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B&B: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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When she was 20 something year old in the beginning of the show... She had more self respect and dignity. Tell me how a woman in her 60s acts more pathetic than her version 40 years ago.


Edited by Maxim
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Yes, and this is the last straw for me. I will not watch this pathetic excuse for a show anymore. B&B has always, inexplicably considering that it's the women who has carried this show, been misogynistic. But this is taking things to a whole new level. It's disgusting and I'm not giving this crap a second more of my time.

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Maybe, just maybe, I could have tolerated this if Ridge hadn't said what he said about Hope. He basically called her a slut and a bitch to Brooke's face. For her to not only still want to be with him, but practically beg him to come back after he said those things about her daughter is unforgivable writing. It's disgusting, it's sickening and it is demeaning to the character of Brooke in a way that I cannot overlook. I'm amazed that KKL managed to get through those scenes. For her and her character to get this vile writing after carrying this show, and Brad Bell's subpar writing, for decades is insulting.

I used to love this show, despite its many flaws, but I'm not prepared to spend anymore time watching this trainwreck. It has had its ups and downs, but I don't think it has ever been as horrible as it is now. Life is too short for me to waste watching and thereby supporting this filth.

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I'm exhausted arguing about the Carter/Hope situation all day on the internet LOL. But I will say this. It's one thing to take responsibility for your actions, but it's a whole other thing to own them. Carter just wasn't willing to do the latter and Hope was.

Sometimes I feel Brad Bell just writes to cater to the international popularity of B&B, where quite a few these countries are ones that don’t have progressive values where women are concerned, hence the two women fighting over a man mess we’ve had for years.

Edited by ChickenNuggetz92
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It's just completely infuriating to hear Steffy lecturing someone about morals and ethics (or Taylor lecturing about not killing people!) and no one can say anything, not even Hope's own mother or boyfriend. There was even a moment the other day where it *almost* looked like Hope was going to defend herself, but no. And how is Steffy going to sit there and say she can't rep Hope for the Future because it's about values, isn't she the one who made the sign say HO for the future at the very first show (And I think Hope was a virgin then?)?


What really sucks is just... you know Hope won't be allowed to do anything. There is no Spectra anymore. She's not going to restart her line somewhere else. They're not making a new set. They make it seem like she's at her lowest and will turn the tables, but she won't. She'll cry and beg to get back at FC, they will let her in and Steffy will just start being abusive to her and accusing her of something at every turn... what fun is that to watch???

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How many times has Brooke told Ridge that he has to pick between her and Taylor????

If the show had any depth at all, it would be interesting to see Brooke start to examine why she lets this man walk all over here and take it back to when her father left as a child. But, we'll never get anything that deep.

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The characters sitting and getting lectured and not saying anything back as the audience also sits in disbelief is 


who the hell is Daphne anyway lollll?  I turned it on just now and God the acting between her and Carter is so fake, badly delivered, and - there’s just nothing there. Next.  

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-- Why are Finn and Steffy giggling like school kids? I guess they've forgotten completely that their personal lives are a disaster.

-- Carter and Daphne Rose are made for each other. Two lowlife, low energy people who are clueless, portrayed by lousy actors.

-- The makeup department work worked overtime today, giving Hope and Brooke and Taylor that single teardrop from the eye. That's what BOLD calls "acting."

-- I'm so embarrassed for this cast.


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