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GH: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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If Sonny was impotent it would probably be worse than death for him lol.  Could you even imagine Mo playing that?

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I actually wondered IF I missed a throwaway line about TJ leaving.

I actually thought Sonny/Nina ended abruptly too.  I think it was during PM's short stint where the show seem to be angling towards Nina/Drew/Willow and possibly Sonny/Ava/insanity.  Unless, the show is serious about the Natalia nonsense I don't think pivoting back to Nina/Sonny is a bad idea.  I do think Sonny seemed pretty disinterested in Nina today while Nina seemed more in her feels.

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There was a plot on GH around 1971 - 72 where Phil Brewer was impotent after an accident. Of course, infamously he suddenly realised he was...ahem *potent* again while visiting Diana Taylor and their son Tracy and that led to him raping her ick!! And Diana of course fell pregnant with his child again. Both children eventually died in separate circumstances.

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That's why we need VM/Brenda back, so she can, um, reap the benefits when Sonny realizes he's still a man, lol!

God bless the Hursleys, but they were some odd ducks, lol!

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BUT...there's a twist!  Ava, who's once again after Sonny (and Sonny's power), has paid Sonny's doctor to tell him that the stress of having sexual intercourse could jeopardize his health, forcing Sonny and Brenda to spend month after agonizing month yearning to be together again, but afraid that doing the do could kill him, lol!!

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Okay, Cathy 'Just got promoted to Script Editor' Lepard and Salmons. I see you. I eyerolled at the Head Name for the day, but that was a pretty good script turned in. For me, it was the little continuity nods. Trina's history with Cyrus. Tracy framing Alexis for Ned. Lucas and Maxie (MS know she looks great with that ponytail) hanging out...all they were missing was Original Georgie...that soooo took me back to that time. I really liked the parallel Kristina made between her and Lucky and Sonny and Luke cuz it takes me back to better days on GH


I'm right there with Liz. I was looking forward to her and Lucky's adventure with Cyrus. Now too many people know. And the best I can hope for is Cyrus taking her hostage. lol. That said...I do wonder how this will explode due to how many people are in the know. And I guess I am invested in Martin because I felt his concern for his brother for once. First when he was talking to Cyrus. And then when he called Anna out on her Jason association. Go, MEK, work with that better material.


I liked how cute Lulu at Bobbie's was. Just the little scene with her and Joss. And of course, she was terrible subbing. lol. And then Dante joined in. It was a nice kind of silly, expected, and not forced at all. See? Comedy can be milked without it being so on the nose. 


I admit that I was wondering how Alexis was going to feel about Scout not being at the Q mansion with Danny and Rocco since it was Sam's wishes. So I kinda side-eye her coming down on Tracy when she really should be there on Drew. But I guess it was a nice way to neutralize Tracy out of the story. For now.


Willow continues to look shameless and like a hussy every time I see her now. She really just don't care too much if she is soooo worried about how she will look to the town. I did appreciate that Nina tried to confess about her and Drew. Gotta have them near-misses. lol. 


Yeah, I wasn't feeling Carly and Brennan today, but good to see them out and about. And I like the idea of Lucas going on a date. That, and the mention of Brennan's henchwoman being a foil to Carly/Brennan, are plot points that I hope they show on screen.


hehe. Danny just cannot help but hero-worship his dad. Which is probably going to come in handy since that coda. lol. I guess Liz might become a hostage soon enough.




Hehe. Same.



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If Jason ever decides to leave the mob for good, he should advertise himself as a "Rent-a-Daddy."  Knocked up but can't let anyone know who the father is?  Help is just a text message away!  (That is, if Jason actually knows how texts work).

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Yeah… what’s with all the chem testing lately? It’s starting to feel like 1980s DOOL

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And yeah, the PI, and the way that today ended, was not necessary. She seemed very campy too and when GH does camp, it often comes off as weird. 


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