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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episodes 131-135

Aaron spoke with Holden about Caleb's possible return to Oakdale. Both were floored when Julie called to inform the father and son duo that Caleb had checked himself into rehab for depression. An emotional Aaron later lashed out when Alison made an analogy between her addiction problems and Caleb's problems. When she went to confide in Susan over at Memorial, Ali bumped into Casey who offered his shoulder. Susan warned her youngest daughter not to get involved with Casey, citing the emotional ba



Episodes 121-130

After the 4th of July celebration, Lisa urged Kim to seek counseling. The bitterness she still feels over Bob's affair isn't healthy. Kim refused, claiming everything is fine as long as Bob trusts her. Lisa urged her friend to let sleeping dogs lie. Many years have passed since Bob and Susan's one night stand and she needs to let it go before it rots her away on the inside. Lisa comments that Bob has showed her time and time again that his affair was a mistake and yet Kim still seems to hold a g



Coming Soon!!!

Just wanted to let those few of you who do read the blog that I will be posting a 2-week synopsis either Monday or Tuesday. I've been away with computer problems. Please forgive me for the delay.



Episode 120

It's the 4th of July in Oakdale... Will tries to avoid his wife's questioning eyes. Quickly, he tucks his sweaty hands into his pockets and confesses that he needs to check on his mom. She got some positive readings from the doctor and he's afraid she might be too cocky by going out to Kim's. He's afraid she might overwork herself. Gwen agrees to go with him to check on his mom and the two head to the Hughes house while Iris plays with Hallie. Nancy can sense the tense air between Kim and



Episode 119

Lisa hangs up the phone and makes her way outside. As she locks up the door to Fashions, Barbara comes by and tells her about going to Bob and Kim's. Lisa asks if Barbara's health is any better and Barbara says that she still has pain, but it's something she's going to have to live with. Barbara smiles when she tells her old friend that the latest tests show that they got 90% of the cancer. The rest of the cancer will most likely go away after some treatment. Barbara assumes Lisa's going to Bob



Episode 118

When Lily returns from talking with Jade, Holden is more than eager to find out what his wife's niece is up to. Lily assures him that Mr. Taylor is just trying to get in touch with Jade out of worry and informs Holden that she advised Jade to return her adoptiv father's calls. Holden can't help but think that something fishy is going on, but Lily promises him that Jade has changed. Katie returns to WOAK to work late on a story for Oakdale Now when she runs into Kim. Kim congratulates her on t



Episode 117

Susan's shocked to see Michael back at work. He protests that not even his psychotic estranged wife can keep him from work. Susan giggles and asks if he has any plans for the 4th. He sighs, knowing that he has no plans, and tells her that he was thinking of taking a nice little road trip to Chciago. He asks if Susan would like to come, but Kim interrupts and tells them both that she won't hear of any of it. She wants them both to come by the house for the annual 4th of July barbecue. Katie's



Episode 116

Margo and Tom pace the hospital waiting for word on Casey. Bob emerges and tells them that Casey will be fine. He took a combination of sleeping pills and alcohol, which is never good. Bob tells them how lucky Casey is just as Alison and Aaron arrives. He continues and says that they had to pump Casey's stomach. Tom asks if they can see their son and Bob agrees, but only if they promise to keep the lecture to a minimum. After all, Casey's still pretty groggy. Inside the room, Casey sheds tears w



Episode 115

Bob comes home and finds his mother watching her soaps on TV. Comically, he states those shows are as old as her. Nancy playfully pats his arm and asks how his day was. Bob recalls that the strangest thing happened. Kim and Susan buried the hatchet. Bob shrugs that perhaps all his lectures criticizing Kim's adolescent bitterness towards Susan have paid off. Meanwhile, Kim confides in Lisa that she made nice with Susan. Lisa questions her, citing that Kim's not one to go down without a fight. Kim



Episode 114

Carrie comes home and finds that Carly brought by a fruit basket from the women at WOAK. Carrie gushes about how thoughtful they are and heads upstairs. Carly stops her and asks for her to sit down on the couch. Carly can see that Carrie's hurting and gives her advice, recalling how she felt when she lost Nora. Carrie thanks her and decides to go out for some shopping, hoping her favorite hobby can ease her anxiety. In Oldtown, she runs into Noah who's there buying Luke something. They barely sa



Episode 113

After a successful first day back at Oakdale Now, Brad suggests he and Katie go out to celebrate. The two arrive arm in arm at Mona Lisa and are stunned to see Lyla and Margo there as well. Margo shrugs that she thought Lyla needed some good old fashioned fun and brought her to karaoke night at Mona Lisa. After Margo practically shoves Lyla on stage, she sings a heartwrenching rendition of the classic "Save The Last Dance for Me". While Lyla sings, Margo urges Katie and Brad to break the news to



Episode 112

Susan sits waiting at a candlelit table at Mona Lisa. She eyes her watch and reasons that Michael must have gotten tied up with a patient. The waiter comes by and asks if her guest has arrived yet. Susan glances at her watch again and shakes her head, mumbling for her check. Once at home, Emily comes home from work and heads straight upstairs. Susan scolds her daughter and tells her that ignoring her mother won't make her disappear. Emily snaps "Aw shucks" and heads upstairs. Later, Michael drop



Episode 111

Michael bumps into Susan in the break room. The two have a brief laugh about Susan seeing Michael's assets the other day, but Bob breaks up the two by sending Susan to pick on a patient. After work, Susan starts for home when Michael approaches her. He apologizes for the chaos that his wife has caused and assures her that after Doris's latest stunt, the judge will finally grant him a divorce. He admits that he's starting to fall for Susan, which makes her blush. Seeing the time, she excuses hers



