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DAYS: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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I honestly almost fell asleep during today's episode.

My gripe is, I know Leo is immature and irritating, but I don't like how Rafe spoke to him.  Leo is his customer, and he treated him like a pest.  Leo should go straight to Steve and get the best service money can buy.  BTW, why aren't Kate and Abe paying for the detective work?  It's not like this is only Leo's issue.

Welcome back Kerry.  I'm shocked he didn't get the cover of People Magazine, given how much press he got out of his last one-day appearance.  Justice for Mustache-Cop.  He deserves a feature as much as Kerry.

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Pushing 50 Leo literally pouting at Rafe made me want to hurl, but so does every second of his stupid presence and ugly outfits. And though it's nothing new at this point, Diana being some evil incarnate mother is trash writing I'll never get over. If people reacted normally to how Leo acts at his big age, they would be disturbed and creeped out. I will hate him until his or my last breath.

I don't know why, but it did surprise me when Alex called Johnny a little bitch. Accurate, of course, but it made me perk up at least.

Disappointed we didn't get a continuation of the Cat story. I'm actually excited to see how it all ends. It may be ignorant of me, but I'm trying to manifest Clyde finally being killed off once and for all.

Last week, I miss you already. I was surprised by the Trish Clayton reference. It's a shame due to weird aging that it wouldn't make any sense for Patty Weaver to return for a guest stint. I think she would have made sense to return for this, too.  I would do it anyway. Also, Mike and Melissa.

I also thought it was weird Sarah wasn't at the actual funeral and Liz and Marie being written like fools was misogynistic and embarrassing. You could tell Maree Cheatham and Gloria Loring thought so too, and tried to make the best of the idiotic material. 

I pray Spencer won't be brought on just to be wasted on Leo. That would be cruel, but how thankful Steven didn't end up as Leo's father. I know you all were just speculating and fear mongering, but you had me secretly worried.

No shade, but Brandon Beemer showing clear signs of aging was very confronting for me. Even if I would have recast Belle and Shawn a long time ago, most of their scenes together were still able to come off bittersweet and tender, and as someone who has always hated Shawn and Belle together no matter the iteration, them breaking up "permanently" was still able to strike a chord.  Shawn's scenes with Philip were some of my favourites of the week too, with them actually being able to find common ground amidst their sorted history. In fact, I'm going to go as far to say, even with his questionable acting choices and my affinity for what JKJ once was in the role, JPL's Philip is the best character of the 20s/30s/40s group-a-thon. Until they eventually throw him under the bus, at least.

Hope and Jennifer reunited felt so damn good as a viewer. When was the last time that even happened?

And lastly, SSH you are a legend and amazing for mourning the most wonderful man in the world on-screen for us silly viewers. Thankful to both you and Bill for giving us one of best love stories ever told. I considered Bill/Doug my TV grandpa, who was a gem of a man as much as he was a talent. RIP.

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That was the ONLY good thing in the entire episode. I thought it was really hot, tbh, when Alex told Johnny "You handled this like a little bitch...a little bitch" and then did the small dick thing with his fingers. They were thisclose face-to-face and the whole thing was homoerotic and hot.

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I got caught up on all of last week’s episodes today. Absolutely loved it, just a great week of soap and a fantastic way to honor Doug. I really wish everyone they brought back could occasionally pop in. I don’t know if they’ve all continued acting but they all felt natural and not rusty at all.

Holy cow the amazing flashbacks they’ve used for Doug’s passing. Just wow. Things I don’t think I’d probably ever see.

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Much better episode today.

I like the way everything was broken down, both with the vets, and with the younger characters. 

And I really enjoyed Hope’s reunion with Roman, Steve and Kayla, and that Hope hasn’t dropped her suspicions about Doug the III. It’s too bad that she’s leaving though, without any resolution to all of this. Hope getting in touch with her brother after so many years was actually kind of nice. And, we got an update about Harris lol 

Hope saying goodbye to Julie was really sweet too, and I like that she put Doug the III on blast. He’s ok so far, both the character and the actor. And he does seem to work very well with SSH. I just hope they don’t ruin him. 

And of course, Chad had to look all hot when he was comforting Cat. Not that I’m complaining lol but i still feel that any chance that this pairing had was ruined already because of all this crap with Cat pretending to be Abigail. It was a very bad start that seemed to handcuff both characters and their relationship. And whoever said it on here is correct; it is like AnnaLynne McCord was set up to fail.

Speaking of handcuffed possible pairings, you could say the same thing about JJ/Gabi. Their scenes were nice and I like that they’re on their way to reuniting, but the dangling plot line of Stefan leaving is hurting them. Maybe it would have better if Stefan had actually left on his own, still angry at Gabi and if Vivian had nothing to do with it. I like that JJ still has reservations about Cat though. That could actually be a good way to cause problems for him and Gabi.

Both cliffhangers were really good too. It was definitely a good hook to get people to watch tomorrow. 

And of course, Clyde’s fake name would be George Hazzard. How Ron-like.

Btw, if the ISA can figure out Clyde’s location, can’t they just send somebody to finally kill his ass?

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Yes, I thought KA's time on the show was too brief. I truly do not understand why they didn't have her there for the ceremony. What was that about? Of course, I sincerely thought they should've had Peter Reckell there as well. I also was glad that Hope put D3 on notice. Julie has been nothing but accepting, so for someone to warn him was a needed thing. 

Also, I was so pleased that Julie took up for Steven! Such a nice thing that she took his words to heart. Also that she trusts him.

I haven't even been thinking of them in those terms. Ugh. I just don't see it. 

To me, Stefan is no impediment. He is outta there, not expecting to see him return, at least not any time soon. The way looks clear to me for JJ & Gabi. They even seem to suit one another. 

Does the ISA do that kind of thing? And, if they do, what would be their motivation for doing so? The current situation with Chad & Abby's lost remains?


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You and I have had this discussion, but there is no reason his mother had to be Diana in the first place.  Diana made sense for 1 story arc-pretending John was Leo's father.  Since John wasn't actually the father and all Diana did is try to kill Marlena, something that different characters do on a yearly basis, the whole thing was pointless.

To add insult to injury for Diana the show has made her this evil villain with no redeeming characteristics.  I think anyone could understand being frustrated about giving birth to a child that ended up like Leo, but c'mon, she has zero nuance and is nothing like Diana was in the 80's.  Not to mention, JC is a horrible recast.   

The unnecessary detail we get from Leo about his abusive childhood is just to gain Leo sympathy.   Diana, as played by Genie, was of course undefined and it's doubtful many fans even remember her, but this Leo stuff has ruined her.   It also makes John look like an idiot because he was going to marry her lol.

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