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A General Hospital fan fic featuring GH characters.

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Episode 313

PC – Episode 313 Thursday, June 26, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith and Ryan Chandler <HR> Cassandra woke up and looked around the unfamiliar room. She sighed as she got out of bed. She pulled on some shorts and a tee shirt and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Not hearing any noise, she walked towards the kitchen and saw the cook. “Where is everyone?” “Alexander left early this morning. He said he will be back soon. Would you like some breakfast?” The cook asked. Cassandra no



Episode 312: Tough Love

PC – Episode 312 Sunday, June 22, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith and Ryan Chandler <HR> The next morning….. Alfred walked into Nikolas’ living room and announced, “Master Nikolas, a Mr. Jason Morgan is here.” Nikolas looked up from his desk and shook his head. “If he’s here to see Carly, tell him she’s unavailable. She’s not feeling well today.” Nikolas said as he went back to his work. “Too late, I’m already here.” Jason said, walking past Alfred. Nikolas nodded and Alfred left th



Episode: 311

PC – Episode 311 Saturday, June 21, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith and Ryan Chandler <HR> Elizabeth walked up to the bar at Jake’s and ordered a beer. She was in the mood to hang out with Emily. Things at the hospital were so tense and everyone was walking on eggshells. Elizabeth needed a friend tonight because she felt so strung out she thought she was going to snap. Finally Emily walked through and threw herself on a chair. “Hey Coleman, I’ll have what she is having and a shot of te



Episode 310: The Cold Hard "Truth"

PC – Episode 310 Sunday, June 01, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith and Ryan Chandler <HR> Elizabeth stepped off the launch and started to walk up the path towards Wyndemere. She was equally furious and disappointed in Nikolas and in herself. She should have come to see him sooner. She should have tried to reach out to him. Instead she wrapped herself up with her own life. Her relationship with Blake Barrington has stalled, and she’s been focusing on work and Cameron. Out of the corner



Episode 309: Tough Love/Anger

PC – Episode 309 Saturday, May 31, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith, Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder <HR> It was early morning and Patrick and Robin were lying in bed. Patrick had been awake for hours but he didn’t want to wake Robin. They had talked late into the night. Finally they just held each other for hours without speaking until they drifted off to sleep. But today was another day and they had to face it together. But for the moment, Patrick wanted Robin to have some peace.



Episode 308: Mystery

PC – Episode 308 Monday, May 26, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith, Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder <HR> Hunter and his friends were sitting at a banquette at the View when Maxie and Serena arrive. Serena had begged Maxie to come, even though Maxie really didn't want to. All she wanted to do was relax, and be thankful she didn’t have to do any jail time. Plus, she really didn't like Hunter and the guy, Jack that they wanted to hook her up. He just wasn't Dillon and try as she might, she



Episode 307 - Fallout and Questions

PC – Episode 307 Thursday, May 15, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith and Ryan Chandler <HR> Emily opened her briefcase and took it out. Thomas reached for it and started to flip the pages, glancing through it. When their drinks arrived, he took a sip and leaned back nonchalantly in his chair. “Tell me Ms. Quartermaine, you just joined ELQ, is that correct?” “A few months ago Thomas. And please, call me Emily. It’s the family business and I felt that it was time I joined.” Emily replied,



Episode 306: Repercussions

PC – Episode 306 Saturday, May 10, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith, Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder <HR> The elevator sounds at General Hospital as Nikolas Cassadine steps to head to a board meeting. He looks around the nurses’ station and sees the young nurses laughing as if they haven’t a care in the world. Elizabeth sees Nikolas and goes over to speak to him. “Nikolas hi. I’ve been meaning to come by and visit you, but you know how Carly feels about me.” Nikolas’ attention is else



Episode 305: Confessions

PC – Episode 305: Confessions Wednesday, May 07, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith, Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder <HR> Maxie stands outside the door of the police station. People were rushing past her but she ignored them. She was trying to gather her strength. She had to empty the guilt that was eating her alive for what seemed like forever. Every night she awoke to see Brandon's face looming before her. It would take her a long time to fall asleep again and thankfully, Serena was a



PC - Episode 304: Three Months Later Part II

PC – Episode 304: Three Months Later Part II Sunday, May 04, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith, Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder <HR> Kelly sat down next to Robin’s bed and Patrick’s chair. “Robin, I found something in your ultrasound. “You found something, what does that mean?” Robin’s voice rose as she cut her off. Kelly picked up the wand and put it on Robin’s belly. She maneuvered the wand to where a line appeared to be floating freely. “See this? This is a band of the amnion tha



PC - Episode 303: Three Months Later....

PC – Episode 303 Monday, March 24, 2008 Written by: Tishy Smith, Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder <HR> Robin and Patrick walked out of the elevator holding hands. Robin had an appointment scheduled with Kelly for an ultrasound. For the first ultrasound, the baby’s leg was in the way and they couldn’t tell the sex. So now they weren’t even sure if they wanted to know now that they decorated the nursery like a farmhouse with farm animals painted on the wall. The previous three month



Port Charles Returns!!