Episode 110

Bob is floored that his son would believe that he's got eyes for Susan again and tells Tom that he only wants what's best for Susan. Unfortunately, he doesn't think her cozying up to the new cancer specialist in town will be well liked by Michael's clingy soon to be ex. Tom reminds his father that Susan might be his colleague and his friend, but she's a big girl that can make her own decisions. Casey returns home to help Margo with supper, but realizes that his mom is out. He takes the break



Episode 109

Angrily, Doris confronts Margo and Katie with a gun. Lyla overhears the commotion and calls the police. Meanwhile, Margo defends herself and her sister against Doris's allegations that they've been cozying up to Michael. Katie explains that Michael is their uncle. Doris refuses to believe it, saying that Michael never told her about his family. While Lyla watches, police swarm Doris and take her in. Margo and Katie are ratlled by what happened, but even more distressed when they can't find Lyla.



Episode 108

Holden lets Noah have it: for misleading his son, for deceiving the family, and for being so heartless as to leave Carrie all alone. Noah admits that what he did was stupid, but hopes Luke can see his side of things. Holde barks for Noah not to go anywhere near Luke. He snaps that he knew Noah would be trouble for Luke. Meanwhile, Lily runs into Luke and Jade outside of Java. Lily joins in Jade's crusade to get Luke sober. After an emotional ride home, Luke puts on a tough front in front of



Episode 107

Rosanna finally catches up to Paul at Barbara's door. They're relieved to see Barbara's fine and she asks what all the commotion is. Rosanna tells her that Paul pulled a gun on James, but when he said he had information about Cabot, he dashed out the door. Barbara scolds Paul for being so reckless and tells him that he should know better than anyone that James Stenbeck doesn't just go away because you want him to. Even in death, he still finds a way to resurface. Jack comes by and learns that Ja



Episode 106

Lily and Jade sit down at the kitchen table to talk. Jade explains that things didn't work out with her adoptive parents so she came back to Oakdale to get on her feet and decide what she wants to do with her life. Lily implies that she can get a job and live with her, Holden, and the kids. She's stunned when Jade turns her down. Jade says that the last time she was in Oakdale, she caused too much trouble. She doesn't want to be a burden. She's realized her imperfections and dealt with them acco



Episodes 101-105

James returns to Oakdale and lets his presence be known at the grand opening. Barbara realizes that James came to town on her behalf. James and Paul have an altercation, but Rosanna breaks them up. James is glad to see that his son has finally snubbed his enemy Craig and nabbed the lady for himself. Paul retorts that Craig died in a plane crash and James smirks. James also issues his sympathy to Barbara about Hal and Jennifer, but tells her that with Hal out of the way, they can be together now.



EPISODE 100!!!

It took a while, but we finally made it! Thanks to all my loyal readers (members or commenters or not) for entrusting me to tell you stories from my side of the "world". It means alot to me. Episode co-written by my good friend and better internet half, P.J. WHO: The denizens of Oakdale, Illinois WHERE: The Grand Opening of the Oakdale Memorial Cancer Center WHAT: A black-tie affair WHEN: A quiet June night, Episode 100 Luke and Carrie arrive separately. When they meet up,



Episode 99

Luke and Noah walk hand in hand through Oakdale when suddenly, Noah pulls away. He reasons that if Sherry saw them together, it would blow everything. Carrie walks by and Luke stops her, inviting his boyfriend's "classmate" to the grand opening of the cancer ward as his date. Carrie smiles and says that she'd love to go. After she leaves, Noah becomes agitated that Luke invited Carrie to be his date. Luke reasons that if Noah's going with Sherry, he should go with a female to avoid raising any s



Episode 98

Her head hanging low reading a chart, Susan inadvertently runs into Bob. Bob chuckles that Susan's shift ended an hour ago. Susan explains that she just had a mother go into premature labor and she doesn't trust the other doctor to handle the patient as well because she knows the mother. Bob orders Susan to go home and get plenty of reast, assuring her that she has a big night tomorrow night at the grand opening of Memorial's cancer ward. As soon as Susan turns her key in the door, Alison greets



Episode 97

Dusty, Alison, and Aaron all find themselves waiting for a fresh cup of coffee at Java. The three sit and talk for a while. Aaron's thankful when Alison tells him that Susan has informed her she's not pressing charges against him. Emily walks in and asks to speak with Aaron and he reluctantly obliges. Emily apologizes for writing the article on his parents and tells him something so personal should have never been written. Aaron accepts her apology and issues one of his own, even offering to pay



Episode 96

Emily spins around in her chair as she awaits an important conference call. Susan enters and immediately, Emily throws up her guard. Susan tells Emily that Aaron was the one who vandalized her office. Emily picks up the phone to call the police, but Susan lays her hand over Emily's and tells her that if she wants to make things right, she'll end this once and for all. Emily fires back that Aaron needs to learn to control his anger, but Susan scolds her daughter, telling her that Emily had no rig



Episode 95

The doctor gives Katie a clean bill of health and Brad calls Vienna to tell her. Vienna sighs with relief at the news and later learns that the people affected were a group of women in Oakdale. Later, Henry informs Vienna that the hives came from a bad batch of muffins at a bachelorette party. He tells her that she has nothing to worry about, but Vienna breaks down in tears as she laments how she thought this was going to be another of her business ventures gone down the drain. Henry cheers her



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