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Y&R: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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I wanted that, too. I hope Griffith is giving something to Audra with this Holden storyline, because I haven't enjoyed watching her become Nate's good girl. Her edges weren't just softened, they were filed off.

Honestly, I think the show is in really bad shape at the moment.

-- The best thing for Nick and Sharon would be to reunite them, but all we get is a Valentine's Day dream.

-- Billy and Sally? Don't care. Throw in Phyllis? Don't care. There's nothing to care about. Last week we heard Billy acquired all the funding he needs. FOR WHAT? For a company who's only purpose is to overtake Newman? Daniel was hired and they don't even know what he's going to do.

-- Kyle and Claire? Boring af. Don't care that Summer wants Kyle back.

-- Chelsea and Adam? Don't care.

There are no stakes in any of these relationships. None.

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Schmidt’s first run was actually decent and I liked him back then. His second run was an unmitigated disaster.

Thus when rank the Noah’s…

1. Adamason

2. Schmidt

3. Gibson

4. Kleintank

How many many female characters were created just for Noah and flopped. We had Eden, Hunter, Zoe (not to be confused with Reed’s Zoey) Adrianna, Courtney, Marisa, and unfortunately Allie….the only ones to do okay afterwards was I guess Tessa and well @Taoboi I still can’t believe Noah and Audra were ever involved LOL unless Noah was just Audra’s errand boy for the month.

Edited by soapfan770
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The pointless SORASING of Noah really damaged the character. There was no need to make him a teen about a decade after his father had been drastically SORASED also. 

Nick and Sharon were still viable young leads and this unnecessarily aged them. 

Same when Hayley Erin was cast as teen Abby and had nothing to do.

And then it continued with child after child being aged for no great reason.

Had they held off characters like Lily, Victoria, Lauren etc could be given parental stories at a more appropriate time.

If it must happen,I think about 12-15 years is the timeframe for a child to be SORASED, especially if there is gradual aging along the way.

And it should be consistent across the board.

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Them facts. I was so happy they brought him back even if they did nothing unfortunately. And he established what Noah was...the moral compass for this parents. And I was looking forward to his halo falling off with the depression that was in RG's Noah. But alas.


Nope. He was the great love of Audra's life. The one who turned that ambition of hers into full on bad girl-ness. Hate to believe. Moreso knowing she could had had a Newman baby that she lost. But it never really got played. 


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Mmmmmm Sean Dominic and this shirt...lol.


And with this episode's coda, yeah, there is nothing really going on EXCEPT the Damian storyline. We got the reveal. We got the reveal of Amy seeing Holden. We got the confrontation between Damian and his mother. We are even getting fallout scenes. And BOOM...now the twist of Audra and Holden having a past from her Tucker's Henchwoman days. Just the fact that if I am understanding correctly...so Audra has known that was not Nate's half-brother the WHOLE TIME...which will only cause drama in their relationship when it comes out. And she's on good footing with Amy, Lily, and even Devon. Part of me shakes my head. The other part can see the juiciness in that drama. A side-effect (B plot) to the A plot of Damian's arrival. 


I am just annoyed that all of what I mentioned above has been dished out so haphazardly in comparison to the Ian/Jordan reign of terror that took up two weeks of screen time. I would have love to see more of this mixed into that...though those were good weeks already. And yes, I'm still mad that they did not follow up from the Friday cliffhanger on this past Monday. 


And FINALLY!!!! Billy showed his hand with that phone call. Nice to see Nick is right for once. But tbf I knew Billy was not giving up his vendetta anyway. But who was he with on the phone? Dare I hope it's Tucker? Which would be delicious given the Audra/Holden reveal.


Basically though...the Damian storyline is IT right now. Everything else for me does appear to be boring.


Le sigh.


Oh, I almost forgot. Ooooo at Damian and Lily's unofficial first meeting. He already looks smitten. And goodness I am used to that look on Isaiah over on GH. lol. So three good developments at the end of the episode. This. The Audra/Holden reveal. Billy's phone call.

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All heck no. I love SC, but NO.


So Monday AND Friday were waste of space episodes.


Nick and Sharon as a couple...ok. Billy and Giggly Heffa...nope. Adam and Chelesa...double nope.


Stopped halfway in. 

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Now Nate has always looked good cuz...you seen that bubble?

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But seriously Sean Dominic does seem like he's been really working out. And thanks to the new designer, it's quite noticeable. Cuz...WOOF! lol. A whole dish. 

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