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MEGAN SPEARS CAST! On the heels of the news that Y&R star, Michelle Stafford, has landed the recurring role of "Paris," comes the news that the contract role of Jan Spears' mother, Megan, has been cast! The role is going to have a HUGE impact on the show and the lives of the Brady's and the Horton's! The role has now been cast with a name actress in the soap industry! The blog is pleased to announce that the role has gone to............



Episode #117 - Tuesday, May 23:

Episode #117 - Tuesday, May 23: - The Brady's arrive at the pub where Mickey, Alice, Jennifer, Abby, Hope, Melissa, Jan, Lucas, Austin, and other Salemites have gone to help organize the many presents and donations of flowers and food that are arriving in Shawn's memory. - Caroline, Kimberly, Kayla, Bo, Roman, Frankie, and Max arrive with John, Marlena, Sami, Carrie, and Eric. The Brady's find comfort in the Horton's. - Jan wonders where Shawn is...and she worries when she can't find Belle



One Role Cast!

One Role Cast! As the blog recently announced, it is looking to cast two name actresses for upcoming roles. One of the roles has been cast after an extensive search. (Thanks for all of your suggestions! I am going to take one of your guys' suggestions for Jan's mother. ) The role of Paris, a fourty-something lovable nurse/caretaker , who will interact heavily with one of the show's supercouples, has been cast. The role is recurring with the potential to go contract - s



Episode #116 - Monday, May 22:

Episode #116 - Monday, May 22: - The Brady's continue to grieve at the hospital. - Kimberly, Kayla, Roman, Bo, Frankie, and Max privately discuss their mother and their concern for her. - Anna, Hope, Billie, and Abby wait in the wings to comfort Roman, Bo, and Max, respectively. They discuss how there's nothing they can do, but they want the Brady's to know that they are there. - Mickey and Alice make plans to donate the new wing of the hospital to Shawn Sr.'s memory. - Victor regretfully




WELCOME HOME, GRETA! Another familiar face is returning to the show! Julianne Morris who played Greta Van Amburg from 1998 until 2002 is returning this summer. When we last saw Greta, she was heartbroken over her break-up with Eric Brady and the death of her mother, Princess Gina, who told Greta the identity of her biological father on her deathbed. Greta will be returning ready to face and reveal the identity of her birth father. But who is it - John Black or Stefano Dimera? The fact that sh



"Ides of May" Victims 3, 4, and 5!:

"Ides of May" Victims #3, #4, and #5 REVEALED!: As the umbrella-storyline, the "Ides of May," continues to unfold, more and more of the storyline's victims are revealed. On the episod that "aired" Friday, May 19th, the show said goodbye to Kim Johnston Ulrich (Ivy), Wayne Northrop (Stefano), and beloved vet, Frank Parker (Shawn Sr.). All of the exits are storyline-dictated. "It is really very hard to write out a character like Shawn who has had such a long and rich history with the show.



Episode #115 - Friday, May 19:

Episode #115 - Friday, May 19: - Kate tells Ivy that if she ever mentions again how she had Stefano’s baby, then she will kill her with her own bare hands. - Kimberly gives Bo advice on Hope and Billie. - Marlena and John tell their children where they have been. - Billie continues to wonder about Liam’s intentions. She makes a call to the I.S.A. to have him investigated. - Ivy tells Kate that she is leaving town to go back to Harmony, but she tells Kate that the truth always comes out,




CASTING CALL! The show is looking to cast two roles with daytime vets. #1) Woman in her late 40's, who can play a baddie, yet has a vulnerable, relatable side. She will interact heavily with the vets of the show. #2) Woman in her late 30's, early 40's, who is bad to the bone and a psycho! Must be someone who can work well off of Peter Reckell (Bo), Kristian Alfonso (Hope), Julie Pinson (Billie), Grant Aleksander (Liam), and Lauren Koslow (Kate). Suggestion's are welcomed and encour



Episode #114 - Thursday, May 18:

Episode #114 - Thursday, May 18: - Melissa, Jennifer, and Hope continue to bond over their troubles. - Ivy and Kate get into it once again. Ivy calls Kate a whore for sleeping with her husband, Julian, years ago. - Mimi tells Rex that her mom has left town and confessed to the murder of Tony before she did. - Roman and Anna make passionate love in the basement of the hospital. Later, they re-join their loves ones. - John and Marlena touch down in Salem and when they arrive at the loft,




