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DAYS: NY Post Inverview with Kola Boof!

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I hope this doesn't come across as disrespectful or bashing, but I smell a big ol' rat in all of this. I'm not sure what's going on but something is not on the up and up here. Everytime something happens either [!@#$%^&*] or EricaKane come out and try to clear it up and it ends up even more confusing. They both seem to be in never ending damage control over all this.

Which board did [!@#$%^&*] post on this time, Kenny?

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At this point, I don't know what to believe. I am very grateful for all the info Gabe has provided us, but I just wish NBC would come out with a press release or something. I just hate that they are being so secertive about EVERYTHING!!

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I couldn't agree more. IF NBC or Corday would clear all this up then fans could go from there and stop the speculating. It's strange to me that the only interviews that NBC or Corday have done have only mentioned Hogan and Beth. I just with they would give us the straight scoop on [s.W.S.N.B.N.].

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I think what you are saying, Steve, is that you just want someone else added to that story, and not for it to kick into high gear.

If that is what you're saying, I agree. But, this is a huge umbrella story, thatshould take time to build. And, not all the players are involved right now. John and Marlena have not been brought back to the canvas yet. When they are, we can finally really delve into the mystery of what happened to Steve (and hopefully, find out who John really is).

As far as E.J. is concerned, I do want for him to show grey areas. Not necessarily eveil (but if done right, go for it). I think if written well, and not rushed, it could be a major catalyst for Samantha to finally grow upo and stop being Sami. She needs a great big God-like kick in her backside for all the evil crap she has done to people. Now, what would happen if a man she trusted started visting some evil stuff back on her son and loved ones? She would eventually find out, and try to take him to task. But, E.J. just could easily say "It's nothing you haven't done yourself, my dear."

And yes, it could end up being a classic love story for her and Lucas. A realistically evil character could go along way into showing everyone about themselves.

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I, personally, don't mind supercouples at all. In fact, I rather enjoy them. The problem with supercouples is that writers don't know how to write a good supercouple story anymore. Too many writers seem to want to play couple roulette and keep throwing characters into random pairings every six months, never giving a couple a chance to get any sort of rooting value (or, even when it does happen, they split the couple up and then move them in other directions with other people, never to be in a scene together again). The problem with fanbases is, at least IMO, not as much to do with psycho fanaticism, but mainly to do with a lack of faith in writers. When a fan of a "supercouple" has faith in the writers, they can sit through a couple's separation or a romantic interloper because they know (and are allowed to believe based on on-screen events) that the couple will eventually find their ways back together. Unfortunately, too many of today's writers don't inspire that faith and fans get nervous when an "inventive" writer tries to reinvent the wheel -- when their couple splits up or is kept apart, the writer doesn't know how to inspire that faith in viewers and fans get fearful (many time justifiably so) that their couple might be done for good because an assanine writer wants to "do something different."

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Probably because there is only "verbal agreements" as of now.

I expect SOD to get interviews when Hogan has time. Right now he has an enormous amount of writing to do to get things going again on the show.

I have absolutely no suspicions at all with the info we're getting from EricaKanefan. I just wish that people would give [s.W.S.N.B.N.] a chance and not sit in judgement of her.

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Yes but if you are not a fan of the couple then it is not a good story. They never have been one of my favorite couples but have enjoyed some of their stories in the past because they involved people I did care about. Their story is almost and I do say almost an Island story at this point. I enjoyed the few days that they were involved and intersecting with the Jack story, but now that they are off on this journey to find Steve and each other - it is a big bore to me.

As I said if you are a fan of the couple then the story is great, but if not then it is a big bore.

But I hate any kind of Island story where characters are off in their own little part of the show. I will just be glad when the story does move along - gets other people involved - just something more added to it.

I just wonder if there was more than this planned for them in the beginning, but it all was changed when JER quit. Whatever it is the first few days when they first saw each other were great, but not enjoyed hardly any of it since.

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And CREEPY! The pic is CREEPY!

I so agree. I am so sick of this [!@#$%^&*] BULLSHIT! Let her [!@#$%^&*] be on the [!@#$%^&*] credits and write some good stories. Until then, I wish everyone would shut their god damn mouths about it! :angry:

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Days needs to comment on this because it is getting out of hand. It was fun at first but we need answers. Everyone knows about Sheffer, Milstein, and Boof so they may as well come out with it. I mean verbal agreements or not Days needs to say something. The Wyman quote is not what I want-I want Corday, Sheffer, or someone in an actual interview in SOD or something so I can hear some actual info about it. I know they will never tell you everything but they can give us some particulars and it would be a show official speaking about it and that is important.

UGh-this is getting sickening. :angry:

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ErikaKane4life has hinted strongly that he may be let go for financial reasons. As I said in another thread, I will be absolutely furious if they do this. I was a J&J fan years ago, but I'm not so invested in them as a couple as I am in Matthew Ashord's portrayal of Jack.

He's needed, for the show and for his family connections to Steve -- such amazing chemistry there. Like Stephen Nichols, he has chemistry with almost everyone he plays against. And like SN, he's the kind of actor who brings out the best in other actors.

If NBC/Days can find money in the budge for "actors" like Farah Fath and Austin Peck, they can damn well find money for an actor with as much talent as Matt Ashford.

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