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DAYS: NY Post Inverview with Kola Boof!

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I actually hope it is Patrick because in a way I want EJ to be good and to treat Sami well. She deserves that and maybe if someone comes after her she will grow up. I do like EJ being evil too because it would make a good redemption story for Sami. Brady is not horrible-the character is and maybe this will give him new life. I mean, honestly, I have seen worse actors then Brody and when he appeared evil on the island it fit him much better.

At the risk of sounding harsh, those that don't like this need to just shut up. There is no reason to condemn this especially since all the interview says is she is going to add evil characteristics to a male character and, in a sense, give him a god complex of sorts. In no way does it suggest someone is going to be raped or tortured. [!@#$%^&*] merely said that she was taking characterisitcs for Osama-not that she was making a character into Osama. Even if Days does something extreme with this, this is a daytime DRAMA. This is not and can;t be the Days of the 80's. It can never be. That is where JER ran into trouble trying to recreate the past. Sheri Anderson's Days are gone folks. Days needs to do good character driven stories. They will still have family ortiented stories but there needs to be stuff to drive story and having a evil character like this is a good way of doing it. The "Old" Days so many want will not work nowadays. You want to generate buzz and write quaility stuff that will drive the audience to the TV's and something like this will do it. I think this is a very creative idea and I applaud [!@#$%^&*] for doing it.

I just hate to see what these people complaining now will do when Sheffer comes a board. You aren't going to get fluff anymore and let's remember this is a new writing team-give them a chance. They will give the show the identity they want to and the identity they see fit.

Bottom line: all doubters need to give it a chance. KR is right-some are blowing this way out of proportion and I think the style of the interview is partly to blame for that.

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That is Days's problem-it needs to be like them. Well, not GH but you get what I mean. The show needs to write good character-driven plot lines and has to have one big story to garner attention to drive people to the screens to hook them on all the other stories. The buss this creates could very well do that. Days needs to stop worrying about appeasing the supercouple fanbases all the time and needs to focus on writing good solid stuff. I am not saying break up couples or anything but they need to keep that out of their mind when writing because it holds the show back. A few of us knew this would happen-those complaining now will definitely complain about Sheffer too because he only focuses on writing solid stuff and not on making sure fanbases are appeased. That is why the man has emmys. I encourage those complaining right now to give it a chance but it is your choice. Days is doing the right thing with all this-it is needed IMO.

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IA with Phoenix and some others on this one. Give her and the writers a chance before condenming their work. If a couple breaks up, let it be because of a tradgedy. Or, they just fell out of love, instead of it always being because one party was too stupid to see that the thrid party in a triangle manipulated the circumstances in his/her favor, only to reunite with their true love once the person was exposed. All these characters need some damn common sense shoved back into them.

And, even though I am, and will always be a fan of B/H, J/M, S/K, and J/J, we have had one of our best couples in Days history because of a tradgedy. Roman and Marlena would not have gotten together if the writers at the time had of listen strickly to the fans. They wrote a very compelling story (D.J.'s death) and that split those two up. And, at the time, they were one of Days' best couples, but fans boght it becuase it was well written and well acted.

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Exactly Roman. Some of Days's gretest couples came from breaking a couple up. Roman/John and Marlena is the best example.

If it well-acted and written, then in most cases it will succeed. That is why those doubters need to just try it and see and give things a well-deserved chance. This is not JER anymore and neither Boof or Sheffer has an history with Days so it is unfair to condemn their work even before you sample it.

I also here many of those complaining saying they want adventure and romance like the 80's. That won't work in today's daytime landscape. A good deal of the viewers now have different tastes. There is a reason why soaps like Y&R, ATWT, etc succeed and that is because they don't worry about the Bope, J&M, J&J, or whatever fanbases. I am not saying to ignore them. I am merely saying Sheffer and his team need to keep them out of mind and just write stories true to character and that work for the audiences they are trying to attract. So much of Days in the past few years has gotten watered down or destroyed due to backtracking to make the fanbases happy. Days does have to please them to an extent but when it gets to the point where before you can initiate any story Days needs to ensure fanbases are happy then something is wrong. If triangles or quads are done, they need to be done in moderation not like it is now. Days needs to make sure all the couples are not apart at once. They also need to take risks and not be afraid to try out new potential pairings or go in different directions like this whole evil streak a male character is going to develop.

The Days of the 80's and early 90's is gone. That is where soaps are screwing themselves-by trying to re-create their magic periods. Days got into trouble under JER and GH is in trouble now by bringing back so many vets but not using them right. It is time for Days to start a new, original golden age like Lynn Latham has done with Y&R. That is the only way Days is going to survive IMO.

Again. the character is not based on Osama-Boof is given a male character characteristics of him. Nowhere does it say she is making someone into Osama or into someone even like him.