THE SECOND VICTIM OF THE “IDES OF MAY” REVEALED – BONNIE LOCKHART! Well, the May Sweeps Umbrella Storyline, “Ides of May,” continues to shake the fictional town of Salem on the soap, “Days of our Lives,” to the core. The show released a press release some time ago saying the May Sweeps would have a shocking and record breaking twelve pink-slipped casualties – all storyline dictated. The show has kept a tight lid on who would be leaving during the month – with only a few names being leaked, wh



Episode #113 - Wednesday, May 17:

Episode #113 - Wednesday, May 17: - The doctors tell the Brady’s that Shawn Sr. has been stabilized. The Brady’s breathe a sigh of relief, but they continue to pray. - Mimi is on her way to find Rex when she is mysteriously yanked into an alley at Salem Place. - Melissa and Jennifer run into each other. The cousins hug and catch up on old times. Hope joins them. The three talk about their lives. Hope explains everything about having a husband, Liam, and a son, Mason, from her time as Prince



Episode #112 - Tuesday, May 16:

Episode #112 - Tuesday, May 16: - Marlena and John share a steamy and passionate reunion in the rain. - Lexie declares Tek dead at the church. Abe is shocked when Lexie appears to be overjoyed that he is dead. - A manhunt begins for Bonnie Lockhart! - Abby overhears her parents fighting at the church in time to hear that Jack was also working for Stefano because he was blackmailing and threatening Jack and his family. Abby is devastated. She then hears that Stefano was responsible for her




"IDES OF MAY" VICTIM: TEK! The first casualty of the umbrella-storyline, the “Ides of May,” has been revealed! Rhasaan Orange who has played Tek since 2002 has been let go. The head writer reveals it was a storyline-dictated decision. The character of Tek has been a slow downward spiral into a life of evil and villainy since December of 2005. The show has planned to write him off for some time. “We knew this big showdown was coming, and we planned on him leaving during it. Tek has definitely



Episode #111 - Monday, May 15, 2006:

Episode #111 - Monday, May 15, 2006: - Amnesiac Marlena continues to run away from John as it begins to downpour, and they are drenched in the rain. - Melissa, Mimi, Mickey, and Bonnie are at the police station as Bonnie is questioned about Tony's murder. Mimi and Bonnie are nervous. Melissa swears to Mickey that Bonnie did it! - Jack and Jen continue to argue outside the church about his involvement with Stefano. - Everyone at the church, Bo, Carrie, Lexie, Victor, Austin, Billie, Kate,



Episode #110 - Friday, May 12th:

Episode #110 - Friday, May 12th: - The wedding starts over now that Bonnie, Mimi, Mickey, and Melissa have gone to the police station. IN attendance are Bo, Carrie, Lexie, Victor, Austin, Billie, Kate, Abby, Alice, Belle, Frankie, Hope, Liam, Mason, Max, Sami, Shawn, Abe, Lucas, Cassie, Roman, Anna, Jack, Jen, Laura, Rex, Jan, Kayla, and Kimberly. - Tek takes aim at Shawn Sr. Stefano gives orders for Tek to kill Shawn right now. Tek and Cassie both get their orders in the earpiece. Cassie p



Episode #109 Thursday, May 11th:

Episode #109 Thursday, May 11th: - Melissa stops the double wedding of Shawn/Caroline and Mickey/Bonnie. - Bonnie panics at the sight of Melissa at the ceremony. - Marlena and John, who both have amnesia, are relieved when they both realize that the henchman was killed in Marlena’s struggle with him. - Melissa tells everyone that Bonnie is the one who killed Tony and how they got into an awful catfight after Melissa confronted her. - Celeste recalls to Ivy how Stefano tricked her into pla



Episode #108 - Wednesday, May 10th:

Episode #108 - Wednesday, May 10th: - Melissa wakes up in the closet in the basement of the church. She begins to remember what happened with Bonnie and how she learned that Bonnie killed Tony. - Frankie sees Jennifer, and they re-unite for the first time four months. Frankie is shocked to learn that Jennifer and Jack are not together. - Amnesiac John begins to take off after the woman he just made love to (Marlena) as he realizes they used to be lovers. More and more of his memory continue




