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GH: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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I want to say that's who he coupled up with. But it's been soooo long. And yes, she was killed. By Faith or Anthony? I'm not sure I was not regularly viewing but remember her being killed and being shocked because GH, like Y&R, used to be very good with their developed supporting background characters back in the day.


While I do like RC (against Brenda of course), I had to come around because MY first Skye was Genzel on AMC and I loved the Skye/Erica Kane/Janet trio...gone too quickly for me. I think that was one of the first times I had to deal with the concept of what a recast was because I found out about RC's Skye being the original later. Basically, I'm so bias to Genzel even now. 

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Lol.  I thought you were saying you disliked Genzel as Skye in your first post. Sorry.  I actually think Genzel was my first Skye too and I did like her as the (brief) first Nurse Ali on Days.  

Skye got some well deserved zingers in at Brenda at the time.  I just never really bought Jax/Skye to begin with.  It was so rushed.  If Skye ever had any usefulness on the GH canvas RC's Skye just outlasted it by years.  So many love interests, exes, parents, stories, and none of it ever hit on GH's canvas.

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Speaking of characters of Asian descent, whatever happened to the OB/GYN that was a sex addict? Kelly?  I think was her name.  The sex addiction story was vaguely interesting and then got resolved and dropped I believe.  She just hung around for years telling main characters about their miracle pregnancies and disappeared I suppose.

She was part of that Grey's Anatomy GH hospital revival and I guess she got dropped like Kent Masters King's character did too.

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OMG!!! Really? lol. That is so cute re: Genzel as Skye first. I also liked her as Nurse Ali, too. I liked later Ali, too, but I always liked to support Genzel, but you know me and raven-haired beauties.

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Not just on GH. Just look at Skye on OLTL. That said...do you think she could work on GH's canvas now with the Quartermaine reinassance going on? 



You are just now seeing the awesomeness that is Ms. Wu??? Guuurl...lol.


So happy to have her back on canvas. Loved her since she started heavily recurring when Carly took Sonny's place during the Nixon Falls storyline.

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Where do I even begin??? I think @Antoyne knows.

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They completely got me. Lucky, Liz, and that dance. That near kiss. I swooned. And then I growled when that door knock happened. They did it so well, I didn't even realize that I was invested. And then RIC at the door. Lord...THAT'S my kind of couple drama. The tension and chemistry between RH, JJ, and RH2 was on full display. I was living. How much I really want this part of that story to be more than a B plot. 


Wow. I see puberty has hit the actor playing Danny. That growth spurt took me out. Not sure how I feel about him knowing that Sam was murdered.


I am surprised to say it, but I'm surprised that I liked this leg of Joss going after Cyrus. But I also liked the Carly/Lucas scene. Very well-done discussing Carly's history with men who have a secret side to their lives. 


Willow and Drew continue to be messy. And I think I am leaning Willow into the love to hate that I feel for Drew now. They are just so loathsome right now to me. Do they not care about Sam's wishes at all? Not to mention Monica's. And Michael ain't no saint due to him sleeping with Sasha, but they are aiming to make him into one with their actions. And I enjoyed Carly dragging Drew. Now I just need her to be ON...THE...LOOSE and get them. Even if it winds up as a murder mystery.  


That reminds me because I don't think I mentioned it...so Cody knows about this BLQ baby, too? And that it's probably Dante?  Given how Cody has been acting lately and how the writers seem set to make him into a 'force multipler'...I wonder if at some point, he might be crazy enough to blackmail his loved ones or be manipulated into it at some point in that silly storyline.



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Both Ali's on Days were great.  I am surprised Lisa Linde never found any major work post-Days, but her ex-husband is a huge star lol.

I don't know how Skye would fit on the current canvas.  I said before there are a lot of women of similar age and with similar characteristics on screen already.  I don't think Skye would bring anything particularly interesting to the the table here.  Not at the top of my list for returns, but I wouldn't mind a vixen-ish Lila Rae.  


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While I wouldn't mind some things clarified more, I think they have said on screen he's been doing mercy killing. Unless I took some of the Lucky/Liz and the scene where he attempted to kill Michael the wrong way. I thought the dialogue in the latter scene gave motive.

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Marty gave valuable backstory about how Cyrus was in his "care-taking of their mother". His visitation of ill, terminal patients was noted. 

But, I think his reason for killing Sam was to clear a way for Lulu to get to Dante & I think he referred to that the other day to Lulu, who of course, had NO CLUE what he meant!!! 

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She wouldn't. I don't mind her coming in from time to time for short stints to stir up trouble, I think that role has worked for the character in the past. But Skye has never had a sensible long-term place on the show and the more RC sneered and vamped her way through scenes acting as though she knew these people for decades, the worse it got. It drove me insane when a year or two in she would ramble on about "good old Grandfather/Tracy/whoever..." Bitch, you don't know them!

I would probably bring on Lila Rae at some point though.

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She had the same attitude when she was on OLTL.  Skye Chandler stayed pretending everyone in Llanview/PC knew her like she was performing some Jedi mind trick.

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At least on OLTL she had the whole angle of Ben being her ex to come in on, and she didn't pretend she was a Buchanan with longtime deep relationships with all these people. She had her own all-new (and annoying) relationships and stories with people she met. But I agree she was very tiresome at my main show too.

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