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I got the Post just now. It's a nice spread, actually! Creepy photoshopped pic to make it look like KA is holding Osama, but nice spread! Page 3. NICE! Saying she's basing a character on Osama might do a little more harm than good, but any press is good press, I guess.

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I think the way the article is written is causing problems. I would imagine that will creep people out but I also think it will draw attention and people in to watch. I mean come on PAGE 3 OF THE POST!!! Some may be offended by this but, again, Days is not making someone into Osama or into a terrorist or anything. They are just given someone evil characterisitics that [!@#$%^&*] happened to witness herself. She is writing form personal experience and that is why she is a acclaimed novelist. She is just given someone evil characteristics-that is all.

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One thing to keep in mind about soap opera is that as long as *some* aspect of the show is real and believable, then viewers can follow you anywhere. What I mean is that either A. if the characters are realistically written, portrayed, and reactive, then they can become involved in a world of typically unbelieveable situations and it all becomes believable or B. the situations themselves must be realistic and believeable while the characters actions etc. can be unbelieveable and over the top. When you have both characters and situations that are unbelieveable and unrealistic, that's when you have problems. IMO

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Look, I'd be happy about this news if Brad Bell were willing to relenquish the Head-Writer title to her. But I know he will use her for breakdowns and dialogues until she gets sick of running around in circles with these characters. Then, she will be screwed out of not only ABC, but the DAYS dream team.

Hopefully, someone knowlegable in the industry will tell her that B&B will misuse and abuse her services.

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At the time that Don & Marlena were broken up, Days fans were more accepting. All about this time Days was plagued with big couple breakups. All within a few short years we watched Don & Marlena breakup, Chris & Mary (one of Days next favorite couples at the time), David & Trish divorced, Lee Dumonde had split up Doug & Julie. Ratings were already on a downslide but was hurt even more by the big cast purge that took place at this time too. The couples breaking up did not help.

Also remember that it was quite a while before they moved either Don or Marlena into the next big romance. Don had a brief fling with Liz Courtney, but her ex-husband Tony returned to let them know they were still married. Liz then fell for Neil Curtis. Don also had the affair with Gwen Davies but it was just sex. And of course Marlena got raped by Kellum Chandler.

Then of course Maggie entered the picture for Don, and then Roman for Marlena.

As to the other couples, David moved on with first Kayla then Renee Dumonde, and then left town to never be seen again.

Chris moved on to a whole series of women: Kayla, Savannah Wilder, Ivy, etc. etc. etc.

Mary's portrayer was replaced and turned into a classic villianess after she learned Alex Marshall had only married her for her money. She was killed by the Salem Strangler.

And the Lee Dumonde story was really Doug and Julie's last hurrah on the show. They have been mostly side thoughts ever since then.

Back in that day Days had it's big couples, but when they split up or moved on Days fans accepted it. When Days created their supercouples and destined to be together couples in the late 80's and so on, they created the fan bases. And it has been a different story ever since.

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Yeah Steve you are right and people were even like that in the 90's Only towards the end of the 90's did things start getting a little too much in regards to fanbases. I mean in the 90's you didn't combo names like Bope, Broe, etc. You didn't have people as rabid as they are now. It is both a good thing and a bad. I understand Days is driven by these fanbases but they can't control the show and writing. That is why Days got to where it got. People need to be a little more accepting and willing to give things a chance. I just know the minute Hogan breaks up anyone it will be armageddon and his head will be called for regardless of how good the writing is. I just hope Sheffer stays the course and that Corday stays back and doesn't force rewrites or storyline drops. That is how Days has become watered down over the years.

Days just needs to make sure it doesn't have a massive amounts of triangles and couple breakups like it did under JER. They can do these things but in moderation. Too much of one thing is where the show loses it's fans. Right now Days is on the right track. They tied up John/Marlena/Alex, Patch/Kayla have a story that isn't a triangle and is about them, Jack/Jen/Frankie has turned into a classic soap story and is the proper way to do a triangle IMO as both men are rootable (except to J&J fans), the triangle with Abe/Lexie/Tek appears over as I don't think Lexie will want Tek now and the actor is recurring, and then we have the two quads with Lucas/Sami/Carrie/Austin and Belle/Shawn/Mimi/Philip which will be ending soon as Sami is gradually moving into story with EJ and Brandt is leaving and maybe Cook so that quad should be ending too. Like I said, Days is getting fans back and if it writes good character driven stories and has at least one attention grabbing story (like the one suggested by this interview) to get casual soap fans and some fans new to Days to tune in then Days will surge big time. You need to attract new viewers too and you won't do that by only appeasing the fanbases. It is ok to make them happy but it can't be the only thought on Days' mind when writing stories.

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