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DAYS: NY Post Inverview with Kola Boof!

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DAYS has been guaranteed until 2009, everybody involved now should focus on getting buzz by good writing not by how bizarre can they get from behind the scenes. Not news to me, that DAYS likes getting buzz by any mean necessary - the murders with JERk - those type of rating gains don't last long and DAYS/NBC should have learned that by now.

DAYS is just improving a bit at the moment, and 3rd place already, the show needs to work on that and getting Hogan signed (if it's still just verbal).

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You need to reread that column and dont believe gossip pages at the NY Times....

Brilliant post as usual! ;)


Exactly how I feel, thank you. Some need to use there brain before they speak....

I think its pitiful DAYS wont just put her name in the credits and just let her write until Hoagie is good and ready.

And I hope you keep posting all the info you have, its very much appreciated my way as well as countless others.

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My head is on the verge of exploding trying to follow all this backstage DAYS drama and figuring out what's real and what's not.

The proof will be in the pudding when Hogan and his writing team start their stories next month.

And TPTB BETTER NOT get rid of Matthew Ashford. His return has been a saving grace to the show. He can function without Jennifer, we've seen it in his scenes with Steve. It's not right for Steve to try to get his memory back and figure out what happened to him without his brother.

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Matt definitely can function without being a half of a couple. I hope Jen will not be recast so Matt can portray the many colors of Jack. He brings life to every character he is paired with or even is in a scene with. I'm not trying to sell Matt here, it is just what I see. He can play any part, any storyline and shine. Even in the last Machevillian part JER gave him. It would have worked except that Jen and his family were attached to it and that made it seem selfish.

I'm taking what I read with a grain of salt though because of knowing how easy it is to be deluded. Not fun at all to learn when you have been deceived so it's better to stay one side of belief....just me.

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I don't know, Kenny. After today's episode, when Bo basically said he may kill Patrick (though not in so many words), I questioned whether the NY Post editor was on to something. Could -- brace yourselves -- BO turn evil?!!! The Photoshopped head could be the prophecy! They gave it away!!!

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Oh, I just read that the interview was out of context and that means Bo won't be Bo Laden after all.

But it could still apply to the male character having a shady side. I really saw that in Bo today! Scary!!

LOL Toups. I was kinda serious. But see, that's before I learned that the interview was out of context and therefore, the photoshopped Bo was invalid. I, like a few others, misread the interview, or more important, read only what I expected to read, and perceived a Bin Laden-knockoff was indeed coming to "Days." Now, we see that's not true.

But again, that said, I'm still thinking that Bo may turn "shady" -- if that's a better way of saying it, since the male character no longer will be a terrorist.

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I don't know, LuvPatch. I mean, Hope's pulling away from him has nearly driven Bo CRAZY!! We've seen his temper flare more than ever, and the way he INCESSANTLY blames "Lockhart" for everything under the sun. I mean, an 'attractive, tall man with dark hair and muscular body' kills a woman and Bo immediately thinks: "Lockhart did it!"

Man is already over the edge.

I totally buy that Hope's leaving him could solidify his turn to the dark side.

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It's the reasons she is using to leave him. She is denying to hear him out and blocking what he is saying and feeling and that is due to the manipulations he knows nothing about....what his daughter has done. When will the two of them ever talk and discover they have been played? and will they know who did it? This will be something to watch if it ever comes to be.

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Matt also has fantastic chemistry with Ali Sweeney.

Since it is Missy's choice to leave, I would be willing to give a new love interest for Jack a chance. Sami, Billie or someone new - I would be on board.

But most importantly, Jack needs to be part of the search of what happened to Steve the past 15 years. Jack was at his best when he was an investigative reporter and this story is tailor made for him. Plus, he and Steve Nichols have amazing chemistry.

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