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GH: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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I agree. I think this is what they intend Kristina to be. She is clearly heading for a breakdown, and perhaps once the breakdown happens, she will be softer...but as I saw someone say, she's been like this since August. I'd argue even further back than August. This isn't a time when the show should have stuck to realism, because it's unwatchable.

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I hope that's true but yes, as you've intimated I thought she was heading for a breakdown over six months ago. Here we are.

It's too bad, because I actually thought she was coming very close to leading the under-50 set of the show around this time last year regularly squaring off with Ava and Natalia. I thought she was very strong in that period, despite Kristina's in-character blinders about Sonny which were soon ripped off. The tedious baby story was largely incidental for awhile. I think she could still do very good work, but there's no inspiration in this creative team.

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I agree with the comments about Jason's lack of story. The last time Jason was interesting is when he was with Brit. While I liked the idea of having a marriage to Carly drive a wedge in their relationship, it was poorly executed. 

I don't think Steve Burton should be fired however.

It's clear Maurice Bernard has given up on acting for years now. The last time I was riveted by his acting was at Claudia's birthday party in 2009!

Maybe have Jason step up and be the head of the organization while Sonny takes a backseat?

Maybe bring back tension between Sonnny & Jason and make them rival organization heads?

IDK something other than Jason is an easy going, all knowing, all comforting protector. It's clear their next move is to pair him with Sasha to add some drama.

Edited by Planet Soap
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I believe they've gone in another, different direction. I think they've put more distance both between Jason & Sonny & also between Jason & the mob. And, this is because of Danny & decisions about him that Jason made. The only thing that Jason's done since Sam's death, that was any way mob-like was drop a gun in a vat of acid.

I also don't think Jason & Sasha is a pairing. What Jason is doing is on behalf of Michael, who he thinks of as a son.

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I was one of the few people who was slightly interested in the idea of Sasha/Jason.  Sure we have seen the story before and the age difference was always going to be weird, but Jason wasn't do much anyway so why not?

Unfortunately, SM and Burton have very little chemistry and outside of Cody freaking out and Tracy sharing rightful concerns no one on the show cares.   Everyone shrugged and move on with their lives.  I was expecting at least a freak out from Carly or Sonny.  Or Drew and Willow being more interested and snooping around trying to figure out the truth.  Instead the whole reveal just happened and that's it lol. 

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I dont have a problem with Mansi as Kristina bc she wasnt likeable under Lexi either. IMO thats fine bc I like that one of Alexis' children is a hot mess and makes sense given her upbringing. The only time I liked her was when she was initially recast

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Haha.  There isn't a lot of drama in two consenting single adults having a baby.  I just expected Carly to care more or Drew to be suspicious or something.  

Jason doesn't even care or share many scenes with Sasha so I don't get it. It's pointless.

Edited by carolineg
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The thing about Jason pretending to be Sasha baby-daddy is that Michael's interests need representing & Jason is doing that FOR Michael. He's like that. And, if people don't know that basic fact about Jason STILL then they are not paying attention to what is on the screen. If Jason is one thing it is clear.

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It's just something to justify keeping both actors employed. And it's embarrassing at Jason's big age. Imagine doing a tedious retread of one of his most famous stories almost 30 years later with a C-player nowhere near the league of Sarah Brown or Kimberly McCullough.

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SM isn't even Kelly Monaco lol!  A third retread is really excessive and you'd really think a few people in town would at least question the validity of Jason's claims considering he has a done this multiple times before.

I am not surprised Burton is still employed.  I am astounded SM has kept her job for so many years though.  She's been on canvas since 2018!

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I liked this recast when it happened in 2012; I was not a fan of Lexi Ainsworth's original stint (2009–2011), so when Lindsey Morgan came in headstrong with a brand-new attitude (despite not loving the idea of the Mob Princess), I welcomed it. It was a nice change. However, since experiencing Ainsworth's second stint (2015–2023) and then re-watching some of Morgan's work, it was a huge downgrade in casting. For me, Morgan & Kate Mansi go hand-in-hand; however, I still believe Mansi is more tailormade for a character like Kristina than Morgan ever was.

It's evident that both Mansi & Morgan's Kristina are written alike: headstrong and almost bullheaded, while Ainsworth (especially during her second stint) is more free-spirited. I'd love for more of the free-spirit Kristina to be put into the writing for Mansi, especially if they are not going to make her the head of the Corinthos organisation, like we first suspected during the final few months of Ainsworth's second tenure.

We need non-familiar connectors, like Sasha (pre-Scorpio retcon) but she's been worn out.  Honestly, she still should have been Nina's daughter (not retconned twins Nelle/Tree). I don't see her being cut, especially with her Scorpio-retconned family ties.

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I keep saying this but there are far too many actors who have hung on for far too long. I am amazed at how long Nina, Willow and Sasha have all been on canvas, among many others. At least Nina and Willow found some more purpose in the last year.

LMAO I forgot about him doing it for Sam. Yes, someone should straight up not buy it and bring this up.

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I knew Willow was a hoe, but I didnt realize she was this much of a DUMB hoe! So Im watching an episode from last week and she tried to call Sasha out on being a hypocrite and one of her arguments was that she got pregnant by Jason when he was grieving Sam. WTF?! First of all Sam was dead and even bigger, they WERE NOT together and hadnt been in years. She is really grasping at straws trying to justify her trifleness

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Also this entire conversation is highly unprofessional. You are a nurse and Sasha is a patient. Just do your damn job. All this nastiness, shad and antagonizing her while she is pregnant in your care is enough to be written up. If I was Sasha, Id report her. Heffa

Edited by Cheap21
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