SUMMER PREVIEWS!!!!!! We can't reveal all of our summer previews because it would spoil the HUGE shocks and surprises we have in store for the rest of MAY SWEEPS, but here is what we CAN reveal!: Sami/Lucas/Will/Cassie: This is going to be a great story. Sami and Austin are over. Lucas and Sami will grow closer, but Will will come between them. As readers now know, WILL IS GAY! He will return to town played by newcomer Taylor Handley (see previous press releases). This secret is really goi




JENSEN ACKLES RETURNS! DAYS is very happy to report that Jensen Ackles will be returning to the role of Eric Brady for a few days later this month. Jensen/Eric will first air on Wednesday, May 30 and will air until Tuesday, June 6th. Eric will be returning for a family emergency...sources in the writing department say. Rumor has it the show was trying to get the actor back on contract, but things weren't working out at the moment. The show is hoping to bring him back later on this year on



Episode #107 - Tuesday, May 9th:

Episode #107 - Tuesday, May 9th: - John and Marlena make wild and passionate love to one another even though they don’t remember each other. - Bonnie and Melissa continue to catfight. Bonnie manages to get the upper hand - Max decides once and for all to sever all ties with Abby in order to protect her from his past. - Ivy begs Celeste to come clean about her past before Lexie finds out on her own. - Rex and Mimi re-call their romantic evening. - John and Marlena lay in post-coital bliss




CAST LIST: Here is an update cast list! It will be dramatically reduced by a shocking *TWELVE* people during the month of MAY! So, STAY TUNED! THIRTY-FOUR CONTRACT ROLES: Drake Hogestyn (John Black) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) Christie Clark (Carrie Brady) Renee Jones (Lexie Carver) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis) Tonya Boyd (Celeste Perrault) Austin Peck (Austin Reed) Julie Pinson (Billie Reed) Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts) Ashley Benson



Don't miss these red-letter DAYS in May!

MAY DAYS! MAY DAYS! Don't miss these red-letter DAYS in May! NEW DATES!: Wednesday, May 10th: Find out the secret that Ivy knows about Celeste's past! Wednesday, May 17th: Find out what Ivy has on Kate! You won't believe it! Tuesday, May 23rd: Ivy (Kim Ulrich) leaves the show as she heads back to Harmony! PREVIOUSLY REPORTED: Thursday, May 11th - The double wedding of Shawn/Caroline and Mickey/Bonnie is haulted! Friday, May 12th - The wedding is stopped once again! Shots



Episode #106 - Monday, May 8th:

Episode #106 - Monday, May 8th: - Roman, Anna, Carrie, Sami, Bo, Hope, Shawn, Max, Shawn Sr., Zach, J.T., Cassie, Rex, and Caroline catch up on old times with Kayla and Kimberly! - Mickey gears up to be a groom once again, but he fondly remembers Maggie, who regains consciousness in an abandoned cabin. - Celeste tells Abby that she is going to find love very shortly. - Amnesiacs, John and Marlena, continue to wonder if they are lovers or enemies or none of the above. - Abe and Lexie get



Episode #105 - Friday, May 5th:

Episode #105 - Friday, May 5th: - Shawn and Mimi discuss their wedding, their relationship, and how he left her at the altar when Laura Horton revealed that Claire was really his and how Mimi has known all along. - Abby tells Max that she’s sick of him toying with her. His words say one thing, but when they’re together, she can see he still loves her….she says. She says that she is sick of his games. - Carrie continues to tell Austin that they will not be together because he chose not to b



Episode #104 - Thursday, May 4:

Episode #104 - Thursday, May 4: - Max and Shawn see Abby and Belle, but they remember Celeste's prediction and decide not to. - Stefano gathers Tek and Cassie and tells them that he has big plans for Shawn and Caroline's re-newal ceremony. - Lucas brings Sami back to his apartment and helps her clean herself up. - Celeste has nightmares about who will die at the Ides of May. - Carrie tells Austin that she'll never forgive him for not believing her over Sami. - Mimi prepares for her date



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