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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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Janie to Boogie "You sleep talk and it scares the [!@#$%^&*] out of me!" LOL

The pictures turned to black and white which is what I beleive happened in previous seasons. Besides, I doubt anyone who was evicted is returning bc they went home and have done interviews outside of CBS. If they were coming back, they would have been sequestered. I think some other previous players might come in though
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Two funny things about today's episode: Chicken George getting fired up about being nominated (something about James acting like the big rooster and the Colonel coming after him...LOL) and Will wearing waaay too much spray-on tan. He looked like a Oompa Loompa.

Also, could Danielle warning James that nominating Will and Chicken George may backfire on him be foreshadowing? Hmmm.

It's so weird having the nomination episode on Sunday, because so much has happened on the live feeds since then.

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He sure did. I was wondering what was up bc he's so white and bam, his skin looks a hot mess with that stuff.

I really wish they would add a 4th show on Wednesday. They already did the veto yesterday and that will air Tuesday. Soooo much happens from Sunday-Thursday and we dont get to see much of it at all on Thursdays show.

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oh it definetly shouldnt be on every night. Spacing it out gives the producers more time to edit and create a good show. So much of season 1 was filler and was basically alot about nothing. Plus it was more of a chore to keep up with since it was on 6 nights a week. I think 4 shows would be the best way to go

Oh for those that dont get the feeds, here's the quote of the weekend. LOL...James and Janelle were talking about the next HoH and James says "If April won an HoH competition last year then crapshoots can be banded(?), bc you know what? That !@#$%^&*] was a dumb motherf-cker!"


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Hahahaha. I hated April, but I like her and Ivette now, looking back, when I watch BB6. I hate Maggie now, and I liked her then. :lol: Like Beau. Still hate Eric and Jennifer!

I just think one episode a week, probably Tuesday, should 90 minutes.

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I couldn't stand Ivette at all. Annoyed me from Day 1. I actually had her as a preshow fave.

April was the best Friendshit member. Although, she was stupid at least she was hilarious.

Beau & Maggie were meh.

Eric, Jennifer & Ivette were just horrible.

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I hated all of them at the time. But looking back, boy did Maggie just sit on her fat ass and ride Ivette's ass to the end. What a dumb !@#$%^&*]! I am just glad Ivette won some money for her family! She's the only friendship member who looking back I could say I would have been happy winning.

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