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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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I am someone who really believes JJ/RH still have it.  I know it's been a long convoluted road for both characters but they still have chemistry.  And I say that as a LL2 fan, but not a huge shipper or anything.  I don't even know if I want a retread of the romance, but I always find their scenes so rich in chemistry and underlying nuance and history.

JJ has sparkled with Genie (and Tony) since moment 1 so I am not surprised about that. 

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They absolutely do, which only makes the Liason stans on Twitter madder. And I wasn't a big fan of the couple as teens either - I loved Lucky but the two of them together were too saccharine back then and bored me. I do think they're great together as adults just as I did in 2009-10 and should be reunited, since it's what both actors and most of the general audience want. It's a supercouple license the show has always shied away from for bullshit BTS reasons that have nothing to do with any logic.

He's just the first in a line of suspects. Next I guess is Liz and Cyrus.

Edited by Vee
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Exactly.  Their teenage romance was a bit of a fairytale and I think JJ/RH do an excellent job of displaying this is how it ended up years later.  The love/affection is still there, but Becky especially does a great job of understanding Lucky and resigning herself to his faults at the same time.   You do get the sense of supercouple when you know they both could make it work, but are reluctant to try for so many reasons.

ETA-I actually do like Liason as well.  I just think Lucky/Liz have a more fleshed out relationship.  Despite the years and years of will they or won't they with Jason/Liz I was never sure they really were ever together or really knew each other.

Edited by carolineg
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I liked them in the 2000s when they came back out of nowhere. I thought that was organic, and I'd already hated Jason for years up to that point. Again it was a case where the older versions of the characters were more compelling - Liz as a woman who'd left that life behind and Jason from a totally different world. Since that ended I've lost all interest. Every brief attempt since has felt pathetic to me. Liz would never go back to that after the life he's led and him abandoning their son. And their fans are delusional at this point IMO.

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I think the show should have pulled the trigger on Liason before Courtney and gone with it.  The problematic thing is Brenda's return would have put a wrench in that and I can absolutely understand at least testing a Brenda/Jason pairing at the time.  Liason just lingered on for so long and never really got any "couple" material besides plot points that it's hard to reconcile anything good about the pairing now.  Lucky/Liz still have some legs because it being a first love and much more serious than the few rolls in the hay Jason/Liz had.

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I appreciate JJ's lowkey acting style, just as I appreciated Ryan Carnes as Lucas. It comes off as very natural, and there's nothing obvious about it.

Do I want that across the canvas? I don't. I wouldn't want Maura West to tone down anything she does, from reactions to line readings, but it works for Lucky because Jackson makes it real.

I do think the writing has failed him to this point. Improve that and get him a hairstyle that isn't annoying, and we've got a deal.

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For those that were watching at the time, did Lulu know that Cyrus was her uncle when she ended up in a coma? I know no one likes him even as a bible thumper but it seems to be more if she kept pretending to be in the coma. I haven’t even bothered to look up how Lulu ended up in a coma

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Alexa definitely resembles JMB’s Lulu whom I preferred immensely over ER.

I will say I’m intrigued about Lucky working for the WSB.

I like the wrinkle of Sam never updating her will. Give me more Jason vs. Drew. THIS I can get behind.

Also enjoyed Danny telling Jason he figured the fight out.

Glad Lucas got the knowledge that it wasn’t him that caused Sam to die. I know I’m in the minority but VH has been working just fine for me as Lucas. I was never attached to the character and the awful stories RC threw at him and the other gays back when I watched.

I have to say thank god GH actually has a semblance of a graveyard. I still haven’t figured out why Y&R used that awful distracting green screen to ruin Heather’s funeral.

I can’t believe Ava’s trial is tomorrow . Ric absolutely needs to win this case. Ava did nothing wrong.

Sam had an overdose on a med that wasn’t prescribed for her?!

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I'll get to today's show later, but upon further review of yesterday: That was not Kelly's most flattering photo up on the dais in the church. The side eye it gave all Sam's former rivals at the pulpit at least screamed 'still hate you bitches!' Carly should not have been up there with that same old cliche line of hers though, no matter how matured their relationship became after Jason's first death in '12; Sam still had smoke for Carly as recently as a few months ago, and they spent the bulk of the last two decades trying to beat each other's ass.

Legit thought Kristina was going to get up at the pulpit and start talking about the damn baby BTW. "Not all of you attended My Daughter’s funeral, so I feel it’s actually appropriate to circle back! Some People [death stare at Molly] and the fake news would tell you my daughter was not named Adella, but here before God we know the truth, just like Sam did!" Thank God for some restraint.

I am glad they had Lucky up there talking about Sam, since this is the first time I can recall the show ever acknowledging they had a relationship of any kind since Jonathan returned to the role. Even here they don't explicitly mention Lucky and Sam were romantically involved though. JJ's reaction shot in the back during Liz's speech was like "Did I fúck her?

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Rocco's blue suit was a ilttle too fly for a funeral, but that kid did do a great job again. I will grudgingly allow that Asher Whateverhisname was very emotional in the pews and various reaction shots, more than I've ever seen him be but he still was far too contained at the pulpit itself IMO. I am annoyed Michael didn't speak and annoyed at how disengaged Chad was way in the back. Sam helped raise that little shít in the Dylan Cash years and onward.

Nice montage at the end (minus Sonny/Sam) but BITD in the pre-FV years they would've let the silence with NLG alone in the church play a bit longer and not cued in the girls or the music so fast. Alexis' eulogy was beautifully done BTW.

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Seeing JJ sitting next to RH at the funeral just looked right to me. I would go full old school Webber with them- have Aiden there and add a couple of foster kids like Mike, Amy, and Blackie down the road and make them a stabile couple deeply in love once they do reunite. Make one of the new kids very troubled like Laura was and start the whole cycle off again.



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