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DAYS: NY Post Inverview with Kola Boof!

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I don't post on this board to represent "DAYS OF OUR LIVES" or anyone else. I simply share what information I do have.

Sometimes I label it "this is just gossip", other times I give a source name or persons. But because I'm an industry insider, I share what I know.

Whatever "[!@#$%^&*] Bullshit" you're experiencing is all in your own head, as no one here is employed by "DAYS" or employed by [s.W.S.N.B.N.].

With that said, I think [s.W.S.N.B.N.] has every right to post on a message board that she was misquoted and that this is not the interview she gave to the POST.

The photoshopped pictures of Bo and Hope just go to prove that some editor pasted together an article making fun of soaps.

You have no idea how many newspaper people are prejudiced against soaps and don't take them seriously.

[s.W.S.N.B.N.] is angry because she says there is no "Bin Laden" character storyline coming to DAYS and the interviewer made that up. She says they portrayed her as a Zsa Zsa Gabor type drowning in furs, diamonds and her properties.

I have not always said "good things" about [s.W.S.N.B.N.], but I don't see any reason why I should BASH her when she's a very intelligent woman who is a gifted writer and has suffered a lot.

Many interviews of [!@#$%^&*] about her novels are online, so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this interview was "pasted" together and her words were misconstrued and taken out of context to make her appear a certain way.

If someone could post the actual Photos from the article, you would see why she's so upset and feels that she was hoodwinked. So I don't blame her for speaking out against an interview she says she never gave.

I have tried to post less and less on this board mainly because I have been under attack just for reporting whatever I know or can find out.

It should be obvious to anyone that NBC and "DAYS" are using Boof to get their show talked about in mainstream media, and it's been working. I don't see why I should bash [!@#$%^&*] for that. She's just being a team player.

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I hope you don't confuse anger/annoyance at the information that is shared with anger at you.

I know I'm very angry at the idea that TPTB may be dumping Matthew Ashford, but I'm certainly not angry at your for sharing it.

As for [!@#$%^&*], I'm still in wait and see mode. I didn't like the sound of where she planned to go with her story in the NY Post article, but I've seen firsthand how "journalists" misquote and mischaracterize so I don't doubt for a moment she may have gotten a raw deal there.

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Do me a favor. If you hear anything tha's going on at Days or any other soap, please keep posting. I think it's a shame that you have to feel like you should stop posting or slow down posting just because some may or may not blame you for posting what is going on BTS.

Let's not kill the messenger, people.

This is the only way that we have been able to hear what's happening behind closed doors, and I for one really appreciate it. It takes guts to post inside information, because you don't know who is reading these boards. And, your stuff has been dead-on so far, so I can't complain. Keep it coming. :)

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Um, actually, what I said had nothing to do with you, but was referring to those who are taking everything out of context and blowing everything up without seeing what she can do (both condemning and praising.)

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I think along these lines, too, Roman. Being as I saw the original Steve and Kayla story, this is bringing up the old feelings concerning them as when they were young and falling in love and I think it is for those who never saw them as young lovers, so the connection is felt instead of just being told. It's all good. Solving the mystery of his "death" surely will involve a huge number of the cast.

Same for EJ. He is written as a person with an agenda. He fits. Sami needs something to hit her subconsciousness to jolt it, zap it back into place and get her fully into adulthood. I am hoping she and Lucas do end up together but a fully functional adult Sami would be a plus.

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It's worse than that--[s.W.S.N.B.N.] claimed on another board that there is no "Bin Laden"-type character coming on the show or any such storyline and that the newspaper Photo-Shopped Bin Laden's picture over Bo's face. She's really outraged, and I would agree with her that the article makes her look bad.

They didn't even mention that she's a novelist. Just that she was Bin Laden's sex slave bimbo, basically.

As for "me"--several people have mentioned that they're sick of hearing from "ericakane4life" and not hearing directly from NBC or the show, as if there's something I can do about that.

I don't gossip here anymore than anyone else, it's just that I have a lot more information.

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ericakane4life, you keep doing the damn thing and posting what scoop you got. For as many doubters on the board, there are as many that believe your stuff and love when you post. keep the news coming, girl!

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S/K's first go round was classic. It can be again. And I feel that it will. Stephen and Mary Beth have both stated the willingness of the crew to work with them and allow them to take the characters where they fell they should be going.

I'm just really sick and tired of Sami saying vile, hateful, evil things to people, doing said things, and them when busted, she feels that she should get off free and easy. Always throwing her parent's divorce in people's faces, and blaming everyone else for her having a bad childhood. One, it's not their fault. Blame Stefano DiMera for that. And two, GROW UP! We all have had stuff happen to us in our childhood. Does that give us the right to destroy other people's lives just because we're unhappy?

And if this change does accur, I want it to be gradual. Not overnight. That's why Michael Baldwin on Y&R is now so well-liked, becuase he went to prison, and after he got out, it took him years to make up for the stuff he did. So should it be with her.

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I would agree with you when it comes to the way her "Message Board" suddenly disappeared and she put out a release denying the comments made on that board.

However, with the N.Y. Post article, I disagree.

The way they put "Bin Laden's" head on Bo's and now Boof saying there is no such storyline as the one they reported, makes me think the reporter is trying to sell newspapers.

She says that she was hired because she's a good writer--not because of her past with Bin Laden, and the newspaper broke their promise and brought in the Bin Laden crap to sell papers.

She says she talked at length about Hogan Sheffer and none of that was used. (Only we soap fans would care about Hogan Sheffer, not the general public).

She says this isn't the interview she gave and I believe her.

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I, personally, am not sick of hearing from you. The only thing that drives me nuts is that you're not spilling the juice on the other shows(specifically GUIDING LIGHT).

It's just nervewracking that the shows are not forthcoming about the backstage stuff with the shows. They should expect more out of us than to just(as a poster here long ago put it) "Shut up and be entertained."

If a soap is gonna be cancelled or is close to being on the chopping block, we wanna hear about it now. Not in some TV Guide blurb or CNN scroll.

If there is a HW change that is imminent, we want to know. Soap fans nowadays want to know this information, just as they would primetime shows. Which is why I don't understand why the networks are playing all Big Brother on us.

And as for [s.W.S.N.B.N.] being angry about the Post Interview, can you blame her? But then again, she should have known the Post was trash. Would have been better had she done an interview with, like, NPR or something of that nature. After all, isn't the Post infamous for Page Six?

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I'll give you that. But honestly at this point I'm finding both exploitive and not high on the trust-worthy scale. Why give the NY Post an interview anyways? It's basically a tabloid that just, just passes for a newspaper and it has a long, well known history as just that. You did say their might be something with the Today Show or something, Kola/DAYS should try to stop exploiting until then (if DAYS had a hand in the NY Post thing also). Just write the dang show! lol.

But I do thank you, EricaKane4life, for all the info, you can't help if it's all a little bizarre behind the scenes, haha (but you have proven to be accurate).

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My honest opinion Rugrat, is that "DAYS" wants and needs publicity by any means necessary and Ms. Boof is being used to accomplish that.

Otherwise, Stephen Wyman and Ken Corday would reign her in and do a release.

They would stop her from doing this if they weren't in agreement with it.

The sad thing is that Boof is the one who has to take the knocks when the reporters slant or spin the articles in a negative way.

We are all soap fans, Rugrat.

But think of all the people who never watch DAYS, millions of people who read the N.Y. Post and other newspapers she's in who are getting a BUZZ about "DAYS".

They wouldn't let her do this if they weren't in on it.

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