish she had cut her losses and just said Tom and her are working through things but the wedding is off for now. Instead she just looks desperate to be married -- at any cost.


    Lord, Ramona looked so bad with her awful hair extensions and that hair turd on the top of her head. I wish I could find a gif of it but I can't.


    IA with some of you who say Carole needs to stay. Her SL is a bore (I had forgotten she was still with that whey-faced kid), but she stirs the pot and pits people against each other so they can fight her battles for her. She is a bigger pot-stirrer than Dorinda. She is mean and spiteful, but there are moments when she is almost human. The only problem is that Andy loves her and Bethenny and won't have a bad word or a bad-edit done against them. It is depressing watching a show where two toxic people will always be protected. The other women have the deck unfairly stacked against them. Bravo should just let the audience decide who they like and let the chips fall where they may.




    Bethenny. Sigh. Obviously she did this 'reveal' for ratings and because she cannot stand that Luann was the STAR this season. She couldn't bear that Luann stole her thunder and was going to get a wedding out of this. She is really angry and unhappy and toxic and I feel like she hates most women deep down. Also she can't act. I hope she gets EXPOSED at Reunion.


    I can't help but like Sonja because she is a Sag like me. I'm glad she ended the season being the most sober and level-headed of them all, without losing that hint of delusion that makes Sonja, Sonja.

    WEEEEELLLLL...there was a commercial clip last night that shows you might get your wish courtesy of LuAnn....

  4. I thought they were testing three new girls with the forerunner being a Middle Eastern housewife.


    Well, Nene might film now given her money woes.

    Yes. She swore she wouldnt return to RH last summer yet she started filming close to the premiere and was spliced into the season

    Oh, I remembered. I assume they will be the same this year.

  5. Dr. Woo was Viv's doctor yes. ;)


    I just realized that I have a grand opening to go to. Hopefully, there will be a repeat of LuAnn and the gals once I'm done. lol.

    Was Dr Woo the one who attempted to do brain surgery on her and shaved her head, and then Viv and Jennifer's mom broke out of the looney bin and set it on fire? Back in 1994?


    Lol wow I'm old.

    See? That pre-dates my viewing. I know he showed up later, but that might have been his first story however.

  6. OC


    VICKI: Continues to repair her images...and the gals know it. It's just a matter of time before they are back around her and not Shannon.


    TAMRA: hehe at the look she gave Shannon. She is soooo over her at this point. And I love it.


    HEATHER: Have not been liking her this season. And what was that all about?


    KELLY: SLAY, GIRL, SLAY!!!! That was so crazy fun that I had to watch it again!!! IMO those girls (especially Shannon) needed to be drrraggggggggggggggg. Let's them know she IS NOT THE ONE.


    WHATHERNAME:  Who? Oh, that one the party was for. :D




    That was awesome. :lol: No Shannon comment though? 

    Who? :D:D


    Oh, the crazy passive aggressive one that is obsessed with de-throning ( and failing) Queen V?


    She makes me want to skip next week's episode. I also am feeling that she set Kelly up and is only getting what she deserves.


    In other news, I am loathing this LuAnn withdrawal.  Tomorrow, right?

  7. OC


    VICKI: Continues to repair her images...and the gals know it. It's just a matter of time before they are back around her and not Shannon.


    TAMRA: hehe at the look she gave Shannon. She is soooo over her at this point. And I love it.


    HEATHER: Have not been liking her this season. And what was that all about?


    KELLY: SLAY, GIRL, SLAY!!!! That was so crazy fun that I had to watch it again!!! IMO those girls (especially Shannon) needed to be drrraggggggggggggggg. Let's them know she IS NOT THE ONE.


    WHATHERNAME:  Who? Oh, that one the party was for. :D



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