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BTG: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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I wonder if Dani's attempted murder charge will get downgraded to a restraining order bc really she shouldnt be anywhere near Bill and Hayley. She was just in their house after threatening to kill them and physically assaulting both. A restraining order would be a reasonable plea deal given the circumstances. It makes it messy that they live in the same community now but thats the consequences of her actions. It would be wild if Bill uses that to kick her out of Fairmont Crest

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Yes, Otalia & Luke/Reid were the very obvious examples of there being no consummation. Otalia couldn't even kiss. And, there was the Valentine's Day oddity where there were multiple couples montages & all the straight couples were physically loving & Nuke was not. I always assumed that Luke & Reid would have had sex if he had lived. I'm just learning what Forbes March said here, now.


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Am I old fashioned to say, the only thing BTG is missing is a couple of smoldering young-love stories?  We need a couple of Angie/Jesse or Nina/Cliff romances.  Fundamentally, soaps are about romance and family -- everything else is just entertaining filler. Soap fans like to have characters they can root for. BTG is doing great with family, but lacking on romance.  Just my old fashioned opinion, but it's hard to argue that soaps did not get higher ratings when they featured romance.  

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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Bill has dirt on everyone lol. Surprised Dani doesn't use what she knows against him. She was his wife for years and has to know something.


I'd also love an old-fashioned romance on the show. It's only week two and going into the third, but it would be nice to see the beginnings of an end-game couple from the start. Dani and Andre don't count since it's just great sex. Andre/Ashley doesn't do much for me.




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@Aback Great point about how they are writing the Duprees. Right now, they don't feel like truly screwed-up people just yet. I am sure the parents Vernon and Anita have done questionable things in the past! 

Smart to open the show with Nicole because she is the more caring, and genuinely good family member so far. Naomi too!

I really like Jacob, he seems upstanding and won't let them just get away with [!@#$%^&*] because of their name and power. 

I personally like Bill and am interested in learning more about his humble beginnings. 


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