PORT CHARLES RETURNS TO THE AIRWAVES After almost a 3 month hiatus, Port Charles is returning to the air! The show will not pick up where it last left off, instead, time will fast forward 3 months into the future. What happened over the past 3 months will be revealed through a series of flashbacks and standalone episodes that many are already familiar with called "ICU". Did Carly and her unborn twins survive the car accident? Did Nikolas and Jason tear each other apart after blaming the othe



PC: Episode 302

PC – Episode 302 Saturday, December 15, 2007 Written by: Jennifer Snyder & Ryan Chandler <HR> PC begins with a scene of Carly floating in the water. Flashes of red and blue light take over with muffled sounds coming through. A bright light appears as a small dot, growing bigger and bigger as the voices becoming clearer. The scene fades to Nikolas standing over Carly in the ambulance holding her hand and talking to her. Carly is hooked up to a bunch of machines. The EMT's ask Nikolas



MAURICE BERNARD OUT! - PC Chronicles - December 6, 2007

Third Edition - December 6, 2007 Welcome to the third edition of the Port Charles Chronicles. A weekly look into the lives of the families in Port Charles. We, Ryan Chandler, Jennifer Snyder and Tishy Smith are here to answer any questions that you may have regarding Port Charles. We want to thank you all for your comments and questions and please feel free to direct questions our way. <HR> CARLY AND HER TWINS ARE IN DANGER Nikolas watched in horror as his pregnant fiancée is run off




PC – Episode 301 Wednesday, December 5, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler Tishy Smith Jennifer Snyder <HR> Forty five minutes later, Carly grabs her things and gets in the car. Nervously she turns the key and calls Nikolas. "So how are all three of my babies?" Nikolas asks, in an effort to get Carly in a good mood. It does the trick. "Well, I think our little boy is a mood tonight! He is rolling around and doing lots of kicking. Our little girl though, she is the feisty one. She to




PC – Episode 300 Tuesday, December 04, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> Carly is shown standing on the side of the road, looking at something happening ahead. She tries to make out what it is, but the more she tries to focus on the scene, the blurrier her vision becomes. She walks slowly towards what has her attention. She hears people calling her name, telling her they love her, but she can't get to them. Suddenly, she appears at the hospital, watching someone bei



Bobbie Says Goodbye - PC: Episode 299

PC - Episode 299 Sunday, December 2, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> Mac slides back the door to Bobbie's jail cell. He informs her that it was time. In a plea bargain agreement, Bobbie was being sentenced to ten months in jail, time served, 1 year mandatory alcohol rehabilitation, to be served during her time in jail. Afterwards, 2 months in-patient, 4 months out-patient. Loss of license for 6 years. Five years probation, 3000 hours community service and a fined



PC: Episode 298

PC - Episode 298 Thursday, November 29, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> It's the next morning in Port Charles, and at Wyndemere, Nikolas talks with Lucky about Bobbie's sentencing. Neither is aware that Helena is eavesdropping from one of the tunnels behind Nikolas' desk. Lucky isn't sure how his dad will get along without Bobbie. Those two have been attached to the hip since coming to Port Charles. This is the first time that being apart is beyond their control.



Bobbie's Plea Deal - PC: Episode 297

PC - Episode 297 Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> Alexis strides in her office with coffee and Bobbie's file in hand. She throws the file down on her desk and goes to the door yelling for Ric to get into her office. He walks in and closes the door, asking her what's wrong. She is frowning and pinching her nose and remarks, "I just got out of a meeting with Mayor Floyd. Not only does he want us to go after Bobbie with all guns blazing, he told m



THANKSGIVING DAY 2007 - PC: Episode 296

PC - Episode 296 Sunday, November 25, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> It's Thanksgiving Day in Port Charles, and all around the town, you'd expect families to get together and reflect on why they should be thankful. In any other town, that is exactly what would happen…but not in this one. Thanksgiving is the one on few days in Port Charles, where the citizens are willing to put aside their differences for the sake of being nice. It's been a very tough year in Port




PC - Episode 295 Friday, November 23, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> Mac knocks on the door to Anna's apartment. She answers the door, and almost slams it shut. Mac blocks her from doing so and says they need to talk. Anna reluctantly lets him in to her home. She tells him to make it quick, she has things to do. Mac says he came by for a couple of reasons and asks if they can be civil while he's there. Anna agrees and sits down at her desk. Mac says he's having T



Thanksgiving 2006 (REPEAT)

Tishy and I were working on a new Thanksgiving episode to be posted today, but we were unable to finish it in time. We have chosen to air the Thanksgiving episode from last year. New episodes will be posted on Friday & Saturday. The Thanksgiving episode for 2007 will be posted Saturday. Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone! Secrets & Lies: Episode 31 Saturday November 25, 2006 Opening Video Act I Thanksgiving with the Quartermaines….what should be a great celebration for what the ci



PC: Episode 294

PC - Episode 294 Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> "Alfred," bellows Nikolas in the study. "I need to speak with you." Nikolas paces around the study, very nervous. He calls Alfred's name again when his butler doesn't come fast enough. Alfred finally makes his way into the study. "Good, you're here. I need you to do something for me." Nikolas reaches into his desk and pulls out a box. "I need you to have this wrapped. I plan on giving it to Ca




PC - Episode 293 Saturday, November 17, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> <b>The next day…..</b> Luke and Tracy were enjoying their drinks and waiting for Lucy and her lawyer to arrive when Lulu comes flying into the living room, a storm cloud exploding on her face. She plops herself down across from her father and says, "Guess who I met the other night?" "Glad to see you decided to come home…..what did we do to deserve this 'wonderful' visit?" says T




PC - Episode 292 Friday, November 16, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> Steven walks up to the Nurse's Station and waves his hand in front of a distracted Elizabeth. "Hey, what's going on? I haven't seen you in a little while." He hands her a chart. She takes the chart from him and smiles gratefully." I know, sorry, it's been kind of crazy with the divorce and everything. Thanks for asking though. You should come see Cam sometime, just call me anytime and we can s



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